HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-01-01, Page 21 1111 HURON SIGNAL TODAY, JAN. 1, 1sa6. i else words. eTe11011141011111111 'peke vine en 118. The rsiet June Sad _swim° a repast of lie *week from whish the tuneable is at- tracted : "The label yesNioo in writing to r Jobe : 'What r • us hare leaded year aelion of the uuostitutiuoality of the Ontario Limas Act fi sisal lire sWaty were sufficient "Iii dols said that since Confiders. Yaw OM fleet I have setteed a beim well Loved, sad eke said : "1Riwt, wear►og dramas [or every day, decided improvement, mid with d the sass often .eves maltrn influence of Mr Lnother in-law,am his one, an in no sung judgment been Improve as they have ilio tons s bellies ss tot is40, R.ev. J. eilleas Miaow LION RV alts' L. Jay*. I W • little 1aS the sibs dal with a Dutt„a, eflmSb.: whose ayesipIS is altos is reggae "tour wail tie wide w lest 1,ws- ta make omnis Dor obi dmill se vies who pled with and W tried ase eta.hurl of time, at have not skill and t rtes' tteoawgases with hat little M e Abet till maned to give 1gcOryaa+lJltpee4 Cur*. trial. MOO, *mama to •shat )hiMiowly. 1 asked bar what ars the geessesf al elements of tell • lady by her bouts and gloves tad they certainly are a good criterion. (food silk or kid gloves kept wed aa• elsupsr is the elsd the• comma•" gents and the same asp he maid ut beets. Ter eomlort let the beth be "ordered ' and the .ales thick sad id they stn oet- io•1 preraestel. as &gaunt atheism and republicanism'. Lady Q.skihl, at is ,well knows, is a daeghter d Ilk. Leuesid Jetten s of New York. She is • besely stud a scholar, sad when her hwbelsd's re•eieddue was p - esu tsted • few meets age by bis .ccept- w e. I a e Cabs - Two three pair of history made goods saes of • ace in Lend Salisbury' Two pair of sleeves are an eousomy an est, Ise' Churchill's fssci°atia•a and ` to emulated the Igislimter v( JuSttoe, ua cvn.tittut,ueoaj 6ds•ae raaa:°meed it w bs time uf, if sot h�tktulaSss. Rr to as • then •csGsllsese and prim pitta the D 1 Marlborough. Lady . mations d Masse had hie the hest medicine eataM for Dyspepeii . harmony of color, and then proper value reverse(. He believed This invleable medicine for Liver - that the Act was not worth the paper it plaint, Indigestion, Kids" Cum t, was written on. The whole system .,f u purely vegetable. bold •t G. Rhyme' the d appointing lioeu.e in- drug store. Trial bottles given free. lm speoton to compel men w vote ender ;,malty of loam.: their license* was wrung niter "urn a covet end I k (Cheers.) Whenever d char isl Its. There aro w for our money. There u such $ didentoce,too, and figure, passim can look dressed in a ten eels war I geep D....... Consult • dgblr, f" • • Ml$ K but - U• a medicine El- wool. Willem, sad M will rine yea • 11 ea kettle of De. Chase's User Cure flag 111...4 a valuable !leaps Beep Ikea EEDS better for mending than new u u wean ^itA the -hulk 1 du out sp. Churchill, then !lis Jerome, first met Turnip eeds, Millet, un arias ng• Ail Grass sed, Corn an iu fwee prove of ooreete fur young girl& 1 at • diouer at Poria. Lord Churls 1 Buckwheat. w ,,,,in rveaember Dr. Mary L•durd in •• crowd- was dazzled and Laminated by the b.auty i el reception room macs pouting to • and hrillw,ey of the New leek girl. The t mwliu while m another requires richer garments to pre- yt.noq lir Tts•t ^ sew suns and indefensible. cera •never the duce as m moss a the before victuallers brought the ,vat- lie- W. D. Howell's will ao*upy b bs th* owe. "B.auty" of dress is Study H tM new theses w be taken into eensidera- 1 with "Qne pbysi(lse, she has admiration was mutual. Atter dinner eke remarked to her Meter - -•• s of iii eeereads to Invest at rasaoeabte rate• the brightest ma° I ever met, and l m