HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-01-01, Page 5TO THE RATEPAYERti OF THE TOWNSHIP kbra7g4:44orr CeL.aOr v S. .fir t►awr ir ib witM4 Te - illi • JOBrPH Lint X. The prospeste point to the retorts of Meows Herwighse and Mellardy as reeve sad deputy -reeve. They are good mea, and at this Dyke! thew lin the his- tory of oeir moiety will bitable to do good ru the county council. We hope to neo theta leafed At the nomination held at Qarluw on Monday, a twsiesoas vete of thanks was to the retiring reeve, W t.. Young, Crate foal sad faithful service. Mr. Young has been Torso for many years. and his retirettssat from the municipal arena will be much bit. He is without doubt the mast popular man in the town abip, and his place will be hard to fill I%l1mMa. Carries Christen.* display of meets was the adatuatwa and wonder of all aad madry. It wee a credit to the misers and to the butcher. Party linea are pretty direly drawn to oar.waioipal so.t.et Dr. Heashi.i. Dight to Gain votes by the shabby tre t• meat of Mr. Young by the whisky ria( of the t)uueervativea. 0. A. Deadman, the bee king of Homo, has now about 150 hives of bees. He winters them in his commodious cellar, which is kept at an average tetsp.eature of 45 degrees. Mr. Dud• man is scientific and practical in the work of his apiary. Inooppardton. R.rrt.a --There wee a god raffle of geese, ducks and turkeys d 0. Hawkin's .'n the 21st., when between 90 and 30 fowls were disposed of in two hewn. The Sunday School elated on banana last for the winter. The attendance fur the peat nine month. waagood ; average, 344. The larger scholars will hate a Bible class. Bui DAxci. - The largest 'ranee aver known here was held at the residence of jjt, )Zehtia uq (lbrietr.ee, There wet! ah.'ot 90 attple present, some from Bel fast, Dungannon, Nile. all the Port Albert belles aad bean:, sad wens from Sanford, Duol..p, Leeburn, and as a ')atter el comae $hsppn+dtos wie well L No fights. The folly cr ,ted deuced till the kye Daae bon*. Mr* tiotioed the fate cf Deolop's jovial en- gineer anion all the ewer. Than wee also a enemy dance at tie. Helen's. Sheppard ton was 1 by Wm. McConnell. JAY Ere Laotian'. James Strachan, engineer, of New York, '!sited his permit, here last week. R Burke and R 1Vaddell, of Afbion, N. Y. ere visiting friends hereabouts. Janie* Foley spent a portioa of last week in Lucknow. Tug Cartusril*. Tsar_ -The enter- taiNmgld held in the church ou (:brut- rneS ow Wray wadi attended. Rea Mr cavort opopimd the their in a pleasing initemer. 1t.mtli.p were gives by R. R D110111t, Juke Horton and 8. P. Wlpiaase ; recitations by Annie Levees' ssi *. Reston, scholars . and by Harry iltelle11aa►er, d Paramount, an old r* boy. Addressee were delivered ttj dohs end Do.al(I MoOillivray, of Q g , the foresee reeeiviug quite an 01 1181011 from Ba old p.ritiuouers. The fable of the tree were handed to the rell_ kr *IMP Ellen H')rtnn and 1C. MoDoomid. sristed by F Stewart and L a. Moon. The eelectiow by the their ware very nioely rendered. The school Woe ons of its nowt paiaateki.g and m-YiM1 teachers in R Z. Brown, who ie about to remove to Lucknow Him bll11bbesrd work was always tn- tm111111bR to loom and old, who wish iss k -- is - hitt new sphere. Mends. A awgbb-w 0t gid Irked, are potting in atralialan