The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 2ti
Nemo Timely tt1•Ia es atfaas Them Lae ale aairsoss tires Wes. ysaweedb dieter rtes -- Ilo tsttsaes of IS. Vesal
Moor estate Sous eft Otte MMM &leg aea Ms Lees caveat.
1 am going to say sesethirg &boat December ill Lockwood sidles: "ley Me Pau Mali easettal
me odiotase and what I sill braia Lomas, peat effort 1 was sole se asvt see omen Kies ?Whew, M he has
but brit Id s coisneel a little abase u1 my bawd sad &beet two vessel of become et kart, attest segeterfo
of ur, and mayhap shasg. of WIPP"' batter fur Chrtrmtr1 shell make a oras mace the 4Ilar1 *bout
ioltahipa Uesse,nber that "seine the tfyoagoe effuet to abMais Inge oettgof It hie pereoneng helot vtstretant. The a
the grace faces day after day, and going won thea.' H. db Wt be pet k to no wonder, fir the yeaagelib 'snubber of
through Vie routine of work ur pleasure
induces* wearisome of mind and body
which u little shun of pueitive tllneer,
and might lead to such.
ti u e>`nn..o is much used iu the treat-
ment ut nervous disu,,and itcettain-
1y is a very useful remedy when judic
j3usiy administered. It should be re
membered, however, that aux comma
i any shape or form is a posion, aged
should be dealt with most cautiously.
It should be taken in smaller doses than
those . . The tincture is the
sorest form, the dose to be not over ten
drops three times a day, ii'c small wise-
g'a..ful of gamma or retail 'e'er
This will often be found a valuable,
though a?par•ntly simple, remedy fur
dyspepsia especially for the overwork -
.d), in headache, in atonic constipation,
i a nervous trembling', acidity, etc.
*beep of Biaerbeek as aa additional the Metope* Otrigiay yokos d lastly
& used. December 22 to writes . 61"'sde• le his Fibres at IKatyslay, sal
We boa iurwierd to tu-ntotnew sad m: was prob.My the gear tiros the* ewes
assistants.. and •'I demi to libwe any. h seohjecie were allowed to Lee the light a neat turkey ou reaching home for of hie face whin reoently be was cow
a wool, dog biscuit uow, but found no polled 10 ked hie army against the
taker.. " He says iso the nest day ' •'1 English. To foreigners he is very rarely
eased nearly all my hod bread for 'bas, sad it was by "Hai laver IFN
a (merman traveller, Dr. W. Jurist, iu
Christmas, tLuetgh I mod it sorely," sod
1880, ahem on a tour through Burmah
that to make Christmas dinner grander
bad an aridieace with Tbebaw. Dr.
be wade a t effort, tend Ment Joest related at the nese his experiences
without his rum in order to have It for in the celuwns of The Kolnische Zeitung,
Christmas to add to the punch. Christ from whtab we take the following so
mss eve he added to his scanty savings o.)uut ut the pervoaal . of the
for next day's feast half of his bread and Kung • -
piece of lemon, and he wrote iu his book ; ' wtL, JOLT OLP: ow '
'Tu -night is Christmas eve, and my were the tint words I whispered to my
-out fur tree/aim►in of
thoughts ars turned toward home. Ood euurse--sed, ladeed, Tbebew was a
preserve me to see this day next %ear handsome youth. Aec:sfding to the custom
mud to enjoy it at home with those I of the country hie hair was arrainl,ed
to • big knot on the top of hie head,
Somepeople, however, are verse OW love To- morrow is to be pretty mush surruuuded by a narrow bated of white
peaible to the influence of tincture e1 a repetition of Thanksgiving. I Lave mualio ; his round tace,whieh was almost
1 white, made a very pleasant -
Iris eyes are small and slightly almond
shaped, and with his fell hpe and small
:n, make the impression of an
iadulent, blase, perhaps rather sensual
nix vomica; so that the dose to bagls saved up toy rim and bread. I think of
with should not 1* oTer ties drops, and the children at home, the Christina. tree
it should not be used more than ten to -night and the toys, etc. But my lin-
tiays at a time. gen are too cold to write more. I
The system should be inept open picture to myself my dear father and
titins taking a tonic, if not naturally w. another, morin, Harry, my niece and
That may be effected by using a mild brotherwin-law, all sitting around the
apiriiat pill at bed time twig a week. table to -morrow. Turkey and mince
and a glass of Pullna water in the morn- plea are strewn on the table. Many
ing. thoughts are turned toward me and
Iron. -This is a valuable blood tonic, where I am a this moment-" The entry
1.ut much abused. It should be taken for Cbnsttnasday u u follows : "I)ec-
:-i scall doses, and I do not know a ember 2b. B - 39.101, thermom-
better form of it than the nturiated "ter 27.5. Christmas. We have all been
tincture, in doses of ten drops, not muni, talking and waiting anxiously for the
three times a base in • little water after hour, and now it is here ti o'clock in the
meals The danger of iron lies in its afternoon) and nearly gone. Breakfast
being apt to produce egpatipation, and
consisted of a thin soup of peas and car -
also conyeation of various internal rota, with a litho blubber and some
o -sena But, if no bad effects are felt spoonfuls of potatoesThis we had at
it will do good. The symptoms of este
not agreeing would be fullness of the
head, ringing in the ears, or heat of the
body. event of the day- dinner.
