The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAI
scab hist., that 1 am sure he tiepin Mil It was turd to mallet' the truth. even
deed will preside user a1 yet though the sweet miming words came
Why .1.e do her t.,,•rtte adore room w tendo, Iy to toy ears.
w use satire sane./ rooms 1 I dared look up at last, to meet the
Mildred ham gone down the shady Why was the library fitted up .seedy pleading eau of the deep brows, wits
lose fors walk sod left fee &Joao. Th. like one that took my Laney in • book 1 sad thew my 1, 1 secret must
greet pile of ww,mg we hays been doing teed, and of which 1 spoke ! here been betrayed in my face. for 1
fur ]fir. klesio.oe is all oomplel.d, and i liometiases I fancy my brother in-law was bided in a close embrace, and
have written out the bill. to be, 'Whiter we a house also ut his heard
The bill ! Why did my cheek burn 'i1"4411111 butte.. but 1 cmasot lire then, "God bless you, my own, my darl-
sod my hated tremble over the task, as when they are married. inlL
if it worn s disarm*to ask forth. „irony M7 pend tremble, „ionthese 'surds, Set wr came back again in the glut of
ee hese honestly earned 1 when 1 have know" fur meaty bang works the Rottman sunset, talking of our future
Perhaps it is bustles it is something what was to be dm rod, bat amd more.
mew of Mildred aid I te work fen our It is become I am sorry for b.ah, I forgot Mildred Olt I saw her a'and:ng
daily Wend. where all the 1 eve, is on nne aide, only a at the gate •Z our garden.
only two prate ago we oould pay nth. wary, heart -sick submission ou the Is i1 the daze of my owe bappinr.A, 1
era foe the stitches put into our own 1 ether, wonder, or is Mildred's face lighted as I
dainty clothing. ( Oh, the pity ut it, the true, tender hive never seen it since our tether died I
Ah, me ! ' heart I ! dhver thoughtful, Herbert --my Her bet I
Two years eau ' Better, far better, to toil on alone, -when we entered the house, said :
Thom fever took our father and! bearing the burdens of poverty and sur "You *in waft to be alone with Otter
beoogdt nN to the confines of the grave
Whoa the fours! wu over, and
friends *unlined our father's •ffeire,„
they found every shilling was claimed by
creditors, arud ere were left poor as well
as orphsis.. Some of the friesde, who
pitied us, saved enough to bay a wee
cottage, and when 1 could take op the
perdu of life attain, I was allowed to
select Immature from our ofd how. for ut off the light (rum my page : but pia .. an insult'
the new one. 1 good, Deb's face was full of madness as 8h. put bar ern) about IV waist ma
All through this dreadful time 1111- ' his eyes smile! upon me. hid in. to the much.
dad was lit ing with Aunt Janet, and we 1 1 thought what • good brother he Then she made we sit upon the sofa
were glad she was spared_ 'meant to be to his ugly little sister, and +and knelt so that her face was very near
My duty was nettle Very m.rvelloew, then I was sorry for his wasted lore. i mine, to whisper
•and when the illmess scarred it and left "Are yuu very bevy !" fie asked. "Rodney has come homeny skin • deep, unsightly red, 1 could "No, .r, our great pile of sewing is' The very ioyousnew of her tone t..ld
not grieve u 1 should "so doe if Mil. ! quite ready for your servant *octane for I line the rest, even before she spoke again
row, than to huy rest at the price of sister. 1 will come this evening to ere
truth, promise lire and honor, whim You again -
lore has died. Then, bwino to Mildred, he left mr.
1 bad written so tar, when a ahadaw 1 looked int., the face of my sister withfell upon my paper, sod looking up, 1 a new pain at fry heart.
saw Herbert S•.merson standing between "''.uld she grieve Over my happiness,
me and the window. as the death blow to her own hi pe of
His tall, erect figure, the very per "a"and wealth
socation '1 strength and manliness, Would she resent my uffer of a home
Jrsd s empie lee loveliness had bun
swept .way.
