HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 6-•► :Jr
the Pott's tLorner..
stelae Wall Tea taw wtthe.t s1Mt
at raaltd.'ts uottt1 Natttw.at.
1 tumid not de withuat Thee.
11 martear of the test !
Wham Meats..i blued redeemed M
At such tremendous
Thy rt,fht«,wtw•sa. '[h1 IeMea.
Th) pr.-ww Lbud mug be
ally only hope salad a stefurl,
M1 wlury and m) plea.
I could nus .1.. w d buul Ham
Jain is sac to W me
tutu. sU the ricb.rl. falreet care
0f ohms could .•ur be.
The man• I Wet Ulw. prewlusa -
But the more 1 find Ilia. tnu.
The taut I loft 101'1'01110 264
11 hai He eau be loyal..
Yon need not do •Ithout (lint,
Fut Hr as pa»Imre by ;
He is wahine to be gtaeloea.
Duly *ottani( fur your Cr) :
I1.• i. %a lttug to eerier s e you -
To wake you all Ilia own !
Why rill, pond*, altars, slim,
And aantitruu alone !
%%'hy will sen, du w1t4out !fins
Is He not kind iseteed
Did He 11odor to sate!, 0'
in fie not all you need
Do 1 uu out want a aariuur
I)u you not want • Meng
t)a. who will love gnu fatthfel:y
Awl levity o* atlas'..d
Why will yuudu about him!
11m Word of God is tree
Elle world is pa,.1ng 10 I'. S.artr
And )-u,, arm
It w1 tis se n,iim'r.w n a
)ihalldaanfur yea rad me;
Why will yuu run the a • !.a rim:
Of all e•ternity !
What will you do without 1Uai.
I. the lona ►rut Amor,. day
�ttrouhle mid perplexity.
N'be•nyuud° nut knowtheway,
Atad no one else can help you.
And no one guides you right,
-end hope rump, nut With muni tic%
And rest ..out... nut with night
You uld not do a about lanes.
if q • Ilea:.de you sur
The tetters that envLaic you.
Till H., bath set 1 Dei free.
1f once you saw the fearful lord
Orin upua ) our
The k4 4., plague fl.t ends in.:. att.
ale Draken you whole.
What will you do 5 Moo.: Hi1.1
tt'Len dt.th .s dr'. :mg W' a:.
Without His love -the only lova•
Mat Ceuta out ever) fear 1
.then the shaduanuart open+.
1 •cligtted and unknown.
.t rad the terror of i r , darltne„
Mug' I41 be pav,r.I .lone
What will you du without Him.
When the great white Throne ie vis•,
And theindgo who never eau miesik•.
And never eau furgel-
The- Judge. whom you bar r ae v er
As !newt and Ass inures ht.
Shall asmneowyou to give a« -oust
01 deed had word and thought '
N. hat will you du without Hit,
When He bath shut the door.
\ And you aro left outrule, beta..
You would not come before '
sVhen It ie no nese knocking.
No .tan to stand and watt
Fur the word of doom ills uremia Sou.
That terrine 'Too late r
You cannot do without Hlm
There is no other same
By which you ever ran be saved.
No way. no hope. no claim
Without Hlm-.verlsting loss
Of We, of bee, and light ;
Without Him --everlasting woe,
Aad everlasting nicht !
Hut with Him -oh. n 5th Jesus !
Are Yy words so blest
With Jesus. everlaatiogloy
And everlasting rest!
With Jeeue-all tteempty heart
Pilled with His perfect love.
With Jannis perk, t peace js.os.
Aad perfect blies above.
Why should you de without Him
it L not yet too late :
He has not ekned the door of groes.
He has our shut the gate.
He calls you' hush ! tie calls you I
Hs wouM not hare you go
Another step without Him.
Semites Ile loses you so.
Why will rondo without Him
H. ranee! earl. again -
'C;ome unto Me 1 tome onto me' --
Ob shall He eon I. ram
Me wants to have you with flim
De you sot want Alm tool
Yeecaanet do without Him.
Aad He wants even yon 2
-.1f the bends are Hwterwd there is
ing that will II unhurt the stain ro till es
lemon. Cut a leuw.. to halves and ply
the cut surface as if it wets sap. -rEa-
LAM Coin. -Tatar eNs, sae sup •4
plot* sugar. pongee the sine of • .float,
Otte hada half ottps of e,.ur, one larve
teaspoua of hakiu4 powder, sin abler
apwnutula ut water ; Savor k. taste ; bele
in moderate overt • 'The Iloweebold
Milan cokes here nitre for tea. Half ..
pound of sifted dteur, • glaarter of a puma, J
of butter, ma otiners of sugar, ta., 1st L'
spoonfuls ut think, suer meant and • n -
eye. flits • peat* of thew ingredient-,
roll it out and oat fl w diamond .kali r
pieces ; ode* with east and lecke to • „ t
oven , when geld pb►.e • bit ..f pun , r t
.jelly as the mmaler • f each and serer.- 1
(N. Y. Com minced Ailvertiaer.
