HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-12-4, Page 1+r THIRTY -1110111TH TRAIL WHOLE NUMBER fast. pEV0I 'ir. coNEWS 6ENER GODKRICU. NT.. FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1885. IfoOit.LIfeL DDT BROIL Primness o ELIOAYEAR IN ADVANCE. .1 THE HURON' ►SIGN A L l"hams" to ter el" a' "ei r ', 1 HEN AND NOW. tutell Int Toles on thisweawsisa is �►Itsbed every Friday Mereing. Mc TMs feeling Is Quebec is bitter att.g. ,,uur Beet. at taste Olue, North y 14. We know that !tiers hest MON i against Sir John A. Macdonald become OOUEIICH. ONTARIO 1 wen made au that Sir Ji.hu Macdonald he led the French Canadians t.. believe • Aad Is despatched to.11 parts of the ser•renae 'night have a further opportuotty "f that Riel would got be executed. The las country by tete earlied moils Bad trains. Tante. -♦I.30 to &droner. postale proved by y tt.ti.hen: $I.73 If p.td before elx wastth. KIS If ad se paid. This rule will be treat's sa Mooed. Itself* or Auva,Tmi,f. R:nbt rests pr °th.r way could the Orange Tories be las for tin: Insertion. three rents per line Mr Bed that he resolved W execute his eac h subeen •t.• ret t Haan ion. Yearly, half -yearly Peet and quarterly contracts at reduced rates. whilom p.litital amr.c We &lid partner sea raIITtx.:..»ira have als•stirwa-close !planet department inuoanertion..adpommy In R11M. nae the moot .r•mplete out -Ili Bat prepbeettaodaredIUre I There area hundred and one -yea, ■ t tr turning 0111 work 1, (Awlcrkh.aro to do buatneee la toot Use at prtaeetb&t0anent thousand Brod one reasons why we should to bedeck, and of o .l..LLty that enamel b. .rsas.ad.--Terws.eeei - not rejoice that • wretehed Mote has bean hanged by the mock until he was dead. There have been many judicial murders that we can discover when we 1'ERY 00011 REASON.. look back in hiatury, and when the Owr tow, euntsmpnrwry would have history tf this country is written years its readers behove that Tux Si.N►L is & hence, It will be fulti:d that the execution • ,Raw{iti' organ. Owe coalt.•mpraty can of Riel is but another added to the black i1 t Pell its readers wbat is please, .. far as lot of legal mime•. Had 16.1 never eo are oomo,raed Tb„, ver, h..vy caused the death of Thoinas Hatt he articles tet our contemporary have very would he elite today, but haviwg been little weight, pared<ilea' as this state- pardoned fur that crime, it should aot cunt may teem. The Sear is anxious to have caused his doom in the later trial. weighing the political consequence oaf the hanging of ttiei ; and that it was only when he became satisfied that in nu FRIDAY. DRO. ort, 1111, Mow our opinsun on the Riel question, We see tu1J by some of our Tory c•u- • and as our mown is ti wipe away temporaries that the murder of Scott Ignorance and mental darkness we will war not an element in deciding the doom proceed to eniigbtsn our uetgbb-r. of Roel. If that be se how came it that 1. We believe Red decried death for the (hoer Sentond howled fur vengeance, the murder of Scutt ,wine fifteen years no - it. We know tbat Sir John Mtodnnaid • was aro accessory after elm fact, and by payment of mauey from the public chest ' aided a criminal togo uowbipt of justice. 3. We know that Sir John Macdonald, • skier aiding Kiel to wove, at Petrr- bueuogh looked to heaven with arms outstretched. sad "washef to God be could catch his." 4We know that while Riel was yet as tamped fdoa he wee elected Tory exadldate ter Proveaeher, and resign- ed is behalf of Sir Goo. Cartier -ter Join's first ljeetensat at that time - "'Kish showed that Sir Juhn was com- pounding a felowy. 