HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-15, Page 1.41,.N4Af*X1),
Wow * lftlliizR !isle
I. published over! rrld•l Morriss, toy M
Oittict bur Boos.. et their Omen, pert►
tad 1. ilimipmebed to all eerie et eke serr'ead
ag onastrl by the earliest male emit Mies.
lets,. .dt.le is advance, peewee protect
.bliak•r.: 111.7e, It palet bete/eel. warth
u sot so paid. 'flak rale will be tetchy
Rates of A --tusks frau OS
tie tar fret lasertlss : three .5.1Lhalf-yearly
►bre for
insahKkaaesoat uwrtion. 'near % f -yearly
mud quarterly ooi
. Mugwtloossctios. sad psmles
tet the meat 55 plots out at a&d boot ts•dutlee
t w terve an week is hoeterleh, too powered
to de bedew Is that tis. et prime teat cermet
ten= Termof sC Quality List cannot be
FRIDAY. JAN. Ilion, 1886.
THE •'Ifl( ROOM."
Th. .War s.sume• that Tas Srwteat. is We observe that the splendid speech
"posed te my and every system ut recently delivered at Braosleid by M.
sitikittrialL-111 has no right to do so. t:. Cemerun, M P , bee *rammed a
Tett Sweat, isgo
not opposed to s nd, "hornet's nest" of Tories. We ldie e
vote away his as..ney and that of the H. Tupper, nos of Lair Charles Tupper
public until he sere clearly what he is sad Tory M.P. for Piston, obtained from
voting fur. the G t $4,160 ; sad yet the
Tea Stumm. has mosey to mate and Auditor Oe..rsl's report tor 1884, part
sot to lure by the submission of the by- 2, page 279. shows that /U. Wallace
.w. We will Kilt • share of the &deer- Graham's demand artaiaet the (%overs•
tieing and priattntg is connectins with meat was $1,100 for aiding to cowbell -
the matter, and that win he .eolith to date the Dnminioe Statutes,tend4 page
ti of the mese report, Walker alio.n
is down for $1,669.24, for "other Lal
servtoss." Ills there of the leapt was
actually $6 AO. 94. Nefarious is' too
moderate • word to dencribe !hese Perhaps re ut the must notorious
• mw. safer the, part of Tory heelers in Canada is John A. Mac-
poblis serrate. dunnell, alio kr some time °coupled
It to quite ueei.e. for tis 11114 ee any the position of secretary to that now de -
,he person, implicated, to MAW, out font deadbeat itstituted), the�4ieited
of the charges made is Mr emneron's 6aaptn (lab.
now wtebr&ted mese. The facts are For yeses past hr has been doings dirty
contained in the Wee boob, and title work for the Tory party. acd en one
and page of the book ens S Riven for uioasiun announced that the duty A the
each and all of them. We have taken (, abould be t.. uphold their
the four denials of the Mod, end shows leaden "whether they weer sn tb. right
guard us mania toe for some years in
tory event. There is mosey m the
scheme fur the newspapers. wia or less ;
but we want to be assured that the "big
boom ' is • roan', sud nut a sham before
we urge the p..•ple to Bute 60,000 or
$76.000 toward. it
scheme of waterworks, if it be properly that Mr. Cameron, before he made the
placed before the public, and the in. eztraordinary disci....Are of T rots
Penults of the people are carefully pro- t, ° and coo
teeted. We are in favor of say feasible ruptiuu contained in .kat .pesoh, had
schen,. that u pfopefty developed ; Iut meads up bs mead that unstiuted abuse
we have been oppose•. to • rote on an had terrible threats would be hurled at
imperfect sod plan- • s.:heme him. The Tories are never merciful to
as legs and arms and me body. anyone who raised the certain that hides
The vete rsoeatly reocrded is n., fair their plunder from the public gage And
twit of public opisiva us the matter. Mr Caawero. has nut been •I
Half the voters did sot koow what they in kis •4 • dowspuer of
were voting ten. We doubt, iodised, J Tory venom and satiate -ant wrath apps
anybody did. Certainly, none voted for hi. head. Almost every cue of the
ne achene a outlined by lir. Badge- N04 oustaiw some beasoa denials, or
n feet we doubt if that gentleman hewers gull more Online falsehoods, is order
today what the presidia um of the pro- that the C sad its purebaerd
aged by-law will be. grey escape the odium attack -
We believe we stab tk. ease remo•s- rid to the dividing anther political backs
ably Thee we say that the greMer part 01 the public estate.