Deft -lingered maidens may ii e •
pretty felt to amt each tt.r.t. .ea
rtrutol or neat fan !.f I•a,tehoard and •.v. .
it with tulle w folds and have a I•ilYj 1.tt-
iwg est the tulle abnut the edge. lig
t Ice
Ode on which the folds are fastw,ed ar
range a mom ,.t h..,ps if Jarrow satin ..r
vel vet ribb.n and place Olive or f. sty i r, •
vet butterflies as it boron(;; aw ng •1.
loupe. The hostile be wound aluut with
the iihbe.n and 1,.. pa and ends depend
from IL. phot of utuua with the fan. -
[Harpera Lazar:
Fur coffee mains try p.:ttiug tb,tk t
ccnne on Ib.• wrung side anal eyl�tj�Rv1
out with lukewarm water. Fur tan
■tains weak .:uti to and water 1 time
brat. Stains ..f fruit on good table tuea
can be removed without injury by u.irg
lbs following with dire ; P..ur boiling
water on chloride of lime, in pi opining.
f one gall .n to a quarter of a pound,
bottle it, cork it well, and in using 1,.
careful not k, stir it. Lay the stain 11,
lbw for a tuneu it, then apply a Bite
vinegar Yd boil the table li:.sum- -(f' iib..
delphis Press.
Scanner. E,..04 One dozen eggs, har•i
b. fled ; one teaptwnful of vinegar, three
small pickle*, Chopped ; one teaspa,oful
.1 made mnstard, am, lobster or Clark-
in, tbopp-.d; season wsah salt pepper and
melte' butter ; a little chopped haler :
eel the eggs in cold water and remotes
the shells ; cat leai4ibwise, not quite
throe, h ; i.:c aii .,: the yolk*, chopped
moat, celery, vinegar and sem° . and
milt well together ; fill the boded abd.•.
with mature, carefully closing again
Cornish with celery leaves .•r pat*ely.
!Boston Glob&
1. lee moor w heed.
Iin sod t to ley eapert..Nta,
A Handy Relief for I'aina, :Aches and
accidental injuries is an ohm.: univers:d
requirement. Suet. a r. tidy remedy is
Lest found in Ba,yurd's Yellow (hi, that
curs Itluutnatum, Store Throat. Colds,
and all Rin. Iaenieness and Soreness,
whether internal or external. L'
The nomination of Yea H «leu Ts) to r,
t�o Is coaleming the parliamentary
division .4 N�urth Camberwell, has been
refused by the returning ulboer. Miss
Taylor has protested afainat the alleged
arbitrary action of the officer.
Ilr'•nchitu *.me* from Colds and tort -
lotions of the Thrust ; Iivaraeuess,
Cough and fire Throat are 11.1charsc-
teristes. Thea troubles may be reme-
died tlmeiy uas of Hsgvard's Pecto-
ral a 2
Taking the appointments aa given in
the (e.nud.t Gasette 1..r j41 Made. the
Mob, f..,ts up that under the new Fran-
chise Act the voters' lists of the Delano
ion will be made up by seventy Superb.;
and County Cetus .1wipe, fifteen junior
County Judges, and akasty barristers.
i.esamea. assealtta.:
When you: h ,rse a galled, s_ratahed
or cut, et her an ugly sure, bathe twice
daily. and apply Jllc(la.noa d: PAREi'.
Earle l.c Aerate It it undoubtedly the
haeme Matto( and cleansing application
for it. Be sure yu# get M.st
't:aoote 4
Palaces. .Scow for per box, at Geo.
Rhynas' Drug Store. lm
lt.robanta ria wet their Btil Heads. L•t;er
Heads. kr.. Bac. petaled .t the office for very `
pL�tY�sr m�re,nul� oaf stoat
py0�e:e& tee she , Iv! M.:C.M.. argo eoasysmeet of tie Wen ladle aid Montserrat brands of
Cade Yd aa• *eso.pione t or W
but r. soft t., the old and aril enlist
means that ■((. idcd re wt in the past.
