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The Huron Signal, 1886-01-01, Page 8
0 • 8 eanlfaltl r• We aro alines( solid hoer f.•, Keno:Jo , and Mcllardy, and hen, r•..+1 fel. is frau other pasta 4 the tow,.ehlii fladaelaa TosniLiy, .l young son of Seamed Cot (e11 recent ly and broke • knee esp. George McCartney, o1 she Nth cont het a fine home valued at $_bat the other day. The annual broke ns leg elide sinning •wily. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 1, 1$$I {ri 1@i T.'fy a :els, ilea `tom ti�oltMsM marts+• taapr ssetML*Mw- sectwnnese,t.ItrrbtssrryRubs. illan, who lass been sackptorau apa ' TIL THE END OF IIEE'R rtfurseui• b tanpnrvta1. ally ,.• ism and powerless p Juba Murray left here ter BAJO es t Monday 1•d wrath a car load 4 diep. Mis. Nelly t;oble, 4 Wiseman, is seppeeseettan g a bop Jays with her mole, Mr. i CLrI . John "R'ayln., of Call. is visiting at preeeet among his roti friends w this locality Peres lOaI$. MIQ 4 ODi A little them year old girt. h. has L • eau to need him or lila be attempts are Keo • as attempts to - tern back t:,p 1t •ring tide with a will of straw, or uutr•air s hurl icon. with a tin I whistle A y000g man asked fur the , beautifulhand rt As she ke•i- WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL TERMS ;rt, -Fur tt11 Pareeilr± ut.r Five Dollars in value we sill prepay rharjeta �� of about rel,lyi,,lt, toe ysiaitE t• -aa 8tgd-Partiie tieiirise to pureha..e in pet -min. nod doing - t to tl. • a'iot:ut of $3O, Wd Will pay railway ••I swabs rile "woe with bb" tar_. S..,..: • t :;t.rlleti if not ,latlafatory,and 3r d• - awpplrri �i.n altpli.mti••n. 4 ;'..,.i:• bought from 1 . . n-fttttdr 1. • • said aas.ered hrewth " The y.•uug lady ••\\',.11 toy dear sir. you will have tot Lent your btra•M with w.i tbirtg bttmdes mon w • high wines and Limburger Aimee to 1 been rt M Frank Yolras• tax catch me." Her head was level. A Lemieux- some time, std , u Sunday mor g. ytwrig man who will tit wase drtuktug i Oo You Require Orme 1►ernythau and Mttiardy ars iueetitag' Sbe sod heti eater fully recov.r.d. to his wile Don't marry a man i The members in w top a oc4 clears fur the ~teat .t.ai: w - a. b 4 t. i Do You Re'qu:re Ttae school esamnnatiw, of No b mule i lows : t'„un., fir.. John ('auk ; C , the health and rgy.natee fluky t nr , -a. see bet. Rk+ek• i• this Ruble can be .{noted u burn ; from. fin, Alrt c N t ata tater : . m , ,fin,. 13. Kirk p tits , t�� )Aatwu filthy still.' D. You Require 1 { scone time ago, k o•timatt will out do aFo with much reemcees lis their.. origins* Such Dewdrop 1 'ml their that chew. (obese, TM use of tobacco' tguud uao aro needed to the c••uuty cutin- lel dorsi wed filthy habit, wyuttu s t til M Marta y lam• to iso the Y rJ t. There was a tares safer Wiry M D' rdt•d f "Lot Lon that a Well be ih conclusion t the .•x- a Good. Stylish Mantle. Lin" Price y are Close. Our Stook i. Lar: • •t" a New Fashionable Hat or Bonnet 1 where you can t� Suited. t)ur :ill!>w IGton. l• L4 Meg a Good. Warm. Stylish Dress. I:e RI �ht Goode. tern t•Ot t the .Y,uc uaa. u Send to t•., icor `+tltagie• :a atop 1;►a'• c t b herald, sue aet.gl picture taamea TheChrtsl Rata ('sew, btu guard. Mo. o trek Y. it each enquire* en ring t. draw their t teas tree was ea iuterwung feature Innis :sen.. btu Neil y>loDifirand : 1. W. breath. Tt eY seemingly lis,. n•� ©o You Require Underwear Hosiery or Gloves. the tie pact . Mr t{r.n o 1y ung will co we. Mclatosb. b h t and refection of itis (mad Require below RR railer Privet► enough to tabor under an tut- �t They lite df the who iis foul N'.