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IS DANCING WRONG? Let.ad put.let into tee 161
80 1
look at t neat emotive
1..t prover fur • kid* mild ragman es
NOV. H. T. CrMsI_Y PlIwacbsa one dHaseiceuh1 1'leoo, .ktet t8Nwas pastor'
oro1a• trltmd sea• ohis
ass 1 I
the Bubjtect. in that city. I didn't aspect to be at a
dame. We lase been Nutted to a pri-
ests ouncat, sled &bout reeves u duck,
fig..Y•10elesee •saweee.s,, -pass- ' whim we had all oar singing over, the
Ss Peeve Saar Demc6sg Is W. hest embed the revising gosst•, "Can
abyume play a water f' A I.d7 Iuok her
plus at thre piano, and all at .woe •
couple 01 roving gentlemen bad a temple
of young ladies by the waist sad were
whirling about the rum. I dein t like
it, because I know that they were awe
of the tact that I was • gamester. I left
the tom because 1 didn't think it was
right for •,rimester of the guava to be
present at • dans The lady of the
house wanted els dance to Stop, bet the
basband didul, and as • /neat I didn't
wish to dictate to my host. After a
while the husbaad came to when 1 was
siting, off the dsacing room, and we bad
• quiet chummiest on the station el dans
There was a large attendance at the
North street Metbudut church ou Thum
day evening of list week, t. bear Rev,
H. T. Crossley preach un the subject of
"Dancing." The oat was Eoeleui.ates
3: 4, - " A time to dance. Suisse
people say the Bible tells us that there Is
a time to dance, and they quote those
words in support ,of their claim. In that
same oonnection, however, you will reed
there u • "kale t., kill.' You my s
weal say that that mesas there is a time
when it is right to comma murder. fits
wise man meant thatcher is &time when
sack things are dom. Lai me any hero, ilea. I trill to bs : "New, steppes* 1
and I say at act with any vastly. I used naked a young Indy to .upper, tied oum-
t, dance, and so I know what I as ing in I would put gay arm just where
talking about. I staved when I was Put it in the danoe, the would dap
w young tbat the ladies used to often M tin the face, and if .be didn't 1 would
lift use od may test , I was w little my art respect her. Why dues she elkrw it le
feet would hardly touch the ground as 1 O1e instance and sot in wasn
her 1 Me
we whirled around. But I gave up I tonventinnsb.m And suppose your wile
was talking to toe in this room, and s
we net os the sada together, of near oatte
souther, I plated my arm .round bar
waist as I would do in the dance, and
you tame in sad saw as, what then r
Well," said he, "I guess you would
bare to Lave pretty fiat laughter.)
Now, my friends, did 1 put ittoo struuglyl
That gentleman thought it was not
wrong for a tern to race hie erre amend
kis wife's waist, or any lady's waist, in a
dance , but it was • ternble thing w do
d the lady and geetleman were berme •
I give my views on the goestlon of dant- quiet little t.Lt in the parlor aloe*.
that ing. 1 think at those enamored of the t> 32
fnvilege..n steel teel to be
dents, s well as those nppa ed w it, time It ie the privilege of
will eodoese n y position on the question. • brother with his .iter, a husbued
I have never yet had minister, man, with his wife, and a lover with
woman or cbil4 express disagreement his affianced but it is not right
with my views on dancing If any one i"r any enan to *febrile° • woman in ale
does, I will be glad if you will tell ala dance in a :sailer which he dare not
wherein you duagree with m. The
subseet is not "Balls." We .con them
out straight. "Well," says one, "thou
little dancing parties at our houses,
where we get a few friends sad have a
little dance in the parlor ; surely you
do not cowdemn thew 1" Now, with
reference to then dances, I want to ask
live different questions, and the first is,
1, *t .. ptdient for Cerullo:se to dawn +
We are all responsible for our influence,
dancing at the same time that 1 stave up
"kissing playa,' because 1 cam to the
eoncluaion fist there were liberties taken
at puce: times which I did not wish any
man to take with m meter, sed that I
should not take with any of the opposite
sail. Some will say, "I do abominate
those ridiewloos kissing playa " Only
the most 1111terte will hold to that form
of •muessiest. But still the dame is
kept up.
I expect that every one present will
agree with min every particular when
are tsisisten. L there one aw fur
estslaterm and another for tabor pumas!
