HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 8ree -...-•anyr.;';Y.,.. ,, r:: ',..74 I • t: tIA1.40:0wlaimay",*-,- :7 T7f iz.“ L.. 4".t. , f- ,1 4 x4,-,4,1, ..1,., • IfT r. 'vr* , ,,, ....,,;,:,°;,..ii4'"--, Nem 1141Moreeismesde Van Maar *Arm R. Crookelli. item A. R. Cornell. Moe MORA/Wags. .. ' Lm James Million - •44,1'6 limas . Mes. H. Cambs. eil (MUM II. M. De& Al, przatelseep Assesow A . eeitas. Frans C. L blelaiedi. , Damialea &at sum MS In Lewis. Wirer and !Stylish 4.s4.t-Mem Mame& 111=streordinary W. R. roner. of Peruiessiep-Iteid & Illeryik TH1C HIJEON SIG 1 A I. e I I ) 1 DEC. 4, 181115. _ • _ *4 I ia Goilench with her ousaine Mat week y a Of 44.1110/14•4 •• Iadilt • I 1.• ir an•riattats FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF DEE'R !IA,1 imams. Loans eato kateurance. Hiss Mamie Aden m.ent several days rpo P1611$11::'. ANTINtl L11A.N1.4 I - - lir sad maw iru,,m6 hat hen „n mid tedsavi lk I • • 04 . • r 26th ult. to rid the winter with their IV 111.1... eV. . • VI *d chlki -ell at rm.". 1"IlL Tta" will cuntr-ii." 'et" 1"4"" ir"d WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL TERMS• ',t,11419 maseed by did sod yeeng here. Hies Ke Karlin isv outing friends in Meaforth at preseet. Hobert Green arrived home on Sem- ! day, alter ea abashes of •kioet toe y011.811. Mist K. H. Thome', of w" ' visiting friends here for a few LlaysM week. Mrs. Wesley Betarier, of West PIM. bur,,, arrived here • few days ago tet pligt • emit to her friends and relattemb. 1• x ........ ,.. ..„„„........„, .. ......... „ult. ti...rs paws - will pay railway aaktast. A.uBN 9 ratimaaitaii cam SSW 2114. -Parties (lesiva% to purchase person, and doing so to the amount of $30, we ritteti", '11 1.-41.'"'" tat --For Al I Pamela over Five Dollen in value we will prepay charges. spEcx)R1-11'ATEKERL,L iiederitik 461146...11IL Fire. L.4, W. . POO?. Nsisreaee f are. 3,11.-- Samples ..4.ut on application Goods bought from Samples way be returned if not satisfactory, awt N ee t be rowel Assartansat et Met i lass Celles. Abehate sad Cadr'e' Rood* in reem alto Hears* ter Hue at Itesaunable Plaidia FORSITIIIIE 1 - - FURNITURE ! As I. aqui be Lear the CHIA PEAT AMI) Raze, cue" et an Kis& tor learattare i Buy far Caleb sad i 01111 Undersell An; Other raraiture Man to OWIL IOW, OM the Cale Meted - h irLoval Is- preeed W. A. Hackett bee hoes se swaged & hymond Setingnlachine 1 teach in 8. 8. No. 16 kw DOB 1• • I' Mt • k 416.. WW1 SA... Noe,. The Ball family jubilee aineme hole , < mart... Hotel, iLmistituo rami meetings in the Ashfie i Hotheterai iv.. ard. No& --- - -- AM - church. They are grand sincere HURON AND BRUCE .1 as. Vint, of the 104 con- hes per- chaaed 100 acre* .4. the lith eon *IA . was Wawanosh, and ties hie ova ablest wall. IRO INVESTMENT COMPANY Tole - Muck miaow has Wan created over the advent4 a pair 44 tervemillorI =IN Molity "^ Fan" io an Ashtield tioneeheibi. iry mew\ • .; Xeres of interest only lbs. One la * taay amegyin ;• • rely 14t lbs. The Inake omega are arts*. NitilerGAGES PURCHASED. and likely to thrive. The