HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-01-01, Page 66 Elie Poet's lLorner. THS HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. 1, 1888. The Rob, l•7Mse1.s. Si utemau■ 1141CDOsaLla. 1 We think every ',author will slaws with w that that as ono ut the •woetwt little goes le the language Whore did you MOM trim. baby dear; Oat of the everywhere low here. Where d W yea rpt year eyes of W u. ! Oast the skies as 1 cease IhratmR. What =mkt. Ike heist fa them sparkle sad Mtn 1 Some K the Amu dukes left t•. W hers did lou set that little tear ' 1 found it wall(titt w lieu 1 no! herr. Wital moans you. forehead w •wewtu mad high t .O eft hand stroked i:as 1 weet to. .t list imam your taroks lite p a nett *flys rase f 1 .011 ...method utt bet ter (Ws say ~kayos, Whew., that throe -cornered sadly or tine! Three angel,. sate owe *1 unci a Rias. *b.rs dkt7o1 get this pearly ear ' -Ned spoke, and it carne 001 u hear. Where did you Kra those mama and hand. : Lose made ttsrlt Into hooks and tends. ced, whr*t* did You eoete•, yo.. darling things 1 Prom the mime b.» as the cherub* wine,. flow did they .11 come just to be you ' Nod thought about me. sod •o ( gn•w Nut how dad you mow to us. You de.r I:,,d !bought oboist 7011. mil soI au, h. -re. t►11 ittalp.ea'. tiaeter. S. matter how bard and ugly the truth is, it is snore pleasing tban the •fie dation of whet i, not rest. Exposure is certain to Mli, w 1-..r' 'rh. try to go through life behind r tu.is. of false pre• times. W. -US'S Tiff Gs sympathy for people Mb. •'bt.0 SitnT.✓•n's darter. A vendettas traveili•g from T..rowto ti, New Yuck city .e1rn the story At Mutant, two belies. dressed in the esteems of fashion, entered the car. 'heir .114• .ad . alts'tC .t d Rru t affectation And w.a.ryc,:It s431luane114, The only unuaottpied seat in the car was directly behind a yuist-looltng lady evidently from tt:c country. Her dreg was t calico. het- bonnet of plain straw. and her gloves were ut cotton. She (muld not, however, have locked neater, and she hada good, hnnest face. --1s the fashionable ladies adjusted their draperies in the unoccupied seat, mut .r their said to the .ober : "Dun's you think it t...., bad that there are now such pour accommodations on railroad trains'" "How --in what way asked the coin penton. "Why here we are crowded with clime. of people, some of them so cum .won. Luck at that person in ..r.,nt ora 'Horne, ise't she , "Looks .ale a euutmou laborer." "How annoying to have to come in contact with such people "Remngs to some ordinary family. if one could ouly exclude one's self tn.w such persons when travellwg even short distauco. I suppose its hand in say u, but I have al! my life had such • repugnance to cutn,nun laboring people. The lady in the salts, &rein must have heart a part of this conversation, but her face was perfectly composed. At that moment, an elderly man to Inoue -spun and home-un*de garmeau of a farmer, tune down the aisle. He .topped