The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 88 FACTS AND FIGURES. Otnxneron Condemns the Govern- ment. Ton Weetall•is eweetrwew mrtoras ren the Ts a payer. M 1. Following is • portion ..f the able speech o1 M. C. (luteron, M.1'., at Brae -4401d :- Mr ea.uer611, after seine preliminary remark said :- I desire herr end now, end 11i the face of the people et the country, to charge the present Adnunis tratiou with eatnvagauce in the manage- ment of ruw.c edam eatravxance each as no country, and especially m country situated as Canada is, can jinti- ty---aithcorruption so open and so plain, that cue se astuun ted at the bare con• templaticn of it. I desire to charge and 1 do herr charge them with having pr•w- tituted the high trust reposed •tis them hy the people .•f this c.,uotry to the lowest mid basest purposes ; with having sr c.rrupted the Tory press by direct money .ribs that no utte.anee of the Tory prow tear receive at the hands of thinking men the slightest consideration; with havn,t so debased, degraded, and corrupted lits w:i.•le puhhc service of tit• c .uutry that fraud and misconduct, peculation and thieving ride rampant In every department of the pubbc service. (Chien. 1 charge then with having attempted to bribe all the constituen- cies of Fastens Canada by direct money bri'ves, in the shape of thonuaes to their local railways -with having degraded the high position of • . . save of a free people by direct money and other brthes. I charge them won having reck- lessly and wickedly .quandered the re- sources of Canals, and with having par- celled out a large path n of the domain of Ontario among their camp followers aced pditto•1 hae.'e-s-oto. (Cheers) • 'I'tlfsltRtietment 1s skiers and serious tete. aid ,u pub', a rein should, either . ..t• i o P r.ie a r t • r ...n the psbhtr platform, make allegal30s at this kind unl•srhe is in s pt'ysftitin i`• "ItOti: THdyl. •.7., ,.1101‘;''.1177”40e41,1* it': qtr •izhii&7 ^ 'r 'r I1'44' `, ^"4]'I•4 THE H U R• ► \ SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1886. 111114111 _o• 4A possums somewhat oa yourpdieenea In 1878, under the head tel y **pea dater•, nitwit melodies the interest t)0 and 1 et the debt. we spout $11,6M4,123. Last year soder the saw 'teed we spent $14,&,01, ur au in einem in • little over ax plan of I$7,- 980,718. , oOaT$OLLA Ma L1r $DITQRa DOCILma The item .d «retrdlable •apeedttore is one which is p.culutly wader the con trul 4 the tpuverumesit for the tune betas ; they .aa reduce it or ...It it tai mastic . s ea they see tit. It includes the chargees tor legislation, salaries, and public wurks In 1878 we •pout soder this head $6,642,b10. Last year that item bad nerd to the e••ur- mous titrate of $13.111MI,872. Itr su increase on this item alone in a little °ver six years 01 $6,608,362. I ask the taxpayers °t Canada if there was •sty• thing in the circumstances of this coun- try witch justified the Government is it.oseasinv the controllable expenditure IA. that sn.amous extent. The item el depattwen al cmtingeuce• in 1878 amounted to $158,174, last year it was $903,1O1a, an increase tot $44.934. In 1878 the item of trait oiling expenses and cab hire setio• '.ted to 813,234. Let year it was $29,940, an increase ^f $16,670. I have no doubts In the world that Sar John's sudden trap across the °Cosa to escape the vuuitesuce of his Blue friends will be charged to the tax- payers of Canada. l0 1878 the .(umber of employees in the public departments was 493 Last year there were 819 in Ottawa alone. Why you cant enter • door of the Park• le usher weeds, (M$.me whish rets taw 'bode of the taw, gets .,o -ibII e• nth 4 the emote. We pretested saes..•( skis immure , we teemed out abet if the Eastern Provinces erre b be reci.epsd for their expeuditere us railways es .Isoutd the Pr..vmne of ()ntal,. ; sod accordingly Mr. Blake w..t.