HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 22 ME HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 18be.
MR. BLAKE'S VIEWS "'d is their "Wird lb. "Mil."
r 1 by their owe sfgwmwt, et u aequalddividesat the
sr prediction. They have ee�atated yielded, witt results t a the Csuadiau IOW. lint the r trIron. o
she deur milhtle^, industry t.. death. lithesome we east seedy uuderstead. Oar w Mate, ats, andI Limey
♦s to the egrietdtural intwest, In Gateman/tot dose nut seem to have Inure, so that we are In a decided minor -
The Policy of the Gcvernu eut whose leading bombes wet were pn,duo- ibowaht afloat --at any rate, they made ay in Parliament, and the amount tit a
Vigorously Lttaeke i. tog a surplus, reenambsr their Jiehoatst no effort W prolong—um trassit arrange- few votes would have almost swept es
attempts to call the isomers their de- n.eata, which soon after traded to the out of the Howse, those! suit euetasa.J
aerations that _Mimi ouuld improve prises detriment of nnportant Canadian inter by halt the elaciurate, The, was a
vuaae s museums es tress . rue Ten by damesthat, promisee to Ling a este. A premise aaa, however. [tome shameful and shameless act ; a hyth-
anedes e a Tae town poodesiee ed eevery farmer's door that Cosmoses should be Med to bauded usurpation an sot of dwputiw+
of high create • to cussaider the fish- under the forme of free inetitutiws
4 li
as alas Ifaeaverte slut. Remember der s brief rind ig
prices, their claim that it was ell their ery and trade questions, and nerututieus (Hear, hear.) It was ae est which Nape
duinr Remember ate our declaration are said to be expected, let us hops to the foutdeciea..f free and coneauti.Nul
—' issue than oar L, and outngw every notion
he following are the,epewad retires that heir , ohey w,•uld hart and c red ' have a more
not help the farmer. Look at later past ezperieiice of the statesmanship of °f fair play. It u an sot which we must
.1 Hun, "Award Blake, at the Loniou prises for wool and barley, wheat end our . tosa would warrant us in never tenet till its perpetrators are
(beef, and other products, and sine your expecting. (Hear, hear.)
punished and its srwaita uuduos.
banquet thank
I thank yon, from the hat •m of my I own c..nduuosu, As :•, the operative he Tarim mourned with bitter tears 1Cheers.
Meat I thank you, icr the warmth and and the ►aborer, remember their pro+a- over the esodw :ram Canada an Mr. The Government has sane lakes from
cordiality of your reception. I know it , race to there. and our argument that the ; Maahen..►e•s time, sad the slow vrowtb the Provinces the power which each
to be ter beyond any p..,ur deserts 0,1 free competition in labor between Can- ;at popdati:n as town and ceautry Province had up till lately excused tai
f4 and foreigu States s ,uto Amite' teud to They promised Amite'se
e• al! that. sed settling the Demerol an imrnubiss It is s
mine ; but it is another ani moat marled
expression of that continuous, shading regulate wages, and that fur labor there : largely at the expense of the C 1'. R. to poser which the .letrhte .rt ).t Republic
d proves, it is mere cuusutenl with the
and unbounded k.t:dneu and cs,nl.Wenca sem nu proteet:ou. 1: lass Inc..been nacre her trash numbers to our soil.
which here been shored me by the indtby b+ Sta�Nt:Ma nt uin�isat iTn of But the
grayed pexodus rove est of greater t urbahan n) .a federal
loe. have thus created at doub
le if -
Liberal party fur these noway years, mud Ire red 1 ay anything a of the wlanae of rani popolalbno has been slower than aYYr + Jumble reXrtraU.m, double
tepecially during those dark Sud trying trade—of the Minister s moedecl•ratloes before, while they here expended trouble and expense. Their franchise r �;
p' r 1
anon whreh have mimed since I t ml Ow that .he was to+ng w• reduce u. pins, of eu,rm,w sums oo isamtyratuni, to a w less liberal than that of the late 01i-
Will you allow tae t, use this my his . when enc year they balauoed c ,nsideable extent on persons who come tart° Act, and they retain the plural vote.
