HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-13, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 13, 1335. THE rrc.wCASE. 'PURCHASERS " DRESS GOODS �a� floss! 011ie .� v �Ttat 1►l:r t'.ill, NEW ALL GOODS NEW victed. i 1'la�iu� a� Oe *eaerltt we have an extra la. and choice Stack 4; sea•• t fryt::. Mr. Stead ttad Mrs. ,,arra t Coo -1 It will repay you to nee our Scutt of NVI FALL AN1► ! e1NMees Refereed and the rsbamee. t(- i YOU CAN PURCHASE BY MAIL. {. amN Beak and Jarew, ar- • i.' Illi/:i or l' f imiNsaBMs We metal Samples cut application, with width -:m1 price marked iLiw ti•�etrhi j - 3f ' i tilt: Iiroviaiou that if w1t iiittuifu.tory Cal may I :,.Iurla'! and 1.1..eley ref;;:: t'• 1 Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in aid others was romped t•o day. Judge , CHOICE DRESS GOODS. GOODS 1 every line. London, Nov. 7 - The trial of Stead Levee, lu his charge to the jury, urged t that they bring in a rerd:ct according to the Law, and not to allow their personal syucg.athy to ti,tlt.mice their decision. the You' .lf.�l fft with tiltliv, dict;, a Showing- _ - of c �,~tume Cloths. Mantle Cloths, which for style Intl *me ,...f iko ohner .e nature, the w0�0 1t 1 Lots �O•'' y'� Me. Stead. ,lustier Lopes said. hos illad CHEAP DRESS We wish to call special at - NEW DRESS GOODS.1 tention to our Dress Goods and Vel' Ai4E ubacan, a of wluch woo loot conuoiffed with the pre.eut c1urge- 'ate only mat Ii0u1) ('l).tiT1' \lE C. 1.( ITH� total queatnin for the fury 4. ALL WOOL COSTUME ('LATHS, Ie.cde was, •N'l.ether tn. child Eiwl annetivas was taken away fecal h.r - A HRn•l•iouw Linc of ALL Wtx)L 1'1..11US deter wore also to ijsmst her father's will." Thin Veleeen Plue_�' ., utine whether the lUet+ Velvet's! Velveteensvt Zt they r Id her child to the r I.turn. A.24.3B1'eDLRSff3 V�RZRTZ OF TRZ]1dDfC Ihe,ged by the defence. - iron')1•_)'• 1 , 11th' per yar•1. trout 25 . 1,, :rOe. per yard. .f;,. :47 t•. ',v-'rtl. .'oc. per yd. W" �.I�! ,remanaskedthe ld,;ob,.f.,rrthe lura M inery, Mantles & Mantle Cloths', rel th Beats t. allow theta to uutiu- The je retired at S •l0 poi.. The i • t their :uish between Mn. J.itrrtt and Mr. stead as to their onwioal li.t day to tear GLOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. t',u jury coucludo�l that Mrs. Jarrett t 1�)� that •'a►► Le procured i.ad diwbrycd the iustructivu of Mr. We can 'slue Von the beet value in BLACK CASHMERE HP s t cad. rhe jury br.,u:ht in a verdict ..f gu'lrr oziunat Stews. Htenecca Jarrett chid silted Booth cad .lac•,ut■ ■ The jury returnedto tbe roust room ..t 8:40 o'clock with their verdict. They • agreed that Stead acid Mrs. Jarrett took Eliza Armstrong slitau. fnuu her home agamat ,ire father's will, but could not agree as SEND FOR SA�PS.,ES AND PRICES. . BRETHOUR & CO., BRANF TGRL. and value cannot be beaten . Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Hats, Caps and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, &c., and give the highest price that the market affords. COLBORNE BROS. 301�11� 1� Hrentfo' t.1Ml. t t.. whether lies. Jarrett obtained the _---- -.___--- ---_ -.