• i, •'That this House feels bound to eapir.a the opinion that C.uada. .bee, •s pr.,asdesi by the raid raolutsaes, treoutitu{ '•iL .•( the I n,....ees for part ••t the pend local rapewd.lure un ratlws)r, .bu..ld Ionia regard to the past l..ual ,apeu.tatu:e lis other Pr, viocr. un ,.'loans. .1,., .: JI 0t which hate b...•„ drel•ft 1 1, I.0 1.•r the tesseral edvaatage ed Omuta ; and this Ileum regrets h .t the liuvrl nems, chile pr..ta.elnd w iiie.ou a of relief for one Prut ewe, has test take-, steeps with a view to a fair and proportionate .urn..• u:r of relief rat respect of 1• ca: rel cud/ ture 111 the oar(' Prov•Ix'ea " eo Ju,TICII ria ONTtl.i... Our elf. ria were is vara. The pruposl Hon esu a Lir ese. let out • Tory ,n the H item voted Ilea it. Agate ill 13.7 Perltament wee *eked 1...gr.trtt, and did Kraut, $7,991.,000 lis sehei•1;ae other total railways ; .4 that lame rum there wa. voted fur reactive s.')otarw toad near- ly early all rat Eastern °•.stew - $400,300. The Relearn Prurtuces got $7.30,000 other weeds °mane, which ppays two thirds , f the •hu e, rtes. 1.18 'f the . rant. 7011T Lite teed. In Canada we hate a Weimer ea Jus tire tt: whom we pas $8.0110 a year. • Deputy Minister $4 LW and the Ipgal went Buildings without meeting three tc „ Ih; tab in the Depara ur..at ••f Justice, four fellows ready to. .how you in, an.1 whose siderite amount to $13.000 Morel you du get in there are three of user, avail) Departments .4 the Govern. fourmore to direct you to the Minister mems has one or more Lawyers, who are whets ye u wish to interview. expected to do a.1 the local bustle.. of EZTE1 .'LEaei. the Deprrtmr' t• ; and t, t last year we There is another system resorted to paid sou T..ry lawyers $86 934 fix work by the Government to reward their poli that ought to have beau ,dill by the law - tical (avuuntrs and waste the people'. yore a 1 the Departments Fur uutauerr, money --that is the employment of tetra Mr. Christie, an Ottasa Tory Iawler, clerks at large salaries. Altbough -die--drew trim the P014144? chest $1,:I54;--.lws.- public dep.rtnent. at Ottawa are literal- A Frrgus.o, a y•.eug T.ry bswver of ,y crammed with permat.ent clerks, lest Nttawa, $3.249 ; Mr Vi allwcr (iraham, a year we spent nu less than $181,064 to pariner of ( H Toppu.r, the T•ry teni • pay • ltd of brukendown political hack• bur fur Piev.u, $'4.139 ; J. A. Maodtsn- - -Canadian and gnglish dudes- men roll, • Tur..utu Tory Ism, or, not 1113.154 OSS; ant( they gut it. Thee $300.000 of the tarp eyers tummy was bused by the e aeckt.es speudtheifts te tbu rotten Torr utalitrtiva, sod sae duller of which will ever be reloaded. mad emery Tory su the Heise vote' to jelli4 this luau. air Ma's ..sore. The I htv has leen seggeed slut Sir st , • after returntud (rues England. may ail the gotrritr-general tut a dusolutn n of the uu41,0 peke. the leo-utina • i l.,rttauteut. It is barrio p,.ssit.le that Sir Juhn sway tale tit s iter. If he anticipator defeat I.,• doubt- less will . but «• far as wr h.ii a been able to gather, absolute defeat is test staring him to the face. While • large number ..f the Blees wall go over to the upp..itton on certain •ll:wtioos, he will still retain a majority. If 1.e goes t.. the •euutry before parliament meets it will tie with the idea of clouding the Ileal issue as t,i whether he has goyerued the Northwest at:d Canaria generally, wisely laud well, by placing in its stead the law.•, should rad have been hums ue Irl: old he hair beer petitioned ' • T_ IX_ RSC".-1A.zv..,k-)6, CARLOW. NEW GLASSWARE There are wine who think `ar Juan • wen: t ' England to get a popwlsr cry ; ' :hese are ..thus wilt) thin). that !ie went there for a res:. When he names beck wr .01 tied cut what he got. 1f he! comets back with reciprocity, ••r euen } menial cnsou, or something of admit.1 t dee l.. t'ou pe. p:e. he will be rt elected, and w:!' have a etr..ny suppett n. the house , but if he relies •.o sweeping Outer:. tie the hanging . ! Girt he will b: defeated.