HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-15, Page 44 PHIL HURON 8i*1A.I• FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1886. new Advertisements Wide Wee.. sUec roar Adearea. • e selsl £111a. brats Des. UreiM. Hesmrttas Drug mere- Jae. Mites. lllte Chasm le Ssees►iamdere ellen WHAT'S UP? .triodes t. perle.tisg the sehase , bet ..wails I have my doubA s to esti► With the precedent of the remit inh tit tie harbor end the olssytl.ld Rail Femme" ' blas lee 1 euoldtit 1.elesle tees J .loon had the cwt1Ma As sew T a .o.mos deem mimeo is f ewd*ted 111 TeU till 1'. boar.e with the rest alias Things That Arm Hewer:uo it get, hos said • preps piss is bought Around De J.w.,111 menses to huliert'•Cume et ! ' .ens if I Mee te do•it &leen. I eve by Jobs Reder's speech that the electric light se geeag to COM .sly i bc. per week par ligbt•,thet it tote be the light of the f.siu., that its ink edtsetio. to Gttietich would be hailed with dolt weeny T a t Owe a ail rebs ter resort+ Use * s• nIntens anima .tt tyre Adv..haTowner T. Trer SamewWee e W..Woodbinest. * Tvrei& Tye 11116, Ma naevi. Me truth doesn't always come cut ie a hurry, but time (generally means •'urge. Little ./(4)./(4)and Bit; Anthony o,,w admit hating held that little Sundayus a caucus with Feed Who do - you cell -bis limn Stanley. (N mores .roe had w kettle around and try to vier:y the statement I made about the ,n•etinwe g, while he e on the neem v, but now that lie bas succeeded in emoting he due'srt care a coutineutal, and .. is willing to tell tie truth. The so-called Octoroons who voted fur the Tory nominees of the Sunday caucus, en. thew the cud of bitter reflection for eleven months and a ball from date. 13.:, talking abcut elections, Godonich t ownakip mins within three votes of hin daring Gabriel from "blowing his born' +t the nett county council meeting. For years pest it tees imagined by those who believed they Ida.* it ell that Gabriel Elliott eoeld not Ise approached in • con- test for the reeveah:2-that he owned the cote of the township, body and sleeves. 13ut be doesn't wave the plume to any by • countless emultitude. that � chorale., store. and private residwew would ell demand it, and well, • let of other twaddle to that effect. Tu come down t., hard pan, whet we greet sow le the belt t4 the present, -sot thelegkt of the future. especially when we .an be miter sod ruure obe.ply sewed. We h•v.u't had sultiment lamp on ocr streets, and the NEWS ABOUT HOME. inn -Jobe tea: a th A et> it em ITB se tails ms s Waal" to get bei Indira, wad w ,. tett► ae n garret it , um cheaply roe ex �wM r leri rag the is- e1emeet somes • N* Adel like to best roar TOPICS. kis bloodied betas **1111str4" w he .tele psrtiosferly good. The holrwmg s the • araspilr of tags from Jame. s fteagr•ome i this, was •rrertei and stmt to gaol tum sg Reeding, Y r. W ktoillo 1. Th• C. L T. 8. The rapider meeting of the C. R. T. Smeilt was held in the wheel Mew ow Wdwwday evewng- ell the sump were eseured, and the address el the Rev W. Joliette* was W ho'. be warden a now efw•a bat whew the peels weed sent -elan phenaprpke use w w lima Ste wort "'Neve � nkbell eons" we setae for beet emaetoawt ai tints' furwlehinge y he toad 1* tows. had .e the tura est gee winter maw and o,�y Mime wisher overcasts. I. ♦ A. Pei. "lsures 1tt'ts arta 1ast.APn." The above pry 1p este • et I.pert•aoe tt l<eggh*d• Nt the alrs.1 `1slIuwe Is ts tar. cwt gab to a•Ne wheal win mouses se ataiMaie bM hewer high reputation See Saunders & Sea's adv rttesmMt ` this caves. astheyMare to den, out t twee astsnss Hock 10 kin a •��••SS��► h truer is Muss maw C as stent. Tbe lavhug oserMsewc��psp �beans s with that et Met:. L Pepsi. emi•eeeM I v to the above mestineed rhos anile el Jou . ♦ay pare* hav ag .rimed the l *mists ass creel la my ear. ter remain with rls.es earl for made Were that date. N R Pester. Mrs. Pretty se visiting friends in the east. The school hoard will meet on )!