The Huron Signal, 1885-12-18, Page 21
Si W Naeesw tee meed. s lar saes saw • very
work N
Mei Whine is seine.- Pet•u! w
When Ser John Msedu.•W left fee
Raglard, mune totality was ..passed
Nat he had Rona so eleietly a kenos
managed by .ensus hie private ear by
the ('quads Atlantic and Amos over the
Grand Trak Thus• to St. Heath
WWI all the tent et party politico'
sag bsrniag etbOies was in prowess.
Joha'a tar relsatsed earexel aura Feel-
+d a,e„Wm kms Drape ing, perhaps, that a change of air was apple in cohort serine dtp.rtmest 1 alba Cleaw D[eOr+spgar, othmm ese 4him ataeth fur the other j
iime_ery, or that a more YpMasa:A view and, therefore, the anw.aattua la • r.bst ut tb k abosalaM brows.
department, and Vise 13f1• h1•xwel fl
sold he had from tat. hsrek.rt, tiir slag deputation a to pmt all• tbsOs�y late There is outhitls L. keeping r
kis loth departmsoR Mr. Ma ..I., t en R� Mee co and Wing things even.
John's car was drown by s lneume4ts to Council a repeat esepm iK t� a� ids 4 the set Loop the eves M' Maisano* are tbe •oily teachers I t t
cit. Lambert. Hen it remained for esv temperance pvintmant ut Pp a Yaaietrate he ii both uV1+s tDe nght id . d edq it pD
TK H pteRuludy u Le mann Pr' Rsight of to
who were not Ila 1be ltd4st )Nr. The a 'n of life,
oral Duun, the old thiel, ebuckliti,T, no ib. County
a Ponce
The crow rs..Dep..
A _..mmol e■ erect
was held w epee( ellen
ou Tandy, os.
Nickda,•1 el therwr ant wa*Rty.sae•
ed, and reach enthesest fierfi�t teat
asnlugiug to sutures tate aeon A4
iisanoee wore pet ore a mitielactore bane
It was agreed es were of
a ewatoe
iese elf
lie J. 11114.ares, Q. Q.,
the load Its ut wee Isparta by
the appeal mese importable
the PO,meeetese tbtRit i4doB
to get magistrates w try Nem .hese,
- ` - Te •hereevcsstst. Vit/MIO-- Pain, .sent! tsttzyt'L children, are
when your Locos M• It est t•ce.toh�
t tisane Itf all who
i Berl► t.,i.g b tN p• .r pass Flu tore, bete. foie.
sr calf, apply ItoOaw
troll ladj watt.s to ask what final Auat>rttu.-Ree. Yr tlhaw, inter- Mare the sere d tial.. endo aha aralnrl- ua a Paris's
ttf elpt �M she co" Ret that wall he wit- ; �t of St. Peter's E`wopal chards, is f ty ut ease. the fretfulness arises from a td d&C (.racIt is soon l Ii' sh
able fine hath day and .sews!! wan- Sue law• village, was wdatsed hj the !baso I weak mod emaciated tendines 4 the
i Aaaeist Meson* sad °��
the .afar is Mcyes{ar. d Huron to ChsR Aero s' !.doss$. w .soba .comsat res em the .fast ere ou get It1tAMn
tx for it- y J �. stem
Monday last R... lOuuib BuA..If Me4ieO dna{.r t of ldsthisgr, las
s l nomas ; Bass. d t1o•her : rapoJ Rruw i1d►t u•is d �yw Drwgbt l'~
of Beduted, and lbehhe. d Uuehtsl tflsw• giro Re.blssos-e - a
craw alms stalest at the eels Uwe- #jpahws &courdlag to direotiuna, or the
LootwowT. cxsM
-eltdshetessn advice of yuur phyatclan.
wales to koow
!tine. 1s • shade. vee the smatter
This departemat thirsts -en that the
pane ht, .si gsrities
b. Bsuwn le at peewsst more
endue *ay other soles. Beery -
a it, ata Allies my for it.