ttvinine.-Combined with iron in the
form of citrate. this is of great "dean-
Dinner consisted of a tine, rich stew of
tags in the treatment of and all seal meat, unions, a little blubber,
brain weariness. It mast not be given, potatoes and bread crumbs. After this
we had w the course of an hour or so a
however, in doses Large enun¢h to effect tine rich stew of raisins aid a little blub-
the head. ber and milk. These were pretty much
Although not a homeopatLic phyai- the sante as Thanksgiving, but the c.uks
t ut thatda d the
4; o clock. Cloodborries were served out
two cans to etch mem. At j ..'clock in
the afternoon long lighted up for the
youuq man. ('ruelt) is stamped en his
features. but net intemperance. After-
ward, when through an opening in hr
jacket 1 saw his hare "best, 1
by the bronze color of hisNiody that his
face was very much painted and pow- m
dered. He wore aclose-titting jacket of
white satin, with long, tight slevea, two
rows of damuod lwttuua, and his inset••
nig, also in diamonds. In his ears and
on his hands I perceived the
OUTTEL ur tR L' Iota eT0) E'
A silken putno, in Green and yellow
stripes, completed his apparel : his feet
and legs were bare. Nue and then he
player: with a yak hair fan, without.
however, altering his position at ell. He
neither smoked nor chewed tobacco, and
I must repeat that he impressed me eynt
esthetically ; he is somewhat stout for
his age. being twenty-one years old, but
utherwue he is the best looking Burmese
I have seen.'
Turning from the young King. who,
following the custom of hu country,
caused all his kali and kin to be *laugh -
tired un his ascension to the throne, Dr.
Joest gives a charming picture of the
banks of the Irrawaddy and
Isaac Pilau's Piono
Every Boy and Girl should Learn
P \ 1
CH / / A
1 _- — o
10 v
cea setw Tl W r - T l armors
IT (•) ef/
V,i W I L 3.
00 ; sore
.LO 4T.
OI 11 Ow Al t; el
The Teacher, 20c. 1 The lana, 40c.
Scientific may.
seise for Geed Uewse w h ew.
This prevalent sandy is Use /upset of
most el our bodily im. Owe( the beet
remedies knows for Dyspepsia is Bur-
derck Wool Bitters, it ►awing owed the
were clue no lures, after all else lad
Turn ip eeds, Millet, Hungarian
Gr ass sed. Corn and
Prowls wares to isrost at reasosakie rates
of Mideast.
`The.arroonding ciuutr , shortly be- •Lire ti TUC Darr SEA. --Perhaps no R six minutes : eioht , unces
fore we cum" in sight of the hill un the i more remarkable aadiuuns to human of sugar to the quart.