Wheats your curs.' ado. don't take dui
Brat article ollered to y..0 foil the par
p•«, ,u : t.. row. . the tn.ublw.•me
....111111, cud to du this without pais., sod
•.• d.. it promptly Put.a.n's 1'.euelasa
a n Kit rector has hien used 1. •r ma,
year's It hasee.s1 Iet•e krluee lis 1.31.
P4 IOWA Yst4.:t••r .cakes u.. (limy Mals
1. {Me bosh, lima tae heal had each truo
...some Dema the i.rig.e.id dieuwa.t.erta
It .(.rase howdy seal rlbc.e.uly.
It. the history ,of medicine* no prep
ratio. has ro('e•l veil such universe! o,w
meud.twu, for the alleetatsuu it alfoer'de
mid the leru.anr,t con• it rde•ct& to lid -
nos d.ee•...u. as Dr Vitt Burro • Kidney
Curr. Ii. ..,tl,... 11 th. Vie I.euv.aln
ouu.platnt• is simply wood. ful. Sold
uv J rnt 2m
•'•tVhentt.1 1 I, .1 ..u. ut outs. bilious,
nay liter 1.,4 ...Ikoeg right, or racked
.Illi a headache 1 tale (:base'■ Liver
l 'ore. 'rhrfo .a ur.r,. te•..l nvnetl1 from
tau dose . f y..ur Liter Curr than
ht 511115,. bottles ..1 some ural.: nos "
Joao. McNaaatr, 14.ud Head. Fur sale
try Jae. Nil«ell. ie a: e t
To lir -hush- recces,... ear an wetted
Y M•y r..e...
Fh"splaatMO, 01 Nervu t'.,ou, a i'bus-
Blemew baarwl upon :scientific
'seta, I'..rmul .t..d by Pruf rwu Austin,
* D. of Boston, Maas., cure, I'uhnun-
aJ Coinwuptton, Slid Hushat•be, Ner-
vous Attacks. Vurtig.. Lid Neuralgia
and all wutin•' diseases of the' human
eastern. l'hoapbatinr is set a �le,fex:ltw.
lett a otriumut, littera* it contains no
1-uketab:e or i4ineral t'..ittitts, Opiate.
N.r.otica, and no Stimulants, but situp:
ly the P` oaphatic and Uartnc Elements
found in our .L•uly f...al .4 suede In.ttie
as.utlictu to convince. All l)ru„tats
sell t:. $1.00 per bottle. Iambus &
sole agents f .r the Do...ituon,
• Front •'tr.•et fft.at Tur..,,to
The Stu.iachis the grand central .4
the Ionic yetMr, the Int uqM dote:- 1
.prd in tun vial life. and the Brat to suffer'
loom rauea.s liemulate its dtee..ed
amnia by Burdock Blued Bitters. which
rester.is health to the stuuasb, bee tda,
liver, kidneys, and blood 1
Liver Complaint eaoae. Dyspepsia, Ia-
,tigeeatiun Lever Cuwplaiat towage Sieh
yypatacbe, Diaall.e.,, Liver Cnmpla1111
CAYMANS All Kidner - Tru.hefr. U.mr
Complaint Muses Three fourths .1 all
diseases Liver Complaint if cured be
Dr Chase's Liver Cara Pur sale by
Jas. W Ila.w, sole watt.
Seeing' is believing. Read the lasti
m.wiala in the pamphlet on Dr. Visa
Bump's Kidney Cute, then buy a bottle
sad relieve yu.rssl of all them distress-
ing pains. Your Ik'-dgrent can 1,41 yen
all about it. Sold by J W ila.0 (loderich
A BAgaaa'a rorT -- Fur a
Cough, Cold or y Brooches' aI as iuu. 1
"Pecten.," is any opium*, u jest the 1
thing. 1 have used it in niy fainly for !
laugh. and Colds fur the peat four yeah
with the moat tautened success, and t..
day my opine& of it u that I continue
to think sell More of that which I bet,au
tli ktug well of.
Uae. Kern, Manager Ontario Bonk,
Price Y5 cents at all drugvt.4 m
new ash fie ►(croons Weaaeaed .yfN-
esae. DeblHl had Ku1a.U.a.
