HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-11-13, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1115.
The Goderteh "Model" 8obool
Teacher. Elegant Coxt-
*,alta.s et as I:Iaratre gtartmeare tr.
rusk ttm•arr's Latest a.piMk,
Tom We tended Ogles the sacral and •bows that von, mho proferred to luow r
domestic aomatiwrN•edgll Clime who have the la+, Rad been illegally t-.ucug at the � (� � h
repelled say drsid•see in you, tut the School hoard, whit lapping up the a a
r � I
odtousue.s of our purpose has to every crumbs that fell from th. treadles,. Yoe
sue become eu went est that your friends were ignomtuauusly ejected from the
el yesterday are but your acquaintances Bused, and is the contest that (mitered
'of today, and your fneuds of today will I you were relegated w that slum -heap of
be your •dvenmnss of tomorrow. The malities to which all hypocrites, Charles DioketUS!jlperieneewith
tempersesw mov.g.est- a accred trust is slanderers and cowards must wooer or tin Old Bkcogr'apby.
the hands of Owl -fearing men and woe later go Fur a few moults the School
' mut---atturded you a0 ample uppurtnsity Board aud the community alike enjoyed
for the display of those 'menu that toad• rflftms. Agin came your opportunity, Nom "alai• •' iNery ' ■aMrsv)d Isles
WO have utter alluded to the trite Titus Lytes iu[am,us and 1. rich Beep" as you thought, [sir thieving the 11.W.1114.0 Nr
language poured out by Allao Ember', • synonym of hypocrisy, Nu argument, i'rtsw� Lake a guilty sprit that
school teacher, .1 this town, aganu nothing but the vilest and mist inalig- could find to, root rtcrpt in deeds of evil,
those who dad not agree with b:m. anithat rant souse of the men oppuerd to you, you iuderged from guar forged retirenseet �
readers have wondered, it tks saute from a head a hollow as your will. of degrulstoon t.. erect over the rrmatns e s keine experiences are well
Perhaps' As in every other ors., your object was of your ruined reputation a cenotaph that worthy of permed :-
man was as knavish $ fowl or as fuulish a pelf, prat and setoliety , and you ono- will stand for all lune to vitae • brawn Charles Dickens started in life as •
kt:ay., „a we wit be was.
W. therefor. tauued to „hurl with the fiendish delight of warm. to the .tenderer, the bigot
flare .a o:an..• his latest cuotribuuou to
V repw•t.er. He learned shorthand by the
d Skorl6a�d
the Star, as a specimen of what a de-
praved bean hellish hate and an
balanced brain will permit a man claim•
Mg to be educated, to unto• effrontery to appear, you sought out ,la despair. you must take refute within
Although we have repeatedly stated an ',cesium, as you still do, for reediest tnureelf, .here, unless you repent, the
tenon this school controversy began !hat ,nen httuuii u ,sed to you. Then,
aur columns were rayon toot.' ooh sash implicit)!!! pl"Nemewa of your iniquity will constantly
after Ingo-In►e Arraying c Wool! , apply the sniurge and the lash. There,
ed to reply to anything which had lore- I c AM and reusing the dust of contention where the phatuasuwturu of your_fortuer
life will rise up before you with
ghnif.eld sins and iva.le ux", each
perspeet:veand ever -deepening sii
reprosell you with the viktsw of your
if. and the hollowness ot your pram -
ems. you may be brought to a evaluation
f who you ere an.: what you are If you
wanner chat -sclerotic of gout aervdity t
and sbjaciness of spark that some tecor-
ninon of your doun¢euhed services in
the temperance cause all laid be forth -
of a vitriol -thrower your puiauuuua dia-
tribes at wren whose rrputatious you
washedto blacken. o every •latfuru
snit at every meeting where you had the
and the coward, But the measure • t 01 dismay methods that were the (rah -
your iniyuiry is alrca4y full. 5111 tau in hes time. it was as serious•
t i -
. it Aland mot
whatevr oda you tom sour business M learning (:reek cxv
derision await you. Outwardly reduced ting t memory the whole of the Bleed.
riouely appeared in Tee tisuxaL, Allan in order to obscure your motives, yria
Lrmbury, who is • moral coward, utter hail the uuperalluied •ulamy to clutch
availed himself of the opportunity. tie the houtx• vietury in &cruse you liege
has Riven his wrathful epr•thw instead owateit.d to dogrin k even hour since.