She tune home, after all danger of
it, 1 said_peintmg to the hasp of neatly- I I kissed her.hoer mother might base
lillidod hese ss the tabs. i done, tau glad, too grateful to speak.
"Never mind the work just now, • he I "fin has written swain end again,"
cootagloo was over, to our little c'atus* i answered, eery gently, yet 1 fancied I : Mildred said, "but his mother held the
Aunt bad given her •complete note saw a shadow of annoyance in In. eyes., letters back, She did nut went a par r
! untttiad ,nese im the 151.51 Laskin" Can you wwit
alk out h ate for & little girl kr he: son's wile.-
-fur aunt would consult a faabi.m plate while ' I have umetWe I wish very "But she is dead. V. saw her death
t..r her shroud, if she knew *be was dy- much to say t9 you.' It was coming, fin the papers, I said.
t'•g-rand she looked fairer thau ever in He wanted the grave eider sister to i "And Rodney canes home because of
the &timbregarments, influence Mildred, to tell hint if he might her death. All kis lettere were in her
P.wr Mildred : She is only twenty se hope to win her, !desk, and es soon es he cooed, he went
,try and she never knew what work 1 y asset t»etled to suffocate use with . to aunt for news of me. She Vent hien
:newt till father died, its ba`'1 P"nations here, and 1 met him on his way to our
How was I blame mer when alio smile*, Suppwe he wKe to irk me if Mildred 1 cottage. Be loves me. illi, tell you are
!pots Mr. Sotnern, andlets his great, j w'm to lure beta !
wglad, for way heart seems to be breaking
moble hurt tout in a lute she oely r dor scold I to trio to my sister and with happiness. "
a4 feigns fur him ' 1 nut do a bitter wrong to him ' i said all she wished, tool when we had
He doe* love her. I Put .1 my hat and shawl, and we talked a little lon,;er, I told her my
What else e to bis c amnion r nuts to wept out. sews. She bun: Tutu nuglng, merry
Jr cottage mean + The cool September winds were laughter.
True, he i* nearly fifty, and Mildred � already whirling about the easy falling "You dear old gone," she cried, "and
leaves, and the trees were putting un you loved him all the tout-. 1 wondered
seems only a petted, careJrss child yet,
thsts�h ahs is only firs Ossa yt►nnr r Iximsuts and ntoW tuliave. why ycu defended aim s. savagely when
than I am. T" my surprise Mr. tiwserwnt iid not I would all him old or stupid."
When. I spoke of Mr. Somerson to- turn bras the shady lase that leads to '`He is neither," 1 crit -d.
(my, in spite of her careless race aylhn all the Oftener walks hereabouts, put ''01 course not ; only,' and the rosy
• pretty toss of her head, I could see • I wooed the rtosd, and after s short wait blush ams to the fair, rowed cheek, "he
Ment pato in her soft violet eyes. opted bis own garden gate. !
ie not Rainey. '
She will marry him, while 1 am sure He bad not yet' Roo* to lire in his new lie
Auto Janet wrute to to the nest
e -oh, *o bitterly sure- site will never home, Mat 1 had bard that every detail week.
ryM Rodney.I was cutLi ter6e. i Now that we were to make !cud
Rodney, who Muted over the seas when 1 'j wast you to see ray house,"d
he matches, from her worldly plant of view,
caes he led me up the broad stens, ' she could afford to be gracious.
