HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-11, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 1-1, •
Chs Poet's Corner.
Tb. leerier. symeatsl.
?hs heimstiful posse is written by Ella
W gad appears w the New York
Sen. The sentiment u uu less .heautdul
time true.'
Laugh, gad the world laughs with you.
Weep, and you weep &loser
Yoe the and old earth mew barrow iia *MB
Bat has uwsble eaeligh of eta ewe.
gad the hill. wW &newer
Sigh. 1t Islam o. the &Ir.
1'be °Chore bum d to a)uyful sound.
But .hrtuk from sots mat care.
'Woke. .ad roan wtil seek You.
()riese,aad tkc uru and Igo.
They watt full measure of all your pleasure.
But they do out bred your wee.
he glad. and your frien.ls are rimy :
Ire sad. and you lose them ell.
There are noise w sloth ue lour net tared wine.
But atone you must drtisk life'. gall.
Feast and your halls are crowded
Vast. and the wurl t gore by.
rt awned and (Mc umd it help. you 111e.
But so Coen ane help You 410.
There b rootn-lo the halls of pleasure
Tor a large and lordly train
hut nue by our we must all Ole on
Through the .grow &Isles o: pate..
Tashion's Fancies.
and pal•. Larne seed pusrls attar the
••cess• opts a earl hada, and the grasses
and a are filled in with milk -white
pearl beach Over the rues Rester
atululeted drupe of dew fueteled of the
tuerest flecks of crystal. The satire
tauter led valet to arnaspund form a
wundero s end artistic piece .4 colorless
shading In white, (rum deed trot, to
MMmy pearl, must beautiful to we.
White watered silk dresses cut in priu-
emss style, slightly trained and uec.i-
eiooslly laced down the beck are lash.
'unable drowses f•.r bridesmaid wear.
White Bengaline with panels, vests, and
malice of &Arte satin striped with plush,
with hat and plumes to correspond, ie
another popular dress for a group of
bridesmaids. A Imes expensive toilet,
also appropriate for welding .occasions,
is one 01 plain white gyre grout, with •
tiny pleating around the plan demi-
The Stems& is tap grand (estral of T. tis. ttlledhot ra.a»t aro .M wibam
the home system, the brat .•r►;au d.td Ph,••piatlne, Nerve hoes, a Phos
ped 1 life, ' tL B t to toiler
baseyd Ac t llc
edam by Burdock Blood Hitters, winch
reatass•a health to tlae stomach, bowels,
firer, kplti y. and h1so.,d 2 yoga Attacks, Vertigo sad Neuralgia'
A Rayed/ -01 IDN tilsusg •T mad all wasting diseases of the; human
geom. Pho.phatue u not a �Iedec:uun
so" to any este sending the best four leu- but a Nutriment, because it contains ue
rhyme ..0 ' r, the rvsesrkablo Vegetable car Mineral Poems, Opiates
little `em for the Teeth and Eat:.. Ask N tycoon, and w stimiilsatw but sung
d 1 found in our daily food. A eagle bottle
1a I i ►lalatty et medicines oe rWP1 u suslsiont to convince. All Druggata
ration has received such universal .em e,t1 it. $L 00 per bottle. 1..owut' t
nssidatiou, for the altevnatlun it etk.rin co. sok meats for the 1)• -muter,
and the permanent cure it effects iu kid- WI front Efrwet East Toronto
bey dieeasea as Ur Van Hureu•s hiuswy _
Cure. Its anion in these d�� s cstr'teail.
complaints a simply wonderful. Clad "Ma�Wea. Maas_ Tea 1. IS.. Destlemett-
by J. Wilson
$In 1..Ja.med with attack• of cc bradr'he.
N'seslgia, female trouble, f••r Tiara isa
(the most terrible mud excruciating man -
S. medicine or doctor could give one
a rrelief or cure until I ustd Hop Linters.
'The first bottle
rd f all kinds
Nearly cured me
1. 1 h.aA orI the cyst Peal. and
u au anl.ua rut • n . .sent apnb lent e�
from +aea.spw ll..utulsta• its diseased I acts Formulated b Prof a'eaur AUMIR.