1 its
s. to
to the editor of the Nae. who is quite Ti. cowvlete the wretched spectacle ref 1
willing, It well.' appwr, w baud Lis your Wtugleo vane), hypucrsey cul ease. s
columns over to any ogle vibe er•old near, you inuuateo en au ndelicata
vitli(y the owners of the rival news-
paper. We have on severed o ccaains
received lettere redeemer upon the
obarateer of :he r'i t it of the Star, couch-
ed in la&guace ;oat as violent as that ev. Khat you received Wight well
..sed by hoe fa,ortte currapundrbt he called the wacea of utfau,y. But let
ag•utat us, but we lure tnvanaule tout rue rewind you that an exotic from
the venters to this titer, or put that Munster cannot long ouzo, veall aparasite
&nary datrib.•a to the waste basket. int Csaa.tie. The day cel come when
Embury •letter. which we append in society shall be pruned 1 splash hideous
full i, le eIct, ring fat ,nflieting s, Inn¢ aacresceuc.,, and the memory of your
and vicious a screed upon se eacalleut termer infamies will be locked up in the
class of readers t. now gets a wider circa -pose annals to people woo will never
boon than the limited lief of the .,fur disturb tho &Nitap pied of obscurity into
could supply. which you will have forever disappeared I
In another letter to the Yter, Embury
complains that we have written to "ruin
hes reputation " That would he a work
of supererogation on our part. Embury's
own writing, hu irregular habits, aud
hs shameless utterances have long ago
"ruined lie reputation. He is a imolai
Never mote the clays Guitean sent out
his fulminations-wrledictions, prophe-
cies, etc --has anything like our '•wodeP'
schoolmaster's epistles been seen.
Embury'e wild coy. "Simi me from the
McOdircuddyse' should be framed as • and religious influences that fh.wed from
companion sentiment to Ouiteau's "Don't her buly alters. You,Thua McGillicuddy.
shake your lung, buoy finger at me, who are the antithesis o! .req mural
Porter,' en addr.•sieg the district atter- std seem! virtu•, the "Marsh" of uvery
trey Here a this literary curiosity : - social and political bittemess, the
As Open tetter to ter. Tees. I - y negation o1 all nubility in the lite of
Stas, --1 prnp,se to addrrse to jou a wan. have &spired to lead in the cause of
few remarks the justice of which ha* /nag reheiun. Yet in thefsae of this mo,atr-
bsen estabhstied though their force may "'t• pretension, the editorial c damns of
r.matu unperceived by you through the the rag yea attempt. to edit reek with
obtusetiers of your d M well WI the language unfit to be used by the most
mastery which erratic and v,cti us babas deprated. Well might Burn. ironically
have acquired over you. Yuur personal say of your prototype --Holy \Filly -"A
merits are %mottle in their kind mid I shall burnin ani a ehinin' light to a' this
leave their illustration to thews who have Placa' Men such as you hare ever been
the atumhleng-hinck in the way of anti
nus seekers. In these days of doubt and
scepticism one ei&ntple like yours is an
argument in the mouth of thousands.
temperate language, perfection in lying, But regardless of coneequeoces, you
and cututeut vtlhbu►uou ,f respectable still pursue your tortuous career ; un-
silluis hive gte..v you • prumuteuce mindful (lithe signs of the times, you
that neither your natural our acquired still wander from synagogue to barrack
abilities could eversion. lave •.coned A room ; unable to understand the world,
from view
But perhaps thecavae which you have
meet signally disgraced is that which is
bunt up in our inherited aphis cti..ns and
to .oar earlier years. it,1u t,ou,rbat corner
stone 01 society, list u.o often cast a
mantle of shadow over depraved hearts
aud gigantic vices. T.., often have lips
steeped in infamy uttered ptou. ejacute-
u,ma at her veered ahrtnes. Toxo often
Dare tum like yourself secured an as-
ceudaacy in her councils, and withered
Lk• a blast from the desert the moral
the microscope vision to p.rexive them.
I shall cuubne myself to that aide of your
character which is the cis. poo) of social
disturbance. Your sell assertion, tn-
hen sincerely repeat, there will be
performed to your life history a miracle
that the world will applaud. That miracle
would be, that so great a •cornice were
use ied to save so ,.peau a si.ner.
Yours, Sc
ALLAN Ensue%
Orslertch, Nov. Jnd 111185.
