HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-11, Page 4ar rHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, DEC. ll, 18b5. THE SCOTT ACT. te! he if tffn•p•+ sial eiders, oiw/ deemed the anbrea.n.t of the Ad. Costmlmratter IJ.yle ..id he was eery shad lodged thee the time had arrived when they acre permitted to ups their leu.the in defame of the amuse they had tabor in the discharge of their dut- ies. In the first place it was charged against them that, as °themes, they were is sympathy With the lemur Untie, toe in other words, that they were rebels easiest the Lw and the o•untry. Whes mealy ut the members of that aseeteee wbich adopted the memorial were neo- phytes in the temperance work, he wee one u1 the first mea in (iudench to take a stand in tempo .ss meters H5 was the tint man to try to wipe nut the km grummets* in the town He was the first Dian to take up the question of sep- arating liquor from Ilse growl stoma He had twee • c..e1.te.t tempera• e ma., but not • fanatic. He bad stood in with the temperance party until he was treated in • way that Diads bins has all interest in that party. At me time • delegation ut temperance meta waled upon hum as representative of their tow, asked hens to be one of their reeves, •ad when the vote acme to M polled, some 01 theca turn deserted him, and another man who Tied bean • tem- perance men gut the vote of the liquor *party, and he ,Mr. Doyle) was left at home. Since that time he had been out if .ympp••tby with the temperance seoi5- 0es. no inspectors had been charged with being partizans. When he selected the inspector for this k en he selected hint because he knew he had heeu a tone potence man, and didn t knew whether he had or had net clanged lie views since. As for Mr. Perking, he was a ,ass el temperance principle., and would di. - charge hie duties to the best of his ability. Would anyone dare to eay that Mr. John Kelly, the third, was one who tipples or dnnka lsgaor 1 It was • matter of notor- iety that fur months past the Soon Act people had been mutiny and passing resolutions in their gatherings condemn- ing their indifference. Yet Mr. Campbell said they had not on* specific charge, al- though he had called opts the commie - sinners and Inspectors to give more ev1- doom of their faithful discharge of their duties. (01 discussion here took place between the license commissioner and the clergyman aa to what the latter had A Temperance Deputation later - views tat, Lineage Ooomti- ttionere . AMA Ger taete.ed y tee ltaa (rm.• M 141s rremeaz. About five o'clock on Wednesday eeew- itag of last week the members of the com- mittee appointed to present tbo temper- eam memorial received ootifmali to attired • meeuag et the beard of license oom15isaid here 11511 wonting at 10 o stock. The notice was w •hurt 1h.t • majority of the ouss,elttee could not be and together to time to arrange any pre- stos way of pretesting the memorial. It wee elan sherry impossible to primer. witnesses wee hired out of town. Never - theism several e1 the eum•tttt.e went to the offset of the chairman of the board to talk over the matter of the memorial, wham that uncial led the way to the court room, mil assuming judicial fuse- tlowealMd spore lbs coNnm,UM fcr eve 4.nos regarding the charges mads in the aaemorial. Rev. T. M. Campbell and Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy mated that the mites was too abort. The chairman contended that the board and its officiate had already laid for ten days under the charms, and they should here bete handed the memorial sooner. Mr McGillicuddy said be acknowledged that it was a attiMgke not to have handed is a ropy d the memorial sooner to the ogm- missionere, bet for .11 that the ernes was too abort, as even the committee meld sot be called together I0 time for farther cousultatien. The chairman then fulminated against the temperance people in general and Rev. T. M. Camp- bell in particular, for their action in repealing the memorial, after which he called upon Mr. McGrillicddy to read that document. The latter prefaced the mediae by saying that be was glad Mr. Doyle was in the chair as a Itemise tom- miesio.sr, and not as judge, *lee if he was to speak hie mind regarding his 000duct that morning he might be coon - emitted for contempt of court He then read the memorial. The chairman next called upon Inspec- tor Ball to speak to the question. stated, Mr. Campbell putting himself Messrs. Campbell and McGillicuddy right eo far as the other was marepre- man might have grown a little rusty objected to him speaking until the dept- seining him.] Commissioner Doyle re- while on the bench, he had just given nation had made their chargee more ex- sumed, and said the Scott Act was the them a splendid exhibition of special pliettiy. law of the county, and it was the duty of pleading. The reference t.