(Qday nest. Rev. Fr. McManus was iu town, ora lliat -Strap Mr. Dekker, &ail - eight weeks U■foi'tenet. • le ; D doge , Masters Lateran, Mos' *L. rnenrenr. -- The Illie•s. $t l.y. sad aims : Need, Mn Oddfel1. .b.v. seemed D. G, Lames, T Dtoe't you no Tomtsy ; dder, sin rotas to w am Rowe L. W. J"bAdon' BI ur ted Artist ul matw�In �rad.r tbsir is C L T. 8. ; 80.. N sin, Rsw of Wi Opera Home on MaN ity ea. - Sloe : Sss , Mr. -'"-' d� two Jemmy nth. T►. pemt�ds will sheltie • Merlin, lira Tem, The make Widows tai of as Lodge. Throe will be hist i tie. ]lies Cook • at the organ. liziesraliml Msary w Orphem Qtttm e ; Hoag Mem N>'tt. Aeebe ims one •dssitteso• fee, Mc. Tins C.*aonat Bvtaeas. - Tao emend Mond Saaaeaiueo. -- T e 0odericb prrrotNws of this dream did sot drew, bond regret that they were not able to the hand, wader wham •°epees eke Pig Mit all the leading MMus w New area twe•soted, beast rather "rut" by Year's day. As they did not make any. the a6ir. N 1 the gapen paltes r well pat els the boards The ohmmeter, the Charmed Berner, was taken by The. Angus, and he was up to professional lens. His rendering •4 the pert was repeatedly appl.oded. W a Swdilield made an among Valvoline se Verdict, and T. 7dillano acted his dual to/ PHONtiOltaPt11. The most 'order iso very sstisfaoterily. Richard Par asmmttgbt 1•arsssl•s bee tar sshay{1rr &•tNaL .ag1..-oltvery buy sad �eeaieh..kl thing at the recent dream* perform - sem, they will during the sex: is. weather cowtinue their serve diN of prominent citissoa We recommend the bead to the hearty support of the politic Packard. f4lsertAend Itap►M after • short but brilliant exitenes, has been suspetded. It was se excellent phono- graphic utoothly --is fad worthy of the s.toer the c.useil- phial • cord...d S•nda7• very hest support of Mems writers. It good *rep posts eke better it will ba J. D. demo" rwtunard w l elyered7 was plumes, to i ty.jai a the /he counedl should let their light eo Cone," uu M sudsy. ht� � ws. & thing � of Met the poor taxpayer on the - Par[. Boosmy, o.1 Buffalo, :s viaitieg shote beauty. lk.is• s 1 kt p his relatives in *w0. l at•Pb i woo Melt sheet would be able to hama out. light eo hes corner as well as his mute The weather during the pest week his Cross Stamm --It is now the doss 4t been bard on the excel bin. fortunate end opulent ueyghber who semen for the ins game -Derr, P Ills 1sorsina Martin returned to elk, moose, reindeer or oaribm, grow, babtates near the Swears. Four elec. Hamilton lathes. Cullom en Friday. pheasant, prairie fowl, partridge, wild tris lights are spoken ot, which would The new council will meat for orgsni- turkey, quell, woodcock, snipe, wood - cost 43..00 per week torus. Now "let ratios iu the town hall os Monday neat, duck and black duck. Auy person os es•kulet.," as Som: `.1tck would my : •t Decd. violate* the gime leers will be t.. W. Berry, Lsgbthom a street, is cared to the fullest extent. R order of Nought from nought you can't, but $3 apsodmtt this wee' 1. with his father in theGoder►eh Fish and GasesPioteetit-e would bey 5ftee• gullies of oil and I lutterso.'ll. Association. ropes of wicks for lamps ; • gallon of oil Wm Jones and John Gibbons, ed would do four lamps fora week, then- London, aro .stator at the residence of fore, as the mathematical professor said, John (trophy. fifteen madams would serve sixty lamps ; John Williams. ten of Joseph Wil - alarming extent, if the latest vote of thelama, haulgone to Toruutu to corals!**and slaty lamps *cele show light into township be take[ ISeMilMirs& lbs many • dock caner where the electric bis edecatron. municipal horisonis tniting cloudy for light wool& t et within a mile of. I I The Moises McGillicuddy have return - :Woe, end hien neighbors on the comes g ed from • pleasant visit to friends in the �' centred that from um view of the nut- northern pari of the comity. ter the .oat oil plait is the better. 