before the ladles of fashion, closet) scrutwized the foitures of the one having "such a repugnance to tout - sea petople, and just o the train stopped at a statin, crtod out loud enough to be hea.'d by every person in flue oar. • "Look's hyar, ain't sow d Bill Simp- suu's darter t Hat I know you air Mout askiu'. How de d•., anyhow T You don't change • speak. (M the same need you had when you war m little p1 u' twei.e u, fifteen years, ttwttin' b'rfout round ay old farm in Pudunk 000nty. "Yew wind bow i yetyat ter Rive yet two bite • day w' yer dinner fur hatpin' my yoengu .s dig tater ! Ho ! ho ! ho !" The young Lady had dropped her Leaded veil, and was uervouely bating at her fau, but the farmer went on heed- lessly ; '•They'• been mighty chaaire• siooe then. Year pap went out to Coluradty, aa' .made • Dig !arta' that, w' 1 heat you lire in great style. Hut Hill Simp- son un t the man to Newt .odd trees, en' you t•11 'stn that yuu'.0 saw Lod Jack Bilbngs, what Joust togtse him• menny a day's work .h.., he .Y m, poor. ttia family had ter wait till the hems laid 'fon they could her any break/est. You Get year asetma sale eat �ttMo� 0 r.. &ori o* aloe. They are alwy. dime omen,* and at law tabs. Minereeeeeee is lemmet free „r .i,.el .. b to magi r bthudillede- harmi•s nos NrArr b the testy t 'Niel fisc Nes- ralge, Hoodoo ewraaahe. tits. Sala- mug A wnyf a fe.yr, . briskly i. all that $ needed. Ao taking nau.w.u• aredictne0 tug desk', bat ,eye minute's apld&c.1ioa r•anoves all pain and 111411 .Fula tee great rasa 4 Eam's ltitt)iott- o.t4. par bottle at r�.' data .luta M.rchasH sirs. tet tbetr Ihlt Heeds. buten, time. he.. es. printed a fhb °ilio•• for very lliitttlleer lae.v U.0 teeT py tar On Call ui seil e ham to MI% samples and sa•t micas boslaelw IMP0 RT �. N eo untie ie Or »TOCK. 1ti0., or Mine h usq , a Ara - MUSSremi. ad s se.took of t hea�p R�aa 1 IRO STEO FITTINGS Ir~n' '�>w,.tr'"., l�bit..ee.wwta r £t. airy C Sick Headache, Ner- vosa Attacks, Vertista, sett Nauntlapa and all wanting dtseaaaa u/ the bursae system. Phesphattua r nut a M.dsctne, ..... but a Nutriment, bemuse it °outman' no BOIIJEBJS & EtllNEZ New Salt Pans and Boilers N im .aidt*10 t t ruin.. a buy .p hunker' Shortest Notice- 1 the 1Pb.rphatic awl Henri* Kialt nut• 11 ty{wi ae« 7wte dad row" w ' ""'� y Our daily food- A tiltgM bottle • t u•cyr. is arincifr t to awriese. All 0011 it. it 00 pee bottle. Lawler! d CItW Th . 4 'SLACK, sole •,taw int the Dta..(Reon. Works hear U. T. 1t. Stades. SS Train treat Seat Toronto teewa► (;els. St W( I;p . Giles' Liniment ..,.note Autmon:a winos ea LLL t'srightay Becht.. Curry tomes..o m, tattle. dpiaal Meaiarit.s. , Sprung line.••. Quitter. F,.undi r. Weak limbo Spa%tn. RIn b.we. N' a udgalls. No ►tat.:e should :1i *About it. Fail red ruielne and rttpre... cumlwn,e,, all use Oates' Luanne -id. and in the great racing •t:01mo( ltelmuut tad Lorillard it has a.hnrt.d wond- er*. ohm. trial .41 awrts.s. Write D. H BILK+. dos t10%.