The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1886. that Pot' a Ite.NNy. f, u: *tote is is halal. sotto se min la Johns each day the. N ea to deme little good Waw oat Increment IN greet alms to do W sad by. Fur whatever mag •y la tmr4 Itadsesa And spite of the fancies of • w►. There's notated so kingly a.• tineas. And nothing so rural as troll. W... wet back our male as we owus•.re Me monist do wroalt sad ted rugal. N •rcan ae give tants read fool , Leisure. For 'touter avenger each sllglo. T w a. r for the w it g ut+ oparr.•w. The hush for the ruu.n ur wrea. Ha' aloarsdmpooh ala' ",ua•row .Aud straight 10r the obit Ino of men. 'Tu mut in the prate* of slurs The heart of its ills to bromic, Though he who wakes coon.h.p aloe, alive* ail that be bath /.,r . -.n Far when from her eighi, h . al was Ger Alas! 1*,usI 01 es Thune'( nothing • .. s IN e'er .tnluoth'■grutoy► Wecat t a ar a f II Nor catch teem ►e e• oe s Aud • • uaa..aeu. 4.4 th ■ ur de mhos, Hclpe in ore taaa th h n wh ah .. Fur Roo I I rah out .a ,• me a Nur leu it; or gtr4l u.... .41.11. 1: at just in tit.- donor. attddpiug .1, we „uut.1 he dune ba, is all. g..•lnl Can. 41-uerr Kees the bell ! A visitor. 1 guess. gree I'm a fright and taveut tutu./ to dress. H'm ! Almoe•aip. from atoms the way ; taloa put it in Ler 'had to ,alt today To see what she can we ; goat's all, iso doubt: Thee wuttau'0 HMavrog het a rad -,bent. 1 urge her..s lUi her supercilious airy : That -horrid Erie, is brigiino htr upstairs • 1'.. \:r.. G..aa:p. 1'It•elart•. \Chs. this :• soar a p:.asure. lam aur. 1.A kill So kind of you W ca:I ; 'tis quite a treat : L.e't me remove your aha : pray. take a teat. We re att upett t thio morntttg it is throe. But we . on *lora) s and a rest ter you. rooe-oo.o...+w tree. hi'f G bo need. 1 tr very glad )uu ealloe. 1 a:u„ndeed, Hat. VA14.14."1 I euow ')ILS la p.,siti,'eiy enratteed u. r, Leve o• cure Rheumatic I'sius, Sere Tbruet, Croup, Deafness, Colds, Cramps. Aches, Paltis, Bruises, Frostbite., lhilbl.tina, Stiff Curds, and all lameness and serane's. when used in- ternally and externally acc .rdine to directions. .' }ioasehola }tints. fa• r. CUM --Tolle a cup of c.,ll ed rice, a pint •.t tlstir, a trup.,oaful of as:t, two eggs beateii lightly, and milk t . snake this a thics batter. Beat all well together and bake iso a griddle. Lrvuo Berme. --lis lemons, twelve eggs, two pounds of sugar, oue-.luarter p ubd ei butter; grate the nude, add the juice. brat the eggs ; simmer over a slow pre fifteen minutes,, •tirnns( all the while. lutea l: Prnurw.. -t toe top sweet voila' .410 quarter cup butter, t..0 0.4¢41, two. large spoonfuls of Riuhcr, to.. of sugar, une of aaleratua, two of cream of tartar ; flour enough to thicken ; steam t zo hours and a bad WArn.ce. -One quart of mile. half a cup melted !.utter, poll, of three eteY.4 well beaten, nue heaping tuaapwonful of baking powder ; beat iu flour eu.ugh W make a thin batter, and ads the well - beaten whites of the three eggs, the last. Bake it, waffle pails. C4. tN Skit l;v SAL-I'E. - Put hot water no the berries and let thorn .toad until cold; then to one quart of them odd a pint of sugar and one pont..f water; after adding water, let bail twouty minutes: then add sugar sod buil fifteen uunntes wore ; stir the berries often and m.sh evenly. Wilen cone the sauce may he strained io a bowl. When odd it ah .0;d be served in slices. LRztliri•rr ItELI:H. --Take one fourth of