,f those who Toted for Ad Mr. Cameros, we are prepared to say,
not dew on the Morita of the scheme lass made so charge that the blue books
1 by Yr. Bono sad hie as- submitted to ParliaMost are sot able to
adtsata. Col. Rom 1 the any justify. His proofs are rbc dem
majority, we believe, when ha tisid he meats isrsi.W by the Ourernnest He
wo.ld vote for simervieg ecsdenss them from their own rt terns
- the right to vote aghast it the the real -sad thea* proofs are happily open to
question came up if the plan developed the 'wintry. The Tories ens now see
was not up to the fall torte of the violative :
"Ob that else edvenar► had wnttesabook."
Tee f pr.•
as organ of progress l Th Moil as 50 tar referred w bot
bet that progress mats be real sat
W. kaow by dear • fuer out u4 the seedy one hundred
what rye changes of nefarious traffic is the public
heat k u to have public Mosey mar, demean' ani public treasury, and we will
Ittsoly Told away. !deed, u aur Mono
„•lids deya we A.ag up the kat sad now show that these de.aisls are worth -
shouted ~selves tearer over "Waimea" Ism, beeaQS .Otte
and "i and wokaveawes 1. THOMAS BIRKETT of Ottawa
had to gee that tis mosey was almost
ettirely thrown away. We base now
become Tore ehnry •Oust or
voting os any scheme for p blac improve-
ment -it mutat be char to as that it is
me will est e.h.ne, and that roar and
lasting bgodts will be as certain as any
p.blic enterprise eta be before we go u
for it.
Tis Swim will sot be foetid behead
whoa say thurosghly theorist gas mamas
- --
fee the real bees& of the tows is brought
forward. Bet it meet be tui the public
advantage ; it west be submitted is
detail ; the %steals of the tart
.must be hedged .,orad carefully to pre
Met them from lees ;-is short ws smut
thew epos pebble .spesditsrtms with the
same sere e.g. oagerry that we wield
pet lute our private skies.
Of mutes the Sim mast try and stake
• political ling at Tits Stoma. It is-
suBlum estes that Tex Nat ewerstime
waterworks scheme betimes Mr. Beeler,
ata sponsor, is a Cos.eevative. This
'slink nosy pima* a feltmss-bask
aims*Tories, the feels at she aims*at the
very save..( Tee $wean, and it is jest
ie emard*s.s with the sneak ohareater
d die easter d the Slfs► ; but k isn't
tree. We have no pstili..1 fig fm
reacts. There Ther. bar beam me pasty
duced r• lame unto muoitipal esttern.
and who. they de awake, we want to
ere them l oft tt• the last vote in Brussels,
Colborne, (ire}', Hulett and Turtinerry,
and it will he a 1, og time before • Tory
reeve will ever again sit ft•r one of these
municipalities. When a Reform voter is
asked to vote for It leery candidate here-
after let Lam rea.resner that "J..rathan
hes a vete :-
o ,1. MSfy,IY-YELL.
that the mere aa.erMw,of that 'ournal,or cr in the wrist; , and the more they
ut its a rreepoodesa, does not alter the were in the wrong, the :more should they
fact/. The charges made by Mr. Carver- be wpportedo
utt cannot be dtprroved, andaslyune she ,fobn .1. liscuunnei. is alai., the mss
hag the intnU.gemee, todestry and whe,when na a maudlin state a few years
honesty to look into the government a2 , on the floor if the House in ()Ram,
documents will find the char:... sustain-
ed. Abuae sod villsfeation of the a els
and plucky member for West Hun n
will not purge the bine becks cf the
,caodalom record of Telfy vcuality end orominaut as the Ler, . f as. este rtinnate
interrupted an 1ton. euthenist who
was addreseine the speaker, by walling martyr. The c..nne a Ma.efunnell and
"You're •lir ' the Government is scandalous to the
J.,he A blaceonntll :r 1484 i•ecstee extr oe ; s resality has been perpetrat
I ed or. the .torte .1 the country, Ind tt is
contained therein. 1 bill of charges aromas the Dummies riaht thet it should be espuuild. If It.
