HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-13, Page 8piP %%. w..w n0011117 fs••w•d meth a visit by the Dunlop archit.ret .sl the scribe u4 !bat claehas. They ware cordially welcuniod. Series colors are t,,,w pento41. lar aworw_ .or fair ,.nen. Mrs C'anier..n. wife • f Kew 1), ti l'•a,er.ut, 1'tta•bt instar minister, left 1• n."ar train ..c S..tunia) f••r t1.1.tr• a, vatted thither to shy be.tade.1 her sister who is eying free' tnluriee'bused by th s'i1j Bios of • lamp. 00110lJ4a. Harry H u ouishoe l to the house agate t!ais week, with • lest. knee. We hope to ace bin around agaui soon. W. C. Mahar% returued last week from Dakota, looking hem and hearty lie left hen last spring for tb. North west. where he hall a claim near White wood, but not 6nding that country t• los liking he went to Dakota, of wile• h he speaks very highly. ( dermas*, nay he Wltwlmttd et Sett terh out to a.cb • grey M to astoowh th world. TRM WOULD C? alt 1'E1)r 111 T itON SIGNAL FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1865. t It f• ruere el that Seri Net hi. twit. 3 n ((•11 will oppur Mr. Hrt(g,aib to h. u h 4nark as the w..lturt urueHrl utr.;ttt,tr fir• Macdougall la esu, of ll . uM+t coa- 1 ttpeicaues examples we here its Canada • f brilliant political pr•rpeicts L N•teJ to, y Alain( hi. ouuvictiuns t.. the ren.p a• toots of efltoe, N'e fear the time 1 as p+s d when Willem Macdougall could retain the gruuwl boi lust by hi. wit ty , error, but he •nye still poor, a usvf. 1 member t l parhrtt.rut. (J r:allily l • would be a .at impne orient up ors .l..h• • G. Haggrrt. !Sarnia Observer t. 111Wr.ard he the e'elamaa. of .•r etas. .ode a eeesn eearse.. ('apt. Howard u endeatoring to *tart Y au ammunition factory at L'chute. } Stead is •sptrtdn` two ntoatht"itn priaw►went for hie "6blsuder."ss be put I1t. itrttaie wants satiafaetioe keel lemon for damage to the property of Botta } subjects in the Carolina's. • The Meckem:le Administration onuld gurerll the uuuntry in a time of ertivas depresaiun un •2Y,0)0,000 • year. Tb. MacJutad Administration cannot do was. lis Tornio. o• $,ttur.tst tthe !tit tath r• . e h I wilt ale . T. &rued*. Deisa1p eerwatarJ iu the Attorary l.cueral. of r daugbtrr. war. Ila t'u;burt.eTon nship, on Aiatarla) . Nov b. Jo le U les, aim! 7Y Y ears t i"t I with tri3,0(.O,000. —10I. -be. i _ The Utnadiau Pacific railway was lin I Loans ant. insurance. 'shed ..n Saturday, Hon. 1t. k. Smith I driving the Iaat spike at :► a tis. Geo. j t{UNEY TO LEND. • A L A It 1. ' iMeager Vauir roe a special ttai•t is uuw l STI atneunterPtivies Foods fur .niownient 1 en route to the 1 act:ie est. ' it lowest rates un drat. 4w Mortgagee Apply tuUARROW e. PItUUI»ssoi-. } Government Lapesror Miller a huut-1 I *send. l n N he sated dear tbowfarm et. ur- 7 ,rY -Sooty t lase MUM. It Fulton' had tau sheep worried Ly dugs last week. Some tine age we mentioned that .. Watson was to teach S. .l'. No. u for IPI*, but at that pen.Nd n.. papers had linen signed with the tru t es, so we were ahead of time. Mr. Wateen es attending the Normal at Tonnto, and at the be - :asinine of the New Year will assume his lunge as auc.e sur to R. E. Brown, hav= Rif accepted the utter ..f the trustees .37.-.4 for IMO. ling illrtal timbers m the eueld orb. rod of 1)RI V ATE FU NUS '1'o LEN I t Ai Owen , nd ) 'wtiu..dii s anal M Per .