a pound of fresh cbeess, cut in thin slices, put in a frying -pan, torulus a cup •: sweet milk over it ; add oto -fourth teaspoonful dry mustard. a pinch of salt and pepper, and a !)leer of Nutter about the adze of a butternut ; stir the mixture all the time full three Bona a crackers very fine and sprinkle in _ra.lu.11y, then turn at IGIICe Illi., a warm 0.11.7, and send to the tach• immediately Uel your admen nide tells pouted ats l Tie■ Bon aptly utres. ad low alwa is done AlUll Beim ORI I tice i• deal,. to °aloe We.■ll Taff 111111111•1. free of charge, whfda is reed by Vo.lhtuda Wass'. gets& LlslRsry IS tile only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralttia, Headache, Tieehache, rte. Rub- bing uabing • few dn.tr briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous tae.Lelnee fur weeks, but one minute's application I removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraot's Fluid Lightning. 25 audio per buttle et Cieu.•(e Rhynas' drug store h Merohasta cos eel their 1411 Heals. Letter (leads. Rc.. &orprinted et this oc• for very more ole t\.°d ice they generally pay for the paper cit helps to ad. reuse their booms,. itl ( l and d see samples and stet pr.•.a. INK -PORTA. N T C O A Hiro teat rr.+e: red aFrBaetock of MASS t IRON STEM FITTINGS BORIERS &0 ENr, let Salt Pans and Boilers Built ua Shortest Notice. Mal order. for in work and peplum w most% c prompt atlentluk. l'HRYSTAL k BLACK, Works near U. T. tL stadia. Uodrrich Feb. I. INN 1:17 TO 04 4$i14$ OF *TM 'IL. Giles' Liniment iodide Ammonia Iteno•esall d naighlly Hochra. lures Lameness in t'attle. 'pima! Mendota is. Founder, Weak Limbs. •iprpng Korea Quitter. Spavin. Itionbcc -. Win.1 ells, No stable shoutd be without it. Railroad. mining and express uoaspaules all use Gibe' Li •nt. and In the gloat racing stables of I Ilelnwnt and Lorillard it has Achieved ,end- , cr.. One trial w ill cons hire. Write D. H U4LP 4. Boa tits. N. Y. P. 0. who w111, without eharg.. give advice ORO di«.,er andel«. on t he manageaseut of cattle Wild by all druggists at :ak•. and $1 tkl tattle and in quarts .t jt..iu. in wtoch there 1. great saving. The Liniment in white wrappers for fanwl) our : !bat .n ),-11sw for cattle. 1➢iles Lead. •mase■(• Meese ata Cattle We/• rs. 1- •d by .11 the I-'adin.t horsemen on Jerome Pork. Fleet ,-t word. Highton Beach. Sherp..Srad Bar and Hn11', Head. Never dieea;.,.net, ,.r,• nokar. Ali rrati,e and Diuretic Destroy Worms, lures indigestion, Colic. Bot!, t -ora Throat. Catarrh. Founder, stink -rye sad Rheumatism. The dose i, small so i the poster is great. The reorder ars. a:ware,.trrd and rwreba. rs Falling to abial■ at are Memel Refunded. `.line by F. JOIil) AN. druggist. G.rle-i.'. Ont enf-ly 111 1 .m now prepared to !Murders fns all Linda of 1.061 1 handle wily the toast Coal, and those buying 'oda Int d. -au depend on q-iality and 1 will sell this No. 1 Coal at as low a rote es any in the Marines* 1 mu bound to eatufy purchaser.. lovernt pries of Chestnut ,& Stove Coal, 18.50 Egg Coal, $6.15 weight. Leare your orders with • T. N. DANO€Y, Ooderlc h. or al JAS. SAUNDER S d• SON'S Variety More. Guder.eb, dept. 3rd. 11b.5. !911 tt r THE KEY TO HEALT Vttk,cl z an the domed aventaa of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver , earrv- lug off onelualty wtthc':t weaken -Lag tits rvstetn, c;l W , irate:.rides and foul humurnof tho aeeretaca3• as the snare Lila, Correct ns Acuity of the Stomach, c•.ri: R Biliouenees, Dyn- p�sep �i , Headaches, Dizziness Ssatlbarn. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy. Dimness of Vision. Jaundice, Balt Rheum. 'yelpelse, 8erotti:a. Fluttering of tho Heart. N , and Gen- eral Debility ; all these ..ad many other molder Complaints�rl� d W the 11B OODin4n� t Rgf S1TEi7(7Clt L C'ACRN 3 C0.. Prepr'31e,, T rtiettb wurkaz;••coo. Scad IJcsa I { 7`h�' ,et..l •, ar.•t .., won mad re: L�1 s•ut:L.Arolal.valuat,lea'mptrty) 111 ut oxide that odl put you in tea •way of in/U.1/1i more money in a few dap/oil-es PIANOS. PIANOS. PLAIIIOS. you ever thought possible at any business. hes' capital re4Kired. You cos lite at home and ' work in spare time only. ur ai: the time. .til ' of both , •tea. of all air e.. grau.11. cue ear: al. • SA:. to j.i .:u,,ily earned every evening. That .all who wan: work may t,u the business*, we' snake this unparaneteel offer: To an win are 1 no: well,-iii.eed we w.lir.ud j: to yay retch.. trout.i- •,f writittw us. Full part:, Mars die s, tionetc.. sent ire.. I,ur.r !Jai aheon luteay sure mr. for a:: who start at otter. Dost delay Adore.. S4r'lY" * A Co. P411 /land. Me. 19; t t HAVINU Shlut7REU THK1 I d I I eh l'L,s y or Canada', l'elebett-) Pianoforte... Mtar.'ifn, ' ur..1 by Beams. Warms 4 Marl, of ,g,. i Tor onto. I am prepared to sell de- p , t ,.tme at Moderate Prices and un eaey 4 terms of payme41. t ii••-•il Having a thorough knon ledge of the'n, Z manufacture of Pianos, end what&aad 1 ra of Material and felts are required to. maw a drs'tw lainstrument, i■trnd I H Ing pha. arcers will find It to their ad-' O ventage to consult me before punches' IO ,. a�Taming nod geplante, • spectates., 0 , ''' &FAll work warrented drat clans. It oy p' Orders len id the Book store. et M.I. Q Cook ur Mr. hnrfe promptly atter.•. . to. - Er)W"D T. Bib 'W I. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Oodrrieb, Sept. 10th. 1Ar6. 201Stf TRitcusaarro O� • D' CHASES INi o Rmor k DANDELION LIVER CURS T. ale alau& allrrr.se,-. non .M.Rram sew relleeel. PlafW1=1:1, * 1 en. a new kneed opts neientific acts, Fua!WlilsLad by i'rutesser Amin, !d. I). of Suiten, Maas., 'urea Pulttlr•w • ary Cosssmptton� Her - vine headache, Her- vAttacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the' human system. Phosphatiae is nut a Modelle.. but a Nutrimeu:, bemuse it coutauis uu Vegetable or Nitwit Prisons, Opiates Norcotica, and no Stimulanta, but situp', ly the Phosphatic and Uartric Etemeuts' found in our daily hood. A single bottle' is sufficient to convince. All Druggist* sell it. 11.00 per bottle. Leans Ji Co.. sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Fn.ut street East Toronto ct(alTna 11, Malden. Mass., Feb. I. PRE (ieett.men-- I suffered w rth attack, of ... 4. o.-ada. 1.." Neuralgia, female trouble, f..r soars an I the most terrible anal excruciating man- per. No medicine or d'etor could give me relief ..r curs until I used H,.1. Hitters. •The tint h•.ttle Nearly cured ti.e .' The sec..nti mode me as well and strong as when a child. •And I bear toren s.- t.. thio day.' My livahaud • as as invalid for twenty years with :a ser*.la •Kidury, liver end urinary complaint, '1 . 1 l,y Boston a beet physi- cians - -Incurahle ' keen betties of your uittara e.red Isim, atilt I kt.•w of the 'Licell of sig! t per.oi e. In my neighh.'.rh..od tilde lava hes s:tvahl l>)• your bittern. , And tunny more are unegthemonlat, great benefit. 'They alines! T1' n:irac'os : • lm Mr.. F. E. Slack. Seeing( is beliernz. Read the teat: 01- Mala in :he pamphlet nn 1)r. Van Buren s Kidney Cute. then buy a bot.lr and relive yuluseli of all those distr. ss - urs 14;1::11. . Your Dru4geet cult tell yup r . al -..et it. Sold ley J Wilson Uuderich tin A BANKER'. Tr_.TrlSo.,1T, -- For a Couch, C. 1.2 .4r not' roomh:cal ASorinn. i "Pectorta." ir my .k tni•.n, it jest the thong. 1 faro morel It in my family f..r Cough. arid Colds for the past f..ur years with the moat unraried success, and to- day my opinion of it is that 1 t' 11(10ur to think still more of that which 1 be -..an t1ti,.kint well of. l;eu. Klee, Mat:azer Vn•ari., Bank. Pickering. Price 2'i cents at all dru¢viat.. m View Idle foe r■■rt1.■. K d or Obi. Kw. Debility a.d D4.spaate.. The t;rra: t;eri.oan I:aclooratu: Is to. only specific for impotency. rervnw de- billty, universal lassitude, fe.rgetfulnem, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great german Remedy will restore tie 'o,• function, and secure health and napptr..-u. =1.o* per box, six h'.xea for lj5.00. gio.ld by all druggists. bent rb receipt '.f price, poetize paid. by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole meat tor United States. Cir- culam and teat[moniale gent free. S,,ld ' by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode- rico 3m • fo Beep Your Foot Dry! it .edge de ibb at a sell trifling .u. by busing 7etr BOOTS & SHOES f Ai' THF: STORM OF E. DOWNING, Cra.bb'1a 1 !aa'r pow nn ,and the lari(,•vt s:.r-!. rrer shown in Go4erk-h, ate con.priate every Otte 1.1 malls fuand :n .r OA /4. . 'a, *hue store. iron. the finest kid. through all ib.-.nterurdlal• grad, to the ars. ars' c owb.d••. I will sell et Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boots. in Button or- Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. Pisses and Children's Strom School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys de., $1,00, up, all other Lines Proportionately: Cheap. I can .u..l tei:l scut you. both in goods ase pnc .w. _ 170 w NIN0-, Crabb. Bl.ci, C -neer Eaat street and Spore. %.11. -To the :'a is 1. .e• her and ending, :n any quantity, at Lowest Prices. EASE AND SE&; U RITY This cut reprv*m,yly the dell& trim ,r;•ben, the br' • Note •h. pesirinn of !1•• ,ha spring ern rn the lid. by whari. a CoN$TANT had rim l\ WAN.h an;t 1 PW skit pressGEOC�E hernia the trot... i,. aQ;,I,t.,l. SOLE AC+ENT. GOJ ERIC February Sth. Iter AS - Druggist, CH1CACO HOUSE. MISS w r 1 1 •�TtCpN' Be.r',anon a -,.x'!.- wainstock in:.urge..i .ar:r4prof .- The I er:' Latest IP meter and Sprthg Fashions ems are tem! !respectfully ls.v.te De nano to mama see fie- di.olay at The Chicago House. Gut 1 ' Sn 1 1411s MAVft VOt) '.;vereeeq•a;et.i�. s, lad'gcw;neo Eil;ousne,. 72,000 COPIES PE R W E E K l'a'ds°' H,ad..'6e, Dtrriaam. Tia. i. the lla.1 :...ti.m•ess, ex nay d.sour sri w�i � leu. a dwaage. Scum circulation 1)ai:) and Werk,, i -et. Do 1.-1411,115 L,m l'.aa ,w1 Ss Mead a oto Free Pres,. mal ortaa remedy. Best family Newspaper ir Car3d3 � ,_q,i ,",Tv"e•s REM t. , ( , F_. r.tnt..sliat. tl V r..1,t Largest CIsht•raie Metr pslila■ Mrrkly r■btl,brd In /he Demlalen. ..,er Compla .t rent. ote.y W,.1 ilio 64,t 4ha. r , e•,ponnd.d f- •w,ature', .,i:•.,o.rn I.r.r regulator M.rurn. r +.0 D.- •.. to,. ,a'rr 4 with mon :her in. avant/ root., barks 4a4 *orb,. luring a,e«I,,!staidon tn. A;•Loya. 