• aro `selling a Manufrit•tt:r.•r. Stook Oi lra(!,•rtti•a` "r! illy 30 o it (bey find •auk who is fail ambito,* pronoun. the respect atr„ee, , the retnnng 'earlier, R. E. e 1 a lazy roan T4..•,• are Rio.', was prewuted wtt(i stn album MarI.rtiI . ; F. K., fin`. ilanvy 1Ma lug . O1)1 marry ) 1 btu. A. IlollieoaM ; . lino auger ape yeses mom who are .o lazy that i a Id Hu will be missed in educational t circles t, ,•, as be is retiring fronn the eieverbtweMd ftrapN•ttNiu, their fm not a•not:„:h to marry thea, and they will DO YCa teaching 1•iotets:on. Success Iver attend The S• John Trl..,rara makes the fol limo • Q her Pa Leek whoa you are I him Iowing 41out ation (roan the editorial acing. column of the Toronto Mad : Dent t marry a man who has &lora.' hu The annual public school examination ur tf Itke the Ittduna they had beer- is Doe going to get numerous enough to command respect up. cater • e on \\ tteti•et(. the Yard ins(., mid ver awe red tape without doubt Doe's metry • man who has not the end was well atteudrd. Iu the spelling I nal I. .d the u1he. would M wheal Anise Funk Asctiec .tut fust pine and solved for them , but being Daly half live ar lore. ••N hen poverty cs .s in I Annie Tiitrrt saxwnd. Au uurresutig 1 1 fl t through the � ••Had they had votes, like white mien, ail is riotous living, and tell you that he _- __ married and ectal. u et tea have w- with t., support you 1-u cannot b ds h e put oar with an assn at the door, ova les out musical and literary prugrawme was virtue. We r:peat arum that the dr ll„u t marry a man presented Juhuston t4. rite ng reg, !dm huuly putrn•ntal system outlor 'bid' •tioh Bessie• when by r,Uii oP ]our eleeyss Juhu ant. expressing sad,. regret at her rr `*linos soil creel nsui•i of the rfitht+ of and taking care of ywtrse`t you cat: earn tel by *1 The sad, -i was asx:t Th ' a portion of the community unity wit pcsit,ie, yuttr owe Rester .„...ti pi „rid. a 1:..u•e for -nal au elbow anti , toilet set T. eu wrong. and should be censured." yourself. addrss ryas reap•,ndrd to 111 upprupriate , When three observations were written Don't marry s mer. t. Ret rad , f I•tre, asthelanguage ki Mr T. as. J,, nsbrother,o. the Mail urs want an thor,uihly contuse- or oblige him, or .imply beoruse he asks h the recipient. the Mian or three whop that iits a. 1 were entirely you. pout marry is haste. lest you has taught this school tor tarn rail• repeu; at leave. I. re car. was. lo.n't y• soon.. -tut of sur stool ,t ane t , the ball soh meet' •r.•crt,ance. will atteiol th. ( imagine because persona i reeds as Mats st the• upauemk The two ns are miser - Require a Good Silk or Satin Dress. - We• hate Rick sad Colored aro+ Grains, all Prices. We are aniline rest! n Y••rvitrlcuv that with war l'!"T, at Prices that will astonish you. • W. O BRETHOUR $11LeA.1N, :er • they were promise until patience ceased to be a wtnduw.' I Hraa'tord \ow. id. h. ter, t. r a home and a .. -.,• -t- prtwetuted, after which an address was neat session vi the t rttswr uurwa rttrey Ito; Le tarry shank. lI HURON AND $! COMPANY THE PMPLE'S STORE WAN AND INVESTMENT 60fi1r ALIT T+lr;rayl. well ubeery s : .Lit when apart, • Thus was published when the •-' an t. Setter � . hs' some hops that the threatened roto:( - i of no. John's Quebec tolbwiug might be wtaae•. sewed s-Ivter. revue ted F.aliug that, the chief crime Wzutni': Ru.ui Tutvrlay. Let , 29th, beheld a bnillisut and nut.lero•-s assembly at the residence of E. Straulhan, Esq , Poplar Field, un the uecasion of the marriage of 1.:. daughter, Minnie, to Mr. Joseph 1'. Goldthorpe, 4 Colborue. The ceremony was cote- see that what the .K -i! admitted ls.