1 1 Charles P••s.e, who attempted to would also is,, in this connection, that break into Wingham pmt office, ken been 1 don t know of one church, sloe, work- sentenced to one month in gaol. shop or oche: edi6se that would pot in ' W. H. Jecomb, of Guelph, was in town the electric tight, if it were established j daring the work to attend the funeral of the late Fanny Marion Hominy. ►o Gudertch. Even John Bcaer w. old , 1-icice Floral f;tent. for 1886 is the finest not move ..ut hisgaaolis apparatus, and thing of the sort we have yet Been. Send fur it to the publishers, Rochester. Richard li•nstcoe, law studeet, fax merty ..f Cameron, Holt & Common's office, spent a few days in town during the week. cion all know it. Jack McClellan. the "fifer," is looked upon as a miming nuc for the honors of in Goderich township next year, and A. M. rt'ell.!y believes there will be a het race between him and "Tontine." I have been told that "Tontine" will be a candidate for the warden's chair in 1837, after which he will fit fur the race for parliamentary honors. That% his istention now, but time, tide trod a thoroughbred wait for Du man. I raw that lest week's ,"..Jr devoted a couple of colamns editorially and other- wise to Tux h.GJAL, is proprietors, and your humble servant. At laat accounts well as could be ex- subs:state it by an electric light. If a real honest effort were made to properly illuminate the tows, the estab- lishment of gasworks in our !midst would be estop in the right direee.ao. Gee- ' Among the Salvation Army works could be established by It private !reported in the War Cry last week was company, and made to pay god diet -1 net .f Maggie Kyle, Seatorth, to be dends, esu the ase in other 4;wn. As, adet at Uodench. between aai ,nil and gee, the preference t A piece of wedding cake, with the to of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Fox, has been received by us. We wish the young couple every happiness. 1. fur the latter. It is a light suitable all were doing as ?or churches, stores. and petted under the private . It can also be used would empire spun Site editor of the as a cheap sod expeditious moeiipower, !'lar to keep right stele business, and eine there are • nummr of in not to *eery in the smatter of adv.r- town that would place gas engines in tiling Tea SIosAL yaps, free, fur meth- their shop. am s anving power. The ing, regardless of cost, without pecuniary establishment of gasworks in Oeienck consideration, pro barpublic', asst would Sia to teamsters in 'rano hinter, etcetera, etcetera, and so hauling awl, and would ale, supply • forth, or any other way he may see ti+. cheap feel, in the shape of a.ke, to the That kind of puffing of Ter Stomas is poemof the totem A Dumber of skilled I balm of Gilead w weary Tory istell.cte' and ether woodmen would be employed and is •happy relief from the hbdred •boot the works, and a large amount of apply at this office. articles from the (Dees of the outside money would thus be placed in circulation Dr. Nichoisoo, LD.S.. the Kest street Hsou ;t.•eoon, Ewraax.•t - Word was editors on such wbleeis as. "L Glad- mooed town. If the self-styled "Pro. dentist makes • preservation of the na- received on Friday from the Educatias or Ego. urtoe.-Miss McGarry, ..f Mon- treal, the popular , has been secured for Thursday and Friday, 2&b and 29th inst. Pa/neuters in our neat. Arthur Churchill, formerly •,1(ioderich township, and who removed to Manitoba, in the neighborhood of 'Iran - don, lest apnng,ds.d there ou New Year's eve. K . PAI'TI'C - A few pupils will be instructed in the art of painting no satin, velvet, plash, etc. Terms $6 for the course of leswuua For particulars Joh. A. McLeod, a Surest fisher- man, writes to us denying the truth of the made in Tau Sweat a couple of mootbe ago .boat the accident to a brat while returning in tow from the fishing islands. He likens Morrison to "Tom Pepper," and imitates ha owe conduct. Ws think, however, that no good p.rposs ten be served by re-opeu- ing the discussion at this late day. The Clinton New Era says -"Ws had • tall on Saturday from Rev. W. 8. Jamieson, of Stamford, formerly