6. We know that Biel sed hie sem- einem .o -einem wwe fully pardoned for their eon - motion with the first Northwest re- • bellion. on the basis of an amnesty pro - 1,00.d by Sit Joke in 117E Q We know that there was n al- administrMiou is the Northwest and that the hslf reed. and Indiana had griavaesa, foo Air David Meepher.oe has bees mode s seemed of. and hie gossamer - Hen. Thos. White - has pablisly stated that beaedeetk the in- mate dep•rawini "will be properly at- tended to." 7. We know that the petitions regard- ing half -bread grimmer were *year mlMie•Uy pigeon -holed until the rebdt- isu Woke eat is the Northwest. & We know that immediately after the outbreak a Cosemiseicn wee demp_Wgd te the ilier.erst to seeds em o. ylt-meed head skims. mad that ease tgliktime pmts 1,1101 hs -brash swipe have ilii imUSL II[ Isere were ao gramma why sppmigt esMagaioaeee after blood and ins hey bees awaked 1 9. We twsw flet these we as armed rebottles wild the "e,ewn wail digni- ty el ear ase_ lJU telly the Quash but that the balll•ieseds rebelled against the heed et Ib dsprtmxat of Ube into - riot, ami were essientel la Mriv4.g him imsemieleadp trete dikes. 111. We know that Bid mast have been inmate II he one thea dot. with • head- ed of hall -breeds wad asses s,Mtered hands of Iodises, willed meahieas ef war, without mistay, wed without forage credit, to medal& • fres State is the Northwest Against these fads all the co -called "expert" tiotimney of the medial seen who pr.soeaced ea his sanity is of so avail. 11. We knew that be was tried foe tre.wa-felony, but was ritually ooaeict - ed for seasder- without beim on trial for tbat crises -wed that tie verdict was se- eosp•sjd by • eerowg rononemeoda tion to a ruy. 1!. We knew that the jury mos ape oily Ammo le try hies, and that the nod "twelve geed seen sed tree" were diapmet with. and mos rasa placed a• the juror's lex to do the work ef twelve. elley Masi et bang a dog an the ,.r did of mush s jery misrelate .a Ontario.) 13. We kmN that the apnoea. ,d eerie wisest eostbeltiAsl wetheritee se Hoe. Wm. Mcdougall (s former sol lessee el Air John M!od.nwld), aoa. Peter Mirabelli, fake foresee c,8nses el :lir Jess sad M preset chief editor of C. P. L. a Masini wipe --ahs Bwoid).1 tkoagb s.oti•n* him to cetera Sir Kr, Msm..Mer, Q. C., 'e pelmet sap- Jobe shouts husk. ' Portant -Rippe- porter of Sir John's ie tb. De a.tiw meat tiiaewheao , jest thought et la " Parliament,) am/ Mhen ere simian Ike The artist e.eme to have (ret • potty ., knobby of the Inal, end ere are ret.sprwl♦rsep of MerselaMata. ........•• ,z, ,r:, :�.naleCi,n. :.•- i ., _.. u `�t.ra . Premier has deceived his Breech sup- porters fur the second time. He prom- ised Riel an amnesty in 1910, gave him $3,000 to flee the country, and then with impious hypocrisy at Teterboro raised he ban's to heaven and said "I wish to God I could catch him." The fulln.ing is an extract from • letter trues Archbishop Tach. to Sir Hector Lange - vin in 1871, and its words seam like a prophecy attain to -day, as indeed It prey- ed to be when it was made fourteen years ago : - "Then, as to the promise of amnesty, w hich it is ucw pretended was tomer toads, what annoyance dose it not cause you ! That promise was mads, nut only W the aelerates but to myself. They the ministers) have not the courage to own their act• for fear tit dupleaeing Outline. Sir John A. Maiedietntd for- gets himself so tar as to joie in the out- cry of the violent. What has the Cab- inet gained by thio policy of tergivees two 1 In Ontario, the government are it is said, to a minority, and I think the Quebec majority would very soon be re- doced, if we were forced to give publicity to all the grievances of which we have to oompiatn. For my part, and as it is lead that the brethr.e from one end of itaponeable for lm to refrain from uayi•r Ontario to the .Aber, with a few marble e what 1 think, I tow nuke to you 40 • utm (Lmoxed [or the death ef the av°Mal I y T.gret to make .