HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-15, Page 7f f toot: ...... Tin HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. 15 t 886. FACTS AND FIG U RES. C.amsros Condampa tbo Golorn- 1neot Isbow are armor soma by C>wdiey A 71* 1 N7luas stow). a4111ar�.r rat• is esp.tded is burg W. have spout $6U,000 in remitters est to Caaaia • 4611114:11 ta►agrnua obit the b m.st stud well foanded chinas of are utterly made ter the o.sntry, and Jitao. co manage in her uwu way and She etiosmi gems is that instead of help - tog to dewiest Morsmurce• of the soot - try. the, btes000 a hordes o* the ►ttdW- treol clauses. I look epee • large part el Yeas se•a•r..a•-apid_Ses.rsoas .w tam the aaps*ditu . as w much ni ,n.y 1leapspees as Asa Brown Tway. (Cheer.) ()w of the - hems in toe public accounts fur Iasi year to ounnec!wu with this Deportment was renew i• • eesithee•tioa et the stele a curious me. It was s soul of *8,000 „nitof . c. Caesarea, ill. p., et -charged for pristine sod publish' ut 1141 t.•.ulgratiun pamphlet. Y'ur • Luny; time 0tu.slsld toe Opposition could get nu intro of thts up, r'c4f.t.ul'. rssaststuwos ama wA olw, pamphlet. At last one copy turned Let hiss. Rive you soother instance of bow and what do you think this pamphlet Ithe Tories reward their friends at tar which cwt **,,000 contained 1 It was expense of the p.opla 10 1874 the •lart entirely dctoted to the ph ore sel*osler Louise poising duo° h the graphs of the thirteen Canadian Minis - Walked Canal, by the tat t co, with flatteries bi •lraphtcelaketches of those in charge, broke from her moor- of each .4 these worthies. Wigs mid destroyed twe of the leek hots Al a:t un•uigntius pamphlet the thing The M. O. lllppeerr, $ schooner °wood by ria a fraud, not worth the paper it era Llttlll•u �fr(3tAttm, the Tory member ft•r pr.uttu on 11s • photvgrsphio album 11 an. curi•ma, because there was found e ahiWled a museum of curiosities - (laughter) birds of every plumate, both alive and stuffed -sad lots* of them were Met* p.-' tbtrr(,� the mastthe tame motaent, aid by the lois samosiMIIMmt of the Luise the W. C. team sorbed, dstosged IS 1671 )Ke(hiulu perwantt Io the Mao- stuffed. (Keuewed laughter.) bsu.ie Qeeernmsse• 1381 t 011,0119 ter t :some usrrrr ser+cost. ato mimic. damages0.0 pp.r. Mr. M • For eIThteen years Parliament by trot toast* m carred the matter to the Super .,n with one Speaker. No one complain- 4 reporteemehded of the Wallas ¥r. w. whit .d, and n., our bad reason u, complain. nh"i stat,( e1a+m, Dir. 111c Lsst Bear, iia order to pror*Je for • stlb- Callum was mil satisfied. He induced Nee U t to rare tbeetaem to the aervieut supp•rter, the Government u►- Departiess& of J umiee. It was loo refere- ed, and tea ihhb MAT 161*, the Drpltrt fowl of Jostles miasmal ag•iimp the els*. Mr. McCallinto Mfil peniued 111 hrel•iat,s.d by his psram ireeee iatiaoed tL. Gueeritmant I.t refer to tasDamis- te arhitraters, who no fish r1Ar(lory aged 14th July, 1881, reported that the Goveruaient $ lit co way ruble In ISM an eiletioa ram shout to be *prose os the enamtry. McOalluin lad In the teat electi'm carried the county of Mooch by a mejoritj of R. and it was Iowan that no utter Tory Gould carry it. Realiz- ing