-(Toront., News. • Very meeeseratsg Yen don t ate any Grit paper.* c-.pytne lie:. Dr. Young's graphic description of the murder of poser Scott at F. rt (carry in March. 11%70. It doesn't serve a Party ! purpose last new. --Beret, News Blear your little, ign. rant heart ' The! "Grit" pavers published Dr. Young's i derxiptiun of tic Kt's murder n:auy .-mouths tags•. at the taut when the doctor delivered has lecture on the subject. i Perhaps the News quibbler was tor, bust wait his hay, er defending hit ch,.rrh ce-tdl?I..st, tip t•kr .i• tees of that fart But Liberal papery are puldish..i with the ..burst of giving the Leas, not el re - 6411.011 ancient hist ,ry. In this c tn- nc, ti. .1, ad .14 Q!.(. ...raj :;tae •:fetaUi r.i the to tee lac. that, while tory Journal are T.ow busy tr)ing to male' f the murder of Scut; even more hombts I than it was, they carefully conceal the fret that';:. Jetty. Macdonald raid Rlel 1 soh•, never did an honest day s work or D O'C eller, an Ottawa Tory lary.•r 01ith tl• uttnest erntidence in the truth earned an honest dollar, to di.clurle received $8,911 este bills met in by of the ci1arees f have made. I shall now duties the { ennanent staff was paid to SIome of these Tory lawyers ate cur.••J. proto he e yeur pet plea t this country -unfortunately usa rn. In 1878 unfurtu lytfur ine erf iorermauent m. In staff no leas thandition to this we $275. g0 a you ad t specimen erltw i..f . Lethree the heel interests of Canada defeated (silo as extra allowances In the perfur- Tory Iawyen are ped b) t:.r people y the Government of the thin Alex. Mac- Genes Let,iie.:.114 pe..n t to hero • het. ,ay that if 1 all ht)uo.t ..a,a�.oe.i rtes .wey,d the destinies of this c ountry that men was tht Hon. Alex. Mackenzie. ;Cheers) VI hen i he:•t•J of 1i.s defeat 1 nlmuat felt the: s oraat c•,t-tnaltr...:..a .+.t miaow - batty in this country. When Sir lam returned to power in 1878 tete public debt of this country was 174 million dollars Today, after a little over six Terre of Tory rule, the national debt is 296 mil- lirem. Or an increase of `20 millions a year. a tut is the Tory showing for • little over 1161 years- and that is not all. I appeal to you as intelligent taxpayers if there e not throughout the length awl breadth cf this country, general depression, gen- eral uneasiness in commercial circles, business men instead -4 urtlurling, draw- iog in their sails, low prices for the pr - duce of the farm, Increasing expenditure, a decreasing revenue, and to cap the climax a large deficit -a deficit in last year of $'2,357,470, according to the .•1.111 .. showing. but • deficit which I soy amounts to double that sum ; and i will (.rove this statement amt of the public rea,rds of Parlu en ant. THE KE-tL 1.LIICIT. nance of duties which by law they were '•aid G. perform and bound to discharge, and thus your latency is recklessly spent. Cheers.) T111 al Milli zaD. t'.ver> lir«•rlpwion err t' heap. trk„ NEW DRY GOODS 'ace cuppil very cheep. Corrallis, Raisins, Peels, Teas & Confectionery e•:, : ;,• 1' t •ask::re, Etc., all (mob and nee , suitable for CHRISTMAS and li ziw YEARS ! lt?'t tsetse iast#setsee. Aachen) as 'toe cheep, -.I. Tatra Iadseeimate ter the swat to days ..i. geed purchases. ants% Use. lap t1rM1. VOA Mrs. Thomas li;etsbeeti. of Sidney, Armistmitts.Ha.uu • lo accientatly smothered her I (1ODESit:M WIGS ANICS' INSTi mime. 1n ltu.trrr 11, 05 the 3d Jsataarr 'the wire td91 'thus. hatter. ora sow. At the Er.'h..nngyee 11.re1. Dunlop. or. the 2011, tt Itti, wifu• . . It 1044111 • o M. uc..y I.y wrappnt,g it rap tine chess.