The Huron Signal, 1885-12-11, Page 3I
— —@ mined Furs moonset be stood as if 'orad he felt that the eyes of the whole Toe invite Disease when you neglect s
TILE VICAR'S BATH. fuck ie cammo of the regular b.,weM. mid 'lieu C
b d twtwck Theo girding the tows! esegre,p
W/10 s M•eestr Was romps led s• appear
lea We noise t'ert.Me.
„w sloe, from the 4. -OU
t YY f
around hu lions, he rushed •boat in all ! the high pews to the country Dimino' tet
directions in a state of m au.culestas I the low beeches, were fixed upon the
treed excitement and searched the hoboes, 'onion gamest, of the lean
peered under bodges, looked ua mt.. the who had pewee been known to relax se
tree., all the time nurli.:g a complete' far from orthodox broad cloth aa even to
The 'tear Mr. Teeter, Vicar of Dot maso.uutati +. betwtcc .pr. the Leads oft put on cricket,' r flannels. It was to
tM uoprineipled aoousdrels who had vein he tried to kids himself : it was
made *wily with his A goer- i rem that be endeavored to psy • pi h
ter to ten struck. The church, cite die- attention to the ceremony at which be
trotted vicar thus+.•, w, old IN t, .or IV! was assisting. H. edged. he tnsu.eurr d,
inti : the srriages of the h•uutry t.utry he dodged and he pulled tate surpleioi
would be dishing through the village down at the sides uutil it split at the
street ; his right reverence the Lord Inset with a crack and exposed the collar
Bishop of Virginia. Water would have of °meld • "seaside shooting coat," as
arrived, and there was he, the *tear, its present wearer styled it. The par-
%hivenog on the batiks ui a river its • vitiation now stood out in greet beads
towel and a pair of boot. ' I un the poor vicar's forehead ; his hands
The position was a terrible one. But I were hot a bre end be performed his
no ahto-wrecked sacrum. ever descried part of the ceremon,' in such a net row.
sail, or desert traveller ever saw water agitated Iuauuer that the beadle thought
with more genuine ioy than did the vicar I he was going to be ill, and brought him
hear the wund• of *ppr.•aching a glass of water.
Quickly he divested himself of towel and • The unfortunate vicar, who saw the
boot•, sprang back into the stream and 14 bishop looking at him, determined that
waited to see who was a,mtrg. The ; the moment the cersmuuv was coochtdsd,
steps were those of someone evidently ! and he should have an opportunity in
nut presstd for time and who, from the the vestry, he would tett the whole story
nature of the soot he was caroling, had :to his grace. But when the moment
certainly no intention of attending t'te I came he was on ..verwhelmed with con-
temmtooy at the village church, oat they ! fusion that he was dumb, and he mistook
were the footsteps of a man, and at that 1 the humornu twinkle tc the bishop's eye
moment the vicar fel: that he could have for a look of scorn and indignation.
hailed the presence of the nope' erre- "Really, Mr. Teeter. said the prelate
tingta•u, and bis trettl daugbtcr Dauy
were baring a fele one brilltaid
August mitt -wog in the pleasant little
room which the Vicar called his study.
'That the 64,4a -tete wax out altug•thee of
au agreeable nature was very evident
from the agitation of the girl and vet.m-
ense of her Libor a portly •cclesiaattc
with .eversl chits and • pompous. wlf-
e4tistied manner.
"I don't cous►der that hp's • fit man to
be your bwband," the Vicar resumed,
after • pause in the talk. "I think one
has only to look at the style and cwt of
his clothes to term it very fair estimate
of the sort of life he leads in town. I
know him to be in debt, to disfigure his
mother tougue with the most hide ors of
metropolitan slang, to drink betweeen
meals --end yet you, Daisy Tester. daugh-
ter of the Vicar of Dottington, sigh and
sob that you never can sod never will
love any other gran. It's quite --trot,
gracious vee ' There's nine o'clock strike
ing and the enntirmation's at ten, so 'bet
the Bishop will be here et • quarter to,
take and 1 haven't had tints to • my morn
tog swim—thanks to your fo,luh hive- claimable member of his parish with at length, `you meet excuse use tf 1 re -
sick chatter ! Still, if I rush tiff now delight. teak up .n the e:eeedingly uscleriral
there's just time for • hurried dip, asd The s.00ntis which &apse'? between I style of drew in which you have ap-
es l'm nothing without it, as it will clear his first hearing the footsteps sad the I peered ills n st• solemn end public occa-
tuy head and freshen me up for the duties appearance of the figure seemed to the sign.' UODBRICg BOILBB �O�S
of the day, I will be tiff, and we will de- vicar like boon, but at length Mr. —KY L•rd,' groped the vicar, "IP'
fee any further discussion until a more Gerald Msldus ermereed from the shrub. pea('attces are against ise, I acknowledge
,it; eoevenieat opportaaag." saying which here with • pipe in his fingers and a But when. I have related to you what has Hare test received yarge stock of
\ the 'tear left the room by the ..... •r, and ballot: on las torggue a•'utnemoratin;; the !Apposed you will admit that I followed
IA, girl slowly wool out by the French duplicity id a certain Doke of !Seven the sourer t.;oeu i'' me ; and. although I
\tiislkow, crossed the lawn, sed descended Dials.