-Two xeeptt •ars agoda.b. ge of ministry would Maps *Met Minor cion the daughter have seemed to a a great medortuae ,f Herudiee claimed the head of the for the Dominion in general, and ft r To - preacher of the wilderaw from Herod. Quebec and Manitoba in particular. To - was a more foul surrender made than day 1 $k 017.01E .bat w• ekauld lose by it, sad whether on the taootrary, we that 17 Bir John A. Mdon0Y.•might out And it a imam." w If theopinion. o..nsthetlm 'ax Smelt a traitor to the beet isterwla tri+ TWO LITTLE CONUNDRUMS. the Dumini.n,:he Dominion 'nil have le sand the premiere. The principles of Taa SEISMAL ar- not like those of the SM. -they can't be sheered to salt the occasion. MI Futscis, editor of the Woodstock Tisiei (Tory) spoke at an anti -Scott eseeti.g at Bt. Cathwita tat*, sal is reported as follows : He use to a justtoe of the pesos is Haltew. •�od�ay or se ago. who sold tbat there was more daring the previous the meaths than Unfortunately Mr. Francis e'idn't re- member that anterior to May let the Scott Act had been in force in Halton for three years, and hsvin* been voted upon a second time, bad been sustained. During the previous three years the Act was under the supervision of local license inspectors, but since the int of May, in Halton, as in Hume, Detainees hams commissioners have ruled the rood. The oonsequ•ece is that things have been for the pact six months as Mr. Francis re- pr.aeated. A similar state of things has to sense extent existed in Hume, bet as we knew the cause we have to grin sad bear it noel such time as the prepaid elisi•le abs replant Because unfaith- ful public sensate fail to afore* laws does not ossa•ril1 mike the laws bd. Halton stowed, ea the vote be repel, by as biassed d snowier, that daring the hist few years, with estioi.at ween, Ilse law was as improvement en its preims,- .r1r ; new with unfaithful c4leers the Ise its a dead tater 1! the timetables were e thtatiiis6 ul duty as the boom* impos- ters el Hakes and Hares, the hers sang m.rder, •rsalh. o ri;' of 1 be of tide eat LICENSE t,OMMIeSNIONl1l DOYLB Whatever Judge Duyle's private feel- ings on the Soot/ Ad may be, he ubouW, SS chairman of the license cammiain1 oat Huron, undestor to see that the law is enforced. By his actions, since be assumed the position until his public exhibition of hostility W the Act on Therm -lay, be has mid or done noticing tc show that he m in harmony with the Act. His every act and every word has shows hie hostility to the carrying out of the law. If Judge Doyle was as moth oppieed to the carrying out of the laws omit** burglary, arson and theft, as ir- is to the enforcement of the Soott Ad, he would get his present large salary for doing very little work. His remarks on ?holiday were of a highly partizan na- ture, and the manner in which be threw out innuendo and vituperation apinat the temperance party in general and Lev. T. M. Campbell in particular, does not reflect credit on him. Judge Doyle was on the occasion judge, jury and advocate for the defence. and he worked as if a large lose was involved in the result. When Rev. T. M. Campbell alluded to the manner in which associate commissioner Kelly had bucked the mo- tion of the council, Mr. Doyle called him to order and stigmatized him sever- al bones as • ''slanderer." Mr. Camp- bell was nota "slanderer," and 1g7. Doyle knew it, but to shield wardeu baby, the chairman had to lose his temper a0a utter a falsehood. Said Mr. Doyle to Mr. Campbell, "How do you know that Mr. Kelly did nut act in good faith 1 -you are not • county councillor." Well how did Mr. Doyle know any more about the matter than Mr Campbell - The following politica conundrums are he was not a county councillor either 1 given fur the bond of sir Tory coats= And yet he had the hardihood to call a gentleman with, as good powers of obser- vation, as thorough an eduatios, as sound a judgment, and as sterling integrity as that poeseesed by