• ('hief-.fus- Tbe ellair.nan insisted in following out every gold citizen to carry that law out. tics Cameron was ridiculous. The grand fie own order of procedure, and the in- The carrying out of this Act did not nit jury of Oxford knew more about the ef eetor proceeded in hie usual style. He with the commissioners . it is not the feet of the Scott Act is that oounty than j• Ml.•ry that he had never beeo offered fault of the inspectors, but it was the the Chief -Justice did, fee they lived and help by the temperance people, eTcept in fault of the people in neglecting to give moved in the county, and be was only a one come where they offered him counsel. et proper aid. It had been shown by transient visitor. He had gut his know - 11, rambled all over the question, eve- Mr. Ball that the informations he had ledge from the lawyer* and start house dently with no other Idea than to kill gut were, as a rule, anonymous. It was outerie, who 10 *one of our counties tire,. and foremen mall smpre+eion the impossible for any comm►maioners or were sold for their enthusiam in favor deputation might sake if they had pea- iu.pect,rs to duly enforce the Act unless of the Act The chairman had acted in tended in the usual course. Amid pro- the people of the county came forward tests from members of the deputation, be and brought the iofor.nation to the proceeded to read a number of enemy- knowledge of the inspector.. He defied thous letters reflectieg upon the conduct any per. on topoint to one single instance .1 well known temperance men He where they had neglected to prosecute Complained that be had been nine months it They had appointed officers whom is the service, and bad not yet got a they believed to be efficient and worthy dollar. He claimed that lea only crime men. They gays these officers their wee that be was a Opteervative. He instructions, but did not tell them that w•.dered 011 for nearly an hour, and in all that time did not my month of the real ciaestiou at iasis to occupy tive minutes. Chairman Doyle than rose to speak bet Rev. T. M. Camphill pretested that the' delegati•ei should he permitted to any something in the way of backing op the memorial. The chairman then con - seated to allow Mr. Campbell to .pmt. Ree. T. M. Campbell said it was a well-known fact that the Act was fre- quently violated, and the question was, How shall we enforce that law t We naturally go to the officers appointed ; to the cc15mi.siunera and iia s. or The current of the remarks of Mr.PBall, and the chairman's interjections, had given to all the impression that they did not hold themeel wee responsible for the enforcement of that law, and had cast it back upon the temperance people. He protested against the conduct of in.pee- tor Ball in reading anosy15owe lettere defaming the character .lf respectable men who had nothing to do an this mat- ter, esd whom he sought to malign be- muse jig wore leading tssspersees then, and he told cenemkrioeur Doyle it was a dastardly thing fur kiln to allow Meeh to be dour. Mr. Campbell then re- ts th fact that the violations of et were known and talked and dirt the words of oneol m ioaar Doyle confessed his know- ledge of it, and yet 44o:tally he did little art sothtag to enforce the law He premed home the charge that while the commissioner; and inspectors were paid a salary for enforcing the law, they Viol to throw the responsibility of their ems work upon the temperance people, gas war witnessed by the remarks of the rimae that snernsng -Mr. 8011 ap- teamt on the idea, "'Nos look up the case, and when everything is ready hand it over t.• me. ' The temperance pac.p10 were net expected to go out a their way to hunt up canes ; it wan clear - 1, the inspector's duty to du so. Mr. Ball had said he wee not yet pad. Well, 0 he had not been laid and didn't ex poet to be paid, lie shooed resttiu. W. specter. Vessels coming and gang had wanted officials who would dot he work ,n . I to give ef5cial notice of their movement., matter what the pay. The comuumae.uers As to the inland revenue officials, it was should nicest on the importers ferretting well known that their immense in this out violation& it had been publicly and county did not prevent the illicit making commonly said that the inspectors and of liquor That was a well amen fact. e osemiesiosers were to symp ethy with The temperance law was not pprnvrt{p11un.rrly en- th. moisture of the law. lie put the (•.reed because the people held.1,lrof, and ..e/missieesee and inspectors in the in that way the hands of the c mma wee category with cult. Inc °Meer' ar.J stoners were tied He would defy •ny- snob ellei.la, The work of the tnspme• moa to say that he had ever winked at a ton bad not been seek as would cern vi.lati.,n of that law. It wee not for the *end them to us as men who would en- paltry sum .ef $76 • year that he wanted &reftl.law. He would appeel t0 the to cling to public ngie.,and he abused a bar 4 public opinion i1 Ibe.e officials the press and on M5 p.btis platform for "bad dens their duty. He would my not doing hu duty Then as to the nom - that Sir. Ball J•ad not pot himself in the m.ssi,ners. Now the duty of looking Mae f kw snit order 4.11 this question. ■fest the whole menta a pieced upon Regi- Meg Mr. Ball's statement that he l the shoulders of three men, whereas a- wes s te and over the (-oviduct of der the Crooks' Act them wipe alien Os the MAW. ease, "he W himself to the question of the persona to ahem Slam, .1 bereaftrr I accept any farther herniae were granted, he tr••1wii110i etatem..te d 1i. with rsarrr.. He was the beginning teat fault had bees fowled simply 1(51.4 to accept the assistance of by the proses aced the Scott Act saseeb- • barrister in this case and be could lion for granting 1leene.e to others thee tarok amid bekapl of these who emit in !Them were two ,biome of which the tete- W. eusgralulato your h.ulor o. the for lemur. A nembur *d ladies under i peruke people complained as against the feet Ilea our duties, asreed lienee leek to lepresewt to him that • certain outwmuswuere 1st, that 11.y gave the hate beim w light. The wily case ■ hnch druggist is b(tei -w is tows s►uuld not licenses to teen ether teas drugctsla, hes cuue toter* us was 005 of assault get a ureses to toed Milner. And aurae enstrary te the plain suteutein 4 the and we have dealt with it accrrdieg to iii shish had repeee•nted that it ameba law ; ted, 2red, that they appointed as our jedgusnt kill their bum nu.. if the rummies --ms isspee4ue, men in whom no cum6deoc. We are pleased to see there are nc would girl harass to other draggM., was placed and who are well /omen to criminal cues resulting Ju1stly ur sM and nut to them. It wosld be utterly be in sympathy with the ligm.r trade. directly in.e the me of iowxnauts. impueeible to keep any track of the Their oemplaint against the inspectors We understand that owing to the pew isle in the dr11g stow. He had was that they did tout try to detect the mutases of team ender the ('+nada Tom - beau the asthority id nae of thelsadil violations .rt the Act, and whet informs- perance Act • number of appeals aro teslpereace mon of the county that jk teen was given thein refused to sot upon hetoie this court fur final ..itL strut. was a gond snore, cher all had oven es- it. 'liar complaint was especially direct We aro hired to as. thetjnitraotww of pleased to ham. There had bean only d •gaiw.t inspector Ball, who reuwved this as well as othe laws ■asst always two applicants outade of drtmiste is several ieformalsws and yet refused t.. be carried on with impunity. We r.r- Uoderiele The ourwmi eionms had re- prosecute them fur reasons quite abwrd, grit to learn, however, that el the oases fused Imre to Mr. Craig to use Bing- .ad m •0150 ut which oases .utr4Mioes helots your honer only one has bee. ham's elute, because it was under the wen afterwards obtaitsd by private prosecuted by the regularly appuu,t.d OWN rued as their adeSL The speaker proseautiun. He had refuel nue oar .Anala, but 5e hope that henceforward charged it upon the Sant Act people that t0 particular, to which :he expenses had elf.erie nil be made by the Goverume.l they had not done their duty ea well as the oom15iwunen had done theirs. It was a must grave procedure, • gruel out- rage, to make there public charges against the inspectors of this county, v when there was not brought furw•rd one single inMance of their tie -elect. He blamed Mr. Campbell in rather rigeerous language for ..akieg • charge against the inspectors that he could not prove. The c mnsier sere, mid the chairman sarcas- tically, kart been very modestly remind - bee. guaranteed. All ate teopenuce •. oe s t.. take the work .d pr.eeeuiW puopk 1105 ask u the euforcewsut of 1). .out of the haul• of private tndniduau taw by the men who receive the people's ur public societies. money as payment for door this work. All of which is respectfully submitted. .11d this they have the right to de J..t, W isos, Foreman. mead from the commissioners who have His Honor, ply. it in their power w compel the inaeKetors to do their duty. He charged reams - sooner KMly with groat ini delay to the lutere•t• of the county in endeavoring to burk the °pinio• trf the county council, and attempting in • high-handed manner ed of their dunce. He had teat fouud to put of the appusutmeni of • police any Penton* whu were more ready and magiattaie. 