Boil plums ten minutes , eight ounces
foot of which the cioital is stretched out, knowledge have been made during the Ph Y
last twenty years than those ;, ,, trimer to the quart is needed
Bus -1 blackberries six minutes, with
to the oceans, whose dark abysses maw rix ounces cf suti{ar to the quart_
now become comparatively familiar re- B„al cherries five minutes ; the amount
'ions. The physical features have been of es": to a quart ie six ounces.
quite clearly I, while most Boil ripe currents six minutes; am -ant
of sugar to & quart eiytht ounces.
surprising, sad until recently unsuspec-
viae, I must take this oppurtum y made a)erest dial on y sn s extremely beautifd, and perhaps
meals seemed better. The cooks are I unique in its way, for •n, either tank of
remarking that, as a rule, tunics are now preparing .eine fins chocolate. and ' the river the rains of three capitals are
given in toove
large doses To give larger that will be followed by a tch of one 1 picturesquely scattered &beet ; on every
doses than the blood can take up is gill of rum to each man. The party hasscattered little ground,piece of level ground, on the ter•
• beet, in Rood spirits to -day. Cheep were I races of rucks which rue on both sides,
given after breakfast for Lieet. t;reely, 1 a oda or a temple is built, all of the
Corporal Ellison Rioeand the two cooks. 1 •"On'
It was agreed we should 'Live each of the i acme kind, and yet tnflnetely varied,
two Esquimau' 50 cents from each mem- gig.ntme lions marline the entrance, and
do this without causing mischief. Iber of the expedition, to be kept fur next
have long thought that as regards tonics' w ti.makeudor .or.a rmachy separta+ kind y a coif dose should be extremely small and ettee. Many ut us ars now out of to- while the thousands of golden beth from
very frequently taken. Here is a plan, laces)enurely.'' On the day elitthousands the parasol skaped roofs ring a 6ttmg
fur example, that would be sound adran- Christmas he writes as follows : "1easr- i trcump* e°1* t to the grsnd, melaacbofy
day baa passed. but 1 find my Dotes of
agoutis to & person who must beat work yester.iay very imperfect, The day was isle' The few, furca which, bi the
all day, say at a desk. Let him put &great wecesa We all had enou,rh ur req s oommant., have been ,,milt to the
district by an Italian 'general,' lock[
surely groes telly. Iron, fur example, u
usually prescnbed almost recklessly ; tt
passes through the body instead of being
taken up by the system, and it does not
enormous Buddbaa sleepily oaring at ea
All this was evershadowed by old bo -
trees, under which the priests, immov-
able and calm, read the sacred books,
thirty r-inims ..i the tincture cf iron and nearly enough. I had eight ounces es -
a win.glassful of the infusion of quassia tett which I saved up, one oer,ee of but-
ter, besides the rum of Sunday baton.
into a small decanterful of water. Stolid
It was agreed early in the morning that
this on the table, and sip it every now . nothing be said to mar the pleasure of
and then all day lune. 4 the day. Many kindly thoughts were
Zinc. I believe that this is a much expressed tor those at hotue, and oh !
more valuable remedy in cases of nerv- how often we spoke of what was going o&
at our several homes. After diluter we
cranes" and brain exhaustion than many had songs in all Languages including
imagine. The oxide of zinc is usually French, Berman and Innult. The punch
given in doses - , with one waiextremely fine, Cb000lste was ea -
grain, and gradually increasing op to ten. r, ved abolust
t i o cluck land by this tlwe
This should be made into a ill, with a • ono', of w were Kau uallyor cken .ce,
P '• and conversation rad1ra11 slackened uB
tonic and aperient extract, and ;;luso and with songs the day close.: To -day
three times a day after meals. It may we have all been reeling extremely- well
be continued for a month or six weeks. The du ce and warm and comfort-
able inay the niextrema Soto. of us ate neo
Extract of Malt. -Thousands who can rnuch yesterday, but only so much as to
nit take cod-liver oil without =many feel a little uncomfortable at tirnea
dyspepsia and loathinz of food may take Nevertheless we all slept well,. Our talk
w d
toehtthsful r w teumn The dofrom this morning was of bogie and our lanai-
.,Itea I have extended a of
emeral invite-
s' deertapuconful to a teblrspooaul tan to all the members of the expeditiw
three times a dip. 11 sty be leased to visit soy father's house- i spoke this
With water — - moraine of the reuueona of my faetily
Thera are demons ..f other tooic rem-
edies enjoyable are. which may be taken with advan- the first time i had shed tears sin..I
tage in case of debility of the brain, but have been in this country
thorn which I ha:e mentioned are the
quite prosaic in this surrounding ; they
might becnue dangerous, but, fortuua:e-
1j, there aro no cannon in them, and
they are only fortified toward the river.
of Mandalay -the city -in the centre of
which sterols the Kiag's palace, lies
isolated inland, while the majority of the
population hare nettled down en the plain
near the river. The streets are wide,
dusty, several miles long, and not over
sate ; pagodas everywhere, and round
them large convents with beeettflel carv-
ings ; here and there long reed of pole
dwellings, &rustically . i cf
split bamboo, and below them dogs,piga,
and vultures in search of fond -that is
the picture of Mandalay cadre mere&
Outside every town gate there a a lenge
bronze plate, bearing the following in-
scription ' This is the capital and
residential city of Mandalay, founded in
IIbb by the Mendoun Kele, ne.
