HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-15, Page 5THE HURON SIGN ‘ I , rIt I D a JAN. 15 11e. 6 T11130101111111111, vI0'roEv .: 1666_ Mw On odea 1MttyswsetllstaatW Mm 21111141198 HMI el HMI M ILLVBTR1k.TB1D. The Dearerhsn Number will begin lite MagaZine Tb• Rose of Mull eocreapoedest 91 ItevestIi .Sim ,d ♦eleam.ef naarws's Ma•a- i►s Nora Br.Mia Med writiag regard- rex, ilms w,wamt`mrj el li�ltt� f ills the palms i• Aetyllebin, tort - ' Wes tea meet tae a 7errerat serial eats !!veer, plebe^ is line basketry el Argyll- -etc' dlheseseveral slumbers.rufslumbeslumbers.em aril_ ai .wit Be - $ shin heti abs general eleettos caused ' t., .I, bdsuric 1/own. Aa1. e ase a hebbeb and homed. end Ile ter i. dioe.wtug poples sty hive the electors, gesmetty her ee k,1 nested by w curtest literature of Amorltr al and devoted M w abN Rtre•p•. W he contributed by W. 1 �!b1�uwst.u, Mypaaleg whit the January nuns uvussioa. 11 ens.. the old fili►Was bbsar. Ttw s uob.ary ...env: the year will spirit, tee salesei4O.Nie ire. baa been , ism sin. P° datlsreel War • is 3n1 kindled, and the ,mueldering hale rest ag�gAggm�,m�tsas J as ares at ire tt( 111"ud pttMiutiam /anwd by redo des W a.. written M the oratoriosi dorms d the pltast and b C. . • •sweat sada will mils by C. d kmwaa.•, This LeAnALxa wdlgtva intrepid ref names Highland esthue- reada fall hJactwtlow to Aaterloas .ut�e+u isms and patriotism were timidly reveal- i *s*. d byt.t-esdlrt +o �twmaa merit •� ed in the ardent manner in whits voters 1 � gyred thin' die r.was Wded'p HARPER'S PERIODICALS. wildest ul the season, ted wind, a.cuai- 1 her Veer: paned betreelsd rap, blow p- :1 116,17,44 M4IOI4CZNK. sr • ly steamily from the South asst Car- ISARi'BKN BAZAR . s a• hard mewl were d.teeeed, erect ort the 1IARPNirs YOUNG PEOPLE. r lastethers, amid &eagles.' 11ARPCKB PRnNi.(1N NQUARR: LIBRARY . Owe YrerfN siwt►ers/ w 00 rads, e*ia• ee ioot a disnu.o u1 eight- Po/kw peer te ail saaseribera (w the Med. em or tweats mile& Ther Tires people ed hKafe. Or C'enode. mei red ettssidashiy, the H.brtdsau, whish were d.e A 10 e. m., net errivitig The volumes of ted MAaaztxa begin with its Nansbae tot Jaws ane Pe. eregqv�y of ear till a p. s., harems hes; dseis.d by year. Wham so time la ap.ottiedl♦t will be stress et wester. Casvamis,f went on ao.dearstood that the subscriber wishes to paddy demes the day the m(lerIty of with the current Number o ensud Vol of H a arzni r ed An A L w t, for going, a/ .sure,, to Mr. seder- three years back. 1a moat cloth binding. will tie puliti.nl .1*r of our )nogg sun- bs.enl bis tnau postaut. on r.'. apt of $3 0' slfhwe The nook n/ the election per toluwe. 1J1oth l� nes, fur bindfeg. 0. soy. cent■ rich by mall. postpaid. was delayed till Hsturdaj uruio[, but Index to Hkr a121111 ,*Lvr, AlpbabeUcsl whew tin. Mess ..1 Mr. Mtnavlulan . nuc- AwalJtlesl• and C%.wlaed. for Volumes 1 to O. inclusive. from Jaws, lot*, to JUDO. Ills, ..s spread t the venous du- one vol- aro.. Cloth. IN mm. Dicta phi crofters 1 in the Remittances should be trade by post-Oe1.-e Mosey most .wtbusmatic manner. At might kkee. Order yr Urate, N avoid chance of every bill -yup was lit.rslly ober.., bum- Newspapers env wet to eery WO advertise - Arse hiring beoa ktadi.d os all the 1Bk1e'mohvuors°`r fie r:Jote,.Order Of ibis •tk ! highest peaks. Thus the joyful news Address was transmitted to every out ttf lh. way HARPER t BROTHERS. New York. and outlandish deigned, and resumed with .b 'uta ..1 aotaataatitnn sed "cheer, NOTICE TO FARMERS fen Macfarlane." 19 the district of ("roach, l tde a snifters, headed bya ii pip.. HOGS FOR SALE ppr�ooee...