HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 5d• d ,• r, e n to s.1 H NI u TO et 1 AT ur- ,e. i•. the is are. ,IfA Wed SOY o nto MS a oto • r1'o. •' Arlie R 770 g ar t!• tab. rs- 1, t TOE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. JAN. 29, 1886. •3•>1'lardloa. die wombs s MIA a111s_g11.1 esaessi l 'err, --.- i was held. A good phal Lea ' ll Aaaa>phfaefa-..We ors rsyrsated p evicted, and taih ties etcotng was by W. O. Bods awd James Rose to ret - mind the laird of Cedar me of their challenge of tact 3day f..r a eh ;,pini urd salvias euutest with hien gad his mete James Kennedy, of Lesbians, fur any slake as high se PO Thq ars sanious to hest from the "old (allows. " stormy. mesio -loving people 1u and &meal fi.etlale turned Jut and flied the hall RIDS, A. Y Hartley o:oupted the char, awl pre the perfnrwiet a (-r, sdvertiaemeat ills hi. opening • !drier Of aurin at tryout ..nee Mr. Hartley artley (ueld Wive estief cti.,n, and he did 0I.t dimple :nt anyone. Th. musical flaw* DaIIJ01/. plated l,y lura and 11*.s bake, of Ws! - t. o, were • great attractive, and it N to Mrs Henderson, of (ioderich, spinet he hoped smother opportunity will sxn ween' days hues but week, visaing be literal' to the citizens of BJuerale t.i fris.de, hear those ladles perform again. The D. Cumming spent a few days with real of the pr.,Rraa.ae cooaiited of resd- frissds in Aak old last wesa. logs, speeches by Mr. L.111••t., Listowel, and Mr Mciatyre. Lu.:kup.w, and vocal iriat:ouieutal musk, Mrs. Whitney, of Wtnghaen, presidia, at the rimer. The rroet pleasant ereatua of the season broom up with "God Save the Qtema • on the glasses. The r•.eeipts wee. &bort 1:0. Jamb Rielly, the popular mill team- ster, goes this week will has [seen to re- side with 31r. Nesbergall, at the Rhrp pardtou naw vil) Aur the winter mouths. He eotertaip.d a number of the y:wug folks si a social hop on Friday evsamg by way of a good bye- Ac<toaur.--We repot to learn that 1. N McArthur cut his foot badly while et:all the other day. He was taken b comrade. to the modem, of the en(iaeer, where one of the sick commit- tee akiltnllj dressed the wooed. L••D<TZ4 No pastor at peered last Suuday to preeeb at the Presbyteries cherub here A service was conducted by the elders, -.misted by W. Clstt.n, sr. twdeeseli Maribela (Repotted by Telephone from Harter 74 ids.) Donearce. .1 &n. yt 1.115. W hest. I Faifb Pbesb ...S 734 tls 7s Wheat. trod whiter/ i host . s 77 0 0 71 Wacal,iaprrn )Mbeat .. 0770 07s. W beat. teen••l. bush . ....... 0 M • 070 gloat, Haft. owl . ............. . 1s. r 7 rl Motor. Wi ted, 0 out .. 1 i • 7 • Flour. (a:riuigt� baker., 0 eget• 1 N o 2 gt Flour. Modest, per. est : e/ Oats. P busk ......., ... i 70 71 00 wt 000 SO• 006 A• 0M s00 sot 15 N 0 10 150 0Ia Inst 011 Harley, 0 bush . •,......... .... Arthur Hurtoo relented Ruuer,O• Keg Monday, after s week's visit t•i (ricottas 'wen pstkid►ll�nti t9 Clinton. dhortw. i...t .... .. ... .. ,.. ... horse last Watt, i a. ......... 1104111"0102 A niiduig. t iniusen7er disturbed the Pork. Peet -5 M 5 M clambers of our tall laird u. Friday, by Wood . .--.......... 1 00 •• 3 7t midakittg the cellar dour fur the porch. yn"inki,, •.. •.......•, -t•-•••••• o M • a M Phe fall did nut hurt the visitor, but - - """ alarmed the laird, who, on learning his - _. _ _ __ - . .nia.ion, a:companied him to a :mitering 1686_ ( young folk., taking with him his trusty :,li,. Herper's Magazine. The annual inectlnz o1 the �:u.le3 The Mrrmbe. Number will b.nr. We h Axricultersl Society was hold at • hotel, Hayfield, whoa the fol- lowing o$:cers and directors were ap- pointed Geitrps Castle, president ; •1,•w. rura.eed, vice prep.:J •tt ; Jas. tfr.'stron* . sec.