HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-25, Page 3• Pima el i.f..ri e& In otwgrred by the
• .-rtisto. foe when
"And that is the somas
I'd hove (item 1.7 late !" said Gerald to
himself, with ese.edies bitteruasa, ea
be tweed sway, out to the Imre of the
vows MOD vain/COMMIX
When the train stopped, end Soups
assisted Mice Aabtue ou the platform,
she was is a state of truly pitiable ner-
voesaea•. The piling ease drew her arm
through his, and piloted bey clever()
through the busy streets up to a large
A greet lump re• in her thrust she
was so sick with dread wd sorrow
she could scareely elms A tall waiter at.d
a short matt am livery eyed her and he.
cumpeutoa,who peeeently addressed them
in sn undertone. Then the abort man
led the way up a wide staircase, so..
threw open the door of a small private
sitting -roum. which Hilsrte entered, 1,.1
lowed by Scrop", wbu closed the dour
behind them.
"Is paps here, Philip r" she asked,
niers her heavy brown eyes to has.
"No ;heisnut here.•
"Where is he T Had wet set better
to him f Or is he worse • Dad
mats tell-- =
"Don't get into a state. Hilarie ; your
father is all night ; he is not ill at aIL'
"Ky tather u nut ill at all ! What do
you mean!" he H y well, I be
-Whet I seg. ver
lieve, and f suppose soluyiurt himself at
iatlte� brow:ht me
.q►ea why haus you
here 1 How dere you pray sock • trick -
such • ousel, wicked boas !
"I dare do •uythiog where you are
cuwoecned. All u fair in love or war.
The long and short .4 it, m) dear Hilar'.,
u that we have eloped.'
"I don't usdeestsnd you ; keep away
from me ! What do you mean r"
'Yoe mimed tee so often, and I bed
no ranee when Gerald Murche was
Mama, so I resolved to run away with
you- Bslieviog you would not consent,
I had remorse stratagem. we eau
be worried tomorrow, end then
to M your father sod ask bis furgive-
There was dead silence in the mom ;
than alt at mom liilarie sprang towards
the bell, but t3rnope was two quick for
her nod /aught her arm.
"Are you mad 1 ' be asked, fiereely.
"Let me go, you villain ! Dou't tv.eb
s e !"
And she shook herself free, farm hiss
with white scorn in her fees and fiery
anger in bur eyes -riot feu, as be hal
urYoe Oman, � coward !" she said.
pepiooats:y. "Did you think by your
shaessht ruse to flightier. mei I am no
child, Philip : Let me pass !"
•'You most bear me noir, Halan., for
year own sate. I swore to win you, and
I will. I lore lou—" tun
"Hoven save me from such
(lin me rather year hats !"
", love yon," went on Swope, calmly ;
"dykes woald have loved the but for
Marsha Lod you will marry me."
"I would rather die. sow -this sea
WNW. I'd rather starve to death then
marry a wretch like you. Do yon wish
tae hi pot it drooger 1 ' Your
"Liam to cease, Hilaris
ped neer is in sal heeds. You Wool
damn haps with rhe sr own than pace
perms in Fairweather /mews. By this
Mae the story el year light will be all
arm ties Pose. I tock the peeeaetttw of
Agadir aroused yours in the Ire,
sad no s.s hall • know .aytkl * aboit
. yeas asalpt that yon were lost alta hmr-
e• , '� P ^+' P •d aril
• r .w ► t L vt#1! .
TflE 1885*
— _-- ARDWA
A Saw -Of ease doom "Tunes
wily elsrr pert •f it .r telt rd Anwar the hest four lit. H E A p'
laud sad homeward Wiwi. I syr rhyme w rearu'is'f• the
INS wuU Nk O haven hew be shag
Wulf. roebuck. deer. or hear •
Out to ore r rabbit tura to tw"
was sltuppther cut of his km
N het 1. the nae of (wing no:isemii-
eel, tfilarie 1" he said, chanting his
threatening tone. "Let as drop heroics
sed c .w:e W eummen-senw. You like
me well enough, and I love you very
dearly --- said,
"Spars me that smelt she
movie* es elle spelt
to the dour ; nut
&r * paced himself before her.
rl had better not atop me ! i mal
al.t' .. the house if you dare ton aro .