\•1- P. 0. who w ill, writhing. Mart•. mite advate 00 sU dl.ea a andalsmesthe runnA eatento(ratrle. Sold le all dntggias at lien. sod i1.00 bottle aad ,u duano mt rt.5Q in which there is great ,sat mg. Tbc Luueu•nt in white %stoppers la for (.*milt u..• . th.t au yellow for cattle. Illy.• lade[@ laa...M therm *ad Cattle reviler*. l'.ed by .11 the hadleahorsemen ooJerome Park. Fleetwood. LIIr(pts. Reach. 'llesep•tesael Hey and hall'. Head. (lever dtesepoeat, err Tonic. AWraftco end Mara 1, 0.o,..) Worms, Marr. Indigestion. C.,li.. Bor. Throat. Catarrh. Founder, lank -rye and Rheumatism. The dor tea small and for pow. r is great. The Powder are V.araairrd and fwinr�a.aides• are Nems, ttera.dled. (>1 1d by Jr. Jill LAN. dr.gStou. Ooderich. at: 1) 1 •e new to allo orders fns all kinds .f (halo 1 01111th. 01110 Coal. and those buying 'nom me can depend on quality and weight. vW sell W. No. I rtbr.l at as low a moo as as tea the beifar.s. Ida bowed to setter purchasers. Presses prime et Chea Fat & Store Coal, 16.50 Bgg Coal, - 16.25 Lease your orders w : t h T. N. DANCEY, Uuderieb, at JAm. SAI N1 FP•R t aMiN'.� Varlet Store. U.xlrrich, :Sept. 7M1. 11*1., 1011-tf THE KEY 'TO HEALTH 'Unlocks at: the oi, ya•a seams d the Bowels, Massy. and Leat r emery ingot! anaduallywithout weakeningthe system, all the impurities and foul huaoors of tho accretion' • at the name brio Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing ffifioemneen, Dye. ppeeppaaa. Headaches, Disabuses, of the Skin, Drvpq Dimness a! Vision, Jaundice, Balt Brysi poles, &rot:an, Fhztte. g o1 the cart, N ,. , and Gene era other similareDebility; Call rheas and may mplaints kiliald h_appr inllnetlQs of D T. KUMMLel II CO.. Preprliaer,, T:roetr► PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. 1 HAvVINGesey �14117VCKICD THS .d High Chios Pianoforte's, Cantafac- all • ',td Dy ettea ltana(aoc� r� i easow am les tb-tW E ems ��airaoi and ggon rosyfl f manHaufactu a of aPing a lasos• h k sed va what kinf t d O ra of e•seriai tad felt. are required to make a Snt-cl.sa iastrament- lntead- H ani purchaser* wilt Sod It to their ael- rantage eft before purehae- b to consult O ani. _ to Twalas sad h hatetwa a *peet*N,. " • gin work warranted first -cyan. a Orden left at the Book Stores of Mrs. Q rook or Mr. traria promptly attended w EDW'D T. BROWN. PiANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. (ihlerlek Sept. out. Ns. 7014-tt kin Gust j er.olf, 1 reason. Aa' there .a'u t ..obu.ty gaadJrr mug IoM when yet pep del gut rich so euddant, for be was • oelgtuy hated worst*' black. smith, lin' always pare 'caws of bad QODRRI hook. My weds ors that the hist an awful Rood inks.-tswaean sits . y..r u.• roved. ea' I gat 44 tlt.ie thred-by ! good- bY Tim muwkeats m)at subd mrd person oa gist train during floe tort r( Ito. trip was 1l ineips..o,'. torr.. 72,000 COPIES PERWEEK Sworn cuspidation Dolly and Weekly P� Pease. Best Family Newspaper in Caltads Fdr.'i.rmgD 41 Tsar.. Largest i t-ryan . ■ "Fer, re 1a tate lamdema. KING OF WEEKLIES 'Ma IC Free Press LONDON. ONT. r ate A Krteclrural 1.10.110,1111111100•=0.10- ! ur.