The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 44
Hew itllvenf- ---* t11ts W tab.
Settee • Pete AdemMa
fedlet SIESIViitw.
elien's:i am ye. tela mum
Au faith he'll resat :t.'
wont',one mea worry •aeat1
elections. hut (nae.
supernal devotee as. hos Luse to turn out W
hest photos.
Therecent change u +he weather drreo•
.traced that anter was 6,11 abre•.1 is tie
teed. If. d Pndbrm's ie the spot to get mita
ro withstand the a/eoae of enid.
The Perp Ceuecd ail dee owe that the
ttvlaarth Aet ve hitt •o
hood 1 of art , ..•y that ILNellow e
ph aro nut perfect U.
In order to clam oat ghost pretreat mart et
moves, prey ions to mak lag• prmiewed
Maunders t tlN win oder aasgataa ,a uaah
•nil beating Mores. A11 ether Boos cut Giese.
Tie cheapest he we wader he ear••
Bert Smith has returned to Woodstock
Ernest Ma, ,...,un left for Hamilton
on Saturday.
The Proving..: -: ree•uter was in town
during the week.
UMW QNieerf, winter. was is Wen
during the kolidem.
G. N. Davie spent New Year's day in
Clinton, the west of his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Tanner spent New
Year's day with relatives to town.
John McCallum, who has been living
in Sarum, bee referenced to Ooder►ch.
William Rockwell, ,.f (:al'. was
visiting relatives in town the past few
('has. Seger left on eaturday t. r Port
Dover to be present at the funeral of hie
Mrs. McWtiltatna. who .s visittne in
town, is the , ueat 't Mre. and Mw Nati-
c ,mbe.
The Feast of :he l ir(imctsion c New
Year's day) was sule•usly el.brated at
St. Peter's.
S. Duncan, died in gaol on friday, and
was buried on saturday. POor Duncan's
crime was poverty.
Mr. Bradford, d Lendnn. spent New
Years day with ins relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. T. Sowerby.
Wm. Gooding, who *pent a pleasant
fortnight with friends in town, returned
to Sagtnaw .on Monday.
Miss Gillatly, t.f spend-
ing her holidays in Coen. the Guest of
Cape and Mrs. Lawson.
The address of the carrier he.ys t ( the
('hatharn Ba,.-. was one of the neatest
:hinge we have seen .a that line.
Then was eery Intl. "cabin, dere
on New Year's day. There was 0 , *now,
and tly no deig'andug.
J. R. Miller, P.S.L. returned on Sat-
urday from a tnp t+, Pennsylvania,
*hither he had gone to anent' au A. O.
W. meeting.
David Caesaday and s.:e, of Blenheim
township, have been v.sitinx relatives
ani friends ,n this sect.o l during the
past couple ..f weer*.
A handseme carpet emerald hue
adorned the sanctuary • •t St. Peter's
church on Wednesday. when the least of
the Epiphany was celebrated.
Joseph Quick, of Karns organ factory,
Woodetuck. spent a few days of the
(Christmas week in town the guest of
Mr. and Mr'. travin Struthers
F. W. Johnston. who ate hos Cbrist-
in.s dinner in Sarnia. sae favorably im-
prees.d with the waterworks an the
electric light in that pushing town.
L 0. 0. F. ENTERTAINMENT. -- The
t►ddfellcws have secured Lawmen, the
elocutionist- f.,r M, uday. the 2Lth, when
au exoellen: programme promised.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ('16.per. • f Bros -
eels. were in :own tiunug the week.
having leen taller hither by the deatb
uf their brother tn•;aw, George (:rant.
The treses of Victoria street Metho-
dist church thee:dully acknowledge sub-
scriptions tt: the church debt from 11iss
R-ygn. Mr. Ja:jes `aurtden and Mr. F.
Miss M Certfiaci. an 1
pianist., of : •ndon. and daughter of the
i,vpular coefeatiofser of that city, spent
seine tone lately with her relatives Mr.
and Mrs T. `..overhy.
f, wuggase-si:.irt i410--1st-Iese has
hemi erected a: Bedell/ Drinia, Park.
Tisa, elide was hellt by T-.' W. Savage,
formerly of uoleri;.h, and the city lepers
speak highly of the wont.
Dr. Ntcholsnn, L D.' .. the West street
•lentist,'Malice a preservation of the na-
tural teeth iia specialty. ties adminis-
tered every lay front 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for
the pandas tetra -aim of teeth.
We are indebtei', r Moe O'Neill of
Hainili,•u et , v: a prettn button -hole'. The piney was plucked in the
garden on OA 4th of January, and was
perhaps the earliest of the measure
Fti t lint ---Morrow A Stirling have
their fres mill ie . livery rn, will Faesers.:m•, will
find it pay t., : a:r ane the fee null.
