HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-27, Page 3'r1
Pesttrd t'eas••htp-
S.ose years two in a far-off tutu :hen
lived • girl named Mums iir,wo, who
airmen the su.stry, up and down ob-
tained considerable renown ; not fur any
special armee or intellect, ur fugal, ur
face, los certainly it would be nun to
dew that she wee extremely plain.
Her lure was remarkably short and
Meet ; her complexion was like svent-
ed tro et ; hes eyes ewe the odor of
well skimmed etlk, •red her hair like •
snarl of artistica silk, tinged with the
vivid tint that lime in the glowing ma-
terna sunset shies. Iu fact, On red, I've
heard it said, that often in the night it
shed upon the darkness such • glow the
neighboring cocks began to wow ; fun,
seeing the Itght shine out iu the night so
exesediretly red and uaa,mm.0 ly biota,
the birds (which awl at all surprising)
suppueed of course the sun was rising,
tad w the, crowd with all their might
But Suss* had one one saving grew
aside from mind, or f,rms, or fare, for
every one Ill the village knew lour pater-
nal parent was rich as a Jew ; in short,
pommeled a million ..r two ; and au eacii
to pmOpM prey he ctmtwnted with sins- COUNTY OLIPPINOS. 1
p'e plow, iur if you attempt to appear ' Wilton epple butter is .ot Chad* es a' r
ma ohm. by putting your senttetet►ts tut .Ieeta. n. .Y Para at sire. flee M �• (lar4(.t chole • .cry article b.�•
rhyme, la're sure to net muddled.•.tryDow. sattheassa. made as (,, l••w• oke twenty Ballow
Wale ; *ad ten to one, you'd Ione your of oder just tram the prase au. made
bride, and perhaps she tail til your float W. F. May, forwrly of Rioter, has from ie o , s.uod apple•, and 1.•11 d,.wn
besds.been rr-maimed as head tacker 4.1 thr to tow gaib II pin a Apple* el...ww1L are
tirsnt,•n public s:itwd at au inete.wai I rend and - r, i • 1.,- t. real ai..l 4;1
Ever Complaint mews Dyspepsia. In wl.ry. i,reirl .p. i, iiiel. •..r. +,rel the +pt. , •
dilttntioa. Liver Cvwplaint o•.*.. snick Ur. Renu, formerly u( Lomlesa•r •. has i yuert.-r•.I to oia... fr.•,.. ten t., ewel.e
H.adaah.' Diaaio.ss. Liver Complus nmuve.l to Bolgrave, I... rowed Mr. ,ell....s dry u.ea..uc It !Le viler 1a
gasses All Kidney Troubles. Geer i)elmau . promises and will open a drug !much acid the .I pie. abould Or Ies. *o,
Complaint causes Tame -fourths dall More 111 calue:.1.01 with pox 1.. o
1 Lis and %ice ....re.. Raub. app es make
en. the beet .d al,ple butirr, slthuegk the PRICES LOWER THAN EVER
1). Chase's Liver Cur. For sats h A Camber of Exeter spot ., as umpon- variousknurls ••t ;Atom's nasally found in
Jot Wilmen, sole agent.ted by Mr. Shoff, P. M., of Clandeboye. "kJ" orchards en w/wlly as gwd- Thew
left for the sand hills en Tuewloy mons twenty gallons of apples, wheat properly
rag, un a hunting expedition. It is esti .unlid4, will mak* about woo gallons e1
Mr. Shoff is an old huntau.sn. anrt will good old-loshion•d batter, providing
assuredly cause a deer or two to bite the the stirring is kept constantly going on
dust during the process, otherwise the butter
D. i'arpbeli. reeve of Luoknoe. sod is
usuallyvat to
&moitrout six burs tKh�e. It
prey ut the volunteer autifpusny, has coodtant stirring before being taken off
been Lett,
byird with • ors of the sword the 6re. Spicas to wit the taste are
and b. h the members of cow- added some miuuto* before the kettle
piny. Mr. ampbell u • very popular and cotttenta are removed from the tire.
and efficient uMeerlee oongretulatt him en.ttiThere a nu getting "et the fact, 1luw-
upon this r on of meal at the ever, that such hurter sets all it will
hands u( the men.-[beutloel.
sell for if we consider the labor it takes.
L H. SSD B. Tatum. -An addition- But • supply of this favorite article of
a1 paseenver train was placed upon this •eewtpreltomfuitta' is s treasure which
Igoe last week, thou Casting two passes- no wood housewife would deny herself
Ker and one freight train each day daily, alertly for the sake of the little extrr
mid the running time will be made sec. labor it requires.-[Baltiwore Jun.
adorably foster. The morning train
going north will leave Loodun at 7.56
a m.,arnviag in Wingh•in at 10 60 a.m.,
while the afternoon train will depart at
4.50 p.ii M before. The morning tette
mew sa NieM *I•M il.e*er.
Ono Ceereiseloo-
S.r John Macdonald will now have one
eous.dawn. Wel in the flesh ma give
him 1.,. mor• trouble. Never again will
Str John Macdonald have occasion to
Mead iqp before an •udieoce and with
impious h)p.narisy "weak W tied he
could catch him " Never attain will he
have to beseech Riel to leave the coun-
try, stud brine him heavily for donor so.
Never again will • sacred promise of
impecunious batch thought, for a marl- amnesty come up and form Sir John to
monist match, Susan would make • moat ' leave the house in humlle.tam--nut
elegant catch. d.r•ug to vote for It , not Bering to vote
Now, in the self -same village where agemat hie moieties.
dwelt this heiress of a 1111 .....tire, tho•re And vet Sir John Alacdonald cannot
help thinking : "11 1 had only done my
duty as minister of the crown ; it 1 had
only read with ar• the pedttons of the
pour had breeds and remedied their
grit...non, dealing with them as their
*portal needs and customs required ; if 1
had tail • heavy hand on Macpherson,
resinous.' Buwoll'. culonisatio i co:n-
so•uy, kept the !sail for the settler and
the timber for the country ; it I hid done
all thew thio.(. with .n honest and sin-
gle -hearted desire for the good of the
country and the people, there would
have been no trouble, no rebellion, and
Reel would have been living peacefully
with his family, and I would not have
had to decide whether he should han.
or I should go. Why was he not hang-
ed f ,: the murder of Scutt 7 Is this the
end l Or w his disembodied spirit to
haunt tile, and shall I ha,-
' • L, kn ' ftrat un 'midst kis •1 umbering host.
a . m m used iodic by l lrsebils 4ksac .'
- y Post.
lived • youth wrp.ssiu;t fair, sun coal -
black eyes and raven heir, named Cum.
AuguellisAams• tat. Clair ; his •cc•.m
vitamin& were many and rare, and Ile
bore hftlunlf wilts a courtly sir which ■
u.iderems eo__girl would declare waa
•!uit• distiague and e.dif/ir .
And, as for as any one c .old see. only
a single fault had he, which was iuIpecu-
w.rity ; for the truth must be tolt•,that,
iu silver end gold (like Lemons Gf old),
he was Foor as poor could be. Poor as •
pauper without • cent ; pour • church -
mouse -during Lent ; or wren poorer
still than that ; poor as • coun'ry [-ar-
omas/ ret. Yet, despite his poverty,
Din the same, this youth with the eupho-
n ious name deolsrod his soul was all
slams, with • passion which no power
could tame, fur the girl with the golden
hair and fame: and when the village
gossips came and whispered slyly in his
ear that Susan Brown was rather queer ;
when ..Dine envious maiden said that
ousan's temper, like her head, was aIlleadaehe MAsswsa.sD.
perfect snarl, and a Eery rd, be ,.uly • �� hene.er I fret out of sorts, billow,
smiled his blandest smile (child -like it
seemed. though full of guile), and way -my Ilcer nut working richt, ur nickedwith a headache I take Chase's Liver
Cure. There is more real henetit from
one dose o f your Liver Cure than
in mauy bottles of some meduts:ea "-
.Iwo. McNamee, Brod Head. For sale
by Jas. Wilson. sole anent
red his fingers at their warning, and all
their sage advice@ acorning,declard the*
he would woo and win her.