- of the -'Pee Pied" h up 1. the llaeee, tad b NY sk11lati 1a !arm Mort.. iar H fly Telegraph. Telethon. Matl'H r t and C the = DM hour of publication. Ng shetaml (twist 111II% Z' att*/esalt.ssl ittoa'5 1101. I.-. 6,CaMawry1at awry alway• ewa s .lam. �f 2 -, f i11I mammas reale Gear. H s Moire s haedla0. NO HIST DIE NM 100 DIE F111111.1 ! Kerry tnsenttar K the household eagerly looks tar la seta week. LAMB $1 PAPHR! la *lobe of tour nae upward., 7•is.malen. BALANCE OF 1686 FREE More mosey oma be IwMe ►7 04Mta in eta- , Prime the -Pear P,tbaa at ail db � $12A0 I!1 ?REARM Tho mast Hle0val "e ' t b; tlV VAT TO AIEI'1'i (tea the Witty Reed for • ropy 0( IMP Premium L.W., alit ter the 1i we era aircrew. Hamel* clew (MA an app• e•t.e., PRESS IN111111*,. 1110 a...•••, ..ori• mea. and U..;«. •. •.t t •••••••• hard 1e beat, aro due to bad bl....l ..r geruful.. Purify ten bl.w.e1 with Ito..•• Byford Bilges. and the mores yr.esiily tote aa the genii( heath u restored. • PL A NI_NG Bus 111tTASLiN4Z$/ for working yople. Send 10 en. • Ltl.t for metope. and we will matt ,a y, universe: lasaituda, forgetfulness, room,* rapt:..alurblr snap(.- t 21 pain in the back or aides, r. s matter bow r easieraa ll. Malden. Mea., Van 1. Isitl. tios•1•reea i suffered with attacks u(si ;k headache." Nru/ahia, female t�tuble. lot Tette in the most terrible ■ud itl<t:mentos* man - net. eop Your Feet Dry! Yue os•. 4* .aw s/ . • u.r1.:a .w W Milne your BOOTS & SHOES tf 1ilt. ,T�•I:LOR' E. DOWNING, C`rabb'y �loclt I hare n'w on east the heard Leek .Ter shoywn .n tioderir b. and ro0.pf•rs vi fry lin* Ili ....11) t » i. 1 an a (.ileums. 4..• store true the este' a. 1d. theougb amt the 101 4 aedlst4 Fade w tL•• h..nest cowhide'. L will dol! 41 Prices that Will Suit Everyone No atedicine or doctor could mee tuv relief ,.r care mini r ..-..J u.... 'The first bottle The second inside and as rail and serene Ladies Boots, in Batton Or Laced, from ;LOO to 15.00. .. wisest a child. lion and Children's Strong School Boon, from 75c. up. ':1 tat 1 have horn so to this day.' .7 1 pjj ?4y bueneed .,ma un invalid 1,.r twenty Boys do., 11.00, up, all other lass Proportionately: Chat ear. with a sen. lout a*S will sort you. both in goods sad privrs. Nearly cured me y* ors 'Kidney, liver *ad uneiaiy complaint, 'Prim:mined try B...tuu's best pbysi- cu ns - •Incurable ! Sett* beetles u/ your bitters geed him, and i know of the 'Lives of eigl t patentee' in my neighls,rltood that hire saved by g•ur bitters, and utany more are using them great het111i . • 'They atrtasat Do moire*, !' I• MUM s D. Ake been rKr k. • Seeing it beaming. Riad the ••-+ti t_t1�40111a1s to the ptopjtlet en De. Van Iteren's Kidney (Tuts, then bey a bootie aid relieve yourself of all those diistre.