SAMUEL S NE, going u, marry him." By • curious cor Hamilton Street, Goderioh. i„cidetue Lord Randolph mad.) as al - must identical remark shout ben at the mnmeat w one of hie friend& Lord Ritedulph'a advanced and considerate (�pI�ERII�H views on the Irish gaestkm are said to be ter before the acorea, it would b° decd- edS ox's St y els e•prr s- many • nut sea to describe any more than u odtturisl departmeot•bemrtmgthe (whir- breath of outfit.I bare � 7 had nu taros whatever, and he woe o wm -and, "ken I ewe some semen surprise(' the go/Nation lead not been trey Harps As lir. Csrw has enter 1 at different periods of pissed long beton ibis If he carried tamed Harper readers for years from the so xw sera 1 think th.)ro a sumo b k hat bout acetal m nye, as W le obliged to rake the 1 Real 7 ad that the Act was an wurpatioa, .lid tion m every any Re •mrd -tor the first time is she Jals- bee slimes ih the Doone of my lite � the color or texture of dil[eroot Sowers Ela Chat 7 rant, who had attempted to control pub- t ° Yew"'. pot humor, se Mr. an to spend ludtetuwly for others. lic opinion by getting hold of every little Prill"'year • friend 10 indigent circum• I suing D • office, (nem that ut a Division Court bei- Howells will talk chattily to them about Last y (iii to •tavernkeeper, that he would vent banks and matters „t literature iu gen- stances entrusted me with fpm with McGregor & l'srke's Carbolic Cerate a Bill phased at Ottawa returning to the oral. Mr. Curtis him*etf, in his New which to furnish two suits of clothing for its invaluable for Wounds, 8or+a, Sat municipalities the power taken away Ysr's greeting, rises from :he Bsa7 her little girl who w•a going to school Rheum, Cuts, Berns, tkaldsand !sten, from them by the License Act. (Cheers. )' Ohalr 1. bawls for the Reade realer ''the as • healing and puntytng dressing. Do dour which admits him to the Editor's tar the winter. I psrch•sd fur her !sire be imposed uo with uthe[ wales For • man who was in the wrung, tett lid a room which he has not seen union bat of each garment I d w be good self had • pretty thud speech of him- beforey apartmewt designed for hu made plainly but prettily embroidered 1 -se only MCG • Parki s Carbolic alt when he made that speech P h and t oda the country, Easy r with s chats • I tr'rib in the reanaz that "beauty uu e u r. would ow do- (Cheers)- matters, sod lir- Warner, for the haat aunt of every dollar I posawed, and at he would tell Mr. Mowat, that little ty baa read beloro them • (adtused is domed the must." -(Chat& ecbaps ;ten [cr delight, se the Huy Chair u intended at neck and sleeves. She had • stoop io I Cent*. Sold by Geo. Rhyne& Im for • ries repos: s roust in which his shoulders and 1 bought two corded A several election in aw nines John's will as re As an election dodge, kiln Juhls'■ lie • om n in a brace wail with stocking , LADY RANDOLPH CHU Ii- wu not ill lecttoived. The liquor deal at one dollar each. Stockings, drawers CHILL'S CANVASS. era had found the Crooks Act pretty Sesteepsse_ sad outer petticoats cost altogether $18 r • w w vain the s him1 be th Chair. waists, e s vis Mowat "that little tyrant," has given 11 be leeching v hu strict. Some of than, chafing under the ' This prevalent malady is the parent of and were all wollen operation of the Saturday night clause, thought it would be • great gain to do baseness under a looser law made at their dictation by their friend Bir ,ibhn Macdonald. To get such a law, the majority of those interested in the liquor traffic worked like beavers to secure the election of Tory candidates in 1882. Sir John got his majority,and he set D'Alton McCarthy to framing • License Law. He fooled the liquor dealers, and made a bid for the support of t by to open the doors as wide