-! y TC'rle LIBRARY ANDRiCADiNt: tti,4)M. tor. of trait ./trot aad *mare lap satyr.. Opera teem I toe pm., and from 7 to 10p.m_ ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY m ).ein► IPed , If--etiy end iflwefrateei i'apem, .Ness u:iatra, Er., ow rile. Mt1:MHKRSHIP TICKS?. ONLY 1111.00.. granting free use of Library end Heading1.44UW. Apt•tkaatlsn for membership reverted by Librarian. to rower. J. 11. l'ULUUUR N k. A Lb: i MORTON, si Predent. !Secretary. March Ooler.cb. lrub. (116. MI6 11setae e AM A ferr . of a son aa�setlfiMelela 11:. -pease,! i.> Telephone front wart.. Mits.l Onui.uca. Jan.:. 1505 Wheat. i !NW r bw.h 90 FA M $O i43 - W twat, reed vgtrert ! bash 0 50 M 0 t0 %VhesLl*prin i b�.sh . . .. 0 till w 0 Its Wheat, iguua 1 11 bt..4 • 0 0 N u h1 �tonr, dale r vet . ,A : U Fluor..missda i ea'• ... ., M r 2 ••.r51t tri . netting l: nt tia•••, • , wt . 2 5G w : 19 Pour. tpatont1 per....' ... . 00 • 2 au flats.. bush ... .. a 10 r J T• Pea.. 1r heap 0 At i" 015 110.e/bash ....... 0 :o a V li ratan .. )r bust, 0 Si as 0 •r Hat .*ton sMfir 530 Rutter,11L *... 00.. 117 ����i.o ivapackedlides .tea 0 1.1 1 era ..'t:.. 0N•• 012 Shona peat ... .- 0970 et M'0 'tree. M cwt M ria •' 00 Ira Port. P cwt . . • ....... 5 'A ' 5 Ss tt'oat .................. Nldes ......... . 5 le " 050 Sbesesaise.. 0 N 0 West Street Neat Market, "oa, -sr. whin cH.+sae tie rine ' r , acef:um the country in order that he �IlQre�S �C JOIlIlSIOD. might nate be embarrassed by being called or. t punish Lim , and then, when asked why he had not brought Riad to .1. A. Maeduonell is • Tory lawyer' eh . ties iia Toru•-tr. He is a u.ar, whv, owe years ago, while ,stunk, .ufncit •w i Lave meld that no reliance can be Vplaced on the otterences of the Tory Prras, and why ? Simply because they cannot afford to tell the truth ;they are t the paid organs of the Government ; they hve and move, •ad hare their being - cher., - -solely bee•use the public exchequer of this country is open to their calls. Thomas White is the Minis- ter of the Interior. Thomas White Thomas White's son, beether, and other relatives own the Montreal Garotte, It is •oint Rnm stock opasy, it is true, but the Jutnt Stuck Company consists of the White family, and the White family drew from the public exchequer last year f..r advertising and printing $19.035. Ceti obtained admission too the !Lair of the House and there grossly insulted it .nem ber of the Liberal party eL: at that imr was sddressieg th Hoi.se For tl.st Krim misoouduct he oh, •u d have been sent t.• the oninuerl ,pout ; ler w s, huwurtr,under Tory rule,simrly bruit to the Bar of the House and geutly re pnmanded by the Speaker. Rs is • po'tical wirepuller, a p6li.ic•1 henior- uu, who had to be prooided f..rat the public expense ; and he was employed by the Department of Public Works to in- vestigate the title to °t•ttatu pieces of property which the Government pro- prtpd to purchase f..r puvhc I,.nldinv. in Sr Thorns,. H.,n, ton O. ••t,. -n ...a The financial year ends nn the 30th June. In June last while we were du - cussing other grave questions in Parlia- ment, the Government let it be known that they proposed increasing the excise duties upon whiskey and beer. This sL terrified the manufacturers that they withdrew the liquor in bond, and paid to the Government. in the month of June last, exactiy a million of dollars more than they would have paid but for this threat, and exactly $ million more than was paid in the corresponding month of the prrcedilg year. The a million dollars was received by the Gov- ernment in the financial year 188:$7 that aught net to hare been received until 1886, and by this dishonest manteuvre the Government's deficit for 1886 was lessened by a niltion dollar's. Again, the proceeds of the sates of Dominion lands hare been credited by thuGovern- ment to annual revenue. On the name principle precisely as of one of you farm en soli your farm for 85,033 and treat ed proceeds a. part ..f your annual in - tomo. In other word., you