11 "HI temperance pouple y way get willing to discharge their duties than the had • fair upportuosty uf pre•suting inspectors were. Mr. Bali had abnwu •pecitic chargee they could do w. that by spending kis own money in fol- The chairman here rut his temper, lowing up the oases. It was not In hu a.d loudly accused Mr. Campbell of provisos to soy what the Board would slandering the warden. He ought to have d, next year so far as granting licenses had enough of slander during the were concerned. It should be distinctly Scott Act campaign. He lectured bis oietica auditord he in re said he was glad they were able t.i get through their murk w wenn, The remarks made about the jail and the jailor were well minted. With regard to cuiplaint rode about the Ilufurtem to mane ntiud once June. be would say that it u easy fuer a nun to grumble when be u in jail. There a an gasfor biro to out d be wets to, but it would not do him much harm if he was to stay in 1 • little longer. He then dismissed the jury. Munro ea W. Holmes. - Memel, • commercial traveller, brought a. action against N m. Hulanes, of Wingham, for understood b the public that unless t pr aeasult. Garnet, o! htPr1...•t for the 7 P they as wen a taueer I deft, The jury brought i• ■ t erdict of will smut the esthetes to enforce the Ise at the bar instead of a respectable clergy ams He then grave calmer, and said It I mut guilty. was his whole desire that the law should 01:21H TOWN FATHERS. be enforced. They bad not neglected their duty Mr. Seeger said it was well known that be was not • temperance man, bet • teati- me* mai. He was not • teet..taller, closed by citing ch. case of Chief Justice out a supporter of the Scott Act. He Cameron at Wuojatock, when he replied voted for It because he saw the evils of to the grand jury of Oxford as to the the liquor traffic. He wished to see the working of the Scutt Act in that county. open temptation taken away from the Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy said that the Young men fSowtng up around us. He chairman when practicing as • barrister I hell • strong feeliug on that subject. He had made a reputation for himself as • I beheeed the law was required, and grid clever pleader. It had not been his good { that as it had been camel it should not fortune to hoer him in a case before, but 1 be weakened in any way. The delegation he must now my that although the chair- were not here ut trial and on their de- fence, but were there to offer in the kindest nnanner their advice and assist- ance. He believed the commissioners bad acted in good faith when they began their duty. hut a was not for the best. The hutelkeepere of the town were com- plaining because the liquor stereo had not kept the law. The chairman -1 don't think the hotel men or the unlicensed liquor sellers are anxious to keep the law. Mr. Seager -It unfortunately happen- ed that men were appointed to enforce the law who were partizans and opposed to it. We did not come here slandering little can be done, as the matter depend- ed m a great measure upon themselves. The eoverninent officials should be re - yarded as frieude of the Act. He believ- ed that the Scott Act with all its taupe was as well administered in this as in any other count in the meaner. He • most unfair manner in conducting the interview. He had done his summing individuals. The notice of this nueetinr up before all the evidence was before was too short, and 1 behe.e cases could him. He had not allowed time for wit- be ','•ally substantiated if proper time nesse* to be brought from outside points, had been given. for the notice had been given only at The chairman then intimated that he five o clock the previous evening;. He would nau.e • day when the committee had put forward a !Meuse inspector be- mold again come before them with fere any of the delegation had npportu.- specific charges as to place and dtte. it was their duty to be euntinually on ' icy to specify charges, and that officialMr McGillicuddy thought anything the read. They only received the enor- had taken up valuable time chiefly by given in the way of information should mous sum of 5225 a year, and they had I reading an.o,.,vnueu letters derogatory to be treated as confidential by the coco- nut yet gut it for this year. They could . the character 0f temperance men. It was mwioners. The temperance men did not on that amount get rich. Yet men ' a flagrant outreee, contrary to all usage sot wish to unnecessarily give their will vote for an Act, and est in barrooms, and to common decency. Mi. Nilsen friends away to the liquor party. and then roll up