The owners ace ti•,usd to give sates -
Tile father f Mre. `;z:nael l'ell•tk, of
(irodench, recently. died in•nd, and
her brother. M. : needle. of Dakota. is
oar his way t Aa:d sc•tta r. 1.uo after
the interests 1 :s beta on this side of
the Atlantic.
That •,l1 :veteran. Sand. Pollock,
1re,psd int oar •,fon and paid his
thirty-fourth imam: sebeenption to THE.
ti.ttesi .n advance. Tee L.NAL likes
the old standby*. anti the old standbys
like Tel SI -PA:.
'14m nominees if the late (le•orge (;rant
will be raana:'ed by .fames Hoole, who
for savaa: years was chief elerk in the
*tore. Mr. Healy. et a yo ,ng than of
excellent legatees habits. and the ch*rge
mould mot be placed In better heeds.
The 6. t. anntrereary •f North street
Method , wit! tx stets
sun:iay •and Monday evening. The
mmaeber '.1 f iinday, and chef speaker of
Maeda, eves,,,:. will be Rev. W. F.
Campbell. td Presto if. brother of the
i be tuwe ria serenaded s nember td
• dr best-lniern f't''en. on New Years
day, and fleet with at cad reception. Tins
• naiad pw a credit to the town. It is
nes` of moat res eatablec
. -
roes and c err" way lterthy of
J. 41. Tyke le Me Ale d Ms semis I Diann w a Ntrw.-'•Bist.r Mary Peg
Dr. Tyler. Mr. Taylor has retied froomdid in M. Joseph's CN.e.t,
HIS teaching peedemmem and is e.Nri.g Tornado, os the nursing ol the 29th ult. ,
open the work of the misutry. He etill is the 29th year of her a .• She wee
lase • worst Had t• km heart fee dude boss is the township of Adj•l•, and was
net High Sebu.,l and its eaoellest staff the forth daeghter cf Joseph Kidd, of j
of teachers. Debits and Godenetk, Oat. tiisier Peg
A. M.
Tim lw, of tk. law o ca of em had beau anter elms Jew hist,
Blake, Lash, Ae., paid • eves nest tt wee sot I'sY° Owbbse float hO S art
Uudertok es Tuesday. Andsa, altbeegh leer llamado reoovmwy w abesdosed.
$ resident of theQ(seus Clay, still take. • Withsod b ow beseittes Int of her
keen interest in Bsr-uu affairs. Hew a limens• i /. Per w-
rotswi. tkh °nuaty, ami Is. www prop.rIy Ped W the reward v her mind
in Eset'H•rua °ease is earth. To s aeltiated steed
I. (►. u. F. - At the Lot tweetisa of Sister Perpettao added Ilse •dtsiaistr•-
ilaeoo Ludy, I.0-U,F, No. t02, bddon tit, e•peetty ; •sed dunmig the 11 years
Tkerday, Daa SLIT the Isllewislt eiftf of hoe oomitbotual life a►e 1•bored ellen
soon woe, sleeted fur the ....Is* term : itret sex mplthuiskt any saonfice too greet
Bra F. F. L•wrsaoa, N.G. ; 11. Sainte, ie tree Canada ahaseu of het naaaiuo. ---
V. G. , Gets .1. Gress, R x ; Gem Sti,os, I Irish a..d,.a.
P.B : N, Uaespbetl, tilde Tst toss PATENT CANE DEo nous. --
Pestle White, at one tome • lromiaent The Pabiie will .es by the uureesp..m-
busonttes oma of lac now, and well deet from Ottawa this week that the de-
mumkaowu w l;edraoli, suddenly left that uM the saes of tie Edson patent,
village twelve years ago, and nothing one of the prioedpal patents owned by
was beard of him utile wank n, ekes the Bell Telephoto. Co. of Canada, has
word was received of his dost i in Wert AN• euttee Isy eco Qsty minister s.