Aad eumplexics mean a anew
skin can wear it. (let a n bright
n silk. Dn 1t Weed
high hs the sk For a
p� • r
Trim mead this lower skirl with three
vet. of
Deed of velvet.eMate
ata Moque,
sof the silk. Cover
three, sleeves, tar sue
brews or embroidery.
ask the the opss►aq with
ltsee new ►ems es�q�ai Its I . Lui _ovw Jassy coke a.: why du.. lay !avec i
school, and tris aft raises D. D• Tads. amps kiss no is ons eate of his south•'
tl.o Middleton, sad oRPs
Ws don't know much about that kind ul
meet ;Nis Bella lLs�te•ost IraDgude. Wanner. Jwy. Ma.De De eves the
• retiring gamboge ate Miss Kari Hunter, ad leriti is the i*.iu cone sl the
thein, to thank that he wee i. d their
the Couot Cosoeil repass is the full wrpltoe trot t thehl(h (name a are eamred, and Wet rMl PI&NOS, �• p�N�•
the indnse w the Riel men and their trate Government tura Polies Nan w
miler and sleeves all Hambl Beaune!. I most essential laws of health. Burdock pith
e!`lgies, but withc ut the reach of thee. trate aha temperance peep! and pate. with y' -( Blued Batten regulates the bowel. in a
pe appointed without A name °t Pianoforte's.° it -stat
some boars, attached t• Quebecof the imposture have; with prvvauuug ash
]tool charcoal burgers. He was, after Ib.w colons w Ret one � !aa b deny
Two w �, handsome embroidery is now made wt
Portland train, and at 10.30 o'clock n in signed, and the eltnvesitt appointed --� ��� - the Burd of •chenille and blade to suet any color. A j A. McLellan, of Brockway. Mahe, a
the evening started toot the meting dtpatanlw w wait opus laisit _ of isc• et armed ab. back aw stag his /steeds spin, visiting. A little boy who had been ease* the
breezes of Ledy Meedeneld, Oumm►wtouers and respectfully w a shirt back o the .drool aiwmi a will j
who a000m oriel Sir John to the steam- the assess of persons who neve pre { The division Grange will crest in this eoentale for his had daysheel a s told to
p• give a rich 6uish to the ,gown. The sur -write, alas his p y,
lar, returned w the remained sjel err nue morn- WI the vel womb* to los al posted e- Nlice should Dome down V -eloped upon i pie next aiinth. wr the thoughts that sugtt«ted them-
ing, and amsome hours after- a nll the. The cputat by these &leee in- F Mies Annie Ai/rw, of Ripley, who onves w,he ghtsdi a a high td.ethsi-
waros &t tact Lmbbo It use epot nations. The a complaint
was against
in- •fie velvet solid, has been nag on a dramatisation m a lueaaew ll bummer tar. lie wrote
wards d�l to the d attached oet h Inspect to ] s Eastpand the be A appbroropriates
silk dforeem of any kindwould
furl basin ee thee. 1. moms at her host. of wish 1 wen Summer
the top"
Cliy a Out ..etre and attached g, the Inspector di ler the East Riding and r ask .v a�ug it
be ri brightened 'land- I in this plats barely to resin from the = ---_ . _ --
A Lady
Rujor through W lot has dismissal, ou account of hu tgetl•. °some! whit • suryb�os lot deep cross business as her help was required at -- sate---orelmurrtrnrxira 1
Ottawa. LsTi Maod nth hes neon tai W act w ea for per lar and bows of nbbuu to tett
t eitingg Lady Talley mud other friends in ten n4 M era to lie odd
d itmn; the ( be the msrivase provinces. tb county, It sus teedcess!. Nae Presys
roto. -.oho.' statural ..sneer, During Cuiuttp•tehe 2
+ "nus dawsr.
h information w h,home.
b' . Ar» emee.t was made- o"
fecting the organisation an un Co id ble sickness is in is
oc oe forces in e ' e t. But there resew to no
tetap ren Ivory reed to adopt the plan of e electoral
ler. Make end ttbe Creels. b the Committee of
axion proposed 1
The Moi! is mach trosbled to know the Alliance in .orostu, and u tar as
what Mr. Blake will du in the preterit possible leadsmen the temperance people
oasis A great change trail ! But • in the county W withhold their suppart
short time since that organ spoke of Mr. from every candidate for oerlementeey
Blake as "the incompetent leader" of • and nuoieipal honors, who a not in
'•sem►•civihzed mob of doll -witted bar- sympathy with the prohibition of the1
barians, who were in rued of • bath,' liquor trat5a A very large committee
an4 so w t. Now tt app■ais to that It•d- was appointed to bring this matter before
.r and to those barbarians to lave itsell the various municipalities in the county.