•rat. on , a net containing about three hnndr,J rich. u 11 1.". HAYts, s.,1M•ir. r, o.M.. salt and ;(ave them sway to I at. e s 1 y •- :)hitt* Tho 1hrm•N•nta carried lAtn•it nt the C' Imaged, the Republican aunt ate for re •-- — — eledien, was Defeated by Marvin H • PRI VATI< FUNDI+ Tl) L>tlfDD t'hautherITii , who rune./ up a plurality- r ,e. FY ae Tomo Veatp•oty at b==est Ir tw•tio(,o.i pun-hruwf. no tree. a *a ..f 1,tiU:, and every man but our co the 1 uharyretl, (•wceyrn. mot( Y'ees w.mlahlm. rA SOB 000 TU LNiir. APPLY TU elections tans Tutaday. Mayor a r e rah. 1 IWLTtCAlIiitOr ;Qa/tt Le1,807, c was elected. ma Y B Itorno obtain mond lis enea.) lit 1 tern tats doctor who recently objected to kissing tineas w • we °os, because of the risk of infection GEkKRAL INSURANCE, Z13ta11. front labial contact with • volume that REAL ESTATE Ann had been handled and kissed by scores. MONEY LOANING AGENT. i'i.6w.N At.. Mw A. MIcii,nny, WI.. ! the Lama* says ''these is something in 0.4/yF:rat.etoas (bwyawlea Represented i.0 beau spending the summer at T. J. the ubjeetu,n." At this rata every gr Money to Lend on straight tone. at the We's, loft for her I at Tottenham I esteems will have carry rry ht. own Bible lowed rate of lament Mat w paw. au any w+1 4 titles sattsfaotrrr. DA V iN0\ a: JINN. The London Laseeet tells of an English irON Harrietwn. ac.. Ouderieb. 1751 1 the Bible tendered him as • w iIs RADCLI(rFE eek to court. snit tee borrower. K OYF'IUR --second door from $quare. een•EITIr,N. i). (: Mclteath r, fir, ''Somebody told the luadinq Tory weal Str.et. Goderiob. =A-0 (teeniest t.. lec..me ,aur tailor as to more i organ the uthir day that Mr. Bake tart of his worldly frfssia down, but was; intended to remain in England and • $00,000 PRIVATE FINDS :nriuen.xwl to return again to Lochalsh. I practice his profession there. The (argent ' lend ATTENTION. ATTENTION. In oiler to l.rin. „nr ,-.NNS• prouunentiy before the people of lhxit,ricl mid surrounding a sturtr ', and git'e all an opportunity- to buy their Holiday Goods at Prices much Lower than it Lav iter beep their good fortune to get li.•for,•, we purpose giving u Cash Discount of 15 to 20 P. C. ON ALL GOODS S(1:.1) WI MIN THE NEXT SIXTY DAY' NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SECURE BARGAINS IN Gold a tl s•Irer walc6e , SV►er Plaled—W IBeat Quadruple Plates AND .JJWELLERY (.) EVERY DESCRIPTI(0)N. We also .how a very choice line of FANCY GOODS, which we are offering at `(tarttilL y Low Prices. Remember this i. NO catchpenny trick, but a GEN VINE DISCOUNT SALE for the benefit of this Public generally, and WE WILL. DO JUST WHAT WE ADVERTISE. Cotue and see Good., and get price. for CASH. aPECIAL ATTENTION PAiD TO REPAIRING 1N ALL ITS BRAN(•HES.iy W. R. PORTER, Watchmalker 8: Jeweller, N. -':t Door to Gels. Aehewon:•s General Store. tiutlerici' (it•derich. Nov. 5th, IK`45. 200-3t HURON AND BRUCE ;MIRO INVESTMENT COMPANY There has leen some talk of a montrLi oy meet Into et staeir• in a twinkling,and u on tLtss and .own prnpertY. This `y -- eat isterea4 Meeerage. yir.Laoed Nu t -on. Thio"""'!'e se Lwair, Moe un iarm isle show being hold herr. N' on.uaeed upon Mr. Blake m that such • show would be to the uta Wheel eulogies ever passed n • Cres y u da. tins cri„d• mpany (Kw • C t /:veayan)'. the l.u:,dui. [worn tbmptoay serest of the farming community. I b Public title. Bewas of C at low - ca a thiol a one of Hal wwn.t.a i r'aai yeast fur t a Treat snot I.na rah, of Lrnea•t [later of INferrut. ( n .. g J. t a of• tittle/sada. Interest, a s} end 7 per vent. u — u +:. money !