The Tones are still eiartin>; from the (loverumett concerning the paving of
matigsties given than by Mr. escrow- titles fur certain properties satiate, ly-
on ; and we are free to admit that it was ing and bei 1g in the cities of Hamilton
administered with no gloved hand. but and St. Tii..a-a. .ltd in the town of
these charges cannot be got rid of be a Chat a.m.
mere denial ; nor an the responsibility 'l'he matter was 1.r-.ugi.t to the knew -
be dodged by abusing Mr. Cameron. ledge of the House by W. Moloch, M. P.
There is uo way of escape left for them.
UM If .Alt I RAbVANCh m
bat all his tituperauun aad blackguard- A -POLITICAL BRIEF. .
ing and all hie blatant denials wia noel
affect t!te case, anises ie the meantime
he hu surreude.d to the (.evernmeot
hie ill-gotten spots. WLun a cuuuuuu
thief is placed in Coe d ook, no matter
how rte tag the evidence any he ammo
him, he invariably pleads "i: t guilty,"
and holds a Ninth ..pint n of the wit
i •
Let se. [:e.tere rat Tilde •at far Ready
TNT Pt e"Lt Or ten arse.
Pfwin !j/a,
y eraiis
Litt J,'~ce Mat':,osLLD t CO.,
assess for the prosecution. Center thew ti si4u't'"
circumstances se aro not surprised that ':RaOerryinau
• man charged with fraud,¢sashes his stiteeemes. tkrioc fifty-five Ontario .on.
teeth and snarls at those who expose l-' Appootteg portiran Returninsi.t►'ft
disbuneet actioos errs.
And thin we would lilts W know t Mderdunk. tiecu.•n Ii., and n.ieeel
why John A Maedonnell neglected to lane.+tstr jobbery.
Testate tbeoesee,an« . f life.
psiy the Hamilton registrar for the fent Greets 0. the C. 1'. 1t. to the amount
due to th o registrar by him :n ioec of $170,000.000.
tion with the Hemilteo property arty A Wes pupulatiun four tiwesgreater
which fees were .:: duly collected from 's ever occurred before.
Sei&ang Ontario's territory and plund •
the Gover.Sser.t by the said John A. ering her urtLur dtatricta.
Macdoneen. As a matte: o! fact, be Usurping the licensing power.
did uut Fay t:.e few ; he was surd by Berdeuing the cliatitAbre urganizatiosv
the registrar for tkem tn
, a luduent was sod wunicipalitues, and rubbing the
ivof Ly meats of assisted twilit, -
obtained : an execution was placed is xr•ti .ci
tt:e bei!i'f's Undo, to levy for the Corrupting the press at the rate of
&meant ; scd the erica tiuu was return- $200.000 per snuum.
d markt I. "no moils."
Seising, Provincial railways.
Mid this is the n the Totes are The Bribery Conspiracy.
person Incr.•asing the annual es enditure front
trying to rebs. with the attributes of s $91,00o.00s to $35,0O0,00o.
A deficit of $4,000,000.
iecrrasing the public debt from $17u.
000,000 in 1879 to $300,000,000 in 1885.
Placing the voters' lists in the hands
of partisans.
Responsible fcr a rebel:ion, costing 200
lives and $d.000,000.