linitrill the holidays at bilasi Musgrove, from L Musgrove, J. Mo- alldwat sad O. Jeskineare A sosoloor at oar villagers t4w'.k ging wows! fib good ei.ieping and beautiful .ori and *needed the teasatetinr held Ili Joheolon's ohurch, Morris, laat week. Job,►ston's peopl a are noted for Chad tams, and the wee me esempioe to the rule. Herbert 3Iy.n, who has been a resi- dent of our village for some Gate put, left for hie home to Peatbr..k. os. Mon- dry, but Mot .1.r.dir toe oa Christ/me da Mtn Maggie Wane e'raeeist.d to take the nate of Myers. We wish the happy couple a long and life. l)n Wednesday the 23rd of Dee., the Presbyter 01101d their meati Christmas tree. A rourproprullue bad- beer pro- vided, and des oeff earned net. ()wisp to the stormy night and had roads, then were not ea many as would have been then, but net ertheless th.we who were there Rot something that others aissad. On Thursday evening the Methodists had their .awl Chnatitsaa tree entertain meet. which was a great emcees, and no nee who attended tooth bat says Bluevale is ahead with loyal literary talent. The soppee e Vi • week by Mee host of the brick was. we presume, not .n successful .s was anticipated. We ..der Land that B. MeK iy has aa bis saw shin tied ether property to RET. 1rs hrrgelt, of (l.xirrrieh. A toes was sat over our village me M ermineg, when K bee ki*wn Nat, tiwrim' the might, Hies M giw datMktIt of diwandw Qseie. ken, bad p..d over to the great .s '1'Ls..entire thossmwatt quips theme with the permits mad family d the i decease, is their eel bereaveswoL rue I.n , ..w, lwyyj r ,ar ae ' • LA. tJ..ii. O. r. bleataaaOwasso .Amusements. 110 111.1i 1101.1 III 11)DZIAJCII SOMA 'Dfl i- l ♦UINO lucre tup TVTR LIBRARY AMO ROOM. car. of East street ase safe. Oates from 1 to C p.m. and from 1 to N p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL 8 Li LIBRARY Leading Daily, R'erkiy and Illustrated Perin, Ye eels, Sc., tree Fac. IUEMBERUSHIP TICKET. ONLY BLit*. granting free a.. f library and hag U resew. k..a.,p received by 1. H. C'OLBORNE ALEX. MORTON. Prost/eat. seeretarr. Ooderieh. Mare► nnth, too. MIS 1888- up in first -cleisis style, and at price that will astonish you. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. 1 1888. DISSOLU?ION 0F P&ITNERSEIP 1 REID & SNEYD, RAYING DECIUIib TO DISSOLVE VART\►:ManLP, Wif Viler T eU Esti S(a t ois,Slaplepiiliyuci Drl Goods, AT A TREMENDOUS REDUCTION. The Stock is all new has been bought in the best markets for Cash, and will he marked down to an.) BEL( ►N' ('(» T PK11'F. Tit.. li. price will be in RED FIGURE/4, the old being in black. LOOK OUT FOR THE RED PRICE. This is a Genuint. Sale, and the Public way expect and will get Better Bargains than ever offered d T 1A.DIEB-_Now IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR W .ITER PURCHASES. before in Goderich. GENTLEMEN ---Now IS THE TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A FALL WIT Olt OVERCOAT, made Hanger's Bazar. naarts'a Boum is the owl paper is Ike .aria that outabarre the c literature fsat4 the &wet art /Uvetratievs with she latest swell metals of bousebeld sawn- anat. its weekly isastrattem eat deemy time of the newest Marts aad !Yew fork swim with Ito meld pattern sheet eapple- smM and cut pmttesfS by enabling ladles I• Ms $bMr ems dtsasssekers e.