't..e•act•, Suet, a. dOO.000 SOLD KING OF WEEKLIES ' Recipe Bed THE' •^e Le►J .A aomdm .ba.. .1/ammo •►r7 ala. ..ossa /.dI..d who h revel..,n .,4 a:14 or t am, r a, 4 cry •c• rr.,Ars: rrr.dy. Free Pres Bar en AIPL. Dvnn.iac. -dt•.1l thin LONDON, ONT. attvatss puff paste awd-est---iib. square TosAgrootiloaral l) partroent :e a n pieces. Pare and remove the cure. from , tare.( for ' Free ('raw' being always Sammo new. flaw Ism PoiWrapped smart every wale .11:n Cl o. , LUwrC,r • a reliable Haters esid were (:,:4410 tad n- ,fr (aa paeetb con.ae:.ma one. ._ awful �eetp� w by w.d.cal area sad droit a is0slm we, tree .•on►ten ti.teaika girl,., sks.edisw I CaTAt19a QIRfi A ,ate and palmier as Wit,. IW tieet'I BMW/ as Lot r pll.t .4 ,.,. pee twit nice stewing apples and reel an apple io each piece of paste: pet there int., a bak- ing stash, brush them with lira Whites d an et;,s beaten stiff, and sift sugar moor their. Bake ab Gut threw-•Ilurtera of an hour and serve with wine .auee or milk and sugar, flavored with vanilla, ('C t'(nenei .1ct.t.\. -Take two quarts .•f large sized cranberries, a'N a pont of • •old water : put them in an earthern eaucrpan, let them stew slowly two hours, then strain and add one cup of granotat- od sugar to each cup of juice ; then sim- mer . eri slowly a half hour longer ; try it by patine in a *poen and dipping it int.. ,old water. It it should jelly eaa dao spoon it is done ; a1 not, let it coi.k a little more ; polar in jelly moulds. This will be tit for use neat day after being made. Vi r eose Veins, Old Sores, 1 Icer. Swelle,i (;lands, Erysipelas in the face Swollen Joint'', itty.i.ne, Eczema, Salt F..hontu, are all cured by (dies' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Write Doctor Biles, Not ::, 4P2 N.w York P.O., who will prescribe and give you *deice oft chronic (bootees live of charge. The Liniment is sold by F. Jordan. elf t By Telegraph. Te:eyhur e. )Vail M r:.d br J A - E C L QN I 6.1 GOD::.RZCB up to the times. sod coaal cted by persons practically .itlll;ttT,otin Fann O go All DEAL4Ate---t--- •sSv T pjfi11.0. s Oo-• tete agger°, Ibegge. W1...41' STRF.):T. GI)to:'' • rt t•X A - yr= - R7 <'s �e7'r lir'in ^"� s� .4. ilea .. 11 Fa t. r �s '-ss'& 2'71 3 r �. ' a4 ':.tS, s.' zII a x3 e --:' P C 'A • 1 's' 3.= 1.ss ss g1 11 x.11, ' 3 : 7 i :f T: T $ Z. t 1 ' s >s 14 r.41 owl Correspondence spondence p the2014-17 i lr v Y Y I L F� Lour of publication. g4 W apeela, Marbet ■ ir el WiLL CURE OR REUEVE C/LPPJ3NESS, DIZZINESS. DY,",?EPSIA, DROPS r, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING .JAUNDICE. OF THE H. ART. ERV-$fPELA.; ACIDITY OF £'CLT RHEUM, . 1'HE 8TOMACN, HEARTBURN, DHr Neg8 HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, /tad error,. Aper;., or Wows* arising from sham -dared LIVER. K,o-*Ey , ■Tt3YAClp, BOat$Ls OR BLOOD, T. NULBURN & e@.. T'oa�rrr(s ose's/4 griren aM fe t. $2003011(J100amall a, ...tag0, and by et lo•i will get fr r a package of hoods of large value. that will start you in work tint wilt at more bring you in mope faster then earthier elm in rseriea. All ab,ur the jrlf)O.41 in present* with each tans. egeseewanted .arr7wb.re. of .•ithr tt for all the time. or ,pan time woe for us At their own hne.es. Fortune, for all workers ahaot.rtely a..ured. Don't delay. If. H u.,..erl .P Co Portland. Maine 19:4- r art. of only. to i 1 f aFlealt■rat ■ _. _....,^. Capdtal tNs►y ideas. R■■sl:a• r G R A IV D X M A S D I S P L AY DANIEL GORDON, �, /ageaases saute t./■mw. ! 