of Bayfield eine*. He was on his way to Brussels to preach serms. on Prior to his corning mnvup this way, his made hum a Cbmes present of a purse of gold, and & fur hat He 1. evidently well last,, thee, and from being • mission moes tion, hmade his circuit self- - Toe New Dtrmlox Couii -The tot kwing have been made ander the .4 the Division Courts Act of 1880 :-Myles Tousle of the village of Blyth, Township of Mor- ns, County of Hrros, gentleman, to be Clerk of the newly established twelfth Division Court of the County of Harlot,and Alexander Murdoch, alit of the township of Morns, to be bailiff of the twelfth Division Court .d the county of Huron. Goderit;h voted in favor of the electric light and an agricultural perk, at the municipal elections ..n M. *- day. The old • - Now let ti push for a railway to Sarnia, and thus connect itself with -(Sarnia Observer. Yes, we will get that railway, " m bywby," and then we .ill walk right away with Ssnsia's trade and .. (:oderieh is Joel going to rush matters in this the evening of the nineteenth century. .tone Really •Grand Oid.Man 1" "The turd teeth the specialty .,as seismic Delartment that three who had b.e. really want to do same -1 for admiasoei bythe lee•t Eastern Embroglw,•• "The Levantine herd every lay frees 9. m. to 4 gave. for tbioe to help theeuwei, as well as draw • ,the tsimlees extrieuuu .f teeth Fitami•ers, the j.11uwing had been �'tirauon," and kindred topix By all good dividend for the investment, kt mean. give Tna SIN at. sad ell Co*- there put their tsetses is their breeches I W. R Roberton, who recently e, For fleeted with it, "Hail ! Colombia," pocketsandestablish • oint .tock ' St Davids single per n ori vote. e, did with • loud "Hail'" if 1 may be a,mpany in the town. I m not "goes-' is i ask c enol. persue for •vote That u the secret of his detest. The beat can. allowed to use • quotation frim the ing" now ;-1'es talk►ur wild eamptitw, (vasser generally wins nowadays. plow and gentlemaulJ editue of the and dun t you forget it- AJax t By a Davenport, lows, daily paper we of Sidney Mammon. • in his last issue, and which a'rn- j isrn that W H. Smith, formerly of Gonettce Grx etre. -- At a meeting pletely coven his case, ".1 •lack fur • DR. SEXTON. 1.Clinton. and J. R. Beet, formerly. of of this club on Tuesday everting last the Jim) braying hurts co one." The par- - 14..derieh, •n a•mciatd la arryinc on fallowing officers were elected for the enthetice are mine. A verses ef Wgswa amid Lear*ed My i an exterilit a tailoring busin.as in that .amiug year President, C. Sesger ; The school trustee chairmanship will ,.vest+ es teIICre.. Illd,Jeexs Ir.m • cite Vise -President, R W. McKenzie •dsstrae 1. 1 J. M l'.".k, the too,ular •hater, weld Secretary -Treasurer, E. R. Watson ; In - likely fall to C. Crabl. this year. He --I known to many .•f our readers, is now .pector, James Addison. A resolution deserves the position which he occupied A short, stout, apparently w,11 -fel !manager oaf the Whitney r.tier rink at et wee passed to the widow milli credit to tar board sod benefit to gei,tivman, about sixty year& ed age, Cisci.atrt. The press .f that city end family of the late Geo ri. Geist, wuh .cautl hair w 10t of betel, dse•ly spesits highly of bun as a oawger and who at the time of hr desth was preei- the t&aro for many ysra I d.m t know cn gaped side whmkera •ted clsfily ih*rio skater• dent of the club- The final match of the old man warts it, but it w�•ul.l 1..'' and chin, ..ecupi.