%e many tames tie east of esbeetptism. 14 rapers un rok- lag. the namomenmat of e.rrante, and bouse- k vartsor dsaalL are eainet ). r:Cgtup.e.i l i u rte. to rite of ttaetal ntagtreue, and its rt meU 1e-wu t are a.boo w - f 4ltk wm 111.11 l 1i 4terary mer t b of Ygrast otelBamK wad the umlysr e et fu bttia ... p .tures bu mea for 't ttaasr of the Atseri. an Pr n. tt. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year t HARPICK I BAZAR. _.. .,+t tat HHA,1RctPt tgk'd lAL1NC t1 ie bp 111A 1!# TO YPt()PLE .'.. 2 eat MLA RPEH lflt4 LI,:HQU'ARE i.IB- RAR Y, OOnne Year ISe Nsmberet is eat Penfape fter to aft esaatrfbers in the Cait( d .r!r:ea and Oneda. The 9o1e.M of the Ragan bogie with the Sint N.mber foe Jaguary of eat* year. When so time ta mentioned. it will be snderwtood that the eibatrlber wishes to comm.w -e w hit Oka N aat►b.r seat atter the ree.tpr we order. Bomad Valuing of Itnaraat'e BALR tor three years back, is seat cloth bind!n5. oat he wt by suit. peetsgr paid. or by express. free of ea ;mama {provided the try -Lent deer+ not mead owe dollar per rulumel. for *7.0 per volar.*. Cloth Caere for each volume. wettable for Wadley. will be wt by mall postpaid. se re. eel el p each. R sh.sId be made by Peet-011ee Mo.q tlr or Graft. to avoid chance of keg. wy...er rope weer i t- s45.rser express elver et Hama k Brtaruuw. Address HARPER t RROTHRRF, New York. C.A.NAIRN BAA EVERYTHING YOU WANT saocERtEs. W & STYLISg &)ODS Ther Sale will cowtnene. on SATURDAY. the 5th DECEMBER, and continue until the whole Stock i. disposed of. 'WALL ACCOUNTS MUST ItE SETTLED AT ONCE.101 Godbrich, Dec. 4th, 1885. • REIN & SNEYD, Manchester House. CHRISTMAS', 1885. MRS. H. dOOHE biro to notify that 'he fol:ow•!-g car. be obtained a! ber store. nor. North st. and Square. SILVER WARE, PHOTO ALBI'MS. SCRAP ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, (is. creat Iar:ets) FAMILY BIBLES, BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS. WRITING DEARS, FANCY GOODS, &c., &('. SUNDAY AT HOME, LEISURE HOUR, BRITISH WORKMAN, BAND OF HOPE REVIEW. OTHER LEADING PERIODICALS, LADY'S COMPANIONS, (Plash) ODOR CASES, (Plush) DOLLS, TOYS, VASES, SLEIGHS, PLUSH MIRRORS &c., &c., 8rc_ A Large Supply of Picture Books, Toy Tea Sett, and numerous other articles for Christmas Presents SLEIGHS AT ALL PRICES. Oedeetea. Dm. bd. )SYS EMU NEW AND FRESH TOR 1885. sideoff Chiiia aad 1llss8ra (base :e aad look. if you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Good . C. A. NAIRN, Ootrt House Square. Ooderich Deo. tt1, VOL 1839 --ESTABLISH E D--1839 aid dry ahead or aq. To Kwell.. wnaiet era: POR CASH ONLY. Bast Quality Standard Rails, PINtUOP100LIA. *1 air Wtnlw•.s. Pstfta. 011., Orn. A r .aultnratl Tools ---AT U iN ..0'S DRAPERY ADD HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE. AttMm_ which will be toned a Complete Rage of Underwear. Metes 1 Utstertsg. from the ..anret to the largest sires made. Doable All Woes Shawl, Bleak and Cakes& INEW DASIGNSI. ►.A fait Mere of Knitted Goode la Promenade Marfa. Nubian. Gaiter., 8klrts, Overdresses. Sleeveless Vesta, aad Latent *tyle of Buck Jerseys. An extensive Tempa of Fine HoMry aad Marais'far.s from the beet 1. Lha Gouda in all the New Tlat. sad Tasl.ew, w.tably SEDAN, FAI flIO AID TBICOTIIB FABRICS rhe 'lederMade!tett♦-P10,hs , Velvet., Button , &C.. to match. Bed, Crib aad Orsdle Blanket.. thio Bale of Costorureextls loge and heavy. at STRICTLY ONE PRICE and to all. ,AT. 17C 0olevicb. Dee. mrd, INS. ifit.t 1 price* Zea. LJ A' R O.. •BARGAINS -- LL BgTRAORDINARY Inst to Fs nd. New Hetiday Goads. wandering of ;d;,rn;rm, Lathes' and Gots' Gold ,and Ir Watches TEM TEAS are of extra goad value. and pprrioretow in pre parties Is g.ulty. Soi'ars at Usual Pris. t A040>l -leo Cheats' Watch Chains, at Prime t o sett Miens at Meld Ladies' Necklets, r tbn Newest Dedg.a 3 Sae. Maw Picea Silver -Plated Ware, The Largest, Finest nd Cheapest irV'ew-Yclr's 1. lls }:\ ER 1)111'1. \t'Il '.r 1J. Saunders & Son's of the Bei Qualify _ Ndt A NICE DISPLAY OF FANCY GOODS. Ilea IeOTheerwm mv=ermT ww se bead slag wftbte the Ia.t web. rel aw ._wiled LOWER Ilea ASS6RTMENT OF 81LK8, \ A d 15 to 20 per Cat. If £11Lr Prism r,y J Extra geed valve. Politetwee is s sort of guard whisk sov- Ms the humph edges of ear distastev and pintiemile Miele wn..aittg Ohara We hhn.N sever threw it el eves is our cumulate with mare* paupla Red aad Brews We.rht 0.Ms. Tana. 11In 1e. yW e euvest wiener w ewes t a 71.2:=1104 ivies 0. pM. :i. thew lewr C. CRABB Vast Bila Market Sew, OMerte", July Mtb,f► s. tf aw*ui ill`orrb eN nsosaber. whisk *teen ear weft w:this the nark at a:`. If roar Watch or Clock le out of repair, bring thaw to eft. W pay special attention to Repairing to all its btnns(bss. W. R. PORTER r Watanabe, sad Jeweller, *est bee tallow Aoke.eati 0aerrei stave. 6ederteb. 8111111+. ram at1, AIL Yr►tt NF:XT DOOR TO TIM PONT OVVICi*. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO SCHOOL' A' D CHURCHES. "Thc Cheaf est House' Under the Sart." Ti Tlf Toronto Cash Store GOODS o A A- TITAN E i An Invitatbn freely extended to all to Import t:u.,t., as 1 am saUeSed that inspection w111 certainly effect a sale. '1 Le p,odt are of the NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, And .m (-heap se the cheapest hoax' in the trade. Remember the stand :-THE TORONTO CARR `TORK. P.. O'T A Manager_ Uoderich, Nor. rich, Uidl. tail FINE TA1LOKING Hat Ow How taken full ounce of the Tailoring i'enactment of Nr A LI,AN 1'. McLFAN. l hes to advise me Dunmow ('uatomen' nt .1 the funeral t` oblw. that I am pre- pared to offer big in mJ line to Comb Customers. tome .heap sad see rite Immense stork which mart be told at prices away down. FINE N' . , I J SUITS, formerly $23.00 for $21.00. FINE ,, ., TWEED SUITS, formerly 2.4.00 for 20.00. BEST CANADIAN TWEED S JTTS, formerly 21.00 for 18.00. KINE WORSTED OVERCOATS. formerly 23.00 for Di.00. BEST QNOLISH FAN('Y PANTiNG,fornwrly 7.50 for 6.00. Trimmings, sty4 and Pit Guaranteed. B. l[acOORRIAO. Godarich. Nov. 111b.+r2S- J. C. DETLOR& Co. W11.1. t►PP lt. POT; 30 I)Ars SPECIAL BARGAINS •k. - IN- !- r®cs C-i-oode, T meds, Mantle Cloths, Meca. .zr-Made Clothing_ CALL AND BEE THEM. Oderkh. Nat- Bele 11/11- u .Volta. Mrv. IIIIt lea, IN armee VV GROCERY STOR= ON IIIILTON STREET. T. & J. STOREY have opened out a New (grocery Store on Hamilton -4., where they are pre pared ti sell CHOKE Gin t- caarim AND PSOYMIrox* $$ Rock Bottom Prim*. ()Mem left promptly atteglild to, and Oofxia delivered to all pllar111 of the town. Gall and compare price. befog, ordering tdaewhere. T A J. STORES', Near leseep's N.w.1