Tun parr-
Ranted one Rebel.
a Fess resat wen Pet.
for North Yogic, and during the delete
TM books std the M. esstaasing the upon it Sir Richard Cartwright ei nisse1
charges aro at hand, and are open to. the follow Mg opinion . -
public investigatsus. -Has the hon. gentleman n:.thiuy, to
say in relation to lbs " A:l 1 can eay
"JONATHAN iIA' A J".ITB. a, that according to the by
my hen. friend, this person --(John A
Th. Tory papers of the county arra Mat.donaell) -I will not all him • gentle -
beginning to blow about having a Rua man--h•a committed a del:'.erate fraud.
jority of reeves in the county council. To the statement made by my hon
Last week the Exeter Times published a friend, that $:+O were charged fur Led
that never took plea, if
lint wherein the political leanings GI the correct, it is simply fraud -most dis-
di0ueot reeves were set forth, and a honest and scandalous feud.•'
prediction was made that when all the Hon. Edward Blake spoke as follows
municipalities were heard from the Con- concerning the soma piece of rascality :
servaUres would be in a majority of "These bi1L are not honest bills, till
111/011. sumo* We sumo* our tows mem.. taxation by tie u&eer was not an hon -
will ro .buiab the list this week est saitatios, and the protedi.m of the
Tru as, is • letter to the Ottawa press, P°reTy P nxhts of the Crown by the petwn who
and copied in the M«T, endeavors to and ale" bat oyer the fact, not- 1 eau appointed to protect them was out
evade /lechery. that W got 6o "mare witbitandinq that, anterior to the elec- an honest . This is the stab
miles of tie limits ib the "disposed fauns, it and all other Tory papers de- a the cess : Sallee the Akar the
sed this ewe lianas predated the i • a party poli. Crown employed served it faithfully 4
territory,' yet such bills as thew ; nor ikd
Birbett'• raw appears m the eusaiosal tion lab aoniapsl mettess. Ia this r.- th. ufficer who was appointed to protect
papers tote 1885 Pio. iii as the permittee Wet they much resemble John Perdue, its rights protect them faithfully ; nee
of -- maims of soak limits. sad in president of the Cutwrvat:veaa.ociatins the judicial officer, who was either hullo -
C. Cameros has as Ruud grounds for the
charges ag•itst the forty patriot. Orin
be scathingly denounced at Wtngh un
Thursday . f last week, they will pr.ba
My figure in the future history •a this
country u e "Forty Thieves."
"of is duty, di.eh•eced it
teat Ww book, at pegs 2, with Laying d the township °•t MOMS, who appear- sharantmeetslhesaseser :
or and it dues looki. toa
peed rho t $210 for does es ed at lb* is that towsebip, meas if this was as tis some
umber eat in the disputed territory ! and made a speech frowning down the .b„p. or other to a gentle -
Here is book and pegs fee the treatment- of party politics into venni- man who for some pare was the peliti-
i. w.simive todie it rowel .leetaons, and then went home eel agent of a political party in Outwits"gas, heti it y
$LVIDBLAIN,of Terttmt*.ti.eliw sad smiled a Dopy .f the folluwieg err- These remw arks, made is the Hoof
babemomd mothe Pistailisiiin of Tory voter is the town- C 1 unchallenged. Is tact
Oris La $ utile.' published a Me � ; - two of John A. Mtcdossell s political
Oleic et the flub km*, David BIM. gives chiefs substantially agreed with them.
Mr. Ostsaw'a sharp a "Wast de.w," Awarding to notice giver , Tse Minister of Menne said
end yet, sisgslariy eseagh, David Slime's a masons of the 0 Aesocia- "1 Mw the bili were patty large, but
tine of Morris was SI" Is Ike town hell oe enquiry, I was (Id and horsed that
saver appears u the i of ago on Toomey, 22nd alt., which was Tel they had gone through all the regular
'rode as app
as iioma& 1.r50 .gear. largely attended bm
y ember. Irmo Beek forms, sod there was rat. avoiding their
miles e( timber Balite in the "divined sub-divieios. After the transaetiw of payment,"
te•riirry ;' rad this same David Bela s"ve' very impertast beeihem, tt was This was not the fact ; the Misistsr
is credited M the Oro�tsswt..s appears - i .sed form it ly that was misled. The bites had sot gone
this meetia* terve itself iote • oontsmit-
by the emeiesal Paper ter 111111, Ns. 63, tee of the whole to velem heir reeves through even the form of a regular tax-
withkaviee paid the g.veneteaI PK 12, sad es.ssillors for the mewing year, and arida.