Berkley, California. Hie wife and family Ab.1.1me. u *ewer is oke ps/e°teen
aro still living in Luek51uw. The Bell Company °Keula say that this
S quite esou4h for their purpose in
fault. - chi ('brtstswas day, at Sin' ..sing infringers, and that they will at
ford, Louisa Ann, relict of the late hark once push the cease now before the
Wade, and mother of K E. Wade. of warts, and probably issue a frosts batch
Ilrus•ela, passed out of time atter • bong of encit et esus 1; oecsaaap. They say
and severe din..., axed 67 urs- The tbat nearly all the opposition Companies
remains were brought ben Monday after- sed Esebaog.s, hill. and big, which
00051 and 'Diorama' wan Made in the have been started during the opposition
Brussels cemetery. [Brussels Pose by clever speculators oersted
Dr. John Hincks, of Manistee, spent , by
"longbesded" local capitalists have
the holiday maws at his old home. Rose i ady Igsu)l oby the Sherif! or
garland Cottage, and liar returned to sheen/en ut otherwise failed for various reasons not
Mid by his code, who connected with the patents, but that they
ha 1 been an invalid from a severe are toed to stamp nut any rem -
rheumatic attack. sod has returned nuts of iofnugemeuta that may be da-
alm'.t recovered after being the guest of wrer°d
her parents Mr. and Ars Porter, Bay- C*..Ataso • SALT WELL.. -Io August
held road, fur some me*iths. Wt the tubing of the salt well at Exeter
C. E. T. B. -The regular monthly was lost The well had been running
open meeting of St. George's branch, for •few y of t and ohm work y wasagain.would have fallen on Monday anxious to get ohm tubing to work agnea.
evening next, will be held in the school Several men who claimed euro expmri-
room vest Wednesday 13th, at 7.30. The .Oce in Pennsylvania and PPetrone, one
change is to allow all an opportunity of
hearing Dr. Sexton in Knox church A
more than usually
is being prepay Admission, as usual,
free. A11 are invited.
A tV'rr Del-. Monday last, January
4th, was • day of lamest rain.
The municipal elections were held on
that day, and in the country the roads
were as soft as a T'.ry geveromeot con-
tract. For • mid -winter day, it was a
very rainy one. Towards night it turned
to snow. The first four days of January
resembled April weather rather than that
of the great winter month.
While bnrint; for water nn the farm of
John Povre, lot 25, . 5, Mc-
1:ilhvray, on New Years day, a vein of
surface coal oil was struck at a depth of
171 feet, 15 feet in the rock -an oil
bearing series. The gas foreed obstruct-
ions to the i'etght of 40 feet above the
surface, and when tanned burned for
three hours. The location t. aux miles
fro'n Parkhill, and then to gust excite•
meet over the discovery.
The lit. Mary'. Arne. says :-'•Mr..1.
E. Tom, of Strathroy, formerly of the
Collegiate institute staff of this town, is,
wel understand, an applicant for the
Public School T of b"uth
Huron. Mr. Tom has had ample expe-
rience in the art of teaching, and teeing
an untiring worker, he would, we feel
sure, make a trestw.rthy Inspector.'
There are two good men to choose from
io Masora. Turnbull and Tom. The one
is a liberal and the other is a Conserva-
tive ; bat the moral of each are sound.
1 The echo of iospertorship should be given
only to men of the highest moral stand-
ing. While preferring Mr.Turnbull, we
would nut raise any objection to Mr.
Ll. -rias -Edward Cantwell lectured
n "Laughing on New Year's night in
Victoria Opera House to an audience of
a rather intelligent character. David
Fisher occupied the chair The lecturer
is a good speaker, tells a story in capital
style. and for over an hour and a half
kept his bearers in a roar. The lecturer
' towards the close of his effort grew more
1 serious, and made very able appeals for
Christianity and the H me. The general
verdict was that the lecture was satisfe,c-
ttt tory. We are glad to learn that the
j Victoria street Methodist church, m.der
' whose patronage the lecturer appeared,
found the event a paying one The pso-
ple',f the town are under obligations to
the ecergetic young pastor iur his efforts
to Lring able lecturers here.
1 Rev. George Rexton, M. A., LLD..
the celebrated English lecturer, will
preach in the Victoria street Methodist
church on Sunday nest, morning and
evening. He sill lecture in Knox church
on Monday evening, subject, "11 a Man
Die. Shall he Live Again T' and on
Tuesday evening in the Victoria street,
subject, "Prayer; its Relation to Science,
Natural Law and Modern Thought-"
The expense of bringing the eminent
lecturer to Guderich is great, and as no
fixed charyre is made, it is to be hoped
that the collections on all occasions wilt
he liberal, The London Adr,' says
"The pulpit of St. Andrews church yes-
terday looming was tilled hy Rev. Item
sexton, a member of the British Science
Assoclati on. His sermon was pronounc-
ed a of pulpit oratory. and
was full cf power, force and convincing
St ator'. DEATH. --George Grant, gro
cer, died suddenly ou New Year's IMy,
about 8 o'clock p m. He had been
shoot, as usual, and during the after-
noon had been out shooting. For sev-
eral years he had been suffering from •
long affection, and • sudden hem-
orrhage of the lungs carried him off on
Friday five minutes miter the attack.
H. was sitting in his chair at the time.
The funeral tied' place nn Sunday after
• neve and was largely attended. Mait-
land hides No. 33, A F. and A. M. of
which lodge deceased was • member
of whom was managing the works, under-
took to get the tubing, but after working
fur four months had to sire up the job
in despair. They maid the otstructiona
could not be cleared, and it looked as if
the well would have to be abandoned.
Betore giving up all hope Mr. W. T.
McMillan, ,4 the International salt
works, Goderich, was applied t.►. and
after ten days work he got the tubus,
cleaned the well out sufficient) to work
it, and rejoined the hearts rts . the manag-
ers by getting them brine of the desired
strength, sod leaving it in good running
order. Mr. McMillan ought to feel proud
id his feat ; and tt row looks as if the
P and Petrol's will have to
take • back seat. Mr. McM,lan, is
manager of the Messrs Kidd's salt wells,
and has, we understand, been fourteen
years w their employ. He seems to uu-
derstand his busine's.
The teamening to wfth the
Methodist S. S. here on New Year a
night in considered the most successful
one ever held. The church was most
densely packed. The rhair was occupied
by Rev. J. Turner, and addressee were
given by Rev's. G. 11. Cobbledick, G.
Cameron, and J. S. looks. The music
Visa furnished bythe choir, assisted by a
solo from Mrs. oke, and a duett from
Mr and Mrs. Cooke, both of which
were rendered in such • manner as to
show the singers to be toaster of the art
of song. The proceeds of the tea was
$76 87.
On Sunday evening, Dec.?7th, a very
interesting 'service was held in the Meth-
o.list church, when about 4u new con-
vertt connected themselves with the
church, the fruits of the late revival am -
ducted by Rev's E. Cn'mpton and G. H.
Cobbledick. assisted by Rev. G. Camer-
on (Preshy). The reception service was
conducted by Rev. J. Turner, who has
just returned from the old land. and is
somewhat impr.,ved in health.
1'. Ford, of Wheatland. ILAnota, s
Muitint friends here after an •hence -.1
seven years.
The bell held here on New Years
night ie still the subj.-ct for comment.
Some of these who were in attendance
lest control of their better selves and
became unruly, breathing forth their
short prayers on the night air.
One day Ian week some i:np of misery
entered our school yard, and destroyed
the evergreen trees. Our teacher is
offering i6 for the conviction of the
offender. -
31 tints.
)iew Yen& Jay was very dull here.
tier skating rink has been well patron-
ised during the past week.
Our Methodist friends watched the
last hours of 1885 depart and welcomed
the first hours of 1886.
Wm. Messer was elected school tree -
tee at the last annual meeting of the
schen) section.
School began on Monday, Miss Ticker
taking the junior division of Bluerale
mho d in place of Mie McGuire.
Things were quite lively in Bluevale
on Monday. it was election day. The
old maned was re•eleeted.
On Wednesday evening Mr Costs
held a meeting in the Presbyterian
c.,! ors ngng laass. This t e
is what has long
been needed here, and we wish Mr. C.
Hardly had the hell tolled the knell of
the departing year, when our village
hand ushered it the new year, and
cheered the dark hour of night with
sweetest mosso, waking the echoes far
and near.
Om Tuesday evening of last week, at
the hose of the weekly prayer meeting •t
Mel'herwrtn'. school hoose, Mr. Hen-
to.nk charge of the ober.lawe The Ven nines, neve of Turnberry, read, :.n be
Archdeacon Elwood and key. w. John- half of the onngregatinn, an addreee to
stop conducted the service at the house, Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Blues'', who has
and the VN. Arebdoecoo at the mews- been undermine the meetings there, ea-
tery. The Me.otrie ureic. was read by premise the thanks of the friends for
ten W. M. Bro C. A. Humber. Bro. 1►e interest taken by Mr. Hartley in
Joseph Beek •reed as marshal', and that corner of tet vineyard,seerd as • small
Bis. Jordan, Butler. Kidd Henderenn, token of esteem. and to show hie see -
Jas. Clarke, iN.. Nicholson and Capt. vices were appreciated. presented hits
McArtnor as pall henront The mem- with a well-filled puree. The rev. gen
hem of'Maitland hedge, and His Own denten replied in feeling tears, saying
Club of wheel detea.ed was president, he had .sly done what he believed to he
rad laid hendsime wreathe on the hit duty. The ineting broke me with
earn in taemori•m. the doxology.
THH T310 BOOM. Oei1Irse'
The trees or r'w55e *pan ed M the Faye
N *Meda,,
The following is the result o' the ..d-
ing on the waterworks, electric light,
and agneukural park .