11drtd was anpp,eed to be a rich mans
bold, tarried has heart with him, only I "and tell we if r.ur taste asummit n iu t ! no we sold our little c ttage and went
to crush it under his log silence when any further iasFro%emeuts. I to visit our aunt, who Rare to a splendid
"H,ltlred's tate he means,- I thought, l trousseau apiece, for our grand double
"only he did not like to ask her direct- I wedding.
ly' "Though," she told us frankly, "I
He led me from room to room, through 1 serer imagined that Herbert Sumeraon
the gnat, lofty ' , , cosy i would fall in lore with that tilde, ugly
sitting -rooms, dining-rx,ms, pointing 1 Helen, while my beaetiful Mildred was
out where my teat. or , , . had !unmarried."
been f,dloor
wed in furnishing or deoa- ' But I cannot think, in my deep happi-
It Is .nen months since 1Ir. Romer -
tion. "see, looking at the perfect c,nte(it in
son . hers, bringing a letter from .f
One full suite name, finished in , ,ray husband's nnuie tor, that Mildred
Aunt least, who damns him.. an cold blue satin, and cool, grey repo, he open_ i would hare made hint any happier than
friend of her own, and our mother*, ed for my inapeciiun, saying
- 1 he is.
raoetstly retuned from California and id Du you think this 1111s Mil.lred's Ws hoar from my aster, travelling
very rich, wins,, wary often, and we call the biro
1 ten
"Perfectly," I answered.
needs why I looney he lore, t ami d mono, Mildr«i's rams ; but
9o411a11Rely tl� 1i1s b ''Her pore Mende beauty will shine J when she returns, it will be to her owe
87 11111Imes lrtmi cad* met tends.;4ilie'��iSsid, "If I an win the dearest}ZioM, with the htu6Msd ane loves.
eoleow came,
1 never understood it. 1 wnu'd. have
4. son so sun u( Itudoey'. loyalty.
He seemed to me the very personifi-
cation of frank troth, of tender love, ys
for two yeses he has never written ;o
Il lbdred, who loved him -who loves him
parol* 4M *5awds.e. alit I IMMO •
wish of my been. "
ed hiss at .o.. ani. lewd .rd a l Gould mat answer.
I am Igoe sty swam.' I had known ibis
At this season of the year Quinsy and
it was oomine, various forms of Throat Complaints pc. was bark sed small, net on Aii1• coming eons, and yet my tongue seemed wail. • Bagyard'a Peelers' R.Isam man
1red, who h .14.4. tall sad to cling to the roof of my mouth, and my I eidelleet throat and lung medicine, that
alepdrr. "ell ware sudden! dim. cru". Quinsy, Coughs, Colds, Kr,nchdia,
In spit. Of lay started taco, I ams tike the y and all throat and Meet eroutrler. 2
portrait d our mother, who ilia when
Very gently Mr. Somerson !td me
Mildred was a lair.
I hare liar large, dark yes, aid hoary tiny fountain tinkled in a marble basin,
black hair, and i am small too.and rare Mowers mane the air petty with
Mr. So:nerson purchased a splendid (ragreece.
Newer -
country seat not far from our tiny cot "J's, you lige my home 1" 11 r. F..Iuttr-
tago, and put in workmen to modernize bra asked'
and improve it. "It u perfect," I forced myself to say,
When hen hal finished it to his likino. though my him tre,eblad.
he sent for upholsterers and R'ardenera "Will you encase, then, g abn it
to Teaks it perfect inside and out with ase T' b ailed, taking my hada
And all the tune he kept Mildred and I knew he w•wld salt roe.
tee bony over the sewing, and paid us Mildred'. meter would he his sister
*well tan- •
Such piles s,1 table linen and bed- I „tut rwtuae, tboegk, std yet it
lines, comet daintily made, as we have seemed so
rimpleted, would delight any house "Mildred !" I said, and *ken 1 �hot-
r ed, sad could not finish my spout,.
Finding Mildred liked embroidery "tx oousee Mildred will be welcome
better theww here," be said : "have you not ween her
IgMTawfat, Mr. Sonisraos rooves t When you tell sae you lore m.,
ordered embroidered ionids on every when you a you will be m wino, pre -
But • of the line„ ' i 7
But in nil
these .even menthe, Mr. ads over my house, 1 will lova. Mild
Someswo s has .nese often to our little veld to some tato. Kot i cam wa.tiw; es
sonage, alien no neeeuaty of work call- bear i1 you can lop sae, 1 kat w I stn
ed hen. old osaoenih t s be your father, that I am
downstairs to the 1 , where • Th. hath ea Qifilin Rcgant will ha ad
ministered to Ohriwtina nn December
31st in the preence of all the mem bets
oh the Spanish O•'rtma.