M. 1). of Bost.,m, Kiwi", ourw PuImw-
ary Cunsumptws, flick Headache, Nett.
your rugged er *Admits ►y the Phosphatic mud tiattric Dements
trained skirt and • bag dritrery .4 white -- - - - -
laoe flouncing sewed t•. the edgrot e
very small ()aurora... wade of diagonal
folds of the silk. Ti. sleeves to the
bodice are short, ant the front u cot in
%ow•e fashion over • dainty waistoust
of lace, fastened with null Rhine stune
buttons, with belt clasp st the waist of
slyer in filigree set with the same stoues-
I was •.4..sr and Lnuw Ib4 benefit
I cad t Gilei Liniment I .dile
1 now preysr.' to 011u yrs or i
of (uctr 7 else second heads me as ler:l and stream
buying 'rout use Ata& dapc.d uu yu.iltt) rod when a child
I will sell tide Ifs. 1 lave been
an In the bustaess.
eep Your Feet Dry!
TOO nes du theist a t ery triCae yea by bay tug 7c car
�., Cxabb's �locic
1 bate ores on card the lar:^te stock ever •hewn in Oodrrleh. ant cm:owners every Doe as
uaUy tomtit u a arsoeme shoe .torr. from. 11.. $srw rid. (brooch ..3) the inlet mediate grade
to the h.-ei to rt ...wb.e• . 1 . il...rll at
Prices that Will Snit Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from $1.00 to 85.00.
Imes and Children s Strong School Boots, from 75c. up.
°i&l'ta'ow ' "b"i Mythu•neul $$ *1 Iu;'alId E)twenty.Boys do.. 81.00, up, all ether Lines ProportionatelyCheap.
L,t*]ta(eheren ' years w semi's
(lam horsed 1.o.nl with a
t'n.ent 05101 of -
receiv from �R� '(tiidatry, firer and urinary complaint. ! 1 con and lett' se/ you. troth to reeds and price..
Ammonia and Odes' Pills. 1 would rt Chestnut Store Coal. 86 Mit Rt"t"gnetrd B. bag h
Ilei all chronic sufferers who have fal'ed
to, •obtain relief and been prutNeuneed Egg Coal
New ribbons are legion.
Incurable to write the Doctor who will
. ny .green . t p ,u1�-
$6.25 � 'Imcunble '
E D •0 VT. N 1T
' him, and I kw•w of the *ebb's Block, Corner Bast street and Square.
' Eleven bottles t•f y..ur bitters cured
Velvet feathers are .uveltiea without charge prescribe and give such Lease icor orders with
Woolen ribbons are much in rugose mltructioru as will make speedy cures. T. N. DAN C. I 'laves of well Tarpons
• T, t:t-'rads .,wither gad audtags is air gasatIt7. at Lowest PACO.,
Chenille frings is III endless tari.ty. The Doctor's address is Box 3 482, aoderieh. In my ceighborb.•ral that have been
at JAR. SAUNDERS t SON'S Variety saved Ly your bitters. t
Otter but be should be quite lotus. pt.a Springs, Texas. K dal by F. Jur- &tum. i And tetany more are uslog them with ,.
lkter a tai, be mu.h used for tnwmin,. dame God+riek Sept este Clay 9D1 ,great benefit. 1
Gild cords and i; ad thread ate [repo 'They almost
The old visite $'.laps w 4110111111giii. f•
La )les. £. L. Slack. 1
angio. I.
Traveling clucks are still lout ,11,1 very •mai rare irem-Ural.e. rem -Ural Lessen 1■ a Seem: 11 l atitevir._. Bend the teeth
.insula Art. , Rt��nnI.K �• rtn n I moniela in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
i Burros Kane., Pure, then buy a bottle i
' gad relieve yourself of all those diettw.- 1
ling part10 Your Dramas( can toll you i
. all Moms 1t>\ Suitt lay J K tlr.0 t nnierich ,
Vnlncks 1Uthe clogged &moue1 cf the 3us--
Bowels, Bldn3ys and Liver. carry. A Baatcs)t�
erjslsa, call thoff o impurities anwithout d taut tits C' nth, ColA'tr
tiv�oes of eecrettocs l �t the same ' thig. I h in
et*1 SC
of thing. I have tit it in my family for
• Carnoting
Stomach. curing Bilioammasa. Dys-' Cough. and Culdafur the past four yews
• $ssdsphes. Dts�sine55. with the moat novena:I success, and t.o-
Aona4 t1Pal1cDTYUSUs' day my opinion of 1t is that I C',ntlUUC
or the Mins Dropalk Dhmnsas e[ to think still more of that which I beau►
Vision. Jlic=Qio- • thicking well of.