to a narrow, shady lace, where was wait- "Hi ' Mr. blald'or. ' M:. "Ialdc.n do not ••ciste in garments of such a oat•
'ing a young gentleman with an honest shouted the vicar. T:.e young nue tern as those I am treating at this uto-
bruwtt Mee, who was attired to a check stopped chert in the middle of the trent, I think y. u will admit that 1
suit of dittoes which, although of ordin- chorus, looked up in the trees, away over should I ave
fallen tn
rmi.n anshort of my
cry London cut had produced no small the fields, behind bur and straight duty put p`
ruble demos may res. li. ftegwlaw tb.
bowels asd tM reties system pith Hurn
dusk Blood Batters. which acts up.w the
Buweb, Stomach, Liter sod lithei`
Yu ow etas tit sir.' a.
Giles' Linimuut iodide Ammonia
Removes all Unsightly Bucb.s.
Cures lameeese In rattle.
Spinal Menitiritis.
Founder. Weak Limb..
Sp matt lent` >. Spavls. ttinaboee
Quitter. W oaten*.
No stable should be w about it. RaUrusd,
maiming and express .umpatiles e11 use Giles
Liniment. and In the ''teat raolng etahieeef
Hehaont and lmrtllard it bas achieved wood-
en. Ow teal will tent lace.
Write 1c. R (:LLP.t't. fl.. MM. N.
Y P. 0.
who will. without charge. d
diereses and also on the managemeetof uattln
Sold by All druggists at 54 14.1. sed 111.00 bottle
and in quarts et 111,20. in whioh there L. [treat
eavleg The liniment is skits wrappers is
for family use ; that is yellow for cattle.
e:Ites i.sltdr ♦mnsweta Meese said rials
feed by .l1 the Pm/line horsemen on Jerome
Park. Fleetwood. Bright..n Hench. Sbeepebrad
Bay and Hill'. Head. Never dtrapcia.. pt's
Tome. Alterative sed Diane icCm.'roy
Wori. tures Indiigestioo. Colic, tote, yore
Throat. Catarrh. Vonneer, pinkeye sad
Rheumatism. The dome at sw.di and the power
is forest. The reveller err Soaresand
p'urebasen rsllieS n• oblate armee Mosey
Sold by Y. JORDAN. druggist. Oodetich.
Oat 71911-ty
gue fully *ware that clerrnen, asa rule,
_ 1:
is the right direction
W, Mr. Triter related tt, the bishop a •crit a prompt attent.on.
—WOK --
:kw 7.7ryr.7
Best llotCut Iran Nails fo?i25�r lbs
Best Barb Wire 6*c. Ib.
`` oi ClBS.
This Wire stood a teeslllasltt pr nbUlbeiA iitt tht OIIW'- P t•. (.tr ibuV Terem.e
imported dirod I doaa aeru lehp•e oeat. of (11.r tee
1s et er old Llere bbeforeJwtitr, and hs.leg
All my SHELF' AND HILA V Y HA RDW lazy is sold on the mcteap b111'1 as stmv&.
PAINTS and 011• sold nowhere se cheap u 1 am srtlisg them.
Get your BUILDING HARDWARE from me and sate uuosa
0Mu.lch. (1ct tts. 1012.
New Salt Pane and Br
Rill( in `•hortrs• Notice.
impression from the variety of its hues •heed of him in fact every•here lett ai a Mai orders for new woe: and repairs w
on the obscure villagers, who rarely saw
anything but the parson's broadcloth and
the peasant's corduroys.
"It's no use, Gerald ' she exclaimed,
when they mat. "The pater's in an
awful tem cm this morning, and has bees
calling me :ail sorts of horrid names for
loving you and declaring I would con-
tinue to do so.'
