The Huron Signal, 1885-11-27, Page 1111 .ffxra,•••,Ner re, - E'- t %TURUTM:MIL ern OEV° E 0 c NEVIS (.;ol)ERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 1885. 2114E°L INTELLICENG " TILE HURON SIGNAL i.ek ‘0,-k. " e 1 In !OW jejeee ; keep the 114,441ms' out of his et I- On the 30th ehOctobse elle neve espied 1 TIIESCOT'T ACT. 5. Yeurineaserialists have further mast resolutimi t. tiehes tta otsalletion of the siroostly to complain t.• oUr litim.r law. In this cta.nectiois four 1 4 osin‘shs4 revery Fretay Weenies. by see, ! tot.r.i Mist ;masons ha% it (seam App,oiteti p.m/ s press*: toil thouiselasis -(e) as a ...see ,JJ 0 e name. in %weir 01111....e. Soria* i Miens. ,. frcla the Hanailim 141"t.. tha "/". • A Lat eee Meeting Hold on Fri- las insinveni ued..r the see! Ao e te. tic matter ef 111,:t lib@ Susie.* is the lair of -- titeDERMOI. ONTARIO ! The sentemeet w l. ii e the nett quotes ;lug item •----. " clay Night. 1 strengly pertlain moinst it, aliti it 1.., ihni county ; t2t 11. its not strteduitert ; littfcat so paid. es rule will be tried? }aviator • t Mit The putenttioarof Iliat ail Pk" Abel" 1121W 1/1""1"."' i that rti, mid your tueneelaliste earn• but the mett oho t hey that • ' al leithed ''!'"" ''' lee" •`" .o'creolre41 thirty articles. of all auto, in "e"... " "one SFr app-ente• Iorder in ruin kW reputatien,e is • fake , bre 'teat so taie • date, ate 1 estly represent tliatt. it is essential If, the vent purpow 1 W Iwo liiniite anemia. ehwaerenerociube,,:... wr.tten which aine,...1 pereeseniy io IL. gene te wellenneen Limber}, an, . Inielmei. Tee Se•ctot... on tit aspect a the Soet Act iii .110 are not partizan, hut desirous of the weprepered .e.iii answer to his brazen souk upou • which the thentriteu Tory echo of a news- .. e. Ye Wrigigese Oast Ilea et. thateatutot 1 i,..:er will ettiii.. we presume, kept u o sirs. 11.4in sang t WO songs in a levy rps • isti, vi„,u41-46.4,... ceas,,i, Nei man whose career .I.4 an educationtat iii _ n -_FL______,___, ., . Goderich us as high mulporatively as eir Om fact that net umuy daY• NO it cheettc- Itiues tong a duet iu • most pleasiug &mutable style. Mia. Masi ritmAr. raw. 27TH, ism. , Fateary's is Wen eat the peg n,„, team, eler stateenent that r „leen mnuer, aud E. Becher el his bass solo west up anonier rung in popular Mims - 1 months there hes rant appeared • nee. •euld in, !I., leneleni es an "old Gnt tom as a vocalist. All the sinters were !L ..4 /eV TA LK TO "1711411." Steen. as enueb to as t&1 matter te ern- lie- ' • deservedly appeauded. hltss A. Hen- ; -Ails thee ior Mr. Ernbnry all told as wits contain-- 1 Kot, sri;iiso,i ,' • ,ItiOtc°3 eill° rt." t° dereon end Mr. Jon V alma* each OA% e Tits Star last week tried to dell al in one of the lenzthy letters Finch . New, who has lied 1 goed readings bearing on temperauee. the editor of that journal had given hts fer the exercise of your right .4 eentrol he ubhed during the same period. If ! Aimee, a month age the :Rat had the There were three speakers : m a ih fine over the bald inspectors, aud Of seeing to correapondeneecolinans into die Landsof , tits NW,. can cite thirty or twenty or j„ii„eririe . ' blackguard correspondent s'' f..r t he even tett attacks upon Mr. Embury heat ; -TM MeV of Tucedei Mat gives puhlivity ; wpm of parsenally abusing the editors the coltunns of Tat: fib...NAL, during the LI wielltrameenes ta ImaZittg7:;,11edg=eameat -14r of fris SIGNAL and others whom ht dire time spteified. It should tio su !Wirt, i..f formally' tendered his rungnatiou of the least Met eusinnent on editorially ership et the hiefortn party ; and that he win ever after hold its peace. betioeforth rootlet', Etatland to conduct cases liffill the Sew en over its Bsyfieli me- ; nnepeat to the reeve Council. The Noble . reference to the matter which lietwitred in the emp oedema for the put y ter or two anti ... Ho.. 4 i;,, , T E 1,1 ' E 1:11:1:9A- BEE E. dironnue ntebx;.r,vrenwortiarLrosther strengthens than take the responetheity for the personal ihall"."4,41014014.6/1 IM" ta C't euneenn! fort Mr. Eauburv s letter t.. the effect -As tat r ail ietober 23 the arsterich the Kai I