HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-27, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, Nov. 27,1885. the t>Aoet's Corner. Ile Nadler* a.eb. 1l matters little where I was borr. 11 m) parwau were rich or poor . W bettor they "►taut at the cold world's 1,011, Or walk la the pride of wealth secure ; Yet wbleber 1 live an Ismael man, AM bold my l•lesrlty arm la my clutch. 1 tell you, say brother. as plain w 1 met. It matters mach it mature little bow loan 1 Nay 1.. • world of sorrow and care Whether 1. youth I'm called away, Or live till my boom and pate are hart . hut whether t uo the best 1 ems To softer the weight of adversity's touch Oa the faded cheek of ley fellowman. It matters easeb' 1t ratters little where is ml grave. Un land or us the ilea : By purling trim& or 'meth stormy ware, 1t emitters little or naught 10 me Hut w heturr the aneal Death comes down. And marks my brow with his lot iag touch As our that shall wear the victor. crown. It "tatters leech ' a Woman's Tbe.Sbl• a1 1111.3. R. V. WI 1.40N. 1 am so vary weary of nil home." leg MOIL • And of is endless tasks W MOM andemap• 1 long w saln.is wsah *b. world aaM 'fudrink from Ute sfull cupthe limas tbet f,&11 From beakers others asap, though gladly quailed. Slake not my thirst. my hand must hold the i:suyht.'. .n►e feels• little Land slip into hers, And little angers clinging to her gown. And in her heart a tender memory stirs. Of violet lids by early deadh shut down, Aad.. she Ilft• the little hinderer up. 1 drink, -.be cries. "at host from love's full cup. - Fenn re. up."F'orgire. dear lord. forgive the foolish speech Fur love is all ; without it lite ie naught, Let tae but have the blessings in my reach. And 1 will nevermore complain of aught Lite. cup owl hold fur wuebeo what it wod - W..uout Live's wane she will tie thirst; milli -'And knowing this. low auto 1 dared 1e tall, Wises tote doth make the 4umbfut tuff divtx. All daily r row! of u' ies u. 's . :end sma:l ' Uh I darling. press year warm soft lips to mine While 1 thank God I safe at bonie ablde. Fur elk.) dot eller• in the world otnside." (ladumapulls Juuriial. Wig our lame shoot matfwtlew. I won- der if be'm area tried Ittagaettam.' "'Pour gentleman,' maid Mrs. Jerrup 'how be is afflicted to be sure. I've bad w uralgia anj' self, and 1 know. lie ought to go to the Sulphur Springs : that a what cured me. I th•il tell him mu.' " 'I "ball pray for him,' said Nev. Mr. Spicer', widow. 'And 1 "hall lase him my Oto husband's excellent tract on lb• gam ut afllietws ternorruw.' 'And I wouldn't nund reading the Bible to bis use bit,' sad Mon Annie Spicer, 'if he liked it.' "'Huw Jou tlprem yourself, said her mother. 'You should d.t.rmiue to do so whether he liked 11 or nut, bed you should rwj•.ioe to do it. Wouldu t mind, indeed ' "Theo we went to bed. There was light in his room, still, and I called through the key -hole -he shpt in his re timing chair 'Mr. Bolter, are you comfortable ortable for the night • and ho ow. seared : .. 'Thank you, ma'an.. I sm. 1 alp hermit au hour of meditation "'Exeusr one for intrrtuptioil you, says 1 ' 't /:t. n..t at all.' says he. and away 1 went : and I went to deep think uig how glad I was, with a'.1 my troubles, 1 was not an invalid. "1 ¢ue.s it was about I o'clock when Meas sad Maar Mseme.mre*MM- I Maid Lig►t.ing is simply a terve t•s With Twat beef, grated h..rssradish. • illi oaahle leo ret out u: 11. --- Rbeelmstsc Itvmedy. I was fur two g.riba ppb. Roast pork, appte sauce. the h -tome from Sciatica. One bottle mare Hort veal, tomato ..r lew•hruom raneeme iuetsat rdsat, and plased we •.0 my S kraut molt.., servant jelly- feet ag•i. I have drives fwtsrl.e. mites Boded mutton, Duper mune. today (something 1 could out possibly You nab esu ilio .t •vert trllUrt,t acct H beylse y Boiled ab b, mo, broad