Her- o.n'a jesiur judge "a slanderer," and dared to lecture him upon hie duty as a oler.yman. Mr. Doyle forgot that be was not on the bench - that for the occasion be was only 'Wean eommimiossr Doyle -sot Judge Doyle ; be forget that it was hie dirty to lista to the statements brought forward in a calm m•aaer ; he forgot that not one of the gentlemen who formed the memorial committee was hie i•f•rior in any geslity save accident of political preferment ; and ban forestial, he tried to ride the high horse and ehateptu the whisky iitsreet. pantries 1. Is an important gteslien like the fisheries or reciprocity likely to be taken up by any Government in the midst of a general eieotiou, and before the new house meets' 1. Why do we pay High Commission- er Tupper $10.000 a year, and furnish him with a $40.000 residence, and spend thommsde of dollars yarly in maintain- ing kis London establishment, if he is not equal to the work 1 The Christmas holidays are coming, and our Tory friends an wort out solo - liens to these two questions during the teeter, season. Then has been no eau- berseoe of joy ea the pert of the Tories over the hurried departure of their leder. Ona read eomieianoners oeoasioaally eat some little perquisites, bet at times their tet is act a happy sae. Pesos whose property .4 ime bridges bsias beik sr repaired ears peter those truly good men talk M seethe them the ism• reimiears pat them .S with halt pro- miee-ter that rem to the eppin•m•s ►o be half peseises--.f reparation for dam- ages from the eoo.ty email Several .p$acaties for damages done to property by the building rot Lodesbor, bride* were rod an the avowed on Tuesday. Reed eomm,esioeer Hays, however. ser- rind the woo i./. Aeries by saying it was time the twenty keen whether or not it bad • right to get damages for say loss sustained by the county, otiose to delays in bridge work mead try miller. heeling water .pea them while headset the bridges - BRITISH szserrays. The latest report as we oro to pre.. is Elected Liberals, 237 , Tories, 1:t3 ; Parnellites, 64. Ma. Tarn. M. P., writes a vigorous letter to the Toronto Moot ig defence of the desertion tit Sir John by the It:eus. The letter r calmly, even judicially, written, and takes the impregnable ground that the Slims have a perfect right to vote as they think, and that then u Do more danger of French dom- lattlitttl 11 they t Mr Jolts as a leiter ti*R.i<liey lopped Me,. '!tem Undo* Advertiser desarlbss the .tuaeiea accurately when it says "Bete is the point in a ,uteh•ll : The Liberal party of Cads oppose and always opposed the Government of Sir John Macdonald. If a section of the Home that formerly supported the Governing choose to renounce their allegiance, that is their lookout. The liberal earty does not change it. erased. It still opposes the Govern - meet." Tax boasted British system of awn- I We here nothing to my against Mr. ducting parliamentary elections is not I Doyle in his ospaotty of junior judge of worth copying. Our plan of simaltaomos this county, but we think if he had the elections is stook ahead of the slow and spent of comowq dsoecy he would wither uncertain mode that prevails is B.gl•nd. resign his position as liesees •emesiuioa- er or Blab differently. We all know that it he is not pesenierly interested in the hotel business of the Park House, he art•i•ly is fr•tereally affected in the matter, and sash beiag the cave, • more dispee.ieaetm mamnr of staug, sad • greater essidy to carry sit bks law ties on other days. The Omtario syn- , should be ebs.rvsbiein him. teas of preparing Teton' lista, ssd bold- ing elections simultaneously is the best yet devised. When the Dominion Gov - moment shssgd that mode for the re- viler barrister a -d his methods, it was • beak ward move. The "revising barrister' idea (amended to suet party exigencies) is borrowed from