• nae 1 ycountryo slug if t{rl..,rt ON for (u.T alive h. their own interest and u•e , ttati►•aaeifio.td X3,000 a tear • I U.t`,'IttUN a JOHNSTON - aUtrw thin hatter to fall thn•u h. ! tail sacrificed weer than nay Wan should I IVO- , t;p Hrrrtsten t 4oderi b t ,•hr hoped that the (..mors will be gretolss' man tad worked hard for his f h R Nlonowttrtea INa MORTGAGES PURCHASED. e. , be asked to sacrifice, tun a d.whp dsal • 00 n0 TO LOA:! AT C PER 311,11114. . more to the same effect- •:l ,1 the tu',at ' r EN T.tau story druTipnua. If Mr. Blake tTHE'a'(►HO'V'r0 GENERAL TRUSTS MT • AN INr.►ror. As -t —We are ipforn:ed that ow Wednesday night fast week, au ihfessal •eschew, c,nsesteng of two dyn sante cartridea, with • clock -work 'arrangement for exploding the same, enclosed in • small box, was placed to the doorstep of Mr. John Eason. reeve .,1 the village of Bayfield. The appals- ! 1 , would only die ur remain in England he ere prepared $o toes'nosey at a per cent., pay wield be a saint.—(Dtratfurd l:wam able had early, os CeiprewA, Ont., Nov. 8.—.About half TBR T . $mfa BOR , r on era -clam farm maturity. test 2 o'clock this afternoon. two .nen ui -{: PP::: to la stall row boat were t beerved by some I.AIIEROX, 3 l:Abe:KOS. boys on the Canadian shore of lt•ppin Agents terms, T rtes. 6aderaeh, CC Trani t'ey- neer nearing the rapids just above the me"!!!!' Asr wott. k Caraau. bars alter Appareutly they were w.cua.ciuusuam npar css, es tt`u funds to lea (Nedsq..b, Oct.l. 1I . y it,:I.tf tus was discovered by a mdkbey, who } notated Mr. Easou, and the arrangement I u was removed just as the hammer was ' • about to drop ..n the cartridge. Mr. t Essen, .ss we are toed, knows ou reea..n for this dastardly attempt to injure him. Certain peering in the Tillage have been heard to make threats of personal injury against Mr. Eason, but he had no idem - Stat a political opponent, or anyone, would swop to the peef.rmance of an net of this kind. A term in the peniten tory fur the perpetrators of such cremes, u } w uld be a mild sentence. tad k • r of their dancer at the time. They were nee in chose proximity to the shore. hut {ate headed out into the river. When hey were warned from tapes on the shore of their danger, they appeared nut to und.tataad, and steered more down INSCRANCE CARD. 11.7—F-00 T• .Fir...Lw•ael•r i beessesrs ce .ta/-w'. CMJD&IUC)N. e'X? Cotttstrat now stream tkaa sera' Wien in the rapids The "Lund -on urine+ " incorporated 1'10 their beat wan seen to break in twain. Tse "Nstbwal selablisbed tad sad one of them clung for a moment to Tbrl .. ilt••abi••haad," the onu Company • pert of it, but all wen soca Int 1Oeu"'d a iaswre plate star ns. the night TA,alls,mbeleeraall aret-tL s and old tiub- uf. Upon eogwry shy pru••d ao bacn li.bed cuss been two unfurtutate (a"erinana, names Mudge tastes aft tweest r.a4.. nknown at present, but i.0 nee kuuws Oou!' b pea. 1881. II t. hen they healed from or whwc. they 1 ember est on their fatal .image. IIAIISE DECORATION Rey- Dari,l Savag.a4Jeessed a islra- hon Army meeting in Hamiituu, -speak • ne postmaster here hu. received a (ug in prams t.f the orgatitatiue, end --AND air of scales from the government. exhorting the soldiers to no .,n whether A new extension was put to the resid- ence of H. Horton last week. R. Quaid was the f rawer. A. M. Polley, master of horse, and his treaty squire Sandy McCsUuss, gave oar burgh a visit last week. and were well received. This Misses Quaid and McJlillan were the guests of R. Quaid last week, and left with their a.usans Ales. and Martha Petr, who hare been visaing here fur several weeks, for their home at fat. Andrew's, N. It. They will spend the winter with relatives there. The Bisset Steamer did thrashing hen mat week. They had ever 70 days this they were of were sot supported. $aid r r 1 C V V V f H I IV 1 1 fk1 U. Pf` he : " Y eu may have tstu...s to bear CARD. we all haw♦ --but that u what makes AV soldiers of us. I have had my share ,.f crnsaee, t Sod knows, but I go . r Th.