dispose of your capital and treat the proceeds as part of your income for the year. The receipts for [brainiest lands fur last year amounted to r374,01.7, and /.very dollar of it was credited to annual revenue. Now it would not have been so had had the Government charged G. annual ex pendtture the expense of surveys and managing the Deminwn lands ; yet all the expenses of surveys, he , amounting Let year to $260,574, where charged to .apical acctunt, and by that fraudulent system of tw.okkeeptng they have lessen- ed the deficit by $269,347. That is not all. The Intercol 1 Railway is own eel by the Dominion • f Csuada The dr.bureements in connection with that railway last year amounted to 11.3.869. i.58; the receipts aotountel t.. $2,3533,- G4G, leaving a deficit of 81,506,910. What disposal did they make 44 that deficit 1 Every dollar is charged to capital account. I,et me tell you that $615,330 n made up •.f expense* for repairs, rolling stock, local expe•nsee,and prying damages obtained by parties spent* the railway. All thew it.•,us ere jest as much annual expenditure as any item can p,e.ibly he. And yet ..very dud lis of that *61h,330 is charged to capital amount, and thus again, by this (redo- lent system of ba..kkeeping, the deficit has peen lessened by that additional auto of $611,,330. Now, if y .0 add those three items to the depot admitted • 7 the Mail newgrper you will find ■n actual deficit of 04,242.347. I mal e this charge openly, and 1 defy the who Is Tory press, (root Halifax t., the Perste, mast, seocewful ly to contradict It. (Cheers. I 1 know that Rgnres are te t very interesting matter to .1esi with, but it is .m"..rtaot that the nig payers 4/1 this arvootry should know how their money is spent, and therefore I propose test. we expect Tum White to vote against the 0 T (laughter.) Mc Lean, Roger, & Co., the Government printers, are booed by contract t•, do the C 1 printing for certain specified rates Their contract price is 10 cents per thousand ems Thomas White was paid 35 rents per thoesand i � sons Thomas White published for the Goverment four editions of an immi- gration pamphlet. Thos. White charged fur setting it op four different times, when et is well known the work was done but ogee. The contract path. esu l0 cents per thousand ems ; Thomas White charged, and was paid $L40, or fourteen times what the country sow bound t., pay the public contractor. For pm* work Thomas White charged on the immigration pamphlet, for 11,048 tokens. By actual aunt the num. ber of tokens was only 5,52. Soo Mr. Thomas White's paper charged, and woe paid for, double the work done, and in addition fourteen times as much as the public contractor was boned to de the work for. Thomas White's news- paper does not stead aloes. Then the Atilt/ newspaper was pals' lest Lear 134, the charges beit/ shay to theles mad a by Thomas Whyte ; the Hamilton Apeetator. $6,894 ; The London Prre nets, $6,4?8, and the Prescott Alr,iva- ger, $6,224. The total amount received by the Tory pre last year for advertis ing and printing was 9101,915. Now, I nay that while I have no objection to the Tory prem getting the p•tmn•ge from •Tory Government, I deo object • that they shoal" shares from four ler fourteen titles move than the legitimate contract prisma I palm wow to another mode adopted by thin Government of rewarding their &Mods mad of spending public money. Jobe O'Connor had been Po.ima/er-Oenenl under Sir John. Joha O'Ouenor's u.efulaeei was gone and Sir Joha took the first chance to rid himself of the b.rden. But J•,hn O'Connor knew • great many of the secrets of the Cabinet . and he let ase Government 1 that unless he were ptovided for the .cents would be disclosed. Therefore he was employed 'by the Government at the public et penile to prepare a defence to the honest ,claims of Ontario to the disputed tern. tory. He was wholly Ignorant tit the subject and rendered no service to the country. but for seven months' work nn the Outano Ito.undary Award he was paid $9,300 -acid thus 99,300 of public money was worse than wasted. wigwags TO a*1110►Da. You are aware that in Ontario we built - our own railway., and i daresay there i. .sot a roan before mei who has not paid hie .hue of takes towards building the r•tlways They were local railways chartered by the Lrc►l Government, tied huilt r.ut of local sources Tiro years ago the Do'.iniotn (lorersm•nl by Act of Parliament. took control of than rail- ways 1.1 1884. with • view of inflame ing onnstituenetes. and bribing the p' presentative. of the people, the Chemin meat inlredwoed • Bill ernntiag 98.33N, 400 In subsidies railways in the lasses Provinces, and the Bi't, of enures he- ron* law (N this en' ranee aura of $8,339,410 lantern. got only $8l8.110ft T, ionto. His bill for examining the title of the Si. Th•.mas pr.•perty was 9146 Let me give you one .•r awe. of the freers ee a sample of this Tory law- yer's chargee For drawing a dent, $34: for reunite over his own deed, 810 - (lau,hterl; fur writing a tetter to Inc psrtmtnt at Gtaws that the title was all right, $40 The 'team an hu bid, far inrestigattng the title to the lhatham property are still more ceno..s. An ars street of title was •rot to Litt. by the seller of the pro;tet(} , he charged 94 for reading it ; f.:r mellow the deeds, $7 h0, $ letter to the vend•.C'.:awyer,asktug 1 ,r some etylahttioes as t•. the title, $05 H. Rot an answer and charged fur marl- ine the anewer 94 (Ltaghter.% He w r to f. r further explanthiels and charged 93; he atte•,drd the registry c'l'ue to record the deed and charred 91 Then he charged for n•.t.ly•"_ t; e Government that th,• tit's, was all riKht. 8i0. The chokes made with respect W the Hamilton prt•perty are •tail more nutratenee --P .r exa.,.t,'e, i:.. charted $l9 90 for a r -•pat on the ta:ie to the Gurernment. ilanol-tut, is )est $.l miles from Torino, Thu lew)er, ,v F.: au Merit for the ..adder, lived :it :,,rout.•, and he charted for g•.io4 fro:. Toronto to Hamilton and lack $180. (Senna - hon.) He charged 83 for :.ttendtng t'. mooed the deed, and then to cap the atonal of thane outrageous items hookhart- ed (or passant the title 8369. (('rest sensation ) With respect to • psreel of land to c.nnect... i with t ne To- ronto Observatory, he made the report on tits title hi tlsr (lasers meet for which he charged 939 94. Be had as interview with the late Chief Justice 111,44 about the prnperty•f••r which he charted $40 Then he made a seated r.peet to the Government, for ehtrh he oiarg- ed $24 20. He drew up what he calls a brief ne title. and charted 6 r it 917.60. He charged a fee of $60 far an arbors - !tan which never teak pito.. Ile abort- ed for an interview with Mr- [assgt.m $G0 Themcherge. ware set ouly made by times ?wry lawyers, but they were actually paid by this r.,treet Adminis- tration i ask th . taxpayers tf this country if they can ju.tify tie mandal oar expenditure of pu'a.,c matey ells RZOR141Oa 5141. Let mo give you snot acv litt4anee of the mtaoonduet and carrwptsse r.f the Goy . natant The Vacesnge i)a k has its headquarters at Montrea:. i; was a Bank coatralled largely by the Tones. Mr. Cr•tg, brother in law u: t.te mem hers f..r Mmotes! West, •as canter and manager T1te T. ry member far Mon- treal West was for • beg time President A To.) Senator woes Iodise member of the Beard. In 1883 the Bask was on the verge rr1 bankreptty The directors of the bank, who were needy all 'reties seat a delogatu.a to Ottawa to get the Tory tioversssent to amble the Tay beak with a hem ..1 9900,000 of tee pen pie'• mews seri I.'t, tut a parties of eeeerity. 