► int: patina. Your Drugge.t an tell yea all about it. /Sold Aryl Wilson t iouerich gra A Raxu- a. Timmons. -- For a C.gtrh, Cole fir any Bronchial aE caw. "Pretoria," in my oQiaiou, (s just tee thing. I have used it in my family fee Cough. and Colda fur the past four years with the most unvaried success, and to- day ray opinion tf it is that I coatings to think .till nimrt Lf t::it .hich I bet,** obir.king well ..1. Geo lite", Manager t)nta-ii Ban1t! j- 'Pickering. Price 2:o c n t. at all ..tate ere. o Lew Life for r.atKesa. Wem.e.ed or S 4 sesae. /N•lNltty eat passe. f The Great German IIs 1.gorslur ie tine only specific for itapestenay, nervosa.* die E. I o vv- I•T z. G-, Crgbb•• Block, Comer East street end Solaro. N.H. To the trate . teeter and f!td!ntts in any enestlty. at tamest Prices EASE AND SEtuRITY Thr e7! Represents the adoptable tr 1r • u ain't' the heat. Note the ppoo.stier of r' r �.ksewt .pr.esgar .•tee! in :he Pad, by w'ti.. 1 • . ee�••T.%VT but .miry iXlrAltU sed } Pv►A d ) rItHYoe NAS, - Druggist, BOLE AG -ENT, C�O.DERIC Pebraary St►. laud taut: CHICAGO HOUSE. 2 Iles S W Bees !a sentemee Sea she has t:t snick in large ! o called prof onow. et- of goods ib.t will put you 1a tar tamarind the. term may be (rot: Til,,_. 1 erg' Latest I f trrltc" - cr,rcr'StrI;rg FaAtolls way of instate more mom, to a (•a dao aura.. n y Remedy wil1 remove the et funetien. Ii. l you s.% Fr thou;ht pwa,ble at eel business. \t, cones of any kind, the Great Cremes .ad sea .maid t.s51 (fetI7 Write tb. Mlles to call aad see Um captW requ.trod• You can live *1 keine ase w - display at work h spare time ra w.IT or all the time AN d Th i � fir he P Z poi y P. J Chrnery, Toledo, of barb ae•w, of ill ups• every eve ing.. That per .e.-., F o.bei, and F ptate*a d by V leago House Sec. to r+ eas;lT e.twrd .rem• erastag. Th.t -per b..z, us lyoza* fur�ti,00. $old by all who •amt work .me tenet the bu.,ae0s, we all d ism.. last „` receipt a( paraL� offer: 1 u W ilea are � (Kee. .make chili un 1101 well satiated we ...dined 1 to v Nei ,Jeri e l b ..Dante or writtne us. Fun Parti. dtreo Ohio, sole rgent tux United States. Cir tions. etc., sent free. Immense mar ahvolute+T culats and teetiirenol* sera free. Sold .un. for all wee wart at epee. I n.n't delay .Uldraw 8rtsvon it Co. Po, tlend. Me. 1,74 by Geo. Baynes, ale agent for C.de- rick :lea : Ts f LERSRATrD S "opDRAKE- * - 0ANDEU0N NAPS Loa I faua/ue, ea t � osismsirrs., r airy T si.ag from a dinae- i,mr, La togs lama Cu,awill Lionda*0 n URE'S we"Icor the ismer et Dr. C0*.e' : Liver Clea. toms ( tetra told, with the fact dem .t . ampw.add •smasswees ..H. Mawsaas AN* peat...: 111, Cmsbl..d wilt mar ,tbss 101st.. W .tam, Wicks and hrrO., Inas Mood- -meth., elect as doe Kidne)44;:i.r.b. iewi• ate 1100.000 lore ..r -Aa(/ mai.. •% De. Casa', Rent* tri .00 add i. Cersed..4r. Ws wear "way mom are.... and s ii/ twee D oesai od wad law Ciew atrial le 157 14ri em4'r,1.rear/j. •Lhrfan[ Mia dim dear alit Wrapped aroma 6ettbetD,. Ora% iiwrCsa u s vaimble ri/00ek-N fddnsal 0..d. and Raeip. 