The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 1TtIITY NllfIrlf atag AL t L THE HURON SIGNAL' War lrr.,e.l m bar 1 I a l• pa alert Friday tllorntag_ by 11 Dii.i.i ifT Neve.. at Mei? Aldo... Nth f OODIRiCH, ONTARIO era 1. d•. thud 1. all urgent the sorrowed 10` eematry f the earliest malls aid trains. ranee. -01 10 la ed Peerage. pee.p.td �p blister*51.21, ttpaittute, a,a mr . N t sot w d TS►• rens wtf bo tri *atoned. [teas p A ht r tea flltr s.'rt . tares ore pwar Uga ler Voir nilnertMn. YaM'Ii h'dtptrrly Voir oeal�cta •t 1odt1aM remit. sea rattrua-- .Y. have oleo • gra-cls•* - • obbing deparasa•at tseea.selien, and po•easo , nt the meat nom out -At gad let faelttttee r c candor eat wt) 1. Godard/b. aro prepared .o do baNaese 1a that line At pries&tt �t raunot be balsa, gad et a yaatlt7 that cosset be nrwaaa•d. -?rang Cua1 TRIDAY, JAN. BTn, 11106. toeste THE SUoTT ACT. The Temperance Question About to Assume a New Phage. GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. R 1886. ; vta,lLLlt`1'LI►1" Mit.a.l't.:.igen + 51 •11 A 1" IN ADY.t.�CI# n s "Trills Ro•.e detibesuee ttagostuum per THE WATEII OR KS. ( Cr.ebgild hacime A+ 1•ACG adz.! issue a rtter, . [the admirable • febas Ptt speech not to talk He ret.d lose sdenrt -- preprwd, and all he. hrd •ay -w • see that Sunning by Wind in the Town'[ Mr. tRut1.r or anyone Nose would 'asks theowutract as furw.Itateoi in b•t Hall on Saturday Night. gchen;a, let theta have to he thought _ the estimate •.a wuch to., 1. w Ft): limitary purposes we trust in tutrry be AM a Little '•,la.^ ea Ib. es' 4Mu .r We •appiled with water, het accordpll. tt• ileuses edeas, the plan wily a small .,rctiea of the . _ _ town would be c r n:ve , and tie ;teal* who lived out of tee tire limits would There was a large turn uut of ratspsl not b• served by the waterworks. err at the town hall en Saturday to hear He wsshe! Hr. Sutler had given the candidates and ..then steak on tIs the rate to the d• liar in them towns that ga•attuu at waterwurb, electnc light, had oaterwords and high taxes. What wits was needed in (:oderlch t..day was more Mayor Horton occupied the chair, "oniony and hoe eatrsvevenee fie and to *peeing the routine aid that he rued en eatract hoot an er tort delivered at l:rueeheld 1 ut week by :ti C. Camrron, M. !'., L. al,:e repreeenta tike fur to est Huron. Toe speech is one of the bed prlitieal toall,•azures that ha been r•peued *wee Pao closed, and oration* peseder z4d .h.,t euMerent A tittle bird winnowed to me the other day that it would be well fur out pebl.c Things That Are Happening wheel trustees to look out fur anther, Around Ue. principal, as the prweat one has hu s ---� eagle eye heed upon the school ivapec- esertleo sln.11a The Mg Sent snob, lianas t ts!'ip of West Huruu,which will become to annihilate the enemy-- horse, f...d and artillery The Nei', a1Th< ugh ehalteeeed to c:,utr' tent any of the stateanenta cull tinned, has satisfied itself by leaving the bow and tigu'es severely a111tie, while h weidu:x.ly endeavors to Laud bespatter tt:r cwt who, had the temerity to boldly f -emulate the charges t'f c•r- rept i•in. b4r1r ante, ansa venality weeinst tl.e government soul its raiz ions. flat Mr. Causer, n can well afford t.. laugh to moon such ,mpute,t attacks. The drivel of the Afa•iis, after a11, o•bly the bissiug of the serpent when he puisuoous fangs are drawn. The motility t., injure Mt. Csslegm, sled the ability to c• ; e with Ills atirsmeate aro alike obsess -rule :a the Mai", :nano arttelea. roe Idsid s/.a sl l*ls r. de swassnd the lessers Apes tee Lwin MRetMswrea, The ((Mewing special Ottawa despatch we slip trout the Totuntu Wurid Ottawa, Jan. ill—The liquor question has bow the nitre of much trouble in Idtoaiawo polities :\ Now that the Illc- Cattbj 44t kern bow 4ealsr*d undnyt i t utia ori sod Nuel Ma attest Mato ed, thereto a desist saso rig members of the Patlaral parliament to art rid of this troublesome