HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-25, Page 21
MACDONALD—BIEL. Illadomay•••••
The Toroeto Mail mow peetweds Oat
Premier's Doubt's-0.6/in*. the ireltellsoo spun g, but
thee was ate &leers Os upseires. Here am
Mew wrens be semi ••• vino seined Imileee Wee "aallaibee frees II" Ulna"
ie Utmost petee all he prupri-
Hme Ittubboln Facto Abdaste wilat
out the ; owe.
by aim", th„eepamobdity tor
the reteresteet
1 gania resell Now' rot invisteske as iD111/1"esewet Male 1wwdo.• "1' Jo.7712 1!7_
sets Veer eatteaser ever me memo INN* it'll*. 8811140.1.16 Irmo *hien vele Wee in
The TOP,' newspapers represent Reel
as losing a moreemary, as having craned
the border for the purpose of -raising
the vied." He bad obtaieed • few
thrummed dollen fruni Sir John Ilabloo
&Id cm • former ocemoun, and the gener-
ous donation made at that time by the
Prime Minister had whetted hie appetite
for more, and that he refereed eulely
for the purpose of obtainiug from the
Goveremeut a still larger sum. We
bay. no warest in aseertioning whether
Ibis is so or not. It may or may not he
ors. It is true, however thee Biel did
not return to Canada until be was
"It has meet hese deeded by the Mail
thet the Meth bed gpod gmeed fur
grammes. Blot psis ei the Man
itoba Aut of 1 old °sea& had fut.
many and frankly mortised the tight
of the half breeds of that proviso...it
share is the Indio& table, and it follows
as a wetter of course that If they bed
riches is the soil of Manitoba, those col
theta dwelling the regions beyond
lead rights in the sod them. 'This
saisaiged of no dispute. It meet
bare been quite well understood by par-
liament la 1170; all sweets the
records show that the government of the
day recognized the point, though a set -
Centime was not then asked fur. In
of this recognition, however. sad
invited : that he wouldu
to mecum a redrew' of those pievaness107 the °widest .041 iwww°1•°"•blw 1°11"
wiled d the half arm& had been able P''
r.which tbey complained . that after .07 Owl Hill7brsed ill°, His derlituo•ili
he Me returned many months elapsed for lss" end Yee" deodiie rinsed to
Mi before the 61M step was taken to do more M the matter. It was a tangled
what ought to have been dons four or (MORINO ; it would isvolve the appoint yams se. Tho public gums 10 me, moot of a commission and no sad of
forgotten seem of the momenta eonnect. trouble ; St Albert and Se Laurent
ed with that gorter inonetary trim. were far distant dependenciee without
setae. Oe. the 27a 0,1,,,b,,,, int, sir political influence ; it was a claim that
k Hoy C
DEC. 25,
be and Lidera Wean to oneleratand sash
other, thous\ they bad ere yet ettanted
• thatetateutsperfect love which least
fear and houbt. Of late there w me -
Minty fewer "idiot" demise; it"
thane. Gonad had soared them away,
meadow to aunt Auguries, bet Phil
Swope had cot deserted the ahriue. He
had an advantage over Marche tort ; the
knew Hilaries ideheed Paps Teel wello
and meld talk by the boor about him te
the daughter who loved boa and welt
proud of him,
Dr. klurehe tramped over the aura
with an occasional glance at the &easel" -
ere! shops, adorned aa they were with
cards and gift&
"Ah ! if I could only get Hilaire, to
say Fee." he thought, "0 would indeed
be ter me a happy Christmas 1"
Meaawhile Mr. licrope bad overtaken
the ladies, and aunt Ammer invited
him indoors -an invitation he accepted
"just to warm himself."
Aunt Augusta was • fire -worshipper.
and the room was a aglow with warmth.
and light. In a porcelain basket was a
beautiful booquet lit hothouse flower',
having for centre one lovely white blue
ems with a cream heart.
"I suppose I ought to congratulate
you, Miss thane," said %rope when
aunt Augusta had gone upstairs with
her beadgear.
"What about t" asked Mims Ashton.
"Your engagemeot to Dr. Murcia"
"I am not engaged Se Dr. Marche."
".1 beg your pardon, I thought you
were. From his vamp et -aposkieg, you
know, be certain], gemmed as if be had
the right to choose yopr friends for you,
returned Scrum into whose eyes hal and so objects to iny coming •
"But / "Why in the world should he object
crept the green evil of jealousy.
to you 1" said thane, without inter-
& good many may have that hope, my
"I sin going on !" said Mutche, cart- "Jwil°1311! He. he ! By doce, 7
dela fellow—"
i he m„ed „ey es he apee„, feel flattered ! But he evidently isn't 1
believer in the Tennysanise ideal,
°Trust me is &mot sot at an i
Votaith i.&55t1% is waat ce anti in &no
Hilarie reddened a hale ; she and
Gerald bad had on. or two disputes in
re Scope, and he had promised to be
.alums of that toning man no more.
Philip watched that rising color tran-
quilly ; the proud, sensitive, impulsive
nature of the girl was an open book to
"Murcia is a tine fellow, though :"
be went on meditatively ; "believes that
one should sacrifice everything to duty,
ar :or Amebae ei —Meek SINANIIPAY.,"
mThe Seesillasb leestort."ess.
• weans' Q11045511.
"Of all the flirte 1 eve* haw that girl '
is the werst !"
"Whisk gal 1'
"That one !" aad as lie spoke Mr.
Swope bowed to the dirt, and bis cum
pinion did the lame. Sae was mantas
with an elderly lady, and smiler: in re
cognition of both eastatoon. Flirt or
not, she was wonderfully pretty, with
great brows eyes, soft many hair, ead
the daintiest rose -tint in her cheek.
"Look, her•, Scrape if you make a
embark like that again abut Mies Ash-
ton I'll punch your head by Jove I
will !"
And Dr. Gerald Marche, stendingfive
feet ten in his stockings, looked guar
capable doing it, as bis dark blue eyes
gazed from under their straight stern
brews into the colortme orbs of his ono-
panion--oolorlees or nondeeeript, like
the hair, and the moustache not quite
hiding a vindictive mouth.
"What's Miss Ashton to you, may 1
ask r'
"That le my Menses., not yours.
Bdi if ymeoties particularly anxious to
know. I bar to that lady my wife,
and I objeell to yourtone speaking of
ber. Do yew Understand ,'
"oh ! yes, I learnt English at school
John Macdonald mot to Archbishop would be none the worse for bluiternould-
\ •
"Why mot possible Am I not • "He bad aft Naples fur tegioad,
$ a butterfly aed Hilary& coaling hums to tort os all •
dorms% 11 .44 to my teiumphs to have so surprise, sod at et Dever he nisi with
a serious accident, sad he is hies there
.1.2,111oruirl", look-.." here, Hama," said Jk. awe"
Marches in ha brusque fashion. "I
admit that et first 1 misjudged y.si ; Yew
foresee we that long ago -and since the
day you said yea loved me I lave had
perfect faith in you. If yea are only
tryim hoe, you may as well stop now,
becisiete this is the sort of della I can't
stand '''
"Yu ni assume great authority, !
But suppose I drachm to aserilles myself
on the altar of your duty 1'
'•I do not underetend one weed Y°°
me saying, Waite. What do yuu
mean I"
"la sot your wife to he only the step
ping striae to yam ambition 1"
A blue raj shot lighting like foist
Gereld's eye.
"I know where that comes hone° he
said very quietly. "There is assbitioo
in me, gettable ; but 1 think there ia
also self-respect And if you hetes to
the malicious lies of Philip &rope, I
have one thing to my, and that iii
'06d -evening I shalt not need s
mound reminder that you are an heir
"Gerald Gerald ! didn't Seen
twahate '4.1." cried the girl in swift pen -
But Dr. Murehishad gone, and Hama
was left to cry alone. She resolved to
mod her lover a penitent, humble Dote,
and never again tease one so true sod
manly : but her penitence, like many
other things in lite, came too late. Hie
carriage rolled past the window tater
and aunt Augusta volunteered the in
formation that Dr. Gerald had hem
summoned away to a consulta.tion to be
held some miles distant. and probably
would not return for tyro or three days.
Even in Oat short space of time a good
deal may happen.
Tech. a cheek for $1,000 for Riel. The ing in the pnovas-holes. This was the
Mum which amompasied the cbech mud way in which the officials treated the
as follows : just demands of the Meta, sod we agree
"Private arid *rid', confidential) with Mr. Blake, that their neelienree um
... otjieraw, Den, 27, 1871. gross and inerousable, ami contributed tit
"Sibsar Lord Areithishop,-1 Lave be"9 ab"t th• "wI'1ec6vil*"
isms able to ream the erronamnent fin. Thus, it will be seen that au organ, no
Ike iedividoM Unit we haw talked less unbiased than the Toronto Mail,
shout. octus111 agreed with Mr. Blake that the
'I sow send you a slight draft on the °mania.: "nneten°°, II_ ,na ge°68._ onbd iDel-
Bank a Montreal for g Loop. 1 mai elasoie, Ana cuntnouieu to onng about
not preee upon gear Graee the import. the insurrection ' Our contemporary
n ot in a lump, °thornier) the ISIONUy soder responeible government the oabi-
would be wasted, seri our embarrass- 1/4t ministers cannot thus shelter tbem-
meat begin again. The payment shoutd selves. In truth if they could do so,
e pread over a year, Believe ,ue, ypur the country might as well dispense with
Grime's very obediest Dermot, the cabieet, and leave thetpertnanent de-
" is Grace the Archbahop of St. Boni- In'i•win- 'flhere, however, can no leaving Philip Scrope to choose his own
Tirade "Jose A. Meopuir•te. mental officials to run the &donna- f
question that the cabinet ministers are way, which was straight after the youog
of Lieut. -Governor Archibald, the Hon. i ordivate °Meals, and therefore are ' - called "Ihrt.
In January, 1872, at the solicitation . responsable fur the actions of their sub- tad. h. bad • •
hoe, Montreal."
D yg, &tote advanced reap, which was I chargeable with the gross and Memos&
- . lee negligence, which the Mail properly on the words, but on the subject of them
. Dr. Murehe went onward, not rousing
& see of the mooey mom paid whim per. may argue that it only intended to owe
iortmally oey aniathly er quarterly), mai MT* the officials ; but it nowt know that
"Ie A serums 1"
''Very,'' replied tecrope, gravely.
'They teagnsplied this to sae by roar
father's wish, he know that I would do
my best for you, Hama,'
"Philip, I moat go to say father,' said
Hiking. petting bort baud on her lope to
steady therm.
"Yea, he asks for you. I will take
you, Hilaria. Them is • baba in fifteen
minutes, and if you will harry I will
take you tv the slathers."
"But I meet am aunt Aegesta,Flailie;
she is at Mrs. Murianate---"
"There is no time to go them" mid
Scraps; "your father'. memeage is
'Come at once.' 11 you wish tome him
in life, Hilarie---"
"Don't O' cried the girl, putting both
hands to her ears for • moment, aed she
turned so white that he feared she was
going te faint.
After • moment's mance, she spoke
again :
"Give me the tattersall ; I will writs L
to aunt, and leave it for her."
She eat down sod wrote, as rapidly as 1
the trembling of her fingers would allow,
a taste tr, her aunt, telling her whither
she bad gone sad why, mid begging that
lady to foliar ; then encashes the flimsy
a.ip el plak paper Swope banded to her.
she put letter and all on the table where
Mies Gresham would at ones sue it.
Hasteoing up stairs, she pet on hat
and nhantle, her eyes blinded by tears
as she thought of that good &Ojos/eft
father who had spoiled and potted her
all his life. The Christmas she had be-
lieved would be eo happy was, it seemed,
to be most miserable.
She caine downstairs speedily. and
Scrope went to the front door with her,
then all at once turned back.
"1 have forgotten something,- he
said, returniug to the drawing -room, to
snatch up Hearts's note and thrust it
into the very heartof the fire ; then he
went back to the girt patieutly waiting
in the hall, and they left the boom the
It was snowing feet, and there were
few people about. When they &reheat
at the station &rope had just time to
rush to the booking -office, and then he
assisted Hilarie late a compartment,
and sprang in himself.
"I did not know you were rooming I'
she said.
"Dui you think 1 would &Bow you to
go alma I What could you, with you?
inexpertenoe. do 1 Besides., 1 too wish
10me poor Sir Arthur O' wee Scrope's
Hiarie was silent. She was too sor-
roefel for speech; and he, appareetly
respecting her grief, was mete sad mo-
tionless also.
- Whesasot Mortise*, an hoer and half
after Hilane a departure,retarned bona,
she was rimmed and alarmed to bear
tram the servants that Moss Ashton
could not be toned. U pumas sad down-
stairs, in every bole sod Opener, did the
unhappy lady search, under the hopres-
Mon that her wilful ease wee somewhere
in hiding. All in rain ; aed, half dia-
erected, Mus Gresham rushed out jug
; as she was, *travesty knowing what she
"Very well, then, stop at home, and i did end almost et her ern, gate di. ues
somebody will be 01°Iwed• l'm m" 11 against a gentleman harrying homewards
shall not eau you to go ; but befoeuse through the mew,
0 a take a whim 1 shall sot stay at ..00,id beeves, mutt Gresham ! wild
is the matter 1 '
"Is it Gerald Murcha 1 I thought yell
had gone. '
placed in the hands of Amides op 1
Taebe, and part of which wee to be paid !swill wninnuted to brIng 5
to Riel and part to Leto), to ,naoce , hellion. But our contemporary did not
them to isave the coanu7. Is „kee„ii ; halt there. It went so far as to swan •
to this trenesetion the Archbishop gave motive for the Government's indiffer-
the following testimony : once to the prayers of the half breeds,
"I left Mostreal on the 2nd Jan . and that motive was the fact that the
and at a station between Prescott and H°7‘• Aad '`' °L'its 1 The mail evidently
8.„,i, 1 "eared a Wier frum sir knew how to estimate its ran political
George, which I have not with me, "d chieftains accurately, and
it may be de
I do not know whether it is in exist- Ped , it would consciously do
erica In this Sir George alluded to the them do injustwe ; and, therefore, when
draft which bad been sent me by sit it intimates that the lack of votes by the and scandal-loviag town of Fairweather.
John, and stated that it would be &dem lit"'• prejudiced °mu claim in ole sins When Dr. Marche had bought the
that the money should be divided be- 1/11 as sPeliking by thil bock. He" s" i Peace". from old Dr. "lilies" e el
able that Lepers eihould leave 'deo, and of the administration, it must be accept-
tween the two." he own wcrds -- tors he had resolved, being young and
Further on 'mutated -. 1 "Had they had Totem, like white men ardent, to devote himself heart and soul
"It was then that! saw Lieutenant- 1°I. if Ititnikutinins taw/ had been DIMINAT.
, to his prof On. He had no thought
Governor Archibald on the subject of . 008 "'Ala" to "'amnia respect lin" of love or marriage -in fact was a.m0-
inoway. num wee, „„„estium overawe red tape, without doubt the
between the Lieutenant Governer of wheels of the office would have revolved thing of a misogynist ; nevertheless, he
-Miss }Wiwi. Ashton, sole dsug er
Sir Arthur Aatiton, a kindly old Remote
with a craze for geology. Like Mrs.
Bayhain Badger's "dear second," he
went about chipping bits of stone from
public butidings ; and at present he was
chipping an old palace on the Mediter-
ranean, leering his daughter to the can
of his deceased wife's sister in the small
Manitoba and myself on the Babied,. tor thews ; bat being 0617 bull breeds. soon made himself liked m the town,
steel and as unbending, and he had a I not quite sure what. A poisoned arrow
large share of that quality without which was ranking in her heart, and her pride
eu man is mealy -decision. And yet be, was in arm& Dol Dr. Mimeo simply
wills *11 bis strength 01 mein& with ell seek ber as his wife -from • profemional
his seem of life's reality and earnest- point of view ! and yet would dare (o-
mes, fall overhead and ears in love with jest to the visits of an Gla friend r'
that frivolous little mortal, Haan. Aah- "Wbat lovely flowers : said Scrope,
toe, a spoilt child -who knew nothing of when he was going. "Do you mind
life's seamy indeould cried if she couldn't • giving me one, Miss Maris I May 1
Dr. Gerald knew Hilarie's aunt well lall'e-Z,e eertainr. iy," said the, smiling ;
go to • &woe.
mortegh ; he was • favorite with the and he drew from the metre the white
lady, who was a martyr to neuralgia in blossom, the very gem of the bouquet,
the head and temper. He lnewn airily fastening it in bis coat.
her-- witk her grumbles and crotchets, As he left the house he encountered
her queer gowns with great cords, and Dr. Ilurche, and the eyes of Dr. Marche
buttons and tabs, suggesting that the went straight to that floral decoration.
was upholstered rather than dressed- He was very tired and a little annoy -
for long time, and heed her fairly but ed ; a fractious patient had disobeyed
that was no reason why he should lose his orders, and reproached him with the
bis heart to ber niece. consequences, and various other small
He had tried ere hard not to like thines had cited him. The small things
her ; he had drawn those black brows of age tbe worst. Thaeoeray arias that 11
Throat and Lung trou es, Ms very sternly together when he had a man could have all tae wealth, and
clears the bronchial tithes, sad Mier, seen her amid • throng of gilded youth, fame, and rank possible, on :condition of
looming and Ambers. the WOO MOCOUS,
irritation. This is what Hagyerd's e- bee eyes dancing with passed wearier two sheep pebbles in his shoe",
ems does in every mast 2 She loved oidinirstion, and was a T*in, he would forget a his spleeders aod
frivolous butterfly to Dr. Marche, gulp- give them up to get rid of those small
Tan Sweet. office. They are always dose ty headed and empty hearted. trials.
Get your auction sale bills pnnted at
promptly and at low rates. Notice is "I hints doctors, they always rethink; Some of the wasps of life had been
drawn to melee through Tee gIONAL free ot. codby., !•• Wane one dig ex, stinging Dr. Murthe all day, and the
of charge, which is read by thousand& claimed to aunt Aegusta, "and I detest smart was sot healed when he saw that
The Lieutenant -Governor called es Mr. ' were Owe eir with aa ntwftml Pr°71'7" though ple wished he waso't quite so
Smith, and, in my premoce, maid if he until patience owed to be • virtue. We
could fernish the funds, whielecif must, repeat again that the departmental sys-
he *aid would be reimbursed by the tem under which such callous and cruel
•LL ?Ala
Never hoot Hilarie been so wretched
as she was n the day after her quarrel
with Murche, for then sbe realised how
dear he was, and what his loss would
paean .
And she had sent bim away so cruel-
ly, letting him believe that she stooped
to remind hint of her miserable money
As though any wealth could bay a rhed
man's heart. Everything reminded her
of him ; there was music he had given
ber ; there books, his favorite Ruskin,
his prized "Saner Resartus.' with all
the magnificent passages marked for her
edification. Clow) at band was the
Christmas sermon, slum paps would re-
turn, and she had bees. plotting and
palming his introduction to Gerald-
Genild who had gone away so hurt, so
justly angry, and was not the man to
be won heck by a few tears.
"Don't sit in the fire like that, Mil-
ian)," said aunt Augusta, "you 11 bum
your face to a cinder, and you will nut
be fit to be seen tonight '
"Tonight O' echoed the girl, vaguely.
"Have you forgotten Mrs. Morisou's
arty 1"
"Oh ! I don't care to go, aunt," mid
Mamie, with listlessness ; don't watt
to go really."
1111 LOVE, OR W•lA.
don't you know ! His duty ill bis pro -
"And that is noble enough 1.
''Oh, yes, very ; and he means to
succeed in it -get to the top of the tree.
And, you see, a married doctor always
gea on better than • single one, mo I C5
understand his eagerness to marry.
Theses DO nonsense about Marche. By
the way, have you beard from Sir Arthur
1 1"
dreadfully in earnest. He was true as / tioarie answered eometiong_she wes
Osnacluin Government. I named at finit neglect of the rights of a portion of the
sum required by Biel and Levine for awn" be erninnn'''
themselves and their families. The .,,,_
The Mail of July 8, last, stated that
GOVDTDOT asked Mr. Smith to lend E800 '''' 1777/65 7°1171777ce ab°77167 b° ennsnee71
sterling. I meetioned that I had $1,000 and it is eertain that in January or Fob -
at my disposal, without mentwoong the nary next, parliament will take our
source, mid thus the sum to be furnished contemporary at its word. A vote of
by Mr. Smith was reducea to rao steel- censure will be moved, snd probably ear -
1 understand that the advance was Tied. But strange to say that our me -
is not pleased at the prospect
1:800 sterling to the Governor as the aommunity was porsible, was wrong and
asked of and made by Mr. Smith tn
capacity of agent for the company who
were'the hankers for the Territory. Mr.
Smith said he coold, and did, in fact,
furnish £l00 sterling. It was handed to
MC end I added to the amount, out of
the $1,000 before mentioned, a little
over $900, to make up $1,600 & piece for
Riot sad Lepine which I rave them in
accordance withitheir demand, to enable
them to go and live outside the Tern-
ary. The remainder of the 11,0001
kept in the brink \ A the Company, to be
seed as required for the support of their
families, and it was so used. I wrote
the !otter which they had staked of me,
and I produce • copy, dated 16th Feb -
teary, !Ma. • • • •
I am certain that the Lieutenant-Gov-
ernoT and the Ottawa Government would
repay the nurney. That money was
furnalurd under the direetrons
'!•;• . Governer Archibald.'
• Riad was being rushed out of the omen -
Me try bossism he had ordered Thomas Scott
WW.: to be shot Sir John Macdonald and
hie supporters knew what Riets (Jana
wart end Mr. MMs.n mid 11r. Momeme
both declared that he was not an ordi
nary criminal . that his "Ileum was a
pohtical offence ; that he was possessed
at the tem of sovereign POW.", IINId
had need it, and that what he did was
, ,„ not a Grime, but an error in judgment.
Peet *hen diet headed a rebellion and
hided, he rise put upon his ual sa •
political offender, was condemned, and
W55 extreetecL A large number of the
• Twitch popraletion profess to regard him
as a lung* sad are finery with the Ad -
=Medina bemuse t he sent emit if d oath
wood old regardleas of the recurs-
1111111iietion of the jury, and mem diem of
testimony of some physicians who
hie' to be Massa NON. Re
of this Province are warned
Nevem sorbing to do with the
To have Me premium" seemiteire
• 11111111r John• htlettedneiski's party &feed
Meellest el Rai ofe the wieseion of
Heldre &Mk is rig/amid people mooed-
; fag MP the views Hie Tory patty, bit
• the rate with thelteleees Onirdi tem uptbmlr :
emy fiber *wok
Oil Ude trw minor otiose la the isetiesa-
tiowthietwevegtr oetejlielaanuV.ittelim 11.moefilliehocerlsad os6P"nees tame have been made by It, other
times Imo who remedies having failed te scoomplish the
'lee' ineisM lees enereasful
of its *walked advice being camed into
effect It threatens civil war and the
tweak op of Confedbration as a come -
whence. Aa a consequence of what 1
Why. merely, of its own advice being
acted upon; and of those who were re-
sponsible for the rebellion being censured
by parliament A Tory is naturally a
discontented animal sad nee impossible
of being pleased; and after this incon-
sistent ethibition by the Toronto organ
of the ministry that opinion is confirm-
J.-0ttas Free Press.
The Nest iodide tee, -
The beet remedy for Cough and all
Dr. Numbs. I know he meant this duo flower, selected by heaelf and premed
rapidly, should, to ensure 'mom and ed to Ilitarie, adorning the mat of Philip
BORA 450 Chau who are growing
healthy constitutions, be given regeterly
Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, to
keep up the waste, that is oostinnally
pOillif as in the system during the grow-
ing period.
loorst doir worerao.
The reams why Hwyard's Yellow Oil
is so popular with the people as a home-
liele remedy for pais, is in the am that
while many liniments only relieve. Yel-
low thl both mimeos and cures Rheu-
matism and all mhos, mina, envenoms
gad lameness
A line m one of lliosse's maim rens
thee 'oar moth shall be roses, be -
&moiled with dew." To whit& •
the girl replied : "It mead gine me the
rheumatism and so it would yea."
All the owner, of bane* is our vile
are deliebted with the sleets of Giles'
Liniment Iodide Amnesia ; it meter da
ts, I- hada of snow woodarftil
hem se king mewl with 1111r 4okm
Desk • Wm
eteuebil Mime to amp has thee Ma move
me sheath lleier steMuse me" wf Irreneh
Meemasteery. 'flee wig emir. shaiellt the
Redeem peter as this Wave* maid be
MOW on epees the odd lima, and the
Mee woedd be pitmans' to the pet& ae
of rest ineelenstims ited 6/01212* -
____IVIMISInnalellaw ewe
rase .
I. M. Hem, deuggist, Reath Norwalk
001111. Sold by IP. Jordan.
The angregate aneurs1 end of ths
armies ofteropei is nearly 11710,000,000,
mid the SWAM,* negative id mem with-
drawn from indeseral employent& fee
esSilary armies is about 3,000000
mune on high heals for me. I wonder
if he thinks 1 am tight-Imed
"I don't wappom be thinks about you
at all," replied aunt Augusta with a
When wee 11 that eke had cowed to
inspire Gerald with contempt Was it
.t(.. that day when he had lilted from
meow tits wheels of an 1,vorturood ash
• child, bruited, and bleeding, and 1110000-
earryine it, tenderly as • werean, to
the first b0...-thit house of mot Au-
gusta 1hiltis Was it not thane who tonic the
one hem hie Mame arms so tender
s. with greet tears is her
S755 sod herr long hair drooping his au
augers wings over the little elute feet
And when he west away she tram her
Med be hint 'rah a 'wile, and be
these& that Nome dainty lingers tooth-
ed his es they Led newer Meshed lean's
before- that mot ewes Somme had
received • emits se sweet. He salted
hismelf why he should Rott fedi with
hew for bet math mid brIghtness : or
might es well eall awe ens shallow ter
saw Ms seriella aparitled, as mil her
Liman. b.s.mos she 'eyed way. H•
Mama seat Anemia mere frerieently
than the meralgia required, sod moo
"So Strops has been here r he mid
to Marie, waterlog the cheerful room
whom the was still smarting.
"Well! Does that break any of the
ham 1" she :eked pettishly.
"Oh dear, ao 1 Only, y m must
give Lira flowers -sed mind you, I'd
rather you did not -you !eight take
others betides those of my giving, Hit -
''Yoe ere awe's' a rot fess &bout
nothing !"
"Am 1 / I know that I would not give
away is.* a leaf of Sower you yrre
ow "
"And may I ask, Dr. Mambo. what
right have you to dictate to toe on any
subject. even the noel trif!ing
Gerald looked at hoe in astonishment.
"I bare no right certainly -as yet.'
'As yett dear sir, do you asy-
lum 70. ewer will have "
Bs rood at the moralsi lips an4
diedisalul ryes with an air of ormenter•
"Hiltrie, what &a y.m mem le is
eitit poesiba Oust 700 ham wall bees
trilling with mis r
home, so if you like to be alone all the
evening. enjoy yourself."
And .0 .304 Amends w4t0 the par-
ty alone, leaving Marie to MUM her-
self as she chose ; and the Hid eat idly
staring into the firs, wishing vainly that
today she could unito the work. el yester-
day, until her thoughts earned to plea ;
he would surely be able to rut things
riaht. laad told ham so mach about
Geode Mambo in her letters that b•
wadi understand everything. So she
was thinking when a sudden peal st the
bell startled her and set her trembling.
DROWN she was alone in the home
she bad given the two servants permis-
Mon and a latelekey to go out; and
"I got a telegram nformadef.
my service& weresoe-needed. But. m,
deer Miss Gresham, what are you doing
out on stick a sight ia this Mate P
'�hara has goes !" oriord aunt
Augusta. "Oh, Gerald ' woe% you help
me to End bort'
Dr. Murobe stared then haled k
Gresham back to thiTIMeircalr KO;
are coherent statement teem her. A
sudden suspicion made his Meek brows
meet in one straight, angry line across
bis dark elite eyes.
"I will Coma back as soon as possible,'
when that rim; came all sorts of horrible 1 he said, quietly : and leaving Mise Gres -
tales came into her mud nuked bum t„ "same bet sobs „web, he mads
men busting in and stung the house. Iki. „y to the station.
oi esesped convicts demanding a biding- A week ago he had smitten to
pima and kindred horrors ; but, arming Arthur Ashton, expanses, the mate
herself with the poker, she bravely
opened the door. to bed only Philip
tamp.. Ele looked rather pale and ex-
cited -
"least to see Mai Graham; ' said.
eOw.Atilet lair ashaterodout. th"'"Ehof .her7feeliikirs.111146.'
"I am sorry for that. May 1 come in
for • moment 1 1-1 want to tell you
He followed her silently into the
room, and glanced sr.:unit it is • stone
4 nervous manner. Iliarie looked at
hits is asm.
h:4114:11.0111101111111."1"71111.11.1111011111.111111111111.115"frol:74.71-44tthis:1--aape • he ighesi-mbere
Hili.onthat tmorrow;hhet acw__whz
01*, de Vett MOM that something bee auop7 tamps 1 am to just to kw,. he
tormented to my reps r
aselaelwi10 vei
th sat".
TerentriblarsLieto the 664111: 17- .
HhlsTis 10110, s.4 • miestina of two ad -
GM Auk shs MANN to, MA Serape look. dratied to a porter, mad he learnt Ohs
I Mims Adios and Mr. Rorer bed left to-
r Ohms Mks, sign Nan two hours ego-- -
• 441':*-
hie feeble. towards that
daughter : and only imifiter
quarrel with /tiara, harlOkteed
billowier: letter :
"Hotel de b iiki
'grata De. tlueoviro-els
you for your very frank IV!
which 1 shell answer isi I.i
Mel,. In the wieantiemoel,
that from what I know tht
my sinter, my feelinat 1 70
very favorabte.
• Faithfully yore*
"harm.* Elli-aCelisertro-Zi •
Armed with this letter, Gerald had
Storied to seek reconeiliatios
------- -
• Pima of isformation ortefirme
"Lad that is the mouton
I'd have More my life
with esesedieg bate
he tterued away, coot to the o
WIND the trate stopped, al
soloed Mow Ashton so the
the was in a sesta of truly pat
vomeses. The pang man dre
throegb his, and pil0ts! hill
throrigh the busy streets up
A great leap rose in her ti
was so rack with dread .id sr
she meld seemly me. A tall
a short man is livery eyed ht
compautoe,who presently each
in an undertone. Then the
led the way up a wide ata'
threw open the door of a sr
sittiog-roure, which Hama e
lowed by Scropri, wbu charm
behind them.
''h paps here, Philip r
raisiog her heavy bruwn tiro
"No; he is nut here.'
"Mum is lie? Had wee
to him? Or is he worse ! D
wants ted---'
"Don't get into a state. II
glither 1. 1)1 right ; he is aot
"My father is nut ill at al'
you also r.
"•lilitiat 1 say. ile is vet
keys, sod 1 suppose eirjoyit
'Then why have Ton
loge How dire you pity
such a creel, wicked bons?
"I daze do scything w
concerned. AU is fair in
The long and short of it. in,
a thee we ham elopesL''
"I don't understand you
tome tee ! Whet do you e
'Yo ,01...d refined ewe es oft
no chance when Gerald
sheet, so I resolved to in
you. Believing you mina
I had mown,40 stratai
searried tomorrow, and
tro la yogis father sod si
There was dead silence
then all at once Ramie s
the bell, but Scrum was
her and eaucht her area.
"Ars you read 1' be ss
"Let me go, yuu valet)
And she shook herself
with white scorn is h
sager in her eyes -not
"Yoe mean, cruel ore
pasnonstely. "Did re
shatoefel rues to (nighty
child. Philip Setup° :
"You ..at hear rae
year own watt I swot
I will. I lore you—
"Heaven are toe i
Give rue rather year ha
"A. love you," went 1•olegiyou would have 1
Iterethe. And yes evil
"I imolai maw ala
waist. I'd rather sU
merry a wretch like yr
me to put it strooger 1
"Listen to mason
good mine is ia
PIM hese with me,
pesos Fairweethe
tam** story el yes
t=10442.1 Ito
'eats not
- oda will
deet you
'yin so the 'orlon
"I oan piittb&tiI
"Yoe can tell the
who will ere& it 1
eiplything MAW,
peete-thablee s
liame you meet mat
'The prim is
bear the meet ocu
wort* that caul Lei
worn sad rlagbis,
owl Weber, ear
honor sod the r
tits Ole a PlialiP
"Kammokber yrs
"To So oral
raid woo tor
"Asia remeseb
riai that be sail
this I That rpm
tioe Oriel Ye
sea, mid listen
"Wills Mir
"Tee oug$1
mental dies re
sot Gerald M
Ix; O
mai on
letter I" she s
belied Meer
bet asteed