The Huron Signal, 1885-12-18, Page 1V"- IEC'R pay railway 1 ;i>.tfsetay, and • D Eve E To c OU n be Suited. igllt Good& ,pular Pri all Prices. astonish you. ,o J ., as ale, Large and Finn) IVEIVIMMie r GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1885. ANS QENERAL INTELLIGEN lite STLS YE&R IN Ali THE HURON SIGNAL li published every Friday Mor•istaAy Mo le 11.t.tocsDT lase.. at their Witte. Forth a GODKRICH. ONTTARIO Aad la de.patohed to ba tarts of ib. careened Lag coaatry by the earnest malls aid rain• Trunci SIM it advelim. Postage prepaid age•uW onion; $1.75. tt paid before Utz mom ha if not .e paid. ThL rule wltl he tritely eatt.rced. RATas or Aovei rsoco. -tight cera Pe tae for Gist insertion ; three meats per line fur yeah suheg.,eat insertion Yearly. half yaerie sad Quarterly contracts at reduced rice. dela roasrisc--- Nis have elm a Ahold.ee ibblmX department In eoaaertion, and poem" oAS al. moot complete out -et sad best facilities t w Landed rut work in Gaier/sh. aro prepared te 'midmoosslt.ethat 1*... a1 Iity rioaathat anent eeniessed.-es 1W a C.e1 that .....t hr *Zser . . DAT llflti, ow is TAE S(OTT ACT AN 'AStTR ? am year, at the municipal nomina- thus, Mr. F. W. Johnston. after he had I been n‘ mimosa fur mate, t Id the ample he had heard that s• me persons . is the town were endeavoring to intro- duce the Scott Act as an issue into the i ' mora eontetta "W Why y, gentlemen'' aaid Mr. Juhostoo, "it is absurd t.. try 1 to draw in the Seat Act on this occasion. You all know, as welt as I do, that the Scott Act was settled on the 30th of October, and so far as the ratepayers are concerned it is cod, and cannot be, aa atm in this or future contests. These were brave words at :hat tire, and a large numbs of people were gulled by them, but what has been the result (lo In the election in SG Audree's ward there were four candidates mann- Med. -Meows. remotion, Bingham end Lee, old oeencillues, and Mr. Jas. A. Reid, a new mac. All of the four were Conservatives, but Cantelun and Rad were in favor of the Soon Act, and Bing ham and Les were opposed to it. Reeve Johostoa bad been elected by •eelama- tioo, and so had a little time on lila !.sada He employed it by ognvasCag against the Scutt Act candidates, sod larding his wti-aoott friends to "plump" fur Bingham and Lee. The Soots Act was not a dad Wue, go far as Mr. Johnston was concerned, is that eleetioa. (2.) The January meeting of the mea- ty council was duly held, sad Mr. John - ams was one of the member. The first duty of the new mused was the electios of a warden. The warden of the eoanty, under the McCarthy Act. is a house commissioner by virtue of office Tboro were two candidates tc the field, Mr. Kelly, of Myth, and Mr. Strachan, of Orgy. Ike former was an esti Scott mer, mad the latter • supporter of the Scott Act, The parties wets about evenly balanced, but through the machi- nations of 3fr. Johnson' Mr. Kelly was elated. The Scott Act was nut • seed memo in that .vest so far as Mz. John- ston wag as.eerted. (3.) Mr. Johnston as one of the a- sasnmwt committee of the town ouaatoil, sad whoa the question of reducing the rotes iia hotels c.a'e up, favored sad worked flit the rsd.otaoa. although busies the SRN Aft the public hews had not real UMW higher than neigiborialt plifeetiee bemuse of being po.ss.ed et b.r-iwJ t Mr. Joiastt.s wag working ieitifbei to be Scutt AM, wheel he acted on the assasamsat own - mitts', despite the fact that at noai- n atios he claimed it was a dead tssie f• Ily. and take thy. a, t once. AN_ DDS, tplete in ad com- nent in 3cia1 at - oda and or style 3aten. balasse, cheaper a large oatl �sa.. of Hntik.. 