rent opportunityeavailabletucuugntulatr et r rte, of his sun, uncament that :`hey iuto competition with claam already They halm conferred oa he uneufnn-
the Liberate of Ontario on the activityIaiy were going to amp,. ye even u.a this , of hard pressed. and on others who were 'Meed Indiana, .d sham the bulk are
they ere now displaying; and particalsrly the condition of the balance ,tartly bet transient visitors to Canada. They shown by their •.wn ..!ficial reports to be
to express my joy at the energetic ase -
duet and successful organization of the atter, and of the anxiety n:o
now enter'aite eo.plaioed of •,or teen foveae uneducated and dependent, who have
Young Liberals— iHear, hear) -and my fel that we 1057 import large!) e, is to trade, and promised by treaties of com- nut yet got, are declared unfit for, and
Applause ! mere• to open up to lis new markets do not want the when privileges and
tasteful thanks [. r the honor duan nor pay morn taxes.
After a period of digress which cul- To achieve these triumphs they ap resFoosibilities ..t citizenship, who are
'07 my election tc he honorary press pointed • High Cummwluaer, with a the wards of the First Minister and
decoy of the„ great wavesuon, a gather• mtnat`Li in 1979 therecane, "tib suss Chief Superintendent, the right of voting
ire frac which I expect the beat results natural and inevitable, in spite .4 noir magnificent furnished mansion and large for their guardian's candidate if they
I declare, Sir, that it wunld he ".,p„. CCoy.m enthe7 gleam Maimed of
it �1 ef.,r them- s) salary and allowance., aitgregst►nq. I choose sod against hien if they dare.
belie%•, something near the salary of the The have taken from the nouoiciye.
mible for m] friends ant sur porters wlysa They had dune is with their little U. B. Miuuter at ?and. n. Missions to 7
in and out of Parliament to surpass, a sola Isnehter)—spd 'swat they
had France. and Spain became the order of
officers the preparation of the hats, and,
has u for me to n sustained sir goodness It dun they would continue to do. They the day. In Spawn we decided to stop, contrary to the English system, have
cheered sad.or me through premised us ten Year' oat because for some incomprehensible
seized the appointment of makers and
many gloomy and some storm) hours, Theyadvised us to clap ..n al! sail. Allrevisers into their own hands. Their use
and I can never forget it while I live. ' lassos i' was sup our a ince of the power has been moderated for the
Yoo knew, gentlemen, 1 have never rover Canada theyaramoted the boom and might interfere with English negntations,
time by the cigorow opposition and the
oes!ed it1 the expansion. They de- which bar. come to nothing ie. France
from you, that it was with re cared that It was bot the foretaste of we lost s treaty by the delays incident force of public ••pini°ie. ;but they have
It000rce a1 accepted the lead. High and good things to come we had had but to references to the Imperial authorities.
in same caws greatly abused the power
,t ; it s e a that post is, l Dever coveted ho first inkling of the .ye prepared for The Ministers bare labored, and have by the choice of prrtiaaua *hose namrs
it slob me is de ora of iia relations ua • Laughter.} Dot even brought i.•rth a mouse. ,Langb• ''°» in the records of election petitions
to de life. I am deeply conscious bow Having dissolved an 1 2 at the to of and are embalmed in the judstecneitts on
inadequately 1 Ell it, and I grow each °g•
P ter.) the triah. Thu wt should have an end.
yam more sanonst return to the ranks the wsre� a year before the tune, RR- get I forget. here are myster. mus They have, besides these indirect
I am toad by some Ministerial arcane, turn us,' :they said, "end we wall maks rumors shout s se ere French treaty, means of affecting the peupte•s choice,
which, of course, have very confidential the good times H ..lo t still. What we which is said to have perished untimely themselves sleeted weathers of Perlia -
relations watt the Opposition, • cn, that my have dune, we will do tenfold new.