Ot euvres we sstsestere an woad at by
yoe, but remember, every se6ldeisaa-
Iios yes weeld plana otos ea yew plies
Vyoareele.. The bat gaga is
b. .her hes do not daces, sad these
are the very per.oss yes would .sed Iur
if yes was dying. Yen said set seed
tet the dssssts. The world dsesss't re-
es.deet Its protease Christian who le-
i .skies in the dans You will aMo Sed
that, in nearly every seas, if a person
is a loaner sod bassoon assvieted, this
gsestioc of the advisability of dames,
comes up very early. Mw Y- -- ul
B oas sight was anxious
shoat her soul. The ant sight bee be-
trothed took bar to the donee, and eau
that tune oke hes bees a ipso wwidhag.
U a person is a Christian, end isd ulgw
is the dame, it will toad to lesson his
devotional .pmt A young lady, a
se.s.ber of Inaura at Hamilton, west
to a dense amen took part, sed is &newer
to gay ratios "Du you now enjoy
Buyer 1' she replied "I have not telt
the same sines" It dancing be all
right, bow is it that it lawns tke spirit
d devoti"s 1 Aad we may be certain
that at Weems oar iabrees Paul says
diet in naming .punct oar weaker broth-
er we cis against Christ. You will find
that Deady everybody bas a doubt as to
the innocency of the dense. It troubles
many meeker* Rafter the Lord. Now we
know that in • court d law this rale
Prevails : If then be any doubt as to
tasoosooe or guilt of the prisoner, give
bin the benefit of the doubt. And au it
then is say doubt as to the right or
wrong of yoor daoctng, viee the soul the
benefit of the doubt. The word of God
is to that effect also. tie should avoid
the very eppesnm a of evil. It doesn't
do to trifle, and give the doubt against
the cool. "He that doubted' is oon-
Lord, what tr1U t1,'1 1ul'r me to de!
Paul pet that question, whets he made
a cbsage 0( life. He had been sincere
before that, but he asked that question.
Even it in the past youtlays been docent,
put that question to Jesus tooigbt, and
act in aeoordanoe with what He says. Ii
He tells •a to datue, why deuce, no
du uut of it. These liberties are venomeven if taken in the public dance room mutter ',Vat anybody says But if H.
with the lady's consent If suchan tells you teat dancing is wrong, shun it.
attitude is lin,"Ruing into tea, or Peter, upon the mount of trankaguratiou
while sitting on the sofa, the wrong is maid. "Lord, it ie good Mr is to be
increased in the dance room when we hen." If you can say that when you
take into consideration the heat of the are al a dance. At is well. Wherever it
room, the fascination of the music, and is good to be, and you going thitber
the movement of the body. Heather can take the Master with you, go and
an shocked whew they see civilized pen- rejoice in the Lord, by all means. Now,
mesas et tM lseSMav /lomat tuaitaa-
tdM tee wasehem.
pie dance. 'fee North American in- Jesus le not • hard master. That Is •
sad we all have an influence. If we diens will deuce together, men with meo, false idea, and keeps man from bosom -
dance, they will not permit their women to ing Christians. The Lord your good
usmce, people will be inclined w score I r7 and your leasure at heart, and will not
w out one pow persons -they will not join them to the dance. I would out sal on to vire nee thin that will
Auld w in such high respect u est- men y you spinosa! delight A lady at
dans If we aro dancer,, and our piety Litowel once asked me if it was wrong
1s spokes ot, the worldhnP will ay with d•ccing together, or women dancing w- Li dance a said "Now, don't take nog
a grin of sarcasm, "Oh yea." The ma- tette. Bet they don't seen to oar for surd, but the Lord. Youto know
jority of worldttngs, as well as the ma- that. 1 world more about its my oro
jority of Christmane de not thtuk it room in the dance, and not reckon it forthat 11. says tat if you
ortakeeai et one
right for soy professor of religion to
dance ; and so our mutiuence over loath
of these classes is lessened. Remember
what Paul *aye in 1 Cor. viii, 8, 11 :-
"Het ,rest cowmendetb t.a not to Ood . til
neither. if we est are we the better , scatter.
if we eat not or, we the worse. But take
heed.- lest by s, means thea tiberty of yours
become • sambaing block to them that are
Por if any tee thee which bath knowledge
sit at meet in the Wore temple. *hall son the
conscience of him that le weak be embolden-
ed to eat those things which are offered unto
idols r'
The apostle here refer to the meat
offend unto idrL ; for after they were
converted some would be condemned If
they ate that treat, because it would be
paying • certain deference to idols ; and
it might also be putting a stumbling
Klock In the way of a weaker brother, for
be goes on to say,
"And 1hrougb my knool dgs shall the
sneak brother perish. ver whom �1t hris* diett3
"And when ye so sic against the brethren
lead wound their weak ...nucleon, ye sin
ai1t'aiast Christ."