'El, Wool, 3st price Ls.s E BROS. J O vaE Z � � m h Wt t eclh Q ti14 " (L) At thei numb hsliNiag. Kr. Joke - Moe took decided action against the ap- pointment of • police magistrate for fear that such an appointment would souse the Batt Act to be better serried out. On that occasion Mr. Johnston Aleft some to think the Scott Act was a deed amts. (8.) Mr. Johnston dead ward's Kelly not to forward the Jew memeeial of the ,seaty email to the Legislature, sad by esu icing sheered that, so fir as he was concerned, the Scott Act was still a live haw (e.) At the December mesttag of the eoeaty soused Mr. Jsbastun did every thing in his power by voice and vote to thwart the appoistm'ot of • polies sa•gitrate, but without •vat:. if the Beat Act has bee a dead tow, Mr. Johnstos has bees &Mien very amid - nosily against the comma during the past yahlt, _Jif Mt. Johsetos. or say rine els.. Na os ssmistion day that the !lean Act is met s live WINO la Neros, we want every Meet! Ast voter u tows a peeve by kis billet os polling day that it was t live Mose is 16116, led 1.01 be is 151S aid anti) May. 1111111 -♦id elk'. !VUR NEW STORY. . A thrilling tate of most unusual in 1 tiniest will be begun in Tall SI):SAL in a 1 few weeks. The authoress has already !made her .ark as • gifted and graphic 1 writer, and the story u sura to delight tan who will read i1. AW)UT THK MURNL E.YAN. "o the Salter of The Signal Sr*, I understand Mr. 11 W. Ball, one o.1 :he school trustees sur 8'. Andrew's Ward, has furretted out a huge conspir- acy .dont our esteemed pnntipal of the public school. It seems that the tire rzanuuere of the c.uuty tar modal work, have put their heads together to coi.a;rre against our principal, w as to tusk.. • had *bowls* fur hie teaching, and sa 111r. Pell says It is so, and speaks of it es "a Brom outrage," 11 is only right that the conspirators •boild b• made to suffer. W. know that our prin- cipal has been hardly dealt with, because Mr Bell has mol so, and Mr. Ball, like Brutes of old, is an honorable man. and would net invent • lis irconmmt a fibsi But, seriously, Mr. Editor is it true tint such a ow.apiracy has been entered into against our efficient prin- cipal 7 Is it true the recent "pleckui* was caused by envy and malice on the part of the e:aminen 1 Also, who was the auditor on school law, sad hu he any feeling personally cr politically against Mr. Embury or' any of the pu- p& 1 By answering this yos will oblige one who wants to see oar principal set • fair show. Esvt:ttgs Fur the benefit of "Enquirer," and everybody alae, we might say that the exam.cine bard tur the model .ebool consists of Messrs. Gregory, of Exeter, Hermosa, of 8eefortb, 8. f. Halla, of Ooderich, and school ieep.ctcn Miller, of Ouderich, and Malluch, of Clinton. Inapeowa Malloch is chairman of the board. The =esthete of the beard are all looked upon as responsible mea, asd we would sooner doubt Mr. Ball's vera- city than question their iategrity ia this mattes. The gentleman who tlpe- osslly esalsiaed un "sshwel law" wee Mr. 8. P. Halle, of Uoderich high school, whose probity sad npriehtnese need no summers. Mr. halls is a Con- servative is politica Whether he had personal or political spite against Mr. Elsbery or any of the pupils, is beyoed our kis, but we never heard of Mr. Halla haring personal or other bitter- ness against anybody. Tbis is not the first time the model school assmilation has beet a failure under the tuition ot1 Ate present principal. Mr. Bell ia a trustee, and it is his duty to find oat where the blame attaches. If the