mune. bas• duo wen it tltwt for Fluid Lghl- I C)P S 0 'twat lash, must tte.es. uu.g for the express purpose of. prueut- s (Sz Roast turkey, cranberry race. in. souther bottle. Sae soya Was.Du.m, W haled tut key, oyster sauce. Ilansnrxiue, 1►uly 25 mum per Wulf) at Vermin or void duck, bleak currant(.1 Rhyne"' drug stun. lm j jolly or red eep Your Feet Dry! 1 Dndmt fres► insckerol, K.nmeberry A Basset's Townsend,' — For a Cough, Cold or airy Bonwloal affecion. "Pectoris," in my opt is just the thin.. I have used it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the peat tour years with the most moaned suece., and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to %hist still mon of that which 1 baoan thir.kine well of. Ciao. Kure, Manager Ontario Bank, Pickering. A ■note. Y.reaaelee Priori sg menta at all drogeisfa m mut». Boiled bluefish, while or cream sauce. Broiled shad, tooled rtes and sled Compote of pigeons. mushroom sauce Froth salmon, mtwwa peas and cream mute. Roast guars, apple sauce. ' Educate nom without religion and you smoke lhens but closer do vile. The man with rbeutnatam can feel the approach o1 bad weather in his aching joints. Haiyrd'. Yatlow ilii cures rhrums ism. .cuell, pains an,1 luJ ltcv. J. G. Falls. Duta.0 metal.* "Fur some years any wife hem been troubled with Dyspepsia. and 1..s tried one thing after another recommended with but little or no effect 1111 advised to I woke up with a noise ut burmtiuIn give McGregor's Spprdy Curs a trial. my ears, and throe was • li,ght u. the Sitio. taking the first bottle I have nut- mw rowt. ll as a ,tures lista, blight all iced a iw►rr.rement, and can with ton- in one snot, and T th •u_hr, t:."u:h bdence rrttiunmend it to be ono o f, if i..$ don t behove 10 'rot, it was a ghost. the best medicine extant fur Dyspepsia And says I, out loud, 'illi Iwrd abd This invaluable medicine for Liver Gout - covered toy head with the sheet. I plaint, L,degmtt.n, Kidney Complaint, hadn't had it covered but a minute, itpurely ve,tetaple. sold at tomo. Rhy- t rot M the • true, 1 m Sew Lis , tailless weakened by M- eese, Yebtitl sad Mr1p.tl... The Great German invigorator is Om only 'pyritic for lmputsecy, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, fain in the back or aides, no matter bow shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any Lind, the (creat German Itetnedy will restore the '••st functions and secure health and F til . 11.00 per hoof, six bola for 66.00. Gold by all druggists Sent nn receipt of prise, postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgeot tar United State., Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. /Odd by Geo. Ptnynas, mule agent fur Coxie- rbb m : though, when I lett • big hand on niv nail Drug Store. Thal bottles given throat d test roughest vutos ever .i S hoard Rtow in my, ear : gain' to hurt you if you're quiet. Keep your head covered sad lay atilL 1' re ''No's, old lady, sensible. I ain't `— — - • DANIEL GORDON, I'll li"sit-"httuter here, and i( you screech4 MAK1 I'll re."R ''Are you a burglar r says I. "Furor our own ['Maltatonia, saps he y CABINET "Daly don't shriek. 1 ahuuilu t went to live if I was go old woman, but p raps ' .AND LEADING you dia.' "Well, I kinder wandered what fur myself, bit I diol, and I laid still and tidy shrank inwardly. "Act. r -.while there was no more Deakin.; at the t. areru and rattling at the cio•et ; and then 1 heard creaking all over the louse and a spriek somewhere, and I didn't know but there was murder done, and I thought of my pme.r Invalid, and if he was in that owe: .4 hands, _. pair man. .:n1 I thought of all the UNOERTAKER. AT THE STORK Or 4 E. DOWNING, C ,lo'b'e R1oc] 1 have now on head the largest stack ever shows in Ouderi"h. and comprise. 'tory ::n.