British practice, but it ism mon 1• a000rda»ce with our Canalise views of fair play and advauo.mst than is the Ede of bringing om the borough soma - tummies use day and the atomised soma - Tax Tury organa. heeded by the Mail, are doing their best to stir up religious strife and race fssliag in Ontario. Lem articles with sensational headlines ars being inserted, the object of which is to array all the other provisoes against Quebec. Sir John A. Macdonald, b•viag deceived kis French followers, bas in- o°ntinently dad, but the Mutt is making a terrible steeds, is laming emotional, sectarian sad race prejudices u she absence of the fugitive obielti•n, The Toronto World takes an kedepeadsnt view al the situation tad says :- "We beg powerful the esteemed Moil to calm its powerful mind. There is no im- mediate danger of civil war. It is jai* pomible for the Tory organ to Derry rte anti -French threats so far that when the prodigals return, ea they are sure to do after a few merle of husks, the able editor of the Mail may he made to look so foolish at the love feast as to Le mistaken for the fattened self." Er surely mast be that the reporter e the Ater wee stricken with pew paralysis at Saab'. Hill het weak, as so report el the many partisan splashes M the Tory eseveutios age gives a the oedema of the Went area nrgsa Or was it a dumb chow --s pnlitwd pante- mine t --or were the speeches ten rabid for publicaioe r We know that there were seen there .11,, were fall of "Riehl," indignation, and who had to lel soot or burst. Where is the record tit their harming elogseace t We nes that Mr. James Mitchell. of the Afar, was ap- pointed arretary. Sorely les bee Rat W SA attack of eerieeeer s ply 1 Or per- haps the prwe•odiagatt were "Ret uses - warily for cwblie•tioe, bet me • gase.e- tse of good faith." Gorr', *rot pato cart inn oaf thug week hole bath: Sir Jnh.n Maed,.asld's Sight to Breed Sir Jobe is represented e Iburryiwg %/nog • hark WHO ors bp way to Oho .seom•hip, while Qeebee stook in ria do.ar with s posted resolver, as With a lissome eemmiseon composed of • ebYrmaa who has a brother Ite.ssed wader him, smother member who has a sea $ melee I•.pector, and a third sees bee who was and is, we trdsfet•ed, S- hawl k U Bl. te aldnmhai that sen great Whit hs bum put forth by the eomtmiairm to hinder the law falling late dioramas. CROWDED OUT. Owing to the protracted length of the discussion beton the two license oom- seiemoRere yeseerisy, and the tact that we went to pews but a few hours later, the report .ill sot appear until nest week. in the discussion of Northwest •ffkiie. because he has men the country awd they have out. This is both • miarepre•eote- tion and an assumption. Sir Richard Cartwright. Mr. M. C. Cameron, 11.1" and many other members of the is st bon have not only visited the N•.rtbwwest `quentty, but have mode • special study of its Mewls, and have for years been its c'umptons in the House of Commons. Had their advice new taken there would have been no rebrllwn, and Mr. White would have found the °peeing of his Minuteeiat caner beset with few of the difficulties which now engage his atttn- IITLit DON'T ('r)% [f ewer. The Toronto Mai/ reproves the root for calling the Premier cf Camels Mac- dooaid with•••ut the Air John. Our Tory contemporary is too tender. The Gov- ernor General signs his name "Lans- downe ;" the Liberal leader in England is general) spoken of as "Gladstone," people talk about "Brecher a' lecture with no intention of disrespect, and we hare beard Canadian Liberals, LI whose party fidelity there was no suspicion, say that "Blake ' atade a great speech. How- ever, we are always willing to oonfort the a:fisted, and we woulr not willingly harrow the soul of the Jfnil in its dire distress Henceforth we shall speak of Sir John Macdonald's skeedaddl., Sir Leonard Tills 's