•t July was true, and more than true that the Lail -breeds had just and grievous grounds of comp:Mot, ami that all the r a.. ' o tp) n y -j Losnote Moore PI Per," at Leung Mb's of Interest. b'iKT(.AGES 1'VRCHASED Vi now deckers there was no justificati. a How such better w,. cid it ::are seen for the moraine of the half-breeds ; its Catholic editor raises the Protestant cry, anti threatens a war of races 11 Quebec dos now 4114.4111111131, its aupputt to Sir John Mseou,.ald ' Fr,1-uuu a.l people is L l lasted hJ Rev. J. Pritchard, the groan s- tem Leine Messrs E. 1-anEvery, of Coderich, and R. Green, of Saltforl, while the bodes:raids wets Miss Anr.ie cost of filo d and treasure, and the egtt.- Stramphan. sister of the bride, and lilies gun now prtvailiag 10 Qaat.oc, s:d eke time Goldthorpe, sister of the gr:,c`m, direct result of the 'caltous and cruel The bride was attired in bright garnet neglect of the right. of the people 4 the .satin, and the bridesmaids in steel At r- Maskatch•wan district. out dimly what ed orunella cloth, with velvet trimmings. The presents were numerous and costly, The company numbered &buot 190, and many were preser•t from distant points. After a sumptuous wedding spread, the :able were rem.•sed, and the young people betook themselves t.. :he worship et Terpsichore until the wee..nall hours The bride and ,;room left 1, r Tonrotn, •:alt and •.t her eastern f+arts, taking with them the best wishes of their numet,.us friend.•. E. Armstrong has gene friends in I;rtght and Ayr J. Gibson, of Scotch tine, Lanark, has beers engaged as teacher in our school for 1t. Mr. Gibson conies highly re commeutied. Rev. M. McDonald, of Belmont, who has accept he call of the I - congregation re, will be inducted on Thursday, 14th 4 January. Quite a number 4 young men who left this vi•inity in the fill to work iu the Michigan woods have.returned home, many of the camps hart broken up „a account of the recent thaw. A nun,loer of our young m are com- plaining of having sore hes, • cause asa;tied by some being too oa sweat :hin;ga. It is possibly the kind that was dispensed over the garden gate after the Chris ma' tents entertainment that M n a visit to the Mail hos ia dfatiaot terms admitted is true, the ('. t t!tould be hurl- ed from power." We du not know whether the MA was then undertaking to justify rebetlwo or not. At all tweets at was ;Wang forward views which wars web alculated to induce the public to look on the crime tit rebellion with more lenient eyes than it would be disposed to do if it accepted the views estimated by the blur: at the present day. Tern err se imesray. air Juke Macdonald's ermine p. fess to believe that it is aece•sary tka: the Liberals of OM ario should agree :o all questions with the oppmeente of the government in Quebec, before they can unite to turn the present Federal ►pais- •ry out. This is exceedingly silly. We are nut aware that Mr. Bowel! and Mr, White agree with liar Hector Lanttevin and Mr. Cvstigan upon the question of incorporating the Orange society, but these gentlemen manage to work is the same cabinet together. In 167-1, &. .sell denounced Riel as • red handed rntrder sr while Mr. Hasson proclaimed h:in a patriot and a baa, taut a few months later, Messrs. Rowell acid Masson were found sitting