-treas. Direct ors -dos Wile, Ales (ranger, R. Pen hale, Al -x. Sparks, ire, John Parke, J. Hirriaon. 1'. 1. M.wrshotne, Jobs Johnston, (Jahn! l Bolt. D. Medium The finances are in good shape. After the regular boo neer was tone over it was prrpn.e•i to immure a p.mt stock (umpany and sell shares at $10 each. A good nonatorr of shares has already been disposed II. It was thought advisable to cell a special 'aeetieg cf the directory and those toter - dieted vs the matter at R. Bailey's, Bay- C:eld, on Wednesday, February ":rd. st 30 p. 0o11srae• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sallow[, .! ]Iapte- wood, ►o,. one of their popular clawing tk parties last Friday evening, wbieh was a *►� encomia. The violinist was a little late, but when he came think were lively until i a,en. A Csa:.t.tne,.t_-Haring hear.! that tirrgg sad H. Swede have said that they could nut more wood thaw Reed's whole gong, we the undersigned hereby chaileeee said parties to cut s oned for any amuoat from $6 to 430 commie 1.. bo dose in Meer'. w5od, Win. Reed, S. Drewh. Passoiesi_ -- Your scribe paid his rm. •.,mary annual visit to one of onr Col- borne sailor kilts', Capt. J Bogie, at his madame, Eagletield, a few days ac•. We friend him in the bosom of his family, sad relating many a yarn of his 32 years' 0:perisnoe on the vasty deep. The jovial mariner hY his pets aroend him, Y .mal, being particularly token ep Just now with • pair of little Skye terrier', which he said are the boost 11e ever had. Mue«- ti 4 • Mr, saitywr,vud Volta:,eo! 1L,xt.tcu« Mao• ?iris Mem W40b ,store rwvef.' treat As e awl Mr. Hnwntlatt "Indian Mummer" hold lag Lbs fon nwstace in errrnt.erlal flews wt11 ren thrungb'serces!•.numbers, gad wti be followed by serial stories from R. 1. IILA� r••n.`aet sod M^o. P. M. (.refs. A airy. editorial G, -par. e.rnt, diecnwatny, t..plaa rue gelded by • m• current Literature of Aatsrtcv and Europe. will be contributed by W. 11 !tow ails, beg. toting with the Januar/ num bei. Tb.,[rent literary event el the year wilt be the puldi.ai:un of o ectios elbow* taking the AM.., ..f a st.,ry. a.rd depleting character. attic features of Aawsrieta society es earn in one leading i.ioanire resorb writttu by es ARIAN ',WALKS Waiuemi. and illuetrated by ('. rl Rttsula:T. T'he MwA/./5.t wtL`etre c.ps,aal attention to AenerkoO suhleete- treated by the beta America& wrltrra sd WWI ed by lealieg Ata. ries& artiata. 8�� meetings aro I Of* Win the itboiut church, and a K•'od work s betas dean. Arehytyeel has come back from Da- kota He !looks heart), and seems to be deism well theta. Mr. Thompson hue been teething for D. Praesr during the pest week, that gsntleesan being sway vtatiesfrienda The singing elms, ceder Mr Coetee' able is doing well. Mr. Coates deserves praise, for anteing bis been redly oegieoted here. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per leas►: STOVES. SAVNPERS L SON �o►a,� deslr... , of inal.,og a champ, ie Ilse r Iron of tltofes. M:•l d'.puee of their present steel, at Very Low Prices. Uuriog tb.s en•.slb th.! 1U1 air. :1 eeiai CU's oil ll Uoes rr i3_ •'The ('bespest House Cider the San. Neit Door to Post Once. CARLOW. NEW GLASSWARE Every Destrieilea very cheap. NEW DRY GOODS New :'apply ver- . trap. LADIES' FURS. SOME HEAVY CLOTHS. LADIES LINED KID GLOVES. CHILDREN'S CAPS. MEN'S PLUSH CAPS ts, Raisin; Peels, Teas & ConfectioneryCOLBORNE BROS. ..CHRISTMAS ma Fancy «ndt.s, tStc_ dI fresh an.