prin- cipal has been umpired against, as investigation should be galled for, at the instance of Mr. Ball. If the seaminess have bee libelled, and it tures out that the principal is inoompetent, that flap auaary should be diemimsd amid a bailer mac eppoiated. The hard was and febrtustioes hurled at the examiners by Mr. Ball well not raise the standard of the school, Of lessee the responsibility of the primeipsL A cessation from abase by the friends et Mr. Ealing, and • full sad fair investigation by the bard is .sseseary in the peeseet ave. We are at opining, if u inv.tinaties he W tato Mr. Batas .1I.iatio.s, it will be found that, as Hoa John Huey Pops would my, "'There's sonic' to it," THE PNLICE MAGISTRACY. The question of the polis magistracy in Huron is likely to Le settled at an early date. The motion of the musty o,uaeil sodomise the manorial of the Hanoi Comity Scutt Act aesosiatiem, which aomtnated Mr. John Beattie, of Seaforth, for the positive, is ead.>reed by all friends of temperance throuithoat the comity at large, and we hope the Govern - .ant will lime no time in acting upon it. The appointment of a magistrate is as imperative neeessity in Huron, and the sooner the appututment is trade the 1I law has been flagrantly violated, end that inspectors and oommissioners have owed by with folded arms. Nay, more ; they have endeavored to strangle any efforts that were put forth by sly temperance element to lessen the ori se. As we pointed out Isar week, the oom miatinners are pronouncedly against the Butt Act , the chairman has a brother in the business ; one of his emaciates has a arm who is one of the derelict i.- spemnrs . sad the other two inspectors and commissioners are not "above suspicion." Tiers ars auras who argue that a polies magistrate with judicial power', will have two arbitrary an authority because there will be no appeal from his decision. Well, why should there be an sppsall If all the evidence is heard beton the polies magistrate, and the circumstances watrarit a oonvictioo. wby shou:d the criminal not be convicted ? If a man u ought in the act, ccnvteted of theft, and sent W jail, how is G that he has not the right to appeal 1 If a thief hasn't the right to appeal, why should the keeper of • ironer, ? They are both criminal& in the eye of the law, add each has hie friends sad grope- thaws. Thea 'hey say, "John Beattie or any other temperas*, sun should net to ap- pointed, for he is In sympathy with the Act." Indeed' Then they might just as well object to hewing • thief tried be- fore Jades Toms, for the reason that oar senior judge is an haat mss. It re- quires a man who is in sympathy with the law to maintain the Lw. A umber of appealed oases came before his honor Judge Toms at the last court We will take one as • speciosa orae : A mad named Schaffer is alleged to keep a groggery in Sipper. Ho is sited bsfose two justiees of the peace for cootrovs- ing the set. On the evideoes of tee witaassss, Morrison and King, be is convicted. He appeals the same, sad atter a lapse of time it comes op for trial before • jury is Goderiek Morriss. ewo.rs that what he desalt in 8.11.81.". "tasted like gin." -H• had asked for "iia. Schaffer gets into the witless box mid swears that he had at a drop of any kind of ligesor in the house at the time that Morrison drank. King in the meantime bus doh the country, .ad his testimo.y, ewers to before a magistrate is mot allowed is eade.on The jury re- tire, and, soil ousts Marries lathiest to disbelieve kis widow*, add it would be a heavy loss to Ssi.ter's pocket if his veracity were dcuhted, they bring it a veriest