Alas my mesa must here proclaim that
in the matrimonial game 'tis often
wealth, not worth, that wins ; and gold.
se see, like charity, can hide multitude
of sins.
But to resume : one summer night,
when moon and dare were shining
bright, our Charles Augustus James St.
Clair arrayed himself with special caro in
* broadcloth suit, glory and new (for
w`.uch he had paid with an 1 0 U), and
sallied forth to west the maid on whom
his future hopes were Bayed, determine
ed, without more debate, that night he
would decide kis fate.
And silently wandering no hi* way,
and carefully pondering what to say, he
framed a speech brim full of lies, such
as we know all ladies prise, of features
fair, and glossy hair, and mental graces
rich sad rare, and ruby lips and spiral-
ing eyes. And, bolos 'esthetic, and
a,omewbat poetic, and having a voice that
was very ssagnetu, he arranged • chime
of pleasing rhyme, which he meant to
r.'c to at the proper time in a style that
should be extremely pathetic.
Precisely at the hour of eight he ca-
tered at the girl., g►te, and Susan eat
him at the door, white • welcome swede
her features wore, which made the
you pian feel much more eocoursged
AbesaiaaU..s of ale Mrs Sari.
Many back yards ars abominations to
the eye and nose. One finds in them all
sorts of litter and refuse. from oyster
ane to old boots. Here the slope of the
kitchen are poured to increase the odors
which ought to sun every thoughtful
person of the malarial influence breeding
there, to break out eventually in fevers
or diphtheria. If any member of the
family dies from one of thew diseases hu
dead* is probably lamented ass, "tnyster-
iow dupensatl„n ..f Providence," but
the minister would say, if he were W
visit the back yard, that death was caus-
ed solely by • violation of hygenie laws.
A very strong argument atainst a dirty
back yard is the spirit of deception which
it is apt to foster in the young members
of the family. for :t is a constant dealt
to premed a clean and attractive front
yard to the gaze of the passers, while the
back yard is not fit to be seen. Children
should be taught to be clean fur the sake
of cleanliness, and not because outsiders
are likely to criticise them. The beat
plan is to have a hogshead or large box
ng fitted up in cote corner of the yard, and
than he'd been before. make it • rule to throw into this old
Together side by side they sat, and en- tans, boots, broken dishes, and all such
gaged • while in friendly chat about the rubbish, and when there is a great ac -
weather and things lie that, till our 1 cumulation to bury or burn it. Du not
hero thought the time was pat for him to allow anything to be thrown about. Have
teat the lady's heart with his declama- drains made to convey slops from the
tory art. I house. Make good walks, and let the
So, with what composure he could ground have a fine covering of grass, not
weds. Put up strong supports for the
clothes lines. Keep the fence in repair,
and plant currant bushes near it. Set
vines about the refuse barrel, and train
them over it until it is hidden. If you
have a receptacle for ashes, let it be
something which can be abut up. not a
row of odd barrels to offend the eye, and
give out a cloud of *she. every time the
wind blows. Make it a rule to have the
leak yard at all tines as dean es the
treat ane.
