HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-25, Page 5• AL, FRIDAY, D Tom. ewe who cast dent .tagliie 1 _ -- with this .eerie rete jest ea ready to make Elie Mattis u vimumg fries& at Bea- fort b. )Lin J t.eie Suds is .tether; halide about Carlow. The warsy friends of Wm. Jenkin were very sorry to bear of his sudden decease, amend ned uo Friday last at hali ties in 1Winks"let. is st mad a Mai Tam of is is aim titter, the ester and toe nail to great kelght and eirry►ug away Amite a lot of hating, • 4 eudaagenog Mr, Well's atabbowar'. H Jas. Wei arta Ell Breast& W Narrow a Naow leaps ea W.4da nsy. It seems they pet oat in the river us a rslt uota attar a let of geese whish were s die - twee out oe the ten. The ,arrest tree so strong that the nabsad sans wore almost carried wader the ice As it wee both were dipped, and K was with groat mat at they reachedthe slurs. (Mastic -L O. 1, 2I12,.1l, -d the following dicers for the sus.is raw te- W. M . atehard Gibbs , il.f3., Jae. 1Se $- Issas ; F., L L Swam & ; Troia, , Went. MMLdlsbs ; D. of C., Jams* Weis . le titer, Jobe Bsshansa; swittessma, John dell, Thos. Weds. £Yenned lhlillinw, Charles Bret -tads, d Geed This lodge memo the third Wodasedep e1 •very moot h. SeDlidget. The silo of the ass may agsio to $m heard ow the mod Platt estate is the new proprietors tnteod cutting about 3000 Cords of wood. Mise Ida Vanstome, of Toronto, is spending the h.•lidaya at home, sad will return in about two weeks aecomp$uted by her sister Howie. On amount of :he sosabsr of public gatherings at this seams, our teacher da totesto postpone the medic examine - nos ct oar ,sled lis till atime in the winter, whoa a liter Are entertainment will be given en tl•e evening. The Bewail let Mental Culture Society, of which some mar Gov. was made in tier last bodgut of news, is now • tbcrougetly o•rpnsised tostitmtivo, with Mr. Thos. Gledhill as President, who will see that its eaoellest ou.stitutiow to earned out to the letter. The subject to be dis- eased meat !among is, 'Resolved drat tie Batts Act has heel benaaciaL" The impedes are lir. Watson, emrmetivie, G. W. Handy, negative. We understated that the meatal nabobs el sous neighbor - tag clots have •int the society • friend- ly levitation to slakewkC ate early debating oeoteet, which will be sempted. Lob of sand is our boys iota looney cal td the world as any other slam. As • rule, we believe ,tory Christian fru doeld vote. The free shim is a trent, sod we are responsible I l# fur daseh.rglne the duties arising out of thin trent as well as out of any other. �3g,ON1 PP.IVATI FUNDS TO LEND M era ash testnlelggespru4isrg, lowest .ra:d. Cievey Beteg roes reammahir- N. B. S,oen.wers can Metals morel is one.'ay H tit's 1s t.iietsesevy. DAvimm% t Jud m STUB Barristers. w+.rieb. t amusements. tODERICtiMECHANICS' INSTI- YTUTELIBRARY AND READINU ROOM. ems. of bast street sod Square tee stag a. Opts from 1 t• 6 p.m.. and frees 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 \OL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, IV•rkty and illustrated P.p.rs, tltts•.izinae, ec., un tile. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY *4.0. !matte( free woR Lltr.ry sad sedum m. sailkstaa ter membership received try Libraries. in rooms. J. H. COI -HORNS ALEX. NORTON. President. Secretary. Oedericb. Marsh nth. 11115. tm1- 1886. Harter's Bazar. ZLL BTRATIED_ HAara's BAZAR r the only paper la the ao d that .wmMres the elhoto..t ntertlmw sad thetas/it art tuestratkms with tba West fa.kioss sad teethe& of b_'' odors - meet. Its weekly tibmaratioss sal desrrip- tlune of th. newest Paris lied New York styles. with its asehl patiample- menu e- menta a.4 ret Pet lh�r martleg be their owe dressmakers. ears many times cook- ies. • oust et ss the m.u(etseat of ser eats. sad home - homier komie( in 11 m various detakle are einently ops [bL Mact. attention Is Oren to the latotOat utt topic of social etiquette, and 11. IUudratiot., of art ncedi -work are acknow- ledged to be un.-vualled. Ib literary merit is of the highest excellence, and the unique character of it humorous pictures has won fur it the mane of the American Punch. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 4 OF PAITI RIO & SNEYD HA DECIDED TO Dtr19OLYE 1ARTNMOM Will MEN'S FURNISHINGS, TWEEDS, &c., RAT A TREMENDOUS ( The Stock is all new; baa been bought in the best market" for Cash. and will be marked down to and BELOW COST PRICK The new price will be in RKI) FIGURES, tie old being in black. • LOOK OUT FOR THE RED PRICE. This is a Genuine Sale, and the Public usy expect and will get Better Bargains they ever offered before in Gialtrich. I r A DIES -"'NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR WINTER PURCHASES. GENTLEMEN -NOW IS THE TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT, matte • you. up i r., 1..'. HARPER'S BAZAR Ste0s ItWI MAGAZINE_... .......I M HARPRR'M N KEYLY ... HARPER'S 1 •/C$O PEOPLE.....•r 011 HARPER'S FRANKLIN 11QCARE LIB- RARY, One Year (51 Nambersl .. . N M pester /rye fo at' as$etrtiera fa the (laded !Rales and Cueada. s The Volumes Of the BAZAR begin with the that Number for human d earls year. When no time is stontiomed, it will be understood that the subscriber kbei to commence writ the Number neat atter the receipt of order Hound Volumes of HAsrau's BAZAR, for of Whip theiropponent* will bud three sears ey.:k. In sent eatb binding. will la Try : Vre•s fou, r be sent br mall, peslCRe the ed. �. free of expense t Drov Me frclknt dress wt Ceddlil s. Tie )IL.niepd Conseil of Colborne Wet to the township Hall ue Thursday nib wet The reeve is the chair. Kaaba of last meeting end also of epSetd s.etiog read ata adopted. communication was mowed from George stating that be hal received an ▪ m tam the upsetttt.g of tae ,tastea Dell emodstion and unlit tor public g� wile was caused by the roods Watt in t'1 A A' A I `.l n! t,g�, and that to oomsequeoce he bad V s i • e ■ . • .. . Itis neable to murk fur some time and RAS EVERYTHING `media heavy espartos' he tiatduts era%aired the ouuneil liable fur damages bode peened them to settle the matter Moved by C. McUaedy. seconded by A. -IN MAW. that ao adios be takes. Cer- riot The following wodotts were e,d lied to be paid vis .-K Kirkpat fur akwelling snow, $1.50; Wm 1 fee ,rung 75 rods wire recce, Si ; E. Konjak, for J b $.44;1 �r .egsg, fur grovel, $4; Goldthorpe, NEW AND FRESH !a header, $s AS; J. McPhee, for ♦ FOR �Bsd, 70eta' Ostrow tt Prondfoot, fix sa1i. $1.0: b. Reibergall, for lumber. $34,'17; 8t.r, to pantto•f, $117. e9; A. BMWs. for burying horse, $L50; Wen. Overcharge tis taxes, 70ets.; j y $h , 100*t. bor 3 M.IjOI.00*. lot grew', i717.1;07113.4;. C ib =lo( re einag bridge. $7.W; A. •« Nor reestettg bridge at McPhee's, Be is shewtag a uplssdd's ,rile st SELO;i . Stewart, for work on rued, . YeWhinosy. for gravel, ri ebet$5 ; I CWID- for gravel, $2.ti6; W a•. for rel, $3.80; J. Miller, bridre : HY. 50; D Me- lia ea rd assessme*tE$1.80; . ork sod travel $376; A. r plank for mind, 70ot.; n first-class style, and at pricesW cee et will aatastonishy