as the advocates of free trade in grog desired But the law such as it was paved, and an effort was made to en- force it. That Doa,inleu License Law is now declared by the judgment of the Privy Council to be "rot worth the paper it is written upon." But what has Sir John's "knowledge of oonstitutiooal law" cost the people of Canada in the meantime ] A couple of hundred Dominion License Inspectors, and nearlysix hundred Dominion License • were appointed, and of course they have been paid or will have to -be paid. Every liquor dealer who lad any faith in Sir John Macdonald bad to nut op $10 in addition to the Provin- _ial license fee. A good many n'en, who Jenired to sell whiskey bat who could of the dad. M. Ke ovatz has employ - not get licenses from the Provincial Gum- , were enabled to open saloons ed the process ekven times on human under Dominion license. Their invest- subjects, and on many animals, and aunts will now be worthies. Add to stats that in all cases it was perfectly thew items the rot of litigation at Otta- wa before the Supreme Court and at London before the Privy Council, and the total cost of that spree and speech in 1882 canoot amount to much Is.. than $2,00,000. 1'nfurtunately, the liquor dealers who put their trust in Sir John Macdonald hare not been the only suf- ferers. The ordinary taxpayer has to contribute • part of the penalty for hav- ing a stubborn man, ignorant of the meaning of the Canadian constitution, n office. --(Hamilton Times. At this season of the year Quinsy and venous forms of Throat Complaints pre- vail. Halyard's Pectoral B.Ism is at. excellent throat and long medicine, that cores Quinsy, Cosths, Golds, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. 2 Changes en the inlaid Tussis London gree Pres. --- fgesMsiors there have been ION es- eistatct dev,ts west et Toronto, namely, Mr. J. E. Dawson, with charge .of the Great Western division liens, with the exception of the Wellington, Grey t Brace, and Brantford and 151wnbury sections, with 1 in this city ; Mr. R. Lamour, located at Stratford with of the Grand Trunk main lines and branches west of Toronto : and Mr W. R. Tiflis in charge of the Wellington, Grey & Bruce, and Brantford and T with headquarters at Palmerston. Tbe•e are to be immedidtely I under two assistant Mir. R. Latmour is to be 1 from the Grand Trunk division and be located in this city sod have charge of the traffic department of the Great Western divi- sion and all branches of either line south of the (:rand Trunk main except the Wellington, tiny & Bruce section. nun latter, with the Grand Trunk main hue and all branches north of that, are to be Owed under the lenee of Mr. W. R Tiffin, with &theca at Stratford The office .t Palmerston will be aMoli•h. ed. The ed changes are in- tended largely to ennilidate the divi- liions of the road under the charge of Mr. James Stephenson and Mr. Ches. stiff. The latter will take over the Rut MONEY TO LOAN goods, the under regi eras wes�d by sSeed most of our bodily ills One • t the bat pettieo•te being of yarn knit in a ampler u• teareids Wire. remedies known for Dyspepsia is Bur- and all with the 000sidautiva of i duck Blood Bitters, it having tared the Pattern won chronic form, after all else Lad lightness and close -fitting for warmth. failed. - Drsses puzzled me at first bat I kept to L"°don, Dec 12. --The two most rcm►oent Mures daunt the late Ewa 1 'lee the 6anoel. Six yards each of nary blue pen canvass in Birmingham were not thei and the one of gantlet made Pretty • rival candidates, John Bright and Lord M. Kergovata, • chemist of Brest, has sailor suits and to the blue I added a proposed • new method of disposing of polonaise of a lighter shade in velveteen, I Randolph Churchill, bat the Duchess of the human body after death, which he 1 Marlb,rough and Lady Randolph considers preferable in every way to I so that the two top parts could be worn !Churchill The !suet especially put either burial or cremation. His system with the same skirt; • gray felt bat, tforth ardent and Iter sen efforts to is an antiseptic one, much simpler and trimmed with blue velvet, and a thick lees expennve than the old process of grey cloak,made an outlay altogether of secure the election of per husband. embalming, and u nothing more than aAnd she all but succeeded. While, at new is application. The x•50' leaving • small balance for gloves the last election John Bright had nearly body is coated with a conducting sub- and handkerchief& This was a matter 7,000 maj sty over so p.opu' a cauda - stance such as plumbago, or it is bathed aldose economy, and did not admit of date as the late Lord Burnaby, his ma with a solution of nitrate of silver, the the many hale etceteras that women and after decomposition of which, under the children delight io while I certainly parity over Lord Randolph a few days invueuce of sunlight, leaves • finely situ was but 652 -Lady Churchill teach derided deposit of metallic au to silver. It ads up the goods st half price. !t wastoe t of the campaign into then placed in a bath of (-epee!:snlpiate, a practical rebuke to the ftivuluw and her own bands, and proved herself to be and connected for electrolysis with see- false estimate that fashion puts on dries, eral cells of gravity or other battery of and while we would not copy China and a• popular with the Birmingham artisans constant current. The result is that the s she was •few months ata with the body is encased in a akin of copper, regulate bylaws the fasbnnn \Yuudtltuck laborers Eveo the Radicals ad which prevents further change or cheap- of attire from to generation, Woodstock sew chief of the Primrose teal action. If desired, this may be yet we (eel a wish that there again plated with gold or silver, accord- ing 4, the taste or wealth of the friends often wicked, outlay■ in this matter Oedr rich. May 17th. less. lw4am 1.885_ the result of his wit*'s in6sence. WOOLEN THE Haan WOW) Mali of 141•141•10(10,sine, to..,day by day, with little chance for i set, shoo) a occasionally d tat yaAn all R neal'. MI.?sell.. Ptu •pboriaed Emulsion, to give activity To thin !!'scut (Growers of tilts $u►ngprr jag to the brain, and strength W the Ismail- ('owwtry: N -e w i. so a, that we are oretMred b take twUun, and thereby prorent the attache ,our Wool 1■ subsets for (juods, or week It of lever and other destroying diastase. for you into any of use (dlowtae articles. viz Blankets - White, Grey or Horse, • rre$taweuer. , Shirting. -(Ivey or Cheek. Few men have acuompliahed the same' Clothe - Tweed. or Full Cloths, •m..unt o.l work and good in this world i Light or Heavy as the celebrated Dr Chase. Over 500,• Flannels White, Grey, Colored, 000 of his works have hese sold in Ca- Union, Plain or Twill. 1ti'e want every person I Sheeting.- Broad or Narrow. troubled with Liver Complaint, Dyspep- Stocking Yarn - Whiie, Grey, si•, Headache, Kidney or Urinary Trois- Clouded or in Colors. bleu, to call in at Wilson's drug store, 1 Carpet Warpe made to order. and buy • battle of Dr. ('hase.. Lived ROLL CARDING Recipe Bow,k ¢1. ore, ia Our facilities for this work tease be ter atWactory. In spite, however, of its warm ton, the idea is repul- sive, It seems • mockery to give per- manence to the temple when all that once made it valuable is gone. --(Scienti- fic American. VANDDRBILTS MARRIAGE. among those eel° are often ill able to afford it. "Fashion, says an elutsent essayist, "nonatantly begins and ends in the two things it abhors must, these are singularity and vulgarity." There