WereawOasa -The geaerwl tub
stood 404 for, 77 against. The freehold
tote was 243 fur ; 70 aeaiust. Duplicate.
rotes 16. Majority 130
Ets'rax• Littera.- Geeersl tote 3.T;
fox ; 106 eesiaat. Preehol t vote- 211
for ; 89 against. Deplieate votes, 8.
Majority 94
Stow Osoneem-Oeses.l Two -SNL
for, 1:4 agaiwst. Freehold vote 256 for,
48 against. Duplio•te votes, 1S. Maj-
ority 193.
The acmes of tae Look, Mee as r e.
d H' ](SMAS/.
NAY, No. 1. Nit. 2.
R. Th'aap.oe. 77 62
C. A. Humber... . 1:4 72
W. H. Mersey 61 sit
C. Crabb 49 47
E. Campion 39 46
s'SOOt nt'*Tss.
J. Butler 641 (12
W. IL Robertson.... 44 43
''OCei di1Aes.
---- ------
SAKa No. K e` i.
A. Reid . . ......68 46
W. Les 73 :13
E. Bingham57 29
R Aldsworth..... 42 ;l2
R. Radcliffe 52 1:1
J. M. Shepherd 48 22
Miss Lydia Habel was hums 4t*r
Naas. bl
ss. Her abler Carrie accompanoo her
uu her rotors to hestorth,
Wineisterad■ etayius for ..m. uses spent
Miss is
Lucy Durst, ,.f St Marys
her Christmas he/adapt amour; her friends
amid relatives hen- She was aocurapies
d by George and Edith, children of A.
T. Duret, of stratford, who enjoyed their
Christmas in the country ►s.meneely•
A Dumber of faintly sadism. anomie
the Scotch, Dutch and Devons,
es the
Maitland, on New Year's day, materia lY
lesseuel the number of fat geese and
turkeys in this vicinity.
At the anneal schunl meeting 8. 8.
No. 7, Donald Mclllirchee was re elect -
led to the uface of trustee.
i The contest for the reeveihips,
ciatly the deputy reeveship, provoked
much feelluy, and there was witch in-
, throat ma,uteat.d in it ail over the town-
' ship. Beck s vote at Berumiller was a
surprise to everybody. We give the full
tote below --
Allen- Ker°ithan
Becmiller, Nu. 1 31 94
Salticrd, No. 2- . l:2 1
Smiths Hifi, No. 3. 81 t;:f
Loeb rn, No. 4. 72 19
Majority for Alley, 66.
Dirt' TY •lave.
Beemiller, No. 1 57
$sltford. No. ..60
Bttit►'a Hill, No. 3 ...MO
N..4.. ..-.46
et'I5OOL rat ,Tl&
H W. Ball. . 76 46 1E/
O. H. Parsons. 41 32 i
CoLenivir- Reeve, A. Allen ; deputy -
we, Joe Beek ; *manners, A. Young,
$J Gledhill, A. Milloy.
BATnstt.-Reeve, John Eason. maj.
Cuems Mayor, Dr. Williams, mai.
9; reeve, McMurchie ; , Yt,
Wien H.N--Mayor, Newlands ; reeve,
W. Clegg ; deputy -reeve, W. Scott.
AAHrIELD-Reeve. J. 0114)4n : deputy -
reeve, McMurchie . 2nd deputy, Stroth
HAI -Reeve, Ronnie : deputy -reeve,
SSTITH EN -Refire, V. RatZ : deputy -
reeve, H. Either ; 2ud deeuty Chas.
Silber ; councillors, P. Fretxih, D.
Hettrrm----Reeve, J. McMillen de -
Britton ; m anaillurs, Brtg-
lao, Lanham, Churchill.
Cowmen TowNaslr•-Reeve, Gabriel
Elliott. maj. 3; deputy reeve, J. Beacom.
acct ; councillors, E. Acheson, Jas. H.
Elliott, John McLellan.
litt'regue - Reece, F. l'. Rogers .
councillors, Wynn, Backer, V et: stone,
EXETER -Reeve, Dr. Rollins ideputy-
reeve, W. G. Bissett.`
B1.1TH-Rceve, P. Kelly : cuuncilion,
C. Hamilton, Bawden, Symonds, Mee
WENT W AwAltose --Reef., Chas. Gar-
vin, maj. 243: d . Durnin,
maj. 180: councillor, Gibson, Lockhart,
SRA FORTH --Mayor, Dr. Coleman ; reeve,
D. D. Wilson ; deputy -reeve, James
Beattie. Beattie, who was opposed by
Ale:. Davidson, hotel -keeper, polled 2 i 3
to hi. 123. Davidson, who
had been in the field for six weeks, must
feel that 151 is a big majority to he piled
up against him in • town like Seeeforth,
EAST \1'ia*NngH-Ree0e, 1:. Currie;
deputy -reeve, F. Anderson.