• ,-" .•j.,,,• r,.. I SPECIAL �� ���� ������� '�� CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS ! j ¢ /iovrtse inspection. AS *map Y the c►i•apre• kr'. n ad •,. • r r^rs •c- tl . a Orr da) v to din8r t••.i to the lard that the OROCE ST RURI' Ens of the lair I: KO. GE. A\ 1 A:: on gold perut.a.el. *10- • untinued. and the OP,[AT AIM will he, o. ht retufbr,•, to kern Carlow, Dae. 1G. 11115. CHRISTMAS, 1885. FIRST - CLASS GOODS. MRS. H. COOKE sarily be Reduced, by go lc noeirj t oat Use (oi.owiag . in ; * obt*ised 011 l,er *torr eel. . North et. ea.!. •Moose. SILVER WARE, PHOTO ALLUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, ,11 great earietyr FAMILY BIBLbS AND. PRAYER BOOKS. HYMN BOOKS, r W RITZ NO DESKS, FANCY GOODS, ja.•. 6+c. u.41 xre;rw Jr4111A717'4' 0- a' •SUNDAY AT HOMR, 11A111 *WS i I1t..0 ',7.. . .... c r 11AICI•gti.S 847.4R HIRPgf•.v Yut•At; /• IOW LAC 1 r LiARPR/WS Pad NLIJY N(,►t1.i*t 1.1816 A R I', ()we Paw 104 ssa1Nrrs) 10 ss. Pon' -aye Pew to all Aawi-,fibers i,. 1*. U sof ea Stoics or Catiode. The rol.enreof tar. Yaoautts bees w:tb the ',ushers far :.ase aid December of each y. ar N'brn n . time L •pec 0•0t tt will Q usdertord that the subscriber wieber to begin with toe nrrettt Number. Wood V ,.I', n,H of tl atar.a•e M aG a 0tm a, for three years hack. is rest cloth binding. will be Kat by D,all. postpaid. on receipt of f1 fr+ per volume. Cloth Ganes, for binding_ 50 vents oo.h by twat se.1714. Index 1* Haurines Naos rote AFinal*, itc.' Asslytiosi and (1aa.10ext, for f'o:notes 1 to 116, inelr.ive, from lone - 181S.1.6.6 June. 100, ase vol.. lino., Clue b, ip au. Re iltasee-ssi.o.t, be /wade by {bet -(Mee Mo... -y Order or Ural. b avoid chance et toss. .Nrirspespr►v arrsnf :o ,,,toy this advertise- ment dv, tise- ,sent an,Uosi. r.A. myons seder of if nrO'xtc R•hrtncra Add HARPER 4 PROT RRERit. New Tort. NOTICE TO FARMERS ICO 1S FOR SALE I am going to comtoeore baying hogs mer curing. and wilt pay the highest Mies for Wood yielder, of hogs, and will take 2Ib per IMIMf.,r shed .1%1A4 v« '1 bugs ler huge Mouideretwik, et *ay other allyl will deck a., or1tnitly. w It will he necessary for farm - ors :o dross (h.,r hogs properly to order to rcali it top nacre.. Hams, Lard and Sausage. I will also dnrnz tS^ fuming season hart on band wholr.rlet and retail. ham.. lard gad ss.o11114e, Fneu beet. iamb. new toe, pork, romped beef and pool, ry in ecu os All orders dedr7�rre.•d to gay part of the town. Thanking yens births past petreasige and sol.oit I.g a continuer, a of tip. mares An for Istim sad wbbiri yon the • oapt.,.ents Of the enaaos, I remats. yours Vet? truly. Armstrong Mmirror e'I genial fee. could be seen in Rluevele last Friday and Saturday, and no doubt many a warm hand shake did uur•old teacher receive A real lire mosgwit t was seen in town the Pother day It wee re•earhed by = eoese.lne that it might have followed aurae of the fugitives from the North- west. On Friday evening Robert Leethorn was taken auddeoly ill in the new FINK. Leri hall. lin lies taken to the fresh air and ...on recovered enough to K.' Illroe We are (lel to awe him about again. On Saturday morning, Ifeh inst., Mrs Mehemet, who gay born i11 for some time, passed quietly swat to her (sag home Her reiiimos were followed t., the RRluevale cemetery by a large nomher of friends *oil relett.ee on Monday, the lgth inst. Another rime frust