•�ted amid the darkness of sight w D.rnwore Hul, where they kindled an .xtranrdtrwy bonfire. The enuurw.'us runtlsq»u.xt was seer miles away, and was responded to in Iota and over in distant tli.buae. The cheers of the people who *athered in numbers, and the shrill at»ins of •'t hat pipe of a hun- dred battlefields, could be beardtar . Never were people so inuch elated Hum, Lard'( and Sammie, as our crofters have been at their vic- tory over the landed ; and whit renders /ha tnnmpbst return of their candidate doubly agreeable is the tact that all the forces of landlordism were arrayed agent them. The haughty anietocrat.--tbe shadows of whose lordly mansions used to frown so truculently upon the humble and lung - suffering peasantry. who have been re- lit. duped to the Lowest stratum of 11003 I �.� existenc hove been for once triumphed over. Their Hetes have been lowered, while those of the crofters Goat gailyin every glee arid election sad c-.rno. ow that the different elections are .bout over, the agitation for reform will be ILLIISTRILTD_ resented with iscretised vigor, and in EARtin. t.nat onnatitutlossl manner, d.spiteH Hid that itMr M the only paper ,ithe world pkat comDlrra the choicest lik»torr the attempted Immd)ordiam to allele the 1 sed the &Mat an illust»tions with the latest fasltese sad methods of household actors - Meat. Its weekly illustrations an ds.cNp- Usss or the newest Paris and New York stylie& with u• awful pattern sheet stpple- s'ssmY and cut patterns. by r..bting ladle. to swim • their swsave many times the oast of sabecript ion. lop papers on cook, tori, the management of servants. aad bouse- E1. ha •adore are minimal, details aime* Much atteatien is gives to the. tag topic of social etiquette. and its of art nee:dk.-work are acknow- tobe uneenalled. Ito literary merit ie of the highest excellence. and the unique charscear of ata humorous pictures has woe for it the name of the Awericso Peaces. 1 as pets( to commence buying hogs for sad swill pay the highest pri.-e for god Qualities of hap. and will take i IM par tom Ibsfor ,brink(,( sr .11 hop, For bug irk, or YJ other O 1 will doc ao it will be necr..«arj for farm ors ib drain their hags properly to order 10 STOVES. SAVNDERS SON betas ry deslea of ur.klag a o►anee is dhoti' lies or tli,.tw. will dispose of their present stock at Very Low Prices. Darks this mouth they will give peal Culls on All Goods "The Cheapest N •u.. Undi•r the Suu. bled -et, Jut Dir t, hit Ma. J'_ CARLOW. NEW GLASSWARE AT COST LADIES' FURS. SOME HEAVY CLOTHS. LADIES LINED KID GLOVES. CHILDREN'S CAPS. MEN'S PLUSH CAPS Hoary Description s•er7 cheap Ni w DRY GOODS New 1 ul•ply very r►cap. BROS. its, Raisins Peels,Teas & Confectionery --= . r Ir>..eJ Cadita, ho.,.ft fern anA new, ■wise! for THE PEOPLE'S STORE CHRISTMAS' afnd NEW YEARS IP Barite la.p.ctioa As cheap ss the chestiest- Earn i fur tLr t.rat 30 days as hood purchases. Carlow. Dee. t&, teas. .s �• FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL BKLI. ALL 000D t AT CHRISTMAS, leas. BIG DISCOUNT MRS. H. COO (E realise ter Genres. hese to notify that the following can be obtaiard at her store. nor. North sae mod Smarr, I will sloe dating the coming reason have on hand wholesale and retail. hams. lard and esFlesh beef, lamb. mottos. pork. eoroeA beef sad poultry In season All order* dalivpeed to any part of the tows. ?kook buy Jou tor the pas: patronage ad solicit:hag a continuance of the same In the future, ad wishing you the of the amass. 