check by jaw: in tl.e same c..bioet. Tb. are many issues, lire is- sues at that, upon which the members of the present 1 ars not in har- mony ? Whet of prohibittuu t Lae they sousing the trouble. all agreed on the qusatioos w I'ag,a1 in - The closing examination of toe Lueh- aLh school took place os Wedueeday• cnisd.1 We believe not, 1 et the 4�.11ibilit Home Rule t r Ireland, ..r tae tat- om of the M. t anti -Trench ..rd inst., when the pupils were exam- ined by their teachers, Mr. McClung and Mw Mcint.wh, assisted by Messrs. Aruutr,•uit and Murdoch. It a tatiOleit to nay that the pupils acquitted them- selves in s highly satisfactory xitaaast, reflecting; not only great credit on their teachers. but alai. on themselves It is with regret that we part with Mr. Mc- Clung sod Mw McIntosh, both having accepted positions in the Ripley whore. Mr. Mc('lung has occupied the petition 4 master tit this school for the ya+t five years. which alone. uncoupled with the fact that the school is in such a good _undition, and occupies such a gad standing, speaks volumes for his suocees as a teacher. A 4'hristrras tree , 1 - rt.aument in connection wah the above achool was held ota the evening of the 24th Met, and was • decided 'recess The chair was occupied by Mr. J. G. Murdoch. turd the aerogramme, a lengthy one, con- sisted 4 dialogues. recitations, vocal and instrumental mutts. TM manner to which the pupils rendered the various Tunes are fuuluh eouugh W assert teat the government cannot be defea:ed nu- kes their opponents nee ye on every pubtis question. S, cads ter int aaa. OTTAWA. Dec. 27. -It Is repair i :ant the Government 4 (Marie. Q•uebee, Nova Seotta,Nee Brba•wuek and k:Fitisb Colombia have notified the Dormice authorities that they expect to have re fssded w than all amounts &peat in de - feeding the rights of the Provinces to the exclusive control of the liquor trathc, and that Ontario will demand to be re - camped for all her expenditure in uphold- ing the ricbts oaf that Province in the License, Boeendary, and Striate. cases. The taxpayers of the Dominion will have to Pay • pretty big bill as the result of Sir .lnho 1Lcd..na:d'a fruitiere attack nowt Provincial P.tthta ao1 i.s wnst.tu- Hood blunderiem. The Dontiait.s Ministers. the (h•awa uai the .lune! says, pater Jay considered the detads necessary fur had the aeronaut Macdonald takes Mr. Blake's advice at the time the ur,..•nsti- SAVINGS BASK lRASO&l. , 41e4 5 ,•ry f -.t, late n•+ (kpot,t+, ietee.i:'e Ito nablwt.f sad km, 1.j!. t.tional Dominion License Law was OPTUC1:-file of Karp( 3q,.are sad Norti Street. HOP..1-e HORTON. nom rim. Oodartah. Aar. Soh. OW. exit under discussion. Then the Liberal FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS l WILL. -r .•,t`U-. .t1 ,t BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH! leader made the very *enable sogtgeati.:n ' that, if the Dominion Government h auy doubts about the juriedictiom over the 1iluor Imposes which the Provinces had for inure than fifteen years --ever noes Cortfederattua -exercised, tt *hostile Oak the Privy Council to ieoide a special ease before trying t enforce a measure ti, u ;ed for. Macicnald had masa ed to show "this Latin tyrant Mower" a the.( er • wo, mad he declined to follow Mr. $lake's advice,. His humiliation sad dtecom6ture are alae greater today. Bet the taxpayers wail have W foot the bill is•sried by his crate atup.d•ty - [Basilan Times ad 1111&••••16.. At the resultio a of the bride's psreess. mew t l tna, r. w. o•1. tgh�.