HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 4460 / ;•,.rP ,444V0414. 4 6-- a IN 1 1'41'r. nu. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1865. NEWS ABOUT HOME.L.":„,"•La',...,"7„t,.•°°=!:-. aideratsou the neeeties of water works, • stirring ye. :rip ernes electing light sad fair grounds, slot lest A... • .4%.Friday eve sad agreed apes a repel TOWN TOPICS. "444' to be preowned at the mat meeting of 1 TM whiter weather may react news best seers. but Hee. Stewart coatis ova WI UM out lesaulare photon. everessite as • The fall -oz 2..thataserhkrirs arstodem one from . yet:e keep you solid durlag Oda and other It doesert mates great heel of dlliarelbes io H. Sallow • whether ISir John use Make beg tai host reasons for swag to Kr 1411a. HIS 14411141. woes is le tars out good , and ha dors 11. shades k Ilea have emend sweaty -live mese of macs a01101 led a•Vilaille tor the Cluistiaa• trade. Theme tateading tarn 1111 Christmas trees sad eateasiameate winpet specie.' prices. DiseieeA. be ~IF uml. nh- nates imensumes hihbeimeserell. ea IM everybody sea b, ebespest Doak under the Ma. Mr. Harr is very low The town coursed will meet tonight. Miss Davis is isiting friends in SOU the masa The literary Magmas for Nonwhite, is as suet sember. The artielee ars agedelly ealesesd from the Web% WASPS nod bean, and form the WOW As I. mass of literature This spisadid monthly antis cob $1.60 • year. J. Irene is agent for Goierick. Wet Carey, who est Juba Thompson with knits, at &Worth, wee os last week seeteuced by Judge Doyle to two weeks is jail with hard labor ; and the man Jedassion charged with stealing a watch from Robert Hanley, of Kilmer- git six week, a jail from Judge Toms. Rev. Fr. Colvin. of Wawanosh. MVO the inetractioas at St. Peter's im Wed- nesday evening last tor the Christian's bettor preparation for the cowing of 1. of Oswald Sturdy Ms returned to town, adee°11/meto tatieb._aiatabas' thw "le weeks after a year's absence. wing et4111/W4111114.11t114011 of the 14000 years that eloper before the birth Captain Tronch, and son Frank have chrtet. returned for the meson. 1 Otis who hu tried it gives the follow- Douald McKay was hoed 111 and cats I in easy remedy for tbe not in poistoue for being drouk last week. I "Shake dry slacked lime on the bottom Mn. W. T. Welsh is now recovering of the potato bin, aod as the potatoes rapidly, after a painful illness, isre pot in put on dry lime. This 1 have S. Davis, of Clinton, was the guest of foiled will keep the sound potatoes from his brother, G. N. Darla, last week. rotting, and prevent those decaying from Mn. Walton, cf the Huron reed, bee hada". 4i. '' Mrs. R. 8. Chilton and Miss Chilton ""ril °°"1°TWk' aad a laaa alit° at our beet thanks for some Boma $ U.I.b- Coseteeleit Daemon sines are is cumilaiion. They are of Mg series "0" lase. The paper as rougher and darker time that in ties gesoiso sotm, the pormat of Lord Drellerke is ink, risineverk hot the SIMI mark el their eperieserms is bond in the Agoras laths unpin right hand teenier is rod ink. Time &gem age irregular and blurred ara that the Mk log9HOS the paps and may be semi an the other al& Moue celery- ....fitli...9..eurge d the Ino- an oo • runt to Detroit for a foresight. «la time °rchPiall ilaportant itions in the duitrict, died last week in poverty, and was buried at the expense of the town. He was a was of splesdid Physique in early life. He had been a resident of Huron fur about 63 years. John R. Clarke pre his third lectors jo Goderich this reason, subject "Hite and MissesHe appeared this time under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute. The &adieux) was amused and instructed. As • platform orator, Clarke takes s high place. He can keep the dos. attention of any audience for a couple of hoofs. Thos. Kydd, a veteran railway agitat- or of this taw°, left on Tuesday for Winghaan, where he will reside for tad next few mouths Any of the Wingham Miss Hastinvo of Montreal, , agitators who want to get a few wrinkles os Irl'inm towards bringing in the loop line of the in Gdersch last week, and ithe guest of her sister. Mn. F. Joidan. C. P. R to that burg, couldn't do better than cultivate the acquaintance of our Sienna Caesar. of Dungannon, has