mattes --ill other words, to unload the whole bomlaw on the Pr•,v motel Legislatures. • A Cabinet Sauter hinted today that tiir Jahn acid pro tably iatroduce • hill repealing the tic'at Act. and not oily repeal it, but put a clause in the bill deelnring that io view .of the reesst daisies* is If aiIsrsd, the whole subject be and is within the juris- diction of the provisoes. That would thea leave the way opo to the Loll lagisiaturs.to peso prohibitory mes•ure•, each foe itself so it saw fit. Ito H ental (fat the past yews or two has bean the mouti-piase of the betttrr yr gad *SIPS score pointers r b ps1- toot than dues any other paper. It is impossible for the Q t to do all that is laid down in the deapee•k. bet that s mwrement et on foul at Ottawa to Durk. the Scott Act, is now aassred- Meanwhile, the ptsiticn of the tem- perance question au Stott Act voantie• is thus Th. beibinion licenses are en needs 'vale piper. The liquor Teodoro ap- pointed by Judge Doyle .ed ha cul leagues can be prosecuted today for sell iug eves under • medssal certificate. Th. Local C. t will, without any delay, a u. bees..e to regnstab4e druggists only under the Scott Act. It is probable that the adouoistration ,f the Scott Act will be it) the hands of one fit gran, who will protect the inter- ests of the licensees sad honor the law. Tim license may not be issued by an ea• 'we Board, as is neeseary under the THE FLAKE B.AN Qt; ET. A Croat iathertsl nl Liberal. In London Seas lire/ Large brla•rll.• aa•*Hrd tread tag taestflra. Arranger;eztr ha*s peen ciapieted for a gruel bampset to Hon. Edward Bake in l.oadoe, on the etening c•f the Itch oust. Vt'e bespeak tor the be*.gwet • large att.:ideao. frau this sectuw as well w every other porttom of Western Owasso. i be. bora trade for reducing rates on all railways, and a ley figure has been placed on the banolewt tickets. Full ver:u;aters ean be had st this office. W. hap* no doubt the Refueenere of the west will show their sympathy with Mr Blake gad their appreciation of his eervrcee to the Reform party by being tercet .•b the uto.at•,n We hate a mien in our t.atM4.af &taws, perhaps the most g,*ve that the eosntry has seen for the test tet years, mud the public will be most minute to hear Mr. Blake's views upon the pruseat *ituatiuu. They know that thew views will be well considered, and that the course be will 1 to them will be b.Ab just and prudent. The Reform Aserciations is the di/ - ferret riding's should at once meet wad endeavor to SWUM a gt'od I ; ,iion freer every ,.cairn of the country An ✓ lwirable place bee been rotated by the Reform Atsueiaiea on London in which to hold the battiest, and no effort will be spared to make it agreeable to the hundreds who will coasts from ahead to encourage the leader ul the tteform par- ty in the arduous wor: is which be has bier engaged Maier Inas Sire 5.tiad.-�.jwaass • Maser MM`I1 be Wards lean,. leder. *risen Treurte The l.sap11- m..s. oldie news de &11. recant by the of inspector Miller at the January meeting of tee county euencil. A bomber of folk pouts - pooh the idea of his candidature, but 1 am in a position to know that ualea. Well, the racket is ..ser the muni- *tone of the wort) reputsbleC tipsl elections, l wean. In liodeach a reeves frown down the scheme, Huron tuod man has been electe.i to St. Ao. will be cursed with an inowmpetent drew's ward, in the person of James A. 1 official. A greeter calamity couldn't Rad. and Si. David's has supplanted I:. ? happen the teachers and scholars of West Campton by placing 1G.tert Thomson in Hurst. the third seat. I hare no fault to find Already the ,Inidnuncs are counting n oses in the oouoty council. 11 the Coo - servstires have • uu•ority it u u good se settled that CI.og, orf Winghai , ur Turn Kay, reeve of !'•borne, will be elected warden. If the Itdt�rmere show to the front, it is genera'Iy conced- ed that Rate, of Stephen, will rule the roost. Personally I don't pre a red rag whir mita in the warden's chair. for after felly in 735, anybody will suit me for 8C. A pretty gold female vote was polled gave the heavy temperance Inaj,•rity, in town on Monday, and the mod work and the beer kepi made thew ni.puuents done woo evidenced by the returns. kick the beaux le Million. The cold The women did their work quietly but water,irineiii:es of the Lake n•atl se_tinn well. If some of the men who vote were also went up Salt Creek. There's a u consident as the women. there would Miner in the fence, In eteafortb I sat. Beattie dawned Aliek 1 vidsose the apostle ' f Akuhol- rem, in the contest ! r tl;s rreceship, by a majority of 1:,1. In Brussels, however, which gave a routing majority for the Scott Act, the beer m•. b catried the day. llruuels has acted queerly of late years, so far se voting is concerned : now you see ii and now you dert. This winter has caused a lut of cold water principles to frees* up all over. la the other Mies— but, phut 1 1 m not going tp tell what happened in the whole lot. Hunt it up in the electioni news cu'umn, the way I did. 1� The , electric lSght, agri- cultural park scheme. got a big sad off ou Monday Int, when the "people'• voice' was heard. What the result will be when a properly Matured scheme u beaten down, sad only the fees -holden and batt lease tenants vote, I ion not a u osently posted on the prophetic ho*i- bsss to toll at the time of writing. Then u ere tins* Ian say,and that is that, so for, I haven't heard anybody bring down anything that comes within s day's march • with the result. although, to be up and up, there are a few good ma left out that I would like t., have seen elected Meter] of soros of the "b1utts' who still lmber the board In i'olberue, Anthony Allen and John 1Kernighan ran a warm contest, avid Joe Beek and Charlie Mclierdy had it also kat amid heavy. The result si.ewed that the party drdn t hang together, and, as a consetuence, was downed by the beer mob. l;enmiller — or • definse I.eberde. Butler's Bye iiuom , T1s Med ••itetsenles." nested' �e e[ Bob Hepdette's brakes- ( _ man's ' efeneeetie doctrine, u o All the indiatit.ns in the to wet [prow- • nes railirZTl�t 1 nowhere, ince she that the }flee "rebellion" used no stations, employed no conduct. attaint Sir John Macdonald grows ors, and nobody knew when the tenni. =11164/44--- itaay be su event and sterager every day, and that the mini nos wts. Bat everybody io whooping it t sweat *torts u. suppress or circumvent tj to have the Incases have been The manifesto °p' ell the 05010, and I up_ ro Akan wain Qtreg4.es like office of the Prow- uI Sir Ale'. C•tnpbslt• the mjnteey d ever convineed that the ordinary tonal Mr. Cbaplesu, the stuns of one oe twat elan 1. • a mime*, Matter, the followers, and the bloody threats of tb►'buder he'll shout The Ootsttia .at him not fully Na,; have alike failed. The Mea genii- decided a all t►..e paints, but it is les have in fact produced a very streetThe lir[ with the dandy toogee and Izkefy that one thoroughly Anted i for will have eharge al the tion, and be will be espeseed coalmenty with the law, indeed tear, favor orr impartiality. So far w man W appeased whit is bettor fitted for the paiti..s of eosaty inspector than Stephen Tate.. The t could not male a mistake in appointing him. feeling of indignation in the other peer nicely trimmed toboggan suit has pluck- ed up sang* during the week, and ha. takes the natty uniform out of the trunk ad shakes the smphor out d it. It looks today as if the ea!ssy of IS.rs yelept the "Goderieb Winter Sports Cleft,'" would yet have a chaise to shire before the season closed. Brine out the my 'The French Caeadiaus have b'pre•sed their opinion and are seeking o act to to aoweopliah their .ads is a perfectly eanatitutioual May. Thirty or f.•rty of them have a perfect right, if they wish, to vote &genet Sir Jolla Macdonald ; and if they deride to do so they bead not be deaoenced in most violent lan- Itemea J udging from the tone of the minister- ial press the "akieftsin" is deemed It is said Hon Maekeazie Howell admin sot be a whisky vote in the town man- ed, and only two municipalities in Huron would elect anti Scott candidates. But • lot of so-called men are to good. The trustee elections were carried by the old incumbents, In St David's ward the lack of inclination or opportunity to canvass on the part of W. P. Robertson made :he victory of kis opponent • fore • gone eonclu•ion. And right here and noir I must knock the bottom out of a foolish notion that prevails amongst many g::od•inteetiosed. potpie. They obleet to peru,oal „ and when asked to sera the public always state that if elected they will do their best, but if is wanted they are oppoted to each a method. They think * hes they make talk of that kind that they ruins t . eoaple of cubit■ in the public estimation. They newer read* a greater mistake in their liras The groat unwashed multitude, the horny -fisted toilets and moiler — Jaey who make parliamentarians, legislators, mayors, aldermen, councillors, and school trustees— these within whodun't like to see a candidate whom noose is tilted skyward, but rather would they s be recognized by office waken u impo r, taut factors in the well-being of the body politic, and be looked upon u the sheen rugged backbone of society, which is able and willing to bear up and sustain a worthy o.sdidate, if asked to do 10 in a proper manner. All things being 'nue' I and hundreds of my way of thinking, will always rote fur the man who is willing to paddle his own canoe, row bis own boat, wheel his own wheelbarrow, d hue his own row, and do a large share of hie own . To the ambitious t nod aepiriog candidate for public o r pri- vate pleas, I would my in , if I you ant to get there, don't wait for the t position to come to you, or you'll ram after the un•ttaissbia, Depend Ma your 1 ubden4wd the p1■portrn t to be to sink r � e cwt) piper as to, the Bust of a •yste;ri, but Ivo r u - t , + ate ringing water, and he did no: complete the reading and OW would nitwits a supply that would *imputation. He closed by saying that Is all we would weed fur it wuu!d 0,1 if a•nufscturetswere to come here ere be pusable 4. go Lulu fhb schans w..u!d need waterwurks, He u sold les same scale w w the cits.a Hr would pleased to see the M.K" eery cc^.','any also say that Md.'lesry & Co.. the iron encouraged to cents here. founders of London, had been in owes Hun. A. M. Roes, 111.1'P., wi.• was lruodeao. weth the cowictl tot extend protean, woe called tor, east( he tied bail their works to su�dber tows, sod they i;,,rtunity ,•f couideriao tae en• - bad said that io such ars event they. Ha uadentop,j that the would need 100 Auu.e, (or their mcrk- ,ices : •r wag nna• whether th. town mess, sal • large supply of water would sh..uld have • chance of tubal; ca s be needed. 'They would hate to Ret schemo. Fur sanitary purposes zuud similar terns to those granted the Pat- water ria need -d to t.udertch, fcr . IAN; tersocs by Woodstock They wtttld t•: the nature , f the sell, the wale- wm, Deed to hare the water extended do as a rule, to„ much charted with sue - them if they mane here He must ay, face deorime. 11 a reseonablweapettdi- however, that if the waterworks did not tun would get no a Rau,; systema of lacrosse the population it would Mcrae*, wetetworits, he wp tq f&cur of it. The taxation. The electric light he count- electric light wee at luxury, and !: did wed a luxury, and ctuld b* easily done net feel blot rothik ter it. The electric 'inbuilt. As to the agnate/mat park, light was more expensive than as, st he didu t think this wt) a natural metre least w it was found to be in the legis - kr agricultural purposes ; yet with good lativaatttildusgy r As to the prop'0+l1 grounds and buildings and a track we Igricalturn park, he h+d beer- told that might attract m ire people to our public fourteen acres could be had fir $1,400, gathering.. and he said that •rf this was so. :; would John Butler expressed himself as .or be sruud tbii tom tt, wit was cheap, ry to gee nkat the mayor had shown eco 1f pruperly handled such an tnresttbent hi ilk anxiety for three propeotiuns. Hr would be a good one. '4th our natural didn't think it was fair for the rnaecr t.• adrautege., we ehou'd 1r r tE build up as throw cold water on the tows where be a large and popultrittitiner resort. We resided. The speaker had a right to had an the eesettecatlons ; and be usinr, assume that• would increase • little expense, and seeing that our In ttodericb /net u wall Yin other water was pure, we could make the plata if we ouly put forth efforts to town a very desirable and popular sum maks it, (Hoar, bear ) ri hether the mer resort. He knew of no town in wells were plte or not, it was neeelehr7 bad Ontano,a:.d for the tact few yarn he for purposes that there gone a Rood deal over the province, that should be platy of water available. It ow better •itustod fur ouch a purpust► was not long since water was so scarce than (uderwb. It gram necessary, how. to Ooderich that the people wen ever, that the rate of taxation should be petitioning the council to give them u fight as pwuble, en &s 1„ Ret more permission to use water that wt) in the moons to poor. hen and mato (lode_ public total'. The town had gully ns• rich their hotue. He would r,.t. yea tura' adcsntattea. It was nicely situated for the waterworks and tltr agricu'tural lip, bad excellent roads, park, reserving the right to vote atsind beautiful scenery, pure air, etc. But the scheme finally if it did net conte up there we. truth in the old proverb that to expectations. "'the lard helped them that helped Joseph Williams said he had told Col. ." (Laughter. ` The people Ryes too much, as that gentleman had were not absoletety bound to the scheme used his intended arguments. He wriuld as now proposed, for it might be that speak upon the question when the real the present scheme was not a good one. &cheat. came or. The question was : Shalt we kale water- works or not ? He believed that water wt) the light, and would be the light of works mold be procured at the price the future. It would be as cheap aa pe set down in the circular, or less. The if run by water power. Tee town of electric tight could be supplied at one Dunvillo had electric light, and the peo- half the usual Dost by using the water[ le could have it in their bowies for 75e. power at the Falls. The oust, as placed 4 week. Teterboro had 275 tights, and n the priwted estimates, had been giceo in the saving of pollee s0a freedom from by practical mea. He was prepared to burglaries it bad more than cleared my that then were men net far sway, itself. rte wtuld tett i[r. Crabb that who were ready to take the contract for he was prepared to take the oontract for $66,000. He then read a list which ,�, if the ratepayers would give it showed that at the highest the taxes to him, and retire from the council, would not be raised mon than 23 P" cat., and that if the works were fairly � bunt of applause ; He successfully they would Dost the town awn proceeded in • humorous bars manner ittle or nothing. He pointed to to Rive his views on Ake hereafter and Whitby, Palmerston, iRasis-, neon- futon punishment in claimed that burg and Windsor to thew that with with rte., a few yeah • large hulas and work *Lea by one owing to the it zi,atiebC, of the audience en toe each stn b meek lea pupolation th �d •larger Autonomists would come here a:rd bcild • ebt. He also cited Guest* sad Streit- *mow summer hetet. urd to show that the • were lkephso Yates (1011 the bot y o[ *Ii. paying in these towns. H1 ineta.oed hall clads s short and stirring speech, he Daae of the tows dock, to show that hick w received with apl•tause. For wails the cele unwed at years there had been • steady pull t.. *..e tion, no one would vote to levo take the county buildings away iron. Guderich, and the town meet be alive to be dock pet away. And w it w°"11° M 1Ii*b the waturwork.. He elwed by its Ewe interests. He Geer! • ',aside the dochviag that th. we.lih and prputd• 11111144eart the propod ichw:,P, tut hr Wet of the town would tocteaae if tha willing to pry anseextra 7.1 or' Ti • aasbts•m wt) adopted. 7107 for the benefit of the teen tr. std own exit wed nes sans racemose and the blanket east, for _menu—[i 'be weMNrt M'aM - goodness _ sake, and let ss all know bow Whanet, Katona mug go to the the noble redman kept out the cold when mountain. inj any good scheme of waterworks F. w. Johb•ton. reeve. thanked the electors for returning biro again during his absence. The town 4•1 `tarns had now reached a pnpulatit-n r f 7,900 Since the were rut in 16,. people were satisfied with thea, and the owl had got to he be scarcely anything_ The had vise irdaced mens factories to do there, unsung them leave works and 1 works. The town i. Rona &bead. end this winter they heel started ti ley o number of piles, In order 0, give emyloyment tit laboring men He had leen in tee Tse ilieNAI, that the .theme was ern iratOre. and that 11 skate have hren got 'sea too capable mer. He thought those who • gist up the encoder deserved credit for their work. A few well placed electric balm wool() coat net Icel. snore Chair the m,eeeeble lamps Unit are now Its ase. Mr. Beller aeaiu roe. and said that it isersale would woe w s ►izh u hod was utterly impossible t• say just our bora eemputod. The O. T. R. would ha what the water w. ,aM cwt That dr likely to um the water, which now hadmended an s how aana "� tt eras . to he pumped from the river st a alvei tt"E/� bean web • nage of fid. gad $1. • Arran, `e•af+wth — it had t700 *0. There ex. 11. Welchem hod wanks, and when in Wing - s 1.1 1 � � the est was 1' ;, has re0a.tl7 the .osier bed ..ked waw, [foes eased s e•ral if they woad l+e now willing to de without the , and they all ..id, no, we ere perfectly stie5r4 with £I*IIVtel set ttetavn:ese .-A Aivuear7 it, and would set do without it under asvennna will he peeashetl is Vset,•ns eny eoluaw line. He ek0./ht the street there', or Sw idap, the 17th lost. .hetrie Hoe sod the eeriealt.rel park by Rdv. J. H. Larsen, of Guelpin, aero yropoetthst not of tee► itpets.*.s tam'ni*I ani *•tush,;. A teen eetaa. • et the wsnrwerkt He wos id pa by .1M be beg •,s b400iy ereri .t askew • direst amid vii anwtlnar v M 1 for *KA st •... f ,.,*, 13'Me� 1'0* saet, •wisp, rt at the polls on Monday peat. - C. A. Humber said the matter had been pretty fairly watifated by Mr. Batter. It would be to the benefit of he cooteivaity if meetings of this kind ware held oftener. It would strengthen the lauds of the caned it these matters wen toriteglit before the public mote frequently. There had bus. * good deal of work getting the figures, eta, for the at•ment which had bale presented to the electors. The ides wee to bore two boles, so that every stroke of the engine would give us water and balance the *swine. It would he necessary to bore my 300 fed, and strike pan water, and this water would arae up neer the top the well, and could moody be pumped. He Nought the water.1outi be put in a high oak .w rreervuir higher than any of the beildiege is Uwe, and an be use- ful ea etas n1 ice, M to the wort, fatly three -hank of tb. mousy spent in labor world Masi. i. torn. Tb. t•z Aha! the t will ba dltmead. Jaequu Uutler was only *n tasmigrant. I didn't make any lovas to mayors chair of Toronto, by a majority ogee wench to a few of the bolters, bot I heard nae of the ..eigkbore my the elle ay oceans this year. I'd bees of over 1700, is the great erect of the declared that many of the "dna! eted 1 other day that 0. would base more Don- then before and nek. It kat, u it the Queen cit 1. wore hd.e travelled so far with the Parti (idents in Jnbn Butler • eineerity Oti the t got lett asoften that I t T howght f'd quit the r.,ultiow business. National sad Mr. 1lvdwar asalh Tem elution of W. H. Howland to tier 'I'►e Jona the other day held 0.1 1A* de 1 that tilos policy with'a ice whewe. it that world -be But if some of o oath fellows • • ' poli- them lu where Hwy have made that r.tuen is out o[ tM • tri oar Inst you yea • ape wilt , jobbery, "*18.56.010' their Pn asthrupist, wand band his mithty todertake to bears w de tics, the bilk, the bloat, the beerkeg and bed if the t t .hoard fall on isteileet toward tie t of the upon it that you will have a to 7 sympathy beNtmllt, the heels, the "odium gad this question by reason of their dela- fire eoapaay. Boder is chairman of the and good wish., ie your vain &tlsmpt. be stamped out to t.ie a it o0 dbat 11 dhew Joh++ ll t bre and water w,aowittee, and since he i omitted last week to wish you 411 the obetller, t ofargued that Nadir" wor ire brigade "A 4, -well awn! the fueueetitxi of a aisistq Happy Mw Ti.,r," as/ w [ say it NBell end Rutter pledged to sewage Roel'e death there I•• guns t., tb• dirge. m the m0111 is. sow. A1ax. have been re-elected to the sct,or l board, must be ac appeal to the Cssadian pe•. A few years ago we had as Ase s volsa- we hope they will torn in gad work hi Ve " What a terrible theist 'm* h. tau. Are arena. as could D. blend in R'ben lbs biiir�evsat10. the *spume roach teossbers eon d with any teas u Nand&. Today, I wonder army' d °aim" ws• tatrodee d tel y the tetere•t of the pupils. so that the pwasmity, They SIM dNgifNlaid t•. house &r JIM A M..sonsld wasleader ratepayers will get the hest returns for plow, Air Cohn lhed.ae °yet hem. • aur iawnSIS rates have sot bens is- of the Opposition. The bill as &strode. the easey expended in keeping we th..engiwg and d.1ah'Msw Meat There tweeted bemuse of gar lack of law -pro-- ed made the sew must ssp1'etne in fact pubic uheol The int thing anted is will he on mintetry • phu'gs•t <h ave/1pe I Motion. Sires Captain Daneey gave op as well u in name, bat as the leader of • • tarioMMl who win Isess fly give itiei'a death. Set it is eery likely that lei po.iti,sw of fire wards, the brigade Ake (lppr+eitioe objected to this, and made deer► win he a wiabtry 'seem to forty I t s "trot loyal" spate in advocacy d "tI. let d t* the writ rd the his fish odd ak1Ntiso le rhe d kss tote..ed M • len, *nd one of these y r veinal set Mr. Blake • pokey o! "the bed hes the ellsdsld u[ diewtioa. A seab*r the settles,.. _Ane food for the sen whe � drys we may reel a our esprotmyd threw,•, the „peel d ills dry se_ Oa rteuslben of tbm sehoel hosed m at live ora it seed wares i•. If that eagle posltr,a to in fullest extent, it the wisely the point, sod there as psweet eosstit end hove, tbro.,tb their tea W bels the 1atdieg-Nor ..1 Mt mow ie sot remedied et cess The thea u.,td a tribunal whish a of the .ha 11[ecd.+alld'o and had hose meet ov urinous eberneter. As the (h - °babes, malend 'ma th• weeper curiae' out in its entirety there would wwrw'•rks cry will keep uatil 11 el awe Jetrrrtnl sensate. M w rather amt. Willa of the per two yams let than bare been so rehellios. Bet the - good- tinned vet es • Mathing Immo nest nes sad poetically}see eat ter Joh, hal Mew wisps whether they win he taw* is iag pie of Sir Jolie Meed..n.M leas obttisa sod is the lsse.tiisne the tows hese repeatedly oted by the h�lif'tt�deea, tat ratpywe sad theta• r*ad lsr eh" r,loaisatioa echos - — i. is • helpless state mn fat as gee -pro- prim Privy Chosen, to *huh he pod.e ts1M► dohrwsce --Nllhellbla t Lowe mllawds sown hmrr.e =seal r• w 81t1es ss/ lis aeeeaa.s *ars Whin" to • t e wprurm is n maerenly /asllesiss and • haute lib him might M � a tststlM sow impc:sa his liar t8.fa.mrsNy tlw�s. elrlgted L. udn'y PJet, ' and hagia w eel, 1 theft +'mob• .do., er wet illy Rises bear with "lb 5 0thefel wigs Nat lii,e ' Y e lesions ls eosresaed. Ls ebairaw' snail h Pn° em7i t.t+dw�a •