agaghbom are i flocking to me the two wee strangers. time sl vt,i,08 BANK BRANCH. smallest of which weld almost be MAMA in the hand of the stalwart* wave s, 4 Ned 5 per testi Interest Allowed un Assam I Issposda, arcerdiap to amount and time kJL John Ferguson • *hop as Napless& ma - he will start 'Bork this week. Area. uric.. Some of our load Worm were r* the :mei, of a wildcat in the Maitland block last week. but f olod to C. Ins up to the 11 . • . • 1, 1. • bleu. tail•esights tiave all left 0:- L. -opt Wm. Stillman, who is patting in a zhop elevator. J. C Richaros, harness makes, has 'nM his own, .,,o1 1. fo glee Denstesd, :Rieman, of Blyth. Mr. 11. takes poti- session on the lst of March, 11116, and comes rec irnmended. Ite money ri•fondisi J1�1.1 (N11 sr. SOS - The Leadoi. . ,I6 -narrated This " Nato•na to• • islet, Th." iv•'.earl." • ^L onli 4. Itorrueal issum Atte Klass i , I Sunn,,,,, The rib., 1. t• • 411 drsi Isar 401 .1.1 halted CO1111. Maks 1.4 A ,./ Varese rotes. Ihni ' OPTICE :--Cer. el Market (11".42.. 7virrattp. laat, the house of poriaid 'Truce, 14yfiald road, was entered by forcing off lock, ,and a number of articles stolen there- gat.t!t1.1..i,, / is blind, Lias resided fur some tone with Mrs. Dunlop. The discoesry am made by David He/Irian, 4i." .al& two others eaanioled the premises, and Etund that among the articles missing were some new blankets, • family Bible, a lamp huokinc glass, and some smaller articles. The diecovery waa not made till Monday evening. or the sneak thief might have been intercepted in bis Mehl. The sup robbernt was froMichigan, and Cildbeen paying • flying visit to the Games of his childhood 4 Arq.ttyp loot )W.$.4k 171i a the Do You Require a Good, Stylish Mantle. Our Stock is Large and 1r' Do You Require a New Fashionable Hat or Bonnet. 0 Show Room is the Place the Pric,os are Close MONIST TO LEND A LA It U.Y apeinint et Private Funds for i swami sue Istwirsrsiea Amd-c lam Martgages. Apply u wea / P eto0 prow Square and North HORACE HORTON. klANASICR. Goderick. Aug. SIX 1111•• MN- GOTO KNIGHT'S IrOlt A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS 'CART OF P.O Lama. James McManus, jr., meetly shot a large wildcat. flisoutssia. - Mrs. Brown was very ill during last week, bat is now cones's'. cent. EDUCATIONAL. -J. It Miller, I. P. 8., visited the laiborn school laat Friday. and sipromed bimetal wall pleased with both the discipline and profielency of the Rguolotta.----Rer. Mr. Calvert has organized • Bible class in conection with the Presbyterian church. We begs all the young mem amd women in the Neigh- borhood will join it. J. 0. Cluttoe has moved frcm Pearl - held farm, and is sow domiciled in ltia new hones remeantly erected on Broad- view tares. E Shaw will work Pearl- tield term on awes with it. °was', and S. Gibson, of Dunlop, has rented the house. WW1* plowing a few days aim Jima Foley upturned a oast of snakes to the samba Di 60, both ale" and small, i• a hall torpid coodition. With the aid of • lams stick it took bet little time to dispatch than. 1110-ly PRIVATE ?UNDO TO LEND et 1. flied go per on Snit -stem term rix 2.A•of e. 111• etutialter. 