- Y•r. and Mrs PR.O('TOR, the •.retia Ds - army methods of freedom have brio tak- thremselves of the moans'•o'rrnter, •eau en into the churches and been blessed heartfelt and sratetui teankt, to th tamer there and we have conductedio•l other., I.wident u: t1 a /'oust . of Huron parlor ser- . sur the boor►: pa:roy, sad courteous 5.. twos at the Female College, and many pitaety .ujrraeron.ly extended to them dor of the Rtrho hare come into the light ,•f 1'Os rl> . .., ..women to tk:s kasu(1tal sou tion of 1_Uy i timat r yr r ueee purpose mess Grod. In some places the miisister. I rn.lasettauy tattimate star slay purpose to scowl upon me, but is others. as at A:lsa I ..0SUane than,- cerram tbrssyt the County of Craig, all of them assisted, including ♦ HTurts Is the interest« of their busiaewa godlyclergymani duct. ng teat by as twsotah. corse of coo of the Church of Ting dust, sad the scuomp:as! linen. of superior kind, who was down on hie knees among i week. to smell as eate.,stoa of that petro• , loll tose urs whlcb they wet sue eveerryy rf. the penitents.' Dario; his speech much fon to secure and maintain. The Townships .Motion was exhibited by himself and of Colborne. Goderich, and !Odle(, will be seawn. Their bifgMt record was at R t his hearers, and at was not byanymeans their geld Tor sceion dartne Ole rnsulas Strong s in this t.enship - -1,2030 bush- i decfesaed when Mn. Ludgate crows and impprmsrviou st„- p nt ddtthe nl oet when bush are eta in one day. Geo. Btatmt, boss; Joe. sates tb• todchin wog, "1;ec t ,nine sad dangerous. color,. may he 1reetyMdr(1ow - Lampson, feeder ; feta limen, engineer. Hands " net rim of this miast.a of that pelso_ens sad newhimmesss movie se ieessawast a gesture sosaes•aaaalma. 0•______ os.. ••••1110IMO w 0•aef0..+:esadone. M traceyeendellvera- ---• aaa the coning' of arswlag time, when t10Cin )P inrs. RAGA. liming I'da is and members tion disciples re (Lod i.ft be pt twtan.i.tay sad bean: at:.lr One of the newt able nuts of our ark amanita* laid up with • bad foot, resulting from the simple accident of roonfug • aclasur too far under a trot At the present alter tr Ikea at really moderate saperase. nal:. t fat architect is also reeeivine it ever did in the peat, Dr. nd •rceauonai attention frum the sick cote- g1'e b' MR. k XBtI. PPA. Tutt. i:f.ttes. pl•astia of its phi1oaopshy" go tea o.rc. tat;.. Olx•lia .. . tntensthig to our .rides After pant- : s" lgf itgR oat that mineral shatter In the ashes °°at.•.may CHDICB FIB( LlBDS ' I of beret Wiest or straw a a Frank McInnis was sick tor a Ices days soletelessential to the I I __ I mem, Y growth , E the kat weak. He in able to be whims and that in a soil laekica •he,—{ lNry— ag(ain. • necessary constituents, neither tree nor 1 HURON COUNTY. MICHIGIAN. SAVMS BANK' BRANCH. J, 4 d -•S per fent Interna! Allowed 0,. I,bta, ateardtf.9 to amount and slew bit. Orri('E :-Cer. et Market Square sad North street. Ooderid► HORACE HORTON. Godertcb. Aug. JUN Ca. ug. Stk. tt)a. Ital- "GOOD CHEER" sip "PU B LJO OPiN IQN" 411.17 01•2011, 45 IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLIONS. THE GRAND OPENING ul' TIIF: I Toronto Cash Store WILL 1 #E HELI) ON SATURDAY, NOV. 14th, When a most 'intense d Play d Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready -Made Clothing mfr.. wall be made. Remember the Place—G. H. Par•um'•s Former Hardware `4t,, - P_ Maxzwa'er_ God,r:ch. Nor. 11th, 178.1 >y1+7ne FURNITURE! JORN BROPRY In ..vita of the death of for {sew rt.'RItITUIIK DEALER. µ'EAT rTIt:ET. THOMAS . l'ROEON. a partner of the firm of `smd:.e It Sturgeon. awl manager 01 the flaadn,pperf Purnitwwbaa ytsierd pea for the NEXT SiXTY DAY4. 