Me'hr+RnrParka'* GarSoJic Cerate
i• inrslu,Me f•'r Wounds, &area, Balt
Rheum, Cuta, Burns, Scalds and Fasten,
es a healing and purifying dressier. Do
not he imposed on with other seeks,
led to he rood.
Use only Meeirwgo,r h Parkes Carbolic
(`terata_ S..)' by Gro Rhynes. les
Captain ('Shea has contradicted the
statement that he had been arrantting an
ire g between the Psrgsl t,.
sol Mr. (aladetose.
The Forth Bridge Company, f.4Maad,
are ening to apply few an esteem's. .f
acme for completing the bridge.
Zrauelljng tuiee.
:ledyriek Lv. 1 > I di
Mud. Mimi.
!wratford 1 Ar 1 Rett„ 1 &awns I `Dam
0 to very careful net to entre in eke a grove silent nun, but little fitted le. _ Maenad. Ili seat. s� e•m
set, ori give any oewaiewt for molded win the pure young heart 1 must. Bus oetterseh I L 1 5.51 MN 1 fa p..
(redeteb Ar.
g ossip, yet Maw much he has briltbtea.d 1 cave you, land 1 hese dared
to thiel 1
mer hese. ked wen a oleos in your esteem, if
How „say book• M has brsught far in year ince '"
oar isles. ti in my sets„, 1 had bottled it down_
sae, how nlwob crow Meek 1 had dared *Limier the troth
ata ft* pita*. air wee heresy, bow 03 my awn heart, hest 1 knew king, brag
often rare fruit has inane on oar mist* that i Beed him.
Aallw How meld i drakes it wee my Blain
And When he talks of his home, he ,eee, eel iiildrsd'e bright 700" t.ea.ty
gtt.tsIts ow toots. is such works, with that drew hie to our soMaga 1
, FRIDAY. JAN. 8 1888.
n/aial oAteatiow Is eMlad thrid w' -el to the .hoc.e setal.uo of
erri.,ng s•
AU NEW AND 1•It10411, comprising
Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Peels
kc., which will las sold to Clam Primus
IWTbe Ptah* see VERY PIX/:'O>1 id( eJland i"al•c.t the a�oe\a to
Uederlch. Dec lkd. hist. itON.las
has pleasure to announcing that her Woe u(
the latest uutrick's to
&c.. 1-c., is now complete.
81 a has some of for most fashionable styles
in walking hats.
Oodrrieh. Nov. Soh, IoM. IllaF
MA.Z. aiidS V =I set.
Wishes to aaaounce to the Public that he hasr e a new Grocery More .n
CRABB's 331.,0 OK,
Where be will be pleased to meet that portion otthe Public who wish to art Ncw Goods al
('heap Prima,
At Lowest Hates will also be sold on the premises.
arA special Counter fur taall Warm las also been Introduced_
alHigheat Price Paid for Itut ter and Eggs.
A call respectfully solicited. J.& bd ICSI.laBY,
1'rabb•s Work. /east side Court (louse Square.
Goderich. Nov. 3th. 1St5. 3030-34s.
Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel.
