HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-27, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 17, 1885 WOrhi Of f1ISd011t la the tosser, Lessers wines. Nest day on has way bsse,he *tapped .t fun tb • high court a1 the nation, fair a !Mian. tun mad urJer .J J,uu.r. Ile .luh . and be Miame.te meet &newer for He waisted J.s.t,.e. Y .0 cold see • uuort aver • drum, sort, 444.1 the i obey that he. br..utlit so meals of We sM,uW aimed the tersu..0 sod its • hew (, is ►a•v.s.tar off. He Jds't want had a white trek tie. The he el:ere u. s diameter and slued k ., Ir people, -cher a little bit ..f ,trice weighed out to a n be outran of recent ears, alimony toes pertteemeo at pedants, whu effect to talk 1 g t.eek him ter a clergyman. y in a laisgmtyie Aar lo be understood."Fh.e. u t.. be a m.etto't •f stet* her• lint fanh 1.4b in rite mutants and hen to -Jay, Sir, and they me to titree intelligence of the slect..rate. We have len sure the demi would tee glad to Lase no- come to that punt vat. We believe you Joie thew.' llwl the iwaj.wtty .4 CettaJosua r.c..yniae "Thunk you," acid Compton, who was the motstruus p.httoal evils u( the pr.. very hinter . "I shall be glad. "I eke ale iu your mud," said the land) .rd "I here n.. card, replied Campton ; "you can say Rev. Mr. Payne, who is passim; through the sewn " The demi said they would be glad to give a strange brother a seat at the table The It... Ile Payne appear.) and the luviolable ti•I.lity, geed hewer and cestplacence of temper outlive all the thermal act • hue taus, er snake the dews of it ikVM►ble. Ugliness of the right sort a a kind tali b the "coon s beauty. It has mane of the hest etude -tory. and hie eyes broth- isi of beauty ---it attracts ubhervatiuu and tes.d as they rested ..m the tiu .inn at 4:ge the metuury. Vee The lawyer was in. ti were a the deur : "Oeoete Bozeu, Attorney at- W'hatever difference then a may apper two -dollar desk, two fifteen -dot chum, to be iu wen's fonuues there a sulk a certain o,mpeaeatius a good aud ill in all that wakes them equal. A restless mind, like a rolling stone, gathers nothing but dirt and mace. Little ur no gaud .111 cleave to it, anti it is sure to leave peace and queening be- hind i►. l ' Sktnuei en.s terms with me. His -- - - I steers got Ilann my cent. I went damages, vaguely mauoer and deem up u. Coarse brown paper, but he rented justice by tbeesrl.wJ and at wholesale rata. He hite►.d his old while hone and drier. dated bogey iu front .d the drag store, mounted the stain runutn,l up outside • hue. compel. ,r sad a rusty stat.. "Murnini. ' ''Morning.'' "1'w JIM While, sir. 1 iv.' e.ut by eiray • C .triers. Ii..ught the Tou,piuiss feria, you kauw." }tousehola }tints. bel he laughs at it.e I turn toy Imes int.. L s tater valets," "He kills a hilt well& 412 "Yeu don t may ! Well, that man ben in ..aa brine four days ; drain off the brine and cover with good cadet *Meese. Let thew lie iu ibis one week; then place in fresh .inel(ar, seiced to r ng Lt to be made 10 underatd u,that be suit your taste. The lint vinegar eau be aged tinge 1 hare wade pnck;es down t awn this country. What an out - by this recipe for several years. and can suety say they are good and will keep. Lttsi.i Cane Pie -One and s half piuts ..t milk ; three tablespoetifuls corn starch ; toe cup sugar ; two tablespou n• Its butter ; ese tetsapuuulul lemon es - tract ; juice of two lemons ; yolks .f four ages. Heil milk and add cerusterch diseolv.d is a little meek ; when it buil" again take orf mid beat in the yolks, ' much will - hatter, lamsn juice acid eztraet ; pour at 1 "Oh• the oust will he nothime Just nano lt.tu pie plates fiord with paste ; les,. ate g3 ee a retainer