HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-01-01, Page 74.0
ysellMI6 )tint*. nbbtttefr. If t►a pr res o t> b $g of vii& orn.
• t, Reersi say Oaaaef.-Beat
Um whites of two mem W • atilt treat wH
lee, tablespoonful's sit powdered (tenter
sad add leer tablttspouwful. of preserved
(or asswd) raspberry jeers. Beal esti
Mie vete mit- Lwuu ds•urtntll 'nay be
added if desired.
Casataots or BAs... - Soak un
tames of gel/stem it' ball • pint of col
wfMer for an hour. Tran add one soma
plait of builine water sad stir maul the
prairie is dieul•ed. Tu this add a cop-
ied ei sugar, and two bananas sliced thio.
Tiers into a mould and sat on ice. 6•rve
the ty11j be gull h't�sj
and beard l siderntow
A h•,dsole dress WWII at re.s$iun
out cf k.wrt r.esetly wee was of snits
rued meson' shot silk. with ttimtoisn
of dark green :trivet. Ise restises of tb
velvet &hewed let wean the hue plsatmg
ow the routed skin. The vefset treat .a
s puate fru:u the rat of the bodice
d tossing low Over the hips and fastening
up close at the trust with small ambit
buttons. TL. slashed sleeves "petted
Rust below the elbow over • pug of the
velvet. Crtut.•m mid pals yellow ruses
sad dark grime fellows formed the dial
The fancy 1..r buttons with odd de
vices is ren./ 1, sud these vary feta
those sit the sneplest meatal to styles as
costly M jewels So..e are exceedingly
hen hone in sets both terve and small,
made of ottd.z,d silver, tinted io net
a.4ursngs ot trusts and num to relief.
There ere scores of attractive buttons in
mother of pear!, hammered gold, chased
silver, copper, bronze, and solid told
devices. abuwiier beads of Hector, Lease
dor, Atalanta, Nero, Priam, Bacchus,
etc., in carne., treys, sad van colored
Sely others, suJ pie relieve )outeelf.
Go rut sod drive sway the clouds /raw a
✓ d etrweisl frt-uld'e brow, and you will
return with a lighter heart.
• L..v• is the moil terrible aisd aro the
• moot tomorrows of the pae.rous ; It is the
• ..sly Ione dim iocledes in its dresses the
happiurus of 1 isle ..rye elm.
Words' of pry tee arc latu..•t Y necessary
✓ to warm a child lute a genial life 55 seta
of keel.nra mud affection. Judies...us
prate., 1st" chtldreu what the sun IS t•.
Ilio were
Posuro.cas a a sort .4 guard which cur-
ets Il.r rue4h edges of our character and
jrresmos Duerr wounding others_ Ws
ah..uwl never threw it of *ren iu our
O ...Meta with oosr•., people.
Toole Appellee to exist a greater desire
e. live holy thso t., live well. Measure
Ina Son'. d .sirs, he .suet live loug
seeorrh ; msosure by his good deeds, anti
he has Wilt lined loom enough , inousur.
by hie evil deeds, and he It . lived too
The most difficult province in friend-
ship se the letting s min see his faults
rad error., which should, if possible, be
w tamarind the: he may perceive our
since is given him not so much to please
ourselves .a f..r los own advantage. The
repr...thee, there'ure, of a friend ah.•uld
• asp hm etnctmy just, and ant tit, fee -
Re that doers noel MI a plass at home
wlaaut abroad. He hoes chase only 4,
hid. his tnsiittitiauice in a larger crowd.
You J., not think y..0 will bud anything
there which you Bare not seen at hume q
The stuff tit all a.untties is the aa',a.,
W list is tree anywhere is true e-
where Aud, let a nisi KO where 'a will,
he ear' find only so meek be.ut3 er w.xt
Sib he tattle,
Se lame as arms does not violate the
prtucIplrs of bawwt 'x t'laws .4 belt!,
W bee w it i* made ai.ofermable to pest -
tiers, nee, and cry , so lung is
it t.1 bit enc""' Avert, nut unely as • source
of rnj.yme/,5 bat as the fulfilment of a
seri .us ':nty-f-'r the lore. of dress, which
le to' as buoy .hu language is to thought
le ea tree en instinct as is the lova sit
erten ei beautiful and yn..d.
Kee trait of character is more valuable
in a few ole than the pose(yaion ..f a •vert
temp.•r Home can never be tuade happy
'onset's. it It is like the dowers that
sprint; up ie our pathway, reviving and
chewiest us, Let a 'Kan go ht-,ue at
night, wearied and wuru by the fouls cif
the day, h d how soothing ie a word dic-
tated by a gew.(l \•. . It is mils -
show tannic en bus heart. He is happy,
- and the ares of life are forgotten.
1'neeosneed itieueable, curd tree of
eb*t,e. (Infos' Liotntunt Iodide AMID... -
tow •paries, splints, unsightly hunches,
sprung knees. weak loins, fouuder, quin-
ey, distemper. A4 cit oven : rim.hmrge
on ailments to which tattle ere *elect,
onto Dr (Hi s. Hex 3,482, New j ork
P.0 ,rnelare'lamp for reply), wise wilt
glee moth iih.tWrect*, s as hoe-mrest and
'Igoe esperuwtes enables him tads. the
L siereot se bold by F. .Jordan, sole
semi , M ' O\ TAK tee A Y
--- -i--- Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel.
emeaN.a rad heti. K ,
WWI Oreille.
Caw Seccc-Very nice. Six ripe
tomatoes, two (nitres and one perp.r
;the unions and pepper chopped fine. our
ishlespuouferl of salt, two tablespoonfuls
of brew* stator, two scant cope of ries
icer, oo. tahlespnnnful each of doves,
•'saner mod allspice. Stew gently
caul dose sad bottle tiebt.
ArrLa-CrerAsa Pv'nutan. -- Linea bet
terse p.ddiue dish with shoes of stale
opting* cake, or ligbt, white hresd ; then
make • tiling as follows : Ute pint ,.f
sweet milt, use pint of smooth apple
moos well seaweed, three eggs well
beaten, and ettoo1b annsmtu+ to flavor.
This quantity will she two small pud-
A Ns• -s Demist: rot Fuwui, -Take
new pig ui asakod Greater crochets re' h
ed very flee, add two 1wpuopfull of
,ti, • t•bkespo ulul ui ball. flpiesd
Remesing. (`elead irf aesgs, tilt- , one
tablespoonful of butter or fat salt pork
chopped very Sue, and one ate thorough.
1y worked in. This will give stuping
enough fora moderate sexed tarty), or
Operas Coes.-(rte uepfel of seeded
and ebuppwd miles; One cupful el sugar;
half a cupful of better ; half a capful of
cold, strong collie ; hall a euptel of few
lasses ; two and • half cups of sifted
Seer ; two saes won bent s% ; one tea-
spoonful of powdered rlorea ; halls tea
spoonful of cinnamon ; one and
tesapoon is of baking powder.
Boz Itp Ji macros --W alh, anti then w ips
.try, five lett WW1, and eut (let the
blown. sada ; perm thee, is a large ped-
damg dish ; pore a annul of water one.
theta, "'ter the dish closely, set to a
unodelats oven, hod let t Web!
they ere USwl*r, and track open : that
pet Mete • could dials, and fest ever them
the juice loth in the baking dish. !Save
cold with powdered sugar and cream.
Fano Ciel. *IN. -Cot the chicken id
small pieces, and se•aon them with pep-
per and salt, and dust with meal then
fry them in better, lay them nr river,
and curer to keep them warm; then pour
the grease nut d the frying pan, and
put into a teacup full of tires'., a blade,
of mace, a little salt and pepper, e -
spoon fell of leer. and it te•aptoemfttl tiro
butter, mixed together ; let these simmer'
together a few minutes : ptaes the chick-
en us a hot dish, and pour the sauce over
Au.oPeile Train-. -Butter • deep
dish, line Okuda bread arumhs. and put'
se the Willem a Payer of homed Rostra+
assessed with belts'►, pepper end salt.
thee a layer of onld turkey chopped fine,
Andes cwt stent the dram fell eddieg t j.
shihnae,nd riser et fbe turkey ; then
hist (*other two mos, add to fixes two
tablespoonfuls of milt, better, salt, pep
per mad rolled meeker crumb" ; spread
thickly over the top of the turkey . bake:
half an hoar, keeping it covered for
twenty minutes, then remove the enter
and brown.