deceit, Kr. Beating's bribery conspiracy, Mr. shield's frozen whiskey, Mr. Onderdonk's estrus and Hoa. Mr. Pope's ratlw•y steal. The Tory big wigs aro welcome to their full titles ; it is their crimes te which we object. - (Hamtlton Times. Wt[ at&L WAS aAauaD. Marais Observer : It must be admitted, even by Riel's worst enemies, that, Lad the (rime for which he was tried and convicted been his only o(.oce in the eyes of the people of Canada, he would n ever lime been called epos to expiate it on the gallows. The circumstances lead- ing up to the rebellious outbreak of the Saskatchewan halt breeds were such as to justify to a oos.idnrable extent their ill-advised adios. The verdict of the jury who tried the .cussed rebel was oeupled with $ recommendation to mercy. The crime for which ha was convicted was in every sense a political one, and • lthourb the penalty is death, the es tram seatesse of the law has not of late years bps visited upon political prison- ers, either in England er America. All them notions would have combined to shield Riel trots the gallows. had it not been that during hie Red River rule he shed the blood of Scott under cin:um- `sa0ess peculiarly cruel and repulsive. Though the Quest's pardow was extend ed to him for that wanton crime, and he was nominally unmemorable for it, prac- tically it was for the murder of Soott tha0 he was tnde to suffer on the scaffold. The power that forced Sir John Mardon • old to carry out the sentence of the court CONTEMPORARY OPINIONS, t Regiae was that which has mads ott'e death ita rallying cry, and it was f W satisfy its demand fur retgauce that Roel was haired. Anteeg w msdn. The ottderioh Buff says :-o•W „limit One of the most remarkable outcomes it -sir .,.. Msedotald 1.. Ron to of the (.05.1 eli.otitw now iq prugrese Eniglasd " is Orwt Bntaia ie the numbs:et pnimi- A WRAP 700 Tie aasssa et NM aresbwe• Wise en abased. PaeltOaxN&L HIND•ZR.T. Tru Toronto World says that Sir Jobe Maodemald "dories queseed the Lower Canadian lama for all it worth. he liege it away." Our eoatempstary fagots to add that Bir John Macdonald then seep. pad epos the dim•rded lesiva matfett snow till_ _ -• oblawa Erse Priem tt'• Ixart Tttaa smog. The Ottawa Cilium sad other pppcsu are rearedisg the Frasob-Oaa•dh•• that kid did sot mama to meshes • patriot bases. he peered so sell out to the O-eediwm Goverment. Certainly that was sun srdit to Sid, but atter ail wbam did he net the ides that east' an Oder snail be •eepMi sakes k woe from kis maims sxpe ieaes with 'I- sieb-t•�)ed-IroaNwte► atom Tamor- row ' the dem ped of the corruptismislel - silevlh.0M54. laoss31 awns' ria mac. OW oaaaa4 O*OAT Raararw and Ireland aro is Mr. la M P., says that be we the throes of • gamed elsesioa. The oho•.n to 1•y the owthion• d tb 1101! - stations have hese br.•kisg out in te�6' pr•Y1°E f°r s 8"1"7. t tit tbnir derive the week, wed will skim•, befen the Me•idw of the l•tet- .pb pest ire. Whit° he mos explaining the .M - madam esti" sheet the middle of the ter, Sir David mak bask in hie chair sod pr.aey seueth. As • result, onlookers went somftrtabt7 e0 desp. Mt. Royl w u • 666 t• id e.serl&iaty as te the re' was him maim,. mid he slept mail be "IL A seiseient somber a "'bun° ie the used s the seeds of the strife iw the N Northwest. "Oer,•sh• la-gbed have been held, however, te warrant tine Sp•ie's Wintry away," sad it will ...w eoeolusies tbat Parnell and his follow. go ne twd that 1160 gad lair Ksidin tag will nese- emettlevwble power is avid mui'� air" ti" 1"/". d "1.1116. --{lavabo Kee. sett politicians who have been elected to stay at holm. The slaughter in many eases w unexpected. In Purbmo.th, tie Quebec of Cewservtive fortifies - time, for example, Sir H. Drummond Wulff. the Sdisbery Government's ape sial plesipote,tiary to Turkey and Egypt, mol the Hoa. T. C. R -uo a