hod sow 11 make b.kn in but oven 20 minutes ; then cover i Skinuer seem. i haven't heard of such with meringue of the elutes, bootee with Ian °wtrage for years. He probably rea- a tablewuontul of sugar. sone that toe are chicken-hearted and Pot-PlaOmer. -One ares • half caps afraid of him." buttermilk ; one and • half twp•onfulsI "Well, hr'll find that the Whites have soda ; one of salt ; mix in sediment as much Reit as the Skinners." dour to snake • stiff dough. Let stand' ' And as much money to law with 1 ' ie • warn place to rise an hour ace rare; "You "You bet "' then cut off pieces with a sr onn, dr..p in "That's the talk ! We'll make him • the kettle, and boil halt as hour. Havel very sick man. Your case appeals to me the mint well &sunned and gravy thick- I as • citizen as well as a lawyer. Now, reed. Fur baked cbickeu pie, take Ube we11 secures warrant as • starter." cupful each of buttermilk, water and Sktsner vests the other lawyer in the lard ; one teaspoonful soda, and a little same village, and the mmvcrsaticn is alt : this nukes crust for two chickens, about the same. White gets a warrant laked in a pan. Bake iu a slow eveu for Skinner, and Skinner gets • warrant nue hour, fur White. P int year -Two sdjeurnments, a dis- Qeleaegear WeMee. a. reement, twenty-four days' lost time, and a cash expense of AN to each farm - It is evillest that if a piano is to et. mean tn good order for muni Yew'', Second year- Three trials, .me die - proper care must be taken 441 it The agreement, fuer adjournments. one ape tmdrwmeat should be closed wham not in peal and a ons► „p.m, of me to each eget in order to prevent the C,llectien of farmer. Time lest, thirty-five days. dealt, pine, ere- on the spend beard. Third year -Two trials, two appeals, However. it moot be left closed for • two decisions and two farms peas into peeked of ..vocal aemths, or I.,sger, but the has.da of two lawyers. be opened oeeaaiunally, sand the daylight allowed to strike the keys, ur else the ivory stay turn yellow. Any hard subetance, nn matter how &stall, dropped inside of the piano will cause a rattling, jarring noise. It a in every ace desirable that an Indian -rubber ..r cloth cover should pro- tect the instrwaseut from bruises ur scratches. The mane "'would not be placed in s damp room, er left open is a draft or air -dampness is its mostdancerous enemy, causiug the strings and tuning pins to rad, and the cloth used in the construc- tion of the keys and action to swell, whereby the mechanism will move slug. Wily, and (.hen dick together. Iiiiineseere chiefly during the summer spam, Med the best pianos, trade of tberchgbly aeseseed material, are neess- .MiilT afiMsd by dampeeas. the atsorp- M Mn below rigid. Extreme heat is y less 1.j vious. The !nano should sot he plsoed very neer to an open tire, or a heated stove, nor Oren ..r eloee to the hot air fret lwvnases now in wee. Moths are very destructive to the cloth and felt used in the pew., and may be kept out of it by placing • lump of cam- phor, wrapped in aft paper, its the in. aide corner, tare tieing taken to renew it Preen time to time. Many pssw'ss are unaware of the great importance of hating their pianos kept in order, and tuned only by • compe- tent teeter. A new Patio should be tutted at Met once day theta ur four flat year, nail at afterwards. - [Trade rags ! Have yen de.eat..lyd pay 1-' "Oh, yes, and be sari he'd liLe to shoot use, "Is It possible ! Wt.v, he a • d.ur er• one mate very lant'erow. " "1 came to sak you if -if -" **Why, t.f worse, you have the hest kind of case attaint him, and its year duty to pee h :t." "Yee, I want justice, but how -how ' Iib da lierteae A temple and mew way of finishing the leek