1 bre est tee. • •-.1 business of the said Company. the Adminfw • t'♦ AU OT BSDROOY .a7t;, wtticb for Berle sed Rice UBrY eutiONTiT11 tN Marna rad the marrying partners of the said And m7 A 1 WIRE ERR be beat_ Those renaming Redrawn mets should .all or. o. • Co. havedeterwtlaed Melees the hastens and (0)1PPARE .E. AND PRICE before pun•haetattelsewhere as Mr. A. H(5IHOP will sal by Public. Auet►ow, At IAe i-sU.rer r f Hewsull, ora Tuesday, 10th of Nor., 1885, at two o'clock p. m.. the two polluter ttmlllona. "blood Crbar. No. tell. Vol. t, 5..A .R.; Sire, "minuet: nit nail -Public Ottani* n " No. Mt Vol. 5, C.S.B.- Blre, "Townes.- tl l T=RMA (iJ SALE A One half t'aak on day of wale. approved at notes, bearing Interest at atz par oust. for OalmySc ±tt 11 ISweothL S. t B. SMILLiE. KOs.. MARY STURGEON. U-naali.Oct. tied. latii. Adieutd latratrl:. Mr. Gordon,' blacksmith, .. emoted a rowel cam live. /Professor Tynua:l thus 1 Lew •taioln and nidal hu dweL'i•g h„use ooatiouw :--"tion, contagia aro ltrortg i r.a Tia soil isartabole,Irani,ea,t.:p ce:t.v - 1 / tf• ■ lately. !hinge, which derrsand certain elements' I wr[I wstwredh num.rmslivtnsti[r.a thatallataly at b sbw oerih of K f► m. Murdoch h 8 )iii `s op of I w R a dyer t and it L not treedor 11 yd~ nes• let ate• rt! t thee met •'- '' in a rtrrg what we have iso this year. , b see that • e[ap of a girq Parasite mayrfrtnateler Sar alba 'Intim nnswe we n.. can drtte*d ualirp and The sample was excellent, and the yield w utemperate. ti below beans teabout YO 4nehele to the acre. far nes ter • aws nent exnatity( i•s Ito the taw eofd winter. Heap. i will sap this Ko 1 ('o•I atv bw •new isosteal] lean4tie• in the body, but ea- ag bane” n with great etscc.... With t soy in the ed o mita, 1'he sawmill, on account of some hail Roads and Lie sir tui booed so albttdy prrchaasr1 a.sil•1 in the growth d the parasite. 1 her numerous 'gym«* tehhhut(,ar py.wwas Ma's d breakers, est abet down lest week. ' to reader the= nags for the pro. { e•sapatared .stew ticheegs atm1 eines ° ewosd s I pore. y t,oranaporLtia. n the n thew it hag been thoroughly re J•ct(.o da Th soil ie •umerowandCheer Pn:6egeswiden eaaJ I Ch Ili ( Steve Coal 16 50 paired. and is again on the pal elhautted , and, nett) t e lost cutoff- leo Turnpike Roasts lead thpltgbaU mist lgg Coals 18125, iICAR` A B $• Some stall buys, net ween the ages of , "Nut u mitered* the body is protected 1 land. ta Market 1.ww.. J$ and 2t . were root .tinned with spend- from any further attack from the same T*mo Vada arc r'. rtes re. artTea lierCl!Antn, next door to W. R. Port. r < Nr•µ- ,jpµ-f, I y t me wioawing from wise par Acre. aril Leave Your orders moth i l•erj r .ore mg one night in the form .of witches, I disorder. Such an explanation of non- cam be tat Low Price. and es rAs T. N. DANCEY fairies, etc., but were out it fell blast tis; twfutrent diseases naturally presents Terme. A ear Saturday evening.t% 7tavwoeso. Rad Are. M.r!.. Oa1 y Ooderieh. Nov ob. tom. Tflmlrn y ; th coat., xlebrati rg • itself to a thorough believer in the erns Or BAIL I.I &hider's:h DtR•J M SDY i V old Hallowe'en. 1 