Do yyta - before its birth, which has been buried sent. they utaJe Sir Charles Tupper
wishes are seconded by r considerable remember the hundreds of new r0anufic- in ae tet, and which we roast, try some
member for Cumberland by act of Par -
number of my friends. (No, no.) I Ut tortes end the millions of new capital day to exhume fora a roaer•a imlueet. 'lenient. B7 resulativa they turned off
wretch the verdict of '` wast, introduce lTt17declared that the new o^ice woull thechoice—thulmittad ebnsoe U[ Sha
glad to know i, and I wish that our Into Canada ; Many belieed them.
community of sentiment in the matter save the east and inconvenience of Eng- In&jority °t the electors of Kings ; they
might '.cad that contigelrt t , so far con Thant
rot their mato? J1'• M+n7 acted list Ministerial miwions, but the noisy refused to take the opinion of the court ;
on chair advice, and launched i -III aot d- y they refused tea tale the opinion of the
fide in me ae to concert measures to e they ventures, clapping ap all ail for the ten aborts ha :e been mere cwt) and hunter-
our common end. If pp ons than !)afore. In tact, s Minister or people ;they seated in Parliament the
would accept me as their leader f.,r this years mri,speerous t elusie We warned two generally crosses every year. Bat man whom Kings had rejected, and he
purpose only, perhaps we mtowards
w unit- yon the that it was a 'elusion a Mineder d b7 to ,Hake up, the High Cotnuussioner; now represerts the people, forsooth, be
ed, Snake more progress towards the de the creme or the f ,liy of the 1linutera s ds a clod deal of his time in Canada. tree net of the people's votes, but of
aired end than we have dune hitherto. I y°'°e antin men to the walks of cone i,Lau •?iter. Notwithstanding the cone the ('au.ervatave majority in Pat -ha-
-am not in the habit tit offering myself merce andd finance atom after raised their pl°tis future of theta aystom, they reject meat
for (Alice, but I make an exception in rraniin; '"ices taw. Much mischief was the steps of securing to Canada the right _ —
their favor, and shell expect their reply. done, :but much gas the averted. A to make cneorer)ial treaties ; the only ' ice .ss�t,esatsarat.
Mesotime, as this is a nuestiun, out of erists wee avoided, But u► pekoe of step which wall relieve m fol* the en -
severe distress and depression is what p, erisappuintntents of one kind and
measures, but cf own, they and I u good tan .amenia inseparable f:em the present another cropupall &len: life's pathway,
t t d subordinate cur T.0 have unJrrgune, instead .f the pro plan, and sive w a chance to adv.nea in b 7• A I DRESS
far onturtuuateh it is the swexpoeeted
f b 3 underI d this direct th t always pens There u at
saac Pllmao's'loo0�'ap11•
Every Boy and Girl should Learn t
p 3
✓ I I
ro.rret,sy Te.
D TU ( ( TV4.
/ a a ) ) al
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re.uscswre w ./ T of sensors 11 (') n�
all 1 s
is "i w
_I sere ! fon
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01 41 OW '1 17 .I
The Illu31, 40c. 1
vow -Lb.
▪ '1
The Teacher, 20c.
> 1.L
party men rnustry and raised ten can voyage enc tau tow our material interest. s AD
views fur the moment to those o the eel skies, with ails awellit,>; before w a y p less'
majority, in the lice that by continuousnoDisuse) They have failed to secure the one article of acknowledged merit that
Lorne to we may convert them in good helptik they had hurt truth, 'i instead
wit the tJuited states. which hnare 10 to
of serer disappoints. 1'uttiaw's Painless
Larne to our oyinions• tarded the arrival, they demiuisbed. the Corn Extractor is sure to remove the
conditt •n scandalous t° both countries,
To be serious, gentlemen. I trust that extent, they shortened the duration .•f worst re
in a few days, and as no
at no distant day you wall relieve roe,yours rrit and they intensitoed making each the refuge et the other's claim a mala that at will cure anything
and meantime I wi:l du my beat, so far fpri, s e11 yod • ou. l.uu1 ,ed
nears, and which could he amended els,, It cannot disappoint If you •have
as health and abilities allow, to serve you easily and eery won at -0 we in direct hard or soft corns jot try it Beware
in the place you impose upon me. Loud Placa°' 1 camar onicatit•n with nur neighbors of the article "just u good. • N•
and prolonged applause.) Look, I pray you, everywhere and at through an agent at Washinrto,n, as 1 Polwu k t'•.., proprietors,Kuastun.
