HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-18, Page 8.15 s Setem Ills Heuer. 1 F Turas. Yarn W vs ReycoL Appeal on ligour car. Th. sbseuoe of a inaterial wtt- ussa necessitated an adjjournmeet to the June sermon. ()arrow for plff . Campion for deft. Davies va Rehaffer-- Appeal on a liquor ease. Verdict for appellant. l'antpioo for Schaffer ; (lapros- ecution. for pro •cation. R. H. Haines vs McKibben.—Appeal for conviction for assault. Recognisance held bad, and oo appeal held. TheQueer vs. Win. Holmes Assault on one Alex Munro. Verdict not guilty. Darrow fur deft. Bali is McBride --Thu was the ap- peal from the celebrated "blue ribbona• Cas~ of last summer. Case postponed until "nth of Jau. Campion for Ball ; Cameron, Hult and Camerim fur Mc- Bride. BILOPPISate0a. COUNTY 0OURT. She i w day morning at 7 o'clock. e brought the 1*nie ars from the (pent. and Copt Ne(regor. The leg left here an hour later. presumedly for Det"utt. She 'wild not get within three miles of the Oooat , VII 1101/11111l 01 Doe. The captain and passengers were secured by • yawl beat. They have left hero fur their .joasa 'Ube Oc.uto is likely to go to pieces. T.•• men were left on uoard e with ilia arctic and hors • 111.11 HURON SIGs Al, r'141110Y_ DEC. 18, 1855. —et..1ll*• Vie Ores*, Cwa1/wge. r Wtma•s of Mr. areae Pert Hums. Mick. , Des ll Ta• Tue Sc. tisb aiereapu..d.•ut of Owl Rom Now UNTIL THE END op BEE wrecking talc Wi.rkw arrived hero tion-' llrsllerlb (h.i.tn,tlligTe I gas at ab• awl 1 Capt. Andrew &Wee returned twine on Wednesday after • propperuus season on our great lake vowel, vrl, the steam barge Belle R'ilwu, was laid up at PIeton the following Saturday. The "Commodore,- N lie is called by his maty friends, Leaks hale and hearty, and his denial convene at the iuyle side this winter, interspersed with stones .,f the dangers of the deep, will be much enjoy- ed by the friends who will drop in to see him. �. ".. anbnlra. Rev. Mr. Hillyard has s. -Id his prop- erty in this village to Mr. Geo. F. Yung - blot for the sum of $412. Mr. 11111 - yard inteads going to live in the eastern part of this province. • J. C. Detlor, of Clinton, has been in ttlis village with a stock of bankrupt goods,'Which he has been selliinv at ex- tremely low prices. .1. P. Fisher has sold his grey hone Dote of Perch•,+ .. le • gentleman in the uoiu..uarhu, ' 1„goutu. est to Lr bevy the other ought h •ee'd Itaw Ihr helot sight 1 ever sae .wt the cues.' .I' • •h'• 1 ever heard. K•• •het\• C'r•Ibt.•ou (;.ashen and year, w.• ihr. 10..1. s, Mr. I P �� tilake, all wade .. n•hcrat epu•vba' 1 1st. For all l areela over Five 1)ullar: (n value K� will charges. b= p ! we will Ills eluq2 uette: wen: 1 - the heart of er.-r t I n.i. - Parties .leuirillg to purclla.M• in person, anti doing so to the atnount of $•*, pay railwa will never forst Mr MI .kr • 111•01.4.h , on. 111 11141 trot auJienre, a41 1 r n.., h fart. sat down thry r.,.w.n,rtacreamt ,he'',,1 I He w.•l1 J.-'°'' d 1 3,41.r.l. Sample.:'tilt on application (loud,: bought from Samples tea? lie returnes1 if not satisfactory, rad hies wgau• red a:tan. to •slier gr** .-gest Inoue refunded. • (w WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL TERMS: it it. Ilia elm ee..ee 'Ma Earl of Selkirk, who died very that of Kaw`.ery ••r Gi•tb "n". J h a teles rang nal over thea who moll, tct a y, c • , employed on bis *elate. Chin war cru for compelled t.. leo s Our Stud i, lmr•,� un.t the i'rit:a•i are Close. Income provn.oes d Brasil iron urn u row money fn au (oroiyurrs for the bra 1m.� r' 1 1 cal left tests salary w all clear Do You Require a Good, Stylish Mantle. seed in larges quantities N building um, to Ila h.t••ry w abundant and rosily to handle _ . Do You Require a Neu, Fashionable Hat or Bonnet. ie It. gyo4rrtrb Yette.. A neat Christmas and New Yt.sr'r Cir (pepurted by Telephore,lN Mart... 111111a1cuter will help along your sales during ,1„uasiscu. Dee. 1' Ire. 1 the unit few weeks. Yus can yet Just wheat. iremNibtise .. • •. , es p - tem t C)ur Show Room in tie Place where you Cast be Suited. 1» a7 Do You Require a Good. Warm, Stylish Dress. e ee M • to Septi to us for samples a, we have the Right Galli 8•nmlll•r. Cherrydale Farm has lately beet en- larged by the addition of John S=yder's farm at the sum of $4.500. Mr. LeTow.el will hare his hands full uow. 4y The C.0 F., having rented Mr. Miller's new hill, formally d, -cheated it last meet- ing Light 't''.r ha'l is it good one, being well neaten oto hinted, and furnished with nice chain A literary society is all tale talk now, and steeps have been taken to establish ens for the winter mon, hs As there is eome good debating talent here, we thuik this is a step in the right direction. Balirit .-M.. Mary Armstrong, of Goderich, was the `hest of Miss Lottie Morrish last week. —Tbe s:hool woodshed has been undergoing repairs, end lucks much better.—Henry Young feels old : cause—a youngster, but he ought to feel bowed" up—Mus L. McConnell hes resumed duties in her school after an ab- sence of a west, attending the model school final examination. — Rev. .1. Mark- ham preached last Sabbath in Zion on dancing. He handled the =Inject "with- out gloves,' and gate a very sensible discourse. what you watt at a reasonable price at wheat, teed wtuterl 0 t• , • en w hest• ItipriagY • •16 M • y the luuc IL printing ut►1lY Wheal. Urease f 1► ♦ ! is Russian officers must have 1 private 'lour. hall, • nest. ..........••• 4f the Y9uur, 1a:rirti a cwt rs r 1 M fortune • 1 their awn. The WY Fluoro Irtruuy baker., \ •wt-•. t ! M r I 1 M w ! re General himself is only tr=,3tll1' a year burst Maisie) per. •.1t ., a ]e .• o >r That of a private lb half a cent a day : tow, v harm ... • 0 w' r • w I rather .mall par for the poicilege of Itarlry,FbarA .r,�r...... .ae el O 'j Do You Require a Good Silk or Satin Dress. 1 berm ...a,w... • :.w . 0 'm bring shot at. But there aro many ' Ila.. 1 ton .............. ,» . • Do You Require Unde,wear, Hosiery or Gloves. % below liar Prices. W are Melling a Manufacturer's Stook of Underwear at � >M per ltwlw r on agi I at1 Olio. - ..•.--••ter-�. • Shorts. • cwt ,... -• O, tis „ � • Bran, i ewe .. s f0 •' s y, Fork. a elm ,.... , a le •, a T Wood . ..•••4.•••••.••••• : ,� „ • y, Ultra .. .... , M , W.• have Black and 1 '.�iuretl f ire+ t ira ins, all Price's. 'f. • 1T s •••• Wo are Selling Satin N.'rn :.•Iouz that wit.t. vin• ('UT, at Price: that will astonishyou. roe w A & H.W.BRETHOUR 1015114445 which yo far to equalize n' Butter, i a .. 0 19 w I ten- One of the beet features of the . R.gs,lueltaeWt/M• : • 0 KuN gat E�eess a ,• un arm! organization is :hat t e officers are largely obtained by promo t(.4, from the ranks. Young tree Iwo elaminatrort• and are cummwiuued ss uficora. toil;. AUCTION SALE ---�_ FURNITURE. x.11 NeavurAN IMMENSE SToL'1: flF _ _, GENERAL DRY GOODS GEO. C ROBERT is ON, JOIIN KNOX has tecetved instructions from READY-MADE CLOTHING p BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, DIT.�1cud�2 Y AND TIIESDtY lHONDA it rioters revocative. In order tc withstand Cholera and such like epidemic* a perfect purity ••f blood, and 1 proper action of the stomach are required. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use McGregor•s Speedy (jure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer nr more reliable remedy is existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness et.- Ask your neighbor or any person who has need it. &.W by G. Rbynea Trial bottle given fee. lm. 1 To sell by Public Auction, on At his Branch Warer..uuss, opposite the Town Hall,G'oderich, the fuilowieg list t' Toys. Parlor Seg. Bedroom Seta. Book Cams. Writing Desks All kinds of Bureaus. All kinds of Side Boards inclose i Washstand& Open WNhatanda, Eitenaion Tables. Ottoman Foot Stools. Breakfast Tables Well Pockets. A large quantity of Toys and Facey Goods will be suctioned of at the same tisae. Sale to oumm._l.ce at one o'clock, sharp, each day. • TLB Cda]3_ :Or All parties wishing firwt-elites Furniture should not fail to attend this sale. G. C. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. JOHN KNOX. Auctioae•r. Goderich, Dec 17th, 1886. 2026 - New Furniture, yet.. - Kit,.hen Tables. Centre Tables Toilet Table,. Hat Stand.. Mass Top Cupt..atd,. Low Cupboards. Cat. (.'hairs. Perforated Chairs. Wood Chairs. Clock Shelves. Wire Mattresses. Kea Crass Mattresses. Cradles. Cots Bedsteads Night Cuinus .tea . Dressing Ca••a Lounge.. Whatnots. And other articles too num- erous to =entice. ''`,`+°tt7e►"' *w 1�apH, 610 tae beet. The pretty girl figures very extensive- ly in the sensational columns of the Mybut not so her plainer sister. The homely girl is never found on the slab in the morgue, with the cold water drip- ping ea her. She never rune away with another woman's husband, and there is no record of the feet that she ever poi- soned anybody, broke her father's heart a caused the tongue of scandal to wog. 41 is the homely girl, and thrice age they who care for and cherish er gets into trouble, and lare'rany cause to fear her or to for her. It is the prettygirl who the seieeki —{Chicago Herald. NOTICE TO F ARI E RS gOGS FOR STALE The Largest, Finest and Cheapest `STOCK OF Clir!ztuias 81. Nei Year's Gid }.vltit DIitPLA'i fl AT J. Saunders & Son's 1 win gofag to ee..rKnee buying bogs for enrtog, *ad will pay the hlghM pri.-. for 5erlltlea of bogs. and wt11 take 2 Ilia per raster s1rtaklsg eft all s For bags s5o.lgl„rateck. or any other offal will doe• seeerdisety, le It wtl Ise necessary for tarsi- ers no dress tmwlr bag* properly in order to realise top aR•r s. He, Lard and San;: ' es 1 aril also dlwtsg the corning .orae. bare os heed wyeydle sad mall. bares. Mari and •rr� rreeh beef. lamb. mutton. perk. •d t/..kry Is.arsonofthemow Ap wei delivered to warty patronage lead '1* swa s l•'^ fertile Des* M *swag • metlnsa•rr of the sant^ Ian the and— wishing r•• the eaap,t.e.b of ssia. 10un very truly. ROBT McLEAN, •.Mote ate. le41 1A a et tier ••ita•arr: 1 AN NOT THE CHEAPEST MAN es tje trade. bet litre still to the frost on TEAS, COFFEES, aKn GENERAL GROCERIES. 25,000 Indo' Rett. Turkeys sod ('11tekeee. weal e/ beadle eft sod drew. H OLD, Hoose.. es w i..•re. siMN.• r A • NUT D1/0R TO THK POET OFFICY. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES ` Under the Sun." "The Cheapest House ��_ E PEOPLES STARE THE FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS i WiLL PELL A1.1. GOODS AT A rt' SFC.. &c. &C.. AT . McLEA Owing`to circumstances I Low offer my entire Stock at a great sacrifice The Public have now a first-c:aa: opportunity of securing I treat Bargain. frrxul :i idr;tt- and. Finely Seloeted Stock. = C-ua.=ara.tee thee P ' blic That 1 mean what I v.y, and do not believe in misleading . but 1 want money holly, and take this legitimate way of getting it, and I wish all outstanding account, oo-ttie.l at once A_ P- BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH! ood.Ac1. Nov. 1!t►. 1tat. WSJ - HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOVANT This Company u Lo.iw'q Mersey on Farm. y twig at Lowest Hefei of Midwest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED" SAVINGS BANK BRANCi;. 3, 4 end S per Cent lai/wst A flowrsi e. I o'"f" po0prd,ny 1. a,'WNrnt Qr.11 tiro. W. Orriett: -OW. of Market ae•iare and seri 'Me gees Ins alware &..e what it presaisd. aad will were that this eatgleasceeeent b seeds& General Dry Goods, Me Groceries &'P1'09476.0'115, • r 0'115, :r to 10 per cent fl ts�asid Caps% Gents' Parnishings CASH ONLY for these BARGAINS. -VT_ g_ RIDLEY, The Pecple's'Iter, (foderie7s. at '`0 per cent. Discount. F. to 20 per cent. Discount. Di.co tn'. AT COST. Orr. . Goderlem• HORACit HOR NSlam ile. Godsend& L. Stk. MM. UM - RAM PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Jyr a- rrell � webs/0C e Cle.at st..Fote. N. e1'aawwen oe11 title Is _ ♦n & mi ttrON them e. s.OMert•S pest. 909,000 P1t[VATI FUND taws eeliinlerest 's lead ee rot iti:stod susewm oVan rbonaripsoralh•sr N. Y. 6srtww+es rrlow sea sod Leas Faded LIMO (' wopsay sad I MSF. Poises' is ea. dar.d �oN OHNI•!'O•f• t,,,•. eta.. Odcrieb QH EN CITY WORM' OI HWORBS KS AGAIN VICTORIOUS!GOLDMEDAL FOR FERIA SS OIL PBarrel Gnaranttaed- This Oil was used oAtn all he lltier7 the Tzhibttion. It has been on all the X GOLD do the last three am. awarded SIX that MEDALS during It is only made by I,er See you Qct p�' SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. GO TO KNIGHT'S 10R A SHAVE. m HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO. t.. OR DYF. TWO DOORS EAST 01 Pon IOW -if A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER NEW FALL GOODS. Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call special at- tention to our Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, which for style and value cannot be beaten.. .! Sealettes, Silk Mattalass�,r and Astrachan Goods chErap�r than ever before ; also a l stock of Tweeds and Coating. We have a full stQ .Q..Ha , Cas and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, give the hist price 8�c.,andg that the market affords. (lodericb. Rept 17tb. tss. COLBORNE BROS. lir the Finest Arsertmeet or First close tet•ekw and t'wdeerakere O•sds is r also 714155.5 /tie BBin at Itow.ww FURNITURE! R.. - FUNMITURE ! A. ureal bs K w ctfNAiILST Assn 71*57 weck et all laursiture- 1 Rae to7FAZ sal I Can Undersell An Other Furniture Man in Town. 1 Alva Rea the C.Mlw.+a Hsgb Arwood 1a pre vee SeungNankin ! tarl,arose ;.ep..4.en. Otv a ('ail red de If Cerro Dr la, ow s Naomi. less T-�- CLRLOW. NEW GLASSWARE 11r -r? De.triptiee very rltrap. Ittt .1 NEW DRY GOODS New lluppty very ramp. Cllrra1ts Raisins, Peels, Teas & Confectionary Irk ss i say (14.4 s.. rxa, alt trent and sow. esltabie far ��ST' AS alnd NEW YEARS ! se tb.. - vintajIt, ladws•u J. (1K 1b II" a t 1� rir- Tero•la• Nov. Usk. talo ka_ • .__ THAI WH(1 TH] 1, paid Os we, Awdls 4* Ova fp5)11 enforce BATS tae for each su asd Quo tan +ebbing leg the fwten bo doh be bee •r1... THE It I the (1 Than Pk Ta re joie from 154(04 TH 'Of it artUn officer edit M. 'Ades is air nett shot Torii Ts roma whe. The p rid. had too fit viain have Can hiss bent woo Rove toes that lid •i me▪ i tot Iwo ler wh 11tr1 twi big w1 •*el a4r0 a