7� T -y l.nister of ?mance, well knowing the emditioe •of the hank, loosed it $900.000 This loan did nM cute the hank over .141.I4ca4. and ghee dirtrirtn of the ►oak very ebe•rtly sitar the het her appealed to the Tory (1.'e eresteat for an sinktarda: Lae -4 $100, justice, he turned up the whites 04 his eyes and exclaimed, "Weald to (ked I c•u!d catch hire ' The lees the Tory papers have to say ah•• -at the icor' rntrder. and the Jtsura•-efLl policy of St) Juhn. Macceit.sld m retard to it, the tetter for that_. The remioiscenees reflect credit cc neither Macdonald Lor the men who shared with him the re- ' bringing ; u that .-ut- break. - LH smitten Times. sntrsrfs. Geo F'.uker has returned burn. from the Norteaes. Ye candidates far rr ouir.al honors in this teen who were del.ted at the nate elections, are 0, t spending as much time .hakicg hands as they did a week or two age. The only advocate of the whisky traffic who ran fur municipal hollers in Nest Wewarosh Was retuned with the largest tote. Didn't W. W. give a respectable majority for the Soots Act? The temperance electors of some of the municipalities in this county deserve great credit for their incunsistency. With many of them It i* a good deal like eheann;p a pi,. "Big cry and little wool. Big Anthony and little Joe. with the asstatance of F. W. J., made themselves s -!id with the cL ureh members of Ct l - borne apparently, with their Sunday caucus The Cid here, folks deserve great credit fur nothing. The sudden death ef Alonm Morgan ca New '"ear's mo mud cast stints a elongs over this place, as deceased was well kce wo and respected. The day previous to ha death he was at the *swirl( bee of ?oltm G,vier, and seemed to be in good health. Duntig the night be felt a little uneasy but thought nothing of it. After breakfast. he welt out Wert ready a hone that Mr. M•. rg•n, u.. was Roane to drive to Clinton. When Mr. Morgan went out he found Alonzo dead, string on the doer sill •f the stable with his head lean- ing against the side of the building. Dr. 0. Young, vi Lendesb.rt•', was called in and said he died of paralysis of the heart. Deceased was only twenty five years of age. Ws extasd our sympathy to Mr. Styrian to Lis dad bereavement. e4. Jos ts Soap dont coat as mach as d tamonda, but loots u' people don't seem able to a$urd both A man who enrol. forty cents worth of whiskey to give him an appetite for a fifty cwt dancer always has dyspepsia. i never feel cornfortable when there's a mat. around that .miles all the time. The on!), dog that tit me never stopped woven' hes tail When T see a feller siftio two Tarts of ashes aro' smnkin' a ten cent cigar 51 rare time. 1 know he'll get rich bees*** 9e'■ e!tennmioal. 1'•m alto* me a than that's allus work is' in polities an UP show you one that gets a sight mere an better t. eat than his wife and Addeo. do. I dant often as'. riddles, but wot do roe think m family is likely to have for dimer ween the old tan earns eight dollars s week, spending four for beer, two fir cigars sad bays a rill. ticket 7 Little Jsulk "What 44 oaf.. 'won hy nay( that he was esptain of this shit, t Mamma "Oh, 1101 is hts way of saying that he it the head of the home." Little J.sk "II papa is captain, what ere rut(llamas . "Well I .•ppnss I an the pilot." Little Jack - "Oh, them f met be the re pa.m "" Kaamm 'The •asepses I why tkm enemas r j.wle Jsek : ' Why, the 'speaks and pike tie+ always k king the n.a', yes knew i M L t• ' �'ate art rtarn gopodt urtlOatucnto Tad ,w etrakinpry asln SIII piti ..A•trationsod 1•twrpt I:..cry. 1 [ L IIaI 1100 al 11.!. KIND11 OF 1839--ESTABLISHED--1839 sad atiM elated or a„y ria hisi:.icse sold truss: taa.t CA II ()N1.i. #' Beet Quality Standard idles, 1 $2.65 PER KEd OF 100 Lbs. .1L u:b,•r Hardest.. Paints. 011a tilers,• 161i1t rat Tools end Mi. ;'.