is no doubt it works is a circle, end no other proof is needed than in the ingratiation of ogiooline, which has liter- ally awuag round the aide To be well dreamed does not require an t allay. especially at this season of the Cell Irma pts Her.. sad Fru is leve at 0 iuegame Tame. year (Summer) when muslin& and lawn -- Mrs. W. H. Vanderbilt, the widow 01 organdies and other light fabrics are w cheap. Let the thio, pale, bfeless girl wear puffed dresses of bright colon and if her features aro sharp, tone them down with soft waves of hair peeping hero and there on brow and neck. I( the late millionaire, is now about 55 or 60 yesre old, and is in excellent health. She was married when about 18, and was considered very lovely as a girl. Her maiden name was Mies Martha Kissm, I stout let her wear the long polunaias or and she was the daughter of • clergyman ample French jacket, never the perky of moderate mens, but of an old and j tilted besgae that is too short fur her aristocratic family. As a girl, Iles Van- already abort waist. Shawls, that are so derbilt was muted for a pretty race' often worn by stoat ladies, should only gracetd fled welt traits anshe has re- i ehari- be worn by tall, 'deed"'Peel"ul hgares. table ads, and thest se trait• that can tarry them with good effect tanned throughout her married life. Her feiage cos about in quite • mimetic wiry. Os • height moonlight night at about 10 u elosk Mist Kimam was walking through the quiet and de- serted streets of Albany. Suddenly she was startled by the clatter of a horse's hoofs. Soon alio saw silts*% tip the street at breakneck page ► WI hens, on which was seated yaline TTOisrbilt, handling bit horse with esse and grace. When the horse and rider had reached the corner where the young lady stood, she being of • modest, retiring nature, withdrew in the ahadnw of doorway. The hone saw the , and being • spirited animal, shied and threw its nder,who fell heavily on • pile of •tunes, striking the left aide of his face. Mies Klemm screamed and sprang forward, As regards calor, nearly all of my sex know the various shades that "burins*" their . I have in mind a young girl who always wears blue or white, her whole wardrobe heing erne - posed of these in various shades. Pot her In any other odor and she knows that the sunlight fades frogs her hair, sod the best tint leaves her aomplerion. Yet for • pale, sallow skin navy blue is trying, giving one "a tired expression, - as I heard a lady say, though it is gener- ally serviceable. Black is always beeewning, and a young girl of my acquaintance, who is very ordinary in appearagoe when dragged in summer lightness, becomes absolutely elegant in black cashmere with gray bonnet trimmed with plumes of the same supposing that Vanderbilt wa either shade. Nothing is so der.ble as a good deed or badly hurt. Hardly had she black .ilk, but nnw a days so maty reached his side, when he jumped up, cheaper fabrics are combined, that a shook himself and brushed the dust from gond Mack dress, which is always stylish hie face, is easily obtained, and is a necessity to C t will cure jou. Medicine and The waits. hared. We will endeavor In moat asses sods it the day it le bruugbt .n, it required. • Custom Spinning and Reeling, er sNsatag on the ('ftp. coater or dee. hard .r soft twist. ae repaired. Everybody cannot have a nese-lily W e are 1a a penmen 10 do an 11.45 of .44complexion, but everybody can have a ( tom wort, ueally done in a feu art custom soft, agreeable akin. I mill. aid we will guarantee to do for yon 1.11) First, women who want to mos skin i ei ' little better than any la ear ,aught not to eat quantities of heavy rich A Dell tsapsctt a*ly solicited. fond. A diet of fruit, fresh milk, unbolted Avur bread, grains and