The Sale will commence on SATURDAY. the$ 5th DECEMBER, and continue until the who', Stock it disposed of, FALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED AT (T� & SNEYDREID exe.rd ace dollar per volume). or {7.00 per volume. Cloth tees, for eget volume. suitable for binding, will be seat by mall postpsd. on re- ceipt of IS 01 eseb. byPort-Orate Remittances should be saute Moses Order et Draft. to avoid chance d lei•' thin adore -tier - need are not i^ �r of HAsritt ecru/ teuNha.t the arlrras Bsorntuw. Address HARPER t BROTH ERS.ew YOU WANT Godericb, Dec. 4th, 1885. CHRISTMAS, 1885. MRS. H. COOKE b -p w amity that the following can be obtained at her More, cor. North st. and Square. SILVER WARE, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBi.MS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, its great variety) FAMILY BIBLES, BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, WRITING DESKS. FANCY GOODS, dm, kc. 1185. SUNDAY AT HONE, LEISURE HOUR, BRITISH WORKMAN, BAND OF HOPE REVIEW. OTHER LEADING PERIODICALS, LADY'S COMPANIONS, (Plash) ODOR CASES, (Plush) DOLLS, TOYS, VASES, SLEIGHS, PLUSH MIRRORS &c., &c., &c. Sa 1 of Picture Books, Toy Tea Sets, and numerous other glassware. Mea ail ink, (f yet you don't buy. Manchester Roux•. The Largest, Finest and Cheapest 8YOCK OF Clir!zas & New Year's Gills EVER DISPLAYED AT J. Saunders & Son's NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE - LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO SCH00L8 AND CHURCHES. A Legge pp y articles for Christmas Presents BLEIGHB AT ALL PRICES. "wake, Dsa mrd, ig10. NEW & STYLISg..G00DS 1e Trouble to Show Goods, Wm. Foasi, emoting 60 rods wive fence, I • • $; D. Baer, kir retailing nod, $2.S0: ' 3. ISsCluee. for sheik, $1.59; Clerk, fur posige $6 30; Mork, for oaof loin, A. ++�""' Clers T allr, A. Sande, for grovel, sl ' 1 66•iI �1smt T NNW Naaie• web _ Olgetill, tries reloaded. $1.110: D ase Dee. tib. tit. - f vel. 75ots. The clerk _ Kinsen, v* lin tthe m f., ante Robert Rogeraut. 1 T�AB0013d t1� "'I8 � e.+neil errArs him to pa! (with the ►s To �» sum of $1 50 amount ex- ,; e„ for removing and burying . . ,400rouga ONLY. 1. The treasurer s wr instructedhediffer r- B i Standard Bails, ire • atateall aipendi the direr sed etpondisere .t the $� PBS NU Of 100 Lk. ,re P �p t. the 25th De«mle. 1116(. s v(d sad esouedetf that seek member •All otterltird.ra►e, Psba ata• ot... sssootl the a the sum of VS for Agricultural Tool e for the put year Curriedi OO12 by Joseph Berk. tMnosked by A. end meet** all In ttse/twtltta• ,that the to ., Ii1i ri hfree roma, Oce �c" f TWO* ba oo tteillun he brill in '1'p'!•. otp bail oo the last Mupdsy in ease pet Ib. 11K, at the,Js hover of 12 o clock. i 6o. ^ e sad that in ea poll he d. , . - - id the election he hell in the t - 1 subdivisions as formerly --No. los ahem, Beomiller ; Nu. 9, see hell, Uaitlsndrile ; Nth 3, 'p ball ; Na 4. Tempe rseece hell, , sad ;het a bylaw be passed few °timid. '1b%i council them t• ' - -AT _ELT >,T;g_ ILEZJ 1TRO'S DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE, - Ameng which will be found • Complete Range of Underwear. miss made. from the smallest to the large, Choles Caskinp and cair 's's- Doabie All Nmol Shawls. Bail and Cdored. (SIM DESIGNS), A tun mace of Knitted Goods in Promenade Scarfs. Nablus. Goiters. Meta.. Black Jerseys Overdresses. Sleeveless Vests. and Latest Sty Aa ostensive range of trine Hosiery and Knitting Yarns tom the treat known makers. Dress Goods in all the New Tints sad Textures. neatly "The Cheapest House Under the Sun. ra c+RE�ez' : vsI To TII Toronto Cash Store GOODS CHEAPER 4. HAN EVER An invitation freely extended to all to bapect Goods. as 1 amsatisSed that inspection will°pods lT ,ext s sale. The Roods are of the Milt P11111110 11D TRICMO FABRICS For Tailor -Made Benita-Plest'es- Velvets, Batter. ts.. to womb. Bed. Crib aid Cradle Bakers. Om Reis et C mitortees-extT$ harp .ed !a'rt at eeems0Mal robes STRICTLY ONE PRICE •d uniform coertat ball. . 