for d.febda.t. A peculiar phase of the Does is that Schafer M the assgis- tretei wort, when King and Mondani both pee testimony, refused to gin imitate* ia his own MAW, yet he W mo hesitation in getting into the box Ind weep, in the absence of King, and swear- ing that he had so liquor in the how ore the dew alleged. If at first the also W been toed liferss dilly appuintd plies reagistnta Klug would set haw. beam in Midupn, .ad Schafer's uneepported batimoay would have bas of no avail aware that et tie reliable witarsasa The above we believe are geed ..d ashcans reason why a polios ssgiutaste should be sppsi.t.d in Heron. Soils imitation appears to here bass dose Is Ms. 18. Holmes, mgsehaat. of Winsksm, who was tried last wok at the eseelo.s here, on a charge of smirk upon sae Mucro, a eemmarwal temrder, he the seem*, the %roseedislit teak h.. fore th. mtsgietrete. The mag intrste mould oaly try the awes with the eamsMt of the prosecutor, and this osseesthmviag been withhold naly the pseaseetor's widens* was heard. Vena tire p rod- autor • eissoast of the matter the p.btie might ova We believed that Rolmee we the stRwaor, bet "rhea the whets gory was t.M ave it was before the Joey, it wee &pprsst that Ilium was sot "sly net abed t the extsst that be.1. arid, bet that be really got no tante thew be deserve& it was skews by the evades's for the defence that Munro first Mtwek- d Holmes, that Holmes did sot knelt Kant.. bad that la fact the pres.eotios wag 1a+tisub onfeusded. This view the jury apparels here token. bassi they dismissed the ebwee. llaeidratea, who "barged with the doty of seaely inwntigetaag a abets* with the view tri *ram if it *add be eat to a higher must, sb.oM behateful in do w injao. ios tem te $a., "rM hew 14.agbt bdss. ab.m, ad ebadd hear ail the ewidsat* eared le proaast vary ff'lsesss atoms beim sesialMese ems by Wiese* the petite es heave. the 1 -told star/ d the pmesseter, et i s s Maass ,* a s bis psbhr * i14 l ti its hsMMf apealogisaa.Lf cuo sa not i.td 1M law it N bee No revert of the firer .posed* made M lie odwrwatt.. =sating .t Smith's bas 1st wowed is the pap«e- Viay le it wit Wire Ma epsomite eipoiltvieks the "Bisbee' r' better. h is • notonous fact that the • • the saluted editor of the Loudon A4- eevf:en. We are out of the squabble, but we know Ur. Milla mammal', sad we know d be was a "small potatoes" man, wither the clever .ypck b .- sur the stupid firer Pr<ar would make a target of hies. Ne journal refers p•e:emaily to the editors of the I.', re Press or ,lips Nita,. O.ngs Rsrmisn. - in the appal of ( Mrs. L,gie and Miss Dickson, da ) Taylor to the Divisional Court. Toronto, ter of (lions" Uicks..n, leave shortly for ter an order to increare the plaintiffs Gnderich, where they will reside. Mies verdict in the case of Taylor r. Mc('ul- Licklinnu htaught in the public school high, tried at the Iaet Huron As■tses, here for a number of years, and will be the court mast week refused to triennia , greatly mimed there, as well as in the the amount of the verdict. t'reabyterien char and Sabbath school, Kao[ Caearlt Ceatxrsa, TILL -A 1 -(Baiter Tunes. grand Christmas tree and musical enter. , The Exeter T„•we says • Tuesday anima' will be held in Knox church on l evening last. It.,. T. M. Campbell, of the •venins of Monti, Dec. 2tkh. (�o•derich. delivered his justly celebrated Gifts will M di.tE.ributato about X00 I lect •• (sod Save the Queen, in the NEWSNE ABOUT AOAlchildren, and en everting of ram pleasure i lecture room of the James -street Metho• to young and old is expected. dust church, under the auepiaee of the A chitin" (.111asa,�i��� tikii testes I Exeter Youn•: People's Christisu A's, - aa faith he'll meet G. - cation. 