Malaria is the action of luease gems
in had air, poor drainage, swampy re-
ns. c., upon the . sayin
pr g
. 1Is. neuraiie, sten ISM dangerous
from the north will henaot.,rth arm* in diseases. Burdock Blood L ere regu-
Ladun at 10.30 ..'u instead ut 10.45, I totes the bowela, hoer sod blood and
as htthereto ; and the afterncon train wards „S the curse malaria 2
will reach London at 6 p.m. _M_-__ __w
Alex. Stewart. proprietor of the hotel tss�1M• ell
at Belgrave. met with • terrible accident —'
last week, which may be attended with Tiiley, in health ur in sickness, in sun -
fatal results. It appears that Mr. Stew- shine or in rain, has for many years been
art has purchased • cow, a rather wild able t•: bob up serenely and make • Ur-
anium!, end had just placed it in the ing at the expense of hie country. He
stable. The anunel was almost frantic was in office when the Pacific Sandal
with excitement, and when Mr. Stewart ams up, but he knew better than stay
was attempting to pacify it. it knocked and bray the gathering storm. H.
him down with • toss of the bead. It jumps" into the Lieutenant -Governor -
then gored him in the back, and about ship of New Brunswick. As the holder
the lags and groin in a terrible manner, of that einecnre, he drew $10,000 • year
lacerating the unfortunate man horribly. with ease wrtd dispatch till Sir John gut
It also trample" upon his chest and iuto power in 1876. Then Tilley was on
body. He was removed to the house deck once mors. Now that the storm is
and Dr McKenzie was called in. Dr. gathering the New Brunswick knight
Bethune was also sent fur, and the two reaches forth for a "soft" job as of yore.
did all in their power to relieve the pour He is sick and must arse working, and
man's sul&nnga. He u likely to re- so the Lieutenant Governorship and ePE(•1At. LINES IN
eevwr. $10,000 a year are turned over to him.
Honor Po/tsar-rue --The Presbytery As a contemporary htly remora, when
of Huron met in Exeter, un Tuesday Str Leonard Tirey is alive and has not
the 19th inst. There was a good at- an office paying from $6,000 to $10,000
madame of members. A remit from the per annum, we can conclude the end is
General Assembly on the untbation of s.rr at hand, and that the Cauadian sec
the eastern and western sections of the tom of the battle of Armageddon is soon
Foreign mission committee occupied the to be fuught.-[Hamilton Times.
attention of the Presbytery for a oonsid- Diroet Relief follows the use of Hae- •• /�t
L time W. McIntyre, principal of Yard's \ rlb,w lrl, to case of Pain, Rhea
hest Price Paid. for Butter & Eggs.
the Lacier CoA m ti naddress- ex- madam, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, •
pd the court. . motion was )leg. and
Sure Throat, Asthma, Croup, and all
pressing confidence in the college sad
reomin.odfug it to the confidence and
support of HydePresbPerk,
As Mr Hen- C H E S O N N.
damn, of Hyde Puk, London Presby-
t•ry,declines theca!' from Union church,
Bruce6eld, Mr. McCoy was authored aortae sae *chat i. wester.
I wish t.. rater • pies at this time in THE RED, WHITE AN D BLUE.
behalf of the young people un the farm.
Many of•thent are not having ur will not Goderich. April 30th. ten.
have the upportuuttlea fur home educa-
tion that they deserve. How shall they
employ the long eveninrt that are just
before them i Shall they spend them at
the village store or tavern, or shall they
find in their homes that attraction which
will make them content to remain 7 One
thing is certain -if they do remain at
and, after a few oorrectious were mads home their minds will crave some stimu-
was adopted. The nett meeting of Pres- Iwo They will want to read something
hytery will be held in Clinton the third and how important it is tient they should
Wednesday in January next have only the beat Uneaten placed be-
fore them. Nothing so pains one as to
see $ boy or girt throwing away precious
leery. gravel. ninglara wean*'• time on trashy novels, It is wasted.