171•11ELO_ Oederteb, Dot. Dd. 1.96. ItiS:.Ct • r, pour winks the duty of *keine their 1e041 th devolve upon nearly s11 the a Pdiaidersble number of the wow. of O.1'meie. Wa have .e gym . PAS erldt tis saki; IBA o1 piety diet ups • =ea heal 1\e polls. Rdl,tice that will ed Maid the strain of meshing • woe. a pier of pa*bnavd h. y est worth iserL- The dame r ahiee OhrWm bm wise ntgtes with the world whew be yetis 0001 id teirtrsb).. l Nal mat. Th is bk.aRs to Ofidlf1 and wise elisoldhave more to .y le I We g"•. withsat bws the t'\stet', world .6sa re es hglis m d say ►W. ass NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS And es Chap ea the cheapest home in the trade. Remember the stand :-THC TORONTO CASH ST0115. P_ Manages- Goderieh, Nos. nits. 1114 11/3 -les F1NE TAILORING vampond . oe. sad sets,, Mw law. stn d extra minim se seat - BARGAINS - B%TRAORDI NARY $_ 2vr.ercCor a,c \1 Haring now taken full charge of the Tailoring Department of Mr.ALI.AN that 1 am P. MILE AN, 1 beg to advise my numerous Customers and the Renal public pre- pared to otter big inducements in m7 lite to Cash Customers. Come Moog and acc the immense stock which must be sold at prices away down. FINE WORSTED SUITS, formerly $2.1.00 for $21.00. FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, formerly 2300 for 20.00. BEST CANADIAN TW EET) SUITS, formerly 21.00 for 1)4.00. FINE WORSTED OVERCOATS, formerly 23.00 for 11+.00. BEST ENGLISH FANCY PANTING, formerly 7.50 for 6.00. Ladies' aiGe islidsewGffoold 0anSioe r !atches -A B..otifM Lae ef- Goats' Watch Chains, M Priom l0 sell thrum at sight. Suga at Ilsual 1ie& DRY 9001:1 t -_W'!' as lee es roma ASSORTMENT OF 81LKSi rum Nowa sow. Red 5e4 Brows s h+ n Came Tarse pre k. wore a•tsetatoelv•• Nor!p..0Sat1 dte,t• II s w de not malt• u Ihe- toweat 1.(„gJpeatRSOds v !rata aR.n.. C. CRABB, Esttl gen Market Nee* Illsautsa. Sete ltab• lde Ladies' Necklets, is the newest Mega* t Asa New Pieete Trimmings. Bryk 4wd /lt Otmn• B_ MacOORMAC. d r 1 4 J. C. W ��ETLOR & Co.14 WILL OFFER FOR 30 DAY S SPECIAL _BARGAINS Pi- IDress Cts -codas, Tunrreedls, Ma nstle Clot1 .G, axa.d. Clothi Read -ST -Mad.,' CALL AN D BEE '1'1-1 EM, Silver -Plated Wars, s1 W Sidi Quakily �A NICE DISPLAY OF FANCY GOODS. •up/w.,'r4. 'wpm OROS we.ffI "duns u•sela as r. smelt. mall emerbodLOWER Mau l Cash Discount of 15 to 20 per cent, of Regular Prices darine the meet% .t ftseeasbetwhich brings nor coeds withm the rah d alt. If them to e youraWatch or attention to Repairinis out of g innall it. branches. We pay �W W. R. PORTER, Watchmaker .ed Jewe*ar. weds dire b nes. Aeaesseseeweal gen.. vide lea. YNen' s eidl, D*, ties. Med 1 1 -e 0oderleh. Not'. leth. 1*5. 3E! STORE ON NANILTON STREET. T. & Ja STOREY have opened out a Ni -w Gr.s'ery Store on Hamilton -Rt., wire• they are prepared to*ell ('H'Nt'E 1:1 - CERIUM AND PROIVISiONS St 11.`r1. Bottom Prices. Orders left promptly att. t to, end (foods delivered to all of the town. Call and compare prices i ordering elsewhere. T & J. STORE\ Near Italley% MSS- GoAcritik lege. Ilk 111111.