5 Hews -J. H. Edwards, th• tiauon. The speaker was greeted with grocer, is going extenai.seam.eIb int° the 1 a large audrot.cs and everybody was de- He is de - purchase dressed .d dred hogs this s. I lighted with the widowH He is bound to pay the highest pricem, TOWN TOPICS. - Winter Or sumtaer scenes, photographs that are photographs, mid drat -clam picture tram- .ag. at Geo. Stewart's. Icor gent's turmlsbuge, neckties. 11.. winter mita overawes that st like paper on the wall aid other articles of gentlemen's mufti. go to F. t A. l'ridham'a the fasbtuoabie tailor. Bos e like mow and seem don't. Some like mesa Christmases* and others doa't. But d you sak aayone if Hallows taken photos that .e't oe beater, yuu wont be able W get au adverse opiates. Churches and wheels getting up Cbrtetmn treat are getting tie usual large dlanivata at Saunders' variety slnre. Several committees have mad. their seloctiona and have exprses- ed liees.elves well pleased .1W the dnplay ad prime of holiday Attu Attentive clerks under the ata. ed Mrs. Wynn has retu.-ned to town. has Wm. Ball lreturned from Dakota. Rev. Mr. Salion preached at Holases- vtlle on Sunday last. Charlie Mitchell, formerly engineer at the harbor mill, is now living in Wind - /Of. Mrs. Ho11 and daughter hare returned from a six weeks' visit to trends in Chi- cago. Dont fail to read the opening chapters of our new story, which will shortly ap- pear. sad everybody eery . The cheapest house Mr. Shipley, of Turoato, hew been the geeet of his father -in law, H. McDer- mott, during the week. i Services will be held in St. Peter's, Bt, oeorgo's sad the North street Metho- dist akarehes on Christen's•urniog. and farmers should make a note of the 'The -N-•. Ern a agar° talking about fact. (loderich will be the best market the hcne6t it would be w have Clintonit. fur. pork u. Huron this winter. made the. comity seat of Huron, hut its Mn W. Pruttur, of Belle lale,Mich.,' hour up forryear to come It n vain. and u not I kit �ly appeasad her two chiIdroa, flim Ella and ; that the runty buildings would be re - Master Willie, will sppe�nd the winter cured W CSatou, just because it is screen the guests of Mrs. R. Dt•nosb, 'p' tl mor. central. We w' old d- Weat .smut, 'anther o1 Mn Praetor. (vias our contemporary to preserve its Mr. Proctor accompanied his family r g.shingp on the subject until • more op - hither, and returned to Belle Isle Int! pectens time at forst."-(!Exeter Times. weak. MAITLAND Lotx:s Nr. 33 A. F. 1. M. The Stratford bakers hate become I G. R. C. --At the refuter meeting of jealous of one another. tate lowered' �lsit rid Ledge, No. 73 A. F and A. the price from 6c. to 30. for the small tall � M. held !n �lasnnie Hall, Godevicfi, loaf ; the rosader dad likewise. Ag1885, the Dee. Sth 1the following 'Akar, the price was dropped to 4c., sold at the 1 were dui) elated for the current year. store. Not to be utttdcae, the other C. A. Humber, W. M. ; Capt. Green, S. parties dropped the price to 3c., which W. ; M. Nicholorn, .1: w, ; J. CLrks, is holding at this data I Chap. ; S. Sloane, Treas. ; H. W. Ball, Moss Asnt^r DAr• too. -Rev. Mr. Secy. ; 8. D. Inkeetter, S. D. uW. Mit- Hubbs, of Mt. Plesut,Ont., canaet I chill, J. D. • J. D. Luttr.I J, f;. dance ; at least, he does not dime., and 1 T. Videan, T. ; R. Price, J.Crai8ies i thinks mighty little of anybody that Stewards. doss. Referring to this indulgenee, the I A Goorreioo TowNaw'? IaS11L BQtr.