Mr. Gerald Malden, who was the sou
1 of the Squire of Dotttine on, took the girl
to his arias and kisstng her quivering
lips, said :
to "What's his objection to me, Daisy r'
"Why, he says you are what is called
replied the girl, "and he doesn't
hk• your style of life, your style of con-
versation, nor your '.tyle of dress,
The view. renewed `i s cries- the morning • adventure. CHRY STAL & BLACK.
"Bi ' Mr Maldon ' Het e ' it is "\tell, sir, said the biahi.p. when the Worts erne G. T. R Setation.
1, the vicar I m in the over ' '.: m. vicar had finished, "all that I can say is uodericb Feb. ot. is111. line'
thiefe gone o[ with all my clothes and that you are very deeply indehted to the Q4D71)RRZCS
I've to 1,. at the church at ten to moist
order tcextricatemade
e0 r self-sacrifice
j fmvuuf PL A NING MILL
at the confirmation ' What r.rt earth
•m r to do i"
The young men Rased with admirably
feigned astonishment at the bald head
tunate dilemma.
"I feel that. my 'lord, and I hope to
sign y au show it in some substantial way.'
facf ie half "May I ask the name of your friend iu r ANC., e Acnsnalor
Baehanan,LaWaon3 Robin n
•ad the agonised red • o c seed r' e..ntiaued the bishop.submerged sits[' sail gi►ing cent to s "GeraldMaldon." replied the vicar. t Sash, Doors & Blinds
prolonged whistle " B "What Gerald Maldene the we d
i are to b• at the
7 >°�. air, i!or
church at tea you'll hare to hurry up, IYy old college chum'" eked the bishop, Lumber, Lath, Shingles
for it only wants Ave minutes now. The
bishop has already '.rivesh for he wax
yarning,to the governor about s quarter
of au hur back."
with astonishment.
"The taste, my lord."
This news burst upon the worthy
bishop like a revelation. He was aware
of Gerald's low for Daisy Teeter, and
"Style of dross. by JoveMittssd T:is was not strickiy true but it Ind also of the diRculties that had been
the Yonne man, surveying'Milli' M had the desired efest cot iatensifyiog the thrown in his way as her Esther. He
on with no little complacency. "Surely gigot's agony. thrown . toes formed an opinion of his
he doesn't judge a fellow by hie dress. "But I say, Mr. Malde'," mid the non u too how the little accident had oc-
tantwhen the bishop was at our tome wretched ncor, `.what am 1 to do I viae s clothing. Supvr'es-
last spring I't have given the old haven't titre cwnsd to the e to ger any fresh things from sing• however, the anile that the thought
fellow eighteen pence for all he had
'That reminds me, Gerald." said
Daisy, "'he'r's • confirmation today, ea
the bishop is Doming and the whole place
will be upside down. This, perhaps, has
worried papa a little ; therefore matters
may not really be so had se they now
appear. He, however, would sot mins
his bath, so M has jest sone down to the
river to take his usual swim. It woo
doubtless cool his temper u well as his
"floss down to the river for a swim r.
exclsissed they .ung man. "By Jove !
I'd Nin arm thing to see hive ! I should
have thought hid have been above such
rakish diversions. But a happy thought
strikes ale, Daisy The bi.kop,.sa' SOU all right berth
the vicarage. 1 can't go to the church
u I am -no. no, I don't mean that
But redly I don't believe any man was
ever in such a predict meat before r What
can I do
"Well,' said Gerald, "there's only
rete way out of the difficulty that I gen
suggest. My suit is not, perhaps, of a
pantleularly clerical cut and color, but it
wouldn't show much under a surplice,
and you could run over to the cherch in
it without anybody noticing you. Why
shouldn't you put it ea ;'
"But what are you to do r' gasped the
"Oh, it doesn't matter about uta," UP
plied Gerald ; 'spim nothing to do sod
I've luta of tobMlp and .ball enioy
you know, is a tare good fellow, ani . 'lut kow an at • ooaHrma-
being an old eolleis chews of the govern-
or's, and my godfather, he would, I be-
1iev., do anything for ma Keep your
spirits up, therefore, my darling. for the
great manyoecipin to come in and lunch
at oar howl, aid I will get the guy' to
ask him is gays good word for us to the
vietsr. So good-bye, nay wife that is to
be, for I know it will be all right. I
wouldn't aims seeing my future father -is -
law talo[ hie Bernie( bath fes • good
Gerald Malden, having hinted the sift
pin, hurried down the lass is the di-
rection of the river. Carefully kdiping
himself out of eight, h. rimmeac'itrad.
