HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 41
sew A
Heeds .G. H. Old.
Lecture -M. Gomm • Church.
Korea for talo Cherie* Haste..
Th. Week C. Rim hell atobl.tsun.
Haw Logs Want.i \ •. tar essrWe.
!wear us Nps. galea \ cites t A, bears.
Mae waits.
■ tat=sr>..
At the melMmr of toe bride• mother,
HudRlch, ria Weduesday. Jansen 1Kb. Irl,
the Ret 1. SY. t smphell. Ada NI. se• rod,
daughter of :he late J. Harries. Yet to J. lar.
Beet, barrage-. erratum h.
.At the residence of the bride's mother.
Albion. County of Peel. ou Tuesday. Jon. Ilk h.
otlll by the Rei . Peter lsltrbeil. A. T. M.Des-
.ld. of Auburn. Huron ('dont)' to Louisa A.
aecoed dacg(harr of the Woe John Mrl►vugsll.
of Albsoc. (cul.+) e( Peel.
In Ooder h. o+: Fridays 'au::.iry 'Unit, L.
lime Anna. beloved site of I'eter Fut, arced
t 1 years and 11 mouths. �?
In Colborne us Th!a
urwy. Januar%"J•th,
IOW Donaldray .,-
ld IgrUitllt ray •d .a
months sad f da; a.
1 will att...d to it" The eo.nmlttees
struck by the Deletion were apprised of
by the council, after which Butler polled
a little cut and -Dried re•olutwn out 4
his pocket, and asked that the :tainee
which he .uyee•ted form a special cum
tethic. for I a I. fulluw-
itig names were wrested by Butler.
The mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, and
couucillun Butler and Jurda-3, t loather
with Messes. „us. Williams, J. :. Oar
row, E. tampion and Dr. Taylor.
Now, look at the make-up art that
. The mayor has w; :e ln�w
letl(e of the machine business from what
he gut when • sleeping partner in the
the erwh foundry ; F. W. Jo!.aston,
knows .nore about puttioi; names on the
revising barrister's roll than about the
- - . diameter a a cylinder ; Greve t emcee)
is loot petted upon the iutricscies t•f city
1tgAte, although well known es a legal
Z•ha i gip $app sing light ; councillor Butler s sole m,xbani-
Wt"FI #T'S UP?
t e
.roma Us. tat knowledge cuusiste in "topping"
spites ••n a Government ,..b a hen they
won't drive down ; Jordan, the d:uegist,
• tau Thr Illtlferell filch,: adv net -
makes no pretensions to being • public
1er. tessell tes* Rest sae) hone Illuniioatur, although be can boast of the
awes' the horse. "1 Swore. )e
knee..' 1hest Testes Deg*. best ¢aau!iue app•rattm in tcwa . Joseph
_ _ Williams doesn't aspire to be s later
Ediao° ; J T. flarrlw is far better pat -
o we 'alar.' lopped on eque of the ed on a brief than on a dynamo:. E.
Tui New &•soot. Ipu.Crva. -On
TQ ]aft.ruuua the Comity (Awned w11'ds Ww Jeeply res.wt tkia week 10 b+
A ebelli ye.titkka slice elected Dir John E. Tom .d rethroy, 441.04 up ro to oarootcle the death of the
J N Il R Batwaa • V
,�wx TOMB. diocese of Loudon which occurred at
Tie p.,yurestn Hu' tortswisd.wcreate gatte Frtdsy c• � the following programme
Sarnia, on Tbue..'sy, 14th ntistast The
w Died Address the Yves. gentlemen asce.mto orient
hammy 0Ila plea.. evegeue, deaf a Mts� Mdntyre , rMdl hiati on of discus. Fur ucer a year
Tb. t u.y CowwscWOrs devise ole peat Master Y.Vierr . resdiug, Misr : tie hid been acini, ftau°g Old at dtder-
me«io sarassoa..i ?. i A i•FM1�as• a Williams , •oug, Mr. Truax ; reading cot tires two or iter. attacks of psralT
or theep wig tai. thMt ws(shbure b Menu asledtua, lir. Humber ; reading, Miss we. and also wffanaR (rum Bright's du
.vhcu.ley ko brmeln1hefr •wcJl.ult0. lL Kuck ; riming, H. L Strang, E. A
te -boot furoshfop i• variety at 'gr. cher- b the rnewiren ease. The funeral took place on else
Cooker. It les w•at to set goad a.tioarrs - tiny. The f n er.l took Mass was cola
at 1•.w p�wne 'silty et Mrs. Coeko's. 0.1 lour The e.isasionary sere ors held in the bated by Rrv. Paber Rao. of Curun
dolly Dad wuw.payee-.abr.
abnugh Mn. Cos�te. North street Methodist church on Sun na, Pathsr Van Lair, et Puri Hurua,
Jour 1)sac (►et, auaw.r.
1t you want • thesegr& 0 is the latest steer I day last were largely attended. Rev. &cong u deacon, wad Father Qeigley, of
of tbeert c&U &t wet lit baa lassie tMr. Turk, of Luckbuw, preached & pow W yoo,ing, sub deacon. Father (.irc•x-
eweM !4055 to the wq of I l // sod an, of Parkhill, acted as neater of euro
v dIbe hos tosbow sasph.s oI w&k. R. idol sermon ha the m .rnit.g, and 1 „} flarna,
member the WOO. R. SALLOWw Rev. Messrs Tull. and Report own; yi. The rec. primer
SP". in the +rerun¢ The addrt+sses assisted in the choir. Rev Father
Owe .t Me Pe.. B. lemossens-
u telt ' prison., school iael.c$o: fur West Huron, in the Row.
it Mille:, .d.
At the H. 8. L. 8. ..1.rtaaiaent last the raeideuce et Rev. Jueepn Bayard,
meat of the
roam -ifr. J. R. e:, resign
a emmenic. bustles. Stewart turas eat pane t•;prdti• by revered
Do you was: Ngat your poorer framed1
11 yen do, dauadero t Bon hare 5.I Dad
&hoot twenty thousand feet of all the West
/glee of tnouldtyr. and they are going to
knock the bosom oat 01 priori. lartaseeire
TOW Pictures. 'it. ebwpeet Hone 1' odor
the Plus."
Loftus )ICBnen is studying; law at
And now the cuunty councillor par•
adetlt uur streets.
Mrs.lames linker, et Dakota, is the
guest of ber sister, Mrs. George Steep.
The tut le School Board will meet for
the transaction of business un Monday
Improvements have been made in the
seating accomodatioo .ti St. Ger,r_e'•
were able cue., and left • ,;x,d impmea- Jos. Eeausang, '•1 Newmarket, core. of
Mon upon the congreostton. the deceased, was present in the suotu
Our lady readers an .nuke our lura Dry. : he tuner.: oration was delivered
columns prove interesting by reline us by Father Van Lanae. The deceased
items as to the arrival or departure oI clergyman, he said, was tarn is the
(nude, eta These "personal" nesse year 1822, to the county of Cork, Ire -
make moat interesting reading, and'it is land. He was ordained priest in the
impossible fir the local editor to keep year 1849, in St, !3ulpice Churub, Paris.
posted on all the home news without France, beteg thee in his 27th year.
ae•iataDce. We are always thankful for After his ordinatine be returned te hs
any nal •
stance in tits way of local items native eo.ntry and send as a pneet mu
MM.IiICl1W;.f011, LD.oft
. MENTAL Raallia,
k:gbtb der bek,w lbs P051 taw, West es.,
Ueltsaro t.
Its l7
- neve Odd Vellums Hall. North 111,.
thidejh, Charger toodcratc. AL wwh mut
She People's Column.
1 hawkweed bay •-a. a )Jcaecal. W.tabte
larparp•ca. Apply to CNAItL1G-
BATICK oderiol. 11111111t
U as maned to settee year hides. fen. etc..
to &ardor en the alert *. as we are booed
pay mom than any huckeeer ea taw market. II
what they otter iota. beg the flus
eget defogmo Nmb's lrammer, sad get yeer
oak. NYITH BKOTHIi,ltlt. 1111141
111 yeses study of music. M pregame no
reue,re pupils fur the Aa. I lesaseasterly.eaxrrly. Terme M per quarter MIS
u/ aridal
plasterer. Meeks the metes fee their
rvwMard patrouium. Ice is still ready to de
all Bork a hisline ion sspertor wee:.
Priemto salt aM ma k;M
asoitaatee gives tor
buildings okra moulted. 1177-ty
A heavy an .w storm prevailed during the don- se (:urn. in the year 1i44
Ib. wink, and •sauna blockade was the he nam selected by his bishop to •lilt ,-IHORTHAND.-18AACPITMAN'S
America for the pdrpose d eolteetu,K .- I'HONItGKA1'HY. The nowt pep t&re)p
result The train due on Friday evening funds for the Irish university. lie W,orumebt. 1 K 111 h„bu.&u tier valeateek
at 10 p. m. did rah reach 1000 till 1)5
tween five and arc on Saturday morning, *Pew two years to this good work a0a leer& sborthauA. - 11114
and the early train oa 1?aturday did not again returned to Ireland In the year __
c;.unty cuutuillors and their heelers on Campion kouws enAigh about i:!umitt•- Iter. Fr. Lotz, we regret to learn, Las Isere town till 9 a.m. However, the
Monday afternoon. when I.atz art 'tion, perhaps, nut to bl• w ant t'hn as ; bees confined t, the house fur the last delay ended with the departure of that
8 histo, and the time table has bee:: close:}
week or two. s
l+tepben, was e!. sol warden by • vote Dr. Taylor, could count pulsations easier id e regret to.t ie that lin. McMillen, tidhered t� "ace.
of way to 24 The political complexion of
_ - than he could estimate the candle power South steet, is in a very low state ..f Vacs t*t P .tsT..-Una*: 'Li super -
the COUGC:I was about equal, there being of an electric light. I haven t anything health at prese'.t. vision of the Ontario Board .f @esLh.