l.tu boor,
Shoe- mantellettes hive muffs too match
"To begin with," said Allot M..ry.
tak Cur the front piece .1 the paper p.tt-
;rti•' (! Ct'r'l ce11 hat'. ')Hall [!tiros' tern amu foldi.yg at carefully to the want
like Haden t..wclhug. lute, a reported in Good 11. uaek.-.7rirty,
Feathers are. out in new guise- pure -select a thread that runs frnn► am sedge
and simple are ;.le.ae. to selvedge, and place this crease I have
Little birds have linen relayed by 'bade at the wait hoe upon it. When
thousands for millinery. you me sure the waist line of your pet -
Rose a to be one of the favorite colon tern is perfectly rtru with the grain of
tam cloth, smooth out your pattern pap
for elegant evening wear this sorbin,. and bottom, and after securing it firmly
There are exquisite new shades o1 this to the cloth and cut it out. Do nor mind
Color, Loth pelt and dialed m hue,that 11 the pattern dopes a little on the front
are beeuming to both fear And dark [row the bus to the arch ; the waste of
womeb. material will be very dight. See that
Short plastrons with velvet lira tel Ica your waist line is straight, then go ahead:
beyond are so frequently seen on new gad I would advise you to cut one piece
costumes u the long popular Testa. The at time until )Ott het a had more ex
high collar matches the plsatrou, and
often there is a second collar turning parity"...
the „coed his, to the fiat
down to match the r.rers. seam the waist line shows a slight upward
Puarl-whit. China crape is announced tendency," said Aunt Mary' ; " .erhap.
as the vary height of fashion in Para you have nut noticed that your own west
This extremely elegant fabric is richly shows this teadency as you approach the
ofssurated with silk embroidery and hips : but as the line from the berm to the
tafasmitags of costly lace. It is wade up `ret bias cod from the first to the second
also with, ooiltr.sting fabrics, but it has bias u straight on the cloth, that part
the most charming effect combined with from the •.pond bias to the first seem
satin of the same tint. must be straight, as it is not a separate crag
"You ase I notch and mark carefully, not well mei, eed we wiII«•nrl i1 top.,fertbe
just as I am instructed to do by my pat- trouble of w riblet us. Ful: part.- u,ar.. three
tern, and scrum from Dutch to mach on (bas etc., erns tree. Inauwnse pa abrolubry
caro fey all who start wL unto►. lion t drl,y
-tddr•ss *rotate a CO. Pot Dead. JI.. Mt
Otte cat the new French polonaises
forms a very useful sandal in nl'dermizing
a last year's toilet This has it p louaise
front, the sides lengthened int.. panels,
sari the back a pointed bodice only, •
sash forming thu drapery over the plain
underskirt This model u made very
dressy when formed of velvet for the
with caskinere-etriped velvet
or the sash, with vest front to match.
Silk plush bas a new lease of favor
both for the costume and for wraps and
millinery purposes. The new plush.•
appear not Moue with the velvet-like
and terry surfaces of former seasons,
bat in imitation of various fur skins, and
also in gold -threaded and moss -like ef-
fects glittering with metallic spirals and
shining tufts of gold sad silver. Hand-
some Boman plashes are also seen with
?)anther,. -- For a
y Bninc?:tcal ale_inn. `
np►t,inn, is jus• :he ` T -ii r represents the dom.b:1' truss eIthsi the bet*. Note the ``oa::on of t:•e-pssbaprtt
gonnyr situated sn the 1'..1. by whithat's ,NBTANT but easy INN' AI: i and t yN'A D
,reams Ts s the hernia when the trues is a.jiu.test.