The pompom eoeleeiastic had just finish-
ed swsnging his clothes in a neat heap
ea the bank, sed was demcerod'ng into the
water with as meoh gravity and come-
owque ues a if he were pies down Ma pal.
pit stair.. Mr. Gerald watched every
movement and raw the vicar slowly dock
his head and ponderously strike out int*
the middle of the stream. until his bald
Med sad fall shoulders were twenty
yards away Then quirk an thought the
• towng .oven erupt forward, gathered up
die reverend gentleman's garments ender
hie eras. leaving oely his trowels and his
boots, deposited the clothe* nailer e
hedge about a hetedvsd yards off sad re-
fereed to his post of obssrvatwte
Tim ellsreh clack chimed half -past
Oise ; the vicar in the war.' heard et sed
street for tk. bank. Hie smarement
ea hewer may be imagieed whee he saw
.bat kis dashes W dlemptim red sedthat
brought to his venerable face, and with a
determination to try sed my a useful
wotd for his friend's son, the worthy
prelate took the vicar's hand. and
said :
"I am delighted to hear it, and I trust
that, in the some way u you accepted
the young fellow's one suit for your own
oonvenieutee, you will accept his ober for
your daughter's happiness."
had t. did.
To ars Ant, AND MIMIC the simnel'
sad invigorapro�im of Rohm -
Nob �otphorised�u give resew -
gtarsgeh and buoys/my of manta
aft for Itobiwos a Phu.ptorixed
irsittee, aad t* etre yes pt it.
hoe in a ---la a Mid .f seaside shooting
sail ' Still, I mappens there's anthems
to he dews," said the vicar, waddling
oat of the water and dryiag hinuedf as
fast as be ooill "I'm sere, !lir. *11 -
doe. ra id btett ie yitk--t1i I ma
Bat don't you trashier 'Vele--tbatS it;
a lima 1004 is the Ma, p b.pi-•mak !
theme 1---ao ; sever stied the sssklis.
There. that will do. and now re nabs a
rush for it"
Be .''ging tle visor doubled mad 'lest
Geld as fast as him unlrsissd en0dition
'maid allow him. Waviest Gerald wish the
tnt:ol and the bene sad etplsdiug with
Infighter at the ridiriss kers the
perms est, ambling sad ntnmtling eralg
in the musk-melt4Md suit of dittoes.
The vicar arrived* the chore& just as
the dock was s*riklei bell -pest tea To
his horror the Met penes to meet him
was the hither, who fairly eteggered at
the •potted* presented 17 the most
precise sed pompom asisister in his
"Extremely worry, my Iced." panted
the •ihaeuted vicar. "Had u accident
all afterward* The bishop
said aotbisg, but h» look spoke volumes
aithomgk, being • estate of an eminently
hastening dlwamttion, he of enure .aw
that same eentrstoser had happened.
Mist the peer vicar underwent Jurist
that ietsemiaabls eureka nobody bet
homed( knew. The esrpbee he wore was
short. amid Kallen'' 'seders were
Mug. Tits P.17. streamed (Sewn fell epee
mashies bet the Mini sad t4 hods r+- his as he Wood within the chancel nada,
and builder's in:aerial of every description.
/MAI Order promptlylattended to.
Ooderiet Aug. 2. !fat tr9'ile
Alarmed et the slet//ae Admire.
Rangoon, Nov. 30.—King fleshier, of
Barmah, bsoemtag Meowed at the rapid
eppeeaeh ef the British .spsditioepq
totes sae.. Gen. Prenderls*, notwith-
ateedisig tike reamesemi .Md b tit
Bsrsmm., seat a nesseige to dew. Ttari-
salmi, bassist Yen to great ea arfee the persist of
asz.d Groceries_
Dress Goods,
and Tweeds.
Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs.
nth, Ilio« Groton of Me Surrourdire
(.'ouwtry: '
We wish to My that we are preparedto pike
your Wool in examinee for workit
for you Isco say of rte following articles, rix
Blankets—White, Grey or Horse.
Bhirtinge—(}yry or Check_
Cloths—Tweeds or Fall Cloths,
Light or Heatley.
Flannels—White, Grey,Colored,
Union, Plain or Twll.
Bheetings—Broad or Narrow.
Btocking Yarn — White. Grey.