0111642 . _ te500,000 r te b. APPLY TO C A M 1.7 )WN *101t CAM1111021hire ich 1 Do You Require a Good, Warm, Stylish Dress. Send to us for Samples as we have the Right Goode. • DoVon Require Unlenvear, Hosiery or Gloves. We are Selling a Manufacturers Stock of Underwear at fully 30 below Regular Prices. where you can be Suited Do You Require a Good Silk or Satin Dress. st..0.0.0 PRIVATE FUN 08 TO LKNI) 0• Farm awl Town Property at lowest is- We have Blak and cColored Gros Grains, all Prices. chanted. Camases:4g . Pees reneonaltir i IIMWMPW' We are Selling Satin MervieleuIs yc that WILL o'r Cri, at Prices that will aetonish you. Wrest Nucleus« pert haesi. no Conimisnion I R RAJ/CU FRE, "6"" 1:1 N. R. eurrowern.as wawa uneasy ii• one H.W. BRETHOUR & CO. if tiUe Is sattskietiry.-DATIOON g JOHN tION narriatiAr Ie.. Mallerieh. *AM* GENERAL INSURANCA, REAL ESTA'TE AND MONEY LitANINII AGENT. imulypopy. sow. yob. Ng& • WOOD A L. lam aew Nrepared to 11111erders for al kinds Cea bine" adytbe east Coal. aad those front ate aaa ilepead oa quality and t=1. 1 era sell ale Re. 1 Coal at ea low a rata as &al ths bealataa& 1 am Muni kessitiety purchaser& Present wk.. a Chestnut & StoTe Coal, 16.50 Egg Coal, 16.25 Leave your orders with T. N. DANCEY (hay pirdy...igsa companies Represented N•Del to bead oa straight loans, & the lowest rate a totsre-rt going is any way to euit the borrower. uirrik•t: •-zr,orld door front Smiere. West Sweet. Godertch. $200,000 PRIVATE Ft'N To lead ea farm and tows property. at low- ed aratayest. /Ai rx Lowe. No com- mission chargivi sg.-nta for the ?roar end Leas Company ti Canada. the Caned& Landed Credit company. the Lrmdon Lean Compeny day. if WM mit B' t:yeer °btwib awe)" 18 ese GENERAL DRY GOODS, el Canada. Ir,t, rest. 6. ed mid 7 Per cent. A VISO.' tt 11 N 1170- Barristers. Re.. Gederieb 509000 711141P" AT 6 Plit TILE TORONTO GENERAL TIRtildT8 COT abbe arly. es are parted to loan Isaary at II per mat.. pap on lirst-clase farm security. WNW At Giodmick. 00 Meoltey. Rev. 0.. the won of Mr. F. Jordan, et • sea. 111••=11111i. - At the reeidence of the brides Callus es Wodasedar. tItk of November, Stealer. Ur. J. Wallaoe. jeweller. 0, a tq =rdi:f Lecknow. C;eety of Braes. to Mt a. Towteme... Arlerg, AtOm Kamer. M Manchester, on Widmer *Ay. Nev. 'R. by Rev. James Pritebert Mr. ykse Clark Strawsitiaa. to Kiescycsareet be& Old. all of the township ot MEM is Rasa Contra, es Iloaday. Nev. Ord. Tkimeas G. Missies, fourth me of Mr. James Jekmates, ilederieli township. sed 116 years. illeillerith Markets foy4sorereed art Telepliese from Hoene 111134.1 00Dattlem. Dec. & MI trall1111 bush .• . •_.• .. • • • el MI • •• M Red winter), besa . • le • OM tepriago le bush . ... .. ON • 50. fi=e• bask II MI • III 71 wt. .. 1 IS • 111 est zed) • aim . y ge a 10. mac homy. • inn 10. 10. i .