M4 Klune - Reeve, James Haves.
Deputy to be e!ected.1
Mr. M4Ii!wain did a good stroke of
bustles' in his dried flowers.
Rev. J. Turner preached here last
Sunday evening for the tint time since
his return from England, where he has
been since Oct. 1st.
Wsontset BELT,. -- On Wednesday ev-
ening last a Iarce company of invited
guests assembled at the residence ej Mr.
Richard Morrow, s-.., to witness the un-
iting in the bunds of , the
youngest daughter, Miss Maud Mormw,
to Mr. Washington, of Dungannon. The
ceremony was performed by Ree. J.
Turner, after which the guests continued
to enjoy themselves toll an early beer.
Mie Morrow, on leaving her home, takes
with her the heartfelt writhes oil all bar
• her life-long hap-
piness and prosperity.
L O.L. No. 1062. --At the last regular
meeting the following Aileen were duly
elected : -- W. M., Bre- /tickers' Morrow
P. M., Bro. It. Mclllw•in ; D,11., Bro.
Thomas Polley ; Rec. -See. , Bro. A. G.
Pentland ; Tress., Bro. W. J. Morrow ;
'Chap Rio. W. Ryan ; Committee men,
Bros Hugh Finnigan, 8. Pentland, P.
Cantlon. J. Kennedy, W. Hutchings
Thu lodge meets the first Monday in
every month. Visiting brethren are
cordially invited.
The Christmas tree in with
the Methodist h. R. here, wars held on
Chestieas sure, and was a grand success.
The size of the audiea.ce was limited on-
ly by the capacity of the church ; we
don't remember of the eborch being so
dourly packed before. The
was lengthy, but sustained the interest
throughout. One very pleasant teature
of it was the presentation cf an easy
chair to Mr. Joseph Hethevrfhgtnn, se a
token of the high esteem in which he is
held by the pupas of his Bible class, and
hy the whole *ch000f. of whtob he was
superintendent for many years. During
the unheeding .of the tree, which was very
neatly trimmed, the ebairman, Ree. R.
H. C.bUod►ek was several tim.s pleas-
ingly surpneed at the rich fruit it yielded
him, part of which consisted cf a bosun
fn) white goat skin role, the gift of the
teachers' Bible els, winds he has taught
on Thursday preninge.
Mese the opeaisg chapter of •oi •. •
story, "Jest In Time.
dfsjerity ter Bd11. 11
Miss Jane Stirling is visiting her
amain't about Porter's Hill
Miss Nellie Hillier. of Goderteh. spent
Several days her. last week with her
83 saw logs woe tllidded in one day
me the farm of Tedd Kelly by Charles
Anctt rind John MvLood.
New Ysaxs E'i - .1 happyassem-
bly of young and odd to the outoher of
Stay, members and guests of i 0.0.7.
No. 213, partook of a repast
toot New Year's Eve, in the T
Hall. A. H. Clutton, W.0 T., occupied
the chair. Speeches were made by
Messrs. J. Liaklat.r, J. 0. Clutton. I1.
I Cumming, Harry nort•.o, W. H Clut-
too, and F. P. Williams.. A o.smber of
songs and were riven. At 12
midnight the church bell ¢ally welcconed
, the new year Much regret ea;.res
sed that R. E Brown was unable t be
ar,NT♦ O(li S•wr
l:aDtL door below-._____•HEIM.
. other- odd pint Numb 01.,
t:oder,ca.. t•`h•fpa esoeseeoe. All emelt wat-
ranted. l
for Sale or to T. t.
1 Let Pie- OM N
01 April e u n
0*. !Math.. ffesedsem
f110 RENT -Tac PREMIUM Kooth.
as et. Asdriew'a Marie reeeaely ooeeaM
by Rev. P. Owen-Joaea. Apply at ohs Poet
Ode. for particulars. defile
minion. of these To ip eve. laet tidsrtsh. yyMaitland 1y
by letter to J. S. L1ZARP. Stratford- 1IWtf
of lot It North of Tows PIM, Aahbtd.