as duns fee limbed est in the dampened tbul said ouveveitt. ttisd th.ts.slves t. Ow the sone occasion Sir Rector Ia..-
sappoeb these who stay be chew. leashed at the exorbitant de -
t Mr. Buis belted frets the r iegewisg g.wt ..s had the ow°
Liber l party. few years ace, and ram minions vete of the meeting : William hada meds It, the. "/ash book." and
late the Tory stable, where be has fed at Wray, reeve ; Charles A. 0.11e, dip - .t the scandakus nerKgeeee of the de
a well_d11e. 'sib as the reward of his w's ; Hwy Mnowy, idward R.osan, peruser ia payiss hie, said
4as.e ss, H. ba. bees ese of the Mast' C.Mbe.k, e s' "1 sew that tis ie.teastissa of the
Fellow Cumeervat,vea,-At this .roti- „( Justice sear. not follow-
plssderre et Ontario'. territory, witk ell time it 1a meow that we should 17
�. ed, •ad eertessly my intestate' is to all
w ails the intention of the Minister of
J est e. to this dismission. sad to the
fads that rem here b*Sscht out by the
boow reat1.nA ea the ether ode, an
that he may iwve.tigeee the matter sad
e we what mums he irate take ia order to
hews thews •cooenb tberoeghly over-
modest. "
-Joe +rude has a rote." If you don't
believe it ask air. Perdue, of Morns.
-I ..%meed by .s. The Mar alba 117. the ..aivem.e of the Dominion Oovern - Ire united_ I think 10joriy shield
ply fibl is ilio "17 4149 lime om• "bloat diesel" carrot expatmge robe and as one who b.. deep t oa
"$IRs %legal- we kisiS" fie "141 • s remised flees the blue beaks. as aebirs pert a his M.nble hay, is
f"� petnetisg "go ILbmieel O•+mimirvltire
"m6 all gust as / bese..sb. else, and 3. THE C=WATIN LII ARES 00 rises, I ask your s.sidsemimi a ns.ra-
wb sow know that tbdr. ls so one the i The uta: en the 8111 int., desiared Mist tog ear ume. sad treat yes .i11 use
made* et see as to ire future thee it., the f(.ws 0.Mir NM sti. Lamb. .Weisel their gi.8smisas is their fever aboldly
mw se
pe.eter. Lot e how coos a by-31lsit es the !.i .t Kase, 1874, from rwas4 ism vekes for abets es rte lret
ls Jarman. All of whisk I
An "Isamu Yuquiry ' as to when
laboriatr mea will get a cnasce of a job
on the . contract is referee!
to the editor nt the Star, who claims to
!mow all about it.
Tex Gudench Tones met on Saturday
night f•.r "important" business, as the
.tall pat it. Reformers need 1. be on
their guard.
Tao Rose says Tan Stow . •'carefully
refrained from diem/sing the (water
works+ scheme on its menta" Thom
was no meat in that .furor to dimuse.
A ,f the Star ulimo:m•
tionally gives the Big Boom and b+wmere
away badly when he writes : -
A sman committee of prominent rotates:
boatwtr tea of beth parties Mesh he a►
pN.sed te act with the crane con m les.
u.dar the fabs that we des% employ oarpes-
tsrs to shoo der horses." All pemilde fetor
mala .heal* be precured from • uiwwdsat
curer. and the bort ad mow feasible
plass subedited to the sieo6.rs.
Tag Sweat kat been particularly fee
Neste in seeming excellent correspon
deet,, who are able to gine graphic d.-
soripti.0 of mem, places and things they
Dome wto.s in their travels. Capt.
Pareon's Cestral America letter was a
good one ; there is piously of informs'
tion, and sot a little humor, in nae
Edmonton letter this week , and oar
Australian letter in this Moue, is, like all
Mr. MoCo■aetl's Sketches, an etcellent
specimen of deeeriptiro wetting.