forme of bawled is to shape them se four scallops, nee in each term, and lime than with satin. Blow these aro tire lama Msllope gathered at the top and sewed underneath the tent middle mallet* of the four forms. In other besgae., especially those of velvet, only two eeallop are ..en, one in each .,t the middle forme of the back. The short side forum are then separa'ol about two inches from these and pointed below. An easy and stylish way of trimming sleeves is to see inch -wide galloon or else velvet ribbon instead of cuffs. Bo- gie by •owing it at the end of the sleeve t .tsde seam crossing to the inside seer reeiwr. 'fluty !tad the IL) opinion li.e.u.unbent rasp ler ter this rooted ec'r:.l,.oi end a1 alta °sponse, horror sod solenotomit bitterness Aad they will me be midis' with the punahweut of nue off",,der. They sill overthrew the .sal suth..rs of it -the politicians who r (' te I.aebiur ei,isdr to the brink of tta- tiusus d gamer. --IW..idet..ck Seutius!- dean with vele. sy placed hum et his Review. right hoed, and asked him to say grace. Cemi.tun f.1 a cold chill ran thruugb (let your suction sale bills printed at THE SI.:' A L office. They are always done preisitel) and at low 'atm. :notice is drawn to Mirs tbtuugh TRz t4tuNAL fr • of cl.aree, which is read by thousand*. He ie &bowing a.ptendtd assortment of TotbelNte+ttll=re : .ant all w~mi rhino nn� 1'lnnn�nrn Pheephatine, or Nerve Item, a Phos phate Element teed upon., tieicwttibc Facts, Formulated by Prnfeey or Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cotes Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Hemtlache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vert's:, anal Neuralgia sod all wastinI diseases of tiro' hunun systetu. Ph.isphatinr a nut a Medec.ne, bit a Nutriment, because it contains no Ve;etnhle or Mineral' l ,.tr•.ta, Opiates rc N totiw, and no Stimulants, lett Rim ly the PI ...phatie am' Gartric &1. found in our daily heel. A eitiole Mottle is a.ute:iat,t to cement**. Ml Druats sell it. $1.00 per teethe 1...w•ute D .t Co.. sole &erne& for the otninien, 55 Front `.`'root East Turem presencehim, but with perfect presence of mind recalled the opening pori ... .1.the Church artier, and hit upon the very words for las purees. in his rich noel• "deem teem he said. "Our Lord, open Thou our Lee mid u.uf). our tis shall show forth •thy praise." Tell w, god people, if you have heard aujlhiug'leiter than that. Ilio.*Me.le writer. Let us walk out luta the int lung t..ds. The trees can never be sac fury teen as naso. Their Iaiute-I trunks, re- lieved against this neutral foil omoueuu discleee • surprising wealth o1 color. and the exquisite tracery of branch ande' tele. the essential elements of • tres beauty and character, beret fire largely Concealed by the perishable gat* iture of foliage, is now revealed. The true tree, freed from all diagoiw, stands forth like an athlete stripped for the evillest.Observe the soft, blending tones on the bole of this smooth, dapped beech. See the infimky of refined grays, bruw:and nd greets, which everywhere spread anal intim-melt upon its surface. "The paint ed beech,' it has been happily called. Yes, it is the palette of the syltan studio. It is Dame Nature s sampler. Spun its gray surface she mixes •ud teats her sober and subtler nuts, to he after- wards drepsed in chow artfully *Mesaccntrash throughout the landscape. You shall find this silvery sample on yonder ruck -maple, diseased In one telling splash, divided vertically by the bruwu fissures iu the bark. This bright ..chery remnant reappears on the hickory beyond, in strong brilliant touches here and there upon the shingly shales ; and the breed ruck herd by has received lavish decoration in mottled circles of this pale sage green. Here s the array of tints with which she paints Mod the antiquated Mawalls, and here the sheeny gray by which she has reclaimed the rambtiate miles of splintered rah. oe The ,lresot drab of poplar, the rosy ash of yousg ample and pes- eta the varied ta ace of the mussy builder, all find theirni co= leent here. contour its clean, trim mtuur and bright, smooth completion we way read i1, appreciate the estimate of Thoreau. "aro tree has Si fair • bole ur sac hand - memo an Instep as the beech." This lat- ter feature, however, is often lout in the winter woods, as the trees stand knee sn deep in ow, and the comely slope of their feet, clad in velvety moss is con- cealed from view.Mow. It is • Ontn error to suppose that winter effaces the distinction act individ- uality among the various trees. Noth ing oma be further from the truth. 'Ave you the friend of your (ricrac'& thoughts, r' or of has bottoms Nike Emerson, as though we should know our companion Daly by bis dew. Many of our trees announce themselves even more dialect- ly in February than in June. The shag- bark was never barked as now. The white birch remade many more of her distinctive pallid features ; and in this unseasonable weather the tattooed buff satin deems of her cousin, the yellow birch, seams more than ever conspi- cuous. The tupe'o never more effectually asserted its precious whim- sicality. The white oak audibly rustles its identity ; and the marble but- tonwood tree hang out • tell-tale labral from every twig. Lo,k at this scraggly silhouette against the sky over tbu Itch • en painted wall Who needs the hint of the brown irusen apple lodged among the twill" to call its rums 1 1s it not written in every angle of it. ecoentric spray, or even in its shadow in the snow 1 Likewise the ales with pendast hest, the spiral dated hornbeam, and sutyar-maple too. Who would not know each from • fragment of it. bark 1 Scarcely in a lessak degree do the linden, the ash, the rat - tour willows, os and maples, the chest - net and the Islip tree, assert their indiv- iduality and claim reongniti'.ri. T.. the curious observer they soon become famil• Me, and he an name tbwn ell at a glance W. U. Oilmen, in Harpet's Eucasin. for December. '. Tb. OS mite tre- "Hot milk for summer" becoming Is being acts • Common sign to windows of our steres. The proprietor of a large University Place pharmacy says : "The beginning of summer is always the signal fora sort of epidemic of darrhrea and bowel Complaints m New York. The excessive beat and tbe enormous quanti- tme of ice water people drink are princi- pally to blame. In every case I have al had to dewith warm milk has effected a cure. There is no secret about the precise You need simply warm the milk up, being careful not 1) let it boil, and then drink it before it cools. in acute oases, where the disorder is smote - panted with severe pain, a few drops of laudanum added to the milk will be fused especially valuable. Any one cat. prepare the bot milk cure at hem.. In taloataloathe laudanum adverted should be got to measure it out, or at any rate to tell you how much to use. The public shoube especially wormed spinet the excessive use of ice-oeld mils et this season. Children are often fed with milk till they fall sills, under the mistaken impression that it es both refreshing and a,ursheng. On the reentry, only a eery string .tutsacb can endure any eooeider able quantity of milk. It is at best a rich, heavy, and bilious beverage. in little children it frsproduces goett'y produs the worst t .fe. Juas warm milk will ewe diarrhoea, frozen milk will produce ii outlets used with moderation and dis- cretion."The hot 'silk cure for diarrtoea w fo has been in raiu Midieo e esottseies. On the able lands] where the water is strongly impregnated withveirger'ab, Able complaint is commas. Ne other cum is known for it, ginner being added instead of laalanum when seven pain is to be overcool A HORRIBLH Bream. Every 5... Bttea ds/ IMO Wens Over the Mrsetase f'ama. The dismembered body recently found at Yeungstnwn proved upon investi- gation to be that of Gustave Scbraren, the Buffalo boy, who was carried with a oompauion over the fatal Horseshoe Falls on Sunday afternoon, The coroner and party drove dove from here Arnim; them ea Henry Rehnren,unole • le oa 'of (Cuetare, who identified the body, seem, time taking it gradually upward I At: investigation *hawed that the lett enough mote teat on the fere. I leg was missing, the right head was torn las st •Hive the roe that r already fres., ref ; there was s eat on the hack of the stopping there ellen half way acres, I bead and every Mtne to the body was • ing by turning is the ends in • broken as if it Yd goes thwuth • grist point. The eoor.miet is aelvised to tree broken The Isco nogg the only part of the 'petered silks in remodeling last seasons rotpse that h'••ked at all natural. The dream d ow, cal act velvet and in oven- al had been t piled f every voesthe Blains with cashmere dr re for over blank of etothing and wag "'neat nested, pre- bllaek es•htssn draped over blank'pascal a horrible sight. Cndertaker C.A.NAIRN HAS EV1Ri'-rIIINU YOU WANT --IN . CIOCI RIES. NEW AND FRESH FOR ‚BBS. 1886. Sarper's Bazar. ZLLVBTRATRD- come la aad look, if you don't buy. No Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN, BAZAR is the only paper in the woad that c..n.bir e, the choicest l,teratq�e avid the Seem art Illustrations with the Later fashions and methods of household as .sent. Its weekly Illustrations an drscrip- tions of the newest ratio and New York styles, with Its useful pattern sheet supple- tseate and cut pattern', by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers. save many times the cost of subeertprion. Its papers oo cook- ing. the mantyrpment of servants, and house- keeping iu its various details are eminently y{gr'wwtieal. Much altentlon la elven to the Interesting topic of social etiquette, and its illustrations of art needle -work are acknow. ledgtxt to be nor -quailed. Is literary merit is of the highest ear -Ilene. and the unique character of its humorous pictures has won for it the name of the American Putsch. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tear t IIARPF.R'S iiAZA1:. Ili 00 ILAKPrRt'�e MAGAZINO t W 11AR1'KK'$ WRIGGLY . 400 H.Aitt'EK'S YOCN(i PLOPLL. t = HA!O'ER'S FRANKLIN i QtUARI LIB- RARY, One Year (tt Numbest . 10 00 Postage free to all s,dser(bere in tit U oiled State used Canada. house dresses'. sw y • • ri o ed alk reenaine • favorite for house '.ter Seitz platten it is to coffin and drama The heliotrope „nitws ore ale, off it to • p..tally et these two fabeiea A I after wardsh� .t eesth act in wapenhwtt n ;month sloth 1..1w d dark bmen, red, ' Bridge, P gra] or wee is gi hest favor for we•nng eafbn and placed in the +snit at Oak - wits skirts left over from lest wiwtwr. ' tepid Cemetery. A wavelet of accidental and i. in keeping with skirts et striped desth wad tendered. The rtesins Iwg w ..l- was Pr'000� in Canada by Baker Geissler rldsinn, striped sae, darkd hot this morning and planed in firhraven's were owes ..d maeMaM'.. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the first Number for January of Stich year. When no time is mentioned. it will be understood that the subscriber wtdw a esssw,ence with the Number Beet after the receipt of order. Lound Volumes of HARrmee BAZAR for three years pack. in yn�etewst cloth t ediag. well be sent z ,sail, pest ded the reeignpaid, or i dos'.