145 acres. tteare on tho Varga rood, ono Mlle
from erudite P.O., with shed home N the
lot Mod the heat quality d cry harm. A
et . rr Gulicrt creel. called aUi er
through the Lot ler tonne apull to AVI
eON & JOHNSTON, Uoderich P.0.
e D J anaarf liltl, itSe•twi
1• (iodericb.
t'.•.:►a. Js. J. A. lmi
17 R.. N. Lewin. 11167-
On Wednesday, Dec. 93rd, the annual
sesaination of 8. 8 No. 12, A.htield.
took place. There was • large turnout
of pareLte and pupils, • very 'occlusive
evidence of the uf the teacher,
Mier Ralph. The pupils acquit': ed them -
solve' Me • very creditable wanner. The
trustees and parents erpresrd themselves
in high and c,mplimentary terns of the
universal satisfaction given by Mas
Ralph in her elpaeity as teacher At
the close the pupil' presented her wito
three beautiful vases, accompanied by a
flattering address.
On the same evening a special meeting
t.1 1he members of Meridian Ledge, Ilu.
260, was called to express their menet at
the rsnsoval Ir on their lodige of se prem
icing and iafluentiaal a member as Mire
Ralph, and as a slight token of their ap-
preciation of the way she had worked
for the good of the emote of temperance
sines she had joined their 1o.dee. they
presented her with a b.aut.fut 1.!.,.t'
graph album, acc.iupanied :•;,- a sat::able
She People's Qolumn.
L -
The Anneal Meeting of the Wes' Wawaaoan
Mutual Fire ir-surahe, Co. will he Dri4 in the
Court Room es the Village of Dunraneoa on
Friday, 9':1d January correct. a' t o, . lock p.n..
R. MURit.A1. lamierytt.
et Helene. 1M Jan'y. teed >Se►
LaDtoi AND r , 7fitaS yen m77
staoere thank, for t►. very liberal tote wad-
ed ter on M..ndaf last. by wbieh lou bar.
Loamctl rbard• 1 Ghali endeavor M -:r* r yet
faithfully during the year. eMtR-'-t n; ea -
none will meet with yc er appror4l._____ -...
1 have the honor to he.
Tow- obedient servant,
se:a! t J A M EII A rtily),
ING of the liederlch Hort.:..tnral It -o-
ctet, will be held in the Ur.nd Jury !coon,
the Court Howe, on Thursday. the 14th tyt
al lelr-psat @ewes &.look pm-, b, the aim -
nom of eliciting ollker i f -r IL. eneuieg lest,
end other bu.iw. I'►:T kit Ali MHON
Secretary. salt e t
W..t Ridln of Hue' n Agricultural
Priety will be h in (hurt Home. t Hoe. (foderieh
oar Wedaeaday- as 5(50. st 1 ethloek pan , to
reonlve the sat old repro of the direetnr,, 1 .
elect officer, end der.. -;ore for tn.• eu...esp
pMr, toad snp other bossism that u.i.y (owte
411ah JOHN VA kr(,P
MR. R. CROCK RTT bay r opened hdi
chrism in Oil and Wak•' i:0k.r paintin` Await
las on nhl•t dee., ns, the afternoon a( Wed-
nesday and T\urvdey art each were. Mtw,io
the agware, next Mr. Geo. Atkison's
US1C.--MIRl4 00( MB. AFTER 14
lira year, stnr!7 of mimic, is IT* panel to
receive peptle for the Pima. a.. :. e.v,i,.
ea•rtetly. Truer 9A per quarter we.
A PHONO/)RAPHY. Themeatpopularme-
tem tawgh{, ihdrnrtio• bootie for sato at 1 int
lament. d
oe.. Ryer) bey and r,'1 sbnuld
lura nborthsad, INN
L'DWARD SHARMAN, re: •*1•111c
sad p re
er thank/ the ebi,c tet their
continupatronage. He labialmany to de
all week :a its hoe i• • mow row manner.
Prima to snit the times Fitiacates p. m:A for
buildings when revered- i111.iy
( fir ►AN AT E PER
R TUiIOM'TV GI NF.HA2.'rnuw151 'o'T
arc prm .u.
e1 to en 0.oa07 at t per cent., pap
rime,. on
an trot -,•lane tars •searity.
( AMF-RON 1301.1' a CAMYR(n.
Admits foe the Termite O..-aelTruss nh (oy.
nu's. efgdtwahrlessee
aYeaC, a$Ossn.w
mto4 da,hfHter?v
iat. Cawmsem
adsy ►ayms,farmtwty.
•1 -tt
I ) C. H.tYES, csOLICITOR Aa.,
I k O1.- - corner of tee square sad Westttrvt, i .l rrtek, over Nat r'a bookstore.
motley to .and at lowest rates of interest.
T R0s11104, Attorneys, Solicitors. .te
Goderick. J. T. (farrow, W. Pruadtow. I:S
V Derriere/II, rbilettor, in Chancery, Ike.
Jodert'•b ase Wtatthaae. M. C. Cameron.
