HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 3JUST
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of neer ieterteressee, sir. You will mime
for it wilier for it
III• sio,ke thee far, with frequent
Meeks and repetitious io ha sentences,
obeli' Mowed the depth and .tut of
BY ADELINE BILRUSANT, his agiteltou ; them, without Latvian% to
"Ts°, 4W ookoolios yowl.- ouou„ the doctor's apaaketetic phrases, he loop
Pater; Parse(co,&.. ed lam way with outstretched hands,
bLs..d eyze, aad shakitig heeds, to the
outer door. The insveotor offered him
'-' CHAPTER IV. •iis iris, but the 1.441 swan thrust it aside;
ae ea A uobudy in hia brainaick heals u.
Mamwhik., the boy, maddrnoi, es it
let ata .
seemed, by the seoteoue, had lost coutrot 7 from the accursed place. He
,alaele his way down stairs nod into the
wee himself , sad wan struireline fiercely
ore,: with the same enacting, heeler'
A with the policemen. "Ill nut 1.•
prises for it ,I &du t s'epal. It was thst
„tiler boy, nut me- Let me go, let me
He struck out wildly right and hat
It took two strong nem to bring him
into subjectiun, and to held him while
toe Magistrate aderessed a few share
words to him. He did not hoer what
was said, pour boy , the suntan in his
cars, the violent beating of his Mart
rendered him deaf to the worthy Magis-
trate's exhortation. He Only
4 (ruin the policeman's rough words after
wards that be bad, as they eepressed it.
-got another month • for ins refractor)
conduct. He was dragged, rather tilos.
led, out ef the pottier court, still pro
tasting, end struggling as he weot,
sanely eager to make himself heard asad
uaderstoed. It was jest at the door that
he uttered one cry that went tu the old
laird hesrt. He gut the policeman',
*lancing hand away from his. mouth foe
a moment and oalled out - "Greed -
ether !" And then he was hustled awe,
throesh the outer door, and 1 new case
came OD and the little disturbance woo
Bat Dr. Airlie cursed for the first
time to the pew -like enclosure wher.-
Mr. Lockhart rad beets sitting. He elm'
last in time to direct a policeman's at-
teation to the old man's state. Mr.
Lockhert was on the point of falling to
the groom, in a @woos or fo. He was
carried iroo the outer room and laid on
4esteres sud uncertain steps ; at tunes
muttered to himself. sell paused to
oesp fur breath.
"It's a wonder h. get down those
• tape safe," ransacked the inspeeter.
"Fame old reutleman ' You'd better
fellow him, Meckie.' be added to one of
his subordieasee. "See that he comes
to cie harm, and put him in • cab if yuu
ate fine out where be wants togo.'
••kle oewes from Glenbervie. and I
- heat he is new staying in Buchanan
Street," said ler. Airbag quietly.
Ile had to submit to he asked two or
/ere" questions. to which he answered
etch his customary unctuous blandness.
fhess be also left the police court. and
betook himself to bis own hotel in George
*ewe, where he was at once ushered
into a pritate room.
And here a curious little scene wok
place. A bey of twelve years cld rush -
forward to meet him, and then stop-
eed short. The doctor steed and loeked
At him with a smilingly contemptuous
ease The boy's face was white, bis ep-
ode were reddered ; hie fair hair wee
dishevelled, ea if be had thrown himself
.lown on the asoear the sofa in an agony
.1 grief ur raga He wanted ei ma a
q eastern, and he did not dare to silk it.
As the doctor continued keep silence,
however, he &peke at laat, in_broken
cones -
"What have they done?"
"Done I" said the doctor, • coolly.