During the last few years many great everything. Contrast predictionand have ieng since recommended They
struggles hate taken place, and the 09- ; pn,mises with errata and results, and have always pr.•feesed themselves the West Wawanoah.
posing parties have neve'. aped their views ' ay whether our rulers are to be trusted un;y su.:eessful adjusters of o.r relations
en various important public questions. more ! Alas, their removal will not with the I'ronnces. C.,, tacit Marnaw. Council met t.. -
Let me roc rapidly over the roll andundo all the aril they have wrought' I have spoken of their trade and tars- day (Jan. frith according to statute.
recall to you some .•f these issues, w that I Theit works will live after them. (Lough- tion pis icyspeak wail arak hereafter c( The fallowing ypentlehien ewe the dux s-
7uu may judge of the claims of each side ter.) They have brought the ooentry their eenhnliratinn Nile Y. As to the ration of office and olttalifboativa as mem-
o. public confidence and aump,rt. Try .into such s state that we meet abstsdnn money relations theirs has been a hand- bers of the board : Reese, Chas. t:arvin;
the (}ocernmsi.t, as 1 often told you, by 'for yeah to Dome the hope rftis-mouth policy f hear, hear) — Doe , deputy reeve, Chas. Iturnin ; councillors,
their promises and their beerfurinauees with very burdenwme tazati ,n, thtesgh based on general principles ; bad for all Jas. Cihson, Thos. Todd, Rubt. Lock -
'There Garbe no fairer test. I behove nur condition may be grail], the j'ravinces, productive of local oprer- bars- Moved by R. Lockhart. secnnded
Let at Ino¢ at the fiscal and '.nancial ; bettered by wise readjustments And }u &tient, demands And expectatoms of the by J. Gibson, that ,Sohn Webster be
policy. They declared Mr, Dfackrnzie s diciuus relaxations, and by honesty, : must sero•ss character. They have 1 auditor fair year—Carrteol. The reeve
expenditures too high, and pn,mise.l to economy and retrenchment in gwer0• t reught the questinn,at best one cf great 1, app,,,inted Alex.- Pentland as the other
reduce it. They have increased it about I ment. They promised to create a mu -
u difficulty, and ta•ching a very grave, 1 ,auditor. Moved by deputy reeve. sec•
WI per cent. They declared his taxation rosily beneficial interprovincial trade ., defect in the Confeder- ende•I R. Lockhart, that the officers'
e, and promised not to raise They have, indeed, forced a one • f our hope
not a latat
n scheme, ante still treater difficul , salaries for year be as follows : Clerk,
it. They have raised it about b0 per Western products and trade upon the ties At this mamma the situation of1
$110 assessor, t}; 5: treasurer, $$0; col
cent. They condemned his taxation a Fast, but they have failed to give the Nora Scotia ie serums. That Province I teeter, $6b. Moved by deputy reeve,
use luat, and prmmmed to readjust it. East a Western market. sod they have au vases rwpreaentati ma in i)tbwa t seconded b R.Lockhart, RedK. Hiller
They have redressed the inequality oy produced an the 1►fatLelbraa Provir.e. • which have perha;.s got into the tiurth- I be clerk—Carried. Minbyrdeputy
imposing great sectu,ral fazes, enormous condition of irritation and in-feelirg so west resin holes- (tat.ghter.—and diem !reeve, seconded by J. I;ibeon, that Aka.
burdens on prime necessaries of life, and marked. a sense of injustice :.t the vac
content and Imtati.mlre aroused. The i Stewart he eeeeevtr - harried• Moved
Tates ..i duty nn important staples used Inti r. oaf pre co:nfederaunn promises so settlement with Quet.ec did not take into by T. Todd, seconded by J.Gibsnn, that
by the poor about twice as high as that great, that is is my belief that the senti- wecuuot the claims ..f the other Promo- Wm. Durnni he treasurer —Carried.