our midst, and who ran tell who will be the nett. About to•. months ago it was proposed by acne ..f our enterprising Fortoliterrto add to the ditseon..na ••f Rleevale, aid also to 'improve it, by building a ball. Accurdinv y a rommittrre was appointed consisting of stern J. f:arneec. (chat .ran), • Palter«.t., R. lr Deft. Nus. Nixon, nod tem Meson. (esaretarv) These ire tl.men threw themselves cool and body low the ...eh, rogarites* of Mh a •-r expellee, .pending days o1 their own time is hastentoe the of the w••rk, and ora now rewsrdedwas hy e inx Blu.w.lr the site .1 the heat hell in this p •tt ,.f !Ionia 11 ie to her r.grstl.d that Blee mle is not blessed with • few more inch bra .ferzelic men, for if there wart.. b. .01,1 w that Rle.vale alight l.el ort wake free Ler slumbers sof nm 7nwo•1d-a'de feat. T. heart wM dolt . ,rwh.A.'LA wad I'.r *b'i open. 1 by Mr 111...ei. 0 H. k , of Liat .Wel. wo-d •y esters, sea dedicate] to • OweoAfd and Boner Jiro* I. ROBT McLEAN r Place of boa. new.; Fest side of tike ". (Toueticb, 71e'. tear. Ikea ..'►tt 1886_ Harper's Bazar. ZLLVBTRA"I'ED_ Haarsa'a Bazar le /be only paper in the world that ',sable eti the choicest hterst*Po and ,he rn.'t art Illso•rations wilts Uwe latent faehlo.4 and .s.tbM. M household adorn - meat . les weekly 111astratione rat desert" tom,. 01 the newest fail. and N.w Yurk styles, wit! its urts,: path-rro.b.et nrpplb seats and cot vette-nit-4 en•ibtlag Iodise 70 be thwir owe drommoitaera. as,.. many Hass the east of asbsertrion. lie paws en eeek- lam the management et .&septa, sad house- keeplsg Is hs various detalie are eminently practical Much sttestlow be Ri,r. t' the laterowelnR topic of aortal etlgeetta and ha tltmtr.ttlonn of art .sed1►werk are aaknow' ledged to be esrq..11ed. IY literary merit to of this highest ereeltewe., and the eldest ekareeter of 11. beeneross p.iicctaros hie woo tow it the ..ran el the Aso.riaaa !lo of (. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. LEISURE HOUR, BRITISH WORKMAN. BAND OF HOPE REVIEW, OTHER LEADING PERIODICALS, LADY'S COMPANIONS, (Borth) ODOR CASES, (Plush ) DOLLS. . TOYS, 'VASES, • SLEIGHS, , PLUSH MIRRORS( ke- The Stock is Very Larx, and Must _1 cces- sad will POPITi7RLY be wild at e:cetdlnel) zovr 115R=c=3_ root MINI PACKING Bs.inew s-:11 be discostinnet!. small woo s eek 0 8z 13ACO1w Will be sold at PANIC PRICILt. to clear oat the entire Mock. .1 es:i rerpertfslly solicited for quotations. and inspect lea of good-. Estate of GEO. GRANT. Aesarieb, Jas. tub, Ma 030 - GRAND XMAS DISPLAY -pr A Large Sagrllly ...f Picturt: Rook,. Toy Ten Seto, anal numerous other NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, articles for (.hristuus., f'rt•.scnt AT THE rev wear HARPER' fiA::Alt. p HA'trims MAriA7INR sot HHARP11sOR•p WEEKLY . VollN(e M VARNER', VA!4�1.tN Qt*klt LIR =es RR RAEY,One Year Ott Nusthen) N00 rioNaoel,uc� V gJ: •peas its.. to ta. v dkol Aete.w a ease SLEIGHS AT ALL PRICES. MEDICAL HALL a.rw. Dos K us. s. u h?W & STYLISH 7.,,!i .+ in Plush Geode, Dressing (knee. Perfume (*sera Wbl.k holder., Mirror.. ht.. Kis Uses of k'bwer Parrs and Toilet Sett. in ('rocked Claws, Malachite and Ophterr-,• G. 1• War.• A11 ei a•• and very cheap. NMI, •.it) D• in Crystal t'Mwer goods. I adirn Hand iatntwls In Velvet. I.*o0: :h, Hand MMims,Mims,inI:reat Variety. An iateteI w Nook of Perfumery to choirer from �:peciatry Flowering liyacinih. Bulb.. in (ila.wa"s% zt:' r and .' :re Spleen and Irkvorine usereres town make, for the Naffs, sea on A=., -P -j_ M`CTNRO'S Fa JORDAN, Medical Hail, Goderich. DRAPERY ADD HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE. Among whanh well be lotted a Complete Range of 1 sderwr..r, from ;S.