--- child by fuse pretences. They alsoiT.HE PEOPLE'SOt STORE', OW agreed that the norther did not Mir child, as allel sd by the .Heleoce,and that Mr. Booth and Mr. Jacques were not ,,arties to the abduction. The judge -leferred passing sentence on the ono, victed prisoners until after the tn.l of the indictment for indecent Moutassault Stead, Jacque, lorry. The prisoners were all admitted t.r bail t.. ■ppeer on Tuesday next. Tke jury allowed that Mr. Stead hal beet. non ltd. and they urged that the laws for the , ,rotecta.n of women and children should 1 toe tetter enforced. The friends of Mr. Mead are very in - (Nowa over the seventy of Ju.tioe lopes' summing up esp<irtst the prisoners! ,a the Elias Armstrong abductioo ase, i 1 and amuse the )wtioe of having follow - .d the bias of the prosecution. Neutral ,.pinion, however, is to the affect that the Jedge's charge was admirable 10 every respect, and especially for its ab - moos of prejudice, its lucidity, direct- ness and clear exposition .of the points of the law involved. The trt..t Iraves Mr Stead in the posi- ti -n of an imprudent enthusiast, who will be considered the dupe .,1 Mr.. Jarrett and the nun Jacque.. It was the latter who tint induced Steal to go PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Ibe revelation business The social purity a octatiuns maintain HAVING SELL'ICED Till their full faith in Mr Steed. and aettwe, it te.• ne efiaaadaiM Celent- tLat he did nothing but his duty. Bishop mg &lilt, 'clams Irene, Moaalw ,nthwell publishes a letter in which he 'tared by wareRamanRaman. n t tt I nti G0 TO KNIGHT'S PDS A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS BAST OF P.O Ia1Ny says Mr. Stood saw no other course to cure the terrible evils revealed in the 1`•,at {i(aJI (Jateffe than to make the whole public aware of the enormity of their existeees. )(r. Stead was in no waypo resosibis, the Bishop contends, for tt110 disclosure* of these horrors ---the Toronto ■ . 1 am to .r same at Ilnderate tea sad on easy terms of payment. Having a thorough knowledge of the manufacture of Mesas, and what klad material cad felts are reetdred to e a Snot -clam instrument. intend- tai9 purchasers will a.4 it to their ad - wastage te oewsalt tae before porches - 0 {wit perpetrason of the horrors were alone re- Tota9 sae tetes*saatl • *9•e�l• 'moonlike -and but teethe work perform- I j ed by Editor Stead, the Bishop intimates /TAll work warranted first -claw. that it i. doubtful if Parliament would R' ; °niers len at ow hook ttsore. of Nrs Q 6e C al las Coors or 1tr bowie promptly attcaded 1 ever have amended t ronin The letter concludes with the statement' te' EDW'D L BROWN. the motive* which prompted the persecution PIANOS. PIANOS. plAltiOS. O' .... k. Htpt. o} )Kr. fined fur a technical abduction I lak 1 it Vita were really, as claimed, honorable, and ------- three - ---- ' h.oee of simple sincere indignation. m t it �i be doubted whether fl r he oo,ocert held here last Thursday �►- e.eniog Under the au.picee of Mondial. ! hr" •r_. ?i Temple, No. 260, I. t l •'f G. T. wawa �e,., very sa*es.sful and entertaining one, ' notwithstanding the limited time taken for preparation. Over ,ons hundred sod sixty persons were present. About 8 called t order and Aabar1sy. o'clock Goderich &Kimdiva NOW Ie THE TiME TO -Ke '. i:t ',to 11 WINTERVERCOAT � . LARGE:MOCK, ALi. STILES. AT Vrt:Y LOW LOT OF D/LAITTZES AT COST Ti) CLEAR OUT THE PTt:t'K W. g_ RZDLE-Y Oat. d, 18136- The Pecpls. Store. Goderi.h. tb. hoes. loss • Mr. H. Hs.'Win elected chairman, who Ailed tM ion les very ss aurin, wry m A R LE andmanner. The protrramme, i whin ciosiawd of songs, diaioaues apMah.s sod recitations, was ,bite lengthy. Same of the members of Dew- drop tjoeacil, No. 34, R.T. orf T.. Paramount , were present and kindly a progrsmma, wblklt went far towards spiking the entertainment i greed basso. Every concert given here yet by this lodge has been w sutrwu and this etas, it will be admitted. was _. the best ever given in this locality. After the usual vote of thanks cert closed by singing ankghee the con- cert Vneen. . Another case :.f smallpox was oitsciv• ered in Toronto MI Saturday morning, the case being that of an R-y.arold but, who** parents reside ..n M II street, St. Matthew's ward. The body waw 0.et1• oat *bow ed bo nl six weeks ago but the S'irn. WORKS_ JOSEPH VANSTONE, PROPRIETOR Importer of and dealer in atblc & G tanite MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES Tt 1•.Tt 197indoW l Door sills lid tout take. How he contracted the I ' 11 k ... T-,mm`was of all k:loaf. is OHhi mesa that hewn . them* 1. * mystery. This ins Nag am! (. .,T..- it qIs noc.rred here since the and eserotrd in the J`f► «se being fatal. so Al 'w net designed e tf V hloateeal Rest y is. N t' Hi•RWAKH. - republican by between 12.. steaster (ioderick Pear eh. ao Iowa fin �° 101.1.3m1:o-:eri..b. deist. 10th. ',rasa• 000 and 13,, 000 te+als�7• - -- FASHIONABLE MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD Iasi plea.nre in annn•int'11i�,t her stork of th.latesttlgrm.in H ATTG 131RDG-t RIiSEONEt kir .. t... -,• a.,;•• orimp:ete. wine .of the meet •413(0•,ab,e atyW As boa .n los";one tar.. �u1 11ck.\ot.',th.INS. ',IIIA wonder Books. •• What is the *maid coming to? The poor *mai* now on aro equality with the richest no far as hooks aye e•on- oerned."-Orof1 Boprtisf, St- 1.oVis- The following are a f,•w of the hooks; ku-ge type. 16',Ti ffJlrt. now Wood on the wonderful ELZEViR LIBRARY: fly far WALTER. SCOTT. 1 By JOHN RIIt1CIY. 1� :r7 ■~...r sii. t.... Itlrtrel le L: ar+snor +ss Lairs.. lee r• 1 is .'r,..11of wtb) Mt.- Ire 12 _ ` i 1 a.. ::Y E%*I cw or the Dust . Iso Faea�as1 an' arterwLI_t,N cors 1 Rip can enema heron 1 tar-.,.iado.y Taaewed A.idrw.' p�rra rc T Tib r.irw log= .4 Woad- nw. OW. T. linyoert► of11 3r is TLa dWl tt*WAssDwzrm. , a le it1�Y'e1�e�as tlL res. r'- barn. FAMOUS roma. 6 Moat Aedes. Tiaer.a.. Ta r ameba. sa.as.,vaa t1.,s.�a, rillese. The no•� >d Tlw eller,isr twtJosrew ae c taerornaary .. I *� as .. i? li Oeea•iw trier Liam Loma f� tw. I. .s.• �o.,�.4 arv.s- Ji se tesopw. i., _- ..... A "ewer. noose .x I - 0. me. k atMyYre in: I Lara'., a: , SI leas/ Oa taw. Alii Ytws.. :k FatiretlwisorlWT • 6c Cad.s.tsd.rr ' MI nw.rpp+ . � 0 s oyr ate *wise' 1ar`er. coratwa . -ton. b, 3.! vi TVs 1. ry. Me armada the. -N ',.Biter AaM.aba YrtAivr foe let Tke Hera rat fret•... Amore tai of Ike w r.. . 141 Tb. Ra. •w. sr. tow.. A rbc. 1l licit*suwr6wssD.1 sty t•r. ' lfr L..rmesamid lea ..t'nsuuar>a es �, >a psMoutae sRoweomal v L J. R - i'oPCL t et sientI:ct. Mout tr.os. ears, c.arLisr ii: t Pas sea -...t.: no, .,f fkieste. SO al 011 TQT1w.elmta. NOWT orae. U. 1) Y u H1u..