One of the questions that the subsi-
dissd portion .•f the Tory press never
Roaches is this "If the halfbreoda and
Indians had ne provocation, bow can
the rebellion be accounted fort" Sir
Richard Cartwright put that point well
in his recent speech in the county of
Simeon:- s
No, gentlemen, I have said up to
this time we hare not had a Lair
opportuaitr of enquiring into the mat-
ter ; bet, nevertheless. it is s must grave
and serous thing. We in Canada for
overly a whale century hare made it our
hose -and • eery prtud bout it was --
teat by Leeson of the seperior justice and
fairness with which we had dealt with
our Indian population, we had wholly
averted in Canada any Indian uprising.
any id those bloody and terrible wars,
which in other countries, especially in
the United States, have wrought such
woe and i'tjury to the frontier popula-
tion. Now, you will bear in mind that
neither do Indian savages nor do white
men ever take up arms without some
serious impelling causes. los may rest
assured that whenever mien feel them
selves sufficiently aggrieved t., pot the::
lives in jeopardy. and run the risk of
their families and themselves being sub
The WJMM_ er et•► ter .chew tease ,ms
O*sri►-oa.e 4 $ era.
Nora owt*ytoe (le R►:'!:
The Montreal Prat (a hitherto is4s
pesesnt O.ssereaaive jusreell, Cit.. den
dimly pub the- Mee from Rha quebeic
dasdpw't : -
jetted t -t all rho extremities of war,
there must have been some very serious
motive to induce them to run such risks.
Looking over Some of those journals
which have treated of the cause of this
war, I see that if they are to be believ-
ed. these moa, for no cause whatever,
for no assignable Mason. chose to rush
into rebellion -to assail oar troops, to
Alight for weeks and months, and bcally
to be Shut down in their trenches.
fluty ass, owes for all, that i am no be-
liever mysaf in the theory of sponta-
neous cualesstion - (applause and
laughter) -sad I do sot believe any in
,urea:* eotsesmy .t repute would be
very likely to My T'ur policy if you
er+eld advance no better proof of the
engin of the fire thar that it was natu-
red, spontaneous co,tbuatuon- -(renewed
I laegtoter) -and yet it arm -
. re to believe these .p-logists, them per-
sona whom i hare described, .•1 their
free will, wittiut the smallest proroea
tios being Vest', chose, as 1 may Say, 0.
go and -oboes to stand in arias against
the f , .ad tr expose. them-
selves, as they must have known to be-
ing certainly crushed out by the superior
power of the Dominion I cannot ac-
cept that NU a %efficient
On the contrary, I advise you to ettani-
ins r•+refully into the evidence to bus
"No, the swMry is not este beausi submitted to yete, and if we had that
Rist is in hie grave ; it will be safe wily' any particeler parties nr any pertscular
when the MSS who brought the rebltion m 1 t hare time rue ,osib'•e for
about by that niegowsr.meat wad have - this dieter, to 11614 t:t.., a.. very strict
been hurled Iron power sea .!hasterted seemmi
fur their sins against the country *ad The cess of the In ttsn% is clear ea
the people. Th. ore" and p.rtiaenelanything can he They woke amply
of the v 1 s.snut deceive an -robbed, starved end treated like dogs by
prepared and ; sad= the llfbtemosaiis O renewal i■ the resp Rtie ,el oaten pa+ple. Them have eyes l .51 moHit allyJohw agents to mane of Indio are
taw well M y ssAtsk. ?roam that day um nothing farther .sed sere to hear , rad they will set retinal, verse reset the worst Indian• in
let as see too. coli neer Ike Peered.agsrss-1 peers flee IM$, N.. 32, page Jeer PRasmw, prasi4561, i bas teas heard of Ike eetiou 01 the mesain deaf or lilted to the hies of the eche North...et and Mom• ..1 them look
•gall seal. will rMSabl. t.h. wemi.ehl• * mik bs fesmd as eats. a ..ms.i1 We have raises.. believe that similes Government o. tie.rsrhaaliag of John oppreesed pop.lstion of the Neethwore• up were