'Jibe Brecht Oerma. Invigorator is the
°ay. specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, untirreal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain ill the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any llud, the Great 1i.rntan
Remedy will restore the '• sit fB.cuistr
and secure. health and hr piney. $1.00
per b..a, Sia buses for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. :lent on receipt of print,
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
(►ho, mule rnent tor Cnitud States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent Tree. Sold
by (leo. Haynes, sole agent for Gude-
rich 3m :
BTsseMa L i at a very uftaing oast by leis) mei your
I,T TH $?Q$
f, .a'•
,'"'� i,1
1 has r n.,w on nand the largest stock cyst shown in Ooderleb. and comprises r ,-try line g.
sally fu ad e' . dna lees .►.e• dour. from the (Woad ltd, through all the tutraoedlate gtadt•
WON. lest cowhide. 1 will sell at
Cralbwb'$ 31
ices that Will Suit Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00.
1isses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 74c. up
Boys do., $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately:Cheap
1 tan and will full yon. both in rend• and pc!. r..
E . D 0 "ICT N I ZT G-
Cr•bbs Block, Corner East street and 4.luare.
N.B. -Torras trade. Leather atweadtngs to any quantity, at Lowest Pr
• Thine* re,ree••sts the dumber mush without the brit Nate t!.- poetic."( its doer,spring el:uated In the lid. by wto, h a ('d.N,'T.1NT but easy INN-Altland 1 I' % AK/
JOHNBROPI3Y', pressure au i•t'lhrhrfalR11 w�t.••nal,rr�ltY,+NsT1uA1Jtu��[l•�lyyyEd. _ 'T■�••'�l gist.
1 UKNIT1'RIC DEALER. W/ST SrKtz"r, �EO �� �"� + a ` _ •, e•�•� L-pT+ �K^r
l les dropped Furniture down 4* Lard pan fur the NEXT SIXTY DAYS. (heroine received fgOT •�2 AC�ENT� Q .D. R.ICi
s CARLOAD uF HYl.lteom .41T$. which fur Style sad Price DEFY ('tIMPFil OX. February
Aud my al W i it 41 ty;l. carnet be beat. Those requiring Bedroom Sat' should tall on me
and COM!¢Kk MILE AND PRICE before purchasing Anew herr. as - - - - -
/ Intend to Sell for Sixty Days at as Little Advance C H' CA �'+ Q
as Possible on Cost. USE.
Cl1T4RTo111L Iii LYTITKD. 140 TROL SLE III SHOW 000Di4.*
i Wort be Undersold by any Dealer on the Top of the Earth.
J. BROPI-IY, West Street.
:. Nun 11th I:ra, Jr!: 'hi:
lists to wusnce that she hoe in .' otk is larger varied prof:La-on,
The Very Latest Winter and Sp-ing Fashions.
sad she would respectfully invite the lies to call and ser the disp.ay a:
The Chicago House.
God rich. Om lad.
1: ani pay you to bpi 1e')r Purnillure filer t* undersigned. as 1 hare now as complete g
an e.muutaen t as t here t. in the uoonlit
1 do cut adopt an�yo.e•7t a .4*'se d tl
&dve'ates a nks•p speelalty. hitt will sell you a gen-
outfit si prioee that cannel les Sur/Mond (quality oonaidertrdl
1a the Undertaking 1 b$ve.toe suited for use poor e• svmilm rich.
1 &aye a:.o added Ow presesa et R*N.lmf.g. m tom Pachon having to send bodies 01
:rondos to • ,Aran o coo do so at re•sonabla t:oet
dept. lith. (Ali
West Street. lloderlcbbetween the Post 05... Yd He,ak of Most/saL
' -i H C ii6F
* ey
Gilli raR If,
Stades. *age,. r.b. 1, I.gt .0ntlrarn-
I 1 suffered with ittlayele 0t.e.ek. basdeche,-
4euralgta, finial* trouble, for years in
the moat tern3le and excruclatat:g rt.art-
No medicine er 1,ictor co::J g=ee..e
roti*( or cure Gari: I cosi Hu,., E:ctere.
'The fins bulls
Nearly cured me .'
The monad made me a mai wail areae
as when a child. I
'And I hate bowie w to this day ' 1
Ify hasee et-itdieL WNW !„t twilit?
yam wish • eind0u ' •
'hadney, liter nri co est,
{ientleman Whataidn you doing now-
��s. L ne Ras.i. 1C.cle P.ast.s-le• worsts' fu' Sam
Gentlen-- What at 1
U e* Reals a -- Pickl' blackberries
on ole Mrs. Brown'spastas. lot.
m--OeitleanDuesnt Mts Brown ob-
to it'
Uncle Rastas Sbe don.' kow it,
e• .tlwasn What dues Sam pay yoneat.•,1 by year bass", f F'reail Cir ocerles
Igg king Mtn. Brown's berries 1 I And may s Urd rising :ter r.. w %