�d the pulpit of the The tendon Fro /' ••• annual sire• the dent odes will crime off on thia'Fnd•y) be a gracious thing to gree ham the Vic(.rri• street 1leW.drat church of der, for Ift$ti, is .ane of the richest in afternoon •t two o'cI..ek. offer. Taken all in all, fee mea h.v. Sunday last, mort.mg and evening. As doge wad oubrin than we haw et he glanced down the aisles and then took s y The following changes on the teaching done as much ft.!' education lis liuderich received from any uwrtx. Aa • •Pec'- stat of the common acb..uls took sleet observation of those occupying rests as Christopher Crabb. dung the side pews, he gave the impres- wen of the work of their lithographic on Teureday feet St. Darid's ward, I omitted to state • week or two ago soon that he was used to the platform, artsata at is excellent. Mw Struthers t•. Kenya department, ft f tie wax sterol Aotwiwiutt sod did mit cousider belie' oat d gain" At the recent ,terminalexamination of MIDI Minnie Cook to junior ; St. Pat - when (acro/ • lance audience It was 'Knox College, f'orontc, D. M. Hueneme, rick's ward, Miss }Rett allowed to pass --Albert Robsrt.ne, Alice Bates, Lilly Graham, sed May Malcnmme. of Goderieb Model ..heel, and Sar• J. Ashley of No. 6, Ashfield. 1 ly, on Monday, a telegram was received, sanctioning the •do alio license .. was held over at Rey Geo Sexton M A M.D., 11.1. D a student from 1 .11erich High School, (went, Muss Jessie Thompson to j• ; Blyth mine time ago. The members of one ••f the beet-km.wn and meet mood first in the list, taking 84 per cent. tit. Andrew's ward, Mir Wilms to the board wanted to have the official gifted members ul the British leioucs The popes were fur the 2nd and Ord senior , Moe Mary Sherman death dune nroeiy and quietly, and went Asa,eiitiun, who occupied the pulpit. year, and Me Buchanan t. a second year to jenior. In the Central, 14iss Header- TO.o en each cession was • men, which is all the rMt1 to his credit. son take' Mies Knnx's note, Mw Moe to Rte lyth. It a. sad, sad ' and not r Iasi tiara was not vise psesmet an takes Mw fierries•, and Mise Oro • :ate was voted. nos • drier ter drunk, tea, nut of tbs opinion "lt u (cx,d to res tett Victoria There was not Inc nrst .inn of • toast. on Sunday and Monday fleet. not. (:ut Dwtw SttlTe nes Peoarttnox.- rn a as Ile we....s. h not •els► was weak, her' ' (.oldwe0 Smiths pamphlet on 'Temper- aua versos Prohibition," a copy of wbich we have received, set' forth many of the Liberal r ..bjesetinae to I'r,hibitiee, preemie a review ,if the working of Prohibition measures in Cee - sea and the United States, and ad - yams. vises as to methods of dealing with intemperance It r written in Prof. Smith's sseally terse and vivid ayle, and well merits the perusal of tooth Scott Act and anti Scott advocates. An appendix, by C Gordon Richardson. dash with Alcohol from a weenie poist of view. q 7 who, attar bearing the ray. g.wtleman, The services in connection site twc years old, either. Y licher takes Mir Sherman'. N h street church will he held T :,--t they gwetll ga. a up the swot. lite Mond.y evening he leee.nred to a A foie abort weeks at, 1 seed, "Dome large and appreciative *droop[ in Knee off "' to Beder•s Rig Buncombe boom, ehureh, sub�eet-"If •man die shelf he line again r end on Tuesday events[ is and although the rateta)ers lost their the mine place he gave his celebrated heeds and www it Wind us die immature lossAur. _"Prayer. eta relation to mem*. project, i mill say •'Conne off t" until enteral law and .nodoru tbouvht. •- Wei - such tame as • feasible scheme is inatur- nearly rte• int he Sere a special dm - coons on "Prnres," in Knox .notch. ed. If any of the s.,hd business men Thursday eveeinit is Knez church her Of the town paid as little attention to discoursed upon "Etolotion, in its re tbeir line of trade, and went for it with lotion to the nt�n of men.' both eyes shut. r tkey did at the r. )l.ch "t M. torte was a tele. of Ten toan•eskers do J..rnot spekualer e110ve called tea vote the neer day, their dencr, d we won-l1 business wouldn't take hong to go up the believers end honest doubter'. alike time. The Sherr gives • Int of estuuates tared out in large numbers to hear the for certain kinds of work, and asks if et.q cent and Iwrnd lecturer. Tb.. ;Friday) wve..ing 1)r Sev .n will the persona who Bare the figures are re- dshver hie ransrkahle Isetwre nn "NM liable. go far as 1 know, thee are- tory s T.eiiinory 14 Christ," in the Vic every mother's son of them --but 1 torn street Methodist church. eo don't knew how neer the *theme they charge will be made, but a e. limitary silvo►r cnllectinn wit' be taken at the have figured for is gong to come t•• d..re the placing of a perfect eye- Rev. Mt Saaltoe, pastor of V ictoria a. tem in the town, --and wither does church deserves the thanks of the people J.ha Butler, nor any ewe ale. It is of t►s weer pw for haelog hoes themeless Re •t� ,r��s,,.. r.. .s..J � ggite true that John mid he was .illiag to lake the costraet and retire from the comet', a • not he could devo•e all his .'