(pateaU pre. owl. . . t NI 10 50 • • Mill*10 i0 NI • 56 •beeii:l... ..... elle• OM Roderick. sr at JAS. SAUNDLIt.4 NON'S Variety Marie. Geaterfah. Reit. 104. UBE 10111.0 rest Clearing S c....7„anumpietowerovvey- znly, AN IMMENSE STOCK Or .1 . THIIITY- WHOLIC License ua tyboothlSois,lud1 analytical for his pas, we will lot doDO paiitne to that his or hLS attitodi is one that would ack ins to his for temper ance man 4 - %,...tartucyrays are fail tTwbetr chaprnii saalaWliclubeietra 14weisd. sp":"1: section thi the depot aguni.tdliet°: Weedidid hmerchs are ready specific ch mission of the board be rid ol open:ma« them to dock. TI awe Diet to satisfy that thee the duly i to ThisioricYbl 1. rtita: tto • tinlortaat. g The el moo whet prosecute by Rte. ' S OO and aspetten Doyle's 1 s: whims fa a hotel a awe may set away the eCKsr,lwalttce bapatroaubotelpiscb TIN a to ask Frogramilt Doyle, rim$ sooisist,th under • The no of remark "v moo, • ....tik7akesse.yDas whoa 1 givieg art b 1- vantai •dirmirthe thpreirioislrbi• tbl -74110.11iletti tied the mob item and da ant 1 aid READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES TERMS11 Ti SUIT BORROWERS, Ace, &e-. &c.. AT Appy to CAMERON. 1101.T & CAMERON. fieirristers, Roderick. Assam for the Toronto General Treble CO. Messrs. Cataracts. 001.1 it caisesion bare able • large amount of private feuds to Ma on And class term security. uoderieb. Oa. 4. III& HMV PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVI/11GliNUO H T arodingtilEs.50* 411"meerte.lnasfes Maw - 0. 1 am prepared 10 ..0 the 51s. llieleya.ii Mese and an easy seek* • kehekess sh;Viies. missal:6=a= I050�1 matertr alio ag rias=ralio sesagetforst passage 0 as ...... la • • SO to 0 co s 11 Erb.,.. 0 0 I! IS 0 rk Vein. 1 NI 11110 Hides 1030. .. 6 M - 11 SI taseesairs..........„„„........ • le " IS G.H.OLD THE GROCER, Rev to Miens kis oweettiere and rte public. that he hoe sow 011 bead a large quantity of NEWEST FRUITS =A) L mom'. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Ovierieb. ISM. ISM Maid Amustrasats. =Mr. orgiliacli WSW. .111. TIME LI 11111•111f AMID RIOADINCI 1"e aptoi. aim at Bus semi elad Square MP swim OMB free I be • p.es.. ead trent 7 111p.ia. ABOCT 9000 VOL* TN LISSA SY fillndieo nag* Weekly ma Papvik Moe/ refirsea, Its., ea Fite ION lir MOW TWILIT. ONLY Ilt ea. and Haase TrlatatiMt Mode la 0E10 iventise rted ere Libre', sad vemost ys: 4prtiriou. own is rereit.ea 10, SW Al wort 41g..4ll and etereted the Is 111100 RICK. Istoraritta. ill81111111. ALM DIONT014. PI. C. BURW ABB, 0.4,Laimmeetameh. Presolows. esserfary Oedeeleb. Nola no. MIL Ma Deneriek. MM. lall. AIM 1410 01 Crocikel Glasswo whack he if $alute at prices to suit 'mule Ryer, tasks le grocery line can be tad at short notave, and at reasetiabk rates. tram G. H. OLD The Greve,. on tot Samna Telepheae Commusiscsidee. thiderlek. Nov. Sib. UM MARBLE wolvars- JOSEPH VANSTONE, pqmpuntroR, 1..mtradase1iesitla A: P. McLEAN'S. Owing to circumstances I now offer my entire Stock at a great :sacrifice. The Public have now a first-class opportunity of securing Great Bargains from a Large and Finel) Selected Stock. CFPL-examatee tIn_e That I mean what I say, and do not believe in misleading; but I want money badly, and take thry legitimate way of getting it, and I wish all outstanding accounts settled at once. Oederich, Nov. 1111, 10.1. 