and its party from disaster brought on and it was considered expedient W keep
by Sir John Macdorald's mismanage- land
lecturer and organiser in the field as
meet of Northwest attar• s ton as possible. This is rewarded be
Os the 6th day of July last in the all u the most successful convention ever
House of Common' Mr. Blake produced `held in the county. Jornc Mottos, flea
a mass of evidence relative to the nan-
•gement ut the affairs of the Northwest. 1 TM r. .swat esse•twes-
and n the course of his speech occur
these passages : ''In March, 1885, the The Toronto Mail and other organs
deputy minister made a "mood report I are dreadfully disturbed lest the Re-
1nrther passing a settie:moot of those formers should vote
a withcited he B s..ny and
(half breed] claims. Al Iasi -spurred they seem greatly
by the rebellion -fur nothing los than I should be of the opinion that Reel ought
a rebellion seems adequate to stir up not to have been executed. Now if the
Quebec are c.f that opinion, we
this Government -the minister reported+ Wein nt Qu to .be
and recommended a settlement on the I don't know whythey h ought
tbi t Rue as
nth Apnl, 1885. Ie was net until thea I liberty to say htia•1
that settlements were proposed by the j lunatic ; they think his offence a po
minister, although it was pressed in the ( offence. and on Moth these accounts the
years 1879.18801881; although the pr ,.:.cutin ought not to have it takenthe r le .
yes had been specially Lid before hem With and w the second,
in the year 1881; alaboutfh the pressure us
I to be that no political offender der i' with
o be
was renewed in 1881-1883-1844; although executed, the law punishingtreason
use itis
his own deputy had brought the quos- death ought to be repealed,
tion under his consideration on the 9th absurd to retaiu upon the statute :�
May, 1884, with a report recommending haw that under lei circumstances
is itnrnnfiate- ectiva ; although it was well t i h. put iota effest. Sir Alexander
known that large numbers of those half Campbatt hu undertaken too sh theme
breeds were all through the territories Louis Rid is something more
and iu the disturbed quarters; although nrdiwry political offender ; that he was
all the disturbance and agitation were an urdinery criminal. 1f the Gomen-
known, nothing moved him, 'nothing ,next tbuught this, why did not they emit
b h Id resist the him upon his teal as melt! y
msnout cues.
New York, Dec. 5. -When Lord Cecil, j Armament, are being mads fur in
the well-k.own evanpefist, was here the i XMAS tree io cotneotius with the school
other day, the following advertisement
appeared an a oity paper signed by E 8.
Straker, a,.nmisalon rnerclast, 22 New
York street
LORD Cllr -It yes let me ksaw,
wheal Dan And yea. 1 will return wise
/law teased mer 11117.
Mr. Straker was seen by a reporter, t.
whose he said he was in 1866 parser s
H. M. 8. Aurora, then stationed at Que-
bec, for 18 months. There he married.
and whoa eke Aaron went hew 1 lt
her in England and returned to Quebec.
-- still
As the steamers did not call there in of last meeting read and paomed. By
winter he Muted himself in Portland, Me. , confirming place fur nomination and
one cold December day withotit • cent to pulling places for tcipialjne�taions
continue hi. journey. Lord Adelbert read and parsed wins fens, Aso 44;
case over by the lame steamer. He was were Mid : D. Carry, lg; Wee
then • lieutenant in the army, and had I E. itumbalt, win fem., $
been stationed in Canada. He saw Crooks, wire fence. $16; G. Weston,
Straker wistfully eyeing the tram which wan fence $16; J. Weston, wire fence,
was to start in lire minutes, and ea nee
the muse of his trouble he palled out two
s.uereigas and planked them down to
the would-be passenger and jumped un
the car. "I've never had a chance to
repay the loan," said Mr. Starker, "and
seetnq in the papers that he was preach-
ing here, I advertised for him.''
examineuue to take place on the 22nd.
Nearly $1200 have been raised to -
wird" the building of the new Metho-
dist church here, and it is altaggethes
likely the building will go on Dent year.
Hoemenv'IWL . % 883.•-Cousvhl' The weediest sad most certain Millet, Hungarian
media.. it the Ter nip cede,
met today portant to ad)'onrnme.t I Corn and
Members all present ezcept Mr. Ache&.n ALL T A M I L l t n L' 9 E 1 1'. sire Grass sed,
Militates Weak Rack, 6starsed Joints. Yeasty Buckwheat.
Rhe.eptin . Nenralgt.. Uiehthen.. I
Sciatica. le WProteakness.
55- TO LOA N
T'mly W `'k°� MO N EY
pa'[t'aI,e toast and only metals' remedy tb relieve ,
1 of all keds. no matter of how lee. weed- '
lag. teetant relief gse.ieeteed cr+pptta ( Private fonds to lnreat at reassemble rate.
eweleto Joints, Varicose Vents. Rites of Is- el iatereet.
sects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease : U 1
ciao leamm�:siai of tee lltwe7a. kelt.!.. Hamilton Street, Cioderich.