110.0 mss e•.ataru.tg 11..r 0 ..01d ..dual /011..4 dews. r L... ..d .oath is tin.e.a.pin0tfiisrdbies. ;2 s?R CRi(t CATatigleye A ads ase peter ally �*.o•..y...ta. TIT ItameWan maim Pam to p. pmt SOLA •v ALL MALLOW T. 011014101.018 • 00- heft agema„ miessiers LIVER CURE ON tick Jet fed. lis. WL r STREET. 1.01)0141(11. • WILL C OR C(UW(13NES WILL >r DUI*(t DYSPEP;IA. ORBPGY, INDIGESTiON1. FLUTTERIIY9 JAU?V0I E- Pf jNE HEART, t _ IR) 81 .� p14E .. �s.. ¢ ,1 ,GALT ONE Jewry ENE ACH, " g � J f f I i" i _ e. i HEAW S ON. DR NE8g p `e��,-"R gg1 �rgOf 77Nt BK/N, _!• 7 II 1iAed dere ttpee it oe i0othr tle/s lye O F24y iv _ Loi Q a t S 1 . disordered UVfR Kut Bovorias on Oat. T�lt: rJ ; op /jai ` R� It; . -- -oft T. and by sLvC1\ QODZRICH_ (Iwo. fluid. MI. 10}!14, 1 00,00 geode et tame work that will vitt mos ttririt Toa to mosey tamer Mae mrilisas else," Antenna. All Mout theen pyes►nta with iamb hes. Jane warted of either set, d aQ Man the tiara sr mere time mil .2rVOft Il eman for 404 00et eI 0o theirttr es et owe known. L!;'1= .w memos* QI".tt mop. Send ors 50. postage. sae by l seewtl12 (011 •film Teu is GRAND XMAS DISPLAY • NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, MEDICAL HALL f l)1j ( t l c" r fir:E % H a" 2,irtza.t ittt f :"I, tijEj D. AN. lt,z GO • ... 1 CABINETMAKER UNDERTAKER. Novelties i. flush (rood.. t,FwtatttI .sros *homy. ' =dens, te.rrore Rn;. It lite New Hoc. et 'Mort Voles and Toilet, r li�imeb.:.• sad tjpt;etweet en sesortieoe0 Mew -I":: Ai,`�c�t yMAat Sew Naives In errs.& newer A e imamate attack df i,w,,oabt) Ptuwarle iielOA VI.•m. s:.d Ffiron.ts .. fey }s, 1 ,re • r V'wn4. iew rr awl Platt. hem. in (neon... os th0 lew..e .00101 a',gmve mistzolagyeer at obi arum here the 1.111 hay.:aw as conedoie arsiskalleirWiT•iii lar ng 4 e sed bat wad s.you • gen ik, essesiteredt (nester M well • r4at. fr'Pn4., use that parties lamas 4 0004 beaks, syr "Mark Z1ELL Ch -ORD ON, F. JORDAN. Modica nal, 510. . frog Meet Gederich, l,0tw*es the Pest 01+11. Swat at Mower... Ree. FURNITURE! - .:C.f'•GIRVINr 1 ILL tTOMEN• 3 31RO�'HY ' �OItv1T Pon Owe Nei York Bulger Seim' PPIli fur ,�m�wr..�� t1�� tlasd •l L bale ,„1 received DR(IOtt for M �' • woy�.d (must* ""alt- wusi 1/TRw. 111 Hie AlitrA ty (t hies f Menai/deem N rhe ('.fw4rom4 T COM RTiTro,t. ■ %���,.�4 TKA ♦ad ne a• f wrteff a at t. oatf.e ak KITCHEN .Sirs%(,L./I,A-r�/ /o w * (Tell far-. $darty perils 4#, as tis A va saosL.sl tR Ns a�..e tIR as Possible Or c y/.�e /yr Bost - Aad W Ueda al neater* Lumber, Lath, ,Shinjles *ad hasten IrA tt.derf.0 'Ami. tint a MOM J. BFL F'H Y, ".Vest Street. UMW r (t aelevieh. vire Inti Ma fM ditrLio&1!Qotft in 132Yl i).,, QinopooLa/To Autry INT Ilit 01'0141 and Sewing Machines Pepsi j alilranh..• ea• w 4.MM awaits ea bard .s roam sane arms I 0-KGXR for , t itsmBed I.w erra tow Same below Ne Celbwwe !telt. • v _ ). 1 Won't be Undersold by (lett Iler out Me Top the taro. J M or. •, 4, • ♦' O..LL IDOL tcrri n