. P. Huh. M. 0. Cameros. (iodsrleh W.
Macer► N':erham. 1751
11. E. CASE. M D., C.M., M.C.P.E.,
(ant. Mtge tan. Surgeon, Asessierear
d!e. Ohre rTkat formerly meoffied by Dr.
H.Mhtuwul Dungaanun. Night office Mar
tie's kneel- 1831
LY ORUN • Cormier it,. Ogee sad reatdence
Brace Street. vetoed door west of Victoria
Street. 1741.
1 paysleby Smtweons. Accwc►me, etc
office at 11►. Lehsanon a rrvidrnce, sit the
,gaol tieder:tl G. C. asas*o•, J. C. wan,
lav 180.
11. the County of Hann- Pelee
is any part of ole County. Address Wird
0.der1. D P. 0.
• 'nosFER and Land V•:eacur, Oderteb.
0.t. Having had coedderabfe expertsesafat
dwo••arses with lborsa► hneadonpWsUtfen
entrusted to him. Order's left at
Martin's Hotel. or sent by wall to my address.
iOodertch P. U., oarefutllp •treaded to JOH V
'0X Csiunty Arsegas•.r. hely tf
Loans an insurance.
,(ONET TO LIVID. -A LAR GPanda yi amount of Private Panda fee Investment
1l;owet ratty uu nnt.Jas*ortaaaas. Apply
te1.tKKOw't PKOt'DYOOT.
4 end 01 per -eco' on Get -clap farm error
It1. Apply to K. o-. HA YM. Ildaeltr, God,
rich_ MIIhtf
• Ir
(hi!y Ftirefelae faa.piak. Rep carat d
t i1 Meaney to Lead,on straight leas, at the
1.. welt rot.- of interest going- is nay way le
!suit the born.wrr.
aiOFF1rE _ Second door from Squat.',
West Pin et . Godertch. IOU.' f
or desiring to change their mortgagee
and "'deer t heir rate of intieramelkWe supply
private fcnde 10 nay amooat at per exec,
e filo a a1.n revived from .e
ebe•t controlling a truet fend to lend net a
lltnl'rfi amount nn first claw• farm mongrel..
Sl 1-2 ppenw rent. -Appy a goer 1..
t41tla:►:K s LKW Itl, opprrte the Coihorc'•
1ltet1L 'Dederick.
eidetic ti. 19th Nov., 1d5,
P1rt. U'''sed Marlow /wmune sr Arent,
SrOnly. npp.Ite Colborne lintel.
The • London -1.aorane.1f 1 17!.I
- The " Vttln'.al,' established I.
The , Hand •n-ka•d,' the qpl ('owptn.
mei, Vila, le th.-
The shove are all Ere --Isis and old estalr
ll hid convener*
Riau Inky. al leered mfrs.
(kyle& (• 1h-., Milk. mt.
Straged Animals.
1) the pre er ofthe the mhocrfber, Oodrrleh,
abouacast two ears of year. • unreel colt. rorn-
1 Any person giving such
storminess es riff lead to Ala re•errrry 5111
le *eligibly rewarded. J. A1'HILSC14. Jr.,
O'd.,irh. >lOffilt
1 rooms rot N' t:, 111-1TTHEW5, loth eon.
3. townsh., of Arkaeld. 4 yeartln.s: 1 steers
and 1 heifers : t needy ail red. 1 gray heifer.
The owner le 1,40rPt0411 to pro. a property. ea/
charge•. and take them away. 11 •11
tiebrryber, ow or shoat the middle of
@w er le eon ed to promo d roowpp►rrtrk( e- The
therms' and take ,t away. WILr i&3 )rr
(:A(r1IN AN, sea. C. 0.iwiett town. /file4t
MIR0 ef the sad,nlave,d eaten the
totem of Netardep evvsfag. the tab lass.- •
red and wh,te kelffe. The owner by proving
erSMwtr sad paying ekarete as take k
away. ( HAM 14171 *.
Gee•rfrh, flue.. Nth, talo 2015 of
I'/ premien. of nherrftser, lot >< seen, ♦ W.
U. • roll erne, en or abseil
Nov.. tee •w,s.paT\0 seen, 10 r'slwsste* 40
r •arty A' tr 1N take Mem
1K-7 1Rtmlets of *Joe ether, sear Dvepm-
aN. ahem the of November tsar
sen sad • Meter. Theater la M
ase width, with it 1 hied to earl: the
better 1e r.d, with white bety,pantywhile anti large. lwhite spot o.lf.,'e
e. The
* war r t• :-•...••red eco proms p eer Jrarmer mad take thew away. 11. Y. HvyF.
e►)t ie