• Why, sent the thief to ;riser. for a
The pooderous words, the elaborate enter et the prison fortunately ; 1 think
peroration were not lust upon tbsoomad I caul devise a way.
listener. Gerald was improine4, stag- He dermed a way woe epees excess.
leered, over &wed. Seliely Dr. Artie Os the day when Antis" ay Lcckbart was
"Loot hoe" hest ! ARCM. IPM • WA to be set free, Dr. Airlie promoted him
relief to think that hie diekellitel set mad self at the risun with a very long tace
never he known by the bendier of wheat Be had found out that • relaters of the
he was mortally afraid. He was allot ; boy's a relation on the mother'. 'ide-
ated the doctor pursue) lila &demo* was dying, and wished to me her yeast:
"You need net fear," he said enioutla- oonlain immedietely. . He ate le Ina
ly, that you have don* any 'injury to strong reprtsentatiors about tkui amnia
the led. I will mcertaiu the date of his th&t the Ouvereor, who knew him slight
release, and will take peens to put hun
auto a good situation or provide fur his
moiler* in some way.
"Has be no frienes ' no hither nor
another l" asked the boy
"I think not."
"Then," Gerald hazarded the remark
rather fielteriogly, "n easy be, after ell,
a guud thirty fur him ?''
"Elactly so. That is the sensible
view to take of it. New give me your
word, my dear boy, that you wilt say
nothing mitre about the meter."
And Gerald pronesedeiumbly enough,
to bold his tongue.
Dr. Airlie took him back to the Tow -
ere in a day or two. He bad brought
his pupil lo Glaegoir fur • little cheap
arid .„ t , as well as toss some of
the boy's relations resident in that town,
and he was secretly ingeod deal disturb-
ed in mind by the result uf his yisit. It
was true that Gerald had already more
than once betrayed that odd mural weak-
ness, that curious want of distinguish-
ing power bet ta een good and evil, which
sometimes 'nal:mita appearance in 15111)111 -
ben of families that have been virtuous-
ly brought up, but he had never hither -
done anything likely to him is ith•:.
danger ••f the law. The doctor earn
estly biped that he would be more care-
ful for the future, but was nut sorry to
establish a bold over the boy's mind
which inieht be useful to him in after
years. Stephen Airlie hungered arid
thireted for power over the molds cf tLe
men and written with wtoni he came in
cuittace He liked 1,
thoughts, and contra,: their motivea. He
hut the same curiusity aboet their ieer
tal processes their secret griefs, joys, mid
ambitions, as he had with regard to tae
sciences of which he was a devoted ste-
dent. Just as he would willicgly tor-
ture a living dog er cat ir. order to d.•
monstrate some scientific truth, ho
very odd thing that you should have would lay bare the wounded spirit and
Gerald ; yeu are not generally probe the shrinkiag hemt of men
t:stem began to retcrn. The lacr
.sos was new indeed to him. The room waut uf money. It seems to use lath woman who came within his power. Ho
rte. ,,eked rurL The
er hke • nue of kleptomania. Well, m had no more rencour egainst the heroar.
w'oict. he had beta carried eras bare
a .y rate, I have saved you fur once from being than against the dumb animals
• furniture, emeept for the weeden
the corieceuences of your Gen actions. that he tortured ; but the suferine
• inches against the wells ; it was high
mud 1 trust that yuu will nut put your- either was ncthing tc him ceir.pared sr 'oh
and airy, bet it had & vety desolate Ina.
*elf again into circumstances of such , his Increase a kne wieder) of quivering
groo f miserably drested men arid
danger. If it happened again you would
nerves and rent heart strings. Kean.
wumen bad gathered about the dere,
evincing their turn as witnesses. The
.utcr door stood opeur and communicat-
ed with a flight of stores steps which led
te the street. Two or three pelicesemi
hovered &bout, and Dr Aulie„ with a
hrendy Ease in tee hand, kept watch and
ward by the old man's side.
"Where am 11' said Mr. Lockhart.
toehly strueg!ing into a Benne pusture.
•• AI, I see -I see.'
"My dear sir, • said the decter, "I
:eget that yuu are feeling better."
Mr. Lockhart gave Lim a bewildered
Lick, and tried te rise.