�noi free of a:ieesus,prov, I exceed one dollar per ,ulumel, or $7.00 per vetas,e. Cloth Cases for each volume, imitable for bladi.g will basest by snail, postpaid. ou re- ceipt of 91.00 each. Remittances should be made by Poet -Oilier Money Order or !haft. to avoid chance of lass, Newspapers are sof to ropy this advertise- ment without ties order of HARPER a. BRerrnuts. Address. HARI'RR tL BROTRiCR> . New York. IMPORT' A. N T TO OW*atte or .mc K. MOE 111114 11111 t>~ID =AIX Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes all llssigklly Bitches. urr In tattle. spies' Metearitie Founder, Weak Dints. for working people. Mead is SOW for postage, and we will mall „' ►•m.:k, a royal. valaable sample list of goals that will put you in 11es way of making more many in • few slays then you ever thought possible at any business. 1W capital required. You efts live et hone and work in topers- time only, or an the time. Al) of both sexes, et all &gra. grandly successful !fie to 05 easily earned every evening. That an who want work mayteat the business, we make this unparalleled ober: Total who are not well saltsld we will send 01 to pay ter the trouble of writing us. run particulars, dime tied. ere.. sent tree. Immerse pay abssla157 mune for all who Mart at once. Don't delay' Address deiceod k Co. Poi gland. Me. 1974 li ei♦ro°s lessee llpaiht. RN►Irkwe. Quitter. K' iadgall.. No .table should be without it. Railreadl mining and express companies all use (Sika Liniment, and in the. great raring stammer Belmont and Lorillard It bee achieved wond- ers. (Inc trial will cin alvice. Write D. K 011.1tii4. hex 3413. N. Y. P. 0. who will. without chanty.. give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all dr et• ■t Sec. and 11.00 bottle sad in quirts at ltlg. in which there is groat saving. The Liniment in white wrappers is for tames tone : that li. reih,. fee rattb. RAOYARD's YELLOW OIL CURES.''RHEUMATISM FB.EEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are Fleetest to take. Contain their owls Purgative. Is s. sate, sat., and este. destroyer w .err to children or Ale COAL. Prices to Suit the Times! The subscriber baviag completed •mensal menta for Hard Omit b now prepared to Ogl all orders for September ad October delivery with the very best grades of ticreenevl Cad, direct from the mines by all rail, at the fol. lowing prices, delivered anywhere In town : Glc. Iodide Aesauenla seem eed caster rowdies. I',ed by JI the 1 -ailing horsemen on Jerome Park. Fleetwood. Brighten Ruch. Sh pr.ttsd Bay ad Hall's Head. Never disespoint. are Contrary to the exp.ctattiona of many Teeic. Alterative and i)lurette•. ilestrny Worm*. Con's Indtge tion, Cotte Rot.,. `bra who hem' watched the lone ours of va- firm! ciliation CatarrA. Fo.Reer, Pak -eye •rad ciliation end trickery pursued by Sir Rl.enmatl*m. .111"4".1, le .mat1 and the power John A. Macdonald, Louis Rita has been la great. The Powder are uwaraasewd ase p7as,1..en rsnit.g to .N... a var. m..ey hanged. That his eloped merited the tl fand.4. death penalty we have never hesitated to �`td by F. JORDAN. druggr t. Ooderirb. assert. Rot that it should have berm inflicted under the eks past, oa tart«. attend. THE KEY TO HEALTH. cen rase iron Monday, 1, and the errs cutinn on son men with the slightest feelings of jastice nr humanity can maintain. To the eternal disgesee of Canadians it is known that life or death for him depended, not upon the principles .A jtstine, tee up'n purely party considerations. The creel ramie, and the stilt more creel suspense of the last few days of his life have "hooked alike honor and humanity. It is the lad, and • b'ood•stained, page of the most sadeleminy of many diagraee1.l ckapters of Cawadmn history. The race prejedtoes, the religious httternees enneeesasnly ex cited, years of wise statesmanship wall not erase. Another rift a gives to 0n1 - ens, and .len with p1n wads a n.tHn The u.rel« went to ltwpen.i .n ' federation, which ender the present re er shads. Theme tmtsgtaw are of the I Rridtr• at nine n'etnek. •rad Ogre minion* I gime is nptelly 'ewer to pieces. The pithiest shad. I..... t tnmminh, onlesa Ince tethered es Oakwood Cemetery• wounds inflicted, them tatter winds 'pokes dnwpiag nctldg Its send on the chest, or ( - __ -_ during the past m.wlha will sadly pnef- am,tew oeseh. 1 pone, if ant defeat forever, the realizatine of notional unity and • 'satinet' sante "Se • l h h mete"! done ' t --which MO been the . end d' ass else peesieg under the arms from an epsabatte. in the hu.b'ty of medicines no preps ivo ration s received such universal .m mendeti.,',, for the sllerattun it affords and the permanent ease ft effects in kid .,,.y d:rsewa as Dr. Van Boron's Kinney (;ore. its action in these thorn se^il •o sntpplaesta u simply wonderful iioid he J. w 7tbsn't. tm ..pepww with etre its, is said with infinite "art- '. salt C•oett.an patnatua. Th. Mew ..y..1 pereseele,Ly, ant suecd.Aee there- i chieftain has been psnishel, hot the vet are numberless. This past of which Gosernment whelps oendeet made him a w. have heard eta 1.y lir 1`,..npton, an retire_ and has new meted him 10 he the R.glish rxomalian of the finedess, who morel end born of hi• emnp.trtnt• -hes dMd • few weeks aro m f onion. He still to he enervated .d its can=es The !bad been to • party is the .sanity i feel well lee pee*the peeof Oegeea, lis •tnog nsoay mho --wto ytnc nice Chestnut it Stove, ▪ $6.50 Egg & Grate, - ▪ 6.25 Rift Coal at correspondingly low priced. Thankful for past favors a continuance of your patrunag.- is respectfully whetted. WM. LEE. Goderich. Sept 3rd. 1165. 1•11-11a STILL AHEAD 1 FURNITURE! • - FURNITURE! SEWING MACHINES ! I bate 114r Loosest. Cheese -so /sad best Stec* .f ruraltuee ta tows. Bedroom Setts, Parlor Setts, Drawing Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Side- boards, Of all Macs asd descrlpueas. ! ace also agent for the renowned Raymond Sewing Iachine ! Light Kunuisg and High Armed. Parties wishing to buy swill do well to call anis inspect stork be(orr going elms -ahem. A. B. CORNELL, Opposite Mania's Rotel, Has.ilton Street. MPFuurrsb furniabed in Hest arty Ir. Goderltb. Oct. !tad, 1141 s_GOD1.1395 - GO re OTT ERICFT WOOLEN MILLa- To the Wool Growers of the Surttotndinp Country: We wish to say that we are prepared to take our Wool in exchange for Go.. or work itGoods.. or yuu into amp of for following arttries. v5. - Blankets White, Grey or Horse. Shirting. Grey or .Check. Cloths -Tweeds or Full Clothe, Light or Heavy. Flannels -White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetinge Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn -- White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for this wort cannot be sue N e will endeavor In most . r ses dodo t the day it le brought in. If required. Custom Spinning and heeling. or Spinning s the ('ap. coarse• or rine. baro or *oft twist, as required. We are in a position to do all kinds of eye- tom itom work. usually dome ha a full set emits= mill. and we will guarantee to do for 1 eu by equal, it mut • little better then any is our surroundings. A call respectfully solicited. E. McCANN, least Kad Woolen MIAs, Odertck, May iMit. 11116. SEEDS Turnip eeds, Millet, Hungarian Grass eed, Corn and Buckwheat. MONEY TO LOAN Private fends