Thew a mmnn and dengerou. cern- For • farmers son there should be a
plaints are dee to a bad condition of the goodly Dumber of atricultursl books and
fluids, unh.rlthy changes in the blood papers provided, Resides religious and J. B. Reretstar,
and secretions -the Liver being equally strictly secular ones. If farmers are to
at fault with the Kidneys. ReRniate be intelligent tillers of the soil, they muss Oedericb Nov. SS. Usk Islo•ty
these conditions with Burdock Blood be reading and thinking farmers, and
Bitten, one of the beat system ran• va- boyhood is the ..*son when habits of
tors known to medial science- - reading and thwki.g are formed. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
command, he softly took her dumpy
hand, while his right arm sought her
waist, but he found thet it wo.ldu't go
more titan half -way round ; ev, chang-
ing his tactics, he gently pressed her
glowing head to his manly breast, and
a lofty, rhetorical flight, his
of love to recite.
i his frail, rhyme laden boat
refu +d memory's .e* to float. for he
got nu t.itber than "Dear da
omen he found his speer upside
down, while the words Ly criss-cross in
bis brain, like trees just after a burn -
nate ; aad he grew perplexed and ex-
ceedingly vexed, like a person who has
fergottea his text, to know what the
d k ht to say ext t
Bost llotCut Iroll Naffs for g2.55 per 100 Ibs
Best Barb Wire 6*c. Ib.
This Wire stood a ter last mong of 141: lbs untie. in the Northern It. R. l',.r Shope, Toronto
1 hare imported a lame shipment of OLAMIS from Germany. very Ate quality. and ha%iog
imported direct. 1 can sell Leper tent. cheaper thea ever sold here butane.
All my SHELE AND HKAVY ILA !WIN ARE is sold on the same cheap balls as above.
PAINTS •d OILS sold nowhere so cheap as 1 •m /Wain, the^:.
tint jour BCILDI!IG HARDWARE from me and assents/Der.
Ooderich. Oct Stk. UNS.
A ( H•OI('F. STIs('1: Ot'
a,zs.d C-roceries_
Dress Goods,
and Tweeds.
Perhaps you aro weak and weary, all
run down, get tired with sli;ht exertion,
feel faint and dizzy, or dultand languid,
ass moa *nag then u need a st,wl t: rein re lar t,
But well he knew It would never do 0 7" gu cod swear
make pure blood cmr:elate, and give you of the ppa�r:y, had stated to him that Sir Can draw les W her wfth a ein¢le bait,.,poi kis speech anal he was through ;aro,
strength. Try Burdock Blood Bitten- John Ma.d.uald was considering the But it mus be beautiful hair to hay
trusting to lock, he blundered ahead,aod
it will not fail you. 2 appointment of two Reform Senators ouch power ; sail beautiful hair an be
theme are about the words he said
"Oh. radiant, fair, and beauteous spat two Conssnatiy Senators, and bed ensured by the use of Ctgoatrtsg HAIR
-u that h• (Mr. Co ckhnrnr should Sold at LO cta. by J. Wilson
miss, nits azure lips were made to kiss ; The a•iree•s PetNNs. P
and • very world of meaning lies in the be one of the P.*Eormere. He did not •4m
Whilst making an earnest appeal to desire to mention names unless this
golden depths of your glossy eyes, while
your reby hair so spotting bright, t.. public on behalf . f ab -drivers Lord statement was challenged. hut no one — -- - -
shines on my path like a beacon light" Hampden also appeals to the db -driven c Quid doubt o- deny that such overtures— But there he stopped, as well he o. behlf of their hems*, commending were mds to him. The Mc. had sadmight, for in • rage she roes, and with to their best consideration the followng that no Cabinet minister had made the
11'p l (7) nn one hand sei ant! his ctwic no•.. while lines, entitled, "The Horse's Petition to prnposrti. n to him, but the pr%poeti had 1IAA�A\Uthe nails of rte other pbagbsd the atriaHie Driver" which hie lordship said he een nada to ham by a pprominent ('on
of his cheek, from the temple to the had _always made • pant of having hung ssrvative. His (Mr C,ckbern's' feeling AN 1'.lUSTRATEO tNEEt:t
chin ; and she ye1ed in his affrighted up ia his own stables was, that there were other men, ice- _
ear, in • voice most terrible to bar : t'P hill -whip me not
foremen, who were not in the House who The position of Ha�w�raww'+ Yo leo t'aoq�.ts
"I'll teach you. you base, ill-mannered Down hill -hurry Cie not
should be offered the Senatorehips, and n to.a wool rstr�hlLhrd fA formative
bear, to be making light of my au!.urn oil level road -spare me n it that he should not *crept it. end that epYre no p.Ins to pro%Ide ire heat and meet
hair '" And then she give hs ear• a I rem in stable- (orlfet m• n••was his reply. Theme'. He did not „moon'', rvrrl►wg fumy nitre antw,tn. TM
Itox, send matt tore his raven loft. till (11 bay and cern - -rob m* rentdowse* a seat ii. the oust*,becameset W sod short owories here str.mg dram ulc
laareoa, while tMy err wholly free ban
be rest the skies with his piercing cries. ()lateen w•% er -stat me net.