"Keep quiet, keep quiet there iv no
harry," said Dr. Airlie, putting his
'land lightly on the Lairds ann. "You
!Ili better rest for & little time. I shall
e happy to see you home."
Mr. Lockhart was by this time colleast-
in: his scattered senses. "I am oblieed
'o yeu," be said, with a hauelitinem
rather out cf keeping with his lowly
position on the does, "but I have no
•:cied cf your amistanoe, sir. Policemon,
jour hand, if you plasma. S... Will soy
, ne kindly get Inc & cab '
He stood leaping on the ror.stahles
*run putting aside the doctor's proffered
mind ery much indeed. Now this boy t
'th •in disdain. The doctor vin.be hie . ahante. Maiden what could he sav
tea E'er, Dr. Airlie superir.teedisig the
eeuple of menthe. 1)o you suppose they
arrangements. Teets was a little foam cum do tsw r
opal his Hos, his face was of s etrange,)
"It's s ft, 1 thick I" said an iespectcr
r • the doctor. '•Fatal, de y '
"Net this time." said the abet,: r.
Ile was right. In a few minutes ern -
"Yee mad you said -you could get
hies !" I cont let him go to 'arisen,
"'ben I - lieu1---'
Weep you tuck the half crown your-
self " said the doctor ceeerfelly "It is a
ly, authorized the reheat of the Foy -a
mighty cencessaeu full fifteen minutes
byline the rightful hour. But fittest
minutes were enough ler Dr. Airlices
pieoe of week. He was just in time.
He gut the buy into a cab with kiln,
endured, enidingly, the few bitter sen-
tences with which Anthony assailed hen,
and then eat hicn done at the milers,
motion, and effaced li pay bleier* te any
part (A the United Kiredcm. Tee boy
hotbed in Ilia face.
"Do you thinit I wou:d take a pinny
from yuu I" ba said.
"Whet will you de, ther. weed the
doctor, ounsidering him gravely
"Ill go t Londue."
"Withcut a penny
The doctor shrugged his shoulders.
"Why will you take nothing how
me r he asked.
"Because e" sa..1 Asethery Leckhart,
with • fierce light in his dark eyes, "I
owe yuu too much already. I always pay
my debts."
Then k3 turned away ar.dpler.gei into
the by -ways of the city.
Stephen Airlie looked after him with a
smile. "The yen g cere crows lead,"
he earl to himself. ".<h.,Ta-e-e meg
sorry to he ref of him. He is a young
meter. and scamp, I are sure uf it. Go
to London, will he liot Le ! He'll go"
-acd the doctor pressed his white hnger-
tip together with an air of sauve enjoy-
meot-"hell go to the devil. Aad I
trust,' added Doctor A irl ie, sinilir.g rear*
sweetly than ever, "I crest that he will
be reek* about
It was at that mecteet tLit eel Mr.
Leckhart received the rews of lin erand-
s deia.-ture with Docter Airlie. Tee
chaplain, who saw the 013 mar, obsereed
that his :ace charged oddly as he heard
reeire the bey t•u! ger e. Pc: he made
r.' remark. He bowed acd tock hui
leave. Ocly when be reached the outer
gate did his strencth farmed hic. He
tottered, reocrered hirase!, stumbled
again -and fell.
This time t,eere was no dottt as to the
71v ity f the sited'. .M r. Lockhart I
W13 Carl:i'Z'e. back to Glesiderie tilir.e
Inez. .
be ruined."
"But the buy- . the boy why has gone
to prison
"A young jail bird," replieL his pre-
ceptor," who kas probably been :iii pri-
son a dozen times before, and be so
again. It will do hen no harm. For-
tunate for you that I seised the situation
At a glance, and took the chance of put-
ting a half crows from my own pocket
into his. That ea:evicted Lim a& much
as anything."
Gerald Rothman .otbed 'demi. Ile
had sunk into a chair and buried his
face in his hands The doctor drew •
chair opposite him, and h octad at him
"You ought te thank me for saving
you." he wed, at last. "instead of crying
Like • schoclgirl or sb.by.'