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
Owfacilities. Weendeavor is w. c: i to a
the day ft Is brought in. it required
Custom Spinning and Realist, or Spinsiog
ea the Cap coarse of awe. hard or soft twilit,
Y►S a position to do ell twda of cus-
tam work. usually dome in s h:Il set cust.wi
wen. a.4 we will gsaraatec to do for Tot: folly
et'ial< setK a little better thaa ear is our
A esti r'.ussct1•Ily solicited
, tb the Mks* hetereeuI pub
epi the WWI Geeerhassig. (lea.
�0d st, d , Mt {V
res d she lermuse army end
Ilsedidyt �fibs eiptisi, aeon that .niy
thea meld he esteeteis any repent
lnui iag tee uutilmmest .f the dispeM
Kin Thisbe, •seeded to the terms, sad
des hats, sett old gams, were turned
over to the hhitfsh tempo A gervuos
was platted there and the BritisA troops
proceed le Mandaly ea the !Nth inst.
Este sed Weds. Hine,
04.riot. May MM. 1M
Mosses Pr.nteM..
in omit to withstand Coolers sod seek
like epodeesies a pretest purity of Wood,
mid the prod
pee action of the seoveech are
rgsrr.d. Te iaesew that eyed, in the
cheapest, emit available and con*et*
amasser, um Ifl.Otw'or'• Rpeedy Case
tee Disppeb semi Impure Bleed. There
in ss ;MINN osier it more yeast le remedy
in ••Moses fes Idigsatten. Dyspepsia,
O.•ti,Mmgs, ase. Auk year neighbor oK
any G. Rkyus who has Fms i is roe.
G. inlet siren tow. lm.
Is NN telly iestissmed.ri11 tar New.
nage, Headache. 'trails he, use. Rab -
ting • few drops briskly is all that i.
sealed. No taking nssmwws reerhoisw
for weeks, but on. min'ute's application
removes d1 psis and will rove there*
vales of [yes'e raid draw
.wits pr heelless Gasp
O.dericb, AprU Mtk. iMG.
Godsrich Foundry and Machias Works,
Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. li
Flouring Iills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System.
Tu r nip eeds, Millet, Hungarian
Grass eed, Corn and
Pu'm'a fusel to Invest a• roses i'ds retie
Oe btae•.at
Hamilton Busiest. Godsriob.
O.duriet. May tam IOW 11aNas
Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Caftan. Agricultural Fermata*,
Stoves, etc., eta., at L w Priosa.
All Kinds of Castings .Made to Order.
R. W . I;an.,tr/ur
J B. RL'icn.Aa,
Ooderich, Nov. W 11118
Extensive mises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Oo deri ch
Restores grey
heir te
twat ceder,Deana
frets falai wt.
Literati's* It
growth, sad wi
e st soli las
As a Mk dt.a
l▪ it*r. ms
Leaden. tut
Sad bail
sod Ae.e. •i.-
amla •
M w
A geed smortese*t et ijashas, and-rwem, Dyeing Room aid PsArrr rorseto
i., irp
Wm, Otalm (isle. meta pall Segi seatwdl, Cupboards Bs. meads. ill att
help ee. Bola. Wbstrifiete I.tmh►nat 01•••••.
M. d. —A complete meet 'iseatiOHe.m and Serectls always depot
at redasa•ble rate .
Pietas. rimming • •pemalt:. ♦est/eadietted
lip Wed -dela -3p
Bag (t announce to tie Pvblrr that they have opened in the above 'Nur'
is the store lately noeuu+ed by idnreo• Nivel Having purchased a large and
well assorted stock Of Spring and Summer Goods at shoe 6guree, we are determine
to gore the Public the bem*et.
mer-Plesso ottit sed 'matins our goods bett.repurchasiog eta. wf-ere
wilfrR.ssssmber the pinion, nest door to J . Wilson's Drug Ston.
gs!-Ousto work will MOM. our .penial atreetieel.
pe-Nonaket the bash of 11allgliei used and Stet -etas, w ,cimen emrl^rr`t
gslr•Itepsirtag neatly done es the shortest n.ltic.
Gedorko,,. aggro, LW: DOWNING & WEDDUP
pew V tee time et Few wast see sr tea} summa *moose at home, to see Pt.' et or "et.
K. ham neer
20,000 Rolls of tha Latest Demos
Iltietlfifu colors •.d atrr+'+•et!•w•ts.e reset ono, h .+frr.orrsed< gig rgp• hem• The
• *re the heat •Meetstoes .t tstMe
t '' ' t i sig Pattc & Yaiio,
�ChQ ill S �I�.. �P.
Ani' j -Tir.EH !