Stripes of all sorts are likely to ba in
!tie' vogue for months to come. Very
rich and handsome are many of the
noble striped fibrin, which sow curer
the counters ..1 the leading houses - for
! exempla s s ace of .EMedi.gly rest
alk with stripe altersetf*K,
' tris t., aro up Pith plain velvet, the
twig of that itethe stripe. On* stylist,
pattern has s strips of Mack velvet with
a eatwow pnppreed seetw'eotded stripe
running down -ash side of it. Another,
et dark olive velvet, had * similar stripe
each aide, and •one of dark blue velvet
was stripped with theme Wee alalia, the;
1 brigaded with mall irk rd cbryea.n-
the mine, _
Fun's Fancies.
Deidal Wilts aro male •. w yarn
ADO, se flaa Ills egg, elegantly, -
The no. pica?) beads kooks like bird
The dell lead c ,dor a' fashionable
abroad lest spring troll be • favorite him
this reason
Listen .tab and ("Mien, which have
very improperly king been neglected, are
ami eek into nee-
Ctt-glee iesitati,n garnets are I
eh•nsisR Dimity f: r lnu,mir.0 tall
dream They have long been used for
fang jew•ley, amid aro now made in the
shops of round and !owe reds. Thew
rob, red drops have • charming effect on
a light, bright *ilk ground.
Jamey stat, which both in triol apt!
mUk hos long played an important part 11,
the toilet, hes wain monied ei tflfrw tree.
Woven in the fineat silk. it serves as
covering for felt hats, and Mao arranged
ae to allow a sucoessfed teushinati.n of
• both telt and jersey sulk
Meat beautiful rich trimmings of for
and feathers, the former and p(.mptm
fringes, are employed to trim mentlw.
also strips of plain and finr.•d plush,
sod rich mudded with
black, steel and w.w,den /rods Plain,
openwork and floured Weide of ..ate or
two colon are a.o•tdered simple, durable
ono* men Lotions.
Wait .et *Alt,tfey elegant linnets
T1teo8E$ t?•,lat+aic 11 B rd*
mod oepmi/M�ritlll /.lie +s ,jam si
M the diem at Nos
s�onitilking combs/
whir itIry 'y
half hides. It is held in at the whist hy
• velvet or a gold belt «oh a h,nden.te
beagle. Saab • Untie M e f reales not
worn in the street --(New York World.
Cells. *allies, boats and ether's, are
imitated wick h•tdeseme see elmeme
bodies, riots and arrows, 1m geld, ail
ver, bronze, metier) avid N
o•s in fine good, est with • prrei' ue
jewels, the.. ennneeted by bunts or Atte
Arsine of nal treed or elver
Bose of the sew elegant ►.e.. jackets
of velvet. peyote, dear. .r metro tm.eade
gniehed h • albeit rave of
beads in jell y, eih.r, Menace giI, tee
those of dark olive, set ease upon the
edge of the gratin. f.ebet ice lies of a
�o L 4. '}t5415517 15sr Lhese are Mi Damani
tutors fNhele, se the e*Att
tad Ont Innt weft epnw • Lanae,
deep moque shmop<
ahs swsrw
erfeel.edwofee: r+erl.w yN with
gay «deed stripes They are twain a•f
festive 1SOmirtews bee /he crabwise,
ilk ee oath Adam ; said ore et the
4isterae elaimis4 ami their Pham a the
merit '4 the reels of •
dowepr+wr d rail Su harem lb th*
A lilatttte.Namiu-
to .14 English dramatist calls Jesus
01 Nararetb "the first true gentleman
that ever breatheds..." Hp is oorre;t, if
this tt�! .r ting �eis beer.. in
P inel, ;!eaurh;;4 tat.' Rnirkt y at fr.t
'teem alit* 'Ave. 'slab 'Mode? wee 'eerie
in er.ytlung - e , temper, turns
sod 'desires,Ito lend, calm, gout
and temperer. a wet n .t hasty, nor
overbearm , At proud, nor
nor elfl,rbitant. He was not may quick
to forgive those who had i p'ired Hum,
but He sought them Delo, aim in the caro.
of Peter, that He ti�tofler them Has
fAe .:
Again • e w
His tots, Opt worth to q taaaplrs
"If, thsr'sierai Thea art efibr .g 1`ty grit
at the weutee her it that
thy' Z�f tet against tbe,e.
Pi". lf4lpp 4.Ft "of. the rater and
go shy way. First be rseoseiled to thy
brother:.. asit.Itthe.t came, wed oder thy
eft's' r• 're
A story of the Crimean way may, per -
hap% iliael..lethesee ee..f the Master,
apd alstteat• no that the true gentleman
is analous to f..rgtve an injury.
During the first winter of the siege the
Brit+.! addio ea.geted teen mid, wet,
hunger tied diseas . A young outgrew,
anii..us about his regiment, was some-
what e M bis, rusts to his
.•kmel, �. dpi _ follow the
(►u one , , Weil er
*ant in p o some-
thing which he, a. commanding officer,
did not think neesseery. The refgsal to
follow the surceo.'s lion s..
irritated him that, lotting his temper, be
• agri'y' s,,.1 .
"Cniowel, you are the only command-
irg u0osr I ever served under who seem-
ed tri me t . be iaditerent to the welfare,
.1 bra regiment."
it was a rode insubordinate remark.
The colonel flushed, but, retraining Lim -
.elf, simply Ieointed to tits deer of hie
lent. The anger doctor departed, and
for two days did nut go near the co,une!'a
fin the afternoon of the second day, NM
the aureole was frosted in his tent, role
in* los wrath, the %.heel's $cutch order
ly presented htshetf with the felt.„ip,g
"The u.ltwt's compliments, an' hail
be glad it y.' d step up, an' partake
same we him, whiet. hell
joss gotten' free see o' the ships."
Tb. kind hesrtedneas which prompted
the colour! t.. be the first
the teat, t . *'ov hold out his
mrd Laid :
"Art • wi.rd'aiewt wistLppenek
*Owe y n .p
not eak. it Do obi
".*.j, n ,,Thlimps I pas ••ole ins
wn.ieg than you were ; so tell me pia
wtiit torso want s* to do, and if I uta
be p you. I will "
tb'fi.tsta agftlee ..t
lye frit keenly the reproof ed M
this quiet ea., ani respected the staid
4e•uIJ thee gssIir restore a weber
Aero. to ferric -{Town's O.aps..ne.
Overeat •tteette is r•YM thiel west to the sham ss_ reale:
of RItgrTIKA.A Oi and
seri, uua at
ALI NEN- AND YREteH, cooeristag
Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes, Peels
Ike - to.. which wilt be saki as (ler trice*.
dirThe resin' are rli:RY rt'.1It 14
Uodertch. flet 3rd. 1NS. 1111114-Im
aT(&II sad inspect the stock Tx
0. L. licINTOSH.
has pleasure iA •nnoancine that her stook of
the latest um%elttea to
WIN 08,
sc.. a• • 1' now complete.
Rhe has sense of the ,Hoot tset,ton•ble styles
is walking hats.
Dodos -kik Nov. Mk, USW 5O'
7AM=S i.d 'tam isac.
viatica to aznounce to the Public tliat be has opened out* new Grocery Store in
Where he will tic pleased to meet that poets. of Ike Public who wish to get New Goods at
('heap Prices.
1 J.iV W .LiRSI
At Lowest Hate, will ate Le told on the premiere.
IOWA Epoetal (teaser for thrall Wares has .,leu been iatroducr.L
mfr flitlieat Prier Paid for Rutter and Ea
A call ngectt*lly solicited. J.A]dEPJ LVHZ,
(*rabies Block. East side Court Nouse Square.
Uoderick, Nev. 6th.1.5. MO -3m
O*IAwwo. - A *ewe of loft sponge tied
woo,. a otnowifh mink is very Wovenip,t
Iodide is grygjttg tens or toe griddle.
ii♦LLI/. • ia b400ming fashionable
ea • prriteeti. to tali lOointine, and sli a
safeguard against mamba and damp the
becks a valuable pictures are coveted
.►int robber cloth
Wash, --Al Fowl, er repel -to
that he his esereved a Janie crop of worts
occurring •m the beside of • patient i.y
giving de117 • ten -grain dies of cak,ged
megne•e' in the morning before break-
id t tletur s I sneer of a voting
warms rir>rWrards it hearses a; eller.
ktraveitft Stdbe..
