HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 51 MINI OP PARTNERSKIP REID & SNEYD, NEW PALL 600D8, Oar Their Eutire Slot eT Staple TO DINIPOLV IL P. anil FaDcT Dn Gonds MEN'S FURNISHINGS, TWEEDS, ec AT A TREMENDOUS REDUCTION. ?lie Stock is all new ; has been bought in the best markets r Cash, and will be marked down to and BF.LOW tX)P T PRICE The price will be in ItSID FIGURES, the old being in black. LOOK OUT FOR THE RED PRICE. new this is s Genuine Sale, and the Public may expect and will get Better Bargains than ever offered before in (3oderich. LADIES --Now IS THE TIME To MAKE YOUR WINTER PURCHASES. GENTLEMEN—Now 1S THE TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORI/ER FOR A FALL HUIT OR OVERCOAT, made tip in first-class style, aud at prices that will astonish you. The Sale will commence on SATURDAY, the 5th DECEMBER, and continue until the whole Stock id disposed of. FALL ACCOUNTS MST .It SZTTL&D AT ONCE.•U poirD I SNE71), 4s4`c'weter Rouse. Goderich, Dec. 4th, 1883. TO TI1Z • Toronto Cash Store GOODS GH BPER TEAS EVER A. ins itatioa freely sotasMMMall to isspeet tiootra•M 1 awe •atioAed that _aspectroa w 1i esehial7 Mittel a tale. The geode are et the NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, i • • Asti Y (Imp as the clamors, house :n the trade. 5111 CINIC REM Iteteetnbartbe stand :—TNK TORONTO CASH STORE. Mas�.ageI tioderick. Nov. fStb. I8a5. ir J • Nor On.e 0=1.7- We l'Zly We will giveaay of the following articles for 25c : 41b,e Currants WILSON'S I PBUSCRI TION DRUG MIL PLUSH TOILE! I ODOR CMS.. TpZLET V ABB, BSAVZNC Q. 31[ 0 -13 - EVERLASTING BOUQUETS. LATEST AND BEST FERFUIERY. Steck New tad complete. No trouble to show Goods and Prices. Ooderich. Nov. lath. 18115. 1m FINE TAILORING $ MacCormae, ilmag =tree Iw11 choose of the Taiiorintr Dopartaernt or Mr. ALLAN P. IdeLTAN. 1 t b a .. m7 y big he t'uaorrten taadd toe a to Ca pubNc. that 1 am pre- pted to o*rr hilt iwddor en . m u» line to t aab t'utwi a�7 b� Oal.a ales( and are the istateaee Moak which most be st l� prices cf for 221.00n. VINE WORSTED SUITS, y KINE SCOTCH TWEET) SUITS, formerly 2:3.00 for 20.00. BEST CANADIAN TWEED SUITS, formerly 21.00 for 18.00. LINE WORSTED OVERCOATS, formerly- 23.00 for 18.00. BEST ENGLISH FANCY a �NTIN C, formerly 7.50 foe 600. Iri.w■. t7 B. YscOORMAC. a011.++. Tree. ru►`rd. 111.Mild Pee1s ,� J. C DETLOR &Co. SPECIAL BARGAINS rDressa\Goode, �T�eds, l„tt> .tle Cloths(, eLzz.d ' mead-r-lvZ4d-e Clot ' Slee WILL OTTER TOP. 30 DA\ WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 50c. WORTH OF TEA. MARSHALL EROS., Tea Merchants, next door to W. R. Porter's New Jewellery Store GODERICH. thedwich. Nev. Ith. 11110. • FASHIONABLE MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD liss pleasure in annotmeinit that her week of the latest novetties to WIN CkE1, Illbe ham some of the meet faotionable •tilee to waists* bow. Oederielt. Nev. Otto. UM. Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call aGoods at- tention to our Dress and Mantle Cloths, which fc;r style and value cannot be beaten. Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Mats, Caps and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, &c., and give the highest price that the market affords. 1 Ooderieli. Sept. Init. 181Z. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS AGAIN VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL FOR At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil *as used on all the Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAT.S during the last three years. par See that you get PEERLESS. It is only made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Tewasto. Nov. talt. 10:12 TILE PEOPLE'S STORE NOW 18 THE rims AIILVItt TOUR WINTER OVERCOA LARGE STOOL ALL crux'. AT VICHY LOW PR1CIES. 1.4C -Yr 31(..ANTIAMIS AT COST TO MAAS OUT TUE STOCK. 1 011. The Pecple's Store. Goderieh. FALL MILLINERY. Takes pleasure in saaessoing that she has returned fr.,m her trip east, and ham 33irds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. 1 have all the West novelties Wallets, Bonnets, Shapes, Shades of Color, etc. INSPECTION INVIVED. Oedericla. Sept. 17th. Itift. NEW CROCERY. . Wakes to anamince to Lb* Pdbit. thst he bas owned out a new Grocery Store in lealidollitiateM8110,81111$11kot wartime el the Pottne who wads to a* New Geed& at Cheap !Memo • I Leveret Rate/twill alia he sold tos the premises. sZA Speciol Coaster for Pisan Wore, baa sire beer Introduced. I WIrRkg'keek Prier laid for Butter aad Tsp. ':—.1-- I A call olspeedidly solicited. . . J41-347LEI 7,17 MY, Oederiels. Nov. Oa. Mt. GROCERY ON HAMILTON STREET T. it J. STORIAY bloc opened mit a New Grocery Store on Hamilton -et., where they Are prepared to sell emotes Gee- ( -ram ASV PROTtsioNs at Rock Bottom Priem orders left promptly attended to. and Goode delivered to all parts an& compare prices before 1 of the orderina elsewhere. Soar Tleott NNW (/) E- M icz z 14 .1 or CARLOW, HAS A NEW AND Et 1.1. sTOcK 0F DRESS GOODS Ladies' Cloths, Bed Comforters, Winceys, &c., GENTS*" UNDERCLOTHING & TWEEDS, Also a New and Full Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, AU of which are marked down very low in price. 1111 arealiand Inspect my goods no twkohle to show them. J. H. RICHARDS. Carlow. OIL FALL AND WINTErf Os 00111E11. PIO Sind Wisiter stoott el Tweeds. ete" now folly somortect sr A 13. S011erIl ".11111 Ready -Made Clothing etz Overcoats. A ltplendid Assortment. Cheap rillairAtilbe Mee Ws* street, welt door 1,, flank of Montt, DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS, NANUFACTUEI CARRIAG 074 Mg WA Y Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel.