The Huron Signal, 1885-12-11, Page 2•
BLAKE IN SCOTLAND.; h l e, fre..t
of seat1meut and saeeriateen, value fever
(the greet ademseeeen which are to be
Orktien at ribs Bossta[3'7 Emma Item it, ad the reality
Banquet. 1 pire, but they wined be
-' VN WO■TMT or Tae:ll RANI
se British lightens if they do not count
aamagpt the shalt re•ews fur valuing the
amp ei the fast that as Brtttsh iiiititecte
thy are emtitbd to British (credos,.
(Cheers.) llsslbvtrmyGard,sadgentle-
mea, that the ares et freedom's wowed
eller burn with • liaise as pan lied fer-
vent, and ars ssod.d ibe hearts as teen -
lute and wens, in our sort1err4
among our sparse population, sad Dine
very different conditions, as here ie the
heart of Midlothian itself. (Cheers )
And to teeeneile the fats freedom of that
British liberty which as Browne bond
the swe claim with the (urn which the
*sanction essay ultimately assume is •
difficult problem to be solved. The pro-
ems which has baso going on it an ob-
vious use, is.amusn as no machinery has
been deviled fur joint control over allure
Of aommon ouaoer1. 1t has Dome to pens
that these eoluoies hare from time to
11110111111111111 Tribal N Ca.M&'s emigemerd
Lord Rosebery was entertelnel to •
banquet under the ampice, of the Soe-
tish Liberal club un the Muria Hall,
Edinburgh, on the night of Friday, Now.
13. The company numbered 680. Lord
Stair presided, and on his right were
Lord Ru..bery, Lord Aberdeen, Lord
Provost Clark, Mr. G.odie°, H. f . ; the
Dean of Faculty, Mr. Asher, Q. 0., M.
P.; Mr. W. Campbell, of Ttllicbew•n.
and Mr. T. IL Buchanan. M.P. ; and o■
the left here Mr. Gladstone, Lord
Broth, I(rted Dalrymple,
e, Fran Edward
bell-Banneran, M -P.,
Bake, Roo. H. J. llloncriefi, the H.
0. Mehurbsaka, M. P. , and Mr. It. W.
1.MH la response to the Vast
giber., the churches have bog aims hese
daestabluhed and duerwlueed-(tad
aid suntanned cheers) • here they
murk on teras purely voluntary said of
paten equsl*J, sad with • large sad
lrs.rual Chemise's feeling between the
&Moho' bodies. 1 ern point you to e
euuntr7 where the general system of
eduestwu is
■atnulal assn eaantrucs.
(chess) -i ompeleury sad aneadarian-
(hear, laser) -where out of a pupuietiuo
of ruder tee million. there are halt a
esilliun of cbildreu on the rolls, •Dd
where there is • puthe e.perdtture of
over £00,000 ►'snowily for elementary
education (Cheers) I ma pent you •
country witch has an exteoeive sad
thoroughly c r. I nizd system of lor•1
wumicspal governaseet for its menhirs,
and for its towaNips •oil for village•,
for its towns, and for ate cities, w t
the people's busies.. is done according
t.. the people's will by freely elected rep-
reeentattve boards -(cheers) -and where
the gnat qua tioo to which &ponos has
been made, that of the liquor traffic, is
settled by • diner vete. 'Cheers /' I
can point you 10 a country wheal) there
is • system of state guvdeemest, a guv-
edition, aid will hen to he mewed stuns will prevent the wadi -oat lee
BODS �ItD SAiDQ'B tune Si come. Cost 1160. 1 d d
and 1 to b e • tie .,rind Darty stew to be *eller bridge ou Manhood neer n.
g taken to have • sew bridge ,wilt *here. Ban
Tee weer mem b she temmt+stm'Msk br paired with leo props, f rteawd tato
(1 flat •new taut put in .'w bendfie wra the ruck at buffoon and plated aadgr
biome teas Jaev. Items Elms and Grey, Huron's port middle beams to seaport leant adpe•
tuanala1Olait a4IDT I ta/OET,
1 beg to report that the bodge ua tow ■
him blames &epee■ end Hay bas heave
completed. The oestrsct for abutment*
were lot at the J e•eeueg he atm
of east belay he 75. 1 (Dud t...�---
to st nngtM9 the wperstr secure of the Gast $49• This bruise Is in requires a ban
Il *eyrie bridge by pumila w high pets moat aditier, I wised re to bete
with beanie acnes the top, which pfe-
noted tbe away very mach, and yet true bridge. esteem can be gut sow by
allowed boded teams to peas under, also i for abutments. 1 had 111r. MacMillan
h stringer I and warden to cameos with re the
tAp a Ma1Mea
beadred sd ueeeety•thrva dollars, whoa roc plate was pas u...-
st • owl of Ph. I had I Summerhill bride., uu base hob, wad 1
the masonry are beug mesio t the apDnw.Aes I
"Tats surto, time drtanded and ycceived tt:mintave ers,aeut iavltlt large power for doing
eke. who sena yea... veer to ileal with these psartiotte of thew cowl and
said -i17 Lord !Power I bwitnse. cheaply and expeditiously,
with loud cheer., J�• which are deemed peculiarly 1'u touch with the people whose pauwtne
my Lords, ladies and Rontlglae nO° And thus then
>wtftl�g del for the importunity 1 their own. (Cheers) they are w manage, to attend to the bus-
been • a:ndaot eha•►natwn from tint mesa of the federal state ttaemberrassed
w boils id he gives w re a poamas. of (ootid a ngat.ed w be milled, as tram
us. low, and
1 eesi th coo they r to I ale repasswon wes
fou low, oil agtekd with eoutr•ct(or to petu•ud links, aril floor re;airat'bud hod of the nese. about
Tbq(N uiieoom td�d
band them ten inches higher for S L. The plena piqued ou the bridges nearWing- that I get it a teed, which I did two lest
walls are bailt with large field atone and aro ata coat of $36 Lo, with ruck elm raised,
timber, and lei new da-
.tune. The quarry mane is used ! *u•ohl tit rill aim. 1 g.ith brat.. which were knocked oat
fie facing and header, and backed with At :he request „f the reeve of Tucer:- with ice. Also apprwehes repaired with
geld ileoe make strong wall, gid can smnh. 1 request
clammed the F¢m,•ndville nett stringers and joists &Le. 'inky,' 51
be built fyr stone least a third tem than'f bridge. gid found it in a very bad aro ( end of •pprueches. Coo $117. The
ail goarry mfwere used. The trio diuos, the timbers bung very:mucb de stakes ibis bridtts quite says, es a w at
the same
tWn fur s 90 (oil rpm lac u caved 1 asked Mr. Hardy w meet use I good cedar @tractors, and +dl last for a
111utbeen t►ffbcded me w an humble
. cubes tat the Empire beyond tie meas.
to lie presses spun this occasion, and w
add to the others my poor aoneretula-
tions, u well to the authors .. to the
object of this magnificent demooetratiuo,
a d'emteastatiun almost unique is its
character to be lament at which u en
event in one's life, and M be the re-
eitpieat of which is an honor of which h
man might b proud. (Hear,
chests.) You have, indeed, shown in a
most striking manner
iosd d wwhich
your noble guest has upon
a/settoas amd the hearts of his (snow -
countrymen ; and 1 ern quite sure that
he will be stimulated and sneouraged a.
purees is future with even greater zeal
and energy then the great seal and
energy which he has exhibited in \, e
pie -bis bright career. (Cheers.' ,
lest me may, who live beyond the seem,
have not lett us, Cticed he Bright as if
er of
hoed Ro..bery.
has been, webers regarded it as but the
prelude of better and brighter things to
oume-(Cheers)--and we hope and expect
for hint that it will be his lot to write iu
. anion at someduture day • glorious page
is the history of that empire which he
loves. 'Cheers.) The Dean of faculty
has told you that of late a political party
in the south has established
L1*OCet *ND aaanterpies
wherein rested knights and dames and
ruling councillors - (laughter) -but I
quite agree with him that you may tell
that great party that you are c•ntent
that they should have the league
habitati.m, since you in truth have the
primrose. Cheers.) And 1 rather sus-
pect that if you were confidentially to
consult some ruling oounctllor as to his
opinion of that particular primrn@e, and
if ke were to give you &frank and candid
answer, he might parody the well-known
lime of Wordsworth, and say ' -
Th. primrose by the Almoodb brim.
I. As ugly customer is to him.
And he ts nothing more.
(Laughter.) I have rejcioed to observe
the favor with which the greet toast
which has just been proposed, has been
received by the assembly. I se. rejoic-
ed, but I am mot surprised. I am not
surprised, because I believe there are few
paose within these islands where you
• s!d wither toa.ther, out of any mak
any doss, 600 turn whom pulse would
best higher, and who world Ln�o.t,
march with a snore elevated port whip
they reflect upon the magnificent empire
of which this s the centro and the cure
Ill -an empire acquired as we know, in
rb a.: part by bloody war, but in large part by
,w a le .tee b000mble *inquests of exploration
nes a and energy. and used, with .-me de
s true, but
• Auction food upon ntthe whole to the' great benefit
and advantage of those who appertaku w
it and to the advancement and progress
of the civilisation and Christianization
of the world. (Cheers.) I am not sur-
prised because your noble guest has
made, as we all krone, the development
general sphere of matters which were 'by ratters of le.. euoeern. (Cheers.)
mice thought subjects of summon concern. $ Aud w such a country u that. I think
That u a process of develepaoent *lith you ens readily understand bur it 0010..
up to a ceryin point u natural, 15 nor- that the Liberals of Canada ate Liberals
Dal .la fruitful of good. It has progress -1 w littlish polities, and mod of them M
e d a long way nethe country feces which
1 come -the great�t sample as yet of e
self governing 4oc inion sad sppurten•
g ree of the elle, sad it has progress-
ed so tar and sash a fa@b1en in my
belief the proems will go some distance
further ; yet a pliant will Dame upun the
rad os. *Melt we aro .1l travcllaog at
T9a PATIO DIVIDZ, i after all are %minty and amply the ma-
ch dividing t will be reach chinery by which we Vire to the peop0
ed -the one way or and the greet task of educating them-
iotegrattion, and the other Cath leading
to confederation ; and my opinion u that sleek up t R Pc
it u tune, and 'non than time, that the
great questions of when that point is
really to be reached, and of which path
we are to take, the great question of
how we shall overcome the obvious diffi-
culties which are attendant upon the
pursuit of either path, should be grap-
pled with by the people of the empire
here in these islands, and in the various
colonies and dependencies which are be-
yond the sees. (Cheers) It u quite
clear, I think, and I rejoice to have seen
it stated win high quarters, that there
cannot be in the present state of thing.
any one general rule applicable to all
parts of the empire. You can (mine no
bed of Procrwtee upon which you can lay
each one of thew political entities, and
adjust its limits to the same measure.
They are in a different state of develop-
ment. They occupy different practical
relations to the empire. But with re -
lint to the advanced wing. (theses)
But it would be wrong w my that be-
cause all this is dune, there are no blem-
ishes, that there u no reverse of the
medal, and that there u nothing left for
Liberalism, although so much h.. bees
aco'mplished. Our work as Liberals -
berg, there, and everywhere ---is never
done, and these conatitutioeal reforms
the duce time for $d,ddb. When the rianumber of years. I had stone 'hut -
consult as w what was bat w be
terisl was ed we
et place seed fila.,• dune ; we 01100 to the conclusion to put sent. for Hall abridge tendered fur duo
work eroded we seeanred between abut • bent under it, which I have done, at an received three tenders, that of Mr. Jos.
ewe with a steel tape, and toned they I raceme of fr.. This bridge, althuugla Nagle being lowest, being $1,81.,. 1 had
wave 91 f..t 6 io.hae apart. The wake ?al a1De or ten years old, s in • very au lion superstructure built by Murillo.
structure being shade fora :b tout sggae'. 1>W saspl4 woald recommend that Bridge C..., it teethe dm lowest Madre of
aeeessitated the reuoviugi Vf Due newt- tba ahtlllufate De irat•ed about three three. The cwt vl iron week will ke
met to give rafdcici{ (ur btydgo etsttticture ret co laid before pin. I had some repairs
rest, and an iron gip. Y v.
sista to rest Oil. The to iuq doe n ?Ai let ►tlgtk duns under the gip
of tb. walia sod r+buildiog cost NG ea early as possible next summer. ,o . tad
at gib- the ivi sig pole ai - the it for governing themselves,
path leading to dis-ps f
n that rest responsibility.
'Cheers.) The great task of seeing that
it is well done still remains, and the
wider the constitution and the franchise,
and the larger the power of the people,
the greater the dress and strain on their
conscience their mind, their heart and
their intellect. (Cheer ) I may say I
believe it u applicable to the language
of the Trans -Atlantic who, after de-
scribing the voyage of the Pilgrims in be put to inconvenience and expense
the May Flower, fur conscience, and f"r treasurer. Mud creek bridge on town- when they have a bridge to repair or
freedom, from this to the other side of 'line between Huron and Middlesex, rebuild
the Atlantic adds -- I men ed in report at June meeting ea
and the organization of the empire one
of his many titles to public confidence hearten, and with better prospect so far
d t us, and it was natural that this
stadtence, symPathizieg so deeply as it
Joe. with his views, moulded, 1 dare
say, to • considerable extent by his
should receive with peculiar
fervor tbe toast to the empire. (Cheers.)
I am Dot surprised for another reason.
It is because the Scottish nation has
always borne s eart conspicuous in the
drivelopement said
the en/imitation of the "moire beyond
the seas. -Viacom In the country from
w hich I cone', in the Dominion of Cana-
da, yOUr countrymen in every walk of
life, an the professions, in agriculture, in
commerce, end in the political arena.
play • part -a great part -in the dere-
their eters numbers. la truth, Ily Lord,
1 may say, "peeking breadly, you rule
the headship .4 the Executive, them!' I
~WA forget *hit the must brilliant
tinernor-Oeneral of my 'of etirue was the
lite Lord Elgin, the friend of my boy-
hood -Wheel -a avid that we hese but
-a', lately hist the humeiolia and trained ser-
vices of the Mar•iiiis Ihnie 'Cheers 'brie 1.1^111 " the nb0c* azircnnc and
do not *peak of these I speak of the i advanced Liblivad P•"1". Why i• It 1
real rulers of the country. the prime I Why it is beams. the bulk of the gees -
ministers f the country. Hear, bear. ) twits which Yem ars minaiinll bent my
Parties may rise and fell. political shire' lone ago settle4 quest. )))) , with es.
S ad causes may fail or triumph. the Cult 'Cheer, 1 can Point You te • cellar,
of popular favor may ebb te it may hot, in which the dielculty that we have tn
bet to um thing we are comment ever - I leglelatiolt f• ttot ho bid to secure
we keep • Sootanian at the helm. (Laugh. 1 sufficient dehheration tied diecisesingi
taw sad cheers. ) Mowet succeeds Mac- fore the Raid emenierestenn el legislative
thisseld and 111•01iinaLl succeeds Macken. battles, (Cheers.) I cm pnint yes to
sie with the most commeneable iteratien i a ecifiArt who** the hind. kreele Haw
thaderetmo -and, indeed, mina a U.., urban centres and mill TOM largely in
yee have sent across the br..ed At- 11'm -wettings grith As owneeship, where
the traditions of the land at home. there i• • Pellf•Ifel, simple, anti repeal_
that you imitate on tire other side of tines mikettirifir, foe im trearter wee far
riaa hats, the oe,,,Aeet thew. di lairds the registration of titles • where prism-
slhe, in the time el trouble, went out on kin hem kola whore
Ise side theenelves and sent out the son. sin entail is a enrinakt, shame analyst en
Leif es the odor, twit the &do (lanehter)--tifehaie is the
cow haa4 raw 0, tee eeerfold there; costa* of the people to divide their
The river at this place cremes the
road on a skew and has made a heavy
wash on foundation of old abutment in
the pad. To prevent a scour "e hem -
dation of Dew came I had large sense
placed around the few and wing walls
of abetment, sled stow walls built ou
upstream aide of approaches to prevent
water from washing embankments -the
oust of this work being 7x10, including
the removing of old bridge and keeping
til deviation road in repatr. The tasking
of approaches, gravelling and fencing
for one hundred feet at each end not
$1.0, the total oat being $2,889. The
small iron bridge near Kippen, oil the
townline between Hay and Stanley has
teen Warded satisfactorily. The coo
tract was let the same tune as aro
mentioned. The wall of abutments ate
built with mixed .tone -field and quarry
-at • cod of $794, and the superstruc-
ture for 30 ft span $443.87. The build-
ing of watts to secure approach at each
end of bridge, making approaches and
crayelling same, cost $26`9. The old
bridge was tiO feet I shortened the
new one to 30 feet, and sold the old
timbers of the bridge for $7, and the
timbers of Hay and Stephen bridge for
$20.90, which bas been paid to county
span is only about 60 feet, so that the
iron mould not come very both. There
es also a tante culvert through the fru
baakmeat at this bridge, which has
parviall bruk'D down. With the eon -
ervi.iou ut Mr. Girrin, the cost of which
will be laid before you. Akio some rs-
pair w Alice's bridge to Colborne, by
4ravellnie approaches. This also was
y ender the wpervtatoe of Mr Cher* tic
sent of lir. Jackson and others interest (cost of which will be laid blurs ya+
ed in this stream, I, at a ant of $1. G. Ei.uotr.
diverted it iu another direction, and the Road Comai..iumi.\
culvert nen be done away with. I had
Silver Creek bridge rebuilt ; as some of ` tirtassvwwle aeess•eI•
the timbers were very sound. I used
them, so that the Dost will be about 345, Painstaking people, who know nest t
*iciest"' of Souring. The contract for nothing of printing, dud spedti delight
the swework of the Londesbcro bridge, In searching out typographical error is
whish should have been completed by the newspapers, periodicals and Make, the
15th Sept., amu net completed until the detection of a blunder, mo their own
31u Oct , or between fez and seven estimation, putting a premium can ladle -
weeks behind their agreement, which ideal intelligence -conferring a pnrihg(
has made it impossible to get the bri'ge of disparaging write r ners b Men a ''stuff=
iso i feted and the rose put in proper geoce,legible,
shape this fall ; it will be p&aeable by never t:re of puaoting out mistakes of
te-morrow, but 1 hardly expect tc get printers, and the oversights of mot
the embaokcaeut completed ea it should readers. These self oun.itited censors
be this season. The manly ham ale. of typography may find food for +bele-
been put to a considerable ezpense,and 1 some reflection to the fact that just sae
w con.idera`-le trouble, by having tbe huadres year ago a number of Profess -
water dammed beck upra the road by a ors in the Edinburgh University under -
mill dam which is about 40 rods blow took the publioetnm of a book which
the hedge. I think this council should should be a perfect specimen of typo-
I nee au understanding with mull owners graphic accuracy. Every conceivable
whose dams affect their roads, and not precaution wag taken to pretest errors
of the type& Six expcneeoed prod
reader" were employed, who devoted
hoer. te the rsadiuq of each maw. Al-
ter their careful task was completed
each page was posted is the ball of th
University, with a notice that f30 would
be paid to any person who should suc-
ceed in dieovenag an error. Every
page remained thus publicly exposed for
two week. before beteg rstoroed to the
printing office. The projector of the
work felt confident that the object
road, approaches were repaired and diligently striven kr had been attai
driftwood removed by Thos. Smothers, at Great was the discomfiture of the learn-
ed men when, en the wort burg issued,
several errors were found. one
in the tires line of the first pig.,- 1.
Jelled HAYS,
New occasions bring new duties : time makes , being unsafe, has been rebuilt at • cost Rued Commissioner.
ancient gond uncouth-- oft 4. Making apprusches and gavel
We must upward pyres and onward, wou:d we I ling sou $193 75- half Arid by county IMPORT of aa. 0114 tv,
keep abreact or truth • we our- pile
The nrtdge known as the Beaver
Lot before us ,,team her Dams ores : of Middlesex. The timber used in
selves run a pili isms be !abutments and superstructure is white Meadow brith.e, Lueknow read, had
tau he de r 11ay Dower and steer beim, o'er !oak of the best quality r and should tut some rewire wade ani dnfew.00d
th., desperate winter sea.
Ver attempt the latae• portals wab the . fifteen or sixteen years- The reeve of moved by James
Alton, as a abs ..f limo:
pawl's blood -rested kiy. i Usburoe called my attention to • smell 014 the Nine-M,1e river bridge, Lacknow
;Loud cheer) !bridge on boundary between Hiabert
and Uab erne. I examined it, and found
(events to Canada, and I believe with
REV. C. B. EBY, B. A. • some "f the timbers bad. McLaren,rdero 17 other (,arts ofthe empire, it a Peers er not* sad reesevemaee- reeve of Hibbert, and myself let the
tion that you should do what some have
is in %y bumble apandon out of the yin- contract fir new bridge. with stall
This gentleman, now visiting
shores, hour cone abutments for $225, which has
spoken of -propose a Dint control over hu had a remarkabie history. been completed aca'rdthe t., *peci6n-
our ('real 7co
a', 1 * (Hear, hear.) And He was Morn in the town of Godeneh, tions. The approaches at the bodge
whits l ..y e., I am far from saying that t hie sin the 4th Nov., 1848, and r there are tco Daren., and should b widened.
by mutual confere and mutual sr- ,!. lust thirty -rise years old today This would bring it under the supervi-
sion of tee adjourning municipalities in
mngement there may not be, there
out to be, amne better adjustment, in 1 His father was of Palatmate Gannet
some instances, of tariffs, with a view to stock, and his mother of English extrac- (Mum, as it is now under 90 feet. I said
tion. He was the uncials one of seven the old timber fur $5, but it has sot yet
facilitate the intereeurse betwpen the
different puts of the empire, (cheers). children. and his early education was been settled for. I had new flours laid
though I desire at once and emphatically received in a backwoods lug schoolhouse, on Black Creek and tieuble bridges on
fur myself v. repudiate any aympatety At fourteen he started teem home with towidine between Stephen and Hay ;
his piessesioos in.& pocket b.andkerchief, also a new flour on Sauble bridge be -
with the proposal which I have seen
"tutted on this stde of the water, that waited to the city of Guelph, &eight tween Usborne and Hibbert ; and new
incidental duties should be levied upon employment from shop to shop and was chomp, flonnr.g and handrail on Bol -
the food .4 the people of these islands at last apprenticed to a saddler. His manh bridge, credit", rma ; mid wino.
with a view to promote the interests of lova for books was keen, and he studied ens leirl on Eliirsille bridge, Se Mary's
morning said night after work. At sett- emem road. Them bride,. are in a
colonial growers. (Cheers.) ow, is
good state of repair, and should last four
yours. The rerairing cost $190. With
the consent a the earden Of Limbton
I had the rods of Grand Bend bridge
tightened. Some of theta were quite
louse and broken, which were repriced
at • cost ef 1138, the county of Lambing)
y elm no. or w re. ,e„tered bring eeteen he went to the Grammar School
with tifty cents in his picket, earning
before my own fellow -countrymen in
heimee tee, gemithm, be„o„ imy tee money to pay for schooling. by sawing
drift of affairs to which I alluded, and I wood for the schoolhouse and sweeping
felt that it was important that public the class -rooms, and being on twenty-
attsotion aliould be directed to the path five cents per week. Next he was mo-
on which we were travelling. There lex- lo ed as assistant and %deemed to fifty
isted then
on the subject which prevente.1 any at-
tention being pretitably directed to it.
1 rejoicie to see that it is bein; now
directed hers sad there in iiittuential
m the public interest is concerned, of
enemas. But 1 do not disguise front my -
Yell that that luta happened which I con-
templated and apprehended at tl.e time, shin had young trem replanted tot each , _
that tbe drift of events in these ten or gide of the approach at the ease ot.1, by Tinehes and ffellatrine a smerhalte-
twelve soars has still further cemplicat- Thos. Andersee anti John 11,,h, at a ph,
ed the situation. My lords and gentle- cost of $4L75 ; also for ceder for the I". ordersleft at the Hook St of Mr11-
ek. tr- An work warranted that -clam.
men, I feel that I ought not to .44 more tree es. Mr. hone promptly attended •
epos this branch of the question, huh to.
with your great indulgence, I would __ _. ._ h.__
desire to say that there is one practical
preeent use which you her* in these
paying half. !bitable bridge on town-
ie. between Huron tied Middlesex bee
cents per week. At riehteen he took •
school, where he taught for a year. had considerable repairs. The truss On
At nineteen he besein to preach, and at this bridge was badly twisted I had two
the ensuing Conference obtaining the oew needlobaams put is. and long late
chance to go to colleee,he sold his horse! ral braces, also iron rods through top
watch, etc., to raise fonds, and entered chord of truss and iseedle-heam. This,
college with ret. To supplement this 1 think. will hold in ita line position.
he taught in private families. started • This work cost ShO, Middlesex paying
private scbuol, which m prospered that hale The stone arch crossing /tell a
he was able to give seststance b. other oreek, London read, had some repairs
poor students, until his health failing he and stone walls pointed, *leo the she.
had to grve it up. At twenty-two, in ments of Exeter bridge, at • oust ot
the end of his sophomore year, he hor- hi PT Mt?
rolled Money to go to Oarsman!, taught ROAD rouguasioN '4111.C-11 .
English tt get funds, studied tinder
Thelock at Halle, travelled over the
Harts Mountains and over Bohemia and
ttwitzerland, obtained • circuit, and
preached in German an Zurich and Affol-
tern, me in French M Venue).
In 1871 he returned to Canada, gra-
duated, wa. ordained a minister a the
Methodiet church snd married. He
now spent five years in the (lemma work
in Canada, but finding the sphere too
narrow, offered for the missionary work
of the Northwest, awl was sent to Japan
in 1876.
After spending one year in the 047 of
a cost of $9. I had the work on the
Johnston bridge. north boundary of
Ashfield, as directed by yea, done by
John Robb. at a oost of $5 ; and the
bridge on north beundery of Wait
Wawmosh. elbows as Dickie's bridge.
repaired oy Peter Maher, at a emit of $3
I also had the piers of Helph bridge and
flooring repaired with elm plank, by W.
A. Harrison, at a cost of $8.30. tile
Says Dryden
"She knoin her man, sad when you rant
and swear
Can draw you to her wtth a single hair. •
But it mast be beautiful hair fo base
such power and beautifpl hair can be
plank being furnished by Thonme Todd.
ensured by the nee of ellto•hltelt HAIR
at • met of 613- 1 hed sPFrc•chc• RIL•ZWZIL. Sold at 50 eta. hy J. Wilson
Blyth bridge gravelied sod a rick elm
fluor put on by Peery Guinean, at a
ohm of $36.92. I had approaches to
bridee 011 3n1 eon.. Lecknow road. re-
paired by James Glee, et a coat of $4.
Te briars ors Efgh10011 Miff. LAO
Shore road. Ashfirid. 1 had abutments
repaired with stops, to prevent the ice
hum undermining thetn, and also hed
the approaches repaired to prevent the
water hem dans/ming the bridge, by
had the approaches to the Antberley
bridge repaired and widened out by I).
the abutmeets of the Eighteen -Mile
river bride., north boundary, protected APING SZCURICD TH
with large stone to prevent the lea from
damagittz them, by J. & A. McLeod, at
*heels' of $12 ; also the approaehes of
said bridge repaired with gravel by Hugh
repairs made to the culverts on each side
of the mat end of Manchester bridge ;
they :had to be sunk 5 feet I n some
places lewer than they were before
y of (Moeda% Celebes
toted try memes. Meson fe Shiest.
Toronto,_11 mrwred to sell the!
at Moderate vreit and cm eery
of metered aaddette are required to
make • dret-ebilleetrinnent. intend-,
in( Purchaser* will end it to their ad
ventage to cosine me before perches -
I hese the hi nor to rep.ri as Pinot". • swat .1 123. 1 had let tho iob a put.
repair ef said culverts by Jas. Tome at
Atng In a temporary bent under the Port
ter as the abutments me tootling mot of God4416- 4:rieljb.:Peept' 4:44110112N. ZS* PIAN
Albert bridge to protect it for this win- DR *tuna tar A
islefela can tnade of the other parte of 11111141
of titers whh iron heals, tne abutments their places and ale, to repair the wine
the empire. You can use them for the made secure with posts awl bolts, and oral on tbe north &hutment I would
sake of example. I cora* here and find
rsu in the throes of a general election. stone at piers sod abutments at • cost of lea aeon ea possible. as the timber in tl.e 0 one
fico, repeired at • co•t of 3166. Filled
I hair of pmgreinmes tied of platforms $90. Gravel was put upon the north p„„„t „t„ is 64,11, aeavad and is not
000s .0f the pablic travel. I had the
of the tin meat parties of the mate, sod end and s breach rep -rind on the east ap-tproac4
I see the additional stehrestinns which side of approach at a cost ef $21. 1 had bee to Flynn's bridge, lake shore
are made by the extremists on both obnrieigoef tohn.: as,b)uutndmearyntsbefiltl:deenrnrMarsitebeherlryl's
si.les, and I and what the near and re -
au 1 Hetrick, stone placed am und the ettimoshee renewed and fencor. ma alma
mote illintell are. Well. what happens
with us* Many British emierants who Tokio, he went into the interior where abutments sod creek hit to go stralght cum ta alia.;;'-aa-a-uoinsia the iipptuakb
are Liberals novae 10 0,macle, and of he spent three years. Planting • church terongh the bridge at a vitt of r24. away, end aleo the cutting of • drain.
diem ennui beorigne Conservatives in in a province of rk,coo people, before Day's bridge, bet grime if owict and Toro- the drain to be piped for carryine the
Canadian politica. The great balk of unvisited, an4 becoasing an adept in the be:Ty was repaired. The approach fell emu, nee ihe-b,hirh et a mot .1 /124 ea,
lth end. end blank Planed nn by 1) Matheson, Garrett., Mettaig and
Canadian Liberals am Libersk in Im- language. Thence he returnee to Tokio, inest the so
penal lithe, and the lamer portion of adhere he has puma 'voided. Bore he face of abetment bent, planked at north John lieckleye hum. GiaTIN,
edited the l'h nth:mush • magazine sad, and:other small repairs at • cost of
Jameatewn bridge wee repaired. Road thenatimieser.
devoted to Japan, and started a coon* t33.
of lectures in the Meet 'take,. a hall The middle raised *bent. siehainches, and
mroar or Ili ILLLIOTT
always be a eartairity of the estate per and naafis sisionant their 4C:
shrredara meters le eater al this, 4100;tic sad if them are oak salt
.4ii/p el the omen rpm the wit topic, :emod letates-there is sot aeon eny
• Web. r Kr. has ..14. pr._ emoretrafraieg mass ef eriading pnverty.
ausii tkis tepoi. 1 sill war Putt 1 Thellai) esti teem yes to • wawa,
Lamed ,1 i0/0 ak. gamer hall of '1',Ajo, platted and strewed op at a Onlit of $42 'fik In accordance with the instructions of
lecturing there sad in many other plane thevetling appresehes to Brunets bridee , the e"lincil Anni km. 1 had the bride*
thetseaode Thane lector's, Au* sad repairing fences met $15 1,1. The known as Hall's on first con., Goderich
were on the mientifie basis of Christian- angle braces are not yet pot in, bot the 1 townsh.p, repaired with new ceder joist.