fully the advantage of his remit Ion on the are of as election, he agate pressed hie claim, and is the session of 1b72 we found to tl estimotee a sum of $8,000 to Lachlan McCs'luni fur •i reagea to the .cbooner 11. C. Upper sit 674. The Item eras paired. McCallum Int 111. $8.00 I, returned to Monck for re -electors, roe hr election in the T•'ry interest. spent he *8,000, no doubt ; --rrrisd his election by 25, with the esti of *8,000. and tine sits as the Tory sod through her twit way and through her (Priu YLegislature s vos Tb . wwa liquor ntest the pan of Sir Jobe ua!d wholly unprovok- ed and .holly unjustified • ountoost ea feted upon by the Pint 1Etaiseer b, gratify his peremal varsity ibeau.e he pawl as a great ,luustitutte.ual &ethoti- ty), and for the still hater purposes of 0,ntrollino the power and patronap that w ould be sutured to him through Ike liquor trade. Whoa ho mitered into • contest on cun.l,tutlonal lair with the Moo. O Moral he had more than his molt. 'Gent a nt cheers.) The result of Sir John Macdonald s iaterwoddliog with a law - which the Privy Council tell him in plain words he knew nothing . bout, has been W saddle Canada with 001,000 rf oosta w r.sistine the claims of Ostatio at least $21.0,00J to attempt lee he eufurce ha own unconatitutwoal law through 000 ua:tals, whom every act from the day they sere appointed until the day they were disc, .sed by the judgment of the Privy Courted has been illegal- I7:,,O)0 illegally extracted from the pockets of tLe Jigsaw dealers ; every dotter of which most be refunded. rhe result of this case oulrht to teach Sir John • lesson -- a lemon that be I• mon yet, I hope, not to, old lc learn, humility and due submiwion to the tr,duee4 and furred throuth I'arleameut judgment of abler and better men • lull to create a Deputy Speaker at a 1 Cheer..) eatery of 12,010 a year -a sum wb:ch C,nadiuis must pay while Tory rile con- , A utteg (le••ttaa Uuues. ()motion- "Is the life worth living e' Lt.ramlalf. Answer - "It all depends op.'s' the For eighteen years we knee mane ed Baer 1•• If torpid or Inactive it tomes a to got on wish . tte Librarian : teat near deli. tough, languid feeling. Dr. Chasse Liver Cure gives health and buoyancy. the Government, to order to provide, at J Sold by Jae. Wilson, sole vont, lbs puhllc expense, for soother camp - follower, introduced and forced through Parliament • Bill to create the t.ffire of Sewed Librarian, with a salary of *3,- 000 a ))eor. The office has been filled by tate eelecftoo of Mr. Urillso, es -editor rd the the Moil, a nun whose editorial tit- ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kroneyw tsranoes were so low and that Ii Cure. its action in the disretnttgg seepoetable C tie instated on these complaints is simply wonderful,. Sold is dismissal. He was dismissed, and 6, J. Wilson. 2411 appointed Librarian at 03,000 a year One of the puniohaests Qmidian riot Lor• lee.rar.' tom, have to bear for sustaining a Tu7 _ Government is the payoseatatt... mans ••Mahn,; is decorati'•u &notching calory duriu,t his motorail Id.. Y.,od to donna l" r$Axr•Mtas sit-*_ -Why, child. of course mit' What tedepwtsliewt mrmbrr for tae Nue* In the session of 1882, and en order to !rakes you ask much a ridiculous que.