There is 'oily one point in all the fore -
gulag two tedium letter which calls for
reply on the way of explatatwu. Em -
bury has ingestoualy perverted an inci-
dent, and by cruse ratarepcosentation
endeavored to make it appear that the
penult he is writing against was on New
Years day "pacing the postoMee ques-
tioning little uirfs ss to whether the prin-
cipal appeared in an unfit c,nditiun,'"etc.
Ili. McGillicuddy makes this exptane-
titn. It having been told him as a •chow,t
official that one of the young women in
Lsbury's room had reproved that worthy
fur speaking to her while under the
influence of lignor in school, he
But Dickens worked et tt aud stuck to it
through thick aud thin, till finally he
iaaterwd it. In later years he beseme
very wealthy, and the moat renowned
story writer .4 ha time. But he uevsr
would have done soil he had not worked
dust as hard at wntang as he did at teem-
ing shorthand. The system of Short-
hand popslarly known am Uuruey's u
really Meknes. it was first published
in 1772, and went through several edi-
tions. Thomas Gurney, en animator of
the present Gurney family, who report
for the two Houses of Parliament, re-
published it in 1751, and pieced his 0515
name ou the title page. There is nu
reference to Male% in the book, It is a
very imperfect system, and requires tiro
or three years' practice belure • pers,•u
can reed and write it with facility. This
was the system which Charles Dickens
learned, and for snore years used a re-
porter on the Morning retinae. The
difficulties which he felt in mastering it
are described un the following eetract
from the "Batory of David Copp:er-
fleld": -
Tb. first subject on which I had to
consult Traddles was this.- 1 had heard
that many•nren distinguished in various
pursuits had beetle life by reporting the
debate. in Parliament. Trsddles having
mwtiugled newspapers to me, as one of
his hopes, I had put the two things to-
gether and told Traddtes in any letter
tbstt I wished ti. know how I could qualify
tb ought it well before repeating the myself for this pursuit. Tneddhe now
statement, or taking any public action in informed me as the result of his angel
his position of school trutees. to ask the ries, that the Inc.. onechanioal •egoist-
rl the first time he met kir if the fact tion aetimeary, except in rare cases, let
Mr. Fut, Mr. tlbagelitt , Mr. Burke,
Lard Cas•fsa•Ri, Ytttss.uit Sidewalk,
.r Mr. l'anuirus wesld work hi
gseintanee with shorthand was the *alas
e,l prurautiarli we to the peMt.vu cf curcur-
etting:c:erk and cashier. lb. hour
per day was a!wsye deo (Aril to s!tort iced,
tb• rest of ...y time belts set apart for
other studies. Heated'an interest igl
spire ual things, 1 took a fancy uf be-
ouming a *muster of the t..spel. I sat
haul t. work fur college. At this timeu
Phouuppraphy was ire0•,e et very greet
uto Inc. A friend of mom started a
newspaper, sad i had huts opportunities
.f np.••rtiwq. Thus practice was of en
mimeo tele.. It was o1 tiebeitely more -
use to me thin Mrs. H• pv s daily read• t
I had during this tone made iaquirks
sheat r•llege classes. One difllaeity
turned up. The 0.0.1 a aures I (Saud
clergieswas to take clergies for the Prat year.
What could 1 dot 1 r d not take to
cIassica Wt t, m •hortheed the way
openedopenedup•. 10,01'1 with it take logic
amt l;reeR, roerting Latin until the
ft, year. nllewei • r. la wv at the stage I
found olio rth•nJ til
-nesti mable value.
Every wmie of them lectures was train -
Tarred to my apeheisk, and when the
eiaiwttion cams I passed with greatest
ease. I have now had three year* at ,
the Glasgow1'uiversity, and had it not
been for your Pheuetic Shorthand I
should certainly have been still a bum.
Me tum : nod eve-: granting that I had
succeeded In my other studies, and furs•
ed my way to college. 1 could never
duriu. the weenier months here *calm
pa,.hed lily labor half so 5.11- Tu it I
owe mse
y premed lucrativesituati,n,whtch
allows me to take my chimes it the won
ter, es t„ prepare fur them it the sum -
,,.«r. \\ hen 1 remember this, 1 certain -
1y should be guilty o1 sad neglect were I
not to tell you that ,tato your short
band I o .,
we it all I have labored spe-
cially &moue the working clauses t
d►sse,rnnate its truth. knowing from and
experience that many are falsely per.
beaded that it caw be of no use to them.