have not only displayed no desire Lit per 3. V tie rite timputterble ler its ebterce Tanm. --Mee let retenneeleeelene er"lend • ali • the M • Illeteseetai a‘r 4 ossossissloner• Uirun, but heir &granny iiitglocieil toe motif IA ,re duller ustpiitie.1 Wed* tl.viit by the lisw iu Wilt Se Jelly eels jt unferce the law Weaker, " sae mentry by thst earliest meat. mitt truths. t hat • sinoi Janeare 'I us. Seine: lirial laden" tourist.. tt Fitgland asd ten. it• L 1hr Matt tio.ut the, ek,r Juw. Mautkwaid am far DOD 11111Wwlipo : three mem pgitne f....r The temperance hal: was tilled on :due mid proper ailtinuistratiesi .4 tee a' I 1"1":"S-.°1" A__....___•"""• -!.eei, mede out . f whele cloth. Dun Well. a iateith hes uot elapsed since ...a otbseneent loserrion. Yeactt.liallt-I. Ar•T lime thee peritel enly tint fif ticks were . OW atm sepeared, mil ehr Juku kat Fneey ev.iiii.v i„ hear address,. ea the 1 law that 'adenoids', t and faithful nun esd puirtorly etwieeetti at reduced rotes. JOB rItUTIltilltetit *hi , t Aisles depare ' lta ttell mast t er agiria •1 nned 31eadaY last' 13".-1 this "11"siing•n torn orence man, eccupied the chair. Mr. Stephen Yates, the etter- "'men ance aud "liealeoce to the kw of the land, should be appointed ta the place of theta litho, whether front income peteucy er nidifference or other causes, filueostIli semi. 4.. . its perquisites bet an its reeporsibile ties, and if they th. te r lore rm their duty faithfully they are tisinghteem cals. If the eciiituiteuriers did their in framing full atie strict iiistruct- kris to their respecters aird the 118 - have au far made no progress er armee 'pectoris who sot aimed seisms du! utit effort towards the enforcement of the du their duty of -render peeper. service. statute, althouth they are bey it express- he was not readynolett it in a delicate ly enjoined te, du so. ..r apol..f alto form us had Cr. Your memorialists weuel also le- dme, or say snythen in tee way of rear tee inspreters. It wee the duty spectfully and mangey urge upon hot ',table besot the necessity theta M of the inspectors under.tee Scott Act, se under the Cro ess Ace, t. tench 4.nt and be on the track of offenders. to pan for witnesses, aud hunt ideuce. hear.) lf the inspectors del their duty there weuld not be nratM- inolatima. Was it not a matter of fact that the Inspectors in this county have no ',me lathy welt the Sone Act • 11 it WO.8 tin• they eught to resign their elaces ; di* was net, then let them give such evi- dence as eon commend these as honor- tble and honest 'nen in their work. Ha enlogimil the tetuperance 'work new going on all titer the ceunte7. He called 4 stunt' to the fact that the Carling breweryof London, had to reduce its staff and cut down its to:perms recently, and that the change was attributed to the fact that the Scott Act had interfer - ed elth the business. A preminent hoteekeeper had told him that the bar room business was ruined, and he Moon- ed the liquor stores for it. Even if the Soutt Ate was partly • failure, the educating influence 4tf the movemeot, had been an excellent en., for the boys of the onunty have seen the work doue Mbare and since it came into effect, and the cause of temperanni seuid led enter frela the comparisete In the course of few elitist:wore re- marks, mark inn befere a re Wing giveu by him, Mr :Joseph W intents said thar It was &beet thirty te pars since he line gave a !Vali IIIK rl a temperance platftatn In Goderich. In looking back over the years the recollectiun was riot 113 every wiry a pleasant ersa 'f101•141 01 las old acquaintances and friards had gone the "'rime roue He dtd t mean to say that they were inferior men veil. pared with himself bemuse they hod taken that wrong: path. Meads, ita spew respects they were strenger men, atei be had taken the other path became la had deemed himself a weaker man. He would say to the peen, men present that if he has had toy sitcoms in life k was locause he hati path. (Hear, hear The chairman reneireed that it was neer thirty yeses sge that !.e MAS first initiated into • temeerances ledger in Liuderick, an the person who presided at that early ineetiug sae hts friend Mr. A committee, consistir.g ef the local c'ergymen and Metiers. C Sower, Janie* A. Rad. Jas lettcheil and Thos. Me 0111auddy, was appointed to subunit tee malarial to the license ceinniissioners. The meeting closed with "God Faye the Quetta." Aernomo. of Spain, is demi. Cause consumption. Rev. T. E. speaker, said that to all Laterite &wiper. it that they faithfully perform their poses the Scott Act iii tl.e County et duties, and also the taming of regulations fluroa was a dead letter. It was well in that behalf, which the law plainly known that there were places where authorizes and envois you -to do. troug drink was for sale, and that cer- Your memorialists therefore mom re 1111•11 Could always buy it there. In spectfully request : the drunkard WWI SolDetitnel 1. That at the expiratien ef the pres- reeling to and flu, and young men eut licensee new Itemises should be issued wit • chuckle will tell you that they can to respectable druirgist• only, whenever references there made te us by a areteh- Mit a tass of beer wheneier they want upon its patrons. Early abeut that "well-founded statement . it. T arm of the law was out of joint. the same are available for that purpose. ed beiag when" we never see to uur V"ilK back 2. That your h000rable board will, as in the year they set out circulars to • the question before the meetine. Th How was it to be set right That was - -we lions tieing the powers and duties of the suon as it. can nit dune, pass such resole - The Davies Brewang Co., of Toronto, Mr. Blake has not retired. What knowledge, and to whom we never re- hotel men in Soutt Act counties, advise I Tug y r • ferred twat once in our columns Hsr 3018 04 y , ge t MOilha t %IL in And again, will the ?bar aaerutue tt.e ing that they were manufacturing a , arjo.Tord.breajrialliir aw:oere "Wiendp%irlihs",:Afouel.liseisas: Istiurati os bzite and enjoined te do, and will also see to intpectors IA by law you are empow re...00siodisy of the obeneeuenue tern•intee testing beverage, yclept "Blue for table use. it:pc such inspectors faithfully rierform terT-t-h; appeared ut that see., ee Feb, Ribbou Beer," and guaranteeing an If some one would furnish the Blyth For „„,, part he preferred the lather.. as observe the make or be removed frees vendors ageinei Ian eneta in case „I nen. editor wife • quota of potatoes, be would However much he denlorod the evil office. • d e b intemperance, he did not feel And your memorialists will ever pray. Mr. James Mitchell said he had not had much time to look over the mentor- ial, fur be had not seen it before that Matt. He etatod this fact, as he might not agree with every word of the docu- ment. He thought every man should have the right t spesk his mind whether he agreed with the memorial Or not. To the first clause he mold way, Amen and Amen. There was the blithest authority for saying that the action of the men- neesioners was not sacraria, to thespian mil intention of the haw. ,Hear. bear.) However. the commissioners might be able to *how rumens why they had taken the action eery did. Bet they man hie able to show some better resom than they have yet shown, else on the 1st uf May tbey will be constrained to give the sale of liquors to druggists instead of to . He had so roman to ii•believelkeeettet"two of tbe inspectors had in any way done their duty, fur he dil not know of any prosecutions having been made by them. If there bays been natation, without number in their district, and no presecutions, it is prima facia evidence that they have not been doing their duty. There was not any reason why a man who sew seethe/ violat- ing the law should not tay the ruler - motion with the inspector. The In- spector bas said that certain men bars told him tbat the Lw had been violated, but these pergolas always said that lee was not to bring their names iato it. It was nut the day of any temperance man to go about searching for violations, bet it was his duty to report any riotatinee if they tame before Ws own knowledge. The speaker then *abed thee there were other prime facie asses* shish the in- spectors had been dereliat is their duty. It was certainly