That's the point. Whether we feel eon
damned ur not ;n dancing, does not al-
ter the quo *tion. We all know that
eves if we dance and are nn worse,
marl we do not dance and are no better,
yet our influence will he less over )nth
Christians and those of the world if we
elo duce.
13'il: u ('.,u::w: i,,.:ai to du',.e r' A
few years ago that ggestion was scut
to tie Pres,' f -rev , and the answer wen
something like this "Thou who are
Christians will not want to dance." The
. a4s question was also put to
r. Milford, the Episoopalma
net n1 he gave a similar reply.
of arts church, but all the Christian
churches, with the exception of iodic --
;duals in thus churches, say it i wrong
to dance- A real, e.rn:',t ('hrittian
will not weal t6' b.. Ho Iltostreted
this point by the story of a bo..tblaok
,A opted by the 1."1ees, who would ask,
'limit I gave up boot -blacking if 1 am
to be• son of the sovereigtt And theft
after h. wale clothed in royal apparel,
sal moved in royal cowpony, would he
think of asking '11 it any harm G, g
and black oboes again 1 .r a little whiled
Row, in each a ase It wouldn't bet.za
ueaion of hum, but rather a gene -
d ;cignity And so with the
Christian -the child of the Ku and
j oeing. it is n•.t s. much a goent..30
ee harm, se tt a that it to beneath his
jigsity. The I..ird now montes to hearts
..god says "1 want you to be my sons
rd s Janel?orL,' and moue .d you will
�, "Is it any harem to danee 7' "Must
1gtte 0p dancing r' imagine • ''hrie
iNsst*v t..t • few ga'•nt1", asking. •'b et held out at the meetings .m this paint. 1 who trio Pet pot ire off with "011e
say that dancing was wrong ID the ab 7 up 1 g
strsct and 1 would not obtect to a.W
The following asedid•tes attetsJinr
the Geduld' aid Clanton model «Aiwls ford w. . aMered the nue ow
were awarded sertibcetee 60 per tent I °Leg
poradary Imo Ihe other day, bat only
We got the full benefit •4 the storm
here durtuy the wee:.
The sick committee have four canes oat
Our •rohsted, with a number of Salt
.1 a�rep*s menta were rsqutr.d 10 ramie: fuer rabbits
Sew •etwats.mtnta This Week..
Loot -John Knee.
Stray Cstik W. G. Mattbewe.
IYa Demount nal. - W. H. Kelley
Christina' Uoods J. H. Richards
Numlaalluo Meeting Wm. t'aa.pb•.'.
Nosataatkw Netting J. A. Mclemenh.
Amastia eels el New lursltare O.C. Robert-
Misused snd New YearstlRi- gatindtreIleat
L.d.1�a,wsL[ WOW. Lamating - Edward
pea :-
wrong. That wouldn t hurt me, and itY Turkey Run" thrilling tales of his ad -
go•d people hundred -(old het,, and in the world to I ventures in the west.
alone* ifdit is good exercise. let brother cegaa eternal life." Asd so I say to yen
soatralet11 ,.root.
Conk Mimic, Collins Kates Coughlin
Asci. Graham IL tan, Keefe Ann,
Case Joseph, Cemesroa John, Deversui
Daniel, Erwin James, Gordon K. 11.
.1asw, Gross K. Jobe. Green J. Fred-
nok, Hartley Foston, Munro O. James,
Madame Jams, MaDospf Angus,
Mc euyblia Charles, Tough William,
Yoaag A. James, Robertson R. Mary.
Tbe following end their certificate*
renewed :-Murry Maggs, McConnell
Elisa, Radcliffe Maggi., Rutherford
CUNTON 1411001.
Calder Kate, Deimos Jess, Dodds
Beane, bloody Feline, Gregory E. tiara,
Holmes S Alms, Lorin E Minnie, Mc-
Tavish Jane, Milligan Mary, Breen M.
Juba, Birks D. David, (,paper Edward,
Cooper John, Ewing L Frank, Gray S.
Hsgapbrey, Griffin Morley, McKattzie
Kesmeth, Mather* M. Frances, Mc [oasts
Duncan, Mcleod John, Potter William,
Ruiuhall Thomas, Stewart O. Anger.
The following bad their certificates
renewed :-McEwan Kate, Doig
Fowler R. George, McIntosh George.