• yma'lr.t to tLc Wrote .:fn's win. � Cash Tl(R scala, [Back mot Colon d. IN i:V1' Ul rill.\ft,. fir, Nubian. Go.ters Platte. Moine Cle•k nKe a.a d GislrwlarM. Doable A U Wool t;h A fat raises of irvitwd Ooods 1n Premiership t':oe Overdresses. Nk•erel:w„ \rata, and Latest tttyle o! 70,e0 Jersey., An ertem;vrrange of Tine Uo':ery and Emitting Vargo from the best 1-.Co1-, make-,. Deese Goods is all the New Ti s and Texture*. notably mill, PRUBIO ARD TRICOTINE FABRICS ismTatk.r blade > Sib Mabee, Oclveta, Button'. kr . to maul., Red. Crib gad Cradle Blankets. One Bale of Comforter. extra large end Leary. at ecensmh:al prig- 17rRiCTLY O'rl PRICE and in.torm so1sesy team. Tie V ninnies of the Rat..* begin wth the Bret Nsnbn- for Tannery et nark ysr Wbea 1 so 1 we ie :.re.toned , it 1011 be owl.^rten.1 ttbst 0 ulrc er'bsr wtaa*.ro t r rownowa *tit OW e 7rs•wr *est aft*? the ronMpr of order. Dented Volume. of M•..reels R.'•te. trnr Absolute' tares years awe. to a•at c Waived. win Mtgestty m►t1. ensueswe by eslw••i•. les of wigwam • sine !Mt�o�at ••iw ant . , I oe Please del int pet esk1wW R.r gLet M'r at r FIaest Tea in Caught. Price, Me. pet I\, 1:ABN ON DELI V YRY. v.lwA e. i1 t fe Ceisrisb• Dec t1i. I. ALF.1�_ MUNRO_ 1011 :a, To 811 Lovers of a Good Ctp of The Aubsnr'tse-Ma. att.: eotridr,sble exertion, snecesded Is n3.alnteg DIRECT FROM INDIA ♦ row ICA SAM 00 oronto Store GOODS CHEAPER T$g1T EVER ! As au dation freely extended to all to impend Coal., an 1 in' ',storied that inspection it certainly rtfi•ct a sale. The goods are et the NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS; And as Cheap m the cheapest hos..- in the trail. Remember the .read : THE TORONTO C.ARH STORK. P_ C'I�=. -, Man.agez_ Godereh, Nnv. 111th. I1a16 71p -ani F1N AIDIRING. .- J Having wow takes full ekarie of the Tal'nring Department of Mr. A1.I AN 1•. 11eLEAY. beg to wiriee s7 semeroue Costumers and the general pwM,e, *hid 1 ear poise' pared to o1a,r b*0 l.dsrements in my Ilse to rash 1'u,- Iw,w•es l soma alone sed ore the !+stay... Nock which :sum br ..dd A pr , is .,era) duwt.. FiNE WORSTED SUITS, formerly $25.011 for $21 (Irl . FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, formerly 2:4.60 for it►(1(t KI':ST ('ANADIAN TWEEI) SUITS, fOrmer!y 21 0(I for Ifs.t►U.- FINE WORSTED OVERCOATS, formerly •2t O(( for 18.00. BEST ENGLISH FANCY PANTING, formerly 7.f 4( for 6.00. Trion. Batt sed rit G uarantr. d B. ltacCORMAO. G..dsr•I(!t. fgaf. Illi. tlHL Teb• J. C. DETLOR & Co. y Pure TJncolored Chen `Tea C'! .) Canon tar ran) solneir. yeita .'.e r ► ►Mtnt 1iu be t ty trail, postpiI es re- We kiwis oar ua1 iNu-'s.ewt.2 ORV.CN end tR.AC'R TRA!{, Ago Rent Value eel�ptt 07 1.00 c*.h. 1, orf Hague- Try esr;tir. Rls.k, and nor ion. Vewg 11yew.. ((wrr. tMap .�7. $ -1 a trade hr 13'ef ro/gyr ••; s end thew eo0We It will!.. a.Aw./wiy *1dra /On. Tea. Muse, (k•der e.^ PAW, 1. semi Owens si 11 the testa, , Rattans l:a sine. , Ito for Lir . *'mors ge. per Of. kleeel++ppg+o • est to real A r rA ••••t.Nhe I AlwrolgorI w .repntden w rust t+lt6nat to .:.rear irrd10 .1 }t Ah' ter $ Wee r,i1..o&. At -crow. Hilt , \t/t. • • • b WILL O}YTR 71.It 30 DA's SPECIAL BA1 r AIMS IT. --- ,, 7nzess tJ.o C1�thS, aiZct maze -Mo c50e (;: cR4ABB, rIquare, Goderich. •.. CALL AN D s ., rr 1-- o.M. mum note -ton veetrot toes ' , ,•• a.. dIN