1 Monate... CAH1NET �- - KER i, l -,o - - aeST THE TOMO 101♦ TM F., R1Attptt or) tae lather e/ N. lino, -A e.c: ly ince, • for It raoh e . LARGE $1 PAPER ' Intuba of foe;r asst ups.:. ,'i.. BALANCE OF 1885 FREE I More money ran I..• made b) a;.nt. in r are yawing toe :h•• Free Pre*. than at an? nth , $12.000 IN PREMIUMS Th. mat Ilberat i icher et. -tad in (somata Inr t`r'a;'n: f;IYEN AWAY TO AGSMs for the It Free I'r+.a. Send for (NOV of our Premium I.lg.anJ see tae• Indn.enie.ta ,. r are offer...4Semple cowl free nn.appil- taloa. "Woolly, I bare been toying to think where we met," "A h, indeed ' It was at Serano:a,'lest summer, "Weeny, Miss Cheetah, 1 beg yoah pandoa. 1 had shite 1awindten, don't you know, and I (tont undahstend how you cou;d wetnembah so well." "t.)uite may, Mr. Montan ; pun know the simpler any - dill is the easier we r.nteent er It • 1G tl.e Lietory of medicine. m. prod, ration has received such universal o zr . for the ellevoate.n it aforea and th cure it effects in kid. nYthaeams as Ur. Van Puree's Women ChB►. i!s action in these dwtyr,ta is simply wend.rfui. by I. Nilson. !n 1 nn[E /MEU 'IMM. Ca . bu,noN. t;Aean'. 0.0DERZCH NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE MEDICAL HALL ! UNDERTAKER. `o•:••il.e.,.•.•...•shDoi .:,g•f•:ln,e.,, .,..: folders.MirrersF New 11sen o' Flower YAM./ and Toile • •Setts m l'nrkeel (!a•... Alawodhlit,. std Opole.. Pet Wore -- \ 1' sloes and very cheap. V, -w diregna In Crisis: Power fltend., i.adk. hard Satchels In Velvet. loaner and Plush Need MI in (treat Varleta A nom, es stork of F`nrfun.ery to rMtras. from. .Alt) F9nweeing H•-a•ttn•l,s Bulbs,ie alta..•.. lt& 14 1.,.-•--tng Ra.e■ree sown tautk•1 for the few...- .,soot, iF. JORDAN, Medical EAU, Goderich. FURNITURE! PI_ANIA'.c MILLro t. -i L_L\T BRo ±i L.1 4R11ear.I) las s F:il1V1TI ItK .DEA LIM. VyC4T !•TREAT- BuehaIlan,La80n_ 714tTrYMDAIYI(bt.vM.JJ!''WF.Tn irreeu.,i- Nve.d Ratrlre*1?1J .e eller l And Int a 1 WIP �CDdaennt he beet. Those rhombi e r quieiug Bedroom Sete .all on me end 'OR ARE 1.1' LE AN11 rttlr1 boron purrhaategebewlerw,go Sash,Di yrs C?' Blinds, intend to Se:. for Silty Days at n.. Little Advance 114141441111111 * - ret alk "*°' or as Possible on Cost. Lu tuber, Lath, fhinjles and builder's m*Nri.lof every SCAB)/ (IIM1TME A snout, KA Order promptly'"? fended to. Goderic:, Aug. 1.1183. atilt 'ZvARVON* 19 INVITED NO TR('( $I.F. TU r'BON It( Otetl, laf I Won't be Undeesotd by any Dealer on the Top of the Earth. J. BROPHY, West Street. haler c h . N 0 . 4111b, 11111{ 1Nt1 1Rn • 1 will pay you to Any yogi Fitrsitnre from the undersigned. as 1 byre now at rem;,:. r. ' an assortment 10 rasems ism the sweaty. 1 do not adopt k r*enir of *'l-.r'.'ing a rhea p'perlalt; , but will two: yo . a gen era/ outfit et prlreseaat'ottaMm 1 be earpsrd ,tnalitr cos0Merwdl. in theare Ilndert out klg1 .. sleek arise& for the peer ea well as edea, preoees of Naabelmirq. so that parties bar.ng to tend he'll,, of ',' '04, so a distance ma do so at Teaso,labla coot DANIEL G'.ORDON West K?.e'• Iicdrrl• h, be'wern Ilse Per O.c.. and s gloat Ilth MRS Reek e[ Nrmar eel. t111s•ees C. H. GIRVIN AORNT FOR ' g011111110 New York Siuer S8vir Jackiiies KITCHEN CABINET, And al: ., Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. Ifacbine (•,le cad Ipedlea al won on hand a• resesesble peke. O.A.LL SOLZOI'TTreu, +tom D. H_ OMR. w i♦,� 1sam11:on erre,:, s Is* &ogre Woe tee csikerai ■«m. 1 • A