Led an the nch. They declared his ment as to Confederation is lees far' r'< ees, and is said not to be final for flue- The clerk was instructed b, draft • by-
de'icits scandalous and disastrous, but ble, the link of union is less etrong, to- tier itself, which is claimed to be stili in law continuing the appointment of the
notwithstanding the east increase in dray than it was ten years a¢- • I ro_ret a distressed financial condition. Other officers as the salaries stated. James
taxes they have produced magniticent that many in the East blame Cnnfeder- Provinces are coming forward, and the Parks, SAL 15, con. S, asked for onm-
de6cits .4 their own. ,Hear, hear,' lethal rather than nueaovernmeot for the whole question has reache3 an aceta con• limitation for damage dorso to his pro -
And think for s moment what these de- !unhappy results diuon party b] eiviug nowdway to N lb on
Cita would be, had you still the anis- 1 They promised that their tariff policy Whale refusing to entertain the ids ams monotheside road not being open
fortune to he taxed as lightly as in Mr. ; would secure a reciprocity treaty in two of referntano the Senate, the Ourerninent ed up. Moved by deputy reeve Necond
Mackenzie•• time. Think of it, and - years. Reciprocity was their goal . and have, by their appointments, their va- ed by J. Gibson, that d_'0 be granted
measure the failure of these men in 1 it was to be reached by crest Canada candies. and by their management of fur damage done during put three years
t.waute : They blamed Mr. Mackenzie' putting pressure °n our little •eighboes Parliamentary baei_susi, impaired its —Carried. blued by deputy reeve,
for proposing a 1111 -deur surplus of $500„ I to the south. (Lighter) They have modest nossihibti . of ostlulnea and its emended ty R. Leckbart, that clerk's
0110, and deciared that he had too retlit , not secured reciprocity. 'They hare hardly n.odest share of pnulic confidence. That and treasurer's bends be presented for
to levy that large sum an excess of the' tried. They have told us for seven years body is now e-etty genereily reoovnized approval at next meeting Carried. The
toe ual demiods et fhoeet'nrsID7, and I ihet 11 wet Meese try, and for what tom. s . , . fleet,* Oce fotk,wing seeuuat. were ordered to hs
should reduce the taxes at alter. They i to talk of at; and so far as they dared Tory pstr:toa;;e when in office. and a paid :—J. I'ark, roadnav, $30; E. Bio -
by their great aided duties collo,ited . their press have discounted the idea powerful weapon in T. ry hands after
why, gravel, p; J. Brophy. brats, $1.36;
surpluses of $211,000,000, of which they This is Lar us as well as for those of the they are defeated at the palm. (Atli J. Flynn, (o road, >)N'; T. Teylut,
boasted a evidence of statssmauship ; 1'nitedtitateenaruaoonthew,oth,thnagh planer) They have two chances. If 'travelling. damage; Dr. Case, attending
and they refused to reduce the mire i of a,urse not for those more remote, the you soppurt them at the polis they have J. Barron, $45: I'. Thompson, wire
though we warns.! them .d the result wine greatest material question. There is ooatslegislative chambers, but 1 you fence, $14.25; J. Brooks, culvert. $i)•
Ti, result is befn-e lou --a reckbei ,a- none ti impotent neither side of the del•rat them they have the Senate still, W. H. Harriet's, culverts, $5.50; It
eraser of the public charge, until at has 1 line to the. neighb-rine pnpa'ati n . But and can use it to thwart the popular K. Miller, election expenses. $36 23,
reach. •1 mud maid the c.ltaeiti-e •af Oie it awe:,. t•• me for nary 1 nil lee's they will. We believe tbat it is inamaiatent A. McLean, gravel, $9.40; Wm. Durnin,
h revenue, and you are (ata to have .minimized the chromes it a treaty. with the modern dsmocratie views e.1 flee salary and stationery, $84, trip to Onde
fa•e with en'iauced cache i er. vest in 1!372 they declined the United Stater in•titotions that the Executive should rich, $3; R. Henderson, salary. $65.