old friend, Mr. Kydd. removed to Goderich, where he niteuds Pewkard s Shorthand Reporter for No - to inake kis home for the future. ember has been received. The editor Win. McLean. the well-known cattle announces that the puhlication will cease dealer, will clues up his house here, and with the December number. We are reside in Mcnitreal for the winter. anxious to get that number, for Packard's We regret to learn that Capt. A. E. for the year e well worth binding. The McGregor is still suffering severely froni magazine was first ciao* effort. and the an attack of inflammatory rbouniatiste. year • issue will leave • good and lasting R. mcgehte, builder. who has haw impression on the shortbread world. following his busmen in Clinton during Wow TRI FIRST Pall/. -The Cone& the summer, has returned to Guderich School Journal recently offered prises for A Band 1 Hope, in connection with tel. °i arithmetical 9inlatimia'0051. the Church of England Tersperauos So r''stwa "4°3 to the Dimatal°. We "a glad to hear that a foresee Goilerich ciaty, was organized last Friday evesisg. High misdeed, Jews milieu, Mies Waddell is filling the position of book-keeper at &waders' variety store. The regular meeting of the mahout board will be held ou Monday evening ext. Jus. Kidd, of the International Felt Works, was uff on a businers trip last week. Devotions will he held at St. Peter's during Advent 00 Weaned*, and Friday e rening. The examination of pupils attending the County Model Schools, •ill be held next week. James Addison is still suffering from a very painful corbonchr on his neck, bet is on the mend Men Bosom Termer*. -A aseetagg el the High School Board was held on Theseday of last week, is the county oterk'a ellen ail the members being present. The resignation of Mies Sperm sea Mosher is the High School, was read and aosepted. else wishing to tattered the Ueivereity The aseretary was Mersa rod to advertise um Use Mail end Globe for • female masher to fill the vscaney. A Tan 81140ING IIVANORLIST. Tbe Oases Ikretiage erestae• t• gnaw hares tenue•eattonts. The seems inestimps have W. 001 - tinned dunes the week is Koos elherldii and lane aregreptione511 MU au treated. Sendacteurning the evangelist occu- pied the North street Kellbodist palpit ; la the Allentown at 4 M tielook Ise ad dressed the Sunday school scholars in the rase edifies; aad io the session he preached in Eerie church. There sp pears to be no such thine as cuing him out physically, sad his putter of rune costanase usehated. Monday and Wediresday *realer "Song hotness" were held, and Tues- day gad Thursday regular rental courses were delivered. This (Friday) letter from Mr. John Russell was read „„*oz a 'guar: sent" will be held. mid ordered to be returned 10 lin In the "Song Serves the discourse is writer, after which the Board r'414:1346- intenpersed with suitable hyenas, and ed. Flthria COLON1•1. E111111111101f.,---A. IUD. Allan. of Goderich, durires us to stets that farmers and others should send him five specimens uf every kind of graiu and seed.; incloding eon, shelled and in ear 12 ears if in ear) a peck of each kiad. Put name ou each variety, sad also the name of grower and his address. Send all to Frank Jordan, Ooderich, when they will be packed up. These are for the Indian sad Colonial Exhibition to be hold it year in Loodoo, England. All country papers would cooler a favor by copying. Mier Hume has returned from Mango eaptursig the first prow, E75. Mr. Elliott. where she has been visititur her sister, who is now attending the University at Mrs. 8. Fisher, fur the last two mouths. Toronto,deserves honor for his educat ion - Charlie Smith, who is pursuing a cols- al achievements. He is • success, menial °nurse a Toronto business col- whether as • teacher, or as • student. kik 500 • prize in the shorthand c°°1- W. extend our_ sympathy_ to A. J. petition. Moore, B. A.. of Goderich High school, The achtioner Ganhaldi, light, from in Ins bereavemeno He has just lost, Benne, reached port on Saturday after- after a sleet illness, his eldest eon noon. After stripping she took up her Richard Blake. st the early age of 16 winter berth. years and six month& Mr. Moore re - The oonsideration of the appointment contly lost his wife, and this seeond of • new division court at Blyth will amiCttOO must beer heavily upon him. come before the Court of Suasion, on Blake Moon was a popular poung man. Friday, Itec. lith at noor.. He was • member 44 the Presbyterian church choir, and was happy in his The S•crament of the lard's supper will be dispensed in the Gaelic church death. here on Sunday nest. Rev. A. Mc- On Frith', oesentlt the following Pro - Kenzie, of Lucknow, will ammo was presented at the High School Rev.