ty. were p.014'1,1144 by aid dieept tome timber n on the ground, sold will be pet rock elm door end anon repairs to the
air Harry Parke., the British Ambush In in • few days- I Land it necassary approach** at • total oriel of SIR. I
dew, and aroused • wohdlifici interest to renew the fhnt on emelt prairie ha4 Flayfitild bridge repaired with
thromrhout Japan. anti, with other brides, near Wingham, to lay scantling new eelar joists and rock elm floor
pamphlets, woe fro their author a wide under Goer leninhotwe. as under mod raised in the centre where truss
pommel intimacy. and gave a great en. Soo- wee rhien are dangerota.„ rested on heats. and appros:hes graveled
pries to Christianity, Fr. that upon his at a onst $4h1). This brides is 400
Mom he will hay% speindid opportuni-
ties for yeses of work is the most preg-
nant era of Japanese history.
Between tiro sad three years azo Mr.
Shy's resideme Tokio wail burned to
the armed. mid he lost all hie pommel
silhess, sad, users thsa all, los raleable
library elf over IBM eirlemee. and all
his Otenweis, Tresaye, sal Japanese mast
~rives. This less he is sow 111140•00f
log fa 1,00111f by the proses& al bin
sliestrated lac -titres ea Japes -
Johns elograph
had • heat placed ander the ese.
tee to creme% asipring. sad an iron band
along the ellet chords to prevent aey
sew triage emoted in Ipwiir
known as McIntosh's bridge, superstrive-
tem 31260, approsehati. 1120N. This
%rendre is Wilt of cedar with the elev. Mat inisunier. I had Muhl.
tem /we,. nalispia is 150 feet, repantd with tweak wore oe eseli bent
ea 1 Imre no d accident, sad washout tilled with acme armed
wilt Last 30 years. I had tin Wage he- such beet, se ennui of (be heats are built
twee* Oral sad linwilds reesireti at a MI ravel foentlatiem aid were malted
east 31, but thh bridge is is a bed trit rent dna I NIA 'thus with
feet long and IR feet wide I had t•u
tempousiry bents plaited under Creig's
bridge ie the metre and two new j
and sew reek am floor teenneranly laid
at • met of Pt Itsh This 'irides is in a
very unsafe onerlifion and I "retold re
anneasoil that • rim bride* be built
imparter etyma Aerie, :a
OttabieSt rant
"Wlinclovi Door Sills
and Memo Trimvolmelkfuell Maine la OHS
WA) work deelesell and eireeutet ,r
Meet ftMle.
tiagtoa, *ad hie
trent having a
room which the
That the tete-e-k
an agreeable na
from the agitatiot
ease tA her fethi
with eeveral chi
eetiatiod meaner.
"I don't comic
be your kastais
after • pause in t
l'as only to loui
his clothes to fi
the sort of
know hint to be
metropolitan sla
ter of the Vicar 4
*oh that you
love any other
gracious nee ! 'I
ing snd the tonne
the Bishop vial
and I haveo't ha
ing swim -than
sick chatter '.
there's just time
as I'm nothing g
Lay head and Ire
of the day, I wil
ter any further
1. convenient opp
the girl slowly
window, crossed
to • laarr011, Ohl
ing a young gel
browu lace, wit
sett of dittoes ig
my London cut
immersion frog
t.,11 the obscure
anything but th
the poseant's
when they me
awful temper th
canine me le
loving you
tines to do ett;
Mr. Gerald 1
of the Squire 01
to kis arms ar
lips, said :
"What's hie
" replied
like your style
venation, no:
"Style of do
the young man
on with no htt
he doesn't ju
Why. when llt
last spring w
"That rem
Daisy, "there'
the bishop is c
will be upside
worried papa
may n”t real
appear. He,
batlx, so hi
river to take]
doubtless cot
"Gose dow
▪ rd &femme
have thought
rakish divers
strikes me, 1
you ireow,
biting= uld
or's, sad or
hove, do arir
spina up, th
Vat Man is
st oar boo
ask him to
vicar. So I
be, for I kv
wouldn't tali
law Memo/
Gerald M
mein, hurr
lime/ or
111, purr
Oa *ober
War roll
room so II
• Marc
his baba ea
the usiddli
bead awl
yards airs,
yoga, las
the nevem
hie arms.
bodge slam
tamed to
rid home
that his el