stamp that so much liquor had bees In Goderiek and only one meanies had ire far been suds. Of emsess. it was barn to stet convictions with the clam ef witnesses who madly appeared in thome eases. However, he believed that a good many temperance people had been too timid in this matter, sad ha t riven the assistance they could have fairly ead honoutl erns the Act. It was the ditty The esecaorial of skaters of the town of the temPeesees PeePlif 'el Wive mere ruary eth last, agned A Listener action. A number of 4.ur hotel men *loch abused in the lowest language the sent orders for tie new•faneled liquor proprietors of ties paper end the el - chairman ef the Scheel Beard -Mr.. with th" allue'en nem.. end "Blue Cesibb 1 Ribbon Beer- became at once a popular The editor el the Ste. says ee does not seek to "shift the responsibility from bus ahoulders" in these matters i -in which eiresit we know olio is the bhisliguard ; sad henceforth we will treat him as such. The editor of the Ater eaderours to sawasse ea air of ameriesity. He demean remember ever haviag ocospied his tem on a platform or elsewhere in kindly reference to Mr. Ilioe. 11160illi- caddy. It's a pity Mr. Mitchell's mem- ory isle bad, for there sre hundreds of people oho know that in amities that metalloid be uttered • falsehood For some three yeers Messrs. Mitchell and T. ettetilhouddy were closely associated niikianday-sehool work, sad during these years they each had on many occasions te refer in • landly manner to the other. But that was before Kr Mit- chell had to bead kis seek to the yoke of the plaque who now control the Sta. As to his assumed l a superiority, we can affoed to hiegit at that, for even his hest friends find 'faint with him as a slow -coach jeurooliet. He is unknown outside the corporatioa limas, and is not ao bright • star in the social or business liannamset that his twinkle should daze ordinary folk. Some five years ago he caste to Goes - rich, ad assumed editorial chugs of the --* Tony paper. 14. 1)14 DO polit- not the political complexion of '..e hat bees Clear Gra he metro/fee token hold of the em- cees with inset amt. fie never mile/ a Tory vele seta he COMO t., Goderach, sad he wouldn't 40 50 am, if his bread sad latter were sot involved. The awn sequomes was that kis polities' coolatanil have ra co be run try evety volunteer scribe in the local Tory ranks who thooght he mild put pea to paper, sad the remelt has Imo that "too many cooks hare spoiled the beoth." Mr. Allsbehell aloe speaks about mak- ing muesli too compiesous. Well, Mr. Mitchell ought to be the last mau is Imre be rebate the subject As we said before, he knew nothing shout Conan. - tire politics ante be came to Goaerich, yet be wee here bet a short time until he me himself eitehforked into tke pusi- tion of secretary of the West Huron Casserratie• associetion. Ha effort to snake biomef seen and heard st the Blake meeting ot. the courthouse square on June 13, 1442, showed that he had a mania for aoteriety. and on no oessaion devise the pest five years hoe he lost en eggertanity of eimading kis own trum- pet. Is his last *lesion he awe the - *liter of the lelleir is a "public nun," gn.waill, so OW• meld Mee thought et it ha himself hadn't said at We we ef *aim that he is a mineeette. as/ jumps every time the wireptellere potl tee Wray. 11 he is • pithier ima. let kim set like me, sad set go umbel bolded labackgesen owerespondents 41 1). thee anything to ewe thwegstory to s hesiaese rivsl liad if he knee's any. this' about antimatter • rrevwcatee he ithersti ken, that an 'dater should not ealow leagninie be gee*, hie enereepeall- Ifeee gelesseis thet he ',sit net ;leo" to oat drink. But one day tee local license inspector asked a faced rea tab" a from Tarshish to fiat from the eremites ol God, no raan ever trod the deck of a be well -fixed for root crops during t like taking too narrow or prescribed a conaing winter, as his list of back sub - method of dealing with his fellew nun. scribers will supply hen with "beats." H a man is a total abstainer bemuse he - - is weak, we have 110 60a to flaunt him SiNCII Jonah incentinently tick ship with his weakness. On the ether hand if a if was strong, and like the old warrior'. could carry the weight of a brass helmet and steel armor and feel a no weight, the speaker had no right to say he was not actiug sontrary to cenecience. Si,me might say. but does not this open the door to the objection, "What right, then, hem you tt close public houses. and an far prescribe what I shall drink." Thie is a common objeetion, but it would an Aoki water. Ao wed sneaks the ash dier say, why enriron me with rules of discipline; the lawyer, why force me along certain lines of study, or keep Inc in certain lines in pies -ling ; or the cleriouaan why make me submit to certain creed or confession of faith Soeiety, like the army, the courts. and the church has cattalo fixed laws. end if society is to be A 00401011 and n.it a chaos it must obey the law, and obey it just because it is the law. By what riyht walk over to the Albion hotel and partake of s bottle of the so-called non -intoxicant. They west, they sae, they tasted: the in took one sample of the stuff away w ith hien wider his vest. and another in • bottle. The latter he sent to Prol. vessel with a more miserable conscience than the one whose gross mismanage- ment of the affairs of the country led to a bloody Internecine strife in Canada. But unlike Jenah, Sir John A Macdne- lad will End no place for repentanee, m a Saunders, . f Lendon, to be analeud. Our reatlers know tbe rest. The pro- P°Iitical "ma - praetor of the Albion was defended by - _ - _ the best talent that the Davits Brewing Ouo Tory friends around town and throughout the Province are in a towable Ce'y could procure, but was convicted of way lest the Dominion wid hereafter be selling intoxicating liquor. The testi- witnesses swearing that a dusea bottles their innocent hearts ' but are they not comatose ef the feet that we in Ontario an hoar and sixty glasses ie five hours been subject to French oould be drunk without any risible signs "sa alaara domination and that it was in the vain euelyet, awe te ine statine„tt „d:st„, effort to get rid of Frei.ch domination min..,ht be elated- By the nght 0 - tv Then there was the- °bise- ct( intoxication. But &under., the that Gearge Brown and his Reform c ,1- •1 it:tort4.': eh a au oppressisa taw. The rich . • rac" was wery peculiar. some or the subjected to Freach domination. Blue his percentage on straight lines. Hence Ile conviction. Mr. Davies, who was present at the trial. advised Mr. McBride, of the Albion, to appeal, aed sant he mule stead between hint and oosts, sad the ass wee appaaied. But there has been a Ming riff in tee sale of "Blue Ribbon Beer" Aimee the bioulists found out that sixty gauss could be taken in sn eventog without putting than under the table, and the Davies Brewing Co., kave not hue 14. 10 dimmer, 01.o much a the stuff as tbey anticipated. In addition to this fact, Jadgo Mecdougell recently gave a decision oia a "Blue Ribboa" case in Torouto which socorded with that of the Ooderich naagistratos. The result has been that the Davies lish," will have to betake herself to the Brewing Co. haws gene ont of the gear - antes business, so bar as their customers sensational novel once more. ere anacerned, and Kr. McBride has been tomiAed thal they have balked The Huron Signal esys :- againat paying the costa of his appeal. sem te ts• Dereieva, see Tea tilraliere= "Two/Mott Act see 155 Moral -Put not yvur trust In bravoes Li= th smeiiitai• • DelhilDtOff ... circulars. wa, to pet ose ur two men in jail does not prohibit. It only Illustrates Teeeeeregeiretn1sze Salim 0410sbring the absurdity of a law which makes a eve me ummusadmit dWielfissikeeile 111111111- penal effence in one county of a business Lee Melded rti=ler which is perfectly legal and authorized in am le Oeh gasolene., eries fetes te another. ---fleindon Free Press. •1 Our esteemed contemporary has fallen into a comae n mistake. It is aboard to say that the Mina of liquor without a homes in a license lair mmaicipelity is net a penal offeeee. The offence is Meuse took ep the scheme a Corifeder- , 'nen can have his harre a tn • ation. Our Tory friends