The Huron Signal, 1885-12-18, Page 351 PRIIROSE LUGO!. whet it was announced that the floc Lilian Comm- -the merest* ierean me of the Primrose I•a.ue-was desirous of establishing a Dams' habitatit n at tltsobtoia, the euwerv•tice holies tot that little beano were thrown *to a flutter of sa.iteeneat. As the tdoobtt.n people people were very ei nese abve, and the w,nneo stns more so than the men, it was not •tram's thee the Hoe. LNiau • Groyect was received with ea thuasasm. No tl,.ubt the eotnusiaaru ..f ni out of the holies was due to real pol.ticel fee' - tug, but it would soa.ely be enchant able to say that •int many .t was large ly the result of • desire W mingle with their betters, au that if the se*eme had been proposed by the s icsr's wife ionised of by • peer's dani>tliiter toy would have received it much more Boody. Among ladies of this Tastes class the chief was Mrs. Tallow, the wife of r wealthy butter merchant of that ns ise. Mrs Tallow was prvbab:y a thorough tory, but she was unquestionably a complete fivak y If she believed in tory principles it was by fait's slime, since she knew nothing about them -a default for which she may (ha mon readily be etc toed, as a n e Lied Raa- dolph Churchill came to the front it has become eatresuejy volume . n -ng pe. - pie better tater ted sad Wan dice,rains Ikea she lint her redid-whaMttttr it may have boon -ie tsryiam sae a. noth- ing compared with her reverence for lords and ladies. She wurahtpped thesis with an unutterable love and dev'.ti•xt, and ever since her buttes -Latino hus- band began to heap ep a forums, :6 gas the ambition of her life to use it to `ring her nearer these gods aces otddesaes ot law idolatry. Thb ambition her hushes..1 Appeared n ot to share. He discouraged all her .oats u, that direction, and for a loaf time the was compelled W pine in tie obe.eney of her own rhea. She' was past iaiddle ase, and as yet the vicar and his family were the must (million - able of her acgoatotm,oes, and she mold n ot conceal from herself that even they scarcely recognized her as sr. equal She bad almost abandoned her ambtiuo as hopeless, whoa it was roused k, life again by ber receipt of the circular about the Primrose league. To be sore, it was oalya printed cireulter,bet it was tiireoted by the instructions, perhaps Ivy the band of Hon. Lilian Cenaoo ; acyl. rntp.rly used, it might be made the mesas of establishing an acquaintance with that led,. Mrs. Tatlow resolved not to let seek a.ebanoe slip. A very abort time spent in refieetsnss wee eauurh to decide the coupe she abosli take. She mould at once wnte, in reply to the circular, and assure the Iron. Lilies of bar enthusiastic support, and pltye her serrtces at her dispoeal. eke did go, and, to her iu.xpeeraihte joy, next days post brought bar • reply in the Hon. Lilian's ores handwriting. It thanked her for her csur and accept it, re nentine her at the acme tune to calla meeting of the conservative ladies of Snobton to discus+ the project and make preliminary •rrangements. When chess were finished, if Mrs. Talks would kindly inform her, Mw Cursor would be glad to attend the inaugural Yrs Tallow at occe scctpted this duty, and without delay sent a circular to the ether Snobton ladies, stating that request of Mita Corms. she dared the bvoor of their attendance at a meet tag at her hone for the purpose of cook- ie arrangements for estabh hing a Runes' habitation of the Primrose league. On the day spr, intel many ladies attended. Mr. Tallow prefiled, and she noticed with delight her hearers envious hooks, when, itt her address from the chair, she referred to the com- munication which