F A �' �iLON �T
He rper's Magazine,
The 1u.-r,,,A., Number w111 bees the
tie%aro--oreond Volume of MAar•,se • News -
Man ^r W.tot,,,M-5 M,. el "LaAngela..
am. Mr. Huwawa's `lodes,, tli-Law ommer" eed
1. the foremost place in c irvv.+t aerial units
-yU1 rue through several snubbers. and wit
he /ullewe by aerial stories hum N. D
Muc.Nturus and Bra. 1s. M ( Wadi. A My
Mttur(al deperrmest, discusses' topics
'peeled by se. urrrnl literature of A
wed Europe, will he rontrtbute.i h. W. 1)
How,. t,is, b.-g,ant Olt sub the. Januar' MEW
MY. 'Me freed /Reality drat of lhr )rat will
10.10e Publication of • aeries of papers (muss
for shape of a story. mid depicting character-
1s1k Scat urea ut .6,,,. tk4aM 501-51) as Nam at
oat leading r'rys.,rn results writras h�
C"ANLaa t)t.sir:r WAaxgt,*,.d *11.afssyd
by 1•. 14 It.:islima. The3l./saatxg winglre
rope. 1.1 attention to American se
Ireel,d bl the best Atneriran writes, sadd
MUD re•ei by Wadies Amerinos art tete.
Pow tear:
/I_I RI'RN'Y i/A(/AZ/A'F I: •
HAR/'RICht ll'ICI4L1-.. t*e
//.l KPBR'dt H -(1A
f1.(RRR'Y i'n('V(: l'11.14"1.1,7 f
NARYNKlj PRAA',fg/•/,V Wt.'.(i(R
/./HHAKI•, Uwe leer (:5wt.w,trrs, reM
F'°'st"Pc Ave to .1: s.eta(rifwes in the Uwlr-
est Starr. Or Canada.
'1 be ruleebes n! the Mao*raxic
begin with
the Numbers for June and Gem -sober each
year. When no tune w specified. 11 will be
eederatood that the auba•riber wishes to
brgsir unit the ..urre..t Number.
HoA Volume. of 11 A.r,:,f. M AO •aux w, tar
three }(ars back. to neat cloth binding, will
he seat by mail. poml.atd, on receipt .l •�e
Per vulgate. ('loth ('oers. for binding. So
cents each by mall. postpaid.
Index to H AterIKa ]1 Af A aI x a. Alphabetical
Aaalytloel. sad ('Iaw.iAe. for Volumes 1 to
d.. inelsafte, from June. Item, to June, 111•,
oar vol.. 116a. ('loth, jl OD
Itemittanees should he mad. hr I'ost-OAee
Niamey Order or !haft, to avoid ,.hence Of
Nentapoyrra etre sot 7, curry this odrertise-
. "•rel wit/vp'tkt rip,: es order of 11.tertat
HARPER k RISOTIIgit.e New York.
The People's Livery
top, sl'ARLl
JOHN KNOX, Proprietor,
The subscriber is prepared to furnish the pub
lie with
The Finest Rigs
('ALI, ANI. iLI( ITS_-Op:mai? the (•olboro
Hone Oudencb.
(:Mer,�,i b, Irak Is
Ars 1=footsie to take I'outain their oma
Partatl.e. Is • safe. ,•;rn and Mk
deerrwyer t myna. u emotive or 11.1
("AI .
RPrices to Suit the Times!
!Tall and Winter stock of Tweeds. rte., now fully taro -ted. rrA CAL $OLICiTED.'a
Ready -Made Clothing esc Overo ats.
A splendid Ass•rrmeht, l•h.ap•
arRetmember the l'lace (3 sot street, mkt door to hank of ]Iootreal, *
Oodericb, Oct. 1st, II&i
Takes pleasure in announcing that she hes returned from her nip east, and has
nosy in stuck a large assortment of FANCY TRIMbIU uS, ,of
Wings, Buds, Feathers, Ribbons &c.
I have all the latest novelties inflate, Bonnet., Shapes, Shades of Color, etc.
11Merwh. Sept. 17th, IS't,
�•-�t 1 Por
r dot' �g'1
i (EA ‘11-11
._ _ 5. ..
zscRIpT1e :an STT0811. '
!/H[A • soros-
dooek New awl 1'omt'lete.