there were te Cie tool
men there. whatever to pernlctoea or . e1Pr1r aeasa.a.sn•
unrolled With s e at.d rush-- h.• 'ect Cie although there were some pour mos. sod al; the poptnen nevem' hhtt•erwt.,Mice.
aad lean of an erttrn.nhssaer. P'^ t g' he did net agree with all that w� said travel, and. es re fret. of lite. are by writers
n formats from his eyes. sot the t; i• nst that bred whoa" saei volasre thou beet &.aurae -w of •e
Bet st length by an effort of wild dm Of soft, dry bed-deprir• me riot. "7 7 � tniraq sad Itie%tra•e4 papers On •th-
aper, and depriving his head of s hand- Tired or hot -leave me not.
{vole sports, gams•, and put mom pre loft In
Mrnmatf•n on these ash}.. t. Them is Cohn
fel of sir, • rn•waged away (frog her Srek or cold --chill mo not. tN•tewsa Inn etaap abe a Ie but fes price.
grasp to tear ; and without se adieu, With bit and rein --0, jerk me not This is as epidetnic w• is. and r.t.,r.
Few *pay he Mw ata galloping pow, which When you aro angry -stoke me not.depremu:at than an ordinary cold.. AS "Pool" •f everythlnt that la attractive
%nildeelrablein jnveall•literature Swam
I telll" u would noel Tani 1 t'f,banter's and requires prompt remedies to break it ; r•eierier
tarn. roved of ler••Ihow. up !ls,ztaed'* Pectend Balsam u • A weekly einem of gond thsnp to the Myo"
1(uw the watch -dug saw the Ryinjsad��y every twmttr whim► H •taita-
ma. as lows t h prdorn walk h• tan, Harry Ricardo, of Toro.b.. was deaf ettlt`•tgrriyth] mood, h%r nit f rirs`et Bntetd �°
for egghr y(isre, and abr. .utl.rrd with colds end Mille dse..enw r*eeltn it 1e bee.eiondertet to Ina wealth of feriae Ade. Iw-
aad with • astanl Relief that he eau u Chrome Rheumatism After al1 else , iw. ••j tales' 44. - the althof Adreo. in.
weeping tki.1, pursed him to the ft*r now. HMp..i s l eil..w t ail cared both g.ar'. need 6�me g I TXORISCA a t
dun wall, setter. never slacking his speed argK,tona. Yellow til is a reliable in- restage P j�, =2.00 Pgr Tar.
at all with oce wild he left the I is the n.ly instantaneous relief tar Neu -
fermi aced rtterrial ready for all pen• Headache. Toothache. Me. Redo annul. aad tdeafwl the wail at • sine* I mkt* t --d. fall romances Nor. .1, i,fr+h.
bound ;bat else ' w he went he left be I fol and inflammatory complaints.briskly
biwg •few dr yrs *us. is that r
math the tail of his sat in the wsieh• needed. \.. tAkuhg nauac.,rs medicines R ekes If `wM.