Dlaresr• Uabee.. Incontinence of .Anse 1 (toder;ch. May 17th• 1
Li the aide Liniment in the world ...neem. t -
rrally : 1885-:
i.s ed to ,a...ra. mases a Itrare o<' b
PJ Lame at pdod/r+tis Mand or sees
of WlC.w.o.
Using t thorough k ■ow ge el Ole O
_ uIa *ere of Moos. and win kid{
of materiel &ed fella are required til 6 t
.sate a ■ret -lam js.arua,rut.lateed-
ta( purchasers win and it to deur s4- 1
vantage to commit me before purchase-
O hog..
1 Bring and srp.irtag a ej •
ton MIAS! work warranted rrdtlSes•
C}IL ]�B' a Orbien left st tae Reek t>ter ss lar! 0
Iodide a 1 OIlI&t t t or Yr. Icon. pnira$l7 aa�'a
Uoderteh. Sept. 10th. l5tt. BMW
I _
I 1
stirred him, nothing cue Mut nut the
la possessed they adopt • oun*fe which was evidently
took st year seek sats
$14; R. Weston, gravel for statute 1a
and contract, tare 96; J. McClannand&-
gravel, $4: A. Drysdale, gravel, $47.10;
J. Connelly, gravel, $7.12; H. Murphy,
gnrel, 84.48, G. Burnett; wire femme,
$16; G. Hudie, wire fend $16; J.
Hudie, win fem., $16: Wet. 75plady,
wire fens*, $is.7b; C. BI■ba•' a ire lanes,
h18; J. Ceibetk, Novel( 94/.68; A. Mayr
win bailee $4: R. °'
alterative pose*. Can a taken and
carts Cramps and Calk. 1)iarrbQr
PPied es • .. Tr•ial.Nl*. tae. ,
Wad al r. ...rotas
salt. Or. (i1L6d Iwo t,tg! N. V. p.1)., wan ,
will give advice ue all diseases free of
ei dealer. and .ease-
arR•iware or enaerneoloes
terfeds. The genuine has the .amt blown in
the gime and fee -simile of the d,aeovefefs l MI2aI..S_
Mer over ea,'h curt.
Ailtl& Improved Mtftdnta Pills
R baso wire feces,
To tAe Red Growers of fAe Sesvtweefiny
$b.5t1; R, Brown, wire fence: $3; G. e, euro. reliable and effective. iei not Cv,twfry :
wire fence, $6.50; P. Pardee, . p,ir,IJ vo-ttetable. 'to mercury. anti• are wish to "7 that we an parrp.r. d to tape
It $ d be of interest to man. a know Green,wire k.oe, trona o r Tel cep a relied en for as 1 tyooas
c 32; N. *nerdy, name en or the Rtorsueh barer, Rowels. etc• i 70 w in sol t• dbwisd s. `rare* a it
e for
that • dimmest of tine per cent salaried ter.6 . $d:' wire fence, $8; F. g'g dr est fie. per b:. 1
book bills ism., by the fo:lowitg McCa$7.60rtney,
n3Lindley. wire
$6,40: E. Tebbutt, j run r of Ur. Oike' Remediesu T. Blankets_ white, Gre7 or Horse.
ha1*.nks r wire nce, $�8;; J. Gallagher, gravel, �J DA" d'wg""e•oellrt"t►O'3212"7 Shirting. -Grey or Check.
NLi. 1;rtioswidt-jtswlaof hew Brits. Cloths -Tweeds or Full Cloths,
wick. Martine Beak, St. Stephen's $16: S. Cox: gavel, $":h72; E. teas• i PER WEEK Light or H vy
In boos >�; T. Welsh, wire fewer, i
greet haute that t e
rebellion. But iu April be moved -leo intended W invite attack 1 Dad theey
lets to save the trouble." And Mr. with to embarrass their Lower Oseee Sir
Blake closed his speech : "Thus in this seppnrters 9 Why they
did regard there was the grossest apathy, Alexander Campbell does sot say,sathee
delay, ns,g!ect, procraativatien and in- does Mr. Chaplesu, and upon this past
capacity which can be conceived; because the Government organ have ap is the
if there ever was a time when men present time carefully eschewal' dam
41°41d Mare bel. prumpt it was at that cuseioa. The Toronto Mui• know that
time. In the fall of the year (1864) the sell 1811 the Reform party beyond die
eves of the whites had been settled. the country hse .uttered In other
Thom of the half breeds bad nut. They aoription financially, and lav` Govern -
wen agitating and complaining. Their way, by permitting the preset rYG debt
chief was among them inciting and meat to retain othoe '/ht
in8ssing them ; au increased (ores had has been enorhnuasly increased, a in -
badsent among thorn ; the Guvernuseot public treasury impoverished, crippled
bad done something towards represents. dawtrial resoureeeof the coentry pP
Were they to do nothtuis towards re- the sural tome 4 public life degraded.