My success to this respect has been cr-
awlingly vaned. but many, very many,
have, like myself, used & little self-denial
to overview the little difficulties cu
rrimedwith the study of Phonetic
/Shorthand ; and they. like myself, have
all reaped a rich reward. I pray that
roe will excuse my wntiug to you. be-
came 1 feel that at a say duty so tag do.
WILLIAM Hot -r...
Glasgow, 14th Ample, Ifri2.
tate the must tri•lfttlr hoes, omit
tM *oat withering dentutsiatiu*• of the
profligacy sad carruyties „t ,af aunt
sad Mr. Dick ; while I used to sit at •
little disuses, with my note .rook ar 07
knee, tagging after him with all rue
mere and main. The ipconaatawy and
recklessness of Traddiss wore not to be
exceeded t,y may reel Ii' Itttrsu. e
Iwea fur ar.y derertptwu f t..)Icy. in •
oowp•as of • week 51.1 tooled .11 suns
ell .alae• to every denoniustt.wt of mast.
Sly aunt looked very like so imisievable
Chance/1,r of the Eacbegwor, would •.
ossivaally throw to au interruption fir
two, an "Hear r , r "N. or "Oh "'
when the text seemed to uire it:
wht:h was always a signal to Mr. Dick
a pelf vet country grntleitau to
lustily 0th the
a' carie cry. '.
1:U• Mr.
Dick got taxed with such thinks to ib.
course of his Parliamentary .veer. and
was made rear nimble for such awful
coomae%uences, that lie becueae uncomfoi-
taWr rn hei mend souetu,es. 1 believe
he actually began to be afraid he really
bad beet' dome s uvali 11. ten. lmi. to
the saglibilation of the British e.'intiu-
tion. and the tutu of the country.
(Ate) and often we pommel thele •1e -
bates until the chuck pointed to ew:•i
night, and the candles were i.untitut
down. The result of so much 1!.'I
prractioe was, that by and -by 1 Iweritn to
keep pace with Trseidles pretty well, and
should have. been .quite triumphant if I
bad had the heist idea what my no•:es
was so or not. He happened to meet thorough °se lience no it, that is to say, i when I was a boy not 18, rod 1 left it -
her in the post -8c , and quietly asked a perfect and entire command of the 11 can hardly believe the inexorable truth
her. She .aid it was not so. She was mystery of shorthand writing and read- r --nigh thirty years ago : and i have put
the only person asked, sad it was the log, was about e.tuat in difficulty to the Jsued the calling of a reporter geder cer-
right thing to de. '1'o a fneod of Eon. mastery of sax languages ; and that it i out.stauces of which many of by breth-
bury's who was standing sear by at the might perhaps be attained, by dint ,tfren here, and my brethrer.'s suacees•rs,
tome, the trustee repeated the converse- perseverance. in the course of t few I can furor ao &daqu•te conception.
tun, saying he was glad to learn that years. Traddlet reasonably supposed I hare erten transcribed for the printer
the awry was untrue. This was to give tbat this would settle the business : but from toy shorthand notes important pub -
the teacher's friends en teppunuwty to I, citify hobs, that here indeed wore a I he speeches an which the strictest accu
Marge derby the should it be repeated. few tall trees to be hews down, Orme- acy was required, anal a mistake an which
The action of Mr. Meelillic.ddeal set date., resolved to work wy way on to would have been to • young man serious-
Factoone to be aahamed sit.' ot► Dian through this thicket. axe W hand.. I ly compromising, writing nn the palm „f
conjure s slander ; he would"or at "I am very much obliged to you, my my hand by the tight of a dark lantern,
tempt to trace to tis wares, or atoplt.... Treadles '" said L '1'11 begin to- i in a t•st-chaoe and four, gallopnne
The remainder of the diatribe is en- i w, .crow-" (through a wild country lhnuoab the dud
worthy o1 serious notice. However, the ' Traddlea looked astonished, M he well • of the night, at the then surprising rat.
mac himself furnishes the text for ani might ; but he had no notion a yet .1! of fifteen mites se hour.