�n•- .nla pr.; • rtion Use Buckthorn Steel Wire Fencing At 6c. per lb. MT - .1 ;T TEAS T TEAS A CAL:. SOLICITED De, . a: , ties. sr DRY GOODS UEFA LINT DUNN'S • low as usu.: ASSORTMENT OF SiLKS, Ktir.t good value. ' Red anti Brown Wearing Cotten 1 are, 91 De per beach. BAKING qc1.) .u4ot fiwdtngtrr i'r...,10 or llprIuwe. d.s,•ouo as wr 4. nut sake that proal. 1 r edn1 nose! tel' antes io plata PRtiir., •t the home. n .r.d p-okt. POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND C. CRABB Oast Hide Market square Goderta b. July Alth.lini& 11 ------ ---i 1 AM NOT THE CHEAI'BST MAN HURON AND BRUCE , LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, T1a..c 1 mpany is Lon-inq A(o' : v Pars ; .'4r irity at ).luteal Rat,. ? /r`• -r• MORT GAGES PUR('HASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 4 and 5 per. Cent. I•tt-rest .4'!,u -e l •.n Ikport•, ac.•ordtn1 to omoun• and time fejt. OFFICE: Car. of Market Sgcar• and North Stmt. (.toderich. HORAC'E HORTON. Maim/wait. Goder•th. Aag. iib. 1111:-. 19e1- $200,000 PRIVATE FINDS wTo bad ea farm and town properly. at low- est interest. Mortgagee purchased. No cow =name chs agents tor the Trust land loan Company aC Casada, the Canada landed Credit (Nompeny. th. Imadoe Lois Company of (•aaade. Interest. h Si sad 7 per cent. N. R. Harrower. can obtain crony In one day. 1f title .Wsfacwry es ea De v let" R JOH NITON. yrsar err_t a 107•- Barristers, &v . Code rich u. the trade. but 1 am star to the front in TEAS, COFFEES aeb GENERAL GROCERIES. 25,000 Uw ks. 01.010e. Turkeys and ('hickesweal ed. hewnoff aad draws. , G. H. OLD, The Grocer. a the Square. Telephone ('emsse.keaties. (laden( h. Dec. tab. 11911. 18 71. GRIP ! 1886. %�iiY COL, CANADA t' COMIC JOURNAL Tbirtelatl rear of 1emes1Ma, The aim of "GRIP" M le set firth. in an impartial and iodepesdeat manner, the r,,.- ing events of Canadian poetical snd social We. In Cartoe,u speak mere definitely aid more pleasingly than whole cantinas of editorial. lot s peagent. emus appprrevr nese, and artistic style esf prsesaties a .wyert, the • wkole situation Is revealed u a slamest The s000ew.1 Ur* share how well phi. fart 1s • appreciated eveerts of Me oesiutryo bein passing poli- tical even more eagerly sought alter limo alae oke.te and humorous letter - of the paper. .hough the leiter is els etd teams of any smiler pis jbI( natioo on the oo•Uaenl Por 1510, arta U oessfdenMy Improved. The old cover is u be discarded . the taper lo 1 to nnmpries t! pages white • hasebonete de- sign for the title page. a Ie -arrangement of 16. watts and improved facilities for the' artistic peadootlw of the Cart.sew. will rateeially Improve the t7ru5rsphical ap- psarsnee of ale paper epi Tat Paws WILL 'feret immunises. ('rip 1s now the sheave's paper of its class n Americo sad rivets Improvements saw d.nldn ly enhance ire %slue. N. one who taker an '.serest 1. the political and metal ata', s of t b la cou miry should be without Urip. s. It peen -Ms • eoatptete and entertaining pictorial record. as the panorama ren. M. GRIP'S PLATFORM Hunger t't9wvt l'wJeenty : Pete:sh..m weidiov• 1' .,. 1 , 1 191: it etit vrilLowf T.wtp, r. eel, ei a far. bt'••eag• erre. Address trey (hap Printing 4 I'eblethine Comet Isave ywry. inr311 neat order* with nen Worst, o.s. Tomato.uleror saber least amass. year Tb. guar at se4 opip will be farni,hvd m w 1h a erfsL $iIh the ��erW.n of the latter merest tell. Ms ee no owl r $3 00 TO KNIGHT'S TOR • SHAVE, HAIRCUT. SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOOHR RAAT OF R0 19110-ty - '1 A. B. COR,NELL, UNDERTAKER. Has the Finest Assortment td (Lm (Troon, Caskets end Undertaken' 43.54.le Town, aloe Warm ter rt at Reasonable e. FURNITURE! - • HiFURNITURE ! As 11.ws1 lie Ree (he ('HKAI'E4T ANI. BRAT Stock of Undersell .111 'Meer ssb Furniture 1 May I Can fee (ersell Any Other Furniture Man in Town. rl 1 Alm Arm (6. C5406..,54 RIO Armed ha - proved Raymond 8iwing Machine ! OIv.c! •-t?lt and w. lltone77] t(edertirt ►. • Rotel. Hilo aton Atry.t. • E tl. t s,, •tom r r.