dress I No !! The papers come down in No man worthy of the name law thea
October, and the lie hall October, all ratan would ha►, been a party
November, all her, all January ire as the GerrTmander Bill, or the
h" and it the (:ov
sad until the 9th February, in the Aloe, present Franchise ase Act,would
without the Government touching them, wrnment had dons its duty there
without telling thea. people they should ea., been no reb&iiew is tbwhadthweee
have their lauds, and on what terms They .re the chief authors ui all alts
they might hare them. And s, I say calamities that have begs brought the
both as w their lands and u to the bolt that oouatry. To aetiology pr'o0oaa
breed tittle the statements I have made such • government ehoeld Ae is
are beyond.uooemful contradtajon. Io (,ower became 9i, or 30 of its supporter.
older and sterner times men would have propose is desert them because they
peached f conducting In this executed Riel is wrist absurd. Oats
Reek, People's flank of Frdrieton. , vel, $1L9f1t
Noes Scotia--00in Bank of Halifax, $&bO; 1. McDonald. gra
Melcbstt's Bank cif Halifax, Pimple's L Manning. win fence, $10; J. Alm -
Bank of Halifax, Halifax Banking Cone ander, wire fence, $6; J. Alexander,
ppaanntr _Bank of Non Scotia, PSctou gravel. $7.76; John
vriEtawker, wire fence,
firms, k ti
Bank, Commercial Bank of Windsor, 1M; 0. Witham.
Bank of Yarmouth, Exchange Bank. lassoing, •ravel, $14.48; A. Cortise,
Prince Edward Island - Merchants' graYelf 56.40-• W*. Wes, gavel,
Bank, Fenne's Book of Rustic,, Sum $• 9.3e; %% m- McCabe for toe ears
wrside Bank. beard of Wm. Dunn, indigent,' ; J.
Direfuuodlead - Union Bane sad Weir, gravel, $66 39: W. Ball for H.
Johretos, •,ravel, $8Y.04. Council sd
G, entish al Bank. on Monday tbe
Battiah Columbia- Bank of British journed W meet JASAato sse Perron. clerk.
Columbia. 14th lost
Slauitobs-Bank- of Manitoba.
The Bank of Prince Edward lathed a •
Tag &bis ro W'nschae.-11th profs!!
suspended and the hills are subisct to lar Uc,nto .est chore on Charity Is Ld The AgrieeNsral Department a.. aotrd tea
s discount of &l per cent. tare of Use "Free (rets- betas always
on Saturday, and a breaking up. All �o .the"tlmre, and contorted
Mutilated toast icon bitl��n dimmest_ sues! laved. persons prertfcaMy
ati the crew and passengers lana.. 4. b skilled In !'arm
ed according t the mulal•tiltp 11 one Gpt (;caste• Mcg re.°•• P•� Work.
tenth a the hill las been worn or torn o.esmaader of the Oot.nto• is on. of & *n
off, a tenth of ttsbe race value is till in mt.. familyof nav whose fame extends H _ally Tetrgraph. Telephone. Mee
Alar*. banker of bills aro .till in over te ehai� 10... In 11479 be at .,d 01riw poneleeee w the (y r
ofrsensatrded the propeller J. Bertseh.y, ag•, hour of publication. H
Theyon od bank" whichn:have failed. W ' sm► Alloileneh & Kiucariliiio
The bills, of cheese, are worthless. henlanai nett on a red •tGvu sachem, I 1+1 at se,uAm
are as follows : Royal Ca.ada . ' lad toured a total ks. Ths sofas- I [lit Ase,eausrsa aepaetse.a. ((� _
Bank of Metres', (Ate Mask of Me•tt-
noel, Ooa►mereial Gaaadian Bank et oserolg crew ander p rsaaM Salome. r
Metered, interaatiunal Hank of Que-
bec, Niagara Diarist Beak of St. Gladn-
ess, 8t.-Lawrertse flank of Tororib a
end the Ceawlidated link.
been impeached for can u t
y the public affairs e,f the country. that the united French
milder days we have substitut-
e a, censure and 1 move, -That
iu the administration of Northwest af-
fairs by the present Government prior
to the resent uutbreak there hare oc-
curred game Iuatantte of eegaee1, ddsy
ismanateument iu matters affecting
eel aro an q capable
The Toronto Aie.i cannot understand
e C°unify Id sed retOlt.