have been so y defeated. Their lanes if taken y it W. Creasman an Mr. B. Vaaderbyl sad two seats have thus been eroded from the Tories. The Marquis of Lorne was defeated in Hemp stead -a newly 1orsnied oonsthueney. Hitt Hon. Mr. Childers, .ha has for years represented Pontefract, s manu- facturing town in Yorkshire. bits also been given carried the by. b r tit ughwell. in the Tory Catena in three previous contests. bee to give place to • Libsrs:. Jam`, Bright ad Mr. Plimsoll, the friend of the salsa, will have to look for new meta if they intend to sit in the cooi- ng Psrliss.nt. for they. too, are mate the slain that nasalise a Lihsrsl ea -Chu seller of the Sachsq.er sod an ex • Post- aueter-(sural. abs the oth• hand, thew will be many new faces to the Hoops, which .ill be one of storage ability, despite the Tory cry that the average standard of osndidstes wuu!o: be lowered through the eatensinr. of the suffrage Among the new ewer Is ?ref. Seso., the famous chemist . Oen Haw ley, the leader of the Satoh brad* at We battle of Tel -el - Kebrr - Oa{ t charier der.eford, the hero, of the 4410 et Aleasadria sod Metemnek ; yrs 0. Mar ram, who rot -siert Pis knighthood ire. Maas of 1's signal somas se Lori Pre- vail of Edinburgh . bur J. B 1 e naseveli, late Admiral of the Rntieh Pest el Rail lex. N 8. , who is now ono of oh• Liberal apnea tat Ives for S.wthsowptoa ; end ill R Russell, editor of the Liverpool Pet, returned toy one of tl't everts.' in Olasirow Remedios Towne Dr Hoist**. 1.,rmerit • rtw(deat nr fleuseols. snhner,het $100 ,ow•rds Par tag iS the indebtedness of the iies espy eiterch there He rernrred treat 1 w tit , tl-• atecrpti..w sae wit paid end Holmes refrerd to Nt it Iresee7 mit was brenget event him in the divugin. enact w recover the asee.nt The plea of defsldast dins fiat the, soh senpt.fn was cooatte•ea en IM entre• debt heuyt wiped off, wbiah the pimst Y dewed. Jedge D.yie pa. 1. flwtron VII lamas Udvesesea over bis -,1- :len% in Plow if ,tef.o flee' Hoe. H. G. lam, the foram leader of the Liberals in Quebec, has nagged his lest is Let►iaiere, as he believes be diagram with hs uo.sttiteenta es the qufshon of the Wendt liaised party. We bnsor Mr. holy for his hsisal ami coearaetttrws stand. Now let the Fr.nb Gwadiar' Tory Ministers .he are and d• sympathy with their erw*Mitoente en the ease goetencra twigs tow. Mr. Jay is sot • Tory waw He it the same ptridb mea that he was when he seamed the profamwl premiership trader moble old the next parliament, as the Liberals and Aa, aa. tavu. Terns ere likely to le pretty evenly Mr. Niakoles reed Davis, as $ jus- bassed. Persil) evidently had this ties of the panne. tdogrnp►ed ell over result i. his mind when be, in hr the eeuwtry the "ant • lsir was its sett -election manifesto, se joined .poo ovr�p.rl r.sw,ei" hoe the h.ad ef Irish voter, nattered tb t the Rsol number of ebe RMick- ^1Og� i,,ugier, srlitosi mad oweei iW Mr. FAA_ Vaned [Swans to vote for Tory tae- ..1., Floud Davin, owataiss ti. follow. 414..s is all elsdies .here astinual- tee ; Ws were sae is the Sell. It is, bo. m present Mev. • rseeiem, osi ever, a.aovt,ti that • las bees thotullstlesa simile se the rammed Minks • P' 1 rel batr Ir.. t►• d� wee (Rid's) entered iota between Oladstoee and brow. " Iulitb.ry le saltily the inane'* et Has the visit of Mr. Thee. Whit. to Nimes. Ip Ns anytime a s mum.. the Ho,thwese rseehd ie the ruiver- ie.l•td. is whiff tweet mem (1f Mr. Davin to Mr. Whit.'. pesel milky ronordiror the ..dulseao oftb• ra.tisnslMfe, s • iv views r rdieg 'pasty ,> igament ' -{Lnedo• ddvertleer. party a eWemet se will he [r#.. The Toa (rows pan TRmt WAIT. sett Imperial Pteliass..t, loom prim Th. Toronto 01.1..ay, . 11. Co. gni tkdistier, rename to be a alum rwva.ive paper, en.lend that .t the rest Nos if mixed pi.kla seem. el Pi..Mmmwwt Hoe Thaw White 1 to