• o, Iwo f..ui.d in • tint -class shoe more, from the Room bid. thraugb all the itnetutedtate grade. to the heat teat Low bele. 1 will Boll at It ..:it pay you to buy your Furniture from the undersigned. aa I have now as complete an aarortn,ent as there ia is tate county. I do not adopt any Quack artrwr of advertising • cheap specialty. but w.11 tall you a gen- eral uutat at prices that cannot be sorrowed totaahty .wuuderedl. In the l'ndertaking 1 have snuck suited for r the poor well having to "sad Limit.' of I hate also added the proveof Embalming, t friends to • distance ma du su at reasosrbla cost. • • D A N I E L G O R D O N, February Stb. /eb& Prices that Will Snit Everyone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, trim 11,00 to 15.00 Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 95c. up Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately: Chem 10at sad will snit P' .. .0 gown:• ar.•1 I•r.• _ D0 -W N = N G Cwbb's Block, Conor Eaat street and Agana. N.H. -To the trade . 1Lerar and Snd.sge in any quantity, at Lowest Priers. EASE AND SECURITY w r 1 Tbts c .: ret.. -emote the double truss wt:.10t• the ;ie,t. Not.' The position of 11 • 31.,hio."n ,pang sumated In the ?, 1, by w hila a Cit%tr(TA\T but easy INWARD a1.d l PWAitl) pressure supports the hernia lithe truss is ad; ude.i. GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist, 8OI. E AGENT, a-ODERIC West street. Ooderich. between the feet ()Moe and Hack of 1Ior.tr-a:. I18 FAIR 11011'0 8?ODIIi stores I'd read of dreadiul tragedies, sept.NUL ow "143 sod 1 felt fur all toy boarders, but most of all for the po..r .invalid that couldn't — _ _ — Whelp himself ; but It warn t tt'1 all was quiet as the grave that 1 dated t.' sit up. 'Ara. ear, 1 mu Mrs. Ferguson and I laud thou it was daylight. And then Jo take lio$l(1 "'' ; but you say your courage came to mo and I put my head trend is au invalid, sod i c►n't indetld, out of the wlsdow and "husked. No- body heard me at tint, but .t last there 1 can't thunk of it. Yes, sir, no doobt, I were tw., policemen with their clubs, a ma let excellent gent:eman, I hare every iand then 1 pot on my waterproof and reason to believe, since you tell me ao ; wont down stain. and as you my, attendance would be well 'Murdered in their heti", Ire no paid fur, and it is airy here and very doubt,' ways 1. And I thought it must pleasant, doubtless it would be very is so, but It was better than that. be.elicial to the poor, dear gentleman, "Some were gagged and sour were but I coat take him. I don't take inert- tied, and dear little Mr. Becket was lids. Because of the trouble t oh, dear, rolled up in a blanket hire s roly-poly no. That ran'& it T. ,U1•10 1 :,o :er mind. pudding. and p.'•ne.t iii. And diamonds What is it, then 1 %V..uldn't the boarders and clothes and everything was rotor, like it 1 Let the boarders wind their own poor dears. Aird even the Indian idol affairs, if it was nothing catching, and from Mn. Smith's mantle,,iece. And neuralgia and nerves ain't catching th.t aa for me, i hadn't • spoon left,snd noth. 1 ever heard of. No, no, but a wooded dog dreads cold water, and I have had invalids before One invalid—he was enough for me. sl "He was brought in in a chair, wrap- ped up in • couuterpane, and 1 must my "'They've carried him off for • nn - 1 thought he had a very red face, but soon,' ways Mra. S.,uitzle. 'Thr Italuua Cast might be apsplectic,you know, or be do that you know.' might have stimulated himself into it, " 'Maybe he's thrown himself nut of as an invalid might cagily do, you know, and not to blame if the doctor recom- mended .t. And he was taken into the beat frost room, next to the one Mts. Jerrup bad- my diamond boarder, I used to call her ; she had so many of 'em in her ears'and on her bowers, and at her throat. And as soon aa h3 was com- fortably fixed I went up to ate him, and says 1 " 'Your inralid is your burglar, says • 'Mr. Dotter,' .s I—that was his I be. 