t�EO(IE RHYNAS, - Druggist,
rebrvary Nh. IMG. Del -
thea Ilfacweloesaaa. and , Manager Ontario Bapk,
era'!1 these and teeny
other similar Complaints 1 t„k Price =.: cend
t, at all , .. 'i. a
Ago influence a $»�7
T. 1 2L5.1<f A Cts.. Prosetrttm. '(leen
for working people. Fiend 11 ewe
for postage. and oe wilt tsar.a.
r et, & royal. valuable.aen,le t a!
of rood' that will ant you m to
ear of in *king more money Ina f re days t t se
yea et er thought pue.:hie et any business. \a
capital required. You can lite at hone acid
work in spare time only. or alt the time. AU
of both sexes, of alles. grandly successful.
See. is Si easily earn every eve•iag. Taal
all who wast work may tea the Samoan. we
make tib un tried otke To all who are
the west line I run a thread for fear .1
losing this very important hue."
Aunt Mary proceeded to cut piece
after piece in the same careful wanner.
When all was ready, she said : "Now,
Sally. there is • great deal to learn about
basting • west You cannot baste in
any way. By that I mean you can nct
properly begin to haste every seam at the
top or bottom of a WOW. There are .
few rules which, if followed, will insure
good seams and consequeutly well fitting
"Here we have the front and beak of
this waist By that I alma the right
and the wrong side of the calico. 8u
hereafter in speaking of the frost you will
broad stripes in ries vivid colon, be- Imo. I mean t . tight •tde, and in
sides many 'loaf nap" plashes iu every speaking of the back you will know I
anaeolesble shad.. 'owl of them Dover- mean the wrong side et tbo calico. The
ed with • frost like vitrification made to bees' &re the Ent to be bested. 8scun
resemble beading. them by pinning at the waist line, then
In fancy gouda of aid and wool are sweetly up cod down so they will not slip
tdlown some very bright balrrios, which
bear a close resemblance to the pretty
Watteau and Pompadour batistes won
fit anmmer. These new materiels are
- be made up in oua)unotiun with WE -
vs. vines camel's hair goods, and the
litre. There is also, by way of nnu-
, • woollen moire in all the dark
.etbrown, wine, etc., that
1011 become quite popular as a
trim- -i- Iridis breathe in gay
Shawl &soigne is Mao revived far trim -
.4u and a5esesories, both for visiting
and rs-dostt oastama
shim boochea, South basket
cloths.acid other nosey materials in
mixed "heather'• eol.ns, shoot with gold,
ass this waren made into very stylish
ead distinrne-looking oamiasrds, or law
Trench travelling cloaks th. named.
'Thom find ready sale with ladies sate
ars givesIn unique styles in drawee
mg.:. rich and comfotrtab3
Y (bey are long enough to an.
,SkD the entire tont Plash, plain or
striped lutea these garments throughout,
ago *mads of dark astrakhan or fur erht
rashes wide are used to trim A very
sellar to match is added, and the
�� {s ta-taned down the front with
when you haste them ; then with the
frost toward lou, remembering to secure
at the waist Lae first, and be very care-
ful out to stretch the sloth. The nest
seam you will sonar* as usual at the
waist lino, then pia about an inch above
that. sed from they* toward the bottom
of the wrid with the front toward yne.
Now tura at ea that the back will be to-
ward yon and pin froas above the waist
line toward tis 1up Baste m the same
way and Tomw�j� have no trouble in
making this set nicely back of the hip.
The rounding piece that uta in the eine
of the back piece must be put in eery
saeefilly Hold UM back towards you,
and in besting freest the tip to the bottom
b• very WOW not to draw it in any way.
Let the rounding ream fall easily into the
served beak. The back* are sloped a
little as the waist line is approached, wad
you will hare no difficulty in getting
them even if you secure them at the
waist lies fMet. Now the shoulder SOWS
hook as Bough they intended to tamable
Vs. The Darks seem too wide for the
frosts. BCM an here. ; you pin the ends
firmly. The balsa still look* too full.