vegeta- E. McCANN 1 Mee will do more fur the complexion I ZestEad Wode& Malls. than a hundred washes. Avoid lard Goderich. May Mb. tee. dishes, spices, tea, codes and alc..hol. Lung drinking i of ten, olio. and y skins non5 dpatio_ fed give women cloudy skim and l tI-ooiich red noses. League, and cheered her wherever rhe appeared. Lady Churchill may be said W bays introduced • new engine of nolo itital warfare into English elections The people of Birmingham', who take their politica as seriously s any otherbusiness, at first looked with derision on Ladiy Churchill's new body, with eta knights and dames and badge, and held ,laid from it. But they eosin fuood the league stout serious busiuesa, and thatLady ilaniulpb was the bead of a well-di•cipliaed phalanx of, lady whose influence was nut to bs despised. Lady Churchill's method of eing was as follows : She opened a hab-itation in B with a fates of 500 ladles. A number of these were assigned to the teak of :raking a houae- to-bouse virtetion. Each ldy was re- spoosibla for • ceresin section of • cer- tain ward or a certain street, and each had a little book to jot down het memur- anda. Ledy Churohiil herself, without having any special statics, visited all the "doubtful canes." Ths outdid friends whoo at first laughed at Lady Randolph's leaaje were arms appsalin/ eo her kir help. The ladis of the IMgue visited some of the poorest hooses in Birmingham and encountered its rowgh- est dts•eea. Speaking of her maaoerof argument, Lady Randolph says : "I tell them what sur side thinks of the questions of the day - it zeay b. the church, it may be fair trade or it tray be the land --and they apeet with me or not as the cies may bet The factory mas- ters wm good enough to allow me to speak to their ,:wbether they were of our or nu. And I found by this meats I was able to get over the ground with grater rapidity." Lady Randolph is of opioion that "lady perhaps eviooe mon tad than a man," and she alto regards the person- al house-to-house visitation and the little chat* with the ele_�tots or their wivesea a means towards a political ed• - cation. Lady Randolph and her eao- vawers had to be extremely careful , not to be entrapped in the meshes of the talo & (loderieh branch as far north si •Are -aro you hurt badly 1" timidly everywardrobe. A resod serge for Corrupt Practises AM, which is ferciblpStratford, and the (leorgian Bay and anyuiredthejauntlady.winter of some plain salt is very ser- severe on eawvassesu and agents. A like Erie rood from Port Dover to Stratf rd Mr Rtephewarun will •sn "Nt at all, MIs--ilis -a " .tam- viceaMe and can be sponged and cleaned story ie told of a sndidate who wa charnel of the ',radon Hurt n A Bruce mered the yoslh, nicely, Mut flannel has no peer in *beep walking down street derise the late alee- the Wellingtton, Goy i Brune. and re '•his Kiese i.' ehisred the yematerial ; every bit of ,t ls useful when tions when a beggar seso.ted him fox A torpid liver caves constt- ratioon and that ruins the skin. Dys- pepsia and tight lacing redden the now. , Take a bath every day is tepid water with • moderate use of soap, C -Id wa- i ter in winter roughens theskir and quakes it bark like. Wash your face and neck in hot water at night jest before you go to bed. live soap at this time, but rinse it ad thoroughly. The morning, when you rise, is the best time fon your bath, bet d�;a't wash your face with soap MARBLE then. Women nn keep off pimples and sal- low spots by the frequent beth and WORKS- eatiug tasty plate,. simple food. Milk, fruit and �r•ins are heat. time. ie .wrinkles JOSEPH VAN STON E, can be xe t at ba a lung times This s done by keeping: good-natured and PROPRIETOR. serene, and by the nee of some softening halos upon the face every sight. Pure