72,000 COPIESFlannels_ White, Grey, Colored.
Sworn circuit inn Deily and Weekly Union, Plain or Twill.
Frei erase. Sheeting. -Broad or Narrow.
Best Futile NaapERr is Cosh Stocking Yarn - White, Giey.
iseramnw*D *1 1 Lama Clouded or in Colors.
Largest a,gat.rege Ifeer.ewIlIa■ Weekly Carpet Warps made to order. t
rsatle.bed te tee reseals- ROLL CARDING. ,
Oar facilites for Ode week sonnet be ear -
OF WJc+ra>sLIES! We will endeavor isireetcasestode
THE t the day it le brought in, If required.
Castile Sphieing sad R.dIas. Or tbnierleer
on the Cap, eearse or tine. hard or soft twist,
are ta spondee ion to do all kinds of es -
LONDON, Ons a. toes wort. morally done in a full set .edea
one and we will gofer stet hear
resat f .n a little better tth &doteray i. oar
♦ .all respectfully .Melted.
Free Press
Fart Red Wotlen ICUs.
Oilerieb. Play lath. tars.
wafers and crew were saved by the life -
G t. J. G. Kyle,
alter remaining on the rocks amine the
wbole of the night following thedtsaow.
-Thin °centred shortly sitar the orptrinis•-
tine of the life-sriee service, .and the
exploit gained fur them much praise.
Capt. McGregor afterwards took oxe-
n' (Jasater Wutat tb..81a,r1 mend of the steam*. Kiverside, ale
1 Mary alwSJa..setae-t two
FM tsgratew. •1.t
■ea orwwa Bradt.■. T/P
JUST DIE TI MR raft TME ff1I1111
Beery ruemaer of tM hong. hold eagerly tide
for it .sofa week.
week' __,.pr is awn it
vote would bring hack !flet 1.lite trot. I Staffs!•, that grows wp,n th. vi"l& said un aim t3ihrtMar (pats, an` rest*
the style of the ..,tidos which hags spa eosumos the blo Cl,.ausso+iun is tykes Its bqc in* part owner of the
pasted ill the Toronto 11taiL it the! tet Long 8swtsya. =hemk Blood Oconto.
French err to that partaettlar they far i Bitten is one 4 tll. best known knows, .i
more Man .uiwpesaate any bluodpr combinative. W sure Scrofula 11 I 1 had .n mach defeated for Odes' Ilni-
wltiek they task* by Toting against • AJ ..last. sesst jojre .of Amnesia. and peuFle
(}overooeeot the moat corrupt and In- l were benefited wi math au its
mad m hle /he country has ever known.
( d cent government ,
N armee ter .,reel• _.... ____
prajam, that I wax induced to write the
At rennin d • clerical club in ani rotor for a supply. 1 was delighted
Drop 0
-'- ►uw •n iPeaee e"s ouu 1 • old New Eoglauil village the late tree. it made cures in the family arld the we are offering. Semple ropy tree on •pp(t.
m Aes...t- Perhaps t!r writer of the Jfatl is not i Dr. C1at'ite once clad a strenyptu and .taus.. and no artiste fist I tear baa -
acquainted with thestory of 1___.'''....,,_____,..11
" Ge..4 II tloquaot paper oo total ahstitlerice to died gave such eaivereal aatrdae len. TREE MESS MITIMR CO
goo. Mr. Joly, ex )premier of Quebec, Gordon and 18. raters elfish he ltd ID j the delight of all his heaters, says the Gomm' heves', G.orgatuwn,Del. $e14
teeteh 1.1•141.1.
re, his seat for Lotbiniere, for the City of Louden -[Loader Adirri hostess who took the first opportunity by 1. jollied.rt_SQU that he finds he is not in ac- ,• to tell her husband that she had brat-
cord with the views of the majority ut his � � 'so • 1 died peaches for supper, and that it wsa L„*„k,t,, Oe Dee. 1. -A watt was ■
reint offormingealong 1 1 . ,ea1Me to make a. ehange et that few days iii.„ srvea Hal Bath.
French Party.The Tory press .1 . , f hoer ML'ken etre pear sum at the ioa(aw TT
la assist ear and upwards.