Give it w footle pull , not Wo mso1,
but just enough to .Low you it will fall
been Rik cora and pendant urnamenta. in place easily, and pas and basis every
the magnificent importation• Now we will etatni 0 i:, said Aunt
w�M sed for every 0„...0a. from Ma r she the waist ort on the
the, `tehim„,ng npaes dohs of tinted 1 board 1110•11110/10d my attetttnn to the
p�!� trimmed with cape collars and thread whieb ,sot in a continuous hoe
feflisg [idly ..f durbems lace, tri the rain
babathe waist
baba of Switch tweed, buttoned from an,.a
fila W skirt ham, are shown some els- eswweed waft os00as.
•sed nevegtbes in ndinr mantles Them
AIN ltasurioes wraps are eat in the old
t,vNb sensor fashion and nada of what
eslaiM "Orissa'''. wish, the fabeies
� stripes of superb deep colon is
oh.va wipe. anal gold. The ggwrme t%
caw, the dress entirely, gad are warmly
lint. A deep oollar and Buffs of plan
pled( awe usually added, isatehlne ••we
"f the, esters of (Fn stripe tither. are
tnm..d with wile bears of extend
ihas .4 the e''rs skirt fronts yet Im-
ported sod deeivnwd for the (runt of a
white i +last bridal dram, has the ochre
plass.owred with maniee white rosea
Miall bads aid white crystallised annw-
ibe embroidery is executed an
puns ,h t. bilk, but over it is a dense
wNU1sa .4 001vtrlese crystals. pearls and
wkMa sat jet psdawta, som..d whirl,
atS lanae st.apsd sal forttttiati the .amens
SOONG, has current vales the wide
world over. it breaks doves 50017 bar.
Tier and bolds the key that wllsoks
doe Praj.dtae, the fruit uf
torss, sad tbs rsewUsetion d pai.I1 et-
parieses melt semi like mist %Noes the
rosyiwcisgg merit of Ptatasm'' Painless
Glen } ttr.ulor, sod new abets thew
sands are wib inr sad gad to testify to
its wuadasfal •ficiaaey, it Roes firth
crowned with the oxeyes that rally real
merit &Maisis, bet Petaam's relabel'
Corn Kavas nr. Beware of um•aNsss
N. 1'. Polson • C.. , pr. peietnrs, Kiss -
An expert base bill Over bled Ie
ceteh a boli thrown from tie lop of the
, Washington Moaumest, het was usable
, to hold it. Vii.. great area its rekeeity
that it deeded tis *resod like a mottos
9 NDcuO$
New Lire far remotions weaslessill for Oa -
erase. DebNsati and Nrsn.
The Great Gerais* Isrigesteg',rator u the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be front ex-
cesses of any kind, the treat German
Remedy will restore the test functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six bores hit $.1.00. Sold by
all druggist*. Seat on receipt of price,
postage paid, by i J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio. w rgent torr Cruled Staten. Cir -
ciders and testimonials sent [gee. Sold
by Geo.'mynas, ails agent for Gods -
rich 3m :
Lime Comptaiat,lndagetioe. larwassse
tsuad¢e, Hed manvmssaTgata i • . I.cl
Seer.°°"' or a "' du'"' .C! he Mind a ser
Seer. 0.. C'uri'e Liven Cum
..d carina resod(.
NATU*t'$ mutt Of
The errma.ifed atone of Dr. chase • Liver Care i.
Liver Camp:aim few seIshl with the feet the g .
netpounded f,pt '. w•tkseww liter 1.4,101.11110”
1110000,..11 esti Da.u$Lre. :.ebnael with sat,
,sher i.v.:abis row. (tart. led herbb.a,, kuru.(
awwfuleitct en the kidneys. SitOraarlr.'swat. ale
•tear• see -hs f wide.. Dr. Vault Rwf/v dol
ewe seta 1. c'a e& .tante. Ire weer ewe" sear
..gar owl rail wharf s tvw/rsI wsa Linn. C...