Or Lb* Std who wrote at God.ricb, 10
were plinked ; of the 32 who orae et
Clistos, { were placked. 0( the God. -
rich model class of 1885, 8 failed ; of the
Clinton class (about the same size) 3
failed. 1a other words, the proportion
of failures in Oudericb was over 100 peer
cent greater than those lo Clinton We
do not plays the blase anywhere. Ws
merely point out the fact, and we hope
the trustees of Goderich model seboul,
in jumbos to themselves, will eorrspond
with the board of examiners and had
out when the trouble Iron let the
school board get housstiy at the runt of
the matter.
H. Mabel has sold he grain crusher to
N. Morrish.
Masers D. and W. H. Beer Dave
purchased a portable sawmills
Levi. Snyder had his hand aver)y
stabbed with a fork while outing at D.
Baer's thra.bixg last week.
TeAertiTlfl;.-A teameeting will be
held at Zion Methodist church on Thurs-
day evening nut. A Rood programme
has been prepared. The 'Lion teameetiags
are always successful, and this will hkely
be no escepium.
Robt. Morris. after an absence of seve-
ral years in Dakota, near Wheatland, is
again under the parental roof, and re-
ligion to many of his old chums on
and easter, husband and wife, patents al.o, You will get mor. plseller in ire
and children, if they please ; only let abandonment than initapractice-abund-
them confine it to that. 11 the &tune- red lima' were enjoyment -if it u given
than r in the dans, men would dance SP for His sake. noels' Confession d
together. When I usd to dance, and Faith mays "The chief end of man i to
glorify Owl and enjoy him forever."
Teen may be some here who have been
prevented from giving their hearts to
tkod because ..f this geeetion of dancing.
You are saying. "1 cannot go to the
assemblies if I become • Christian." Make
cep your stied and w to it that nothin
there were no ladies to canoe with
said the gentlemen danced alone,
all soon declared that it was the
dullest thing imaginable. (Smiles.)
Du ladies the meet u.te dance together
for hoots 1 No If dee attraction were
R. McGregor, wbu luta been spending
several weeks in this vicinity, Isit fur
Duluth last Friday. '
If the weather of the past week is a
forerunner of what the wister w w be,
we presume that a will be an utter im-
puesibiluy to find anyone who will
acknowledge hiving predicted an open
M111CHOLSOIi, 1.D.*.
DENTAL �t00216,
1ti%Bktl deer belowllotheau�n. (lose. 7
WL WOOL/Ve�EevRrTO'.tf, L D. 1?. C`r'aters. yolteiwn la Cballmmy, et.
k� es m.issstc. .411 work w Hall. North at_ ]ed .11. sad iu iTaa.e . d �'1 {�
led (:: P. Yah M. u. / aiserOs►. oetisatt► aY.
r.. taw M&.sse. W asb,m. Int
, Tor Bale or to Let.
�_: =or- answer.
A let No A e r to !1 A KTI V ttes iii ITTRON, M•r*Merw
ath guest, Ugrian, k.
16 Sanwa tlt. uouu4 Iiam.Miuo. t11s►at.
r�'U RENT -Thi PREMISE$ Kltuu a
as ht. Andrew's Manss. recently sea
by Rev. 1' Owes -Josses. Apply at toe Pert
uct.ts for 7•rifiilisa 1 *lit
t years. Let pt Inc. is the Maitland coa-
1 .talo&. d tut. Township of Ogden,, Am,
1 y atter to J. b. L1ZA)W. Westford. t�-u
I--- _..------.71--a•tal. -
(aodertrh. J. A. Mowroa-
E. N. . MM-
11 oiSee ouruer of tai Mr. ad Waea
sooner to end a lowest rates of Ie rest, �.
GARR0 W ,L PROUDF�aO.O1rit�Ttt,,ee,e,,Bt, BAR
psTKwi Atrow. W. Proudb.a, iamrs
(idiKtc►. J. T. OarrotK �it�
i■ the dance itself, ".quare darns"
would oe ]rt as poplar as "round will keep you from embracing Christ We would advise those parties wbo
dances ' Rut square dances are not His gospel. A young lady is the county were courageous enough to pot up those
popular. You bear it urged in favor of of Lambtoa had • father who was • "notices the other (tight to be o.reful,
dancing that it gives grace of motion Christian, but her mother was not -a (or they may rind themselves within the
Anybody who knows anything about 'orange anomaly. She was anxious reach of the law fur intimid.tion.