Then follows instructions to th ne who
enter to conduct themselves decently and
morally, otherswise the reader is request•
ed to look at a panting on the opposite
wall, where tits tortnres and punish -
Mena of those are depicted who had not
obeyed the royal orders. Theates are
painted bright red and richly gilded ; the
town is divided into regular squares by
Rev. J. O. Falba, Dutton, certifies - I the road" which run from each of the
Beware of narcotics and stimulants ; "For some years my wife has been Iron- twelve to the one opposite. There
they tovariably make matters w'isa bled with Dyspepsia, and has tried one I h hsrdl a start of life in the city, no
1 need hardly add, in conclusion, that thing; after another did with e, no ber, nothing but lull, op -
but little nro's Sr no effect Ctillore adavias
tsedrial. Sto ire
attention to the diet u of the greatest $ iwesestve atl.nes That is Mandalay
Mditv.Rpeedy teve within the este Ovalle
, and that the morning tub. taking the first bottle 1 have noticed a
with & dash of sea -salt in it. and plenty decided t, and can with ool-
of wholesome exercise in the open air, tido** • 1 it to be one of, if not
the beet medicine extant for Dy
must not be (orge,tten by the individual This invaluable medicine fur Liver C•ui-
who suffers from twain weariness, -(Cas- plaint, indigestion, Kidney ("etre
eel'. Family Magazine for November. is parety vegetable. Mold at 0. 11
drug • Trial betties given free. lm
fora Usssles. `-
It may serpet'
@ the good people ,.rLa Chute, Qew, Dee- 10, -As far as
Canada to leant that the corn crop has heard from the vote ue the Scott Aet is
been immensely increased in Canada the Comity d Aripoteuil is as follows.
No doubt the N.P. people will claim this Majority for the set in La Chet" town
C a s,se,d ut , bet Putnam's and parish, 40; Grenville village. 10 for
pap ar Cora Eztrsctoi alone is en- flee act; Gore, 31 for the set: letlteide.
titled to all the credit. It raises more 13 for the act; St. Andrews, 8 against
wore to the sere, than anything ekes the the act; Grenville parishest the
worm car supply. bate, sere, and set;
e act;
painless. Take no substitute. Only 26 Chatham, 49 against t►e act; majority
saws Try 7owr hand. A wood crop against the act, 34, with ma polls to beer
gesremteed. Beware of beelnsalmi sob- ft inn.
ales. N. C. Porton ! Co., propria -
Bays Dryden
ton, Kingston Mei/noes her man, geed when you rant
Mr HpurTaon esy. "The sum set irwe
he sdvis.ble for ChtietMm
that it would
to frequent the theatre that the *hares
ter of the drawee might be rimed, to
about se sensible as if we were hidden to
pew a bottle of lavender water into a
`rest mswer to improve its aroma
an.l swear
Hamilton Street, Goder'tch.
Uoderictt, May Ixth. IMS. list -4s
To the Wool Grievers of fAr
Ws wish to way that we are red to tate.
tour Wool 1n eaeaangr for hoods. or work it
'or you urs say of the fotlowleg articles. vis
Blanketa-White, Grey or Bore*.
3hirtinge Grey or Check.
Cloths -Tweeds or Full Cloths,
Leight or Heavy.
Flannels White, Grey, Colored,
(Inion, Plain or Twill.
Sheetings- Broad or Narrow.
Stockin Yarn - White, Grey,
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
Oar facilities for this work cannot be sur-
tVe will endeavor in most cases to do
u the day it is brought is if required.
Custom Spinning and Reeling. or Sptaaing
.n the C.P. coarse or eoe, hard or soft toilet.
as required.
We are lna position to do all kinds of cue
tom work. meetly done in a 1uU net cement
moll, and we will guarantee to dolor roe frilly
equal. it not a lints bolter than nay in our
A esti respectfully solicited.
Boil peaches, whole, fifteen minutes,
ted, facts concerning the life forms of the sang six ounce+ of sugar to a quart.
depths have been revealed The mod Boil whortleberries five minutes , the
extensive explorations were made by the amount of sr i' a wart jar 11,4141 be
British expedition on the (heUenyr,- four
which returned home to 1871: after three Boil Siberians, or crab apples, whole,
twenty-five minutes ; eight ounces of
and a half years incestigatien in all the
sugar to a quart.
oceans. • By this famous expedition Boil pears from twenty to thirty min -
thousands of new organisms were dm- urea -twenty for halves, and thirty for
covered, in all localities and at all depths whole pears -using six ounces of suer
in theme, and have been or are now to a quart can of fruit.
being described by specialists in ail quar-
ters of Use world. There seems to be • s'v.Ielliee sedvvrd e.eles..
no part of the t:cean bats so deep, so
dark, w still, or where the pressure is so
great as to have effectually raised a bar-
rier to life in some of its teary forma
Even in the greater depths all the great
divisions of the animal kingdom are re-
presented Descending into the deeper
1 proceeding farther seaward
from the borders of the ocmtioents,
species and the number of individu-
als become fewer and fewer, till a ntini-
nium is reached in the greatest depths
farthest from the continental land. In
the adaptation of organisms to:deep Des
conditions curious woditicatwns have
occurred, such ea the disappearance or
enlargement of the eyes, the elongation
of fine and antennae, the increase in size
end decrease in number of eggs, and the
,v.lopsaemt •d dt orgaba
Ina new ptrooees intreeluced at Frank-
fort artificial lithographic stones are insole
by Enely powdered temeat
or carbonate ..f tame. carefully closed every door after him.
• A Two or three tools that aome one had
garnet crystal weighing nine and a
esireiensly left on thm barn boor the toy
The po ,r cripple soh., has to use crutch-
es on account of Rheumatism, stiff and
swollen joints, contracted cords. and
other ache., pains and lameness, may
throw wide crutches if he will try Haj -
yard's Yellow 011 faithfully, 2
Mow k Daelded.
1 once heard a wealthy farmer tolling
of his experirnos in hiring a boy. He
said while working in has baritone morn-
ing a boy of about fifteen lasts .,f age
came to him inquiring for wore. He
was much in need of I bey, and he liked
this one's . , bet being an en-
tire stranger he was much in doubt
ebout hiring him. He mid what he
wasted to know moat wee if the boy
would be faithful in the little duties.
The fernier showed the boy through the
large barn, leaving him to pain last
through the dcors. He stopped and
Bast Bad Woolen Mills.
Ooderirb. May lath. Um.
tloderich &Kincardine
Importer of aad sealer in
ftarbk& 6ranitr
Ii r('.
'Winclovi Door Sills
and House Trimmings of all kinds h OH1e)
so•A: work designed and executed in tt,•
Best *(tyle.
starter (ioderick Bier ch.
(,oderieb. ?opt. lath. 1i,8S. 3012-3in
Kar ci"s Pmple.
The position of Haarsa'. 1'ot•we Pnoetr.
a. toe .-aduig weekly periodicpasl ler eaaasgg
nekton' Is well established. MepuMU&rra
spare no pain, to provide the best sad seer
attractive readies and illwitrati oem The
serol and short stories have strews dramatic
i$.eset, while they ars whollyfree free
twee or vuh5 sewesdea-
• Ole lowers on asteral history aad misuse,
treed. and the tuts of 11fe. are by welters
whose names 511'41 ilk best twsraa,e of ac-
curacy and value. illustrated papers an sob.
lei ie sport., eases, sad give fon be
formation on these .aktectn. There 1. noth-
ing cheap about It het ft. prfee.
half pound' was Lately found eight feet picked ep and laid to one side. The a, j Aeepito lie in verryjoyei • iiflhe Ott . attractive
below the surface of a New York street. (eraser said that as ti the r'
DrraaiotaTtoa or Bellow -In a lata boy was that ne was doing anything is
paper read before tilt Scotch Institution hie favor, thee, little acts desided
the qusMioe of doubt is his mind.
of Engineers. Mr. Peter Carmichael e bao„ g wash red. He proved to
stated that all qualities of iron become I be a =v,fsl workman, which fact was an
A weekly feast of good things to the boys
sad Orme to every rawly which 11 volts.
fhx,Nwe Union.