- ther Sunday, he said the brume or those The use of Perdu -•t. Clark came up st who dance would only mate salves' foot (taggrsi& Hail. Toronto, on Saturday, oa jelly' -[Ayr Roomier. mottos of plaintiffs counsel to transfer Ease Bu$oN LiatltI.CoNsxlvi.mvl. the action from the Chancery to the -The annual meeting t4 the Cooasrva- Queens Bench Division and to strike tive Association of East Huron for the out the defence. The motion was re election of officer was held, at Brussels, foaled. The defendant Clark is charged 9th tut., when the following ..ghees with publishing s libel in • Clinton pap or on the Flaintif, who was living with defendant's sister and his brutherinlsw. The affair has arisen out of the death of Mn. Trick. Dar Maga SEA.toNr o:v reg PgA,•s.- At the meeting of the Sessions held on Doe. 11th, a new division court was setablirbed in Blyth. This makes the twelfth court fur the county. The ap- pnintment by )ridge out of seemion of the following constables wee unhealed : W. H. Cleans. ()orris ; C. R. Cooper, Brus- sels . A. Waddell, Ooderich ; Thos. Moon, Windham ; and John Mcleod, Bayfield. The appointment of • care- taker for Bayfield lockup was ad- journed until next meeting of sessions, which will be held no Jan. 5th, 1886, at which tune the selection of jurors for Dr. Nicholson, the West street dentist, makes tilling trifle gold and the mum - ratios of the arousal teeth a specialty. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris sod chill, .4 Castleton, Dakota, will spend the Christmas holidays with Moods ih town. We have now plenty of show, and the indications at present are that a "grew Christmas" will not be on the card this year. Up to the hour of going to prem there appears to be • dead clic in the meal• cipal arena It's the maim that prosodies the storm, abbe. Wm. Andrea formerly with Rebs. McLean, has opened out • beaker shop on his own soonest on West Meat, oppo- se/. the poet Aloe. We regret to hear that Mr. Adamson, comity clerk, hbeen confined to his bed u week by a serious attack of com- i ation of the lungs. Rev. Mr. Birks, of Holeasville, 611d the pulpit at Viotori• street church on Sunday morarsg, and • cteirornan d Exeter in the evening. John D. Swamis W returned home for his vatiut. He likes university 111.. however. If Mr. Swansuu's health *annuls good, high honors await bun. Edward Clrswop's lecture on "Laugh- ing," to be delivered is Victoria Hall on New Year's, is .id of Victoris street ol..rek, is said to be a good utta. Mahe a note of the west. A Olnielans Semi Berries will be bald is Onsets street Methodist Komi tin Beeday emotes, the 27th iasis, The Methodist e..reh soot nervosa generally mama Isego suegrng•tions. Mrs. G. W. Berry, of Lighthouse street, is viaitiag at Hamilton. Miss Lelia Berry, who hag bee standing the Wesleyan Ladies' College in that city, will auempay hes ppthes bias The eltdr of Bt. Peter's will offer some Mee eiagiag to the eougragption for Ohr'ietreae, the "Kyrie, '•Olori•," "Sautes' and "Aguas Dud" from Mor sart's famous 12th uses, used La 8ele's ,'Cr'edo " The tug Pater, which mums here I.al week to try sad rebase the barge Mae - well, whet wast Where aear the Later o Mtios•1 salt works, left for the river without maims an attempt to heel off the wreak. O. N. Macdonald. Yghtbuuee keeper at Ooderiob, left tow. us Tuesday seem for a two months' veeation. He ern .pied a poetise of that time in New Turk city, Utica and other pointe. We wish Item • pleasant time. Miss Berrie I.of t returned to her hese 1. B.ra.ide. Madness. last west, ee- .omp.mi.d by her .sub Mr. M.T.vieb, at the evenly d Reese. after speeding tie menthe with bee suet. Mru. Robs. Nwdww, Napier street. The high s ioel beard met on nova day kinsmen. As .enc of the spprne.ats for Kim Bpsaee'e polities was fs..ad to be bgaily yagh6ed aeeodiag to the sew regslat.oas, the hoard dw'elded to adver- tise sews see salary d NM. Hog. Davin Mew natal be a sus et some eon squsocs m the Refuels party. W. well recollect whoa the lets Oulu Brews was the Meal abtased Radom ed:. for i. Canada Now Mr. Bram iswept over with eroeodW sun by the Tory editors, who sigh tee the demand with *grimy •ig$a, *ad wail teeth. "Well sever as. Ids like igpia." Ad sew that Geor. Brawn is so scrip. and that Garden Brows bag retired fries .sties 'wrapper Itis, it name that David lfib bee bees espied mit se the target fee pssoossl ahem by the Tory dieerat The 7,., Poess, o4 leads'.. editorially would De se Ass as a paalske if it were not be reveal abeam of Mr. Mills, •red the Hatlsiltom Bp.ebtw---to our ssiai rd beat Coas.rvatlye jeered be AaIN►- i man .t• Minolta calve.s OM bate se were elected :-President, Ju. Leech, naval* ; Vioe-Pres.,Joa Carter, Blyth; Sea-Treoa, C. A. Leech, Biuevale. At the ovular fortnightly meeting of the High Scboul Literary h.ciety last Friday evening the following proaramms was presented : Readings, Mr. Humber, Miss F. Williams, Miss Aikenhed, Miss Elwood, Mr. Artistries*, sg, Mr. McLeod, Mr. Btruag, solo. aim Burritt ; recite - ties. Miss Spasms ; solo, Miss Burritt. Bi.. Frurrvaa SAL.a--O. C. Robert- son, tho East strait furniture nun, us- ande to dean out all the furniture in his brat -ch wardroom on Monday and T...day, Dec. 21 and 22, hy public ac- tion at 1 o'clock. The list oompriw everything from a Unread is a baby's toy. John Koos. the knight of the 1886 will be nude. hammer, will oteiste. cneerneav Tenn. -W. command to Hawtsas AND Planless -The by- the kind consideration of the people of law passed by the county council last our town the "Christmas Tree'' rear - week, is aec ordas*, wttb the adteed- esteemed of the Mission school, to be meat el last musics n the Local legis- held in the Goalie church on the evening blareripaediug hawkers and peddler&, of Christmas Day, beginning at 7:30 )he�esgd�ee o'cluck. The admission fire will be 10 ants. An interesting programme of readings, recitations and music is being and • treat to in store for the chi Arun and spectators. Any donations for the children in the way of clothing, toys or other gifts will be thankfully re- ceived. Ws hope this deserving cause will be liberally assisted by our towns- folk. Make the children of the poor ham Tae Ihrrri"foci.'--W. have re- ceived • printed copy of the lecture on "The Diapenaations, ' delivered by Rer. T. M.foramCampbell, of Ooderieh, berore .bar Thmologual ilnuon of the (lard h terwHe divider the period ft the world's history law six dispensations. a ourrespnading with the sig days of me - tun, and salts those periods the Adamic, Patrl•rchal, Mosaic. John the Baptist, Christian, Christian Supremacy. Mr. Campbell has a good grasp of the sub - Gess the tariff her this manta as follows : Every men travelling on tout, $M annually ;every man with one horse or other beast, $10, mad with two tones, $ >Cwrotnn Taranoaa Ktam-now. - At the regular mestisg et 8R Zhao Preemptory. No 22, held on Thursday night, Deo. 3. the following mein ware sleeted foe the ensuing year. Bir Knight T. 1. Lawrence, lees. P. ;Sir Knight Dr. Tay• Mir, Con. ; Bir Knight C A. Humber, Mar. ; 8ir Knight L F. Toms. C. ; Sir E. gkt M Nicholas, T. ; Sir K.irkt 8 Radcliffe, Rag. ; air Slight Jos. Yom.g, Bab. M. The Oulgary Herod ,sivee a rumor that a cods of liquor made neer High River on his lame