/ g• Meg .. full weak of his valuable .ime teetering I knowledge of the grocery blueness, and M their millet epos trach important sob- the aemese ed of the cerate could not pieta g•. Into better hese& • H. Carson, of Goe1 h, a former pastor, will prwoh on Sunday. and the teatne.t- ins on Monday primate to he a .uccee. Rev, Messrs. Carson, Legear an./ r•.!•- bledick will meek. Berry Arnold is in t••.n s.'. n; old kiends. He is now assiwmt manager .1 the Owen Sound roller rink. We 1 that he kap been successful in the law mss over the disposal of his faebet s pr.perty, 1 ' receiv- al i that ',dement had been rendered in 0r favor. Pst.ara Ramona Rts,t. --iksaeh s full oweh.s.r• will appear st the nark this Friday) ..wing. Tine ordinary rotes few abating .ill be 1(k fox ledi.4and for gentlemen ; este rates for nights when there an special Mtreetiosa. such es the band, exhibitions, eta s. geed sernival .i11 he shortly ann•'eseed. We divert aMostius to the advertise- meant dvertingmeant and the grosary establishment of the leo (ieuege Grant, ehich appears in this neuw. The beaming is wow ie Marge of Jame Miele, who for many years was Mr. Grant's book keeper and wispnt Mr Hole hes a thurnsgh Oen. -Did, on the 4th December, at Wui4, Durset•hire, Eng., John Smith, aged 83 )ears. for some years • realest of Canada Deceased gentleman .se the father of Jas. Smith mid Mrs. W. T. Whitely, Otiason, of Abraham Smith, (ioderieh, Mrs. John Cams, of Bright, Ont, and of Mn Wm. Goodyear, el the is vietsity ; Jodie/ Mrs Lowe, Point Pt (7herls, Que., sed of H. H. Smith, Winnipeg, •rod W. H. Rstsh, Lnmaro, Powe, The seed widow dill msreivs. The old meek team. 1e Oriel fail over forty years age, and settled in the..sety esf (Mord ; after a time they rearmed t.. Rambo& thee same to (asses seem, sod Stell; retrt'sed to England is 1871. the Poole's Column. Novo'. tirite'qtr xW nL ept�la t s the of Uedeeteh. es 1P%Tfi ADAMe011. t7. Creek ANNtlAL.'MRITINA. Me1sa1 inn 0s. eto ire bald V the Mertes Meetings( the Wee Wswesesti Om* nem la dr d e1' Friday. feel 0* J a'y. - ►n' tit H.laa. M Jas PRE AIM ILL MISTINO OF THE Weis Moimy win be es W.dssday. ,.save the tam Wipers la riches Hease.-t;.dsrtme ef Mures !h. at 1 e dwek p. Ms .. to . _ itlesetetemfee Mrs jar. •ase 'd ash ether beams that nease •. Mahwah JOBS T A RCU%, Sseretarf � USIC. --14188 00011. AFTER 14 1 years study et med., Y mewed to meet.* eisplis for m Wear 1Y lessse quarterly. Terms: per Seem* IIW �HAKTHAND.-ISAAC PITMAN'S 4.t as the septal• and H. H. Ries ea the old gentleman were good 1..r ama- 1..n. The ports takes by Miss Rims and Mir Maxwell were very well Per formed. The play woe worthy •d a large how. An orehestes, led by R. Don Mb, played vary plesasogly donog the everting. Ovwssi mss WIA.roa Foto,' The Wi•ctun tato ins.'ceotly remarks "Prof. Johnnie., the faith cure man sad pbr.nukogist, is in town stopping at the St Albans Hotel. tie is the asv.ath tens,of strong ft curing gsaltttea eis reported se laving performed wase very wonderful auras in this mottos, some of them testify as to being relieved .4 their pains almost instantly after the Prof. made his in their rums, whilst others who had not waited fur months were able to walk •m.ed in fifty minutes. One man declers that he is getting the use of his arm all richt, having lord the u sed 11 through a paralytic stroke three years ago this winter He Is considered • wonder Angels Johnston is the name fraud that Tee Sionat et- po..d here in 1884. Clatter Taavtw so.. -n9 steerage fare by the Allan Ione from ei derich 10 Ln dusderry. Liverpool, Glasgow, and other points in Great 'intent, bas been placed at the very low figure of $I0 35. The intermediate and cabin rates have Nilo. been greedy educed The excellent Date made during this sear n by the sin mail steamers .d this litre speaks volumes of praise for the success and enterprtoe „( the Adan (levet. N ,. is the tuns for • trip to the (84 Country, while the rotes are Mow. This t. the short sum note. Speed, safety and co..fort 1 If you are sending for your (nerds you ens obtain prepaid passage tickets •t lowest rotes, available from England. ireland, Soothed, Francs. Germany, Swedes ted Norway. For Int ..f sail loss, rates, and all apply 10 H. Armstrong, railway sod steamship ticket agent, Ooderich. 1.•re short b LIDWARD SHARMAN, reeceto sa Li •ad M m.t.r. Osaka 114 palette rwthot► o.atlard pat rimage. He V wilt ready to de I all work in s Bee is • sepirter warn. Pries ss sett the time& iwimaw gives 1•r magma when required. 110-te QTRAYED-CAME ON THR PRE - 1.7 MAKS of abs undersigned eerie( the storm d tweeds, evesls,. rho nth last.. • red sad whit. baiter. The owlet* by preview property sad paay1mg charges m• take it away. CHAD. BAT Oodrrtcb, Der. letb. UM SIM tf Dentistry. NI NICHOLSON, LD.S. 1,1 DENTAL O001tt. Sight! door below the Pest Oaloe. W.e4et. Uuoaatcr. Moly 174 WOOLV ERTON, L D. S . Ogler Odd fellow. Hall. North Nt. Ooderteh. ebony'," moderate. A0 wok w ranted. le.► For Sale or to Let. rp() RENT --Tar PREMiSES gxowx • as tit. Andrew's Haass recently accepted by Rev. 1'. Owes -Jones. Apply M the Post 011. for particulars. 7.11.11 LFARM TO LET- FOR A TERM Of 1.' years. Let Dr eve. Is lis Mattlasd nee oeuvres. of the Towaship el (toderiek apply by letter to J. S. LIZAIth. Wrath -rd. IMMO L'AKM FOR SALE -SOUTH HALF ``'' et l.ot 7e. North of Tows Pier. Askesld. IM serfs sit woe os the gravel road one ladle from Kiatall P.O.. with .wheal home es the lot. Soil the Deet quality d cry less sever -tallies creek. called Silver creek. thro h the Lot. For terser applto CV 1 P.O. SON& JOHNSTON. Uodertc nth Jammer,. Ig1l 11111/k 1m A. 0. 1'. W. Orae 1, su.artoa. - Th. lodge room of the A. 0 U W was filled on Monday rooming law by ladies ad other visitors, so witless the ewe- mosy of installation of "borers. The lair gems appeared to take much interest in the prwe rdinhs, winch were at those very impressive. The officers WV* installed reg Bro. W. R. Miller, District Deputy At the a,nctsiuo of that ceremony 1 were passed amend by the brethren, after which ad- dresses were delivered by brethren end ' netters. The (ioodencb lodge was stan- d alowt seven years WI, and new has fifty-two members. Then has been only now &lath in the lodge during that period. The average cost o1 member- ship per annum -which carries $11.000 life Meantime - hes been shout $1b. Then is now in the treasury of the lodge shoot $11$. There aro 10,000 members in Canada, and 160,000 in a•1 America During the evening massy were pad to the ladies, who sided materially in making the evening. • pleasant ..ne S. S. Avxtva&'saar. - The anniversary services in with North street Methodist church S. 8 , were held uo Sunday and Moodily evening last. The Rev. W. F. Campbell, of Preston, broth- er of tea moor and the cnuraw, preached to the scholars at the morning service, they being present rte mese. and proved himself to be • very talker to the ch tdren, holding their attention tbroeghout the entire serviN.. At the arsenate service, !Sr. McKeusie, superin- tendent of the S R , addressed the can gregation with reward to the school and 11. work dorm( the past year. He stated that the school had • nSmbership of 349 ....le, end i et the tetra d.aw there was e ach as should receive the hearty sup port and ..operation of the concretes tion. Rev. W F Qamphell followed with ss able address to parents end te•ebevs, setting lor:h the fact