HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-27, Page 5C. L. McINTOSH vial* spetAe11trstion'hi. moots to R.aauus TEAS bow a: r:' , tag Young Hysons, Congous, and Japans, raa..ot is taloa trout 96c. thio Chow 8 Sanborn'. celebrated Ft..), Itor••te.l COFFEES, Itle..s which ,tire universal .a•..fu••.on. fall and girt ,aroyl••.. 11114 1 coo. u.• their superior .twhiy and . 114•411.1h,•>. C. L. McINTOSH. • 'l'HE HURON SIGN A I., FRIDAY. NOV. 21, 1885. 5 FROM NEPN UNTIL TRE �L�'° TERMS WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL Int. -1:'r.0 •`.0 ♦'•.� lord ie* yank.' W1i viii ._t.�. r ('liar;;•'' ,1: l.--P,Irbie•; A. rills I,' i:rchas:' in p:�rior. '.old doing s', t'1 t1i•• atl:t)ttti' f.. re. v;• ' 1• —Satnde•tapplication. t ioode doll; hm t fro.anlp!t May t►"_ :. • .•. led if n 't ..tisf'lctnry anti'1 tai.:1, r' :''tn. el. rt $30. we will pay rt.iit.iiy Dc You Requife a Good, Stylish Mantle. i e our stork i- Large a^.'1 tf Priers are Clow. ttoderkh.Oct. Do You.4c. a u x fashion.? !e Nat or Bonnet. Our Show t:.>,•nt tr.lt' li'l.l: where you van is O OA Leo, You Require a .06-;(1.i�V �'_'►�'. Stylish Dress. as .. • have the Ili •lot !.c►txl••. l sus sow prepared to MI or ler* for a:l k:ttds or filar a bmtlr oh:y the pe.t Vont. sad !two Y ituy'f has me can depewl h1, .� ..ha"' Do You Require Undowear, Hosiery cr Gloves. 1 wUl .ell this No. 1 foal at as low a :.q.• as Chestnut & Stove Coal, $6.601 Egg Coal, - $6.25 ,n, 1n the bu.inew. loan bound to ..t.rfs p ur. hav :.. Pre.tut price of a.c )1,111- T. our T. N. DANCEY, tt..Ion.L. at JAS. SAtr. Nllt:lit3 •C ti)X'iti Variety Store. Coderieh, Hopi. 3rd.. 119.5. r I I if — -._ - tea=— -• _-__ —'w" We are S lling w Manufacturer -1 Stock of Underwear. at fully 30 7, below Regular Pri.t7s. Do You Require e 7 Doort Silk or Satyr Dress. We have Black anti Colored (l:txl'(Irains, all Prices. jd. •; at. llltller Satin M.'ri iil.•u\ Chat SyILi. \OT 1'1'?, at Prices that will astonish you. . ... rIEW FALL G66110::.;. e;oderieb. Hoe. 19th. 1‘‘..", X''or i7 -£W G R 0 C E RY 6---QUIRES--5 STo�� ON HAMILTON STREET. T. & Ja STOREY La\"• • •pend (tut a N ••w Grocery titer, on Hamilton-st., where they I are prepared to sell ('H<iI''E Otto- ` l"ERIE' .ANI) P!tt)rt31I(INA at Rock Bottom1 Priapi. ttrdters it•ft promptly attl:n.i'4 • to, awl /;A(Frl•t delivered to all parts fl of the. town. Call anal Compare prices before ordering elsewhere. T. k J. STOREY. Now Hailes', Hotel. 1 211=- t Oise following artiek for `_'.c : 1 We will give any of the 41b.e Curranls 31b.CVoiccRaisi�s 11b.Mlle Peels WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 50c. WORTH OF TEA. ��,> MARSHALL BROS., Tea41l[erchant . next door to W. F. Porter - New Jewellery Store GODERICH. Oodetl.L. Icor. 5th. 1tiHs. ! to FASHIONABLE M[LLINEBY MRS. SALKELD Aar p:• ,•nr. to annonn•ina that lir •lot► of the la1.w'. i.u..1',•• to AAPES, WINC3$, $IRDS, RZSDONB Rr . Cir , i• now complete. ost She ha..ome in of 'themwarn( hfashioMble stylesOode rirb. N oma. 5t1. I. - - I:•i,.lt COTE PAPER Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call special at- tention to our Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, which for style and value cannot be beaten. Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Hats, Caps and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, &c.. and give the highest price that the market affords. COLBORNE BROS. 't...,. 1..1,iiinntissinumina:t•,.. gross ,v.as•+twr.-r_ :r.ra91111=n1 QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS ACcAIN VICTORIOUS? HIGHEST HONORS AND • GOLD MEDAL FOR 1='�ERLESS OVEJ At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil war used on all the Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. SO See that you get PEERLESS. It is only made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Tnr..h,e'. No.. 111th. IAA.. THE PEOPLE'S STORE NOW 191 TIII TIME TO sECt WINTER OVERCOAT! I..\RCF: sT'R IC. AI.I.-TYLES. AT VERT' 1.4) V I'Itit'F.r. LOT OF MANTLES AT COST To CLFA1: OUT THE ST11 K. W_ H_ I IDI =EY-, 5---PACKETS---5 (e,, "85 Thr 1'ccple's 5ture, Cu.ierich FALL MILLINERY. 14/LISS GRAIL IVT - Square Envelopes For 25c. i s - NEW GROCERY, W1sk 010 aaseware to Ibo Peblte that h. hid otter outs few Grocery claire C12.ABB'S 39.11OCK, Where le will be pipers' to meet that portion of the Pw1.il. 'rho wish ro p.• tfwW r:.M. .. Cheap 1'r ..•.. TIN WARF: At Lowest Rate* wi11 atom he said oh t1 • premises. Or A Special Counter for drsall Wares 1.1. .!..o liken Nil minced. r'1Rlsst Price Paid ter nutter and Farts A earl tat'pattJuRr sallelted. A2dSB ttd►NsKiwi 'No Cwt1 lira* R.ItMre. 14,.b. O•dHr4'a. list. Kb. 101 IH►lss JAMES IMRIE'S Book Store, the Square, Goderich. (ioderich. N..r.. tn, t • Takes plea.ute in announcing that she has returned (rout her tr'l) east, an.l has now in stuck a large aaa•'rtotent .f I•'ANC\' TRIMMINIat, consisting of Wings, Bias, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. 1 have all the latest noreltie. in Hata, B,.nnet•. Shsl,ea, Shades of Color, ate. INSPECTION INVIVED. Gooier:. 1. ti.pt. 171h. 1N,!. _ 7_ H_ RICH.del..RRe, CARLOW, HAS .A NEW AND F'1 1.1. STOCi( OF DRESS GOODS Ladies' Cloths, Bed Comforters, Winceys, &c., GENTS' UNDERCLOTHING & TWEEDS, AT VARY LOW PRIG' '8_ Also a New and Full Stock of S00 t 8 and SHOES. All of which are marked down Eery low In price tarl'all nod inspect icy Rood no tronhle to .how them. Carlow. ll.'. IS. t1tllS. H. RICHARDS. F'eE.S=10NaAaR2atlR BALL ANO WINTER ocpicm. HUGH DUNLOB, FAST IONABI..E TAILOT' ran gird Whiter Mock of Tweeds, etc.. now fully aa•nrte•.l. tI 1 • 11 I :n.102 Ready -).Rade Clothing Ovu:- ata. A Splendid Asssettsent. Cheep. arum,whoa th.t Ma.e Hest sttent. test door to Sank of \t :+t Oatterlcb. Oct. Ute hart' DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS, C ODERIC} .. '�=X_ MOF =1'027„ F )1Avt'FAt'TI:RRR ('F' CAUAQES A I. A w a r•: whoa : Olt CUTTERS Ott THE WAT Works ---Opposite Colborne* Hotel. •