hare the blues, 1 and the poor tem cannot hey his glass because they now think they haven't the 'el bean. The enniene'Y ene'relee nob . and poor, and the mojecity lama right to remove public homes became tkry Blots. - - ---- are an eyesore to 043f own eau ones. -W. maat aalmie ti" theee a the 'hilt They entiee Oar youth at the must crea- mier matte by *lady reader 41354 (1 wal • good - . ,.. ..,,,_ emelt of ii. deal of mace and flue Sawfish to devote to at tinae (re ine. ins very so small • sutdecit as the editor of the tito- to„ aa tiip moms is s si,os wmpsaiiss so NAL." -Muir, ea Itaileury's tester. usany. The objection was a selfish one. We pity that peer woman from the To disobey the temperance bora, was as bottom of our hese. Her education has tod as to disobey any of the other lairs evidently been neglected. She wuald of the land If a man waa honest and • no doubt ge into wetness listening to aibm "Illabras hi! all°""t:eir lic.7141trry:11:, kosp jawbreaking discourse by Rev. Solomon pews and religion. No titan need Peter Hale, D. D -dark," divim Lest wipe his meuth and say that he hed dime week's Ate- eibibits a falling off ia "fine so wroog after minis' in the break - Tea "lady reader.. to the tug of the law . by ariMing in a bole- .a4Stowho is suet a lover of "fine Nag. T:rafeour ofashwing`m.niennownd wan thbn mad by Mr. Thee lec0i15caddy, and serried : re tee Beare de Lisetraw Csirratiliwatra for tie ensutp uf Huron. in eer- ie/se she WI tie best gnawer did ter John um no LahatIgte. On Oct Ord Ti. &Wu. said Sir Jahn was going to Reolatit On Oct. 30..h the Uoderiok Star comei from the Hamilton aped -4x se item charscteeir• tag the statement ia Viz Fluor •t u "an old (Irk lie.' Sir John has gene to Folgleed to prove tied the Godefic)3 Met and the Hamden t4pelet.i. both lied wish regard ' intentions inside of the pest swath. Give us • harder one. Spor. Ne. sten* .r th• imaginative pewees is seesseary to sr.swer such a quieten' se that. el GleAseish, in public meeting itasembl- ed, respecalully share : 1. That it a a nett -tams fact that pro - einem of the ••Canada Temperance Ast, 1876. and amending acts, have been and are bolus grossly violated by may of the holders of licenses issued by your honorshie Lard seder the provisions of flesli seniors of Uremia het, and that the ouadect ..t such persons 11) the wean than a mere round of applause • pabHc tomtit* 1st he Melt slow sag that he believed nom of the impeders had any sympathy with the enforeemont of the Act. If the COOSIWiSSiOD•fll WA not parsed sufficient rules for the gekAsece a the impulses, he demand *het it L0 be loreught before them. The temperanos men need to be more alive to their duty, or the Act would net be enforeed. If the impactors did net do Tem Honastotte, Vice President of the United *hates, died saddest, en Weinaiday of paralysis of the brain. THIS Montreal Stor, an independent newspaper whose editorial utterances have set in the past been over frieedly to the Libman party, admits editorially that "if Sir John enturee to meet the present parttainent attain, he trill in all likelihood find htmeelf in a minority His beet chance of retalning p wee is an appeal to the country e Our centempor- ary in toying this gives expression 40 41). prevailine opinton. Ms mandates one 44 the ereatest stun their duty they shorad hw rinnorntt. He blink bfficks to the observance ami' en - forcemeat of that Isar in this county. who owl ittc Act ettould toot he rePed" didn't propose to give in to those 2. That the diffeeeltsm which stand in down their 'hoots. He did not desk the wily of legal Pm°, he leg" the Act had • fair trial. ohm there teoutd practialley the same 'lather it is co. of the Paeti"'hr feeth end "'tame° °I such violation are such as we are sat wiled netted ie. a levet Aet or Crooks' Act your homeable hoard win at ones under - twenty or city. Men hese bun fined or , ata„d „d vpreetete sent to gaol in London for selling liquor 1 3. That the grassing of such bosoms without a lutenee. to hotel keepers and former liquor vend - on (tnatead of to dogmata whenever - - available) for the sale of into:teatime Sem ef war Relt=• afp= liquors for atedienan, escreinentat and ehe bee mess es gam t Haillsileve asanufactering perposmis in the optnion te be were seer/ misseater of your usemorialtets, not in accordance The Reform Men "re net been with the true spirit and intention of the very angry over the matter of thanks , law. and is hiehly pernicious and pr.