to invest at reasonable rate,. of interest. P Seed els cents for portage, and receive rrse.aewtlr hes Reeds which win help you to mon money rlsbt away than anything eine la this world. All, of either sex, succeed teem Ant boor. The Woad road to fortune intim before the workor.,ab otnte s gore. At once addrsaa,TROK a Co. Aittgw ta. Maine. HAVE 'IOU Cop�ew ;seal ne ld T -on, la Ms had 0.1i•somPs. say Aisne, .1 o., Da. CRAM'S 141is Cosa M imeda- end setae. needy. NATURE'S REMEDY roe serami.d sennas al els. Chase's Lives Conn i Laver Campion* rests airily with the Oct rhes M i "ape.nded lion.dere•t.e..knsern liver.seaWar 54. sus e w. • m. 4.tesa0., onseldssds,.ces�hs sew• thew awtsaW rwul sesb and having •owwf.lWert on the lildteyt sttenado, Peoria or I4k d. 600.000 SOLD seer ace -half realise of De. Cash Rae* lel ,ere eea m t e.g.& Weise. Ile mime stymy seen •-e..se rasa vii/d ,..til terufisl oda Law Com elitist to eq Mb •rnlbsf rem*. gNIMIN Iib. Om Ase. Plan Wrapped emend•v.e) beetlser W. (Chad• UwerCer w s valuable 1letaeleeld *.dial Grids aced R.dp Pock (f. k containing tree sea &soil mt(era pentrmre�j u.diesl w.. sad Nw�w. r tnrska blas tad wank Ms tines the pies J� s naMdmb X14 Shalt Sew A ors and pude, Pricy, sy emu. 11f1 Guars Rina entre Pali n es.tmr bon 'SOLD SY t. DEALERS • ..esBM& a 00- ` WWMOW Agsses, blesdrsrl andh;JAMES WILSON (3ODF TCii- (tot.".1440- Was SAMUEL SLOANE, Hamilton Street, Goderich. Goderich, May 13th. IMO. 1164-4m Note Papers Albums Books Cards IJ oils Toys Eto. -GET t0I'R- a Newspapers and Periodicals AT MRS. COOKVP. MRS. H. COOKE, Successor to Geo. Sheppard. Goderleb• Dee. Ith 1604. 1839 -ESTABLISHED -1839 and still ahead of any. T•• iJn;Alert and others: FOR ('ASH ONLY. Best Quality Standard Nails, $2.65 PER KE OF 100 Lk. All other itardimreMatats. oiy, Glaae. �turd Tools and Machin. (His In proportion. Use Bactthoro Steel Wire Fencin 60. per lb. 1311ank'u an the elegiti seems d the Trowels. Mantle owl 'Aviv. warp lege gradualty withowt wasY�ding he liewlem, ell the he gems time feed the .steel Oarreetlne� ei the $msrtbars h� Dryness etf the Oita. dk.s,I an Rietao OfeAorr, Mallig_ of J Phzttasrtn of , tie as llfer'vLcrninees. and Gen- eral ty ' all Steve end many ether aitrifl.r (t-rmhplelnta �l� herr lnfMet ee of Dlyti MIAOD ffii-r gall. T. ELMS • tllss ILeSIMme. 1tiornen TEAS 2dY TEAS pontis a gmeliy. - Sllgffsat stiaI Pn, 200,I1100 F t m will et verve, !Send es M•. ge mal r 55:11 b7 roods of large vaI .e. het will Mar r7,,,, In work that will •t .sow setae Ton In m.met faer.r !Ivan asv$klttw disc fp America All *Mott Op 01111.1,0101 is t• wits each bet. A •• wasted +vee- fisher. .1 .nh.•r seg. of alt ere. for all the time. rM .pan time forty to w.rk for ss at their ween hewn s. re -t ,vee* few all **-ken abeetat.'r s..wre4. Iann't eels,. 11.Mauurtt*Oe. P.rthrd sap,'" !ICI .seta :setae as masserVila ter t lar+ lanai e*elns" tj took nest. etwes succeed loran ly. Nese fall. elm* free Hatt are 00. Pertlawd Maine. IARC DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ee low ee navel. ASySORTMENT OF SILKS, Extra good Twine. R and Brown Wearing Cotton Yarn. 1100 per hump. We cannot afford in glee 7 10 o- 30 per rent Atsenunt, a* we do not make that profit. 1 mark alt go..•1a In plain figure. se the lowest livlwg profit. I li Prepared i,. iiarknese Fe f;o Louis e, Out 11.' 4 ,r afl 1',- .. • I 5- reams .„a a . DOOM C. CRABB, rant Side Market Minato Goderich. July 3YRh.'ISM. tf HARK N LSS NA1R BALM Restorer: ere - beer to its re ttiral co'' -or, r moves Dandrnfi, steps the h -i , from falling o..,. increases r• growth, O-ld ta.l not sail the ski, As a hair der. reg. it nag -.c superior. Gear acetate! M.rn.b i 1,, t'. • • •