had passed between herself and hes Mead, Abe HonLusa Curzon. The vicar's wife, t►I.o expected to have the carrying out of the arrange swots herself, was particularly ernes ; sad when, otter the meeting was over, the left in company of some of the more genteel folk prevent, she toll them that she felt no very weir interest in the undertaking, as ever *ince tory demo • *racy mew inti fashion, cesservatisei was nearly as bad as radicalise : it was eemtinit•Ily truckling G. the lower • claims. Thom ',marks, it may be goeased, sone found itl.ir way to Mrs. Tallow's east. bet she only Laughed at them. The vicar's wife might be as bitter as she pleased ; Mrs Tallow tad the tramp seeds is her band, and knew his. Vinery deo notes p ss wd between her mad Hoe. ; and no the latter even called house and discussed the arrange - :wet a sap of sfMaseasI St 4* '?bit got nbeto.d is }saebtes. the d{rer's wit* herself felt brand to treat Mrs- Tallow wItb mem than ordisary respect 11 had been reeelved to cell the habits lass the "Carnia' ie hemi of the How. Lilian, bet. jest before the inaassrai hweetrne was to take pines, Mrs. Tallow received • mete form another still great- er 164. else trill of identl 1Rj*Rpt"ed's .Lint eat, b shah she dttdsred hes :slimiest el lissemlt y s reatolliort. Mrs S ,pointers nasi N the Tallow was au distinguished this Bole s n, 11,." 1.tar�. .» o(�.�' - HEAP H A R D W A R Etatwn from w di..i»ked • fo•tsuoe .a ,... in, • g t btAl.r,bat ____wwas hardly as Mtsrhig mrd maiocnett a meeting of the prove- "I'm ajMEtt,"Wiesen, sea 1" AM. ' Waal committee t., consider bow they Tallow. "Tet, t east MR yon **italic).* se* should removes* the boot the rt.t:uunt- { �"Tea, i .'� ispeat•d lir. Tallow, geed 'one, Ioe.' .aid the butler. "Now, mss had done them by joiuiug their ludo rep serf asrii&ualy into Me wiles 'diets a mal isdy's reeeptws w Friday --' nation. The 'Irar's wife setlfweed a bib ."lfr, we'll snake the emrimlmac• I "Do you menu :dady teoi.eberry'm r ®astute which was carded ++usnimuus of the leaden of .ear party I Whet et• sated M,.Tlil net eagerly. ly. h was ilia the hal.it,µiwn should actly sure who they are lust uuw. hat "Yes, I'm her butler44 J<,a.w, and be called after nob the immunises and I'm certain wilt meet thee', and I a if yvu pewees, nut W Milds I'll gut you the lieu. Lilian : that it should he, to very anxious to do so, became, )lanai, as invtaae " to it by t.m.weuw moo' - fact. 'The Curzon az d 'saran habits. let ore tall ,.,et. I'm a bit +ambitious," inti;." "Yea, William," chimed bdkw:Tal- "YYta'le joking- " Imo . -'t 'a" '' , r jib/4j ii*'t• Just you pessimism sod "Atari If I could oily Makiem semi. ., . tis.." T e l t ,poaal was siiuurdiuyly suesmunicated too .he two ladies. and in doe course it received their cordial appy oval The warrant Karma been duly receive 1 drill Me -why. I skou/da't eland for ed, t'.e iwngural meeting was held. It parlteildeA.'• - ' was a red-letter day to Mrs. Tallow's "Why, William '"eried Mrs. Tallow, ra calendar. Th. simantess sad hoc old- with a gasp. "Who would hare thought est buy, lion. Cecil Torrington, and it : And 1 intagi•ed jus cased about Hut- Lilian Curses dizsed at her twee, nothing but business a annoy.. Well, before goine to the meeting. The cite us 1 ssurprised !" - and his wife, 111x. and Mrs. Pewter, of And Mn. TIM* 'might weft be sur - the brewery, and several more uj the pri: The fact wall, lit. Tallow was mos: wealthy and respectable inhabitants ane 4 Nilo men 114106wo.Off take ofSout,ton,were ofthe compsuy. Both agylllitg Maim to theirMtoMahisowa the threat ladies were emit tied and con- phrase, "go it." When