It is weerterfut in he wealth of pkteree. In-
forsatlos, aad late e.,- CariaNaa Adrenal*.
hard and brittle after service in rudely aPPste tired by h u eaaplcy er that he p
estate Nepali, uOO Per Tor.
Inc more than s bassi years, especially a Simi" to -.boy mo (obtaining an .4.ea-
A atiwas.amgam. where exposed directly to the Ike. In tion, and 1 him substantially .gel. VA/ rowwtwewrve Nun. 3, IRRL,
Few moo have 1 the mate f the bear trots becomes when he started in life.
anN,unt cf work and geed in thus world as brittle as common Ira► is that tine i
fieweitianees Metal he made Memo \o _tateo't ve Coate Bark.
as the celebrated Dr. Chile. Over 500, be taken making Ni ttoclrsn all
000 of his works have been sold in Ca -
soda alone. We want every pima
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dyspep-
sia, Headache, K er ( .....ry Trou-
bles, to oall in at Wdlsen's drag stove,
and bis a bottled Da Chaim's best
Recipe Book $1. the rivets were en brittle diet their
and great care has W 1 en In . of Kee- I Money.rOp rrder a l)es(t-y sated est Mt tem.
repairs to prevent the plates from crack inv.eis hnapborixeepee the we,tr tr•lr ser tAr age/ o tela advertim-
ins }nr tote ''aeon sixteen oe seven. btu.d, adapts it in a remarkable degree Rw,rrttaa Addle e One" •, H.neu k
tan years is lows ereeleh flora boiler to as m blood purifier well worthy of the 1 HARPRR & lailIT1IEkq
be in sass, et a pressure of t..rty to fifty- triol of thew mitering from a dimmed I Neer Teel'.
five pounds. 1f used longer tae pewees condition of tie eireeisting fluid. Al -
ht to be lowered In two boilers ways a.k foe Robinson's Pheapkorized
'lure, it will core you Meileabe sad ( which had been used nmeteert years even Emulsins, and be sore you get it
bead, flee toff on being struck. a taassgpw M TNtmw.
"Plrvwrr1Aw, Hast Tti'veetto--O-rnm hick
-ata 1 mogl or, tJoon.
English mortality dandles **esdiae lvouet»tt syse;nselisopaWf, with
.Ogverb Aanednanatestde atbhele dathpero,at Dr.&weweWm, "'Woe. band (with e1*otmosj- Yea, deer ;
eMrtymen /owl" the ht
in awe sed if you wish it I will see that °Sweet
other occupation. 1f the mortality for Violeta' is sung at the femoral
The plebiseite at Kilmarnock resulted
in 4,380 untie[ for local option.
emonet t.a is kanwn by swelling of the
glands of the meek, aMseres, sow, a
• Mw vitality, and ren-
eeral sign of bed blend. Headrick R14/0d
Bitters sew the a'rdulotas ensditir.e by M. three yeah 1A80 !y! among minsters - -
makiwg pets blond. 2 be nprwsested by e66, that among tare- Lowly, in ragistt7 Ales "i am afraid
. ere will he dimmed by 401, amuse law- that little rut wool do fora nurse ; she
Dowses t en by MI, sad phymosans by INfe. M tee small. 1 droeld !levitate to tenet
Can draw yew to her with a single hair. y neteaal Th. kiyh w&orfaldy rote omen* LM doe- her'. tlt abs" Clerk "Her miss,
Bet it mud and beautiful heir to have - of set a• ded1- - ler slier It J8 no loot- tern ,s a wore. d alarm to aa .einest nadaw, IPA Irak gena m ter
sixth power , of „et hair oto her an of will
fel e- eeuwnit J. bootWiieh,
e. medbesl nethr.ri ase i* r arded as i
ensured by thus see of C1weAuase Ram and he will vivo you • l! .a 1e.t11e d h se tee that •dee she
You shield it doge-
Rewwwtsa. 80l4 at 3fl eta bf J. Wilson Dr. Chase's Liver Core foe fol, and & dematdiwg themes! fhr egh * be. that este she A.v,pa . baby d,i~
Mee. ^ 'rift have far to fall. '
2se valuable llsetpe Rook free.
Restores grey
hair to its na
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