trip north by 74.4 Campbell, who was drowned at Feet ia.ketehewan in 1876, has bees dssonv- *rede��ete�d the Indians, who are rejoicing n,, itlg(y thane. Campbell had prev- iously been is partner in horses and mines with Jobs Allem (who was killed by ea Indian), brother of deputy -terse Allen of Colborne. "Tse CaaiooAL Baawos." - The Rand Dramatis Company will give the popular ekd seebdra a, "T1s Cbaee.ml Borne"," m Victoria Opera House, on Wednesday 'mein sent, 13rd lutea The soot a • good ess, and the ohjeet. as well as the ploy itself, will pruhebly At the miasign.ry a.*,ting held le Kao. ebr„dh ea Mrd., .veaaag.addaw is were gives by lbw. Mama. Mar - too, Dalby sod /estates., Mr. J. 8 Maar, let the eotsgeyNisay 'hewed that Oedssi& wee psnalnoyy dein( mi- tes hems minis* reek is anise me emm- ~sae is 0.4berwe .red liedssai Nwsships le ray the peet..n' aabis. mm'tiag no largely •Meads& etgj- 1 ieg tp the satin sow is pews. ' Vw111R Una oep.nbd for that mates, )toot, and he show. s good literary .tyle. Tits p..mphlat abound bs in the bands rd all who desire good reading. It is pub- lished by request, and them is no inten- tion of making any gain out of it, but to Dover expenses a charge of It*. is made for the little book. For ma at the bookstores Rey. Mr. McDonald, of Sesforth. pushed ao eloaiwit and instructive sermon in Kent a melt or Sunday evn- fill the how. Aa eeghrstra, ledby R ted fnom H•brew' 4'16. Aber the Domogh, will famish the ramie. fel sermon the preacher spuka for a 'hart � sioa Ire. 36. awl 50a t band as,„ time on the qu•stacn of romainna He preparing for • biv turn out, ted we sA^sued that today the Christian world deli think tb.y .111 be dieppoutd. numbered about 400,000,00Y, while For perticulan see btW. three of other rwliggio..,a and • netth.red oar 1,000 000,0004 H• then 'SS 8tsomo: EvaIasuST.-Rs.H.T. dials upna nue Nanking' lsisims. and Orniai•y has been amtiasing bis meet- be evidently .puke a on. who knew Inge daring the pest week, .ad will be whereof he testi8•d. R• mid that the here until Christmas. The services people wuald felly appeeeisls the •abject ►moavde DeMes very hameueesd Mad•sAd ageinstah aedofpNortihponwestin mthas e inoanneswobwf thet=titre twee years to pay the tales. The Tats rebellion wooed suet the country several milliner. SS mil the edema were rot yet settle/ No obeyed that the government having was • very Hasa. r. pet Wo Indium. owe rsesrvea, in may �1 bas r. wog gags pews•»•! •stew plod ewer theta "hon n.strttst- hiea& u OodssktK urs' wdb were morally ur.6t f„or tits We are pleased to nears that the Ito- poi111Oe• sad dist some of these men had deapiarist F.thmws Miller •rid Saotz en ill-tasatd tb• laud*." that thq b.s- who were evaluating speeal serviess is same etsaporatd and roee ep nrsis•t Qoderieh a one of Tv.* ago, have the th esrnment, and pr•c.oes lies wee seat a bre• order to R pillows for loot, The Indata under the o-b� d •.pts of tb •se•llhat pktneraphs which the Prat.Maut mwitnartes Vassal$ he took fov t►... dwrh Meir yuit 1n d luysi.84 p.•cible. •ad :7681 l w�lti Olde iib. The osier is eseaapeaied by be asses that gLs .141111 amoaN tt>� �A • evspliaeestary matt► M Me ttaUew., t.M.mur.a wart wee w*U spent. Utah pays • bleb tribute to hie .balky a a c_tet.apbi. antis. Mr !\Ilo"ru ■amt>•. lime feat pat da a somber of speeingwe is as [1aws.w• ee rM plea..* soleibl. w the um... Teo air. in i .. M•. all Imo, w her• tam tad ►ie., Sij r an *dela da'pt'r ,erbium revert d his sermon ea "Dancing," from phosgraphic notes, i give i• smother 'damn. Bi. memo. to "Busies.. Mem" ea Wedsesd 7 ama- inlest prestige! Int