Mole money can he nota M agent. in ...-
.trial for tie "Free Prise than et any oth-
$12,& O 111 PREIIIUMS eT,,e m°.,'ILbr
[1MRr nhmg
t tubs
frit the Weekly Free Pr•a.. Seed fora ropy
of our Preordain Wt.and sur to lndwsments PROPRIETOR,
Imparter of sae deafer fa '
stets on the'(05. nen h eR weaselling •' "a+ " nrr< `-'
rend lees ser+ aem.e.+ et Rev. imethi
pat Yr. July on the Deck and poise his It takes •loot taw for • lie to f the essayist• who Med the prat rat honor (l'(;oonell, demanding a r'evereal .1 the
not is l e highest terns ; giving him (hoe hair ,iso the bass des set colt -ie* 8 . hoatllss' right 8ri8(, teemed th sentence lot the eoelesistint
it for taking a manly and eminently dean tb rnll. And there remarkably fine, end wee Q� beat open hnn and elrimitlR $10.006
credrtes of the position The eats . ed6sh Dtae,e 4".11•eh la in11e. .ceded to take a escmd helpinig. inter damages hem the Mabee Mr fwhaiwg
la. however, back up Lrtp;evin, than kis heart.
u woe'• sow alir+w rrLi t'.4. V", yne debmatieoo of character. 1$tr.
to dolts in shoe bet the fact test A beautifully pulfithed shoe may awe sore ed the" peaches We`M, O'Connell claims that when he was
ertsaiteeu+le have called upon them • painful caro. awe said its simple oMl dootnr, "eke! (�
s tittle while the Indy said to Mtsn ' "Dr.ram& homier to another iIOtw, t#4
ka. and Caron in their
ns2lta 4a hk� (Jlarke,
for alleged
fused to stew him a Menhir, and
fp■agn, 4)1 'arse the Thry pre" re- Th.t man it west, indeed, who hos are elrms.e, het i e►ntk 1 ll only takes
ism the wide difference that exists not hit hie eye, tobestew. little more bet thsgsewy•e
Lisa the Mimemotive. teat adnate leaden The devil pain" lou utast alluring Paw- -
Liberal sentiment and sense inns of I tures on &background of told.
T pry order. Tho high muse of hon Other people's tears are little �dtops of
.Mich It he
)Ir. Joly too record 'I salt water ; our owe are nate* ifeeN■ of
he telt r was no longer in accord
Mia constituents finds no place in • bitterness sed woe• to the wuR d •
mind of a Ter, odice holder, or ! Thes.'e .anew Meaty d . ir.s'a
leathers would not him. Deed a dog's tail then Moth. slake
nemrt - dation to abdicate. Thr. of 'hem.
tori ih
Meg holden are &onetime' Linked est- i A baby comes M ea era
esglift- des'•
ngs the lags p'10 a .soak
they saver _segs. (ort-, Observer. but (+ closettwhen its feet bay. osee towelled
!the earth.
" dt.weees• IWe kick a worn best old Dene which
A liniment or other rale diem. that we se„ in oa pathway, entry we hear the
esnt tie taken intention, Is *math Yellew fo
to t pt pain reliever, to safe and re
k e en sews and pains, and eras be
swath ot1W es wed as applied.*
! '
erns 5454J- t sate •s Dlt.ted at
always hats
Tat Bt' M bee mita& jGilios b
Tars *fowat free
madly thosnndu
AA rel redd m it, and then we Amp it
N sat bosoms
TM -asses .r ..sass•
Tog, why Beaman' Yellow O5
�11e wsth the pimple ••• ba.s-
tsnedy Icor pain, is is the hist time
M many !inmost* only retires, tob-
law l h1 both names sod tuts* Rh..-
rtiom sad all aeh.s pater, .sty w
and iemae•a
TtsIt is . laid there is • raekl'.g tort is
.very heart, and yet that nese wrestle
.wheele their wall for tae* d rsolheu
Be that u it mwp, the sting arises* hose
the begirt of a Dors is reel ..osegb, and
iso this land d tight bents • c einem
nos meiple•t_. &Ieu. Potaam'• Pawl..■
Have jtut re,eired ailsegle stock of
--erne _ ETC., IITC•
&s Wi Meow DoorBOWS
and House Trfmmlwt�sg of all Mods 1■ 01110
nffwed pariebe" in in ar hishnp "'Asir Belt Pans and Boilers
min -
represented hue to the diocese. Th.