their eyes and condemn I was happily present, and hall given the - the inspectors because they will not do • lee to one .barge, and Mr. Seager gave COUNTY COURT. their duty. The inspectors should gat I the lie to another. The chairman should mere emolument, and the temperance not have permitted such • shameful tttlK a5eg• sewn t5 the Poorhouse el.v+' sibuse of pnvslege as the ceding of seen. aid for creed Jeep anonymous charges. The temperance , les w the Lionise people had no confidence in the ability i of the inspector te properly conduct a ' Before 11 a Mono:- I. V Toe.. MOIL Sri far the Inspectors had secured I ,-t.r DAY. only one conviction, while the temper - linos ppeeo4nle, altogether independent of Dec. fhb, IS&,. the officials, had secured several coni c- The county court opeued at 12u'duek tiona, and came 41 these case* had been 1 noon by proclamation. Mr. .1. A. Wilson. of Seaforth, was chosen foreman of errand jury. Judge Toms. in ha address to the grand jury, said that the calendar placed in his hands by the 'beret showed the open to a chart•* ,if nepotism, the chair - e s ▪ state of affairs in the cunnty, bo far as the court was concerned. There were avian baring [ranted • license t, his own brother, • hotel keeper, and the warden none now ea i11 jail f..r anal, al - can should help them to get more. This Scott Act creek away from the revenue that should go toward. enforcing the liquor laws. He claimed that the man- ner in which the Crooks Act was work- ed, and he had been a commissioner under that law, placed the liquor traffic on • satisfactory heats. It had the effect of riming the standard of hotels. Of course there were iufnngements of the refused by the inspectors. What did Crooks Act, for it was utterly impossible that prove ? He always had the rootage to suppress the illicit traffic completely. of his convictiong, and would say that He for one would rejoice when the day he would have preferred a full board, would come when the traffic would be as the two members before him were completely coder control. He would new take up the metnerial in the order of its clauses The whole thing was unfair became it was • meeting ef wear., a few children and tarty or feety electors. Hs denied the truth uf the first close of the memorial as to the visitations of the tae by license holden. The hard had palmed resolutions to confine the liquor teethe to buildings separate from hotels in order that then might be no excuse as to persona going in then for anything else. He admitted that there were solations of the Aot. but it was in.unlicensed hotels. The liquor was now being directed to channels which be- fore did not exist, but not by hemmed men. The charge was a gross libel against the holden of licenses. It meant also that the liqu .r vendors wen perjurers, because, they have at the end uf the year to rake a sworn statement to the effect that they have not viul•ted the c.oditi.ss of the Act in their aster. He acknowledged that there were diffi- culties in the way of enforcing the Act. There was no likeness between the do- mes of a customs officer and a license in - sot Imre 'misunderstood nor n%er." drwsgista He emir upon himself the ft*ferr.ng n t0 the onysSOss let main responsibility for cleat enema (eve, he awwhy did not Mr Bell He 1.4 I,..ked over the whole metier, fe.'low op these •nowytso.s informations anti came to tM cnt.elwn+n that the hoot i1/ a r awl eel me them es be way t1 keep tooth •.1 t•• hersage. dna* W done chilli , 1 He oncluded by was to ha.. the Inane in *ems where (raw rear • he (the speaker), se De other teepee was earned as, as that 1 having a son as one of the derelict tbuegh there were a somber of prisoners in- spectors. A feeling of sunrise, shame ire There were three Insane persona and disgust had passed over the county n could nd for the these county hadpersol dand all had when it was Ent learnedthat the tom- been exsmined by the proper authorities missioners had passed by the drugr,ist. The accommodation fur the imams u( and siren licensee to the hotel keepers this province was now so limited, that Even the liquor party was astonished. unfortunately these poor people bad t0 It was the c°mmiesionere and be scut to rail He saw some familiar inspectors, not the dr the indications he were 11amoa in the lest 0f ,»nuns it 1511. They on trial, and after the indications of were co0tined ur ;ail for an offence that (*din; the chairman had given in hie was not named in the common or stat. - speech, they could hardlya:peel to , an much b resenting a case. how tory law ; and that is, they were poor. tyre stnongy He would instance •.tee For this oxime they were put m jail, and 'ea -Wiest tee oil the position. He then u" enunty has to liar the espousal There should be boom ether s read a p•ttsua vol as editorial en the oeon meda Goderieh Rear calling the attention of riot for this else of people. The men the authorities to the fact that in x police you send t0 the county cuncil are the covert ease for a sa.k, ew..rn tsstimuuy men who should attend to this matter, had been giren to show that x constable but although grand jury after grand ;tory have sugggseted this they hare done noth- ing. H* mentimed this because the newspapers d other counties were poking ten at this county, because while being • had left instructions that certain hard cluerscten were not to get liquor even with a license, but that • companion was handed the "prescription" by the non county it wall not maintain ita poor. drunken men, and that hs vet liquor for The county attorney had told him there the others on the identical certificate would M a east o1 assault. H* thin 51 - upon which liyonr had previously been refused ' The liquor vendor in tett nese plaited the difference between common sod sgpgr5 case was notorious, but nothing had also their business to vait the jail and been done by the officials. n. ('ommiai0ner Doyle - Ile did right Nu businessert upon its abeing osg tior..ady court s'! - net to give It to a drunken man ; you surely ean't object to siring it to the j`ArNII.4ii v:30eon. tomorrow, subs m*n. at•1SU Mr. McGlllicoddy-- I am astonished to ' Dec. ' the rated aaeault. That was the was a brother of the chairman. That only rias to come wove them. It was hear roe say that. 7. not a ee: tificate ' Court "-pervert at '0130 o'clock a ns. perp yt as indirideal this,1 It Is seerr t treader- ant to ad;•.urnment• The hest case ' tko , pas. g, ja`y' able. , was Mr. McGillicuddy then said that °wine I Woodman v. Dickinson-- Action for to the lateness of the hour and the at conversion ot heu•ehold property. Gar - Mole rt( the board, he wonle m.bapeak now .t Pr.udf...d for p$f. ('amer.n, ---- - at any f5aibtor lesjftli, smptrocielly as there Holt & Cameral for deft. Verdict ;..r QEAt)ER a LEWIS, BARRISTERS, were several other delegates present who I pl*intiff $70 damages. A7 i.d.ra►. ought to he heed. Re moat ay, hew- tint- ' *r'rwYttrer 0r (e•Aup Jra1. + P.uiatt Jct KN. lite A. A. )r ever, that be did not think the inape•c• ! The jurors for our Sovereign Lady the tow had the ability, if the desire, to 4 Oiliest'', beg leave to presest that they R u! aRATES, AIOWCTTOR a« aose15•fell, mended pnuecieti°n•, sod I have examined the jail and Lad it clean etre•, tta•M tlrer4 itebma5 5*. maspereeme roan did not can to gine ! and everything in geed (viler, no coin- Money to M aMMd rest. them infurmatans, and teen bare them !plaints from the pr» .ears to regard tr- l A RRO W & PROUD/FOOTBAR selves es well as the ease given stray. their treatment, and cote congratulate the CT HINTERS. ttasvrhey + TM temearane. pang& had shown that jailor ,in the admirable cnsdstion w. End 1 0.41.,„ b J T. i4argw, 'bay snot rid ertwri tlnn. where the I everything - - - --- - failed in ,Mir duty ; We beg wave to all Ilse attentoon gr• f 1AJIl.Rt)N, H3LT & CAMZROR, . T. M. Gmtpbell, in rising again, i • complaint of a pets -ear confined se • P•01 r'hsre y. Cray ha. sad thea tw•peelnr Ball was a public man , debt•r since the oth Jane lest. of the t: t p link 1r ta. CSatn.rea, h ii arid was amenable to public (genies. I.jlttta05 • f his con(intssesl 1 ,era. W:arrham. Irii. WW Triumphed at yrs teseell Matta. LM frld.p Might. Dentistry. * /NICHOL3ON,_ .L.D.B. 1,1 U[YT•L Eighth sour blew whet' , --------- L. WOOLVERToN, L. D. 8, oiler 044 • HAIR, :art► Oed.ricb. Charges merest•• ►s week war- • the people's Column. `-i Er1ERALL SERVANT WAIITED- w MRel rtitAt/• IMieZerte 1 sigh Anis CORDWOOD WANTED. Tenders will ire roselved al this taco up % Fridaynest lfrmoards ofin sed magi. lose oUmli o•as e. D,edH Mk January. ri( 111• CUDDY SHOO. The usual monthly meeting was held last Friday evening, all the members present except the reeves ' sunset or ornceul The treasurer's statement fur Novem- ber showed : Valance last month.. $225807 Received since..... .... . 2723 31) Dubursemente . 