"I did r.ot went any one else to bear
the punishment,- owned the led.
Possibly not, but you did net want
either to gc to prism's, to have your earns
in the newspapers as a thief,to hear Lord
Morvene opinion of your conduct. You
say you would not mind. Thee, my
dear Gerald --don't let Inc hurt your
f lin •s -but yon are a fool. You would
epee. soestisa is meet ttolieweet es the clews sidestles et
• SEMPONA0011'
•i ,
IX NNW AND kit NON eetiorisule
Raisins, Currants, 11.gs, Prunes, Pools
a: s. h ').• at Clem Pre -
or- rodeo ire VilltY Ft:411111
Goeetrialt. Dee ard,
akt 411 s t1!........ack
u...44 an to.nosinciat ti at,..La of
the tamed no,,.'* .
Wt 2.1- C343,
let i33301°.;1111
ate- lie. la ego esenetate.
4u hansoms sethew& his.1:1.1able strt
tiederoli„ Netr:Sio WI&
706aVJ•mr..c 1.4 azo
- --eraberte assesses the Pnblh that he luta ottereed mos new Grocer/ -;!
Wtere ie watt be fgebiled to meet L-ust :melee ot ttea wbt. soak ta get New Geode at
Cheap Prieto.
t torrot Raw wto aim be said cm thr preintnea.
14A special Cuentee for Small Wefts tias alia been iatrodece-
or:teem-4r Priam Pasd for ut'er aa..1 1,jt.
A cal: rvepettfully solicited. ZIaat'LICEI ToTTIfirt*,
('&W$l tee site Court House ffetiare-
oloi.o... to Nov 7,1o., 13Tieoto
ledge, in his (opinion, was power ; and
power was the only good tbiog in life
which he desired. He cungratuted him-
self, therefore, on the chance which had
placed Gerald (boy as he was) under an
obligation to him, which bed given him
the secret et Mr. Lockhart's wishes, and
had moreover enabled him to inflict wen
mortifications upon the proud uld laird
of Glenbervie. Ha was not elute core -
tenable in Its iniad respecting Anti:a-
ny s view of the matte: • the lad looked
as if he had force .1 oil and tenacity of
purpose enough to be revenged upon
the man who hack screened his own puril
at the expense of a vagabond ; but, after
all, Anthony Lockhart was only a boy,
ead,although the doctor soothed Gerald's
mind by saying that he would recom-
pense the prisoner for all that he had
suffered, he really meant to let A nttony
drift out Of sight as soon as possible, and
would not have eblected to give him a
sly push towards those evil courses te.,
which he was, only tce probably:4in
()Id Mr. le.altarlee lime- argot- trc
bled Dr. Airlie very little. The cld mar.
was nut likely to advert in publie to
subject that cost hien an much grief ti :
te an reorenta teen.
Th:s prevalent malady is the parent of
most of our buddy illa One of the best
remedies keen') for Dyspepsia is Bur-
dock Blood Bitter', it having cured the
wore chronic form, cher ail else had
failed. 2
Cletlabeg Wide* lemarefts
The Lord Mayor of London and a
large company of naval and military
ceficials and adhere witnessed some
experiments in tee Thames at Westmin-
ster un Katurdey sitorneres, September
26th, from the decks of the river steam
ers. :lit or eight persous, clad in
coatumes of ordinary appearance, and
not one c them able to swim, embarked
in a small boat. Then the tall thrum of
a woman rose suddenly in the boat, and
with a frantic wave of her sunshade
tumbled ceerboard. Two of her fellow
passengers, who seemed to be 'mese and
military oficers, threw themselves into
the water tc rescue, her, which, had she
been sinking, they might easily have
done, altheugh they knew no more of
swieirauce than herself, for, clothed as
they were, they found it impossible to
sink. Alt the others, one by one,
followed until ad were floating comfert-
ably &beet with their beads above
water. It was exelained that the cloth-
ing wort by the adventaren was made
et • tainie ut which Inc threads ef cork
were interwoven with wuol, silk, or
other material, and, without presenting
any eorapicuinis peculiarity of appear -
suer, rendered the wearer perfectly
buoyant. The inventer, Mr. J. W.