25 dyed-in-the-wool Grits and 23 (radix- further to say about the committee •use We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Groom Dr A. Stewart, of Palmerston, has now
.d Tories. Bali was u byKed of1m successful , perstien a farm for the
PPr)•d y now, except the : Why did Butler come Acheson has been ouw6ntiti to bee room production of pun r•eeioe virus for
during the put week.
i &borne, Dad many of the loyal typos- to the council with a cut-and-dried ries- ( vaccination l Jrnoees. This u the only
Lon thought it was ygoing to be "ftuogb lotion t Why was the lyceal commit. Mlss tllc(isrry, eloxuttouist, wiil iii•+ eittsbltahanant of the sort in Ossa _Md
on Patz' - but It wasn't. After the ber second eventsg ..f lwadings ►n Vic- sup opened under *evictor clreorlsslaes
tee not struck in the sange manner as the torte elopers House tonight The doctor has as excellent pvwisasistat]
tote war announced telly, of Blyth, other committees 1 And why were •rhos. McBride captured s hoe butter• reputation. feints see row being sup-
teed to work out the problem by feeling Humber, McEwan, Murney std Biog- Ay last week in his garden. Tum thiaks pimed to the pr .taasien throughout Can -
the nota of his hair behind the ears, but h... the only men in the commit who the butterfly was rushing the season. oda In any • luentity.
the cause '1 the result appears to be $ had • practical mechanical turn --left off Archibald Kennedy, butelkeeoer, of The Goderich An,stenr., represented
mystery +•� tun still. e merely the original committee course, CI t died on Tutreda Ha was at D '••Dein. H. \� . hall V'. F. Fut t, (,
h .. d h g McEwen roe throe inapect.ir of roads and bridges. Andrews, C. Nairn and Robinson, and
Tb will be • teameetnn and concert .1u
H 1 re• Of is nn, i y y.
marked, "It bete. the Dutch and the Hu;uber, Kon ham and l c wen were
Misses Cooke Ball and Swift, played at
tan ol the thine was that the vote didn't ere i
afterwards added to the committee, but held in Knox church on Friday evening Palmerston on Tuesday night nyder the
beat the Dutchman. it was aa&iust the will of would-be Feb. 13th. Further particulars next
krry (1u -case, from the Isle of Man, Illuminator -General Butler. Luton ought' week
d like h ' !'1 lee bile for
auspices of tie Foresters. The pieces
placed on the boards were "Nut Stich a
the sun r Drina daubist has stat • Fool as He L-rks, ' and "The To.'
P to be careful ; he has now &.roe ap i e rv.c•>,cs u --,.)r ..c - - Pelts.' Members of the company air,
whisky -and waver sketch of But Boom's a ricket ; if he doesn't mind his eye, Ja°tliry ie full of meaty The
T new cloverattractive, and rathart►clss, er in appeared in songs. etc. The pays went
"Rad Fence" at Rayfield, whereby the he'U come down like a click. iso
fi well, wad uur ., -ti. t. sere epl.odidly
(;orernmeot were :umbuat;ed out of a I've been told by the neighbors that (gen Nous.
o s.Kprial;beld R"hrelntaa r �.at.tte received' The house was • $195 on
pile of eh kens bv fraudulent work. the oyster supper and promenade con- 1 fur January keeps up its reputation for Pref.. Lawson, elocutionist, gave an
There was no uversier upon Big Booms art under the auspices of the Eoglish being the best and newsiest of the oicycle evenings entertainment here on Monday
original contracts at (;odench harbor andchurch was a $nancisl success. An ted- Peet udicals. night, under the auspices of the Odd
Es;Send,and as a reoult,the Government vocation was introduced by closing the : Krs.re'-oe Ponrrivc.-A few more fellows He did out come up to expec-
tations. Some of his recitations revealed
seared so that BigB.,om's wallet might ' pupil. will b. taken in painting .•n i average ability, but his attempts et Irish
program with •dance instead of the (setin, velvet and plush. Sample cart bei r•if T
Lulge out The daubist, who knows dumol The promoters of the new dialect were lamentable. fees Lawwn,
oily. p seen at thio ullicw, � we believe, would be more successful if
that Big Boom will bear watching, has tangle claim that it u mon in ac Mr. H. Cooke, and kir unci.! t; ' he were to introduce a few Scotch pieces
f.laced a watchdog, called for shortness cord with the spirit of the times. I'm Morrow, were at ktothwell last week at Into his olio There wasago<,d andiecice,
"Dan,- in close proxminity, to watch the not a communicant, and on matters of tending the funeral of Met Moshe, • , wad some of his renditions were heartily
progressof the work. At the next meet- cousin of Nn. Cookeh. 1 applauded.
iionrcI dtitwasn't serer • fact. an opiOur Little Orta for Februa is upto
ing of the Dominion House it will be ion. If it wasn't for that fart. I 1 like to ry I ti A. Ba1441.-tr AND JI*sed L. -The
found that the watchdog has been faith- talk "straight out in meetiu .'
fel in ferretting out the frauds at (rode- They've got another progressive mat
rich harbor and Itaytiell. More linen. at the county council board this year.
There are some of my neighbors yelling He hails from Howick, and his hinder
1869 be once m• re grunted Americas and
for Bale or to int.
became •price' of the dit►Se.e of Iron• .. - �: _ .
d t'. The wen+ of his Ant emnttu l I RENT -THAT LARGE STOIEE
labors was the parish rat Sarna, where hostile ua Pi. k.. .teat with stabile.
!h! :T1.n•.ctt;:,r1 to the wart• Weis
the ssrrwa�,, bons, Mudd .bed. east ,.tad, tee
people doring Fre year., Ile wed air buwre, era Tfraro as b.1! an s.'ae er Iaad at
f•or a Ieurtb uf time in charge f the Leted. o0u'n.ng an rtrdlmt fruit ash
parish (.f Ashfield Lvtterl hu health vrttetete` •sedan' Neu tence•t. Fur ss os
T• wtrF7 to i . ('. HAI4 (iodertth. 1Ji
tee 1a.ngg impaired, and he ret red from LrARM TO LET- FORA TERM Or'
active work. toitate let The reverend preacher concluded his ,•cents •*ttoiTet eve. piin of Guderirl l sp y
discounts by tolling war the peo1F'l: to th tsttee a J. g. Liz.& s atratfer4. I1Ntt
pray for the Tepee of the wool of loather
lerecong to return for the many :neer LFARM FOR KALE- SOUTH HALF
and blessings receive.' by them donne [_ ee t.M 'Ji torib of Toww *104. Aal4etc
111 s.:ree, iris# 0e ole geese• rand see 0511,
bis pastorship. --{Catholic Rau.: I. I from detail PPO. with school beers es U.*
- lot- Soil the best quality of easy loam, A
tailing creek. called Silver inset. pees..
Stn- --- /:. through , b, 1'ot. rev terms • to A V I -
_ SON t JoHNMTI1N, Godcrici P.
R. 13. Morrish ii ung the trend after an •1a J&au&rt. Utas fis►1.
attack of quinsy. - - -
Mose Rte Potter has entered upon herr .
duties as assistant oeaeher in H. S. No. 2. .. -"""'
Mess V an,tone, of Bayfield, ha re- Q1LAGER Z LEWl1i, BARRISTERS,
turfed hi me after • pleasant visit among 17 Qedertrh.
relatives here. 1'. lisleas4 Jar.J. A. Moor e:,
E. N. Lewin. Or
Th. Muses Lucinda and Tillie Fisher
nave been on the sick list fur sate tone, R C. HAYE•4, SOLICITOR Ac.,
but are now on the mend. O0ee corner, ever
11q •a�n sed Rest
•fret. J.tdrricb, .r0 II.Itaer•1t bookstore.
G. W. Handy had the misfortune to unsay te Mad at lowest tsesse intenwt.
the usual high standard '.f that excellent ; Salcatiun Army Anniversary will be
magazine. This juvenile We'll) is & credit ! celebrated on Saturday, Sunday and
to the owners the Russell Publishing l Monday next by special meetings. On
C o. of B ,.t' n. Monday tea will beserved in the barracks,
The heavy •now storm un Friday and after the "Banquet" the "Jubilee"
will be held in Victoria Hall. Staff-
themselvca hoarse, about what • tine name is Jacques -not Jacques Cartier,
evening presented a number of "young C Glo(el will attend, Had a large
Laing it will be for the town te. get • but another disoverer, all the name. He (folk• from atteeditigt a social gatheriu¢ C.
of ufbcere and soldiers from other
little real estate upon which no taxes at ter the dr. The sleigh could not
p moved, seconded by Goderich township's ,muter the dais. stations are expected. The members of
will hate to be ,cid. 1 ce just been silver -toned deputy, that hereafter, in the Army here are looking for a grand
p y, 1{obi. Todd, formerly of Goderich. tom•
casting my eye around, and I find that this county dolga be assessed ss personal has left the Simco+.Avesta, and has gone At the annual meeting • t the Loyal
Orange District Ledge of Goderich held
in the Orange hall, the following were
elected officer. for the emits* year :-
Richard Tichbourne, 153, W. D. M.;
John Thompson. 306, D. D. M.; Robert
Plunkett. 182, D. Chap.; Jahn Beacom,
308, D. B. 8.: Arthur Caatelon, 189, D.