lantana knows that ague danose give about her awl's salvatiot., and her -
mon grace to the noremests and more other observing this endeavored to•
ew to the sarrt•ge than round dares divert her attention by getting bee to
do, yet toe round dances are most pope- dance. The girl enjoyed it for a little
ler. I ask you as individuals, Why! while, but the fell sick. Her soother
Now, .f you are ladies, you would be is- then came to her and told her to. dry and
dtgnaot if any man touk the same yid to Jesse. The daughter said,
libertine with you in your home or the Mother, why didn't you tell me all
parlor that he does in the dance. Let that before Y' The your g lady deed
me Modesto i. the way. Suppose to- without accepting Christ. That mother
morrow 1 all upon some lady who hss now leads an unhappy life. She tears
the has incurred t sterns' wrath of
boon in the habit of dancing. We have v
a friendly talk together, but jut before God. Are you who indulge in the dance
I leave I ;dace my hand about her waist going to allow matter 1.. go on like that?
as Me often bees dons before in the A bail was held m **cow the night
before the French left that eity. The
dower of the aristocracy of France was
there. The lights shone upon • scene of
splendor and gaiety. That nieht the
sty was given to the flames. It was a
grand sight, A11 Moscow was illuminat-
ed by the glare, and ever and anon
bright tongues of dame would shoot
awayupward like gnat rockets. Some
of te vay deacon would leave the room
waltz, end suddenly some person enters
the room. I leave that Louse hurriedly
and in alertses. and very soon the
newspapers of Canada, and the United
Butes and England will have an item
beginning like this "Rev o H. T.
Crudely, who calls himself an evangelist`
w hile rioting the house of • highly re -
mutable lady in Ooderich the other
day, attempted liberties of each • charac-
ter that h• was ey.eted Hem the house 1 fir • while le .sj.y the sight of the
without much ceremony." That u what :turning buildings in the dietance, and
the papers would say. I wou.d leave town return t whirl elf in the mazy dance
by the morning train, (laughter) and m(• more joyously than before. The tire
work alien evangeltet would be at an end. kept sprsadieg, and crept steadily
Now as to these liherties of the dance, ; towards that part of the cit where the
some people, beaten of the custom, will dancers were stumbled. Fear was be-
dlam these liberties to be taken, and Maine to take possession of some, when
allow them with pleasure , but some du 1 the dashing yo..g Centre entered, and
not allow the liberties with pleasure, 1 waving his jewelled hand said. "One
bet permit them bemuse of custom and , dance more in defiance of the flames."
aooventwnelim_ 1 will not speak of I On went that gay e..mpany in the dance,
those ladies who want then liberties to I but in the midst of the maddening whirl
be taken. but to Ne others i would may, I some one came huesedly into the noun
tl y:.0 would slap a man In the face if be and cried out : "Flee for your lives, the
t..ok those team liberties out of the fir has reached the nag.ains But
iaii e, 7Dy perunit hie to take the ssw the warning ams to late. The magatino
attitudstoward you at any other time 11 exploded, and not one of that brilliant
Mies I' - , of i was • lover of I O"rnP•a1 eso•Petf•
diming., b000we, es sb cleansed, it I The preacher then dwelt upon the
Kee. w o hes known his Lori and added groom K her movements Sb strivings of the HoI1 tient with snob,
as' harm to dance 1 ' As 1 said beton Later . n she own. to in. and said, "Mr dame more. Thine at what the Land
it, is sot • • much a matter of harm as it (.rneaky. as a lady i would now be kali done to save ton, he cwetinsed,
,a that it is beneath your dignify. rd hen Moat. esu to euro think of dearest' She skink of thepit from wheat IIs wants to
lase N full "f the lave of tied it olid had ,t to view tae matter a the right resew* yea ; think of the salvation heii
.rot enjoy the dance Miss W - - , of lighe out to you, and nye the heart to Him
now, A young lady in Hamilton was
asleep is her home when • Irs oecarred.
Her norther este and took bar oat of the
barnir g beldiag, and Mee went back
again to try sae save bee little brother,
but mother and son pwriebed in Ibi
dames That Toone lady ever apelike is
the west Iroise tones of her aetkw.
Jams elm* down to earth sod gave Him-
self for es He congesee es by lore.
Dismiss every geeains that will keep you
from seese6ng Him, and may "Lord,
thee shalt have my heart, take it, and
let w fotbw Thy way "
1 held tuck for several
weeks and she confessed that it was the
delis that kept her back. Rut se son
as she derided to girl) up the dance she
- . /.4 . 11/01 a r' /114.011I es dermas !
l+nponse •hat en Saturday night Outset!