he wee money- dnscendittg, and deligbtet. everybody. leaking he devoted all his thoughts to Zion Mr. Tallow, who was suspected of moneymaking ; mei"Imo he was radiealum, reeked under the sunshuse money -spends**, bersiglpeeed all his of their smiles thoutthta to gamey apsadisg. Whatever After dinner they all attended the in- hs did, he did with all hie might. augural meeting. The viscountess cc- It took bun sod his lady some time te copied the chair, and was appuiuted Make all ttie arrangements necwq otor presideut ed the habitation. Miss Cer- a lung AIN ea Luado., sad so it was sou wan.lected runny, councillor. biro rather lade Is the season before they .0 - Talkie, tweeorsbie secretary, sold the curled thepretty hees.e at Kensinoten vilar% wife had to be coolest with a which tae had taken. They dely moti- nat un the executive council. The pro- tied tl1g,rartival to their distinguished co/idiots wen: off without a hied, sad i • to theirdisapl,eitt- when the meeting was dissolved )in. fr`emoeeh passed without any of renew received the congratulations and !heli thinking it necessary to rill upon anks of the viscountess and the Hun. them. This was not the treatment they th Lilian for the akill and tact with which expected. all the arrantements had tem mads, neither of them eras, however, cis Mas. Tallow's pi.iauu of secretary heartened. Mr. Tallow especially kept gave her many opportunities of eon. up his spirits, and as the dos, of the maniesgag with the Mementoes sad .eanoa spproacbed without their having PRICES LOWER THAN EVER neiilaRq mu" 'emu al" tips fru" them iceTdh.when thdin the 9bfutr. teTraaslkked.. at his twineadd�. Best llot-Cut Iron Nails for ;2.55 pr 100 lbs tstsa and departed. The imgt cou'n'ty('$ poet. . Miss Carson, which abet did not neglect ere- seeireey of their noble friends, he and they did not discourage. Miss Cur- reeolredme et at the Carlton upot, the ed his back upon the young man, and, wn was much interested iu, and tl s itis Veooant•iWMarett He did w : but hie without deugniatg to reply to bia rude re - countess much amused by, the Goings lordship tris not there. He did so &:yin mask. ;roved away with his lady through of the Dente', said both were glad to sad again ; cwt still his lordship wee sot the crowd. hear from Mrs. Tallow. That lady tom- It seemed at last as if his lord- They had root gone fat before they proved indeed an Indefatigable secretary, ship was never there. Then he went to came upon another face il.ey knew. and soon made the habitation very pros- the house of Captain Cash, M.F. The Wlyen she noticed it kin. Tatlow glaaeed permute gallant captain did not seem particularly at her kuabsr:d in shocked surprise, for It has already been said that Mr. Til. diligent is his parliamentary duties, for it was no other than Mrs. Taper, qui pixy low did not se brei *bare his wife's aur- it visa cut until the kith tiles of going °strep- sir- .Tallow returned hits .,rids'. that Mr. Tallow hag the pleasure of see- glance. "Comleer• t mined, it to the," %Mr to her, in a trim tote. BothMr. anti ]lis tallow wore bsgis- „,ti: Wrought Mu to their delight. ought Mr- and m , CdBTi_ rluesting the pieasure of their' oosip.gt Best Barb W r e 6*c lb Tallow a easd from tidy (Aewatse i ails on Friday night - When oro that evening they were whirled e1 in their hired hfeawhens w the enchanted hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wow wore a, excited that at find they scarcely hese whet wss•h. eeiatgabortthem. They reruesabil their names Ming drawled out, sihd!'