() 11. Taylor, formerly of Hayfield, rat:Z. SpeiatYa entertainaniat -8°1°, and well known throughout the oounty, IhNia Thotlipson; recitation, Miss Rennie is now stationed moistest minister at Polley ; reading selections, Miss Dick - Clouted, Dublin county, Ireland. son ; reading, Mr. Strachan ; trio, Misses Ellard, Graham and Ellard ; recitation, We have to thank our old friend, A. Mr. Young Strang mad_ M. Pulley, furs 6.. fat goose ou Friday hoe, jir. Whitely. During the evening last. We hope that he'll always have Me -Hwang answered several questions enough for himself and one for his neigh- from the drawer, and Mr. Humber was bore. elected secretary Wo undersand that the Falls Re- Dr. McDoriegh, who has just returned eery* property (.1 the:late S. Platt has from Romper may mouthed on Oto imentivrehmed a Stamford gendar- me., who intends to ruu a Am factory eaves 4.1 the mu., the throat and the nom Oaring the present month at his former 4 _on IL , office on Hamilton street, daily, betmen Mrs. M. 0. Cameron has now mosilent command of her tricycle. It is a hand- 1,,Ine machine. Several young ladies who have tried it say the tncycle is "just splendid. Mots Rocks . -A series of rams will be held ia the drill shed nem Wednes• after the prayer niade the following re - day .Taping' D.astilhar 9' a.ttataltaat" works aught the decease of the late at 8 o'clock. The eerie. will comprise Donald Fraser the result is exceediuttly pleasing, es the revivalist te widowed with remarkably good vocal powers, Duriug the week now chain* indica- tions of great interest to the work have been notmesige, and the promoters of the aerviess are sanguine that a great religious revival is in progress. The meetings wdl be carried un next week io the Nortlost. Methodist church. All are invited. rood and rdier- Colosial Exeibition, wee red to the special o.i. won. A number of accouti..• erre mid arid referred O. finance aou mutes. On motion of Mr J. -bloom, mounded by Mr. McIdurchie, the usual grouts to the Model ecin.ola of Godwin and Voodoo were ordered t. b. psi The nqitd. adj.Mtued Mitil 10 o Tb. sass neweelr On Sendloy nisming last in Knni church, RM. ?. MCampbell, Metho dist minister, semiUted in the service, and 1111COSP IV wilAMMIDAT. The council resonied it 105. an., the reeve in the choir, awl all thir councillors present. committees were read mad referred to left either la Knox church allow Whir counitUes. class of in ths North street Diabolist obese& s enappy Syd,- • pithy hole Kualah. roan. idanatitied with the [.rd. Army at Wiugliam, was remedy charged with stealing letter e foam s moil le.t, aid kir left fur parts orikno•n. Che People's ltolumn. kirretc.-miss SKIMMIN(W Woo 1.X1 prepared to teusit• • Iew gyro rowel avid bran' pupils for tratereetton sense' moue after the 'Adkins' halkispi. urge. _ le par quartet. If laid la &demise a liberal bo eiven. Ouskett. b. Dec. list, Mb. Mein The reports .11 the four road and bridge 11. ' OILCLOTH (JOAT WA'$ 51 A circular from Cie County Council _ wieetwriattillelo"iv" p..( four lassiwtikee It la a thitarto, in reference to the governeueut mistake please kers 11 5* Tug thilital. Ohm siding in piling rosiage i„I moo. iind oblige JAMES STEWART'. 11181 -It grants to this country, was road and li 1:e E. ARTh. referred to opens! :.inucuit tee. A letter from the Provincial Secretary , atit. K. eltOCKICTT bee re ‘40.1144 his in reference to it.e appointment of a ' chose* on uti aid %Vow col.r Pototivig. y.181 'Oa on this iv., as the afteencoo or Mag police magistrate was read a01 ordered ;Nook, k.d Ttoiroilat of seep mom. to be tiled 11. skean% Deli door to Mr. Oro. Acheaval 611."' tilde letter has a'ready been publish- ed in Tux Kiro•t-ED.1 A letter from Mr. Bar, er, iu reference to en insane indigent person, was reed and referred to the jail mid court house committee A letter from Mr. Mallocb, I. P. S. with reference to the enhance examine tions, was read and referred to 'ohm,' contruittee. A number .4 accounts were referred to finance committee, and one tender for cordwood to jail and court house. committee. On motion of Messrs. Clete and Currie, the sum $20 was refunded to Ent Wawauush, and $2 to Usborne, being excess in the equalization echedule. The council then adjourned until 3 p- m. Thuraday, to allow the committees to go to work. a 1 -mile race, a 3 -rails race, and • 1- / hues mr. Truer and lotted him. hour's raoe, the gatc-money and entrance My acquaintauce with him was uierely fees to be distributed mamma the win- , that of fellowship during the union meet 'hers as follow*: 1 mile, 20 Pee mmt ; ''' into last year, and conversation with him miles, 35 per cent ; 1 -hour's, 45 per oent. on the street, sad also little talks togetli- All entries must be mode to the tree - or when we mot at meetingsoyet 1 learnt °in', J. it Watson, °. 9t before Tier to love hint as one why mitred with day, December fith. Already thirteen God. 1 can thank God for the faithful- °"3,Pattoot°,71 ha" aatared,__ •,,,_The itatdaaa, DOSS of Brother Fraser and his test imouy. nth 'sears' °L111"'" ”°311° W. A. Knox church is in mourning and North Colborne and Vi en. Mitche street Methodist church ts in mourning A Tooter Cs.owD.-Not • eery large kr the loss of a good man. My heart •Lai. audience greeted the so called "London was despl pained when I first heard adv't in atother column will Well repay perusal. He talks business nee foam the start He tells you what be has in stock and sends you a printed invitation to coke. is making a Lig for the bll- kevespeats C. 1.. SIACIETOMI 1.'Jut with a new and enlarged advertise - meet this week. He is wor p .0,1 I f h ltda trade ki u a OMINION STATUTES, 1886. Notice is hereby gives that 1 have received 1/0111141 ,,, Statutes for UM 411 and IR Tit_ aod that magistrates and Ahem entitled le receive t trigs cso oblate thestuu 51*1e. Ogler of Clerk of Peace. I Illei-0 Golerich, Dec. IN. rCHEK W A NT= --FOR 8. 8. 1 No. I. AshIleld. fur ISIK tad or kd claw quire& T1408. HAWKINS, Port Alban, 8Amparleymoreidlig usittneesida aid salary re -if XI USIC.-MISS ClOKE. AFTER 14 .71 yeafft study of mum, is prepared to receive pupils for the Pismo. Inessons guartern. Terms: -AL per quarter. NHL - - - - 1/tTli AND.-1SAAC PITMAN'S 13 PH1Pioti APHY. The meet papally eys tem taught. lain ruction books for soles( Tim ift.turlaot oellioem bwi.L. Every boy and gtri Mosta *554 E DWARD SHARMAN, tialeaLATta end plasterer. tbaaks the public forth'sr continued pat moose. tic is still reedy to do sil work lo lise ta a superior maws •'). sbuiklngs wemait ibereveiratuages. gatinuator gilrrn ter IINT-17 g o y Hugh Dunlop ham received two mam- moth plate glass fronts fur the store next to the Pot'. -roe . they are each 6 feet :II inches by to feet Z.. inches in size, and i inch. thick. Mn. Wm. Stitt died en Thureday morning last after a ccmparatively short if Ulnae he was aloha of the Dolor ' Hiroo, and waa a woman of exemplary Slife and Chriatian character. The large frame house on Weat street, the property ,f the luta P. H. Sirkpat- auk. °tiered for public competition tast Weduestiy. was not add, the highest 'id not reaching the reserved vile. ' ,,..,4`.•4 Ghost Mystery on Monday evening that our *her was gone, for I hail bet etteederve* was larger than loved him. 1 wondered, for the while, the concern deserved. The "ghosts why he was called away. How we Milli were suggestive of the earth earthy, the a mate may Goa 611 the gip exhortations were delivered in a haltuig. sp„„oly. 0 ! that his faithful service nasal dceery way. The rest of the el- may bring many of God's servants into hthition comitemed Indifferent Dutch that close walk with God that will enable , day trade and announces the fact else - with cracked singing, 5n.1 them to live and work and witness for ' where in this issue. jokes as .4d as Joe Miller, and as bald of point locally as an iron dog of hair. The "eneeetainment" was brought to • dose by • representation ot • dance in a km dive, where the meh personated blackguards and the women a worse grade of the species. Our opinion is that it cm the toughest exhidition that has ever showed in Guderich. The was an appropriate one, Rev. R. Ilre, hisses and Pills of "RM• !" end "Pull D.D., said :-It has Mao suggested to down the curtain which rose from the me that 1 should make • reference here audienee were fully dmerved. to the departure of two dear friends the Master as did our dear friend. His Ith OHMS is fragrant ; kis memory is prec- By announcement in another column it ions. Let us emulate that glorious faith, will be seen that a dissolution of pert that spotless life, and let us walk as lie nership is coutemolated in the firm of did, ekes with God. Reid & Sneyd, and on that account a The choir sang au appropriate vision- clearing sale is in ooitemplatiim fur the At the vdiclusion of hweernion, which cauellartsmenth. Read the adv't for parti- tary just before Dr. lire's sermsn. 5. R. PORTA in this issue offers "extra. rdinary bar- gains" to the readers 441 THE and others who wish to take advantage of his Misnaros roa Known; Pritroers.- whose names were on the communion ooer. He wants you to go and Ire No English lady considers her home roll of the church wben 1 came to Gude- A. Z. COIUSILLI. decorations for Christnum ccmplete, rich 26 years ago. One of these was my also informs the public that in addition to making a special drive in furniture he has also been appointed agent for Raj, mend's sewing toachings. until a little sprig of Mistletoe, no matter dear old frwand, Mn. Davidson, who how mall, is hung over one of the doors paged away wheal I was from house. She on the inside of the house Upon this day, "if gentleman discovers a lady standing under the Mistletoe, he hap u right f., kiss her.- If this ancient and honored custom becomes as popular in sad she rejoiced in a oertain and sure America as it has been for centuries in prospect of abiding in that land where Europe, it will be largely due to the I we shall see and know even as Emporia (Fla.) Gazette, which, by the , we are now known. The other is our way, is published in Volume County, ' teloved brother, Mr. Donald Fraser, Florida, which is fiunoes for its Summer who was oonnected with the congrega- Winters andre(i)rsarner Groves; for this tion six years before I because pastor. journal has p packages of Matte- I I will not dwell upon his life, and if toe (a parasite and • native of Florida) were to pronounce his solo% 1 would not receipt of tive 2 cent stamps to cover as it was of Barna* of old, "He was a was very patient under suffering, having been afflicted with blindness nearly all her married life, yet she had a compel - Nation in the bleesiog and favor of Christ, which it will send to any address upon make it lotto. It 00111d SSW of him Zolatemele. J. L. Courtice was installed as post- master of our village this week. Councillor Acheson slowly acquirog the desired strength to his broken limb Rev. G. Cubbledick, H. A., will preach at Holniesrille in the morning, at Ebenezer in the afternoon and at Sum mer hill in the evening, next Sunday. Carlow postage, &c. The Gosetre has published good man." All who knew him could • "Florida Catechism" that :fives full unite iu this testinion?, Mr. Camp. potion deeply with his family in their great lies, and feel that loss ourselves, we can give thanks unto God, and • feeling 01 thanks ought to be the pre- dominant one. We mourn his lofts, yet with that feeling should be one of thank- ertn author ot "Helen Babies mays fulness for the work which he had "What Tammy Dot' would be worthy of the venous consideration of parents fsohrotwline noabnlde tesutoreti- mtnny:1 blh ee to do do'elladver it were risible for any one to be other titan wildly asirtlifut over the month- especially towards the close of his life nose and dreedweese of the tittle hem We all know the departed brother could I know whom I have believed, and Tommy is an ideal boy -one of the kind ••7 ‘' 1 am persuaded that is sble keep which are by turns unendurable and an - that which I have committed ciao Hint Relic which changes pantos; from young against that day." Like other children of God, he was sometimes net down and depreamed, yet ever looked away from himself and upward for Christ to help him. 110 was • man constitutioo- ally prone to look upon the dark aide of 9knirs. yet he was for all that daily ea paying the sunshine of his Smiogr's couutenance and the sense"( his save - tion, and now he has stepped Wolin fulness of communion with hie Lord sad Master. _ _ _ • COUNTY COUNCIL. sod accurate information opo all sub- bell him done today. Vhile we ail syn. jeets of interest to tourists yr settlers, whish it will mail, to any applicant, with a sample copy of its paper, upon receipt of *5, 3 cent stamps. "WHAT TOMMY Die ''-John Habb- to old, and from young to old agate 10 and 1 &slack. We understand that many times a day. We pity parents who Dr. MeDunagh haa spent the last year fail to read this book • there is no time in the Visnas hcaPital' aa wa" as hart" in the da nor any day in the week, in been in London and Pare, and his es- . Y' which its pages will not dispel care" permutes in treatieg theme special .1... Th. Chicago Tribune pronounces it a same mem be eonsiderable. We book that "will delight every boy and COM* hits to Homo again- girl, and every mother too, she will find The steam barge City of Montreal, In it • book that can lie read over arid with 15,000 bushels of waist from Fort ,-,"r soon to suit the insatiable sp".. William for the big mill, arrived in port cites of youthial listeners, and yet never os W•doo•d•7- Some 11111° anxiety wag sicken the reader with any weakness or owned by her Ists arrival, ohs beviult nonsenoe in its composition." It haa loft Port Aram. before the barge W. B. jest hewn published in dainty delightful Lill, widish necked this harbor the pre- shape, fine cloth, richly ornamental noes Sunday. The detention was cam- binding by Alden, the "Revolutiort- ed by a terrible snow storm, which coin- publisher, it half it. formerp110., 50 yelled the Mootreal to take the west cents. Alden's 111-8 page illustrated eat -- shore, arid make Sand Beach harbor, alogue price 4 cents--condensol cata- when, she wee eturee-Ilialed fur two fugue free), of his immense list of sten- da a. Evening St..e In t.,w, Its ._Iter nekes, in the Rear, The tug Juin" (*lark. with I he achoon A "arieh. ,...t urned to , th..., . tPiheloirciitu.sng tobersipisarenatrit ,hree. grade I a bread Galerich last week atter havitig collected 1 soldr...and where it tenet delivered by *ha baker an the fish at t he 'elm& and 4 ireetiock the Price 1° •11111"61 to ha °mats.* 11.1. ; al" awl the cargo 1 thr wrecked Gordon. 1 et:riot bread/Tote triselloamiegreeolkwa rule bilk 'Mak"' I" The schooner Kolfage. from Wallace 1 ___,Tin ,•4---°1aaatais, argi saaa td.mintrill: here, with hooio aii.i staves for this port ' Melo .l • full colier•tv Pno,,. iiiiiii and Kineardinc. reached harbor shartly . lir•°d "1 *1. first lend* 1°, ri. n after 60041 ,411 Saturday After Imbed- I nine rents. And every maw an the. • her Godoneh freight the Kolfage led, will be able to have turkey, .stuffed Nailed for Kincardine. I with oysters, for kis Christme as namor, An exchange says. No senande man I I In emtoortaglose disarm. at - at that. 111 &mikes Spectator. aboold get 50117 bo -cause e newspaper tenon. seasim te. eeeti,,n 49 a th. man "dune him for his money A Qua Palma Health Act, 1884. It reeds as tb t unpeachment al a subscriber'. ..wheeeeee ear homb,,,ider it°141-iltrt but is straitly an uuter°PPliiii knows that any person within his family of • a necessities or household his thermal! pus. 1 J Dell- n, druggist, yl Stretford. aegeliit fever, amedera, t fever, y:1bitheria„ ir 'owe f..r some day li during the he shall oohin 24 hour, hive weals ereldt Merl'.* Ima fewmds- thereof to the Lineal Beani eiRealtli, Sr Whine Mire het took an active part to the Medical Health 4*e. 01 the in th. Menlo* Mork* of religious re- I district itt which he resides, and MA vtvel a. resent going • n here. I outlaw shall he given either at the cdkra A ." frose is beteg practieed of the 11111eineel Health (Meer, or by y foe cb, .0111011 by the rboir of North ' eamonneetros addressed to Mee allai wrest )1 !waist aberoh ender the sine ,4 8. P Hall. It will be, like ' Wig amebas of the North street Al though. well meth • dimly mailed within the time above rportiotl, end in maw there is no liedieelli Health Oases. thew to the bleoreeary el the Lots/ Board of Health either st his ollies or by anasannieurns as aforesaid. •-• dard books, is • wonder as well as j.y to beta( lovers. John B. Alden, Publisher, New York. -ewe- A SICKIBNING SIGHT. Illaweibir *ease AI As Kaglieb 'treaties. Norwish, England, Nov. 90 1 hor- rible and sickening sight was witnessed today at the imagine of Robin Ourldtde. 'market susrdener , for the ditorder of his wife at Wystaiseek on September leth. Goodals weighed fifteen stone, and the drop was six feet.. When the trap was spree* the raps rebounded violently, eed ayedele's bead was revered from his body, ths Irma aod head falling to the lie head lying at the feet, and octane teem both body and head. The rporlabors wore horror stneken. amid beeasee niek. As imiseet was held. TIM hanmemeis mad Onodale's heed looted as Moog* it had Man sun with a knife; le hod a thin vertebra. TM ooryson gay tbs basitzef: sober and semol and _.11s01 weft time trap. (Modeles death iernert Commons51'la, .54- ZOSImeborcifel than by sistearelatinn. The jury rendered veriest in amorienee with the faits, onlarbrog no hMws to tho hangmas. Wisidiag sp sbell111411S,44111 et men Tb. December session of the County Council opened n Tuesday last at 4 p. re., the Warden in the Maar 5.141 a rota jority of the trounce present. After the reading of the minutes of lea sestiou, the Warden addressed the alumni explaining the work done in building the iron bridges ordered at last meeting, also with reference to Me amendment to the. hawkers' and pedlera act, .wkich would require a by-law from the onencil 14. brine it in force in the .uuty. 'An invitation from the president of the Mechanics' Intimate, inviting thi, members to avail themselvrit of the pri• edam, of the library, was rend and ie. oeptiedi A circular of inquiries from the I In- tario Department of Agriculture in rifeness to the establishment ,.1 Farm- ers' Inetilotte, was read and referred to the Special Ceasmittes A letter /MOO the Hamilton ;Bridge company asking an allowance in their favorite' the prise of Ball's bridge, ow the gvnsuid of • esistek• is amaggrement, wee road sad referred to 1001 .01 bridge Aaljrr from Z. Babe, Loadesboro, soft making en the groend of inter- fereneed:it= min bourne. deriver the building a ther hridg• there, was referr- ed to earn. comeafttee A greeter from the Domains Depsn- meet of Agrieelture, sedellelelle he the Boxioc..- -The excitement over tits re- cent boxing match hat not subsided yet. The boys, however, had better confine themselves to sat ffloVtill, as bare knuck- les contests are contrary to law. OWL Sem -Frank gallows shot an owl on Wednesday of last week. There were several other owls seen at the time. Frank hopes to "draw a bead" on more of them before they tele their departure. Stravea Animate. • STRAY 811111/1P -CAME ON THE premises of eubscoberOot Owe. 5. Ve 11.„ olootse, on or about the beg= of Yu'. two ewes. The owner le reo to prove prooeny, pay charges aad take them away. ANDILKW A. YOUNG. 100141. QTRAYED CATTLE --CAME on eat 17 premises of the enbeerther. near Datishis- n.e., about the beginning of November knit, • et eer and • he itcr yen:Imps. The Weer la red and white. wi•E ha.r inclined to curl ; the heifer to red. with Whil• belly. hp partly white. mid larks. white spol on fare. The owner la requested to Prove Pro_Per17._Pal criaressaMsak• them away. H. M. DCPT. AM CAME ESTRAY -I HAVE A 11* ormir ram ea see premien, lea IP sad te. (-on 11. C.Almintv, T5 owner requested to prove property. sine 411P1.0411011 bad take it away. Capt. JAVIMBDOOIk. Nadi II ESTRAY KTRAYED 1 from the purnre held of Tbos Ilitober. Asheeid. near Ihniganson. duriag the poet *eaeon. a yearling heifer. timely an red. la- formatton loading to its recovery will 10 essiably rewarded k JOHN TIFFIN, 1.1 51. cos. 5, D . Colhorse. alhdt • AMP. CAME ESTRAY --CAME ON ▪ he premises of the subscriber. lot U. con. II, W. D.. Colborne. during Sept.. a ewe tamh. Th• owner la requested to prove mo - pony. pay durum and take tt awas4.101IN TIPPIN. CIAME ON THE PREMISES OF ki the sabocrdier. IL- half eit lot IS, coa„ I. West WawanuoS., about the 04441. 01 .150. ope ewe ant rote lash. The owner la reeme et to prove property, pay expenses. and take them away. BERN HILDINOND rumen. P O. 10111141 0011tOMMIL Wm. Scharfe arerel into Sir. danyy'a noose, on scorner 10, Maithied concession. Twc George McCabe's ems have left the parental roof. Hegh has gone to Sault St.. Marie, and Edward has en- raged with Mr. Hick of Goderwth town ship for the winter. Mr. John Snyder's house nn lot 24, kinks quite tionspiceous with its new mid - toga and all chimneys. A Goon Solo -James McCracken, of Butternut Row,sold his fine bay draught mare, three years old, for the sem of S210. Its purchaser, Harvey Howell, will .take it this week to DeaMoines, Iowa. The farmer* of the roe, generally get a better price for their stock than di. their neigh bora in the mot of the town- ship, although Colborne is me of the beet townahips for horseflesh in Canada The Iowa nick in being improved by importations from this township. --- John McLean, of Duluth, was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. There are V5114406 specelatioos as 10 what the county c 'tined will do in regard to the appionting of a Polioe Magistrate. If tbe appointing of such an of6nal will insure the enft.reing of the Sc.ott Act, we say, by all MINIMS give us such an one. David Cowan. our villaic blacksmith, hoe •old his pronarty to M. Kinny, 01 Holyroid. Mr. Kenny has the mputa- tion berm a good nmehanie, and the fermiagbolithitrfaiti may Tart armored that if anyone can turn nut good work, Mat one is Mike Kenny. A heavy weight contest took place at Owen Sound on Nov. 28th, for PO aside, between John McPbereon. of Kintail, and Seedy Spexte, Owen Ronnil, whic!I resulted in an may •ietory for Mc - Phonon, who put the 21 IL. shot 34 foot 7 inehos to hie opponent's 31 feet 11 is.. There was a large meant of mew, eherprierd howls. McPherson Imo ear. the people t1 north the fall, as he we, •flismi Flown& nal Durham, sad oar in Collierrond• bort loves the of till sett year. HEIFER STRAYED --FROM THE Premiere et Mr Jobs McEvoy. Treedier street. Godecieb, • rad heifer, two Tsars .44, with s ,. .m end ot right hens. latenearioa leadsg silts recovery .tU ba suitaaieeleard- ed by this owner. For Sete or to Let. FOR eAut-011111AP FOR CASH, ter No. as South street. Ooderiek. Apply to RTLNh ItITTS0N, Flantsters. A James/L. @oath, Miustilton 15. rRENT-riit p REM ISEN Kilroy." as et Asdeeerls Flames reesatly cocupeed h7 Ite• Ft Owes Apnea .Lipli at Gm Pest Mine tor particulars. 11111141 pails TO LET -FOR • TERM Or years, lot ibl ave. In the Illailland cos- gaseloo. oll the Toernehip ot Ovaterteli. *sou letter slo J.M. LIZABA.INeatterd. 110111 Auctionsorists. - - - --- 14 W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR • . the Comae, of Mims. Asian &Mailed =part ot the Cosset). Adana@ orders to P. O. UAL TOHN KNOX, MINIMAL ADC- '', ?IONIC/ER sad Lame Valvater. Gederleb. 0111.• flaring bad considerable repetitive* In the unit immortal' trade. he la la a tre.IIIcal to dischante with MorMgh watisrisetiott all vim- =now. or seat hi t• a4deroo s entreated to him. Onllar. leo so (1.derlch P. 0.. carefully attended 1o. JOHN KNOX Coast, Auetioseer. *517-51 Dentistry. UT L .WOOLVIRTON L. D. IL noitericlr= rimed. Fellows itatilfwVii.to IT . T. CA, M.D., C. M , a • CM Physician, Purism. Artrescheur. J. Mk* (flat formerly secupled by Or Hatchineen) Duntpioaoa. Might Gibe- Mar- s hotel. nR. %LEAN, PHYSICIAN, 86/1- GRON , Coroner *e.. 011ie. and r Hence Street. *wood dour west er= Stmet. "[IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON ▪ Payaletant• Sureo*, Acmodiers. fr1 crake at The flheinnossa reinterige, wear la: - g aol Goderieh a. (1 Raausew. 3. C. HAM - 70'. 2111. Legal. QE ACTA & LEW IS, 181111Minall, 11./ tiodertelo C. mamasJi 3. A. biorrroo. IL W. Lome. NNW rp C. MAIMS, SOLIcITtilt As, Ili Olio ~war of am aquae. barn West d m, oath', saA, oi.t Bailees loaeltalate. weeny to .04 4* horreirt rain of interne. GARBOW & PRODDPooT, I Alt afte.rrniT turytte.M iptZie. EFS A CIA MI1IN, H /LT & CA MIAOW nonetter• is (Imposer. ke. (416.1101-011. sal MONA. Illei5ertrzaelt 3 fra Fri LA] GE] tip in tii Tin Godei • Tc GOO: As inviti N Italliemau tbailericl ken OMB=