Fin Sec.; George Calbeck, 189, D.
An Encyclical letter from His Hoh- Tress ; William Crooks, 189, D. D. of
nese Pope Gregory XII was read at fit. C. ; George Hanley, 306, Iot D Lea.;
Peter's on Sunday last, p-oclatming • John S. 1,Icllsth, 145, lea' D. M.; 2nd
grad jubilee throughout the whole D L.
Catholic world this year.
Yates & Acheson have been a nted Mn. Parer Fn*. ane c i our oldest
PPo'° residents, died on Friday batt, after a
agents for Frank Lazarus' celebrated painful illness tike had been a resident
(=oderich corns as much unprofitable real property. Jacques also has an ides that to Woodstock, where he wail wore with
estate to the *•hare inch as any place & dog should be saeeseed according to the his stater un the new paper about tb be
.1 its size that I or anyone else everstarted them.
length of its tail. Now, 1 want, right Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
heard of. First and foremost, we hare here and now, to take issue with the , dentist, makes the preservation of the
tie town hall which rat about $5,000. Herrick tuhtical economist on this point 1 natural teeth a specialty. Gas admiuis-
I: saves the town the rent fur a clerks The tall of a dog is a harmless appen- tered from 9 am to 4 p.m. for the pain-
otGce, the rent for an engine house, and dage ; it's the other eud of the dog that less extraction of teeth
the rent for a council chamber unci a tears your pirate, wurriea *beep and
month -pat $ great deal el bsae6t from sucks eggs. That's the end of the dog 1
an investment of $5J00. Certainly. want to have assessed according to size.
Theo we hese the market place, which If Jacques will advocate taxing the basi-
c ,st. I should ay, seine $1._00 or seas end of the dog according to the size
$1,7,00. Bare we can buy a teed of of the jaws, I'll second his motion, you
c.,rdwo••d or a load of hay t :cantonal- bet ; but 1 don't like to see •
ly. and we have a pnoltry show once a man moving backward even to the care
year. A:1 other comm, dities we hare of a dug.
t . bunt for, all '-ver t own, Next we There's "a knock at the outer temple,"
havrthree acres down at the Park H, use, and I am informed by the head art our
which is what the town has to show for house that the coal -scuttle neetis replan•
$0,000 of the people s money frittered iohing, so, ventle reader, "Ta, to!" fur
away. There isn't A walk or a path on the present. A'At,
this $&:,000 plot to distinguish it from -,
a cuwpasture, tnd uobedy will claim I.ierestiag t. O. I. W. suMsesa.
that it is a food paying investment for .
the rate era. Across the road torah Ata meeting wt.! Ma le Leaf Lodine,
�� �u 3fec 4'P 1 O t� Meld to the+r tail -
�._. , .
the park is a hti! plot fenced in, which Goderich, Jany25, a very pleasant and
cost $7:►0, and saves renting a spot to profitable ev g war ',Iwo". We re
.et an add Russian can carris,;e on. ceived two new members, one by moo
Then down un Victoria street th.'re are from Arlan Craig, No. 201, one ReV'd
a couple of acres worth about 91.200, Willem Johnston, the other Mr- Don-
a NcNurehy, a member of the Coen,
which are used for agricultural ¢n'unds, ea,rntil, by initiation, making 54 idem
and upon which is located the drill shed. ben In good standing. popular prices. 15 and 9)e, skates fur -
And then behind the St.orey h..ys' st.,re, Brother James Buchaoau, our retiring
noshed. The rolulu onetime for child
, n Hamilton street, there is *soother bit Financier, for the Inst :f )redo....d rep- ren will be held en Saturday afternonn,
rentaute t.. the brand Lodge, "•• with races and fancy skating , admission
spectacles. Mr Lazarus has a wide
reputation es a successful optician. Fur
particulars see advertismant.
Robt •inline,, of the CiinteU Bel.
Era, socumpe:.ie d by Mrs. Holmes, paid
• flying visit to Gudetioh on We•'ne--
duy. Tney report excellent sleighing
between Goderich and Clinton.
We regret to learn that Walter Brough,
late of the Clerk of the Crown's office, I course, plod a high tribute to the char -
who recently went on the staff ..f an Deter of the dreeaaed.
engineering party in Anznna, was so Wiita&gy Dula -Th. common report
badly frostbitten that he lost the rail. of - is that the stores licensed by the Domin-
bome of his fingers as a result ion Commiwi.oners have 1
John Vsrtatt.r, 6.remsn of Tits fire. , into whiskey dens. At the present day
NAL doh roam, is attending the poultry they have no relit to sell or keep
show at Stratford. Van it an enthusiast exposed for sale any liquers. We
,r, the woo d nolabe reprised tofsee l�
him beteg to be rather in leage believe the town constables,
e with these appear rid r
home some of the prize winners dealers, should either do their duty in
PAtrc► RINK. The full Lr..s baud the matter, .or he dismissed. They are
will its .t the rink Lenten. The usual a 1141C0 loot of officers if they don't know
of the way things are ;elm; on in these
whiskey shops ; it they do know, they
are a nice lot 14 fs11-,ws to let the illicit
•Die go on.
of Gudench for over forty years, and was
much respected. Mrs lox was a sister
of Mr I'eter O Roark+, and she leaves
her husband and two lhtldren behind
her to mourn her loss. The immediate
cause of her death was a severe and pro-
longed attack of neuralgia of the stomach.
The funeral took place on Sondsy after-
n'.on. Rev. Father Wetter, in has di►
get • finger nearly bitten off stole trying '�����
separate •coop tag does. IltitalTltltF, Altorw,� �
D. Mchlurchre returned toe ••belay adored'. J. T. liar:., W.
from Vaughan, fork Co , where he had - ------ - -
gone to attend the funeral of his father. (-1AiMML )N, HILT A CAMERON,
Xavier Baechler, .bo purchased the 1*T'• SoIlcltote Is ('Oa.orry, tr.
Falls Reserve property. will have the .i4 *bail t(4 rygtrm. N. C, ('amerce.
p y• (' . P. LICK M. (1 t'amerou, Ug4srtcb W.
raw mill in rimming erder in a smelt or Werra. Wiaa►am. 1741
two. Mr. Bsesbler is Rotor t•, pose i
et wen real estate w ,rth about $150.
Now there a about ,1:0,000 worth of
town property. from which .nighty little rove copy of the H:dy Bible, note vol
bought is denve.l, an 1 tor which aro taxes I uane "Life Thoughts,' toy H W. Beech-
toe colu.ne •'Sc'.ttish Worthies,' by
Sew into the teen treisury, and as i(' N hfce;avin, and bre screen, a •taken
that was not enough of un,,r.•titeble of appreciatton of his services rendered.
real e0late for the town t.• hold, same of limo, ttuohsnan replied in feeling terms
the n.i¢hb.rs are Amt., hoarse yelling i of the .kuodoy manner in which the
for us to buy more. If the corp..rst.on addrtss and preeeutetion wax `even.
Thr lodge saw.. pasted a vote df t banks
keeps on it will be a hl•,ated monopolist. i to our worthy brother J. R. Miller, P.
so tar u town lots are e.•ocrrned. G. N. W., on this the last menial' of bis
They had quite a racket at the meet- hetng prevent with es, for the kindly
ing of the town cuuucil the .other day
and e*iesent manner so which be has
p,.rter.ned his duties as • blaster Work -
As i have ail along contended, John ' man for the peat 7 years, and that he
Beller is trying to make big apual tot cornea with him the best wines ..f our
.1 this electric light tale He wane to Lodge to hu home in Toronto.
be bead, tail, backbone and hustlers of blaster Workman W. R Robertson
sp,kr mast he highest apprnciatgon of Mr.
the whole concern. Welt, 4o make a Mrller & beater and a c:to::n, and
long story short, when the selecting hoped that the author o1 the Holy Bode
suresittee was it rued( to Airlift the *land- now before hem, the Great...Muter tt"rk
presented by Bro. J. R Moller, on be•
half of the Lodge, with a very hand
77t. t(A.•4 :supplement now comes out
in book firm, and stakes an attractive
event hay magazine The letterpress and
eneravintts a . attractive, and there is a
breezy air ahoot at that makes it a read•
able and pleasant companion. it mots
only 20 tests a Cory. or $2 • year.
Nowa eta Ttrr. Four weeks of
dreary have new elapsed, and • number
n( nur awbsenbers have neglected tr. send
to le of flgbt d �,
PRINIINranos. --On Wed.:esday even
ing about forty members of the liable
class taught in Knox church by Mr.
J. R. Miller, late sehoiol inspector,
waited the residence of that gentleman,
and presented him troth a handsome fruit
stand, of silver and eut glass, and Miss
Miller, organist ..f the ci..s, with a silver
jewel est. An address was read by Mr.
lioness 115.1e on behalf of the class, ex
preens,. of esteem for the recipients,and
thanking Mrs Miller for her efforts in
♦1tjllltV A PRt�eui,, B
things vi,T•,rotsj)r sed w0 believe he wit' 3tieaical.
make it pay. He u now advertising fur ,
saw luso , rP E. CASE, M.L. , C.N. , 11. C. P.Q. ,
The number of psych now att.eudiug l - t)aa p►rMeiaa urtt• on. Axowebrar.