GotleidittL lam' 1 ham lr "
hap -at m
=4 1r(1
m1.Iti3pm I .AS p.m
▪ at
midpain ••s, nee Phi
*elated ins HUs bast
oho ei.giirrh
horns IMO1MRIA
getout er entsi4aII.. way Pehss'e
Orme •sltwtase. B •U. 04 Its. eel. -
Wicks Said wegwh.rs
std deah i e es usilsvt 15th- . etaay
Pwmi.m'e Niches aletreeeer. R. C.
Passe • Oa . pewee , Kirg.Ias.
GET T--H--E--••��-- BEST
TALL �PY38t2 >liRN
Published alt•raatety in eight asd twelve
pow nae bast elsY y pet *tad by
M America tag
t-/RGES1' ,11 (PAPER.
to Oohs •t leer nil apwpette Us, emieb.
ttaisempb, matt and t este eoRV•
11111111111111111111m M 04asaOr /Iamb.
*11►''+''eetwe. w are ltrwmin4. ceras
he*. raw soiesemortooset. Ammer*
("me ilerlsrali=
Alar R Eft A,
g -DT -G -g Dv1 I O
Yell and Winter 'ticket Tweeds, etc.. now lolly resorted. 1 'A CALL SOLICITED:' *
Ready -Mule Clothing 81c Overcoats.
A Splendid Assortment. Cheap.
fr 'Reaemebrr tate noes -West street. west door to Hank of Moatre•L'ir
Godcricb, Oct. sit. hays
Harper's Magazine.
h. D. -crabber X utubrr Mn) brwtn the
} .a"sen.l Mutein of 11 astrag• N..*
text: MM'WuotaA,,, no. el, -East Aem.'la'
and lir Nuw.t.tst'a ••Indtaa ltuases.re heir
isw :br tureeloet .. fa current artist sea its
- will run he followed through
1 semistories rr ma it
11�.4:Kar(ira and Mrs. U. 1st. ( elle. A as.
5 department, *t'-uettar golden tern
{tined by ter. urrrnt 4erraten. of Awn',
a(rd KunNw, *111 1.e contributed by it. 1,
How r,.i.. beetnnlne w1th the Januar% peas
her. The gr !(.very ri em onto. hr rear .15
be the pu W Iran Ion ors r•rine or papers
the shape et • story . ■..d drptotsue h•rmelt�
/Mk features sit American mately yarf
amt toadied pies...s rerieMs written
(`eerier proton, N' Aaxew, sad III. t
b7 1'. S. kiostis,T. The llsowxa wYltlee
twee i•1 att. mien to A ineriosa mutJecto
treated by the best A nn riven writer sad
illustrated tit leading American artless,
M vowel
iI -1 Ri'Xile' .11.10A RINK . .
NAMPXJ(a WAWA' L 1'.. so
II.1 NPP1r8 H iZ-tf ; le,
RANYIIIrs /Of' I/ i infer/.R - u,
H/AtioE (l1i FRANK1.iN SQL'A/th'
LIBRAi', (Me Year t'! awanbrrst ,J O"
Podovr tyre f. all sa6.e-ri6, r..e 1A. /'h.(.
of }brae. or (Woods.
Ike volumes of the MA'.A21Ar. begin with
the \ umhers (or June end December of each
,ear. tt-he-,1 nn lune Is •pecllyd. 51 welt tw
understood that the subscriber wishes to
began with the carnet Number.
D...mt \'canine% u( IlAuran'. YAnArnim for
three yews hack. in heat cloth binding. will
bonen! br mall, 1weNteM. ow receipt of 13 Me
per volume. ('loth Caere. for binding. SO
cents each by nail. u uatpaid.
Indes t0 if A*hn',e N u+ire Yr• Atppl,alw•t mai
A•alytW.J. and 1'lasatflcd. for Volition.* 5 to
ID. Incle•i.r. from Junr. Iti)v. to June. SIWO,
ole rot.. Aro., ('loth. et eu.