- y „ tc) oiiiitatp the Liberal party, the Govern tion 1" -- 1r. the history of medicines no lot p ration has received such universal row , fur the •Ilettati.,n it affords and the cure it effects in kid- 94•401- (move mad laughter.) tent Corned thronrht Parliament an Cause I heard papa say to 1 odI. TKL "mac' IT ftgkvica Fa., n afamousGerrywand.r Bill, the a fleet of ' Tom, 'Let's decorate,' and they went When Sir John otos defeated in N. 'hieh wan to defraud the Liberal party ;out •ember. 111M, above was a win of swoop f ten mats w which it was fairly rota- I "Well, how did y• a know that they 'u the Bank of Most/oaf to lite ereitt of led. Iia the session of IMO, for the 1 had been drinking t" the (:..vernIneut, part of the !'Secret ante vi. purpooe, the t in- I st''Cause, when they came beck papa Service Food mated Paehament reduced and forced through Pii lniment kissed me, and his breath smelt just like during Tory rule. MirJohn held this •. still more infamous Bill, the object of the uff you put in notice plea- New •newtey ae trustee of the peno,a of (stinal* •hien warn to capture whole elect. rah York Journal. ...id it was his duty to hand it ooer to .t dy through the Revising -officers. 1 - - . - his uxrear•r the mu,eeut Its w defeat- nail not now dinette* th. scandalous 1 am .in Toyed by the Hous.' ..1 Thur - el He never ieeft moor. Tempi.* became Premier he - los sN_ failure I content myself at present onzee y Saying that this uncalled-for measure ad•btd 600 to the armyof Canadian !note; had been id the blink, and with }o&Cl ,;;apd at least 0400.000 to the drawn bOSic John after . ceased to be pUn eXReodi%ore of this country s Prewar. IIIt. Macke zie clrillenged etig Joke out of Parlismect and in Par - y bee, Whyland & Co., of New York, stud r, reside at 18 Warren Place. Brooklyn voted at this During the intense cold weatber of the Past winter, in crossing the bridge, the frost struck any fee. and an attack of erysipelas was the result. I applied Giles' Liniment iodide Ammonia ; the relief was immediate and 0 e c ire rapid. Enw,cn Dos& field by F Jordan. ire lob, perpetrated for s vile purpose, hien► uu free people should minify scab 'cement on the subject, but *lir John re- it Leo (Chwers.) 'used to give the slightest explanation a'rvattLT loss. as to whet bemuse of the money or hos, The Tories are in the habit of boawtinz it wry aRlinde !fed so Nos lexpapet, lid their loyalty -it is only • boast at the ellwere fhtfrauded out of a•tothe They have a peculiar ay of Intteifestiug their k.yalty. (ace t was by stenting and rotten -egging $ •Coyer.or General- -now it is by appotnt- inyt a Lord Huth Commissioner to for 'Court of St. .1 4111114, at the public et *6,000. lat.ies ovimur •nx torn i. I i t�1ia ta.ttry,aldi wbie2t ittiperaannaline is justified --if it cosi st all be j -i• that when • pants Sir Charles Tupper is the man Mooed fireplaces. To supply the draught, 0 was has spent tree t part of his life in '.who cow fill, that di. . poeitern. the air ;t the room is rapidly reached. f 1 have no objection that Sir Charing -If ismall part of the money we spend i •Acrid ties • position that any figure- in foolish fashions were given to the re- age m1g. P eilrmsses lots war vatic matt they *nem semsCia. wood tilt, the open rite' grate b the best stet. Alma the 9.tee to be civil aereaots u.nleas Wiaaun. We pay this u8iei•I means of warming and r-eatiletlr.g. Arid est M M �nned nn to the public. 0101000 • year ; we pay hit little centro- d. with a good draught, the oral be bit manta the system may hire g�eenncc��es and tra•elaing eztiensce, about usurious, it iw a good fire There baa • ked by 16.0111 a year ; wa have paid about 042,• been s fearful increase of omeomptton, ii tears is sit Fp a lease It ick. In fitting op a house for my home, 1 should bogie with : An *.pen fire a num- ber owe among home blesetngs If it were practicable it should be of word, in one of those great, generous, ofd-fash- • hi� head can 611 of it vratifee hot vanity, int,sdseteoe of good od fashioned il1I 1 but 1 do decidedly object to the Cast - blwlh how o:otlt healthier 'and ha - Bot la must not w 1 ,ked b 1 d tai ha called t the11 d >r over.. tat ctrl than oil on u p pier we a sboul be ! ext W e.1 upon error of this and It is omen! 000 f11r b .tern in LKtdo" as a litate bronchitis, headache and some other af- ifjo The Y raffle/ residence p} our Canadian am'oawdur ( t- a theend i triduction tion ie 41wd on t Elie' h � ee hMa ,110. ger n l.nath of and during last Sessiuu we were called of stove. sod forma. -(De•. Lewis. age!. Of/ to ply a larve.w,n --up In the thou- Ma fugal* this emission from • 'Risme. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic RfMf� attic to ' r$"twe of the dents are Cerate has served his MsuI oI mend thein to the ecn. is invaluable for Wounds, Sores, Balt Rheum, Cuts, ltslne, Rcaldsan,l,Festen, �i t friends. as • healing and purifying dressing. Do toed t .�'mu"'rb1°I1PIldi.ee N tine riiiellrM ! A m sample. We paid not be imposed on with other melees fora rsfn en• recommended to he good lti which the to ei oho OA L't Joie SLIM i� $900g Use only McGregor k Pbrke s Carbolic , fur to Cool t e Amhas•ador's wens ; re Mts. it igarkad., i Iphmdl�tiM h paid for throe dozen port win. glasses, Cerate. Bull by U,u. Rheum. lm - Takes plea ure in announcing that she has retnrned t res hdNfl sod DM a, 90 ,a, . ass- Bda8lk three doilies sAJrr* glasses, threedozen three dozen mot j� glasses torr doleful enablers, and twee- sr. to any one sen in the beat four l 4���MdfMt,e+st,, ty two deowutotpr ,ldach extravagance -- rhyme on ''T[Asmtltr, ' the reemckab e ±se� anri in� MN ON w rat Avon � - r wrest mg tazpayers of Canada ATTENTION. ►1•e :al sneatioa le calved MAI weft m the thefts ..4 res.. of Oi1i7tls'ril��s QOOns ar•ilsug et C. L. McI1T)SH'S A.1 )VW Awl) YRIt11H, lata Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Peels rte., which will be void at Chine Pricer. £.f he Fru.. are VE1'.1' eiNIi..$ G.drricb. tree 3rd. ttti.. 31111 -tan IICal1 sad Inspect the stook DA 0. L.. McJNPOBH. FASHIONABLE MI�LIiiRY MRS. SALKELD bee Omit -re •nrocne,ng that her stock of be 1.1. et nc4 elrles to SH1lPE$ •vlrzas, BIFtDB, RIBBON6 . .• now complete. ',he Les a me of the rent fn.htoaable styles In wa:kln. hats. rode-.