�1ear'y looking Indy w elcoming thein COO when at length simmered • excitement simered doom, they found themwlms in the liaised* of as immense crowd of people, none of whoa knew they iu seemed to know each other. As the grew limier they bethought themselves w look shoat for some ac- quaintances. They loon found one, but not exactly one they expected or desired to meet. In fast itn spoling Holdfast,a a sou of the ironmtb oe de is sobdon, They pretended not ft M him, but he was not to be passed by. Coming chime to them, he gave Mr. Tallow • punch to the ribs, and when that gentleman turn- ed sternly to Mm the youth, Witt! one eye shat to denote knowingness, whis- pered . "Fuued'eut aid Bomar, too, eh r' With $ severe gleam Kr. ?snow tarn - bailie to become a member of fashiona- ble society ; this, however, was owing to nig belief in til hopelessuese; bat her brilliant success in connection with the habitation at omit changed his mind,•nd he became even s gr ester var oty d bed- another evening, but the M. P. was m- om than she. He, too, joined chi Prima- t raged that night, too ; he saegeN.d ruse league, mud became a knight harbis• lasother with the same_rewli, Mr.. Ta}� ser �thosgh he saver beim eraactty what Itaw .insd the Dl. P. He sensed is that meant), and, as en his wife's ens., have an engagement for every night. his canoeetiue with it brought him iota. Matter were really begining to kink contact with some distinguished peewee. bnpsless, when one morning, as kits. Ing him. He then asked the M P. to fbror Mrs. Tallow_ sad him at dinner on • certain night- The M. P. could not ; he was engaged. Mr. Tallow suggested Viscount Swaren, who had sumo totes- trat of becoming a candidate for Sgob- bon, found he had need cf advise on various occasions, and Captain Cash, the mttiag member, whom the noble vis- oount desired to ost, because his members of the rose league Mn ts friend. in fact, Mr. Tall., wee so much Tallow was delighted, She showed it involved in politics that he had little W bee hu.baed, who was delighted too. time to atteod to the fluctuatuoms of the Itwas clear that at last they were &brut butter merits', iso he determined to r.-1 to enter the sacred peewit of society. tiro altogether from a business which• and itis. Tallow awaited impa- carcumstauces had male both unpegots- thistly the approach of their invitations ole and distasteful to him. and of the great night ; but, although the night approached rapidly eso tt, and, turning rimed. gazed at theet'eaker Ie Ras a 'omnis or tee after Mr. Tal. their imitations,st range to say, showed and Mrs. Tallow, who stood settling be- low had became a private geotletstra that .o sirme od eeming. They began to get side him. while the biset -bearded n he broached a project to his lady which alarmed, ft was possible that Lady man, rinsing hu gleams to bis rya, scru- tinized the pair calmly. Then, with nit &sawariug • wend, in her stately manner the president of the Osr!nn and Nwartin habitation turned bar back upon the Tallowson and etinted. her conversation his asst near Snobton -he soddenly said, "Nariar. I was thinking we ought_ 'bed nsather would be invited. The re- with Use bleck-bearded gentleman. caption would he confined to members of The worthy *mph stood hat in rare er go to Londcn."the end "wit'to which neither he and indignation. These were not dimip- "Yp,' acid M» Tallow, "it would be woe his ledrlieloeged, ished when young Holdfast eome to them. V e&sr tsii1,16144 home, grinning from ear to ear, acrd whispered dissppniatedand earswad,hemmed Lord w Mrs Tallow : aooesberry's manion, awe as h• passed "Proud, ain't she Was going to ask Tallow was glancing over the Kerning rat, site came upon a notice to the seem that Lady tlnoasbsrtt, wife