11111-4t Travelling euibe. ORAND TRUNK AMT. Repress Mize& Wised. Dedarteb Lr. 7110 a.na 1 Maw= DO PA* Stratford I Ar. I 11411 a es I 3.111 p.m ?JO p.m WENT. 1:1= I ,L.:-.1.17.•-.11 12P4Igiff 71, Mixed. Mina. CHRISTMAS, 1885. DIRS. H. COOKE hagat. .Ml er that 'be Osl.osruhr nut be oblunad at her store. mor North re ar.4 *MOM SILVER WARE. PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, i. meat ~wart ▪ BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS. FAMILY BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS. INTHIMESISSNannini 1 WRITING DESKS. farm:K._ Alum C. he SUNDAY AT HOME LEISURE HOUR. BRITISH WORKMAN. BAND OF HOPE REVIEW. 10THER LEADING PERIODICALS. LADY'S OOMPANIONS. (Plush) ODOR CASES. (MA, DOLL% TOYE, V ARKS. PLUSH mumoRs Lathes' all Gents' Gold alli Siler Watches SLEIGHS. arlskigtastitt ONUMEN'T8, HEADSTONES, m. 'MUM Door Bills r 4. wenellerYS NEW & STYLISH GOODS -AT A T MITTNTRO'S DRAPERY 00 HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE, Among Which will be tonne a complete Range of Underwear. hem the asealled OS the largest &see made Choice mowed. mid L'Istertass. Deckle &11-Weel Skald& Meek aril Caere& Di DICSIONito. A full ramie of Knitted Ocoee la Promeeede Smart& Nubia& Dater& Malt Overdresses. Sleeveless Vests. sad yawn S%. 0* sums Jerseys. An extend., range of Tlati Meier, sad Rattans Tares frees the beet known bas. Drees Geode la all the New Tints ..d Textures. notably 811D111, PERU LID TEC0111111 111111101,0.7 -It Per Taller -Made 5o110--Plasibes. Velvets. Rettens. Iltm, to mittelk.""-- Red, Crib sad Ceolle Blanket& One soya cowsytas. -ears largo and Wavy. at anneseskeal pram STRICTLY ON16 P1101 cad uaiterin coartsey to all. Ooteriec. D. bd. WM 11111111M MIT1s1-14.0- EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS °r4 • Jest le lead. New Flakier GaAs. ennandoe EXTRAORDINARY '1 „-yroyesmissysyy.a.fts....ats c.1* be. A Remelts] Liao ef - A Large Supp:y of Picture Losit.i. To:, T.41 ,4t T.. other artieleA (n..:riatinax perwitt,, Cleats' Witch Chins, at Primps to.511 tbea• at alga. SLEIGHS AT ALL PRICES. Dear's& Der Inl. MIL MOW - ATTENTION. A.m." attateisa a eii.led 11. wait to the chain* soletei.uA • 07111111111VrAWS 0•0010.1 .layryer e,A4041,41,1 Metal le C • L MC/ NTOSHIS :sr tbe Beet Maallty. A NICE DISPLAY OF FANCY GOODS. Tande leIeremto \lien hit theMeksamrkd oWpth b.rzdtw..I:s 1. Cask iliscoont of 15 to 20 per gat, of Rspl&r Prices "arias nye meath of Daireeibse, whieb brans ear weft Um nab of all. easitaiiiiiis, currants, rigs, prawn, p If your Watch or Olock is out of repair being than to us. k PI KU A 40.40,,saa We PILY aPeotal attention to RePhirtris in all' its branches W. R. PORTER, it.. as.. wake will be weld at Mom Priem' artsa end lamest the Mee 11111 1111rTho regime ar, von my -vs O. L. uourrarili. O' 1•111-fse , Gederieb Der are. NM 4tiontavale418tC, Maketemaker sad Jeweller. mid deer le Oma AillNimb•••••••MMors. Ileaseine. Des 'rd. teek 111141