2869 32 Balance to next month . ..2112 64 From the street inspect. -r, reporting payments for public works and ex- penses duriug November at $83 99. From cemetery *extern reporting inter- ments for mouth as four adults and two children. The usual monthly repot of the tire warden was read and filed 0011111111.711 'CATION! From the Department of Agriculture, *scheme a circular of information re- garding the Cameo' Exhibition. Re- ferred to Srecul Committee. From the Department of Pubhc Works that tha dredging asked for an the harem channel was new considered completed. rermowtt From Donald Mclan1 and Mrs. John Wesson, asking remaamion .1 taxes ; from Rev. 11 J. Watters, asking remis- sion of taxes paid on lot 439, it being church property ; and from H. Cruces, asking remission of dog tax, the anneal h aving been killed last January. Re- ferred to Court of Reviaon. Frim John Yule, asking for a stet of uniform as night watchman. Referred to Sipply Committee. were read as follows .1. W. Smith, r. 11.1, $3; B..ch*nan, Lawson & R-b,n e ms, lumber, etc. , $59 71 ; E. Graham, relief, $3.15 , Wm Kirkbride, hanging up hose from two fires. $4. W. T. Welsh, repairing teen Cock. $2 ; Alex. Hirktride, two bolts put in town hall, $21.26 ; Jetn F. Bates, repairinc waver cart, $5.35, and two ladders, $9.'2.0: George Giant, relief, $13.*. All were referred to Finance Committee An account of $76 fur raoeine puapts was ordered paid. eurnxr( ter ^O.11e11TILv. From Finance Committee, mom mending the payment of accounts pre- sented at last meeting -- Adopted. From: the Relief Committee ae fol- lows . St Andrew's- August, $4.02 ; Sept., 57.10 ; October, $14.77 : Novem- ber, 1014 ;i.!. St. Iferi,i's ward, for No- vember, $12 !et. lit George's end, for Nuvember, 56. 1,0. From the special c mmittee, submit- ting estimates on the proposed water works, electric light acid agricultural park. On mottos of Councillor Beeler, seconded by Counc,l.•r Humber, it was ordered that a poll be taken at the next municipal election, *act of the proposed improvemente to be voted ..n separately. And on station of Councillor Cam jien, eecondsd 1•y Councillor Colborne, the clerk was instructed to get 300 espies of the report hinted, with • moms 015 bodied that theerepptt will be psbtrcty discussed at the next annual meeting re tb. electors. On menthe the f. rennin pay roll for the year ora adopted, and ordered paid. After passing the usual bylaw preeld- isg for the muutcipel and school trustee elections, the council *drowned. asarymrs' teeert.1..a er w..ser•e IMM. The Anterial Convention of the Deirrinen'n Aesocimioa of W. item (natario, win be MU at the Town Hall- an ltrsedsbck, es the 13th. Nth aid tab N,IS•wary nest. Ar ange.ante abet bora made with the Grand Trask end Osaritae Pare Railways, foo thit moil re- duct:oa of foresee pveentaalon of the eeru- lcate of niesabeIWhtp require, at the station from which they start, hot no r5doction will be glowed enJ•sa tff member has as (Mehl the jDeeretarynu 14 bred, enbtald ednewly from eg apphlthg fore the name, aft party meat ware u which Road they carr te tNar. I G`i Cr. uwlcc. Lsgat. 1)rri•i1 t!e / THP. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF 1 (:ribose will meet la th. Towed* Ii&ti 011 Thursday. the Mk Reele emamm*adag at 10 v i M a k am. All jsrtlm holding s•. counts *gallon the To wash P will pls•ae lee ward w theueder+.lgnad to toeholds' itif, J. A. McL(1SIAOH. mit FINE ARTS. MR. R. CROCKETT has r'r05•eed kis champs in 011 and Water Color p.istt•g et Mg on chi•& tc., m the alterseos et W51. pedal and Thursday *t mach week. /tithe thy square, cert door W Mr. tam. Acheson'• Store_ 5, 1-41 DOMINION STATUTES, lea► Notice 1a hereby gives that I haw* rase red Dominion Ntatutre for IMS. 15 and A. sad that srsinatrates end others .outied (5 receive clam MA obtain thew IRA at my elm O11e. of ('ark of ileacs. 1111 tlod4rick. Dec. 1. IMI- a 11111-1t MUHIC.-MISS COOKE, AFTER 14 ire year. study of mode, is prepared se receive pupils for Ins visas. II liem5.a quarterly. Terme: If Mr elsarter. SOW SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN',, PHONOGRAPHY. The asset popular eye tem taught. ledrwrtloa heed far mast7tia 'Stumm. *Mote Every hey and girl about learn shorthand. fat L"DWARD SHARMAN, s=to:ruru J and plasterer, thanks the public farther (riot mord patronage. He is mitt ready to d• all work to hop line in • superior sa..aer Priers to suit the tuna [attmates power for buildings when required. 107.17 Strayeb 1lnitfials. CAME ON THE PREMIERS OF Subscriber. un sr ahem the middle of gest. . • yearling heifer rid and white. ifs owner is rftoamted to prorert pay chimes avid take 1t away. WILLIAM dl c- CAUGHAN. cow C. Oedarbk Iowa. MINI TRAYED- CAME ON THE PRE - 1` Midge d the undemie5s4 awing the storm of than urda) .veep.. the Sib lost.. a red and white heifer. Tar owner by proving property ted paying charges (toe take it essay. CHAS. BATES. tiod.rick. Dee. Ian, teat Ora tf ESTRAY SHEEP -CAPE ON THE premium of sebeertber. let rti oma. at W. to.. Colborne. on or about the be[la.tag of fav . tiro ewe Tie owe r rwgeamee N prose property, pay charas and take them •way. ANI'MEW A. YO1•NO. 111/44t ,TRAYED CATTLE -CAME os rue 1.