o' the conservative statemarei 'lil�giled to hold at an earl date a reetiption of • • m C-e.13x- Tbis Who stood a twist lair t laspringa, of Ial6 !be strum in the V'how is R 11: rarti'.rors• Turoot• MATiNG ALL Cal tiTliVlin -._. I lute imported • terse shipment of OLAtd9 team (lemony. ver g . and bein ts•porfd direst; I can •e ie per cent. cheep.. titan ever raid Una All sy SHP1.! ♦AU HLAVY HAR!)W.tRF. u•.:d on tSwras c await Imoisshare. PAINTS ase OILS meld sewaete too mans cheep a• Isns ShShooe Get yourBi;ILDI\G lid''Ilii'ARifrom meand rarer ib. R.oet.W. MCKENZIE NOW COQ ra t i NOW .COMPLETE ! CIM l IC/i 11114111114114111.0Vlr.• EMIT goGrOCIDSI ePF.CIIAL 1t1N I its r . • ress Goods Shirtings, and Tweeds. *:,-Slr'r�' Eighe$t Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. sires eEQRGE ACHESON. Man a `"t"sly duets �' E - ED WHITE AND BLUE their first esperienoe of ''mart society, , when all their misgivings were cbanPed 4e' to 'u bytheir suddenly iso upon Oedeesmb AMetMr� joy ! staff .....,_'..- the Viasountens Brazen. ebbe was non. , • - vetoing with a tall, black -bearded, held- Goa otic T�d n' sad d X c'�it' ah a Works, headed gentleman in blow nnbon. "A Knight of the, ,ge some- thing," whinplmt dilleo �1114Maq«�tZtal.si go to haw at althea tfif� ••• dl ,nae',i ▪ T1 v iounteas want yin 't �;,� s V 4�'il�i/ay' ly, nacooacwu% of thompraserme, until Mw. TeUow said to her, is a +use• loud enough to attract her and her compao- fetesattentiop ; - "flow do you do, my lady f 'We're delighted to see your ladyship nom* your ladyship is well f - The Viscountess started 4 his trice, surprised and delighted her. One man- illa, as they were mated at late breakfast -they had best dlig the provtwus night with Captain Cash (whose family were is t..wn� at Moneymore home, his Gooseberry did not know that they were so tgtew, ., 'Fellow resolved to .ail at the loggia Mmes., and just hint that be ani1Ilh /y had been f,rgntten. To his disttiti; ' the clerk there informed him terry '►lessen' to go thew for a der taro." "I don't mean that,' answered biro Tallow , "I mean I was tkisk►mg w• should go up for the season- Alt tbt It fie looked ravagdy at the hooey hinted nubs do that. you know. ' hien. When doing so he noticed anise- nobs Tallow waxed at her heebend is bendy Ieai hog the area gate, wb000 aQfoear- sacs ares'ad familiar to him. Strnek by acoaasmeot, which, when his serious this, hi berried after the individual. countenance showed her he was not jot- When he overtook bim be recognized in changed into delight.him • fallow knight of the league- • Mr. "Von don't main it, William', de Bosley, who had • pretty cottage at you 1 she add. Snobton, when he stopped from time to "Yea, blariar, 1 do," replied Nr. Tel- time. He was a very elegant, sepefeili- low, resolutely. "I've been thinking fey gentleman, and was said to hold a that ea ani rs i retty itch, and bawl be high appointment in town, about which ehildree to provide for, we should enjoy however, he was eery reticent. Ilk. ourselves What's the us. of hansg Tallow bad for thea memo. diligently money if we don't enjoy "'whim 1 esltivsted his acgoaintanoe. Now Imam Win riche, than some who do There's bow M had Men deceived; to his horror, Lord Bleat.lands-hie Oleate ain't lamb. Mr. Bnosey woe in livery -he els a st- and every sen of it's remortgaged ; yet he goes every year and heaps his bergs the.s. Why, 1 say, shouldn't we r "1 don't eft W restos, William." Mid Nis. T.Uew, tryieg in bids Ilm eswleey• "Than, Fos req" eewtinowd �1 ill. lean, "we sia't like meet risk tg : we know a er..wd et swells, mai a�1��II to le wan hi •salebq. There's kltm