Not rouble to ebn*r Bort. snd Prices.
ttloderleor Nov. Itch, 1t8S. elite Im
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil wee used
vs, all the Machinery dAring the Ezhibition, It has been
awarded SIX GOLD ME during the last three years.
wr-Bee that you get PEERLESS. It in only made by
Tinea* Sim Mk, tall, firm ly
The ombacrriber patine completed arra
cornu. for Hard roe', 1. now prepared to all
ail order, for `irprrmnrr and Ortolirr dehvrry
with the very brat grades eM Screened real,
dine, from the mines by all rail, at for fol-
lowing prices, delivered anywhere in town
Chestnut Stove, - 16.50
Egg Grate, - - 6.25
Vnft e' n+ ingly lom
Thankful for post favor.. a enntinnsn. a of
your patronage is respectfully solicited.
OnA. ria 1., Aepl. 3rd, the :ell 2m
Send s13 emits. lor ,instate,
and rees.ivefree.*cad ly holt
lot en
to more which money rig awaytaa.any, 11.4 elver in this world. Alfofeither
er ai from Brat haer. The broad road
foro1Mr•.rttu". up. ns hrfnre the workers.ate,nin,r•
manitre. A to rice addreettsivetCo A%smMa,
- - 1071
Harper's 'Weekly.
11 twins - W,rtent.t bat now, for morn than
twroty . 4,4 maintained lts p.wfiena• the
huttiontAtt onus• '000h4to .ten-
erten- +' • .r.n,•,.int inerrant of lHerar)
and mein 'r.•.,er-ea. It 1s &Melo offer forth.
emauing car altrw. tions onrpnaljM
pia' toes lune, ,-mews, in iw mar
trate 0 •.1 "ries. tar h "tnl,lla) ittor.
ethos,(( ti r,...entow of living writer. offle-
tlon. rand , ..t her by 14r. WAt.Ttew RIMS of It T.
one of t „ . ' rapidly l Ka gli
not vibes } t.nt ,f manna*
phi. Ilestnticmw n1 unu•nw1
lutenist t edcr, in all ae done of the emu"-
!n)rmnth '1'-,n hoe whorl
iters*1•11. most atni imp ,Past
papa* b• :h authorities net the der topics
at 7Litrdy�na elder topics
cat ptli4.
family 1t
LW. feat,
tions. *be
who ''esire. w trust worthy pnittetnerti
.1. nllI
y free from oltetr 1111d tir,•tion-
n el• her letterpress lir lIl"-irw-
t • eb..-illi.• to If Atterien K
Apr Tour s
itANI'I5rs R•KKK Li•..
ti MA4 1.VF:_. .. r' 's
IINPA ' roma, I'/trIPLR
Fitt NI'k• 'e It NANKI.I,V t el'ANA"
Lint r 'r 1' fyw► Ferre t.'r wae.berat W 40
Poalep Peri to all sahsrriber, iw fpr L'wel•
.. f .4,wlrr .,r ' ?cede.
The V. hon of the W a'sw1.rttnain with the
nofirs't no t Jon ,a y 01 each year Whena.neA it will he that 1*, t,. W15M•• toe ,,,,, with
the �•,m ..r afeMhr ps.rnrn.,e with
IMead . .,,nes o/ revrs l'6 pi el:or.1.
three . . HAws'►or hirudin s. 11
y cep rape
evel 14 bthy ex wilt
Ise scot � C- t'a A. lir A
fee'. .d 51f. WM" e,.rnvMrrt the tr'i express
etc•: M n. '..l'nr per vndnm., b 7 el Mr
volume. lir 1T em
Cloth rnte. wn1 for
hlnAng• t • .. hAl"Mai( IWOlIeMt. on
receipt n ^e art.
Rrtn111 •howht be matte he pear noire
Mopey 1 ••r than,ren env .,d thaw
Newer • r, ere war ren meg (ores o40 -
H •I'(N A pHry*Ilk1 1 Vrw
w...... .1 on lie savrb+lir .
aline en newt v ftw(i. bre, w h,
osi war
ran m nutlIa Ir.
v.►,teod M.... cels
.'N. tell AP/tenHr..r Hs..r