eohem. dssgl.d Micro tis 5755 of 11M p.s.d a the 1711 Permiw7, 1573, wine tsstbies were rasov%ed to is *eery mesial A Meedosedl's aeeneat, and it is quite TMA• °sus of its atieteat.w. of tke l.4 As s the trait •fe"e"ds it n•+v w.ii
slates a feeti d&lb age. mesas b#ire M. N*ehwaww mita w d a ty where there was a liked it weld have rested in the dark o the lad Indian wee n..t .ani11itated th y ems tier R their
este, line their paltry rectae 1 on the soggnld s't lteeia.s." they come to risk their 1•omea, their
let t1e cry of 'Vasty plilis." as s oillss, psm iag Ne ssmpaay eau rasher s*serd, and the Meager ia whish time -tblivi nm of asst fas.stfulsr,ss in which That peonies 1. perfectly sour& Biel iris, their ell, it they hall no to 1
silly oR.... amity 1. sow .b.s w• a bb. ".evwg.l kiwi& M.lsdwi i. Nat Tcries sae glossies over the molts 'MOS our pw.sst issapahls Togy role' on
,slab tilma eine ef Mr. B.tier'e Oosesrvs- pars d the Lake of t1. Weeds ty4sg te 1.r be penes that they are elated at dearer urs bury their dark user at .em
live emilhata.s at the mused beard, who Abe North of thermal.' of mid lake." 'maim t►.. swam a mato oa tiwir IN, wnearns and omission, had it not hese
.tare.. hnedeome Wilt .1 .tares, and ileo Maeksm-s, wt0 weed cols• k berm tune. sloes re. Oa the book of that the member fee West Hares east a
wbgvee woe wermat to many times floes Nevsvebsr, !A$, was .1 eeom a q- the eimmhr hen whisk we b..e gamed clue apes the gloom is his now mho
et lir. !liens, sed the editor of the p cities a the ?Mewed pe..edist, were writers the eabsli.tie weak, "Jima- bribed rira-.deid epees!. The public
!agar esmW.d. voted etptiem the water - when t1' t;Nr.bis Lamb r OS. wee thew has a vet.," and we are iodised to would like to know if them aceeeets of
.writ eih.eS on similar grom els to gigs. their rwima1a knit` believe that the beaded%. of Meader, the Tory heeler hare been thoroughly
two pm forth is Tee Ousxat. Tin 4. WALLA°. mugAM Th. which President Perdue seat through overhauled, as peonised by ger [lector
=,mtkeatme weer takes hie mining Ottawa oerre.pesiset of the Mast a Ilis.ria tewselip bsiees lessees day. is the session el
1.884, and if John A
notion. from Tee B.mir4L% 1.t he tt a dap ".4"1" ill Ades 11e my."' bete lags& pealiy /dated. ie is high Mtt.danadl, bee bees Nem' to disrwye
J.ractieM boldness etas. and k!tbongI. fill mels of Kr. O sseres's awe* tau bete RIM mire" dates. a Harm awoke .ay part of 110 pleader.
.f .mangy gad meet, se not seam", to
was not � �thae� mese ed the relied. is he it won't do to my that Biel led them
wsa mmeiy few tnstrefeent. The flee They sent amen hundred miles fee Riot
ervtveest was Lbw rause, and now (hilt Do neon ask lilt end prepterty 15
the instronsoat has been perished. lite eothieg • How dews .t come that there
boo demands that Ube .•..s 11. pani•hed are no rebellions in tt:e other Provinces
.len 1n Q..bee Prorinee every as, 8iseply beceeee we far. deleted oar rights
lith en
speaking iedepesdt journal, save 1. Parliament and the mints. Were the
the Montreel Mar, is more 0' lees in peop:e in the other Provinces treated as
appositive to the present Ottawa Adotin- the 1 Alf bretets were t world hey*
hemline, whereas a (.w weeks ago, the rebrlf•.l long ago Rewenn
only journal of that elan which meld -
It. w eut.peet d of Liberal Iesnisa tea ; rli
e •ar Weald bare the people lieiisvn
the Montreal Mimics 4: will Asa get tltM �y �' TM
sere that the soli-risietovial •set omen s fleuwaa.
is •,reeler end set . rte. "Pdt.wwtb•t' 1 is osrtaia led los'elotted. .InbwdM7 gggggggt
W.1115, (hebatm, the id e ?v."' pf C. N WI INA tet tt1. Tories have tete() Iliaedns.ell is a fooa..ostid tike, - tifeterborea /a basso'.( t to+et 'I2R : thill0C.