school in S. 8. No 7 is only ten, and fr. oiler 4T1W lortnerlt nrcupted %7 Ix -
not one id amt them all ; but still HntcEinoon1 1►ungoanon. X:gbt ut1oe mar -
not among1:0. bete:. tea
the case is not quite hopeless, for an In- - - - - - ----
terestnnq Lode miss t• k up board and 1)R. Mt-LE.AN, PHYSICIAN. SUR -
lodgings, one day last week, at the twine 1 (1,}71."•''eroner 1... owe sed "4"'"'"e
of Arthur W. Willson. Waco street. seuead dour west of V
Rev. F. Meyer preached in Eng.ish ' -
et the German church on Ssbhath morn- I, )R8. SHANNON & HAMiLTOON
last, and ':'tend. bidding the services i', y•Mta"•• $uaeeo.w. Areunchem. t
lag lI omni u th fhaason's resideece, sear tb
in future alternately in German and mac.oeden.b (i.t:,.rea.uow. J. (.Haw•.
English. Ile also organ►red an English roe 1741.
Bible cls in the Sabbath school, on ad- - -- - -
dition t,, the Etenth primary clam ,&uctioneering,
mantled last year.
The B. M. C. 8 had practi,xl found- W. BALL, AUCTIONEER AR
en, has a poetical constitution, a prsc- g j the (0011$ of Ilse.. sates &treaded
tical Ex. Cum , and deals with practical Oa4.ha,pSr01. o. tet sy. "ail" o15.rders 10
queetums -its last debate being en tis -
subject, "itould telephemmc oommunies- JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AIX -
tion to Benmiller he beneficial If a • TiONRER wad Iced Valuator. Ooderit•h.
representative of the Be!! Telephone Co, O° Racing lard rotiwldeeable ,trverleeee .■
Passe p the ancuonaerins trade. k 1s in • p.oitlo. to
had heard the arguments to favor ..f the : discharge with thorough satisfaction. all oars -
scheme your .. t thinks 1t I Yyrtia-; HutrI 01
emits; W • utro n
mar m
might lead the company to run wires to Godert.b P. U.. ,irefully attended to. JOHN
Ibi. villaje. I ZNOX County Awoteoe(er. tuff-tr
The scorns of Friday night was the
moat severe that hie passed over this L- oans sob insurance.
section for*nme time ('oleos theceun-
ed noNty Mr. iHcCat,e to e►rct wn.; .,-
tense altos the road .same 17ec• n wilt '� WO TO LOAM. APPLY TO
¢ teMitn ltl-11161sTtCANNONt •••.-
rain his horses Then it wilt be r•tem- -iib. 1 .
tion of wbv pays the bill • g,FER G
The tearneetingie the Methodic' c'..urch NEY td 'rt,stef hbads urTn LEND.- A L A R0
for Invest. en the 20tb toot was a grand au sa, u loseat rase. se rett.:Sam Migagee• Amply
considering tl.e stormy evening._ After to OAKIPOW t PROUDrOOT.
an excellent repast in the teml)srance saltIVATE PUNDIT TO LEND AT
ball the people A•,eked to the church I -a Dad M per oast. on fleet-elmseraeecur-
hear the literary put of the programme. ity, .tP.l1 o It C. HA YR, sullcl ot, Geer
as Fisher, of Goderich, war elected ri h ..leer
charmar., and in his opening speech did
fell j..ttse to his .epot•*i-•o ea • hoses sr )� RADCi IFFE,
iso Rev. J Markham the ptrt•x, andGE•
Rev. Mr. Lafleur, • f Holmesville, delis
Bred pointed •.dresses, cont.iiirng name HEAL ESTATE Dien
A 1 es to all. A social was held the MONEY LOANING
folluwi°g evening, which war •1•., a pro Oe1y Ple•t•e•1e*. (t.etpanica *red
noesced *access. After "doing the cuid Y None; to Lend on Mraight lain., at tae
lnweet rate .A let..rest inning, in any way io
things" the assemblage was treated tar suKtle�.wr..ser•
excellent readings by Mrs. Markham, J. go'(+F/T('K Mncond doer from Notiare.
Wcet Musci. Oadertca. 01:rtf
C. LsTnutel, John Stewart and Thos.
ll , and n ■hMurdt ;iedhbodreDw
n mt. lfam• 9'10 PERSONS WANTiNG LOANS
desiring to change their no
cid ►artgagta
hill and Andrew Heddle. The choir ad.co iiime to d int.u,o+ war sopplr
added an neo email dogrel* to tine pleasure privet• funds to coy amn'IM ., 8 t'rr
of those present. Total proceeds. • tear. else received lnMrue1inn. team •
nlfe•t uontrolltng a trust (vivid to lend our e
951.73. Ilrette t ameast tin arae cow farm mortgagee
015 1-2 Pe ("IL App.) at ',nee to
West Vawaaosh. ` leAulsR t LKWiS, nep,eftr the ('otborae
Hotel. oodevieh.