tax alien and an empty cschrquer. Theo offer of trade privti nes in yLet:ati.m have power to nominate Legislators far Conseil adjourned to meet Feb. Ulth.
complained of Mr. Mackantae's increase with the fishery relations : they compensation
Ile. (.Applause.) We helloes that the R K. 11itt.Lr-R, clerk.
to the public debt, cr-14ted i n fulbl.meut the principle of a manse c impensat,nn loa.lative bodies ahnnld be elective and
of their own set lea p•lbwy They have ( for the fisheries , they left the hradlan4 responsible to the penp'e for whom they
eaIseged that dept beyond the wildest' ineation in .abeyance ; thev abandoned mske the laws (H*ar, hoar.)
conjectures of 1itf78 or even 1882, s•.d i the Fenian raid claims ; they gave away Talk vt the Senate as a reruinZ body. • thus, •pert from the heavy charge I the free navigation .4 the Mt. IAwrwnce, Read the record of ifs sittings end of ite
of redemption, absorbed all tae benefit i and hat ins • Sous s. r,a,%10y damaged end revs -cry acti rn un the treat bilk, and
derivable from the lowest rate tit interest ' cutap;iosted oar intermits, they refused, rev isod that notion forever. (Hes,,
ewer the world. They have drawn from tower 1s the es,..:atr,n of the frosty, hear) The Restate containsear some Rood
rte people in dude+ and depositor, and h,owth pressed as well by ne ns by the :Neu, some able and upright men, but
permanently sunk,en.,rmri
uus sums which impeal I...even:Hent to act with meted Its c,0Nitotiou is vi k'as, and should bit
would otherwise hate gone into email.- to the new aondih Ana shnrt,y 404 &rimy.. its cone. The G',etnment was wallgradual
to.on ; and they have thus Increased the They t. ak no step an titre, but after make, in part
stringyncv and clogged the wheels .,f Camara. had adjourned, and when, as ly famed, o
a.' -apt improvement*
part rt to o in the eles•ti tto
trade. They promised by a system ..f - everyone but themselves knew, it wee accept
To oar loner a,ntinurd eff .ems yon
reatrietion and :smitten to loculate ante ! inipoesilde to procure • :r. it -11-i ell 'no' .n, ,.we :he one day and ntinusimatanrons toll
▪ and permanent prosperity the 1they pr psod It in Isnaaee,nut model the. and the teal by jsdges• .Hear,
tissnnfacturinq and a;ncul:ursl iialus to the .A:r.xiean ze rotary. T!L•y race h. ar )
tries. We predi•:tr.l the: their system Aim MI saty task. He blandly adopted When the Reformers ,arse in they
w Bold result, as to manefeetures, ea the their views as t , the inetpeiteto y of gear up the right to name the retdrni..c
abstract' •n for a tarysnt prr.,.d .fin shutting out the American fishermen, o4:;en, and provided that responsible profit* from the pie •pk, and hof, to three gnat sarpriw, he tnl,t t.11441100public• oflleials sbnold till the pats Bet
flews iu au eowh deaome stinrul•n end an imperil, diplematii!s that ander the rem
t',., Tunes, taking adrantacs of the
tine Ise application ..1 ..apotal ; that with stitntion 4 the Aepuhht Congress alone the
s ge white their opponents wore to
our smell papule_ .0 a glut would soon 'mold extead tit. freedom of the trach, ti•ei., the moment they returned s to power a tome tlovsasu.
moue . aud that there would 'Wogs de end the ho Yard or pe*,t:up as the hands repealed the kw, and seised into their (�eeetion "Is this life w..rth Livros t",
mta.ralsaation r•1 trate" sea dietre�sr alike feasts of 'obtaining a one-sided sttw- hands the Thory took Aiuwsr — "it all depends qpm the
f• maaufactarer sad o�Tattee. Look et' ai �t by wL,dn Ice gave spall and et ' sod hate :.birw•d the power. 'Near, liner t-' 11 torpid or issetive it cans". a
bar. ► dell, tough, languid towline. Yr. Chas e
They lav• srtereatgieslly) gerrymander. neer Owes wee heath and hunyanry
ea 4'net . Thee I'rovitm� ./a• wf )tin hold by ha WIIIMv sale asest,
Paralysis, L.afness, Running :4'+tes.
Raft Rheem, Neuralgia, Deseaaea Liver.
Bright s Disease tor the Kidneys, Naha -
in, Diseharates of all kinds ; cure guaran-
teed. (files' Liniment of iodide• Am
tenni& and Gera' Pills. Role by F
Jo• dare, (ioderic h. •
Tim iwmdon TelegrrpA says it is undo.
niahle that Rueter is roscriag for •
campaign in the Balkans for her own
; 5...a�Mwr..
Pnblic speakers and singers fire alien
distressed with Maaerwrwt, and (huger Is
Inrkintr in the bronchial pipe* ileg-
gareee Pectoral liale&m as • prompt reme-
dy far the write' inn, and eerie •11 throat
and lung diet:nati & 2
the atsifs Wanes of their policy, the coonotthinst.
Omi us•'ies. the whiles tndestiies. Our wise newt, isferea . et :sal of the
the scorer :ml series, 1 1 example, said c natituti-n of the llritted States, aa:
IN PRt►P.+R*LtiN.
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System.
Runoime.n Bros., Proprietors.
Horse Powers, Grain Crush. rs, Straw Cotters, Agr v?:•tr:I ?:'•trnaces.
Rotes, etc., etc., at Low Priem.
.111 hinds of Castings eJiftide to Order.
J. B. Rtecnsa', R. W. ft -.mart
Ooderlch. Nov. 91. IOW
Best lloICal bon Naffs for ;2.55 Per 100 lhs
Best Barb
CA -8/3_
This Wire stoat a test last wing of 1414 lbs. strata. is tkr Northers R It. Car naps, Terntto
1 have Imported a targe shipper( of (:LA+S from Berman,.v.ry flee quality. at Sa:.r,q
imported roma. 1 eta sell la per Casa cbesper thaw ever said kis* &afore.
.111 mySHKI.Y' AND HYATY HAHDW.1RKlasaid onthe Ease eheapbails assbo,..
PA L!r'(ti awe 0111t sold no wiser, mi cheap a. 1 am selling them.
,tet your tit tT.Df tt 111 RI)W AM.; f -ono me and aas e mores.
era/ ..le;CO3We ciedieup
Peg t, annoo•tee to the Pnhl r that they have ripened b:,einees in the above Rtnr l
in the atom. I i sly .•ceny.i.wl by Horace Newton Having purchased a large and
well aasowt.d stock of groan, &s,J Raimmer (7t•orls at date flgtiree, we *redetermine
to rive the l'obltr the henet:t.
p! Plsasw all avid 518k51100 -.ur ir.,na. Mtfawspvrthasiwg elsewhere
09-Revn.'.nber the place nest Avow to .1 Widmer/1'e Drug Store.
#(;wet •rns wart will r.n.rive .Air rimmed attention.
se -Now. but the hest ..f material used and faint awes woe); nom emplr ed.
erNepsoletas neatly dove ani the shri-twat niftier.
Oudeeieh. MAMA 9 Ifbha. DOWNING o& WEDLIP