Built on ..Torte t Not ice.
ase slot come up for hearing at the nest ordrre for n.w w ,8 and rrpain w
littler of the winter arise court. which roceit a prompt attention.
open, here en fan. 11. Mr. O'(lnansll
Iso retained Mss Reber" Taylor. e l C 1(RY S' TAL Is BLACK,
this sity, and B. Y. thisr, Q. C., of To wormiest.. O. T. 1. mere..
trete, to conduct the ease.t"odrrtrk 4.8. rl lass.
- - Beet stove. CiOD1faN LIC t!R
The bed retssdy los t' ..d all P.L A NING MILL
Crave Rat raetot ko a never lading remedy
thcoet lied Inness' and dislodges gtroubles, nos that
the tough mottoes,
for this hied d he.daehe. 5$ 1
easily prove it ewe' , Cheap, etre, clean the benchisl tuba, and allays
portae TIT tb reapi.s and ate n» mealtime This a what Nsryeed's
nther. s ease dose is every mesa J
a1.esr. ttesam laslksestL.
1a the fedi inatesikiesms estiwf Mt Bea-
nig* Hsdaeko. T (haat■, .tis. Reis-
esbrig a for evmps 'briskly fa all that tic
needed. 1I• taking wwwlhse sawl'einie
few weeks, but 'olio tales..'. epih.rlsas
,week.s all psis and abs p*'
seise et kgs. s Maid taaal5... fls
sarltiisGnawe beetle Osots87 arse
sae.. 8
4.. k
fin�~ mad when you rrame knows her sena,
sail swear
(tan draw yea to her *Rh a slop!. hair.
Het it mist 1a bssstiful bahh, to knee
acerb ewer 1 and baronial hes see he
entered h7 the ane 44 (. AAI.
13iewaya Bold ON etefilms
RATA ALIRi11t11 IbM.
Bushman, L&118011 Robins
w Avrr�i,
war -
Sash, Doors &Blinds
wwaz.alt M et.t. 1.Altmr sea 1 '
bora er, Lath; Sl��i 1'II
&VAS week designed •d executed le the
Beer Style.
.ad twitter's mama et stet. dmeirtfeF.
RMsst ivothiiit g " emJ
4111,A1 Order pr'essset) w
miei K ••t`-1
f)r" t • G a5derteh Ass. I. (as. eletty
N. C. Ri►RwAse,
gasmen - U- - Mere..
Oederi 8. *sot. let►, IttML Ibis
1ttA1R .ALM
Restates grly
heir to its es
larsi color.
ft ala
Increases it
ULNA M t ie.
sod tit
As a bsir
slam. It has
Nhlen It wa
Ulises Curler
°f the Prisert„
establish lig
Wwt.Wta, the 1
little toe u wet
dtliciuw emit
people people
and the whore
men, It was rot
Lens's holed
No (!hobo ti
the hrlies was
fag, bet it wu
able to my the
ly the result v
their betters, a
been propose
instead of by
would have roc
Among ladies
Chief was Mrs
wealthy butter
Mrs. Tallow
tory, but stir
complete dusk
tory principles
since she knew
default for wl
readily be sac
doli,b (`herchil
become extrew
b5Mc info!
tie. But
may hare been
trig compared
lords and ids
with an unutts
sod ever sines
band began W
the ambttwn 'a
her nearer the
hes idolatry.
This ambiti,
n ot to share.
dome in that
time the was 1
obsseriay of 1
pest middle ad
acid his family
able of her actf
o n commit fru
She had almost
to hopeless. wa
again by lice re
the Primrose 11
uslys printed
by the instruct
of Hon. L:Itat
used, it might
establishing a
lady. Mrs. T
/wish a/ then. 1
A very shot
was enough 1
ahold fake: V i
in reply to thi
Hos. Lilian 01
sad plug! her
eke did gu, a
Jeff, salt day -r
in the Hon. 1
It thanked hat
it, requesting
call a sheeting
of `nobt.•n t1
!rake prelimin
these were t
would kindly
would be glad
Mrs. TaUo
dnty, and wit
eu the other S
h illte kanse of
Ne bow! of t
latest her hoc
jag arrears
Dames' heti
Wane. On
pedis attends
and she natio
envious hook
from the chai
municstinn e
herself and h
Curzon. ?kis
t• bare the c
beta herse
sed when, xf
she left in Dui
genteel folk
she felt no
.1547 see
was nearly a
elm ass.
These ren
sola freed )
ton, bet a
The vicar's
she plastid
.arts is her
day notes ye
i.W.n ; and
e ,..: - hoose
tants ere
ins. But
vissit's wile
Mrs. Tahoe
lit had bel
taco the "C
Lilian, bet
sweetest we
received $ rr
w m4, vn
.•dee/ moa.
Lassies el
Ither tee