*list to try ills erailiwr..•hw.
f 51.Ag[ts. lltt
Wrapped sseead..ar7 h�ottlsof Dr.1 bs. Li.erCwi
, a eatable tltss$hsid al feel (hili sed Races
tank (S, ewebeeiag coy searaZ:
ssdW tow and d r
m .web MO clay w p� d .&rdiei•t►
�s sora.A e (tad positive
TASedgy gin rvAtlasRUA. as ata pries
SOLO 00 •1`1 Ocwt.0A0
T. Sss5AMaa • 00-- *see gagger, d*sdrsA
CG•ODICiIIaiz. •
Oet. Mal. Uwi. 1111.17
I*.gs'o aataoact that she has in stock to large t u var•e.l profustor.
The Very Latest Winter and String Fashions
gad sbe wouht respectfully i.vl•e the gado. to tall gad see we disp.ay at
The Chicago House.
God rich, Oet Ted. ilk.
HEAO.I yVE,•Of in Va/4
hod *eery speelos elf sailsas
^ An an
$(.SLJ, V V V (mall res
tell' sal
work that that wilarge ll at taste 1
faster than an king stet la "Zieriog, Aa
about (k. IMAM to ptZwsts w ys,
ARrea wanted everyw•ewMsswe., er saber 55x, of
galas, tier will0.5•7•05
(5 yea is
al ages, tar ala the time. M
work for ua at Bear ewe beim• bat
r�omvpp TURINTit 'RV DEALER. WTt'RT STREET. just Ras
• GA111A)AD OF HKI RO0$ *WN. -Ire towns n heed which leformr Style sad NEXT ,Peke Da00 (Vl[PITTITiON.
Aad tel A1 WM: BD cosset he beat mit COMPARE PTTLZ AND PRII hose � /rte. 110410.10 Mete aboeld : o• Cas
ekeesk as
/ Intend to Sell for Sixty Days at as Little Advance
as Possible on Cost.
1 Wo^" be Undersold by any Dealer on the Top of the Earth.
J. BROPHY, Wee': Street.
Ged.rtcb, No. 111. INf. !1R -ho
.1 o..* rd. • of the W.V. 1a44 5.4± -'el WOW
25...axe I.14tme Wiruit c
1a Bsstles Bf at slim.
Waters am* h,althfal act .stem ' g bsvrwge for the snmtne- sasaea
A lot of ApoIKnaris anal Other Mineral Waters.
Yltlt8 nVPff.lte or
Hellebore. Patin 8t�n, Lndaa Purple, Insect Powders'
rtes.. etc., .tr
IF. JORDAN, Medical Ball, eoderiob.
P; P74;2741:1"51,747.3
In P gp a F rri ^ x„
N,p 4gw n8>re3 g4
11 w e•ar'n7J 7
44 Cd ;w O, eilg �i
y R ekt ;Ail.?
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ri71 si i ? ,e, r
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yn 3�
,a r_* �, 111 a �f T
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PI •+re s 1• iTi _1 sIsarZr ii',11
w R •r ;-
Q its! tt i,- 4 E iii rid
N �ii ee #i11 11111 V1iii
' g !VH � Rxi�Yli3 :�� A.
8 1111111i 3
riiiiti I ii
e1 1 Iii
ft will pay yeti M bay year ttr• Item the undenidoed. as f have sow ea oompiltli .
as asseesma. is tarn is is th•
i M not tesvar . • 0= stneialty, bat wall sate feet a sew•
real oats( tJ� dsA ia� serMesg var.
IS the U LI Sl Slav, Mpet esibod kw the pew es seal sstisb
`�•wlale*•d (ltteorw et Vatbsfm10 m Ili•( IwttN barisgl G eea1 yMije efl '
ftiasiL to s dlsranea sea dem atrw.aas•hl$ asst
West nest. 004000)5. 0Awess lass plat Oise ma Seek of YeeCres'.
((Celan SIM. mos. ' in
A ore, edit
erniiae IIo Yor illOf Smog Macliiue&
Organs and !Sewing Machines Rope red.
gr Yetitae Ola sad A0•dlmstom7a es and air rw,ss ate priers •".•••••
0. H. QIB rX
Remedios guest s fee Besse WSW lb* Ceti*rse Salk