v1�. *nisei aid •i•.roentese sad their family, an4dbe Mos. leas •ninon, std t�ptsia alar, IL P. --hod Riots yeti ,w'`'ean yea y wwwPeale u well s al ►h~itation/'. A W ern tw get hent dimmers sand baba and sired** �M• we'll meet more ew•Ni ass �• rent. Huth gest einem seemed treacly taken shack by the meeting. As secs am Mr. Tallow recovered his self -p mewsom tested end walked haughtily off. He Ws* however, goes meq slops whet he felt ltnown's hated pissed ..n hit WS. "limes see, lir. Tallow, ' said 'hip getUeetaa, "you wool split :os ser, ,� yos I if ye. Awa't 111 take it peer while." "Make* worth my while 1" ,reteimad Mr. 'Tallow.lediwemmely. "Tow wc11 r "Yes, 1 wRI," replied Mr. flaw..,. • i '1111' wry • littler, L hers seamtt you for an introdtsae. Glad I didn't The Tallowitokil set is ,k that eiebt for any MOM sli d st mgsashed ac- quaintance& A 1.11 days 1 bits. 'tallow west back to Soubtoa tc *sand a meeting of the t'a'i •n and Emmen habitation She did en because the Aon Lilian Carron was to preside. When the mowing was over she had a little chat with the Racing Councillor, in the course of whish eke complained of Lady *swarm's treatment de her. T.) hit asttanieitment Kies Cur- zon instead of being inch.inatt at the Vi c satess' heba.r.er. was astosaabed at Mfr. Tallow's speaking to her. fel wasn't aware," she mid, "that you tame hat. - • Not know her '" is:claimed Yrs T'rl low. "Why we have, met bar hers "ions of timmi awl owed/ Od .hilt y ,Rnnoima.n Bros., Proprietors. rd Flowing If is Changed to the Gradual Redaction system. iioras Rowers, Grain Crtshem, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces. Stoves, etc., etc-, at Low Prsoes. 411 Iiud.F of Castings Made to Order. !MN FM MEM MMES. iLIUt1111111111.5, MMD DTiIEca 1111:Hi11ER' 1:liTED. J. B. It.v.r cAN. 044000. Nov. fa, OM ars► girls R. W. Row ntawJ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stick. MiO. 1131163FURIF, CABINET - MAKER, AID UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Cho derich A good assortment of Kitebea, Red row. realpttad Parlor Furniture, sue h as Wt as Ubn attbdr. ease sod wood sesiwoh. t%upMsarNs. He4-s*eeds. Itattresse., Wath-sutd l ouig•e., Sofas. What -Nuts. Looking Obsses. N. it -A eewtptete aw.:sren• of (warm and itbtgrmds ahwap• on ham' alae Hearses for her at 1110110%111140 ran . Pictire Framing a specialty,jA call sellelled. olamisIi tat," tep_oil a ran if flax atrlii ma& ` Ertl, yet komp. nicht MieNSW* s'ewrs yea kstrW' • • fide flr1iatlat age& Aro you trnelrled wfbt Rsagh We, Mlepins or 11 as, go M enc• tan ties /Mire and Ret a pedicure 11 rAles* 1'itatte'I Carbolic Canute ni,:e t% it wan Wever ki#twa t, di. le QIS&$HOES • tv i t e" 'edca.up Big K oanwe.sMce to the Ptublie ✓..r. 004hied business in the ah,.ve Star in the stere lamely ore t' rind by Horace W Haviot purchased a large sad win esonhid &rook of ttpetsx fowl Summer i W at close figure+., we are determine to give the Palette henetit. VII BMA, HILL PROFITS SILL BK OUR IC' TO Please 041 and 'Towne oar gamin hefere parehaeimg whom hes e iiewirwsher the Owe, neat door to J. Wilson's Drug More, .-Fontes' work oil' tannins our spooled stteetion. /af-Nune bet the bast of rnaeerral naiad and first -clans, wort; awe em t t . • .AllPii.wpairw.t neatly .I .;e or the abntesse sotiee God iritis, March 9 WI. DOWNING & W E D D U P DESIGNS WtALL, Bre et��eF1ina, il�te..• l.sikr, nesp t' M1041, fr, Pr ri. • re 0,000 Rolls of .e Latest Designs IldgelPii osiers tad s1 weirdoes be. eery se„r1. Inferior `node. Col sad. , bees. la. area the MIA valtie ie'swan. a.d creel Mse1A Sprinel Ns Ba & r&hI tW7�1 Anv Sv'rj dug,'* ,'1 ;r 1