'Ila easier to open a door from in- flame..Ir. Mater, is t urilw saything 1 side than from out I reckon I know the can do for you i' "And he says. as politely as you could wish : 'No, ma'am, then is not. All I shall need is a little water -gruel at 6 in the morning, and if the hoarders have any of 'em • habit of singing hymns in the evening, as I've known in pious boarding houses. to set the parlor door open that i may hear 'em.' Now, wax there over anything more touching than that I I went down -stain with tsars in any eyes, and ways i : If there ever was a saint on earth it is poor, dear Mr. Bolter. He is too good to live, and Cm as sure that ws shall lase him.' 'And it was a remarkable incident that the widow of the Rev Mr. Spicer did board with us, anti did sing hymns : an' she sang 'sm that night, and set the Ino door otters . and air Bolter rung ing 0 put on but the waterprt..I cloak. Itut nothing dreadful happened except to the invalid t er.tlemau. Ile dissp- " 'They here murdered ham, says I. the window in a flight,' says Mrs. Smith. 'There we all stood, tonally in blan- ket' and such, and made suggestions. I, for one, knew I should find him down Fresh cellar, weltering in hi. gore. What did you my 1 Did we 7 Oh, no we didn't. No ; the policemen gave the first hint of Crockery 8' C+lassware the troth. SPE C=A-JTZE S AT THE MEDICAL HALL! Just rece.v,d. a arge consi,inment of the Wein Indo sad Slon'eerr.. broad.. o Pure =lime Fruit Tuicee l 19(1 CHICAGO HOUSE. MISS tiva aso Bop to announce that she ba 12 3') l .n large r, Caned profusit.r. Th.' Ter), Latest Winter and Spring Fashions• • an„ she would rnettectfeil7 :.. its tie lad:es to call and see the die;.:ay at In Nettles of all sizes. /lakes a mos: I:.aahful and refreshing beverage for CIA summer nesse" The Chicago House. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. YltlLttII K('I'l'LILr.`l OF Hellebore, Paris Green, London Purple, Insect Powders, ! Oo3 .tet. o., etc. etc.. etc. — - - - --- ------- WEST STREET. OODERJCI( F. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich. P.►_ PROTTDPOC3T Dm ; ust received a large addition to his 'tock of W t w $ fL IL 3^ "' '1.1:±.".1.11 7 a w*r-i 8` f (i(J(J1i)S t e11 '` y 9i ? Ci [ i X fix` ` u season o: clic y err. which he i. leterri:red to emit at tip! [.0 : 1tJ` T 7oamlale p F'IO1' ItkY. Also s full *apply of h Groceries, r a O eta i s a' f .. ; tS. Canned G-OOds, _ r t t i 1, . T 1 1 dig; _iiti nj,i il'g H * 1 ii I i g„ plii i - ;_f =;t 5..011 : 13 aft3a i I. L Z. *Si i o-, i1ii t art 3 it r !,,=,t ii : a<t k u ay it 1 I'19 r. fl '....11 4 M iII -1. p ' ?eF_ z7 3 I• S n4>? z Ez 1) R 1 so z& pe 1lt im s Flour, Feed, ALEX_ MZTNRO, tti Draper. Haberdasher, and General Dry Goods Mercer. QM F+1 C1'All tint -s :o arra 1'roat.e taken in exchange for (:owls_ Thr pl. of (.•d. n. h.:. ! t'' !nal an 10tttrd to.*Ii ai my -.our• nppos.te tba rain firocnda wan. It's lily Tom, as they all ham. , tt orb. sept .tad tot,. dor-xi. R. rasae'wwr. Hs'. beam up to this dodge before.' "Aad so it was. sir ; so it was. Mn. Jerrup rot back her diamonds, but I never got beet my spoon". And no nd- fense, sir ; oo insinuation". lin sure this invalid gentleman is all that one could wish—all ! Oh, I feel quite posi- tive of that and no offense ; but with an invalid in the hoose I should be obliged to sit tip In the bed .11 nieRbt. f should have 'we've to that extent N.•, no invalids for me ; but Mn Toompk'Ins over the way has never had such "n expert i would :alt., this oy;vir.unity of returning my mgr' s.o7ere %bask a 10 1bses who bate se once, "rad I'd recommend ye u to call target, patronised me sin.. commencing bits:nem. there." The Fleets to of bus .i. es platform are as heretofo-- Seeing i. believing. Read the tads monists • the pamphlet on Dr. Van ,tutee's Kidney Cum, then buy a bottle ppi ss and relieve yourself of all those dietren s ball, and scot down word that he was i^K pone. Your Druggeat an tell you 'very notch refreshed,' w ah 4u comph. ',all about it. Sold by J Wilson Uoderich menta, by the waiter. Re did ..tak ' 2•1 a4melatta, i smelt ; and 1 asid'Ao- my sel(: And you can't blame him ii it -s Mrrclants ea. art tbelr 0111 Heads. Lrtt.r Y And it was brand if 1 hot; H..da a.o.. •c. p trice at tab "rpoig `.try rdete- y• K : 1.•,;o mere ties ley swum h s nose- tta tier, ad b baps /o ~um their ascus. i. Well, a• we parted for ilea ni,th! • ('ag sad see mmeim sad get primo we all sr. lie ,•i the poor, deer gentle.) - ers in in.;CaA1Tea 11. •< Iteoden. Mail, Feb. 1. (It3D. (:en'lemrr Another, gent had called t„ I I .uttered with attacks of sick headache. - speak ,•i Lyn, Just ss you hair callr.i Neuralgia, female trouble, for Tears in about yo •:r invalid friend. or An'l tit' must terrible sad excruciating man - you mustu t think 1 mean any hints ••r' her. anything And he told is by c •uldn t N. medicine or doctor could gore me oat his feet t•. the ground, sod hada t relief or cure until I used Hop Ritter.. ler 111 year". 'The first bottle e• 'And what would he do in cot • f Neatly curled me ;' fire t ss Mrs Tibbs, who w+ to woe timid. The dona made mese well and straws "'1 should rescuo him, of mune.' acid a, when a child. Mr. Becket, our young boarder, who was 'And 1 hate teen s,- to this daj. ' ie s tiey gemma store, arnl 11/1"*** aw hi•, 'Ty hush.nd '.as at, invalid for twenty tali. tsimmt alaomether, SS . nn of th, ilea ,'.ua "nth a scr, ,us lid's slot". h id.ey, liter and u, inary eomplaiet, 1. %se you d hare the ladies 1.. pare. ' I'r000ulecud by Ruston.," `est ore. y„a►•eow,'said Mrs. aquiaxle.the wider:. • rima who always always dieted with everythinv anal ' 'ltxurshle'' anything like a man. f ole $t) lc DI :totem bottles 01 your bitters cured The ialiw find, seal Mr Hectic, t. in. and i know of the 'd enumea Only if b'd started with 'leaps of eigl t person: glias- flquisale be'd noose hare ird back in my neighborhood that list.. horn fog any more. for eke wsigbed 200 roods, sa,ed fy your bitten, sod he d kat.' bees aqueeberl of the int And many mon are gong them with ,dam great hen•fit. •'l shat i.ap m eye on him,' said 'They sim'vt Mis Smith, and i'Y tell Mr Smith to lino manic'', ' do so 1 1i step in tomorrow and tell !at .11:1 F. L. siac•,. Ye Culling of Prices on Lcadirg Litres, ana Merchants : Gat your Printing at Aro Second Prier. this Office. Quality of Work and ism now rccei v asg • few c hoir a 1.a of Dress Goods and Fine Woolens, ab:•' for .4,., , t w s reasonable Prices Guaranteed to • , t w bile 1 will 1w happy to Meyw ter fsods. MO p.•otea iw, _; lot ea please all who may give us a trial tortuned to purchase. i do not wad. to .•.'l" -e my go.wt, or my Imtg me* ee is eh' trade. b r as fu. n Lave t w • d.s..rnu.; puMi.. an sill wail patiently me molt. ALEX_ c:.,derirh. Aim 6th tax Itii:m aatY Ro_ The People's Lively 1 C. M3_ &IR' 7IN, .AORNT 71511 08111110 Naw York £lllgor Iackiuos. Mssetsctatrer at the Celebrated gmat K1TCI{EN CA Aged all blade of Fersltsr.. Organs and 'Sewing Machines Repaired. rbca: btee Oils sod Needles "twate ea heed at rea•eaable pat.'s OlLL soLIOITICD. H_ o-IRVIN, i}srsi1tan street, • few doors hetet" 1).l;ulbrS. Hetet. JOHN KNOX., Proprietor. i., •• a.: .. r os;x•paree'o,' urn,,. the tub I.c lent I The Finest Rigs AT RIAPONAHLi POtWS!u C11 L r Q it t'0 Oppesit lire (Whore veeert'b. oedmdeb. M. utb, IMtt WILL CURL OR REL WVE ttIL/OUSNES° DI INE Dr•4PEP9'A. INDIQESTIDN JAUNDICE. ENrasPr A3 SALT MEW ONE JTONACN, MEAlt WOK D I NESS NEMMONl. fM ENME.jDAM Arid tosel•• se MaassfrIPIII asa'•erwd ARk OMgr< .rOm/p` sciwirt DIOI9r, FLUTTER/NQ Of TME NE NM ACIDITY of r)