1 remota- yours very truly, ROBT. McLEAN, Place of bootees' Fins ride of the "9oaare.' Uoderieh. Dec. tat.. lab. 20Metf 1886. Harper's Bazar. crofters into i . Batt oar pia. pl. are toe welt i.4urmed on smatters of l bis sort, sod are well aware of tie fact that any violation of use law of the land will (rely tend to ran their cause. tram Mr. Gras, of Trekersierth, towbar of S. B. No. 1, 1 his duties oe Moeday lost Tins 1 in .aeration with alb Smith Mill B..dm► School is expect - d to take place oa Friday the 15th. A Send , is got op, and a good tame n sepe.ted. Ooianasa Assort -Mr. VaMtoa., oar adleotor, had collected every dollar of teams ter tate township over • fortnight slfe. l.tales•�•. R... Kr. Hoar h, of Londesbor./, preached to aha Methodist obsrci on Suaday east .1. W. Osok left last week for Toronto S. Weed lb* Veterinary College : we wish ►ie temwna, The Mines Seed, of Arend, are vis- iting friends in ibis ennui,. Wes Lobb sed wife have srrired home after ep. dies a.oeple o/ weeks of their Sole, moss is the east. & Ferris sod vita have returteed u' .their bowie sad have settled down to the stern townies of married life. Ale Mw reposes Ball is to ba owe - ed ire tba 22nd - Out 11.1 the seven from this (reboot wile * wrote at the recent entrance examin- atio n. Wingham, wren parsed 100x is - IN — ont had. Wm.. Hartley took tiniest mark, b4S, and Bella Duncan second, 1.44. All the rest took high marks. Owing to tis abases of ibe Her. A. Y. Osrtley, tilers was en servios in the Presiytersn church last R.bbath. On Sabbath last, aha Methe.dista bell theirs annual meeting. Mr Burwash, Rel.:rate, prM.lad is aha tn,rning, Mr. Fisher, Blyth, is the eve:.ini, our Methodist friend* are bulling special m.aslnga. Rev. Mr. Cook, of Bleevalc, preached f' t Brown's (!ornery lad K.bbath after- roan. fter- r o.wn. Cita and Glassitarg HARPER'S PERIODICALS. rev Tear t HARI'ER'tl BAZAR. ........ ....j/M HARPER'S MAUAZiNE .. ....... ... 4 m HAHP*R'S watts LY . . a fA IIARPER'S TOUNO PROPLIt.... 1 a HARIMERS PRANYLiN AQU-AB-R LIB- RARY. Oise Year Ns Rumba") - le 00 P sea efeee to e11 sober a. tear United ,lass emir (Lada. SILVEK WARE. PHOTO ALBUMS. SCRAP ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, tie great variety) FAMILY BIBLES, BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, WRITING DESKS, - FANCY GOODS, &c , &,c The Verner* thn BAZAR begin with the int Needier for January of each year. Wines a. Hess is moseisaed. it will be ude•r,tood that the subscriber wishes is ewmoeace with Use Nasber tart after the receipt of order. Bound Veiime■ of IIAkricka BAzaL for three years back. is neat . tot binding. will be seat by waft, piston's' paid. or by express, free of .,pease (provided t he freight does not exceed ewe dollar per volume). for j7.ms per volume. Cloth Caen. for each voles, suit -hie for Madltt'will be *est by mail postpaid. ons II' oript of LM rune►. Rrwi .h.uld ins made by Post-OMot Hooey Order or Draft. to avoid chance of loss. lour iy�ss��ttp�r� are er to erdartof Hanoi, t .stilt nithittt tAe seeress Bsw•wote. Address HARPER & BROTHER/1, New York. C.A.NAIRN HAS 1LVRRYTRINO YOU WAN SUNDAY AT HOME. LEISURE HOUI , WORKMAN, BAND OF HOPE REVIEW,. OTHER LEADING PERIODICALS, LADY'S COMPANIONS, (Plash) ODOR CASES, (Plush) DOLLS, TOYS, VASES, SLEiGH3, • PLUSH MIRRO)R8 ire, sac., Ie. A Large Supply of Picture Bonk&, Toy Tea Sets, and other article for Christmas Pre*eente. UOCERIESt TOR 1885 tie is whew's, •.pbmdti asw*rtateat or FOR CASH ! This. house baa always dose what it promised, and w ill prove that this s genuine. Clothing, General Dry Goods, at 20 per cent. Discount. 5 to '20 per cent. Discount. Groceries & Provisions, :, t,. 10 per cont. Hats and Caps, eq {dente Pa shit gs CASH ONLY for these BARGAINS. vv _ H_ , eieaserra shirts tT.epricted byTelelbn.e hem Harbor Rigs -1 Oaeealew. Jes.'11. 1tes. wheat. t Tail) V badt . .. 8688•56 a assns. ltwd sowers V s .