:.f perm t . any owning *e have a pri-
was awed itntssditely. SM thenght v*te arty at 5me loess leu town, sad
dater* br5ts"ewe, it wrens n. • have a little dancing. I will is thous,
air -.h asn
sh . make. but ,•nre ow neo l 1 r"- .opt you and intim( my
rave At1p else nand it was really no arm, and sal. ".May 1 have the Mea -
tad ▪ r,h.� Christina who abandon the sun o and you say. 'Certainly," send
las:* ehsald not feel that they are mak •w•1 we go err ped and •round to the
'ng r bat determine that ' delete.
well The next day will
ably w 1 dove se kw. La yes 1 1wae•y, and ;m the evening )n1 Some
lhi,h,,,,,••f » Athe aro We wry mm, `and hear me press► Whet will yes
dens it Mew we are children of the thitsk .1 'he "I'm"' t tine m.7 sa7.
1( to; 'easel ennstder the y uesttota, Mr Cess;, u a hesuftul
/1n ; a ohrestian I Ar. your sine or the reverse. as the cans may he,
$ureor A nu want toilette* if your bit whet will y a tltmek o11 ay sersrrm.
♦B.n .• the lore +l 0.1 Gr,there le a daase,and Ile. Cre, snd Me
-v....,.e err •I ,t (laslp&ell SW MT. NaJt•ii ge and .eioy
e: glad sari- fo• OyJ it t will you tfrvni of their piety
"b. 'iii '.M tis danus irut of the ! and .moor. ty. llpt yell say. "( )h, tar
Tbe Parkhill aired. ref s relent date
aye : "Mr. Kelly's plant oft the pro -
grease wee supplied he Mess Wynn, a
(lodsritli. a *harming .npnn* singer,
Nebo wet. bee -sellers.
She People's totems.
p w ave to • competent girt Apply
11[R8 a
to AW.liodericb. 11111
testi between asittrd and the Square. a
breast collar and traces beisesi.1 to* mogk
hareems The Ander will easter a favor by
liavtas them at John Keel's livery stable. n
The good sleighing as making things
alive around here.
Our merchant., )1r. Mollwats and
Mr. Morrow, have ventured on wee
new lines thin winter. Mr. McDwain
shows a very fine collection of dried
dowers from California.
At the annual meeting of the Nil.
Methodist 8. S. committee of manage -
meat on Tuesday evening last, all the
old teachers and officers were re-elected
exoeptinv the secretary and two teach-
ers. D. McWhinney succeeds J. If.
Pentland as secretary ; Ilia J. Dtstow's
class will be taken by Mrs D. McWhin-
ney and Mr. Pully 5 clone by S. Pent-
land. Owing to the increased number
of scholars attending, two more teachers
bad to be appointed, and Mine M. Mal -
tough and J. H. Pentland were elected.
Xwae Tag¢- The S. A. intends lav-
ing its annual Xmas tree on Christmas
ere, when *literary and mwisal saw.
tainment will be given, consisting of
disl..gues, readings and recitations by
the scholars of the school and by some
others, cud music by the choir. The
tree will he neatly trimmed, and wall
loaded with prises and presents for t*e
ehiide's and fntnds. A very enjoyable
evening is expected, for the church is
sere to be well filled if the sleighing cam
names. Admission fee 1u oats.
Awellies Babes.
All parties getting their sale bills pristed se
Mb o1Me will get a free notice inserted is
this list up to the time ot sale.
Auction tale of furniture and other
articles, teat door to the Colborne hotel,
Hamilton street, Goderich, by John
1101, auctioneer, onmmeneing at 1
p.m , on Saturday, 1).a 19th,
198:. Rimming will be going at the
sale. Fee posters for list, etc
Auction sale of first-class furniture, .11
n ew and fresh from the factory, the pro
petty d it C. Robertson, E.at street,
(hderieh, by John Knoll, auctioneer,
oogam.naag etch day at 1 o'clock sharp,
ot. Monday and Tuesday. Den 21st and
nod, HMS. This i. • meanie* sale. Nee
posters fee let, etc.
r et Weser, am.
ltt. Amnial Ceuvention of the tatrytne.l
Aassrlalloa el Western Optarn well be NW
ea 1be Tenon Hall In Wes*took es the 111h.
14.b sad Ikb of Jointer, neat. Arr.asmeat
Me. berm made weNeed
the eed 7tintt ail
Canada" i ae-itte Railways. ler the teed re -
oiliest., of faros en pnrotuMn et the .anti
amt. of esombwebip required, stbbats Ilse stems
Ironbe Ewesll they
tt•0 eb1111= ea ` start bet se UI
Kallwy Oena1eate, to e
tier 1Mereesry se Iwormall, ailed ea ap*Iylsg
for the tr,.., abs party mast • whirr,
Read Oboe wish to premed.
C. • W(K,
SOrreeary'e O15ee. .16rervay.
Iiia ,oiL nee. 1.1 M
T�.deve will be received M tie *Oce up to
lhiday seat tsr 15 we s earth ee t re beech
aidts.pk.clear of limbs a•d lt•eklsgs. to be
delivered byrthe 15th d Jaatrrr. McOILLI-
CUDDY 1183-11
Colborne wl11 swot 1a the Township'
Hallos Thursday. the 17th Mel., oorme•cleg
at le o'clock a.m. All ppaenics holding as
wants against the Towashtp wtil please ter -
ward to the undersigned ea Or before the letb. . th. Count y et Nowa gales atteaded
J. A. McDONAOH. 1023-11 any part of tkr Coestl. Addrsse orders to
Goder $cb P. O.
- Bleaicat.
TE. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.tI
. Owt. P'htdclen. surgeon, Aecosebesr,
do. Mace-i'1'bat forme/myoceu try Dr
llutcbisseoi Dungannon. ight 11t
ala'. hotel.
u!1. cora'? Re Oast said reidenee
Bruce Serest. sscosd doer weet of Victoria
Paydet•na, Sturgeons. An -euchre,. Pte
*bee at to elm/woe's redolence. sen the
gaol (leder tat G. C. asanw0B. J. C. Hutu. -
1011 1761.
MR. R- ('ROCKETT Ian re opened his
climes ui Utl aid Water Color punting, pe tat
ing onchills kr.. On the anrn
euua of Vied-
needay sad Thursday of each week. DIMS')
the square. neat dour to Mr. Geo. Acbea..'s
Store. lead♦t
Notice is hereby gives that i have received
Dominion Statutes for 1pt, 48 and tt1. Vas.,
sad that raseistrates and others entitled to
revere them can obtain them ■t m oMue.
°Mee of Clerk of 14x0.,
Godericb. Dec. t 1t115. t >rt -tat
4.71 years study of music. 1s prepared l0
receive pupils for the thaws. ft tee..ws
quarterly. Terme 96 per quarter 15' -
PROS( n1RAPH Y. The most pnpeursys-
tem taught. lastrarUas leeks for mele et Tse
&*h6/ oOce, livery bap and girl should
learn shorthand, 1101
sad plaeter.r. thanks Use public for their
esatioard patnuaya. He Iseult ready to do
all work in his hoe la • superior maaser.
Priers to wit the tines FoUreetee given for
buildings wiles required. 5577.1;
Nomination for Reeve. Deputy Reeve ad
Obaaelfors for the Township of Colborne wilt
take place at the Township Hall, C'a•bw, as
Mesday, Dec. Vieth, et t1 o'clock noon
J. A Mit)O?AOH, Iteturoiwt (sneer.
December ata. ttee. 111112:t
Nomination for Mayor. Reese and Deputy -
Reeve for the tows of Godeneh, will take
p sc at the Tows Hall. on Monday. Lon. sib,
at lO o'clock a.m.
Noaimatioa for count i:lors and public we heel
trustees is their respective wards at 12 o'clock
same clay.
CAMPOS:Li., itetnn..mgOfficer.
D.eember 17th, lata',. 90:L.i
8trayeb Animals.
�.7 YIRI[a of W.O. 31ATTHlCWft, sot 6, tae.
townabir t f A•i.Aeld. 4 yearling:, 2 steers
end 1 helloes; 3 smart, all red. 1 gray heifer.
The owner is regereled to prove propene. pay
chargee. ad Wk. them away. 11
l Rabb -rite?. on or abcnt the middle of
Sept., aearling heifer -red and white. The
owner is requested to prove pnmn rt
AN, eon. C. Gode it ericb'ow�A 111.41
MIMES of the uude:'.mgssd C -;r: .4 the
storm of ,.
Saturdayevening. the h ,s $
red and white heier. '• The owner to proriag
property and paying charges can take !t
away. ('HAI'. HATES
Oederi.h. Los. 16th. 1*.. 202341
premises of aubecriber. lot 3, crn. 4 W.
D., Colborne, on or about the beginning of
Nov., two ewe. The owner is requested to
Dm** proveny pal char's^. and take them
away. ANI)RI WV A. YOUNG. IMt1t
premises of the subscriber, near Demise -
WON. about the bryNnsing of November last, •
Meer rad • heifer. caval
11 Ti0110CR and Land Voltmeter. Ooderlak,
(ht Having bad eosiderable experience r
al'. aocttos:ering trade. he ls le a poeline te
disclosers with thorongh aatldactloa all ese-
nla.ions e.trosted to him. Order's left et
Marco's Heed, or mist by mall to my address
0.dericb P. 0.. carefully attem.ded to JOHN
INOX Cew.ty Auctioneer. 11111 -if
%Deus "arta humane.
AL &mount Of Private nada tet taysMmsst
it lowest rates on torr -class Meninges. Appy
swat of per o.sL ow root vas faro msys-
41y. .d.poly to R. C. HA 714. Sint! Oode-
1500,000 TO WAN. APPLY TI)
tab. Its
Only Plrsleia a Comper,fse Repreaared
Mr Mosey to led oe straight lean.. st the
lowest rite Of tnlereM gulag, la asy way te
mut the borrower.
gar OFFICE -Sneed dear recut mare.
West Street, tded.rtek.
or dreinng to ammo takelr
and r dsce tbelr rate ut isterew.�
private funds to any amount at per
We lure also received la.trvalase tram a
cheat centredlag • *nest toad to lead oats
limited amount no first caw tarn esus•
at 5 1-•j per tient. Appy at trice to
READIER R LEWIS, opposite the (Noboru
Hstel. Godcrtoh.
(ioderic, 15Rh Nov.. 1556. l-tt
1 w. 1. LOOT.
Fon, Lrf( end Menne htOarowee Aptut,
SI 00x, opposite Colborne Hotel.
The "London Aseuraae0' incorporated 171.
The "National." eetablisbed 1t11I,
The "Hand -In -hoed,' the only Company
lieeieed to imam piste gins, t. tae
The above are all 6rst-cJass and old mess-
laked eon lee.
Ricer* at Lowest rages.
Goeerleb .. Mab, 111s. 11177
fp'l/ A,./l► TO LOAN AT 6 PER L
TTHH �ll� ('Y%T.
`rr. i .pared to loan money AMver tent., Say
em Bret -dame farm osct:r:ty.
Apply ro
Barr,etertss,, Ooderjt b.
Meats for the Tomato inhere' Troika ( 'y.
s Mens. Ca t, HOLT 4 cinema. have
ham tet privet* feeds se lea
es fiest.elas tars security.
Oedericb.OeL4. His 1911-tf
Ed*ard Carswell, Ksu.,
age. Th. steer le ted , win
and white. with Bair inclined to curl; the
heifer is red. with .hfte Maly, age puny
white, sad arse, white spot en fait. The
owner le requested to prove proper y
charges tad time thea away. N. M, U�i1rp,
atoll -11
stray stray rm on my premises. ata 8 awl N,
osa. 11, t s,Ibur t.e. 'f1e owner le n'gyesto d t0
prwee jreeert111say es1W1111 s and take a
away. Capt. 34 4 1.11l(3)F:. :623-4t
from the pasture tele et Thee. Daher.
Astitelf, sear lleugsnnon. during the past
.sass., • reacting be:1'er, nearly all red. In-
formation loading to its recotery will be
enitably nwsrded y JOHN TIllf, tot 11,
eon. s, W. D., Colborne. Habit
prey booms the w tiseYtber, let 1f,e
roe. R W. D., Cod e. Auris/ Wirt.. •a we
lamb The owner is rnqueened to peeve pre
75,17. pay charges, and take it away. JOHN
Tiil1�1 �1t.1t "Ct GODER,CM,
deliver his Celebrat*d Lector*
Laughing !
- IN -
N -
t, tr.b.,c1birr.5. knits 1.511. �m. I. Jaz ist 1888
eM Wew�essk- *1*0.1 /be mtddir of JSLr-
sO��eMewe S.. owe 1.r..hpeevepyTa'rzp*weerr, i5 rt..uset 1 '
eat sersyy. areli RD R►DMnN and Dna .
gsakie, P.O. nellN
I Wes,
I .rt.'t t err ('e rsatee l
At g p, m.
ADII&S10I, 25 and 35 Cts.
A few Reserved Keats at 60 tante
Paneds towards feaseaing the debt of
Victoria Street ('March.
Jae*: real Adeirtes 71 wsr.ae!d .Vee. Dee. 17,11, 10e6, �, 20141 3t