Jackson, is an exhibitor at the Inven-
tions Rahilmtion. -Pall Mall Gazette.
• •
& little and rubbed his fingers to -
"Will ye no sit dna', sir, and rest for
a weer said one of the meo , with rough
cordiality. 11r Lockhart nodded and
thanked him. Theo he sat down on one
of the benehes near the door, crossing
his bands upon Ins stick, and leaning his
heed upon them. 1Flis breathing was
still distreseed ; nobody liked to disturb
him from his attitude of repose, and &
not 11111
better off in prima thee oat of .. Mill The doctor could assert the ;flirty of
prebobly owl
disturb the present Want* of &SIM" his motives, fatiorancie of the bey'.
"But it's a lie, and I can't bear it. I relationship to Mr. Leal:mt. Ind above
must tell Moven aed let bend° what be all his certainty of the prisoners guilt.
likes. Anything is better than this !" No regesaable person could find fact
Dr Airliee sm"oth brow contracted. with Kit
Gerald Rethven was more difficult t• Bee be lied an cause for alarm. Kr.
manor than the doctor had orP°otoa Lockage came quietly back to Olez-
bervie. said nothing of his expeditinn or
Met to be, It was ellesuses7 that he
should give the boy a stroog dose of the of hi• grandseres fete te ar.ybody, and
seemed to settle calmly down to his old
A LA RC ti-roi VOr
Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel.
short "drew er.sued. truth."
My dear young frised," he said, with • life with his daughter Janet arid her littleDy.
Dr. Airlie at het mcved towards the
more suavity of manner then wee even son. Bet the loot )t mistrusted Ibis lip-
oid sun and spoke in peculierly soft and
natant! to him . "it eliPeara 10 la a that parer! calm He believed that the laird
gentle taw&realise your positiee-or meant to see his grandson at the sews. -
"I fear" he said, •
"my deer ete Lock. you scarcely
hart, that my unto:tune posit:cr. with mine li you sonless this little Nutter to et of ites tee , / , i, possibiy to
to "Alta Korn*. you trial dioria• 6'4 Wag Wee 110041. It would never do for
respect to your most unhappy ravages
U u iSiIOP
ra..1: and Winter stock of Tweeds, e'c now f 7 %smarted. IfIrA CAL:, POLICITAD.113
Ready-Macle Clothing, ar Overcoats-
*. flplenfildi Assortmeat.
eirRameottwo tb,, F.'- Wstreet.
(ice. b, tat. NW
14ifi Mr. Lockhart raised his head
te • Wtes tasked Iles as he spoke
'? "Lave ste sod say gran &eon to manage
Int owe b...�4. There wee an
allahwas growlin1L tame. "He woeld
ham been Ilme now but for your con-
feesibed leieeeeisee."
may oo you
f bit ors r sew I.
datlicie wed Gerald tc, most Gerald's
What a pleasing *tog it "mold nuke kw asters wets wmk, bet it was also goner
MISS GaR,41=1- &AS&
Takes pleasure in aunounciag that she 1.sa rehired hive her trip east, and Lae
now in stock a large seisertment of FA NC censistieg of
VcringSg Bird.s, Feathers, Rilbons,
I have all the latest novelties inHati. Teenneta, elesees, Sheiks of Color, etc.
Goiencla, Sept. 17tb.