- premises of the subscriber, sear D ca- non, abet the bagging st November leek a seer and a heifer. yearlings Tis steer Mired sad white. with lair Mellsed to cart; the better is red, with white belly. lop partly white. tied large. white stat oto face. Tle owner r requested to prove A7.171% rw/.rt7 Pr charms and take them away. H. 1r, DV - 1ea.4t I) AILS CAME ESTRAY --I HAVE A It stray rant on ml pnmtoam, 10(515.4 N. con. 11. uolbon.e. The owner a requested to prove property. expenses .e0 tato it away. (lap,. JANI* HOOI`. >Iey41 IJFIFER ESTRAY. - STRAYED `` from the pasture Ikld of Than Dasher. Ashfield. near D ag•anea durl•g the pact Lesson. • yearling heifer, nearly all red. is- slta•s nrelwa.•dniln.d tetug IJ1OHrNecvT willohgle. con 1 W. D.. Colborne. 151141 I AMB CAME ESTRAY -CAME ON premhatr of the soboerlbu, 1st a 10ot.. 91.1'4_ . n.. Catborw., dorms !lupi., • ewe Ilamb. ajhe owasr b requested to peeve pro I TIPiN. chain+, aad take 1t sway.JOHN giggdt I t 1AME ON THE PREMISES OP' I W. , tVawa A a abouK. t the middle a lot Jet) one ewe and one lamb. me •weer is remade thewpro property. pay monism end take away. 8EHM 1RD REDMOND Dee i gamma. P.O. 151.41 For Bale or to Let. FOR BALE -CHEAP FOR CASH, J.p I Let No 1!44 m South street, Goderteb. J to MARTIN R KrT'T1oN, narrater. 1e amtsdL. noath, 1ta 115... ISIS -IR. 1T0 RENT-Ter PREMISES Ksowa as St. Aedrew's Mamerecently emu= b Rom. P. Owen -Jure.. Apply a the Py.t O11ee for perimeters. Mitt 'WARM TO LET -FOR A TERM 01 years. 1.1 tet Ilya, 1a the Maitland ew- eesoon. of the Towahlpp of CodMcb. _ape's by letter to J. S. =ARE...Stratford. 1eatf Auctioneering. I 1. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . this county of Rum. Bales atteaded in any part of the Colony. Address orders te l:olerich P. 0. lewd. IOUN KNOX GENERAL AUC- s TION BUR aced Lead Vaheator, Odetiek. 4151. Having had cnsntderable experiese s la the acct ion.ert.g trade. he a la • position to d/erharwe with thorough satl.t.etlon all cow missions entrusted to him. Order's left to Martin's Hotel. or rent by mail to my .dd tioderivb P. o.. carefully attended to. JOHN iNOX C..antr Aaotloueer, 115 -if JRe6icale E. CASE, M.D., QM., M.C.P.A., hetes, ettrgwon. Aeeeuefeer. r forearm orcoptee by Dr. ipnum. NMbt office --Mar 1M1- 1. O.1. tv, O11ee-- Ilwtakbsml tiles keel. Da MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- OaON, Css.er he. (11155 and readese5 Ream Street. seemed dour west 5f Wirnorta Mel 1.61, URB SHANNON a RAiIIILTON Payalciam dire at Dr. massagere atese.s Mh15e 's inr the meet Oederteh 0. C. NAtratis, A. C. ll•twe won 150,000 tTO LOAN AT 6 PER CitNT. [TuR.OdNTO 01i1R1t•le TRI;t4TB C'O'Y Wprre Wt early to lam y at a pm meet.. pap TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS. w /r'sa-el•es tares severity. Applyto CAMERON. 1101.1 14 CAllelett0 e• AwAmassfat I le Throats issmSs 7rwes*drtei(may Cat menw, Roth It Carman k. -ars t mets unity ofprivate feuds to Ma OtlL1. >lNj•tt ■sTIMM5.M stat/ team --...m a ),ever se he J sal bdnn p,.rnd haat ritrsolt•n I , 0555 asci w for kis chaetae the inetr.olic .Isecue of taeetiW p..t15eat u( e.0tlun was Campbell, of t Illy. kkrame orf the ward titre when the 'lawn had .t stet, acid .u' the seesio.,it vJ std the i o00•ty that bt his peculiar p to alley his .hat tis. wan puets•i/y 17 e. Weed.. Ke tak.o aback b that the'mitt that time he they had 1..0 t s do cometh that they cc 'rhe motion beer and won tact to send 44 ame.dmeot h this day. An dared is the 1 rased had br henna, but i last s5gsion- them amend 'only dispose 'lament, and not forwardin A.ieonred fort J„unc,L He •.dato.etit special meetil ripsaws, and all it. He ecru end " Mydbe su 1.erYNa I w laugher , u es hal todu. stat he shoe Ito night tt holding the an error of jt to 1515 expel • pinion of th r fuer elm answered to December ase He ltidn't th its might h t.eli.v.d the l.re5Snt, hut :-belie -treat yes hs0try ate appoid t ,nag .acmntee add to ..ur jeers, for as at the J une never resign wanted to 4 1"notment of .wait final *'0151501)5. porol5to.iusal . were di.poa posed d yet : he .i.w u1 tulad to gas Mho coupe had filed tt Inaba* to card the 115055* dm k was somttki Ie saw the I (musty, gas 51to.ld to 3arrow had did, Mr, Cool majority i s•bmitti•e Wardw 1 Mr. C.sl ;,tit "agin Warden wut't. If M& Me oo.M yo. t Welds ameba* e pttti5la, 5s 1n. Mr. Cud Warden :.re .even. Mr. McI :ounctl by Wards. y - i°sed st, odea to get Cdr Mc ,;ounty on passed, bu plainly as the wards time, fort demean to .methene motion al ha dt wardsouty s of tall." shoo* in. aeeemblo that the r v..s.. of t Oil the (Hear, ha d again they .seri no repM 001114 w.. in araban aristreean ye co1 kir. I edthep carie fsA v(tibho d police ns would b Mr. ted 114 meet weeks Dud tb.