- .tlan. t'ac•ostret opeoettit rerrtfiIII giviag. Meesoree, &Money mown. in 1 judicial to the enforeement of that len, Frelay's Scott Act treating may be mAradmitood by seem We taut it tlist the sosaitsr semat it in this emu • That so far es an peeper action on the pert .4 the ronstorly appointed sea re- gularly f*DA I 'WS IlWro cencerned the the North Two. caused by the twat.ad. whish. with Other idalls of the leati, ii*. he earnest dune . evil law Moho °taken of all climes ghoul he respected"( maistration of affairs by *T017 Insister of the Interior who afterwards WY delv• see obeyed. from *fem. and a deficit of two and * 4 That your Inmerialists are of the \ half millions which crushed the heart ef *reel "Pullen One d earth iteenees nay the levy fluency minister end mimed 1. irrane.d nel'ai 4" rasPe°44". 4"141"1" oilmen PT se table, the widest 55041541t0 not have been so many violations. It was perfeistly sae to say that if the licenses were given to dregg.ne only, The inquiry inbr. thor hoe of the Mason se Aleousa hair been cottonseed, bue the report of the CO1011111NOttaers is kept seam ttll the opinion the C.•. verrouert therm aslant is made ktiown It hes nem the- nuvered, hooey*, that no correct list a the paimengers set.i crew went kept, and thus the full heft .4 fife may near, be known Sure! the c, mpany could.eith out mien do oulty, arrange • n have • lie would not turn their steree into aupliate list of its passengers arid erew left at the port of departure, as a Mae ia tbe ease of ocean tussle. ny se pro Tiniest, whew anything happens to a keel- son greet deal of ueneesesery meaty to frauds of thou on heard *could ha pt mooted Ham then Times her -rooms. The temperanee easels meet o,ntinee to net forth thou best efforts. wsa a deaf letter The Scott Ad UM n' r""" rossitiOIS, DOt man I the brew& Ilibe law wmad be eleeed, Rey. T M. Campbell WOA gad to me the hearty rumness made by them wlin he'pod in the gingiva sad readings st the atones temperas*, meetings. There work was gladly done without pnew He asked if the liquor traf5: bees received mob free anti eisinterested aid, end meld des. 300 people from tom to hise to listen to them. The liquor teen hal one speaks* a TOW Of two Sao. INA it same est in sallower to a ease Wale that be had received $100 a night, and $150 fte open air meetings, sad that the liquor seeneistion had sem% *15,000. 'The timperame speakers. sad Wagers kct association, with !hot headquaters et i ens tor specie' thaakagitieg by (hill and thee aimless that policy he adopted board the teeth:till alineet. have airway securest a amber 1 or Tory. There is reason f a thanks- In ree: l'eseeeblet. to v. \ eliminations is Raton, sail 111Wit Mae giving thst the Tory night ef rearule is sases, isidr moues be telly „Zee& P..io 1 Mown thee with peen** olliciak tee Aet fsr spent, sal Use day of Libman's% end , the great scandal and dieeredit of ell law, ' eon reel• lend e' Yttattrit a at Mad. logic etti eatheeity. • -.nem Geer, Ont.. Nov ..e5 -While Aleteito der Oortitio. a laberei, sited 'items 116. who was drunk, was en hte ;way lewee tie emt setae of the gal pupils conerig hem the Collegiate lustiest* an4 lime elf a revolver jet! ati la• Was passing them. frightsoing i he iota, we.. ran bit their lives. Gorden matinued his leitmotiv& joornee until he wee oppoeM the gata histitute gressia, where amoral ef see readers worked without my pay. tha rionnee bey papas WOWS playing, \ There tre• sloe • ttiftereorm tn the W. whom he *eV overall* the levee mil peareeee of temptresses nem and 1Meor asiibssiissis wool sits sort rio drinker& Who"' 'en^ henteent teleran'''a hall lodged le Chorise fitevrerti arm, ft 111.7 fr•t to represent in their apuntiorto- bus boo „ands& mid okrtihr. is poi as saything reit e good eueetamelie, Thiel in Toth ett,