tbettry . and seek swathe malutton which, Oedertctb urn mh emit Variety The, members of Rarer c, rgeesatiot i lin reply to • ttsc! ism, 1 featured to oT'er ..earl fifteen rhur•dt. Bet wren seven and night hun er tunt physsetan To exhaust a soil, •trent collars have been already ppmmiwtal I bowers', a parasite leas returnee and fix tlhat It will ybai deetrox*t•• than the really virulent ones ft er ha weans of a feebler organism, exhausted i / Intend to Sell for Sixty Days at as Little Advan_Te as Possible on Cost. earRVXltY0ell 1tl INVITLO NO TROUBLE TO SHOtt' oocers.Ta 1 Won't be Undersold by any Dealer on the Top of the Eart". J. EROPHY, West Street. Goderich. NOT 1115. ttl6: kat -•!n 1 For One Month prily ` We will give any of the following /4-ILNgj CthilU 311. ChviceR s S 1 li .Mild Peels WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 50c. WORTH OF TEA. a articles for 25e : lire cWiteml lasing rhes buol.lin, of s www I T Tran t t as „erne. prob. to up •t°N. T AIr ice horn darted in Dewdrop the moil without fatal result*, the most nnOcil Wild the f'wrawtottot t7,rar now arra.+r.ot neat t m0see. may sellae and i( • b I C. L. McINTOSH t.alespecial attention Ode tsmw 1 to h . New Semmes TEAS C . highly virulent parasite be tntrod•c.d Wss. Doris ie its editor. it will droplet- f into the system it will 1 I young 1lytaCO itself a en CDrtEoul, yam wired g IJ gam to them i This en thea la prep powerless. it. If• o• language the germ the.,ry, • who road hyeet is t. eeltirate a the shute went of ,,,,,,stw,n ' and Japans, nten t raasaag,w price Irem tri, ,n descriptive powers of its wary oorrwpon• Mme, C a-lste•e-s health has not been ; Al.o t ban s s..bsrlb s t . twbrw;al -' rah dente, and to 611 the minds o/ its readers ed..lresly sheeted by hu oortbern ,- Reamed with a mat store of knowledge. Slet press, i were. a. 5rcaiture, temperance, moral, the Tuesday nieht a.ldters in the braced and mental education, will hes Limerick bars acts broke oat sad made a I diareeo l m iu ordinates. Facetious bayonet attack on the snits... I ohsraotwes will alae get • chance to din- Mr. Twateley, of has ur- ple, Ihelr wit. Who knows but thn,tmgh shooed the Caoadraa elallPm, I's Meson,* minds ea Treat as the woe- ,•Spnrtind Bony What I,' h.m n. 1 derfd Addie n, Berke, or even Joie Maim', Lot•kaeh. for the handsome sum ' Maywood, of Dunlop, that are now Tying, of IPSO the thought, the imagination and the ',COFFEES, whirl' gine 'adrenal a aaate trr, tall and ,Tet sswt.taw. and be . on armed of bAr.atener wall t e eg toad ebraparw0. C. L. ltcINTOsH. ' lt.wlereh. tart. 1 Iain 1,-S 1 Oederlch. No.. k►, Itl1a, Dederick Nev. Mh. or at JA..w. +.tt-Y wr1VA. more. — — --- ■ GODERICH. Godcricb. Sept Ind. Ut83. ISn tf I _ ra S G.H. OLD' NEW CROCERY, THE GROCER WIWI tabus* bis ctrsl.seer. and 15 puhla, lib tLe b . tow on ad a targe gnantlty of NEWEST FRUITS Alae • inn Zine of 6941111: aHfl CIii't wh,cb he Is .Hing es peso. I• a•$ 1 Furry moire. la lb, f pa~ at short nolire, awl iii Mem. Rest, G. H. OLD, 51. .weer, e• M agrun 0 r Trnenbon. ( eewoNv+bw. 7. T s 1...d7.7331r tt-rhea • r sa•oteoe to the Pvbl,c the' h.: et opened nut • nth Grater? .+•Ore U CRAEE'S BLOCK N her, be will bp p.eaawd Ili beet that portiP of the Public who ..ash te 111,1 NPR Reowt. at TINWARE At Lowest Rate, will also be sold on the premise.. OVA 9pt.W reveler for Sneak Wares tune also been intrtyduct••f tlltIIlghsss Pidwo PuM ter Settee sad Fie. A rat reepeetftisy.skoftsd. JeL11[>D116 LVaT fq►:sa.('rte's Mes.k. east *Met one Hoose atuarL 1 , r •- • wens(