glyceri.e, thinned with water, is tinsel - lent. Sob it thoroughly upon the face, neck and hands just before you go to bed. It will 4o a great extent smooth out the grim wrinkles, and even soften the who's expression of the face. YOU will be surprised to know how satin - smooth the skis wall beoorne. Oatmeal water is .iso an excellent lotion. Soak a cupful of oatmeal in five cupfuls of water for twenty-four blurs. Stir it several times. Strain through a sieve and add bay rum uU it w of the thick- and HouseTrimmiaes of all kinds is OHIO nes of cream. Bathe the face and hands BTONF:. at night with this, letting it dry in. sillI wart da•tewsd and executed in the Rest tttyle. HACTate'a YELLOW OIL is positively N. C. RGRWAtiH, rmranteed to relieve or cure Rheumaticdr.".Masa err (loderic► Rraeel. Goderieh, /eth, flu*is lee Pains, Sure Threat, Croup, Deafness. Colds Cesapw Aoltes, Paine. Brswa, all la+ttt��enesa and "renes. when used m• pp ternsily and externally according tollapr's IMMO' directie,ss. Importer of and dealer In arbkcRQ rantt4 MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, ETC.. ET(Window Door 3illa Fnetbites, hilblaitila, Stiff Cords, sad 1886. In the history of medicines no prep ration hos received such univerosl onsmandation, for the alleviation it affords and tI it elects in kid ney diseases es Dr Van Buren's Kinney Core. Its action in these distresingg complaints ie simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m aswass orLEtEl' tinima I 111imonia. an4 mels •stats sed •se Ian lirevrotldALL PAMIL1R* USI 1T. R'eakD•nk�iio� n„t ParalIsia. Rbesarat IiM ►.lab Waitaaes. tails tM Bt. Mary's br•rcb .r►d the Indy, •pile many Wseltea wlused her Itrnger weed tlraes , H Ill of ab•rity "1 esnneN /ins Yo• srytbattigp,yTM� �b� Ieermea remedyNgrelet eMesAhola of the benches north of the Pv+ttyf.twcrease, exfids, and bear• waNnibR better ay good fellow, t►ohgh yon weal Marv- tag�tw.11er{s wRes=sa«�• sagneed-!leased Trunk mein line. (fed, oaf lbw aa\s.°de1 osdNealterttresee; r nnes•wres. we galamee would be represented by the "Well, I m not hurt, alb Nieces.” than anythts* else. Lae•, .nd especal- tag; I am • ceadidate for Parliament, scabmammos! tiwperilsteadente named above. e.id W. R. Yanderbslt .a he ,ntrodseed ly good black silk lees, la • padesble "Nevar mind, sir ; drop it in the getterMI.i wars! Meatier ,•kens purprses . It is net saws yet what dispeitinn / y y trim i lav dark dtesw it oars end I'll End it " Bat the esadndate took �M°"'°'"r t'Mn.itbisa.ell, 'hut I'm rrtl ball s•ken off testi Ilse thenat�anlst*adest Icer► phis K,sa,° appsrw' emlrrrawd b another, aad W more wear to W, fal "to (tare the beet legal opiates" fix le asitia~Aa^set tbosghlookityt"errdeaieab than ttse bur " stow, Over 10000 hid eiM -•N v+rss saw sr'1'be laud iufoeaacawos from tM (Ir ad end inaieted span ynwnp tgr V.nderbll •rl r igl gl hex!let N. Y. 1'. wha "111elve els aR Iwrseat.s fly of es enT ieaemaie �L1a�ttrroverwigsseal / et tl. dlsas.taw.a e*e► sass 5 1. �jeR of lfr. J. R IJ..son, ate tesid- ° Men sully reamoved from one germent ao chasess. L dy Ra.dolph was sere- !tterse • be twkw /aterwaAY sisal rlslia Ilt•rva�• TrMk Awed edlse regarding the wawa w.nghersehoapojottnwsziwne even the %rai ting that wore lasn ed for her orsantaatioe tswed- L that • •umberolPsi"'geared very faint. None b. was intro- nftwi faire Ih pares let lse. w w • istaly prsesdi.g tM deatioe. "Tbe zezt►w eMlays eon tae recd duerd to ais Kiserr .. father A dram what • goal cstreek (*•thaw is to •tMova eek plan• Ioaltua," she apiri«, '•is shed hewn received. K ate on thew•arb♦e w ave taw lutes ala e.enisig ws spent, and Willies. bet, .tways a h•wd.' mw trimniag. .else.. to being Oemp rvatlew tegeth f�the agmen ♦ h pr'wvailwd bs proved