• if o Wine i, (IF,+rin�► by* . .. • le Wheat, g; view. • Ism (a Oe 11U olio „ea)1'i'ewt .. I" • I (ewe 10 awd leo&. if yen don't toy. able OV uoo SLEIGHS AT ALL PRICES. wsawW, Deo are Ina. 5914f SEW &STYLISE GOODS u 0'S DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE, Among which will be found a Complete Rouge of IPderweer, beer the emaleut to the torsed Uses sande Choice Lloak'ags sad U1Nerinpt. Double AU -Wool dimwit, Bleck and colored. I$RW UFt(1ONPI. A fall 'sage of Knitted (:ooder:d Prom:made Risrfa. Nnhisa, (leiter■.:+karts, Overdresses. Pieeveles Vesta. and I rico i41y1' of Rlack Jerseys. An extensive range of Ilse Hosiery and Emitting Yaws front the best known makers. Dram Goods in W the Nes Tints ad Textures, notably BBDAR, PALBRUO AND TiIC0 IIRB FABRICS rot Tailor -Made Baits- Ploisbas. Velvets, Button. tee., to match. Bed, Crib and Cradle Blankets 0.e Bale of Comforter, extra large mad heavy. at e.-onomical prices STRICTLY ON PRiCR amid malls= mortally to all. e�.ewt •w C. A. NAIRN flu ceera names Muses, ewaerieh Doe- tali, tett. ? TUTZTV)RBRtar/ es sea Obis. PospertF st rieks..... I I 10,000 w N • r wait. Dederick, Dec Rd, lel. gamer BAR g AIMS BgTRAORDINARY Just to Lsad. New Holiday Geode. admitting of AT COt T. Diea•unt Latho' and Gauls' Cold and Silver ¶a1cIies -A Beautiful .Lias of Cheats' Watch Chains, • tlert•e,at .t Prtels to sell them at sight . . Ladies' Necklets, • is oke *.wells Design.. 1 dna New Manes Silver -Plated Ware e r , .,W -safe M,esiatiy Oct. g. lis, The People's Store, Goderioh GRAND XMAS DISPLAY NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE MEDICAL HALL! Novelties in Perk Goods. Dreaming Oases, Perfume ('was, Whisk Holden, Mirrors. Rte. New flees of Flower Vases. ad Toilet Hotta - la Cracked Glaris, Malachite and Opalescent Warr— Al daft ad very cheap. New designs in Crystal ltokrer Bute* Lader Had tlstchele in Velvet, Leather ad Malt. . Head Mirrors la Oreat Variety. An lma ease stack or Perfumery to choose !rows kaaciatt) Tloweriag Hyaenthe Hutu. in t:taaws.lia Pure Spots sad Flavoring Rasenoes town make1 for the festive season. F. JORDAN, Xedical Hall, Gcder ch. ia-c-s= dsh Toronto Store GOODS CHEAPER TSN EVER An toritetioo freely extehded wall to iaupeiet Goods. as 1 am welefled that inspection will certaisiy./.e* a sale. The goods are of the NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, And As Cheap ea the ehsapeet house in the trade. RetiemhW the same :—TH k TORONTO CARR PTUHE. A NICE D18PL.AY} OF VA11IC1' boo DS. �Mp�sm �tj, e ibe eros r hoes ihearhilAf "•188Is A* tater_ irelel ere amebae Lawns •a.. P_ 0 jmietitiotL ., Maxiagor_ 09.rtei. Itos.-t,ti, 111&' 1111-1t. FIN -E TAILORING l Cash Diaeourif i5 toll*and. if R�lar Primo emolma ted nssatb M peeeaSee, wi d% brt.mi sv ms•e wI 4a tar rests se al. WPM' Watch or Olock is out o1 repair, lasing them to as. We pay speedsl attention to Repairing tri ajl its bralaoh•s. f tlw b �• v=11 di •Wear and dreier. that deer tis a ae AAL.tles', 0emie,.1 fossa.. trader1rb. TOv Ba•-tamersIke.. fkmdwtoi. tiMe►`M4 Des. led. IMi. WOW �3.. MacCL✓'��.ys.ac, Having sew takes feel charge of the Talk.Hag Itepartmcnt ..f Mr ALLAN P. Mel RAN. beg la adobe m7 auaaereso Q.sMs►yre sad the g••n"nl t,ubl.c, *hat 1 am pro pared to O,ht bag 1111 1 r Illy line to 1-weh ('adntwrrs. CAMS ideas and air tis Imme.00 .lack which ma.* he rad a. pekoes away down. FINN WORSTED SUITS, formerly 125.00 for =21.00. FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, formerly 2:1.00 for 20.00. BK8T CANADIAN TWEED SUITS, formerly 21 00 for 16 00. FINE WORSTED OVER L. ,,ATS, formerly 2300 for 18.00. BEST ENGLISH FANCY PANTING,ft)rmerly 7.50 for 6.00. Tr+wwt.gR.gle sad Vat Osars.b.d. B. MacOORMAO. J. C. DETLOR &Co . WILL Oi P'tK FOR 30 1►A Ira SPECIAL BAS ' GAINS 1N— =reset G -nears, Tweed-. tie aa11d Re add r -Mace C hang_ ' H �M- CALL. AND SE. QderM11 !trove *65.1.8: