HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 3BLUNDERS.
Witty and Wise Lecture by Tal -
Aier your nerves via at r. worth. Is I like tin spawns of an edictal:poison You Write Theses *hen 7ol• osallsot • !
your tbruat aryl go sulk. Are you who hod Ibis wives, the arm eery rich, smear ass of the Wire., awl 'also
crowded 1 go west. Are jou tempted
go to lath The woreol. brut ill town la
the' °mei, Sphere, lir) Tney
body the cloths, quarrel with drayinea,
roil shy off as tliey pees shunt the super,
the mound very herniae/Re, anti the third
w ith an outrageous temper He said.
-1 lune lisA Os wand. the IWO nod
the devil. I hove issiow• • delicate
woman assail itm•sett tst cony her hoe -
said the doss, with • wild yell, dear thy try. I hove /44114.1•1111 WWI, 4, th• Minute
path sa they eons. Soddenly the moti•
ey market will he so dod at the de
Lentos of Growl, hipster" Co., while
Hernias, Wariness' Co , who
"The wen who never made • blunder begun se errand boys, Op1111 a ston oa
has oars yet boos L.., If he had th ..priette stoner, does. anti become
spar. witis their mauls L.. tin, it indst.me,
front the bad : tot tailsoo it for graoted
est nusglit isoetly wires starve the other
Ltnii eons from
Lam lie wooed haw* died neht aireo. too -porous nierchanta If • wan can The, lecturer eouttniieg at swine 1.1.01s
Th. first blunder wan mid. in pare,ii..4 otos: and aon't sing he /Hight to be est in • kappy •ein to istate 111 a fon:Slit way
and 11 has had a lase Lowly of childrsoi. to Oleg Sing. We wtii never sake this litany homely troths. He wits hosted
But so onlinery blunder soil not attract world any better by seoliteg. We will to with worked attentwu tlirougLout,
my attvotwit ; it sOnot no Jerre et.d I Mayer maim It any hotter until we 0.441 aud excited fretuent laughter and tic -
big blunder. Now, let me say at this °"`"•1 amci thau'"ulla''d • "Yoa d ' I'''t 1
Mersey lector. are changed very mock you take a beam, tie to IA • rops and put I
thank a literary lecture ought to 'whom°, isn't of that • living sitepion, and thet, a•••••"i• lt e t" tar 11•1Pse•led lets°
point iu toy lecture that ay idea ,1 kiss how to littlo ben 7 "a SU 'a
mule thorium sway reedit. Illesulasa this
bowels and the *attire evens with Rio -
1340 utillg
• tam of Al eases V ut see Psnicui
MUM RO pans es • siee ben Ad It
teseven, wbv. Ile at:s:i are Itat=1 alieti firei i Bost llot_cfit Iron Nails for 2 55 per 100 ths
.....„ reantoit se musses. .
travel, avid the theta ot late. are bY nets I
e'hune swam" Pt re the lama nesserenwo et as CALSIt.
coracr sad woo* Masten/ Ilw sills.
tel. -Worts. Cr mra, and past need re •
est Barb W
If, upon weaning a eall or other young formation .1" noble, tr. ?bone es sods '
from what they find te ne I ailed to "il lho end • snit hook fasten on the
tile ing cheap •bont It lest 1118 Delco.
into the kingdom of God with the buil to render them qeiet - [Prairie ir *riser.
ef" t gid one Can 1 nnt a- ea bye! a 1 An ePifotuf• ot everything that ls attentive
A weekly fees. of rufat thing* te fht t'mfre This Wirt. stood o 044! :Le sp-og of WS :Iss. stew n. in the Northers rt. li. (.41.31lope,Torobt9
thins very profound. I hal three oi *1'4.41 ol lilt" the ste"un and ItaY• 'It"
...,. 1 ur 6., „wood ,. you cau-t driy. ,001, 'Aber. , rota one 1. torte awys will some* I and ilestrable to jtitehdlo Illiwasproc-Destoss CASH-
1-er lectures of that kind. They t oisrare.
dreadfully profound. There wore always
if0000. A tanner is mentioned in the late dig- ati4.%ris to e.eily faroay othielt it % him. - I esnrisu ALL closierrituitpt
t.i. diacultis about these %try pr., eul of a club. 13y lioduess sad
round loott000 One %owl the sooien,.. , ity, and aoitio Os brightness thot ts in 0110•50111 of New Incised farmers, report-
didn t know whit I wee tallitig eo,,,.4 1 this world and the world to come, we eel in the lin oturio t, ••tt• 11..0A:win, wbo
sad ilia, other was I dtd t to know myself. i aro to thaw oil wen to God. tor t wo years planted sod fps the seed -
end ond seem -end t4 the potato separate -
So I mad« up tny mind that • literary! ISILICStinst Titlt Tat e.ni , ly. Both years the seed -end roe kis •
lecture ouoht to be something geniol. s
soniethini, helpful. If you can pot your 1 is itolulg4nce iu discouragement at bad crop frotn twelve to fourteen ti•ys earlier
shoulder wader ruy burden you are my traiLtuiviiit front others. tiontettutes a than from the stets -end.
froold. La •oe say also that my ideas
of rally:. m are a little different from otid r‘rrs 641y deems it his dutj to give the witspipt• ot the fool. It may be re -
him a kok. 0 os.p is a Otaractertstic of moved hy thrusting a feather into the
those of s ,nie 000ple. My religion II
sunshine. The differeoce between the men as of women. In the enu,kin2. windpipe, twisting it around awl quickly
room, the elulohose. the grocery. what withdrawitut. It is sail that confini
• post snortsui of dead character there fowl to a bus and hIling the sir in it with
re 6
—c. lb.
«int and heaven is that tho sunshine of
earth sometimes gets beclouded, hut
heaven is •verlastIng sunshine. I have
noticed the sore religion a wan has the
happier he is. When a man coins to
me witi: an elongated face and proposes
to impress tue with his goods's. I
hesitate about relying on hint. The
solemnest ',poking man I ever saw was •
man who was said never to have laughed
in ten years ; he borrowed from me Iff25.
and out ie pure delicacy of feeding never
mentioned the matter afterwards. That
kind of a man don't Sprees m• at all.
Life is an old•faahioned pilgrimage.
giving their sips -knees. tine Ulan with
; what a skilful Omitting scalrl : How time oust inanetatoee cane.. the fowl
IS la %wonderfully> wealth of pictures. in-
formation. and inter.-st rot 'Jaime d rocas.,
Postage Prspaid, 82.00 Per Torr.
Si NI. ut N.•wnictso, r,re Cents each.
Remittance. alLould be reale hT reel thlier
Order oc 'trait. to avoid rluinco of lous.
ors sof lo ropy this wileerrug
Now York.
quick the heads tal in the dts of 111110- to eorgh ot sneeze up tho intruder. Nu
!odds ' The lecturer wake drew a vivid preventive is known, but an occasional
word picture of the damage sometimes dose of turpentioe ie recounueuded. --
w rought by gossip among men. A young [Troy Times.
man comes into • store bright and fresh
front his coentry home, the breath of the . sacra, or %nap.
hills on his cheek. He comtnends hie --
house to the customer by plain dealing. 1 _oirg teachers will tind axon, wain -
After a while, under the groom in alde hints 111 the f.11elelheo which we
Tilos, he iota d„wn in morals and la sp. etnntiOnne from an article in one uf out
pointel to show erasers the atglita 1)f exchanges •
the city Finally LOS comes in shabby Them is no place in the world where
mei is kicked out of the store. It as "V la ro'ro hoedad than en this sobt"11-
always safe to do nght and it ta never sum. A teacher needs it on hts way to
a great deal of pomposity see and said : toast te do wrong. *Da the hose will •ehe'° • 'All at.la an exo 10 y
• •I an: on board the old ship Ziou, and come when in the presence of the as- he moves *bow ; what sort Dia otan he
am going heavenward at the rale of setubled untvoree it .11 be found aut. is appears by his move/twos la the
etglites knots an hour, and Sall soon You cati't hits • dishmoist dollar, al- street,
arn%e in the harbor of the blemed.° The though you put it down into the depths He mutt have '''"P to Toole ills elt4'T•
second got up with still mire pomposity. of the earth. It will rot ano heave and nal stlPoseat•oe " hocanshog se Possibie-
„d declared be was mil," i„,,,ro oi, woos loolf until at cones to the sur- .4"0,0 is needed nn 700, orh"hl woeh•
f Don't sit in your chair for an hoer at a
harbor at the biennia of forty k note au
hour. A third gut up and said that the
ship be was on was a stsinslop, whets
an old-fashioned Christian oonein got
up and asid : "Brethren, I have been
going to heaven fur seventy years, and
have hes goes afoot, and from the
looks of things I shall have to go on foot
all the way. and if sone ,hf you people
don't look out you will bust your boil-
ers r The fact is must of us will hays
to go afoot, and if anybody will walk
alongside of us in the journey of life
aad give se some plaih advice, it will bu
*good series. •
kkone years ago he wee antiounoed to
deliver a lecture in a lanie city. On ha
way to the lyseum he saw on a board
time. Let your style In sitting there ex-
T/Ig wet,
I hibit activity. Kit upright : don't lean
is excess of zinusenent. We could not „ riii, sibc,,,,,,. /num that your pupil,
live without amusement. Children with- shall sit in Rood ityle too. Whoa you
out aniustsente boosts men and women I stand, stand properly ; don't lean up
without vivacity. A tree without Woe- ages. the side of the house, cwor or
soups in the spring will hove at, apples il desk, stand erect
in the fell. After tea open your checker- ooey, is „,,ded in „niturtinx y„r
board. lh tw. look out, or Your boY 1r111 i class Have your pupils walk properly
boot y.lu. With what skill be istoveli . to thew recitatum seat ; have them wait
upon your men ' Sure enough, h• ' there, standing, for 'oar direction to sit
jumps you What • only two mos sea ' down, unless they can take then plass
you have been visored, as sure sa.faith• is tolled, see that he rises promptly and
left 1 Be careful, now . only one nom properly witAmet., Whet, a pepel's nano
face with • inns provokes banter, aid tha wisorioesoo see toot he arranges his
Bob bonds over sod inniga 70t1 1st tho I looks yoe in the face. When he goes to
nye, "Pa. why don't you move o' Call i work evenly and neatly. When you eo-
n'. ' riunfrfe i cite or explain hare ,00p enough to de it
up the hunting dogs, ' v
fence the announcement pertly MOLLInt- and Sweepstateo Let the horse hoofs
ed, until it read something like this glitter and nag , tits roads are good,
"Rev. T. DeWitt Tales/es will hold the, now let them dy crack the whip. How
fifth firemen's bell, will walk one bund- the vehicles ghats and the hones prose
red o.ossoutire hours without food or and the spokes flash in the sun !
sleep , will welcome H soar; t he We horses on a smooth road, a pietism.
champion pacifist." etc. He had day, ao toU-gates. I Dever see • hither -
each an emburtulerinfr amount of troth t°, MAD stort oUt but I exclaim, "May be
di before in all have a good time ; the right kind oi
ban, and tome home with a bassetful of
BLONDS TR& 11113:
, catfish and flounder. " But may the 4,, Watch your tones of vets ;
is mukiplicitr of occupat• had • I horses' thirst wo compel the driver to Ehesher yoe wee 0, nor ; eee
whether you reepooted or Dot ;
whether you speak harshly or not ; see
whether you see the same language roe
'reale if • 'Isaac was present—Of you
don't sossethieg is wrong.
Have nap sough to purse • sone
• sardy rest as serneetty as you set
your lobular" to. Do not go home to
lie stagnant and unprogressive. &Set
swishing end go forward, ge forward.
Do not neglect to take bold of sweet
events. Diocese with your pupils dey by
day. In fine, have mop enough to be •
fire taimber instead of machine.
bettor than any otte else ; be a model
when yes endertake to do • thing.
Has she sop whim disorder bellies
to repress rt at 0110•01. Disorder orioinates
in 005 Person gestellto find that person
cut, and pet on end to his disturbing in -
Hove nose enough to watch your in -
es are the coos of tbe order disonl•
of Furniture La teens.
Bedroom Setts, Parlor Setts,
Drawing Room Setts,
Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Side-
Of all sive,. and deaf -Motions.
1 am also asten for I he rem., wiled .
Raymond Sewing Machine !
Light Running and High Armed.
Parties wishlustri buy will do well to ran and
ii:spect sloe before going elsewhere.
1 have imparted a liago shIrrneet of (MARA from Germany. seri floe quality. and bay,
isopueled direct, 1 caa seU le per coat cheaper thno e•er sold here before.
Au say LIVELY .AND HEAVY' HARDWARE Is sold on the imme q.t.( ap basis as show •
FAINTS and OMB sold sow bis so °beep aa 1 am Gallia, them.
Get riser Ilt/ILDING If ARIM A RK from messed save money.
FLIT CiVC)0101511
/nand who is • wary goo& •" • stop at too teeny taverns • I know God
eery good poster, and • ret7 roof I Intended sin at tines to laugh and sins
•peaher, and he eon do holf dome^ , and sport. I said the whole world ta
thews well . 1st that nom t• 5° 61°1191' full of music. Yes. if we only had ears
tou. The (semi rule is thot a saan can scut* enough to catch it. Stlenee
do owly two tido. mill—the fins is, to itself is onty music asleep Out
The Poona 1411, low•neo sink 10 1 vulgar for laughing out aloud. "AU
your trowel cooloset•et otteh to Twist work sad Do play inakes Jack a dell
boy " is as true so preaching, and more
Inn than sins presto's. Recrestion
is recreation. But while all thie is so,
every thiskiast man and women will
acknowledge that too nisch destioa to
amusement is reds* Many a wisdet
business has had ita brains dashed Mat
by fast horses. There as battles in life
that csta•t, be fought with a eportsian's
gen. There are thins to he eseight
Whit. Through sloes/eve agineaset
Slay elergymen, artiet and fanners base
committed the most esistahas of their
me Weems ansuserneots when don't
Witerfwe with hose duties and sjoy-
seats ; those ars ruinous whisk gives
one elisiante for domestic pleases.
Wits atty Sao Ittes any place Aier ea
earth tam his own horns, look out !
To, how many there are who lsve no
epprestatfon of what home it 1 1
hose as • preventive, se en in
word. TOrtiegh that as syllable thrills
untold melody, the laughter of Addis,
the sound of well-known footsteps, and
the voios of uudying affection. Rome !
When I see that word it seems to rise
in *Groh. what • pastor ante tn/to that and struggle, and thnll sad whisper,
don't eke mow- Talk about ouguAtrr° sad chant amid pray. It glitters like a
Clain • Olt to Preach thaY dlo but shield , it springs up hke a fountain ;
••••"T COW Rots o osa- God •••ds a° Wills like a song it twinkle, like a
U1211 On a fool'. errand Corner ell peer star . It soothes like • halal ; glows
fatalties and opportunities, sod Too will like sweet ; it tons like an angel.
too serpcised doo how many ef then
5..1124 Dill Tull «SIT.
there ILIV. alba*? then into regisinta,
into brigedes, and then vs the emu -
sand 'For...ed. march. Nothotg on
,Parth or In hell can stand ageing yea.
Thst las who coseutere till his eases
of gas& body and soul In on* direction
is • tresendoua sae.
Ioduigence le a bad temper ries is
no onostry in ail the world where a man
is so isz mode" fcr tests los temper
piss lawyer, steak to your lined ,
=Mister, attend to your pulpit, sad
don't go off lecturing. The nighty mes
of ell prolusions have been, for the
most part, men of one occupation. Boss
time a men is prepared by provides*,
through. snot, of scupshoges, fee ase
Peat mlasion. Somotimes son get pro
Pefutl..t.e.tbeir poeitosa in life by their
no/abase They go from dissopotattnent
to dieappotatiosat uutil titer 'sleets at
the enwersity of hard knoctuo Tba old
poste seed to talk of a ntan • 'WO'. ia-
spiration Lisping on Moth! hr -
memos. ts not the use os the noun -
tate, but the mountain on the es that
brings mos to the position for which
God Weeded them. The different:el
*beet esetelitions S life is not no meek •
tlifieseesse its fruitfulness of °eclipses
so it in the differentia of the seadow.
mese el sees with thee geese saribetto
stick-tomelinesa, Conanster all your
sews kite one direction. Do sot be
afraid to be called a man of se itha.
Saner have one great idea tkan boa -
deed little caw Every man mode to
Gt into wise or.° occupation oe pinker
ion, OM so a tune is made to et assets,
and you Istor what bed work it melts
ouposite Martin's Hotel. Hamilton Street.
ger Yemenite furnished in Rest Style.
and Tweeds.
"'"'" Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs.
To the Wool Growers of the Snrroynt,finst 1GEORGE ACHESON•
Wawa* to waythat we are
�� rrd tet
o wk taketo.nSe ollowtntart,0«. u THE RED WHITE AND BLUE.
Bianketa—White, Grey or Horse.
Shirting* we -CI or Check. lana
Cloths—Tar or Full Cloths aos:cL ate, °L.
Light or Heavy.
Flannels—White, Grey, Colored,
Onion, Plain or Twill.
Sheeti gs —Broad or Narrow.
8 Yarn — White, Grey.
�ad or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
Our tact:Mei for this work manic be sur-
passed. We will 'Seaver in east teen [ono
It the day it le brought in. it required.
Cesmas Spinster: sad Reeling. or *sinning
no the ess cosine ar One. barn or soft twist.
Runciman Bros., Proprietors.
CONTUCTS Thal Fla STEAM EIMMIEG, FLAMM 11111.13. 1140 OTtlEll wan°.
Flouring fills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System
Horse Powers, Grain Grubbers, Struw Cutters. Agricolturol Fortson,
ad reg . Stoves, et*, etc., at Low Prise
w'e ere te • position to do all kinds of ens. .
ton sett ussuallT done us • fall met emit. ni
01111. sad ere twill ipsansause to do fociott full, 4411 *Kinds *of Castings
J. B. ROOMItoo.
A esti respectfully solicited.
The ministerial newspapers seff.
&Petty preparing for a fall. They so•
raising protest stain. what they are
to call Fresh disunites. Lo-
ts John Itoodenald it was desirable
in tbeir eyes that Qeebec should divide
its repreeentatios tosses Sir John Mac-
donald and Mr. Welts, in the promo-
ting of fifty for thefoneer sad aftroa for
the latter. Ret sow that the sionliees
me to be rreseeed, and Mr. Blake is bo
get ft* My end Atr John Maedoweld
fifteen, confederation is threatened, they
• wtth rosin end the both* raft
with ettiaotioes That die Tory news-
papers should lad it soesesary to resort
to es* stress& steamiest* oad absurd
rewi▪ nd the Pranitir's reins as being.
The Preece erogoeonitenie which tbe
Tory joeraslista ore wants op, will not
scare worth a cent. The Ihrench•Cans-
dime form mote than cane third the In-
habitants of Osned• ; and no political
party bun govern the Dominion without
their assistance It is ridieulous soy
their topper% will Ile rose dangers* to
Canada than has been Sir Jahn Moods-
sle's dohs se for the post decade. So
long al goehee remains a poetics of eon -
/eateries, just ee long as. one or the
otheeeof the two political parties chows
proviso to Nippon it in goventint the
Oanadise, se Canadians, seder Mr.
Illak• praises sore staple advaiwistree
Pis* Oathethes with °Serie Osage-
eat—whieb has prevailed in the mot.
no Toronto Keit evidently title air
take, Sens it sap it will Ow* the
ity of coatrivieg kis pollens! sea"—
[Ottawa Tree Prom
'the Osseo% of tbot wrong hied of
dowse. &Aeon Now. I must he
eery cartfri. We are prodigal with our
oesspeatios white s noble woman is
chased be a ems ef besotted Shea, bet
and seem is hie helm he la mos el •
pest Ms if he were a dninken1. for
then he cosh& be maiseged. Thom are
probably noes In the house who has
been unfortunate in the 1 insatiate of the
oe sot bare In a good sniper se Sao I esisto. I hare meatiess, bet if yoe
hove eslibl hundewd Sad litT.. thoownsd *ski Nap?", to east with sesh aa
row readhena fne 'barn an. riht hurls married ISMA tn such en neforseate
deed and Ohl. thousand came so the 4 preetcarnsat tell his I have no Swim to
r thor side to lice to America the °that I glee him Wet that estaned In the 144th
year Th. fait that so missy as casino lobe/ow a egiresiemiiii; "Grill awl hew
bon to lievt prose thet this . the, best . a.- soesobee had a ram„itaii. nodes_
plew ea earth to hew Ttio .11.14. wiii i opoy in wenn, the die of in aeGe...
4.,,..t is tiemailtx oat country After 1, see Boohoo -Yetyhen xeriorps elsintiea
a whs. the hutted Steno will Ober heart ' tha roataate a a pad „ b„ ha „mark -
sad head to beautiful sad hospitable so. • ,1 ihoaght that dam mai, a thsadaa
thasio, aloe +hes sbe does Osage will we gloom be gee be hen Tele,- Whoa
E. McCANN Orideraoh. flew le. L1111
IAA Ind W•Mt• MOM.
01Pderki. Kay lath. IMO
Turnip eeds, Millet, Hungarian
Grass eed, Corn and
Extensive Premises and Sp:endid New Stock.
Prises Sada to snot st reasonable ratan
et Sten..
Goderiels. May 11Xls. Mos
Note P'apers
lish tows of less thee MON 1.1 -
habitants has mareely grows ell all is
die lest donee. Tls screens ef
he`h down end.thishish of hoe autrio•• • efts sierries he suns for bases or , an/ enalieed taws is mesh rests
across the era, will WI "hid' mother,. ht/1. /vice tO the sae 'hobs saltine/ that thaw Miss&
A1614.714,1 "
bis, ,b&k. peg semen asesego, l'•ipboarda, bed *tends. Matt reser,. W ash al oi
Loewe* *lbw ots. Lookans Weems.
11 -A reitreplotemeept 'amens r 43361 ov sod Minutes stow, on bans cue o panes far se
at renesable case .
Newspapers and Periodicals
AT tilts l'OOR
tientossee to Os. tehoppaid.
Owner. Dee. lith IWO-
Resters gr
Yak Is he ea
tend Slew.
steps the kai
Orem Wing out,
lecr•ases it
swarth, sad
set sell the *in.
As • hair 11
ewe, a bee
cst "Vtr-wed.c3.:u.y
Keg ft snores lb Os Publ.: that_ they hare opened howls. in th.. sls•ye mar •
ilynelithesasottaistorti lastiock•ely oncuse t:giaAPItedrarietizga:177:02. jonthis benetHee,vmaeiretagiaitiptrzhwaset. ard :ittemlarter
mehrosito ea:: soot inuirsioe owe otoolo before porchmair elope!
plellesseseber tho plans, r door to J. Wdson's Dray Store.
oh -Cones waft loth reotOro on^ sisal attentteri
oill-Norie St the Rea Of PlIree4111 used me best -class sorer/non (or oi
gierRep tiring nest!, don• els shorts* neasern
"wee hi filo alliodkile foes R&M Owe Ste trot, oleo roams @seams ae• 17‘,‘ Or' ink *Pei
000 BOO of the Latest Design:
SAS 061
ire. tilibballt 'Oft. este 1111111 IA he sem
Pe I ilk Sprig Dana 1)311trk
1 he