seek an extenant eonvereitice- thesgh tM lstter i. tresbl/rnm. in er ils ks..dJ sad suited work fur the gape taw b end 10 iR �� he dist whew he took hie dep.rteru loeciwt ib 11.11, which own, however. be advenessimit seg emiste mases of those w� Vg ter M dwaeast seewisa b. ..c invited w ell agate, enaaHy tvwtered by tuoNfeit ever tk. steam snmeMsllwd ptitsttiels whish tuvb the n -M whisk be did tepeatedy setil they were e1 lbw kotue. shsbr.g lightly all_ tail meta isgl led what cbe is, and to matsI I sas ea tittles oriel ma I wail.. 1 hays beard men sy they ass his the eases of riOgion cad erseandt- the Mier L, .*d +tea Pills nets ydata �ad t be liedWSibritek sset7'Myxe.yBrad fi.0 �R�i1s.r�`w.i'.tm. wiett People. V Al ILLUSTRATED VIEEkL1. Tl. pneltion of Hawrtn'a Torso I'pnt•Lx se the leading warkl teal foe young readers is well peahll JlelL The pabliebres spare atttwative rreadbgmaid IU►rtettwls jammost s The serial and short stories have strong dra mane tosseest, while they are wholly tree frim whsterer 1. pernlc4.un or vulgarly sense, a1 ; the pope's on natural history Kati sriencdP trove/. and the facts of lite, are by writers whose names sire the heat aeewrsn-•r of ac.. curacy and va.ie. Dlestrated papers ea ath- letic ta. came•. and psalmea give toll M- ien on these "objects. There is soth- tug ebeap about it but price. A. epitome of everything that la 'invective and desirable is Juvenile memoirs.. /tesems A'weakly feast of good Rungs to the boys .ed gfrb is every Wally whlcb It visits. -. trweaf„a (Pedes. it is wonderful In Its wealth of pictures, la - formation. and i.tewttwt. --Chsteriww Advocate N.Y. T�PTfd- B Postage Pnpll, $2.00 Per Tar. rut. VII co nwarn es Noe. S, Lex ;, 1 A� Resists Nu•ral�e, 7*vs Cease mesh. }► Remittances shewld be mode by Post OMee, Mosey Order or Deaf b •vela thaws sf Ism. Newspaper. err as( fe copy later wdserflee- "'ewt walkout �t1t5o�, t.egeerrse order dawn p% Raurrusea. HARESS NAia BALM Restores g 'waif to ib en tura) color, r -noires Dandruff stops the hal from falba, increases it growth, sed not eel the As•hair �sdi weader •disc (hear seleed 1 RROTfRRs New York. b ANTHONY M And the $tvaI ' Her • ems ly rbr*Ngga• Arytaswe l ba Ote lie use bad et While 01 being charitable coma New Year, Thank all ptosed by, yet ,uade mon bappv, !laved, nuc a want )1 ANhwy Whit, The time lead hi selfkthawas that Du the old milkre • coaled Leneath SA trent that whinli can well ten iu.agi bees youthful. 1 eyes lied been es waters of his own bright now, but e frozen pond. Hi powdered to. a 1i dour of his busy lucks showed the lensing mill had nn elastic st.ep e"hiftless shu>M, tattersof a mime rag• Poor Le inose wratched, h There were ma AonWhite, the stnthrangesty t-+ village was tho daughter as Ito thorny old mi T 'plucked before write. What it sure, between Ai 1'.ow. He wast *elfish- she yob And with a hear this' with every every joy that c tbuss about �wagher. eoaw►ti; hts of lei :d All had au time melaaebely,etee cottage wculd hi young creature end a heart e,v sire. I my it was a tolk• in the villa Pint could be et toying Had love! these •acct yogi toted with • where • ♦ethos, might bare rtes: .-ase, broken at two dim, fads clothinm, sifts• taalsd-7.eng itbeRoosl A mother whoa in every motto every glow* It weld he ha rem peepers reeega:• the t young brtdegr Bet be it was. reader ' Lo conreeling of around you ti when all that the weather, bright aglow with p hand_ -yes, po*4bfy the year own hal e mer b.Mti el tri ` of her. He 1 He had we his own ; bi something h spend is hi' and kind an rosy Ss fiat indebsifa 1 vioaeio•iT be ear filo ass it ree devil of •yen thea himth- !ilia e of Ids uti/i 1 doter sed *heritable bean hewing s•Mra sala ` awl•tyfint -bora ea. .tail Owl lames (1 aigittaanal