that the et•mplw of • thorough and prtcv.osI Chnatiss lite rot their pert hada marked *feet upon the rising with wham they bed to d.,, Oa Monday evening the scholars, tt.elters, Bible doe and ehgr of the ehureh, were treat- ed to a repast in the 6ase- usewt, after which the boat .,f happy faces adlourtd to the body of the chureh, where a platform had beer, erected. Here the menhirs 1 a fur Audience with singing,. rerrtatto te, detroguse, etc, +blob, the limited time for pre,,ardiot'. showed so lash of cleverness on 'he par of the little , and a good deal of untiring patience by Oboes whin undertook the training for the nesseion, the 'Mimeo bossier ample testimony by their fee genet outhsnp .4 applawaa The col- iwet,.w,. amounted to over $60, whit* will be devoted to tee perches. ..f new Bibles, bytes bootie, aka., le the echoed 50 hill) TO LOAN AT d PER R T*kowtIT0 Irwin AL TRCMm eery e re p neemt.s a to loam •eseey present_ pay a TIE Tf i MUTT iiORRD0WRRA, os gree-elm.s rem m owsly. A ppl; to e • A If ROW, HOLT t CAMOM011, Arrests Arrests fir the Yed.ef.inh, belieMews. carmine etlineeaingan*• raNmg• OeMtiri, 001.4. Mgt Ml1-ti Legal. `r EAGER & LEWIS, BA RRISTERF. 7 Dederick'. ('. moose. le. J. A. Mo.vd.. B. N. Lewis. I.et- 1) C. HAYES, SOLICITOR dm. ` Office corner of tep misers •d Meet w ee. clot r*ek, eves ..bees beeket.re. mosey to .•d at lowest rate. of Interest. (1 ARROW a PROUDFO(JT, BA F l T Rlt8Thgt14. Aures y. 8otietter., ear (loderi•-k. J. T. Darrow, W. Proedfeet. 175 / 1AMYRON, HJLT & CAMERON, ki Hamsters, Soheltore 1• (hssesry. te. Jeering& and Wiegliam. M. C. Gators*. Q C.; P. Holt. M. U. Lammas. Owt rob W. Macara. Windham. I75I ericat. 1 1 B. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S.. . Out. I'hvaictes, t.rgews, A &c. 011e.. (Thos fertnerly seer1d by Dr. Hwekinsoal Lsagaam.•. ]light seems Mar tie's betel. tpl- DEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR R Il-L01ON. coroner at. Ocher and reddest.* Brace Street. seo•sd deer west of Vleterta 'greet. 1751. 1) Rei. SHANNON ! HAMILTON 1'aysicians. Semmes, Arrroethers, t eller at Lirtthanaos. r•es,deaee, war th meiDedericb D. C. rhe an is on J. C. HAwtr Tae 1:61. Auctioneering. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR • . the County •f iluron. Sa1se attended in any pert of the County. Address order, t.. t;odertcb P. O. aced. I t,HN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- • TIO'Ekit and Lead Valuator, Dederick. chat. Ilavisg had considerable semidries. la the ascii trade. M M le • p•atiesi to disobeys- with satisretlos sit cows 11111010e. ellIr110111111 De Ns. Orders Ian at marlin's llote4 or Boal by mall to my •deme. Ooderlch P O.. as.1.117 attended to. JOHN KNOX Comity Auelle*mer. ler-tf Loans anb insurance. amount of Private Feeds for tnv.twment .t lowest rates on merits. Mortgagee. Apply to0ABROW It I1it0U11511OT. I)RiVATE FUNDS TO LEND AT e and M par acn• se erst-e►w farm est or Ity. Apply to 11. C. HAYS, tolleito►, (leer rich. *011 *1 fr00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'ss e;AMkR(►N HOLT&CAMPHON,Gods Irl. MS. It It A DCLi FFE, GENRR'L iNSURAN('E, REAL ESTATE Ano MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only Pfl'atdas /Yuvpwwree Represented er Money 'n Trod ire .tralgbt roans, u the Inws.e r.le of mercer Sorsa, is asy way at waft the borrower. O WeinRrrnt Aader$c0 dee !MDacre. rp) PERSONS WANTiNO LOANS or desiring to Owing, their teerl,y.e and reduce their rate of latest. W...p�ply petrels. Venda to say semis, at WW mar rear We hare oleo rocelved tmereetsss hese • eIleet coalmines • trust toed to ted sea's IImItM11asaneet ,.n tam fret clam. fa...agree. Rat 6 1�R! par reek Apply al ems to Hein. tiederlek opposite the embers* UeSs lab, ISIh Nev.. MM. so 1 NIIURAiICE CARD. -� W. 5' 500 T, Ars. l if. 6%4 M5.1S. Jw*wrvram war Aroma. A /CH. BrI vie Hotel.Tkan _fW~et ~ ITIS "NMiswel,' The ' Ilaw4-Iabad,' the web to Mere OM* gtaaa r ahem ere lbw w Mesa W old elal slielenelepref Osaarieli MM. MN tgK