Remittance's should be made by rest d Imre.
Moo.) Uhler or Drab, w avoid rhino, of
lost. Nen'spapers are tont In rop,, this aderrfi,r.-
s prat wek..(,A. r-rprras miler of Haarlem
HAHI`kit t BROTHER 1, New Merit,
The People's Limy
t$4 =fir
JO 1110I, Proprietor.
The subscriber is prepared to (r,rnish the Dub'
tie with
The Finest Rigs
CALL ANDREI1'S-OPPostt .aeOoli,o,n
Hole Uudrrteb,
Oodertch, rob- 111.a 10 le3fr-
a. ;�S11Y1
Aro pleasant t., oke. ('..stain their own
?negative 1. • safe. turn, and ea*
eretrwyrr ar ....new in Children OfAst
Prices to Suit the Times!
The ,embarMMr having o'rnpkted arrange-
ments for Hard Cowl. is now prepared to All
all orders for Sept coiner and Ootoher delivery
with the very hems swedes of Screened fret,
direst trots the mines by all rail, at the fal-
lowing prices, deli% end anywhere in town •
Chestnut & Stove - 16.50
Egg & Orate, - 6,25
Soft Coal at correspondingly low price=
Thankful for past favor'- m
your petrosae► is respectfully solicited.
Ooserleh, Sept. 3rd. lett. Yet 1 atm
!Send tts for restage.
a4ennd tei...l rr f Me, • costly boxf goods which win help you
to more money right away
than anythtn.e rise in the world. Ait,u(either
ase, succeed bout first hour. The broad road
" tee fortew, opera before the worke.rs.abru,tutt-
)•mr'e Ale•eeaddrene,Ts etCo Aoae•aa,
Maier. lint
MISS c31 -±t A -� A ,VE
Takes passage in auno.tming that she has returned from her trip east, and has
now is stook t of FANCY TRIMMINGS, consisting of
Wings, 11rds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c.
I have all the latest novelties innate, Bonnet., Shapes, Shades ni Color, etc.
OsiMieh. Os.e- 17tte. Dad.
5 v ii.SO N'B
Palsy Dana STOU.
dtork New and ($i..
No frostlike to show Geode Aug Prier..
eaderich, Nov. 1109. ins{. 10N0 -1e
Harper's Weekly.
Rene'ge's Weigel v heel now. Lor more than
twe•ty.ars, ma,ntainud lie po•itttn e. the
leading wlpas1�nrten •ec tl ±n. le !m-
a d urtteete resources. it 1s Orem ve r tror the
Mohr I Mirasee rye year attractions unequalled lir •
previous volume, embracing ton capital mos
trmted serial 'tcr4 , owe by Mr. Toast. HARD',.
aa..ert the forme.' of hoes writers of ge-
thw. and the other by Nr N ALT•W Bee AMT,
owe of the moor rapidly rising of Modish
so•eltats: graphic tihusts'ioca o1 enn•ne'
Interest to reader* in alt aeetioes or the cove -
t...1: ewte'►lalnin 'Mort s trim molly inn..
tested, h. the Met writer, mg Itnenrnint
paper. M high sntbwlt le. on tar chief lupin.
N the day.
Seery our wbu desirvn a tenet worthy pnh(i
(al ssmdr. an entrrtainlnit and inetrn tit i.
family) jnsrnsl. entirely fere front nlpeetion
ma. features 1n ale her I.tterrr••.s nr 155,, era
tions. shoed' sub teribe to HAsrtn'w pore,., v.
At Toronto. !:very Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was seed
on all the Machinery d the Irachlbition. It has been
awarded BIZ GOLD MoD during the Lot three
sot See that you get . It in only made
7titseaet. Noe. Mho nes Iy
Prr Year,
NARI'RIr$ HAZ4It 4 „t
HARPPIree tt)f,'N(1 PRvrl.d t ..
!IffARPkRYt PNNA.1Rfj,l•v 1Q1'4MR
[JRRARr. (few Peseta weedier,/ woe
J'eete r More fit .rt. sw►arrifrn ie Mr Uwe(
.4 *stat M Cinemax
The v..lnmw. of 'he Wortstot hewn with the
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