� sen51 ieotq R.1. V 0t:1. of Casebttos. to Miss KillsAt Oras.. se the beide* lelbee es Doo. n by the �. D.Comtism.. 10 SW s __ Mir dU• M lis. eye W+,,�,et 1#awese� At the residers. tithe Wee s ?Mbar, Y moot. amid Hr 1 . A- lthe e as 0 J : Ii.si+ AaneR. both et Ash SOWSOWtil 1. s•a sill s.s se J s locia es ; Meds 1111,"•ramie 00 wit s•Mrtr. weieetr It•eaoss ;F. -pitied t) ielepl on• fora Harhse 111,110.1 uee.,tice. Dee. M. 1114. %V best. o Fait.' Drib • 0 0 •0 st Wkeet. trod waiters • hosts OOP, O Wheat wprtsgl a fit.+:. . Wheat, trpreee. i host - •••r dant a ewt. (tear. (sited/ • rest es nor.uF. tense 4. (/stew par • Oats.• bush Asea. a bash Barley. a bush Po:stews • btsh - atay. ten !tiller. V s isd••Ionaa.: a-d10'Mr (ft`fFi01terts.cwt... . Bran. etre Port. w ewe . . Hides Shoo ins O a to 0•• 070 lS M 1 tato i 1 3C M iMtr 1s u11r .ru ties 0• 0itar tn 0p O O is •a .12 • •110 t14i' Olt 0010AMre x ,w • M ea S M • 14 x• 714 sr ' SOS o t0 14 X186. 87- CANADA.` COMIC •ilii' At ' T.utwasei Derr .t PabtteseMr. The atm of -GPM" is to ant forte. ,7 an ,mpartu,l amid independent manner, the pane - lag ast♦1 evens• et Caaallac oolitfoal /sad social life. it. C.rtriosmore definitely sad niers p then whole .olam.s of edM.rtat 1a*is pssgent. easily apeseninnw gad artistic utrts of prer•ouee • eutdect. th. whole situation M revealed at a e,tsare The secesesof skew. hew well Nis facto L C.rtoosa on t,e nominee pde- evsatsedthe pouatry betas eves saws e.xerty menet after thea tb• rh•ate mod hamaewmletew-press of t:.• paper. though ta., latter u incl to that of any cocoas- pale cation na the oosta.eet Fier MIL Ohre up oor-lovably improved. Tke el/ ewer b b be dtaoardee . the piper le to comprise hposse eWWI* a kaod.emo de• stns ter the •tab page. a 1 et the setter. sad anaPro'.1 ranIttUes roe the artMac powleoftes se the Cartoons win trstertslfy tupesve U -e typtraph1.si se mamma et the paper de' TWO Perna MIL' MOT POI 1144:111111a41814. t/rie4 u nUbe a ow e chstens Mae of its claps tgs� aesidsnly ea Wee�valuw. !le ore .5» party and pieces allotted to them prince the 'melodist* petting into operate! Ulf y f , takess►reewett,a the poli'•yt etstsl that there is aonsideraLle talent among the Franchise Aet peoviiori relating to. semi. of tsisoswtrythere be veltioutOn*, use little folks. We would like to men tho preparation of pew!iminery lista nt !•• 1t pree+s•e a s15. sad ertwesia011 1 sirtertal r+eer'd sa tAe M•+*'+ana me• F+, tinct the names of th..se who did exceed voters. A getters election inay b. ' r ed the stars diBicalties will Mentioned , 11v..4„ 5l0. •• taglenc, . 1 .'r.n .wit hate t.. res Our frierds ahoetd et , whim,, Peet.sonaratt . T t •,-silica noes arrIIMSI names their namon the •/'aIle,,,- lista (11 ee,ttt#a, many who hove votes under theMewst Act will be depri.d ingly well, but as the are numerous, we ordered auy day ; the longer K Ili CRIrs PLATP'OIUI ve to forbear. Thsohs aredee dto s ether not residing in the section who meaty kindly and materially contributed to the . The tree woman/ under its load of beautiful presents wit 1144,1114 c'gautly and tastefully decorated, of the pewee 16 mute ; bet that a nn and whom at the does of the per - meson why every Liberal who le 'reek - gramme the gifts were distributedou tied should not take the necessary steps se would suppothat "gutta Claes" to be (Ai Loth lista. De,ay 00. may arrived or the seen) with a whole ear mien d,rtest lair os. • load of the very things the little folks YT. mew. a meeeheat of wasted. After usual votes of thanks the city tit Quebec, while wala,ag goiely owe third snared Xmas tree entertain along the carnet abut afdbyaht on Mar - nowt was closed icy singing the Natin.al 1 day toot, wee attacb.d tot thee. pnike asthma �� PRIVATE Fl KDR Ti) LtasthmaIt was 1 on all wins man. who, oho bestial( uo b m maFwi- et■e, 10 • V. rassss. tree. NOTICE TO FARMERS -may CFO -- HO S POR SALE I am going :o com- mon, buying bane for curia& rad e,l, pay the b,gMeet poor for geed onallttee of hogs. sed will take 1 the per 1N t toe skrtakiag err all twos. Per hue* lids. or soy other sail or11 dark rppee�l�r so it wt1l be an for farts ars re drrr'their hog. property tr. order to reslW Lep flanrae. Haat Lad and Saumate. I will rim daring tie coating +wase km. e es bead wkalweste and retai1. tilers. lard nod Mrsaae Fresh beef, leak ..tea. pork. sorwsg Met and fssRr7 b sssssw- Al order, d.i:,.•a..t„ras•••'t...towr. Tkaatrtnt les teethe }set p oirM.ae sass eoheiuetg a of 1h•, sae. ,tial i future, a•d wiliest los the esta•e•es eke e+ssss, arn yvery trab =favours c L EAN , POM.rte�DM.e�4Rk.1 K Andrew the Orfp Peasant t PIANO alt Conaway. 8 t 0 Frost Street West, 1'srwasr or base goer n wet yeti: he Masker or v other lo•.+ger: •. The Perim Ai nee deep will 1r rim shed to •u beta. h, ape a wit 1 the putMiere soil ke ca'.trr journal both passer. on /arm sad Tows Progeny at bmra te as "the best yetfelly ran him tato the pubes Batten 14 teres• merttpesageretn.ed, se s brutal member. and 'ached his up. I *amen 0e aete►acteg Peso Cardt. d the nattiest '. 1. t .d a yo,n.la Hie injuries b .111 es,ehos lion - 1 e1 for tlt<e audisaeenriDN t J WV,bat afterwards ,• toe, nes • yeller several day s arms RetViet.r. kr lode-..tt IAM NOT THE CHEAPEST MAN .s the wade. hat lam stun to the Croat in TEAS, COrEr.-3, GENERAL GROCERIES. 25,000 Uuep, O.etge, rt ?..y* and Chleig.., wan t ee bride o and draws. G. H. OLD The 01 1100. M tae swears. TOvidarisin Dos. IOW fain 1 `1 This iw.tr..asaleai•dr, •' • , :9t, -sot sr! w: pro" genuine t . ova: -met.. .• Clothing, at 2( ler cert D.accnot. General Dry Goods, . Zi to 20 per ,:wt. Discount. Groceries 84 Provision fi :- lr cent. Discount. Hats ma Caps, 1, Cleats'L CASE OITLY for these GAINS. w - H_ RIDI w , +$100,000 PIIIYA'Pfl FUNDS Ts pard sr funs rad 1055 k. 1•w .et ud d dawwada ' (ski edit onmpsay. the i wdw Lain (respray of (lsnsdr. laesreet. R 04801 per cert. ,,, asmeq lo sets elr ane day. t 1�0 101100/1. 1140 Da betc., Ooderich 00 TO KNIGHT'S SRAV CS. HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. T WQ 00051 DANT (f P.0 A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER, Has the Finest Aesueemect of Rrst tame cafes l•eekate mad U.dtst.iers' Ooe& is Taw.. thee *ware. Kim et ILnkb .aaa ..•w ..,.,Pik ray rksaa, ion Oe•. 3. 10183 The Pecple's Store, Ooderich. AT COST ! LADIES' FURS. • SOME -HEAVY CLOTHS. LADIES LINED KID GLOVES. CHILDREN'S CAPS. MEN'S PLUSH CAPS COLBORNE BROS. 7- Mi. RI...�`es4..)rm/, CARLOW. E w GLASSWARE 554..7 D•+tTIri 4 story •\•aril NEW DRY GOODS MINIM( ! - - FURNITURE! Y t GEt at arwiswrs �W - ap pan IIID�MtIOlil Lel Other sw b as romey Cemdua• lore . all froth sod sew. suitable ter A:filo t5ut*an rw NInue,kTAonw1sond'. ,t,s. CIIRIMICAS and. NEW YEARS! ammil. 04,. w • t sal l sed Mar* 51 ()ppmite Mavtes' Mari. Mambas rima „od+.'05 Thur tr,l, tt� Currau, Raisrns, Peels, Tis & Coofochoiiery 12.1 Meme it.speetiee A* cheep se toe • •ate N 111.1.1 p, Carlen. Dec. IS. 1116 .w'r% tndecest.n,. for fieill4b ,Tae newt , OW - 1