••!. ND, nth. tR'S. 1010- NEW 101 NEW GROCERY. - Wisbes to announce to the Pubtie hat gc ha. opened out a sew Grocery Store in CRABB'S BLOOK, Where iv w.: hr pleased to meet tLut portion ..r the i'4b:.c who wish to get New Goods at Cheep Prices. .L. w ARE .V Lowest Rates w!ll also be sold on the premises. Ld'.t Special (:ooatet dor €nia:l Wares has also been introduced tS Htghest Pelee Paid for Satter and tries. A call rcs)rcthIUy solicited. JAMEB T...1:72317:, t'rabb'. block, /teat side Cowrl Home Square. Godes.. h. Not .:•,h. llfi . :0313tH DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS, G-0 IDE RIO i- -�'1 Pte_ M0,t�1►. - Iu.i�T, 1I MANUFACTURER OF ECA g A A LARGE STOCK OF CUTTER,, ON THE WAY Works ---Opposite Colboelt& lote1. FALL AND Wt c��'sone� HUGH D u travelling ()vibe. taItAND TNt:>:E • &R. `xsnvsr. Niced. oederiab 1.t. 1 7MPa.w► 11?Npe. ' *hosts ford I Ar. I • kS a.• 1 3:30 P.m ! Warr. Mixed. Mimed. ear . et-wttuid Ito I see a.w 1:a oat I Nm p.u. Oed.rkb Ar 10:10a.m 3:13p.m iF/lp.o1 7 lelard 3:13 p.u. 730p.in 72,03D COPIES PER WEEK Sworn circulation Daily and Weekly !'roe t'rer. Slit Fapily Newspaper in 6aeada leT,ul.i•Uat, 11 1..., Larges rust .lase 1.rvr.p.11sa■ Nreal, re la t1 . leniewi.a. • KING OF WEEKLIES I THE Free Press LONDON, ONT. The .tgricultural Impertinent is a noted ft-a- lur- of time "Frye 14em• firing alvon • up t.. the timer. sod conducted b> yyaa'rsuua pr•.iirally 'hiked 10 Yarn Work. WA 111 Trirgraph Telephone. Mall H r and l'..rrespondence up the y r' sa' bee- of publication. a) ,�,t (�,• tt.Irr*al NaAel M'M•lloeal. en A II at • 17 4 appal Wer) atwwl• awaalag. t�•( rt lasewl.e- route (dw.ta. E ..all ▪ ~ lwr.r.a- Cradles. r H JUS' THE TWN6 100 THE 1*MIk1 1 liter) mclubrr.11hr uouw•ho14eatrtl) look - for It each week. LARGE $1. PAPER ! fn ,-tombs of fit:r and upward-. 7:. each. BALANCE OF 1886 FREE 1 1dorogronrf can b.- made 4fageats in con - ra.ainK for the "Frio- Po... than at any orb $12,000 IN PREMIUMS - c°,w (aboral .de 'nrnt QIVEN AWAY TO AgEtar- ': ant; t lu4a for the %Ceek;t Frer 1'rrse. !read for • t•op) of our Prermeei I.ta. need ....the (tdoeeteente to ate *Ire! . Kau. pie Cupp fere un nppll- cation. FREE ►MESS PRINTING CO.. ta,S ln,S, t'Asal.4. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVINO SEutiNLD THIS IIKh Amreey of eOnseta's ('elebrst- COissa Pianoforte's. Menefee - ;tired by 1r.ya, !www A ll•ea. of • Toronto, 1 am prepared to sell the mamas Moderate Prima and o• sissy terms of payment. g Hating a thorough knowledge nt the 1 of Patnn.. and what kind' ►Z0 it twateral and fair. r,quuud W make a mnr..rlaew in•trumrnt, intend - E i Ing pnrchaarn *111 nod it to their ad- 7antage to Consult me before pun:has- 'd O Zv ne. realaga•d Neesteleg a •peetally. -1.14 /!All work warranted first -clam. Orders left at the Book Stores of Mrs. Q Coot or Mr. lads promptly attended KDW"D I. BROWN. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Uoderleh, Sept. leh. 18rki, 2012-tt FASHIONABLE T �► I R. Fan and W.nter,tock d Tweeds. eta, now fully &.sorted. IVA eALL'tr01Jereltp'ts Ready -Made Clothing tai; Ove eooats- A RpletrEd As.ortler .t, Cheap_ firRememlur- the r :•`a A' .e: strait. next uuor to Hark exeerye•i• Ooder lob. Oct. 1st. lent t FALL MILLIN1Y. MONIMMEIMINIMMINEMet�. . is MISS GRA_ _t ` now in stuck a lar;te assortment of FANCY TRIMMINGS,eat d ings, Birds, Feathers,+. His place was wtdtd•Our • Tory favour shawnealineef It A Rewitsn- Of pee dozen "Transit w„, Ito, he wee ��nn;Mt�, •g d gi hilt W yaw, Anel hie l e 1 menses* his elll,ts manse rill Oil sorb minis.... , to 55 the -de little gem kir the Tesih rad EMI- '4.b I have 011 the latest novelties inflate, Bassets, Slopes, �g, eft.. los „oma reef! X201 **trees the aetereet condemnation of Om your drogyest or address - 16. tags which be ' petiole of thi. etlasry, and I trust whet the day MIEN Int that wuI• he marked and distinct. (Cheers.) Afe yew tn.uhied wt,.• salt Rbenct, ll7"'".111:,..d• Rough Mkih, Pimple. or Croaker Sores ; as We & • atover if loo, go at o, is Gen. Mynas' Drupa reheII , 41, tn, pay for rebellion oosateg, tort est 8 and y tO..s '�eeIIII'h rots. M a wooded anti maimed in 1 .i«.l wn to fail. . 7 tltps*NM ooAllitti • provoked moldy by If the mal administration, the gross neglet•1 - end ertVin•l eeh of the First t3: 11i., Outten, ce�firs : Tory 1[wyfe� of nits tteTege lent �• 7I Say wife has tent trme- •t84,hI.1R► r>Met.If, Sas .. e. . n Ye*" the half brelde in lee North west ble4litiaDysppuls, aril km treed ono Med, and the taxpayers ut lb.. r,.uor�y I,wtKlun•d in veer for • rwet.Rnition of thit►C .het m escommended with are saddled with • pen.ierl ••( *l,ti43 . hot little or nit- tlf Milriaed to give year to this man. their tar .sic hoard demands.They �feilregur'a Qtire •trial. Bine* clamour s 04000 1,they ure.roriah•ed they 1 Wirths to Pt" ice a pd..wwi a trip' st people .+.i ss the stoat wrongs done fence reoumeeewd it,to be nits ttf, if en- the p.bbo ezpen.e u, the P..sid a.e.t them. Their petitions and their pray the A..! medicine r>it nt fur foe the secretary of Stole •sd ifl4Obils• .ea omits ituitted with silent ettntemPt, Thee ; ..o. ble medioene fur Lerrr vin or. n et v a i was only w 7*1 ora OLD set or 26. Kajtrte hada ele•r�, Arm years added to his period of service The Is/ ties neap of SOW t was •lotst.ut, nese ; hie pleas was wanted govern rtgsltk-a i• the , publi• pair • a year. T clerk of the foraToryf P awls abeam coed. r••nol•t !n every utay known to • tree taking the first tle I have potie.d a decided le rl,ement and sn with eon- Ftnod D. the Gorton emu bete err ,� t 1 her. hope deferred =toted thio two worthies a Chinese nod* yte rt that %bey took lop Ple'ot, indieemine, Kidney G.or�htirtt, t mimeos. in order to wad" the l •fans Int' wovtrrsiga power of is peal, d • 1.. Hold •t O. se 1m Chinepruhle.n --a prnhle.w with witch Cored. They were defeated. Siam .fora, •1 bnttiw givA 11•••m. the iner mpetoot ii',*wMade tea►ell o,r' begs. Some are Is- /rll•r/ti • •wAst• °w au►vre to is 11110i/��nd. Some are 5- I Iumemei found thw.reel<wa- --i' pI% The (3 will owl thee-- serving hag terms is the Proviso& �OU�1M2f0= month; plre.anr j•tnk.