Oodericb, 11th Nov-, IOW tw!! If
One day re:ently Edwin Gaunt, of this -
townshlp, met with a very painfol aoci- i NetURANCE CARD.
dent He was in the stable attending to
stock, when rine of the animale suddenlyW. F.�� l.i�e� Iww.no.rr ,ipewf,
turned round in the stall, his head atrik tlUpRNfras
in their money for renewals. We ars width to the pleasant of the elsei at its ing against Mr. Gaunt, throwing him w rove aiappoew� a comma,. )*'u -I
anxious that that little matter ehoe'd be social gathennn under the teaeher'e into• tie manger wdh such force ea to The 601,1441/1 Meer* era I I tyle
attended to u conn aspossible. Stand roof. Mr Miller replied on hehwlf of brash two of bis ribs. He will likelye, moo 9Htioeel - eMabttefied tidy
,aur tical d mom tl himself and Ain. Miller, hut issud on It "field -to -hand," the case t .,neer
by 1 paper, an pay P D y ell right in a short time. Itemised to 1•.ttue plate glass. ,. rte
Watt. Dere, Toast:. Dori sr the M,ww Miller. why is .ice•president of the ' _ !+0511.4...
V S 1 f= rr;dyme for herself, which IiT a above
e..11 Ono .las• and old Maas
recent examinations at W n dst•.ck ad ,hw did vwy gtrea.lfully. The vr(tors To Ceo'*s A Trottel: The following i,ya ewllrw l aetrrH retia
lege T. C. Wright, of the Point Farm, were b.+tpitahly, entertained by lir. apd hints bow to cheese* turkey may be of OeOertvh Da. WA. seal.
war ahead .d all
In the Mrs hi .ler. Mr. Miller lessen (lode interest /o some : --Do ant try to twist
btaoeh n( 1 hw, kta\imtm mel rich with the hest wishes d hes there its wings, b feel the pint .1 its hvea•t- ,ga �,� ��' TO LOAN AT 6
stioceaafully every pwtpn•iti on&wl►mtttd.
It class. .hose. if thou "shvq"
to the fingers, in., CRNT.
and reeeired his papers back marked. _ &teed c•f being Aavxl end 'sharp, 7.•u may TIM rT.p,a,)rI.Ov1NTY1 OICNRR Ar, rRf'wT0 tan .
man, teen the Kternal Father. would . Pwr(wct' know the Aird a Toone. A hairy turkey, ars pr.0 red teInwn money .at. per rent.. pal
an committees "1 the town council fm,Leeway_ f.(•.. H. W. Steele, in. •Tete C. Kemheel, hu wife en , three with ' reddish er pwepliah thigh. and ate, halt ytrrtr..n
mode him ever mora ehlldteri ware (risen to dsath in a waA'1 hack, is likely TERMS To SUIT /t(1K,, ERS,
Wei {war, John war one 'd the aelvctur. eumhent ,d St Stephen s church. willy to he end an is nee of
(leen W. Tworraow, Recorder. , near /edge Coy, Kan., during x reeve .w Ont etas. hew, ascotity.
Alter the other comrsattes had trust lecture in St (ions''. a eherch sehonl b 1 1 enu•ually large fru, azaleas yew ran trust Applf re
chosen. 0.. ul lbw pnur.eillurs remarked
ebwt they 'limpid soleal • *pivotal commit
lee to attend t. the Big K. mo, mil wail
e ssur red by Butler, "Thal'. all Wyly ;
Some of the tart Mat height sneerer
lisp fnllowtag •'Whet rotas per cent
interest dans . eapstel'st reab.#wt.', lays
b • de*enteres at 10111. fixow*Boors.
.. •,.ape-..._'a'�i. 1w.,_
hour wan es
Twd. Feb. 8, nn the subpar; o tr.ar the dealer'. word. The poi fsethe . are • CAMERON. 1101.T t ('AMFRON.
of "The Early Iritiah Clwlreh . W. St wham of Ferl McLeod an askint poinlldd in the vo',ar roil "am*l.d rn an irsrriMers uoderleh,
nnderstand that Mr. Meek bas is.�[t the ' 4 It to take m for author sold M►'1 , soft, pl,.blw.•I.ms a ( Negri"
(.41 IMOO...Hni'v parol Tr snse hay•
��� �� spa tied Hoary Nessa l'.uatrov. HAI} R r'srswc+'t Isco
thir/ilnestt..n deep Node There eM Tw'!'hdwg •peaalleaflde for 1.41.1. 'took. in 11500 ms of freshers tits esu, as the 'neo• realest of AtvhN rend* to lea.
a stover collection. , ,,rJ•r t.rebssk Jai. ' d bosom £V. ..cgs very soon dry gad *Am.- II.71ari�.a-. tett tf