dap'* teeth ; and then and there, in Inst l A Raw esn °I one dew "Toed. , in weeks. bat one tarmac a • lingo,* ttemMtssaMa`� itia.e+ st �''•
sT" to any ane wadi the best kits! Inn- removes allpain and will Erie ',m rent x' u,....vwdewret r. t1O^
ts.,lb1. tear, 554.1 fur /ret the Iazs °�. g 1►.w..'.pr•.« A%ee/� fns n.frwflar
affair bet the gallant It Mir sad �Tt" d* ' •rlAI�l*T, the r•oark.ble eels . of K-ato-e rut: toms. fig I tae•/ te,en,at IA• espouse air o' Haman st
I Il tie 5ele ler the Tenth and Pat . Ask �p bottle at seem.► -:u' dreg ( ice Prizes. Adaqmer"�
the Rip) with the very sidles heir. oar dgs sit or addling) T HARivRf a HRt,THt111t
Mood : Tomei men whenever Full r y t et 'v h New Teri
soreness of the flesh. Yellow (1h1 is an
internal anti external remedy that should I
1 EO RG E Abe kept in every household °
to moderate in a call there whenever the
conzrewtion is ready. 4 remit trosi'tne
Getters! Assembly on the aged and in-
firm ministers' foal received considera-
ble attention and with a few amendments
was approved rot. Mr. Barr read •
minute respecting the death of the late
R,er. Chas. Fletcher, of Goderich, and
the clerk was instructed to send • copy
of it to the widow. A plan for holding
onissionary meetings and exchange of
pulpits was sob.nitted by Mr. Ramsay.
Goderich Foundry an Machine Works,
Runoiman Bros., Proprietors_
Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual -Reduction System.
Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Strew Cutters. Agricultural Furnaces,
Stoves, eta, etc., at Low Prices
.411 Kinds of Castings .'!fade to Order.
R. W. Rows. twee
nor. C*fi►.rs sed the Seamen Imre of experience and successful trial
have proved McGregor & Parke'/ Car
butic Cerate the most complete and satis-
factory compourid for healing Old Sorsa,
Feetenags, Ulcers. Cute, Wounds. Burns,
Frost Bites or Felons, and for keeping
out the cold and to cleanse or prevent
proud flesh, sloughing or decay. Insist
on having McGregor d Parke • Carbolic
Cerate, sold at '::rc. by G. Rhy-nas. int
Flays Dryden ' + `
"'lithe knell her min e -d when ynelrsnt
At the Reform convention in Beaver-
ton Inst week Mr Cnek born said hie
name had been freely used without any
authrsty from him with respect to a
certain vacantly in the Senate from this
part of the oountry. All that he had to
say was that some of his personal sup-
porters got hold of the rumor and had
cannoned the matter before he had said
anything ret the sehjeet A prominent
weber of the Ooneervatire party, one
of considerable influence in the councils
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Ar•tod assortment of Bitches. Bed -room. throng Room and Parlor ►crsit ore. Duct. a. i•
Ales. ('hairs their, mew sad wood seated). Cupboards. Bed -*leads. It at: ream.. M slab -it rime
Louses. Sof.., What -Nets, Lotting Wore..
N. A. -A oewspteteasset 'mese of Coons and Shrouds always on hand atm Hearses for bit
at res*wsab a rets .
Picture Framing • specialty.-11.cdl *elicited.
=14ovsrss.izs.ge dz Weddu.p
Net t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above fuer•
in the store lately occupied by Hotwce Newton Having purchased a large and
well assorted stock of Spring and Hammer Goods etches figures, we are determine
to give the Public the 'anent
, Pleaw call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere
, P.emeeher the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
jf•t'ustote work will receive our.i.eeial attentyon
,t1I-None bet the beet of material earl and bre •cla.as w r wen en.ployed
, i7..parittg neatly deo. on the shortest notire
Goderich, March f► INN. DOWNING & W ED D U P
Sew M the time. of yew slab *neer two We nese s$ FASM, Nee* Roller tele Wm.
H•• bis Over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Wn.tife colon and atprireelreathan very in Orli Interior gat,. 1 t. srelvet hrs. Tie
are 11.• eine aten • .a4 awn beech
The Liist Spiug Ba&aar Pa11tns � Fas6i�s,
411'r t-eri:rn'OS