•t,wg In 15.0.14 P«utentiary Some p.r1b.d tie the PLANING MILL lJolemhia, sent to a subsoil ••.us report do dull I am not .it,leiiised at present to PerIlts went, nut worth tin' roper i, i- ..tit either j.estrfyiag er s.edmsniiig • art ASI.ISIiS111I rioted sa.aad thy p•'pk' .4 atom& srr the voneee Widftp pay$b.piifiYll aoN ,m..',rll. .nth e.'f res• itAed't� al' Bbehaean,Lawaon1lsbilsoD r1rltsa►TWw-i 1 . •sae's trots Mani. ..en that right to leave hsow tried, ene, Lira veer w. epent *1197.00 i •- . nu ,.i eluted, sod M blanteMs•re the tt►sa wee patios. A wary law. sante, .d that provoked the rehellies. Thr lour of Is is teskle•sly wasted no • h.r► „1 h"ma lite. the Waal d harem binodi useless efeiale, Ortill he the wee nal the ttte wen"' mad elromiE a Oattriie - old world A pditi.5.1 host, wh...s 14•.555. the ruin. dean atwi d s. aneath salt I r utltl.Cear.itp. 10 ,ails n t•i a'c'ss UM half wt the North woof .Id k 'rwwip SealeiruasiiMwtins swsr.t eased h! trim ��• els rads low tbb B ie p•ebett t• til eswtitttsly at ow saeseldars of this leis and inc,mpie pt espouse, and the Ionia of his Mat Adaldisti s. ((h••••• INSPECTION INVIiriz. Oedericb, Sept 17th. Init. j a. 1 la MEW FURNITURLE- -4, 301:::1.-1•T -13RO.alc•'E FURNiTURE DEALER. WIN? PTRI ' t « ;• ! Me &eloped F1arn.;rnd.watabard _pan fee the NI TINIXTTi11s /ileopeirr� 'vel a CA comb 07 BEDROOM t+lt1*, which for Stift art PIMP WIT e Y And m� A awl 1 COMPARE E i AND Prenet bil beat- Ti 1'F• II1 pelt l , Ntve saw on me I Intend to Sell for Sixty Bays at ax 'little Advance as Possible on Cost. rEvxavitgE IS ix71T■:D. NO FRAUs1.K maws, wows) I Won't b. Undersold by any Dealer on the Top of the Earth. J. $ROPE-ZY, West Street. (i•m.wich. item. Mtn, ism 111131-11e_ QUEEN CIT e 1 UTOR1S AGAIN YIC21012RQII� l ONORS AND tt Qu(Q�ii.0 Sash, Doors & Blindi P I '+ R 1.1 of .` .d I I., tttsatataa nr %sk r. seers er ... 1L4IIPI.UI,IeO. -.e BrrT.I C rfi at_ThOil was Used Lumber, Lath., It 6i elliwi de t rehisD xl�ry r l't ii only ItIrta been• 1� w a.tld.r'a memorials' mere you y y ' mI A 'Order pewurpllyltts•adad ` 'gam � SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., `TORONTO. ts. t;ddr!eh Aag. 1 meso. 9 01►iy Tmrtur, Iaev. Mtk• 1.1lad ty simmp .. • more money than at antthtngf- ishing an asteaey for the !.rat I A. book out. ltegiaoere ly. None fail Terms tree Hit 1.21, Moot Co. Portland Maine. le7l The People's Livery ammi `` Er JOHN KNOT, Proprietor. • The subscriber Ia prepared to furnish ties -i lie with The Firrest Rigs AT RP.AROMA/II.E PRICES CALL ANI►SEE ('S Deposit theCIRO% Keble Godern h, Aoderich. Feb. 11th IV HACi.Yf1/4R.,Els YELLOW OIL: CURES TRI uMAtISM. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. are rl.sars% to Win. ('oataln tthelr own Pnrpti.e. 1. a safe, ours, aid rrX ls.rnger W wMlow to Children or COAL • Prices to Suit the Times ! The *atm titter Mehl. e.wtpleted arrang tweets for Hard foal. M now peparr.l t. ell _ an order* for $.Mernoer.84 Ih-*ober delivery' = with the awry heat 'trades. of Browned (hemi. ive t from the mineo ht all rail. at the RHI 1 divert towing poor. • .i• ti surd any when in tows Chestnut 1r :Ave, - 18.50 Egg V'. '4d, - - 0.15 Weft ('nal el Innis low ;oriole. Ykful for p 1 fa ,.v.. a COO, IOSattee 1,1 I. "SP."' "lir sallrnrd. WM. LEE. Oederirh. Sept ted. ilatl. !11111 !ta A PH! rlo•r1., ami .111141., ...ie. andrranirethee.afoe117 box N swish. which swill help �wvyen lase asioho,. el** It. Mto es e werte.�MLi,Rae► ale, so .-,..• rn.w. Arse Mar The treed Teedto twrlan, op. ns ...for,w.ria, eeahest•/e. Lew. AtnnreeA4re.itit•wa00 sweets, male•. ISM i