�rpna t . S: a Th. r..ide" ' es trelie n By MATTHEW ARNOLD. •a i..-ntn raw Xarwa•a c lies i Re Pulite L' Bank. ]tiow.ss alar- 8- u IIT7fO1tOFIll. EIST0SY. American Hamnewid, lavas . 'r ZOOM Americas limsorlwbora s--ces. ie : The Ilarwlsd e its Aerlcrs iilwwi.•ri..'.-tsarsit-- i • a TherCl gs,iarr.t- * ya. .- Amerteaa ion..riaw-A.w.ai, t: SS Ama.t''Y 0..0011. - LA* A• n T'a. C,lUe Honest; t Tw.IJ. 7a I Sv Adrreturea ui lame iteadma- Goon=ern hat The tattled manias». i,t: i i ar - as ,1.t le .r tit" 11 . Dads SIP.W OwIla el Ile !opa.rt *1 - ' %w1R T� Is cof Calan lc >A :`li rat 1*. TI � ~ :a n bra w.� at�+r�' . )� arassus. law D'Aeswst (•�lltl [A.w t" [ A itt1ct. • .ytTEMILE CLASSICS. : The /western d Rome. Cense 31 her Swamks ►aaa.a " Nada. .151 TisCT os 3 .4 tan raie• Mlerlm'e 1i4's� 13 A oar m !tsars, BJ.r•wy. N N.tu 1-.mn�• fro a. N. na • r. lis nrrrl' Lsmanar . M 1ila- s„ ,o,,rx-aer• ' es et Oslo UMW . at fnrn teol.. ALi uari. at ?hes Ua. (I�. ' p the �.s{br... b ♦ Fi.if IM. r t lt• ti til O1 it of frena i•airtia' los 1 vrs.ea arl BO�aow 3, 11 sr atter ton awes Yhom 1 M, T op�." � aa1 AFib- Fs waw >• iensweineerladleallASAMINdMINLAMAiierue tem- hoeiree wtoc-'r ottBoots. , ir. sur.: Mt- litre (' lee. lip; tia..Taw. JOIM B. ALDE7 . Publisher. 393 Pearl',treee. New York. 1'. O. Boa i . 'I'h" undon•'(reed i.a' nor' In Creat Book Sale. kand`d. -kaglaill Or •;t411.31 a title tate „e„ steschird .:, -I w.ndertatT leer -p nae.. t.btaloGtx.:t."toolse'L Cell .ad dee see. JAMES IMRIE, It; :•..• FALL MILLINERY. Miss GR AH.1� rakes pleasure in announcing that ahs hos rrtoirned from her trip easy, and has now in stock n large asa'rtn.ent of FANCY 'f 1:1MMINGS, consisting of Wings, Birds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. 1 have all the latest novelties inHats, Bonnets. Shapes, Shades of Color, etc. INSPECTION INVIVFD. Goderich. Sept. 11th. INC •J033,f • C.. II_ GIRVIN, AGENT FUK teuuiuo eYoit Siiier Seng Iacliiiios. Manntact urer of the (•elehrated KITCHEN CABINET, And al: kind. of Far•niture. 1 Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. 1�>1r 1, re 011e ani \eedi'-• always on land at reasonable prices. .A. CdLI. BmLZOITRD_ C_ H_ C�IRVIN, Hamilton street. a few doors below the Colborne Hotel. I RIC=11t - S CARLOW, IIA.- t NFU' AND FL LI. IITOCK OF DRESS GOODS Ladies' Cloths, Bed Comforters, Winceys, &c., i GENTS' UNDERCLOTHING & TWEEDS JT VERY LOW PRIQEB_ Also a New and Full Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, 010-131 N4rth Sias Market Nome, Goderich. f .a . I Ready -Made Clothing St Overcoats. 2gt o,,, (e) >'" ail -_, „.' ( ; DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS, /l ' '*. 0.0DERZCH. V � l • � ! 'rsesag W Z ���e// = . .ZR MORTON, rV i 0 = m t �I 0 w,FINE GE - ' ,i ,, Ei W .. ' 1 .t LAHIae: 41'iK'K OF 1l' = . CUTTERS 1 All of which are 'narked down very low in price. /rt'a'1 and inspect my good* no trouble to show them. Carlow. Oe't. la. MIL 2014 AND - GOOD. J. H. RICHARDS. 1:3%'174:31r3a. DTTNLOP 1+hEIBWIC ATABLE TAIZ.OR_ Fan sad Winw stork of Twewta. et'' . now folly a..s.•rt«l. £10 ' t '1.1. 801.11•iTEh.V A +plen4ld Aoso'taient. Cheap. ,IRetneml.er 1 he I Aare Weet street. neat door to Rank of Mostreal.-!a Mrerte-8. Oct. tet. mitt 111AIfl1FA4'Tl:RIM OF ti\ TRI ti 'v J -i Works ---Opposite Co','oorne Hotel. 1,62