"By Heave. ! you shall not go ! ' erred
Swope, with passion "I'm not s boy to
bo ortduM like this'. I t.sve dared •
g• std elect to win you. and you are cot
goio(, to slip through my fingers so
Riot Htterie hal get tho do.•or open and
was in the corridor; hr ry rousted
others, and heads were poked
and there. awl from lite scat roma
stomped • brown faced man. very
very big. very fierce -looting, against
wh ..0 Hi "iris .tumbled. oe oil
"Sir, if you are a gentleman ass from
protect me !" she said. "Satre
that man ! I an Sir Arthur Ashtona
d.ughto -'.
"ilom.cr tuetkr •'' shouted the big grn-
'lernatt ; anti tba ne=t thing that Philip
ier„p•, was conscious of was flvisv
tkrtouth the sir and down the stairs into
the marble hall of the hotel ; and as he
picked tumeelf up he beheld staring at
him, in the utmost amazement. Sir Ar-
tier Aahtt•n There was no .nistakinfg
('tat pale. fine face, with AS cruwn of
s leery lair and militer'y moustache•
"Philo, Scrape r' cried the bur met,
in the ertreaity of nor-smsnt " What
• WMM met erg
"Nothing -nothing.' said Serape,
■iso fit very sore. and more than anx-
ious to amt away now that Hilarie a fath-
er was on the acme. •'I -I-ein ;pint
abroad, Sir Arthur, that'. all."
"And do you usually tbtow yourself
downstairs before going abroad. Pbilipl"
"Not a bit --cut a bit ; it was •.i ac-
"Well. I don't supper you did it pur-
posely or for tun," said Sir Arthur, ratti-
er dryly ; "but surety you ail'. not going
tarty tenni Engird. and Christmas eu
mar r I shell upend
"Oh, yes. I shall go
.ny Christmas there," mid Serope. tnoo-
hereatly ; and thinking he hear'. the
German gentleman's descending step, he
muttered an adieu, and literally ran out
Here be it reoutded that he spout a
good many Chnstsisees abroad.
Sir Arthur livered after hum in sur-
prise, and mold not help we den ug if
his young friend had been dining ; then
the vele
he west upstairs W be►oid wham
daughter of bis hottest and artirhe taleied safe wd soiled
er. at senseless in the arms of Otto Basin,
his eewtpeg"°" ds wrier."
"Why, what in the woad is all this r•
he not .nreseo.ably d.niemded-
"What is all this r' A sae who who is
terrifying your daughter, and
kicked down the stairs by me, dewier
end biitsen ! I hear the voices ; I rush
oat ; a lady sppesy to me with the none
et soy friend ; and I take hold of tbs
antler of km twat and shake hien ! He is
good for s coward, the shake,
rao-o aooihr d ; but even better' is
the tick. But I wish -oh ! I with
that I had on the boot in pliOe of the
slipper !" Mid Sir Ar-
is all very lucid,
"You have made every-
thing as else as mud. Otto.
would ming tee some wine or something,
and help me to restore Hil•rie W her
seams, is SIM ha We w e it plain ho w
or why •heisMnw-
Aad whim Eir Arthur did Set the ea-
pasaation a=rid soba and tears, he was
hottest life beard of sash a
"I never in all my
1" be exclaimed. "And Philip
(histr a follow I saw
fieeops. too , By George.
in his cradle. and heel on my kers teeny
Jews ! Aad thtlei {he ,hire
a tier • bat he oosld.'1 Melt re is the
ret me,
frim ! Otto, I wilt yea had tushed a
Mile ltardsrl"
"If I bad had no the boot r - M
Otto, with a Shame apologetic at his
;misted slipper. will d• out of hoc
"Your soot AiaN•st• for Dr
wits. Aad a ales tale indeed
Marcbii te hear r
Hilarie's pale face tuned crimson.
••however, if ha'Alts � atop �
to M area tis t
Arthur, "that will soon be put rigb
And if attar I get bold of Philip Strops
"Yes ell1 ao ebe billet/OMNI O Otto,
gravely. tats and
Then Si, Arthur e
ar; WI reshot est to seed • opnulitlt tele ra n
Which he ,cannel thee:
to cant A� •a
"HilIrier with ret .11 right.
ass ars
believe • word of it till y
Howie tsa.n'w- Ritmo kicked blot.°
Which was shout as lsteid se mad been
Ottw'e esplrsi4i" ' ;
hat Bir Aslhm was
tee ensiled BM alhwau phrases. If he
lees -
rude rose
t w
r" b
wt' ut Yax
She smut the meant*s and a nuts to Ur little gem fur the Teeth and Hat .. Ask
ylurda•, wundeliitg if he mold s:ytara your dropiest ee address
"Her father found them, Y tipped i
the ie the bud," 0
the eloperstme Dm. Gerald bo lout o th n- E
caking himself risee.Nu. I S
" He worked bard all day. and cam:1
house at evruiug du•w up, wondering
the Aslitoua had retuned. Neat day Millet, Hungarian
Sir Arthur himself camp, tutartseett.g'
thT lar nip eeds, o fu a
d %brinittt Grass eed, Corn and
ma to Dr. Murche, and
talars •,r htl•uti .0 to tilos Ureaba.t-
Buckwheat.'•d..w is bliss Arum1" asked OtoOt�N
aid, "Mho is not well. Of course she was L
o1 wne,11=e fuels to latest at reasonable rates
mire to suffer after such a scoundrelly I wt.
I Hamilton Street, Godertoh. SAND EL SLOANE.
And thea bit Arthur told the story to Oodrric4 Bay 131A. 1115' lfft•tm
the aatuniab.rl and latterly indignant i
Gerald. Alt his auger against .
was ,x,asnttsd int., pt') end collapsed �ODm�ICii
mad very willingly did he prutsaee W
dies with Sir Arthur that *verging d p••- W
O O � � N
BetHilarie did nut appear, and hew�TT.T,B
telt eery meek depressed, despite the
seam .4 aha big Cloonan, and the mud -
deities of hie "English as she is spoke.'
Di. Murche called again without swing
Miss Aaron ; she soil kept her roues,
and he came to the couetus,u0 that she
"dipn't want him."
tie the days went on to Christmas
1885 -
Best AalCelAailsfor S2.55per 100 lbs
To (h• prod Grower, of M.0 carrot ndiag
our Wool In a:obaelle ler
(,'pantry :
te whet to sal that we are pre take
er to to It
for you tato any of the toilet, isg articles via :
Blankets -White, Grey or Horse.
Seng.. Grey or Check.
Cloths -Tweeds or Full Goths,
Light or Heavy.
eve. Sir Arthur, encountering herald, Flannels White, Grey, Oolored,
br,ugbt him home with him, wars Union, Plain or Twill.
Sheenil in the drawing -room he Ston inge-Broad or Narrow.
Yarn - White, Grey,
Clou ad or in Carpet Warps madeColors.
fumed his fair lady
in • bower of ever -
groups le and wan, bet at
She was rather Pa
eight of hits gushed celestial rosy rC .
''Why have you been hiding yyb ue
Best Barb Wire 6*C. Ib
d813. s Toto+t:o
This Wars stood r Ise: Las' aprBEATINURes
Tttri.Northern R. l .Car retype,
• terse shipment of OL t.1-'• from Germany very tine gtulitr• and navies
.[sprtededtr,.c�ICan coil 10 per coat. cheaper tW ever sold here before.
Alt e7 OBELI' ANL) FOLLY Y HA PIM .1.RE V sold on the same cheap basis as stir -.
PAINTS sed OU t4 sell Members se camp as I am sour them.
Get font BU LMRG HARDW ARI tram sae and save memo,
Our tot this w.trt priapi be eur-
qe wtq endeavor In roost eases to de
t the lay ft u Moaikt tree if required.
a sed Dr. Marche, is his old rum{ tits a Spinals( and 1t.cMa t or t'Otwist,
(afy coarse tx tine. bar. or eoR
RJ as retie •
maitre ie a podtion to do ail tlnds cot cw-
"I was afraid." ,usM11y doer is • fall set issa' e
"Afraid of that scoundrel! $ttret7 mlU, and we wLLl gusra•tee to de for yin ou our It not a uric tetter thea
Mt ,•• sermandings• eollelted.
"SOo ; of you. . A emtt
sr. reectrel
"Oh 1" said Dr. Marche, comprehea:- E. MoCANNI
Dismay toot tlyl W"t" 1t.11s.