The unhappy and distressing emdii ion
called n seism from, debility,
irritation, peer eirculation mid blind of
low vitaiity. Roommates the roomy by
Burdock Blood Bitters, who& gives per-
manent strewth by invigorating the
blood and toning alt the urgans to per-
fect actior. e
PA. Iren:, who hes been simmer the
Bloods sad Bleaddest says there is no
pessibie defter of a rising
the Redieal paps"! Your Wit"' auchl ees„ sad Anthony manfully told bus.
ewe% forgive pou : the teary would he tale and accused Doctor Airlie of having
reemis Hinters she blame so hiss le order to
lemeglit .p spinet fee eke
der of your life. Yoe would pleat tee germs Mother, It was colts possible thei
is a still more diffieislt rmatire. 0.104 Gerald would avow el. troth. Theo
esseideilition to yew brother sod your- *Wang woold remain for Stephen AMU
oak 1 ba. cosseeited what is, no doubt bat diagram mid diegasseal ' I mar get
Dr. Aisles alrow beet. with tho !Waal- tot Oa styes of the er a
Smolt rod into • fill* more emit lake
ol lean be* grieved eed thicket Age rot going to minify the aorta that care," thought tkat gsetlemes,
at has own inadvertence ; "hut
mend alabeelem
Ail esffierses hew that terrible tomss4
=eau be made happy Mom
Ty a Awl, impliestion of PIMA
Ligkesiee Widely *ebbed oft peiefel
mate, mid without miss see aiseestiog
ruidioine day alter lay witli lade ear no
Male Fluid Ligletaleg aloe wee as
eMeatuall=shaehe, Leeillego. Rhea -
a, sad is .alp SG swats
per bottle at Geo Rhyme' Dreg Blom
Nes dremped nu -entire deem te Uri pan for th MAXI' Dlr.; Y DAN bovej•ast received
a nit ttima I) OP' SKr/RODIN fahrta, which for INS.% sad Mine DRIfY CONPATTTION,
And my A 1 WIRR BCD outset be beat These reentrina Heereem Nets slimed coil on me
end COMPASS STYLr. ANO PM Learn p..1-;,:esang • aewhera,, as
Mal sa Le
"My deer sit." be 'began, "I ene 1611/111 MAO 10 imp rout awe NNE yoee remote
I Intend to Sell for Sixty Day': at o- Little Advance
. as Possible on Cost.
stireoewitoles twerts1). wo Ta0t1111A TO .3SIOW llOODN
1 Won't be Undersold by any Deale- on the Top of the Eartt-.
J. Et Ft.0 PI -1"Y" , West Street.
Godet h, Nov. INA UM ION tea
betatheree same alseless la die gem el boo was le gums that the muted boy alaritenthldrei;-- 6.4 whew matt
Qu Brig (ill 1 OIL WORKS
"." At Tomato. Ivory Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used
soden esetewhien **more 4loillg• 16tt P 11'1 1' "1" 1.144 ad"r1"1" Gian Awe pm to her teak sews. 1alr. oa the Machinery dazing the Balalaika'. It has been 't
omit be Imestifel hair to ----- awezded OOLD 101011/4111 *aft; the bat three.
don't whether you sorry ot th...141 by 6 e6d4b6h "ilia lashit a Stele beeketall *resold Lockhart's rind- endwise'
• .4 AAA. i 000_oog yes haw like be WW1 i& so ime the *gest M the see- Web met I 10 sot sem. Arid soar 1st jab Prior . hoot" hair *wart he Mr 8114 that yen •
04- sate Gleabervie eseitedly.
amp NW ree boos robed the bey-' te SWIM panIshohat wide will see- Wows th• busier ea MO -
woe. tee. -,i'weiTior mow sed Ise Amps et gm boy wee ham taker rim me hew the lard le be overeater/117;7Z 11:11.:144.7.4r,-.1, sAMUEL ROGERS et CO TO
%Were glad of It. Led illeressillett has Om ta in r bo. masts. Ws lad. trnew dm Gov- *i
IV; TellaW1111C re. as.
13•Rie • ',1•7? •
eiv • ...e.e• „set
• a eee %eaters*, ee •eifiteareeev2I45iPeg olire. A ,•••L 04iit
' oworniorei.o. 1opeOloglitw_..ativernuiworata..AitlitIMAtitttellati_Vtlitidt- le ie
• •.