„You believed the very worst of me, Otlderioh. ma_ alt o Ilst.
didn't you r" said Hi4s:ie. like a true) ----
woman petting him an the wnmg- „yes GO(18TIC
were sure that I had run away. wires t
"Yea, ' replied he, taw honest to
evade ; and then Otto cause is singing
the "Watch un the P.hine"-eisgieg as i z
only Germans do or can sing.
Dr. Murche .haul with the Salamis ;
for • wonder be was nut called away,
and so reessinsd helping with Um de-
cor.tioms, and crossed swords of politi-
cal argent with Sir Arthur. Thea
that generous* retired with Otto for •
"echmoke," and Gerald tumid bimsetf
alone with Hilarie. She was sitting at
her davenport parcelling up certain little
presents for her friends.
"Thts is for Herr Ritmo," she said
riming to display a pretty dcare
Potter 7," wouldn't oare-
about things of this kind r
••rrbere is only one thing I want,
Hilarie," said Dr. Iterate, "and that is MONUMENTS
—your heart !"
"Oh. Gerald ! Didn't you know that HEADSTONES,
it was your own lona age t A wayward stye" IMO
hent, I kLow, but -"
He eaughi. both ler hands in hie
"Is it so, Hilari• 1 Du you levo mer'
"Yes, Gerald, I do ! Ob ! please let
our quarrel end !"
"There shall be no half measures this
time." he answered. "My darling, will
you take this gift from ins 1"
And Lyn lie placed upon her hand a
tummies ring. Soddenly the joyous'
bells pealed out their glad sod heity
re nage ; outside the stars spotted
with frosty bright/kegs above a wewolsd
1 CHOt(,f: aro( or
ICOrtIr `lam
Dress Goods,
and Tweeds.
Mimsghe station with ase."
pet that right at once, air...
!Iles an toll the truth, I know ; bot
whip •r111 assault it 1 The world believes
than instanter I ro-
per-that/PM toter eats of year ewe rod
wrime you meat marry re."
is too high. No, I will
hear the moot cruel slanders, the very
wont that esu Le said of me. I will bear
acorn and eta, and hold thorn dearer,
r bhlh r. estbett v Wee,
might thus se
bower and the respect
5. be f Philip erlif• of '
yam madlather, K
.crew •o well W ihliaind ase of law I
woad .Noah bre sari
"Arid rsrerber Gewalt Marche. De
you thick he will mese bank to yes miler
this 1 Tbat you will ever have Lis am -
time sipieI Ye. .re in M7 pew. me.-
,, BiLtie. Clordder what I have
said, sad list.0 to reason. if yo. re-
..T iwOwe we.„ is went ea.
per, "If 1 .pelt el tido
tliigspearim, Ape granting that the
aRN.V its! ice► that yaw marry -
at etedi —rt bet some ether-•
Imparter of and dealer is
Mg' hest Price Paid for Satter & Eggs.
'Mann�e � Ms
and Bowe P*tmmi T N}_att
SAI work de•lgaed end executed is the
Best Style.
N. C. HU/AWASH, eeOder Breech-
Oe,trepet, Beat. Lott. Mt-fliedm
Yoaa 11ap's g
of sattrrsi! Toffs,
•Ri.goattheo rt°Rlaitsaw. 1fe
�{ag,aae� ••rasa ate stew : 1 ea t wmeh�f�
P.Tb _ Ny ke : e ge 1 ''„,:t.1,2 jmtan w tr,r vlaa Oe sus rhe
T heesle stag,rbilf etetrM• ye
So, after all, was truly a�Ow •re 1
ldappl Christmas : sod with the wish e���,•sver M� o• e•tant Yt•sp•taa
that so may be ray ,oiler's, I lay doves sal t: .lid `t• �
a7 Pen• -- M- C. in Your( Ladiss mooseOropslrwue tsut.'
Imo wourisaw
Jou cal :lathe ti r b r�sth
everair SPA mile.e
Oedes ab. April nth. UM.
O OTtch Poituldssr and Machine Works,
Runoiman Bros., Proprietors_
Flouring ILills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System,
Horse Powers, Gruen Crashers, Straw Cotten, Agricultural Furnaces,
Stoves, etc-, thea., at Low Prices.
./ill Kinds of Castings Made to Order.
R. W. Reweiram
J. B. Roscistmt.
pieeeyh, Keo. to 111
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
W10 -U
(s1t€. SE�7FiIiYs
— — — — — t• p e rete Mei .plea
bones Woos. -Best, blotches. pineyt� tat is
pile sad festertag sores sire ,ndirtiowe /rolls fi ��j�
of :read, btull that should DNec a Zt intaW tb= t• sM!'Iyew
seted or ill health and perhaps la- A tit 1•I'1'a�s-'-
see' jlseste may meek yeedoek sed
pities the bleed W est” i Ms em s st ptet+'s). ie.
sBlood eeable p• loath 0yw+tba. .(Let..
lug t-tho the leer carers'
Liver and ilii TT i'Isr s
IltaaoiltoaOssiO. Goderich
•ad Pastor Itarnttere. 'Inch M t
sf >is4 Meads. lsattressse. w ass -steed
to Loeb."'
est Cugfhs d
�;,•se� MotM •t• ImtYaK Weems.
Hest of Oellve d
end lfbsms always oat rse
hand ales Heas ter bit
at ewM
e a'reu samaiesesso .
new" hewing eOe•tsat:r."A41401004•
t, Mow ase if i rwu.d year
1< , fila ease eloped with
7M flay saes. direst. le
liter I"
else sabot, Nears her dasetbea
eyes ea life..
Mit l
ke list theases •atop wok Void gW
bei lashed she bowed pia
Itahi Inf.
--.- - PUBS.
air-sea• onto radeaaAsei NIM
~II that _
_ • •sob
A11.s1is, os 1 M happy patios N y ppe_raes
Neernld , R•s'i(„'n""� s 7r.:.01•4
sit meet by a @Male envie:sti s of Plaid seem efmrr s
Lidlttntes briskly rubbed on p•infel '� w tMvq •=' b
parts, and 'attest using awl digesting0554.1oler, i HAtI'P a
medicine day after day with tittle or to
result, Plaid ILightsi>� o uRhuresw taketetall Toothache,
Matisst, Reads.te. sad is only S: o..$
per beetle st Gee Rhymes' Drug Stara
e, that gs•tleman
bad I VM $ lb• eer:tt.
wwaM1 lefeiriew AIL Wag that dip
7e a the butter part of vain, hod
! Imola' for BestoSss•Mae aura Areisito i' .a. Nem elan to live* hit h7*Y hAadwab
pawl a her Azov+ �{''� �m d Mistiseg•r errl i
haw's ie odd make Paella's a (wmM11a t:w"r•" Prise 1r1 cent► r .a,e
neitherAmb ter,_ c" fs w1 e( .e . iia _ fa was sewer kaeos ala fttdL
3:Do-vormailag cSt "M'ititac5.-Laap
the stereo &
DM! it Mnwnee h this Peelle that the, hew repos r seed s large ares
is the suite Wei am a try Homes Newtoneda at glom we are determine
the Mina the .��,
by give th
tgRift SIIhf MIL Puma BB .Q� IC!'TO
s i a. Needs before _�,.r�.:sh�o�ei,n,,g elsewhere.
Ressoar Wiled
g Store.
,saselrielaisee w *helms, , nest dolor to J. attention.
stases week will missive our aerial
bat the heat of arterial send mode Mars workmen employed.
illriliwpairiag .cavy demo ea the
�;,,g�.Kerbf wB. DOWNING & VIIEDDUP
ba Insoles Dsf� ' sed when you swat lnfr tatdmtpe .
i]hoadher man, aurae awet
rad swear hoc Nettb • single hair. seefie ad
Carl dist 7^w to Useudfal heir to have l
But power mast b• be•ethfsl hair cart be lucre "'a bwIle ►
' suou4. y alto use
ret Cttstsat ass H•%a\Vet..5si fits
Restwsa- Bold at Wets. by .1 Wilara Am a
Are y.,u troubled wren Balt *i,ye1ed
sees Moms Omer
Rorgh Akin, Pimples or Corker =.• : pg41.aa 1
wish see er two Nes reacts at hear te see Ostler
Pelvis the there Tee N • ►aa ever
;0,000 Rolls of the Latest .n.
yidst eeteseteesOra very meek � Mesa Tits.
are its host velse is tows.
S rip Baer ; n
s &