Th last ties I oma at Elmer I
were about. But, as to reading them
atter 1 had got them, 1 might as well
have copied phi Chinese inscriptions on
t an itngliw1 5 csdtaeiiuu of tea-chests, or
the golden characters ,on all :1.0 great
red and green bottles iu the chyuinti
1111 There was nothing Lir it, but t•. turn
ibeck and begin all over attain. it was
very hand, but I turned back. th.ueh
with a heavy heart, and began 'ahem
dusty and methodically to plod over the
same tedious ground at a snails pace
stopping to examine minutely every
speck in the way, on all sides, and mak
tog the must desperate effort, to know
theseelusi"e characters by sight where -
lever I set them.
i He wM very young at the time to he
so persevering. He MRS a mete boy re-
porter when at last he got the thing
(earned. He ronunts,. :
I west into the galheey of the h, use of
common es a parliamentary reporter
article which appears in anothereolumn,
which dealt with facts, and not with
intpresaiona, suppositions, hallucinations,
or any fancies arising from • crapulent
cund:ti.0 of body, end a disordered state
of mind.
broad analysis of that WWII of fungus- Jou, still persist in separating Arse- ' -
like excretions which in you corresponds tier fretn pndessi.n ; and, Pheriawe like tyvtttas.ha•ad titMY►ttat. • • • s •
to what in other men u called brain, praying in public places, you continue to _
reveals in you a preponderant of the be • survival from that hypocritical sae The women and children of Road Arab I did nut allow try resolution, wttb
aainwl over etre mural ; of the rw►ee (til when psalm -singing and navel prayers families work, la old times, hater allow- reaped tai the Parliamentary De4tea, to
were • uaJibcation for office. Happilysal. It wWI one of the iron) I began to
over the charitable ; u! egotism over q ed to wear imitation jewelry, wbetber.f
veneration, Thu., there is found in your the office of hcb, of trustee was then. et.nes or neral ; the jewelry,
este for
heat immediately, and nae of the irons
meuJ and mural constitution no brio unknown. French eiviliratio.n is however, feet I kept hut, and hammered at, vita a
for principle, nu sub stratum for masala, Your tae: attempt to serve )Donal( breakingdown such prejudices. Vise verses,' I may honestly admire. 1
no f etedation for religiva, Nature Ise- through a public trust forma a distinct ancient designs, especially of necklets, boWfht an approved whose of the sole,. of commons, aid I have worn my fret by
int destined you for a cuusumate b chapter ,n your sordid and ignoble war- art myat of atencgtaphy (which cwt mending to write iu a preposterous pee
hype_ age crow reputed in bre Ind wit out
•- J t in un from a• lei sn int roe' ;and ed into in the old hoose of beds, when we used
prejudices - your moralea medley of a nes d peepkxit that brv.tlght me, in to be huddled Oka so many sharp
a few weeks to ,� et►r.6ge• sit tbt
my rapturous condition. a rer7 ,
good (scheme of this art in it ; I'll work identify, for the amusement of a friend,
at it •t the Commons, where I haven't the spot oft which I "took" an election
half enough W do : Ill take down the speech of try noble friend, Gad Russell.
speeches in oar court for poetise -Trod- I It was in the midst of a lively tight kept
dies, my dear fellow, I'll master it "' l up by all the vagabonds in the vicinity,
and under such peltin/ run that I re-
member two rood natured colleagues,
who chanted to be at leisure, held a
pocket handkerchief over my notebo ek,
after the meaner of • state canopy to an
ecclesiastical procession.
I have worn my knees by ermine on
them on the old beet row o1 the house
• F1 buy • book" said I, "with a strolled auto the castle yard there too
erne your s celled principles are fare against ened.ty and dereluped o h hods f I}s*aacua. The must pe Phinft
useful pattern a one formed of two rows
of nt fish- t m -
ed by repetetioe ; this oo a in r
very effective, and vas -
fore the world theme 'abort' characteris-
tics the illustration of which was
necessarytt, complete a character uuetue
in moral and social turpitude. Our
schools are not objects for contests. for rage of Lagoa a powerful amen,.
n rigue, orfor y iso g r hanging
see you a o
(hoard, as was afterwards emnnstrated,
that you might lead your Machisrellisn
principles and your Munchausen veracity
to the support of a contemptible clique
whose appetite at the public crib was
insatiable. To the exclusion of an old
apoybtb•t,ma and cant ; your rehp iew, • h•sgt he shapes mach dented ' ' •NOTA•R STORY.
profanation of the communion to which P dark tioa. The Cheer! that were nog upon
you been.¢. I*iifnrtanat. as sue ars by has beside the dots, which isweb aposition meant such The following letter, addressed to the
your natural ounattution • the emacation• a thing, sad is seek a petition soros. editor .f the Pdeemt,, Journal, shows
of your earlier days were not such WI p t part at n lalda All "'-
Moat neck ornaments ha e ha R g thing else, .purely different ; the woo -
would produce any amelioration of the
these Y Aar attempted t makes them pendent., folbwisg ]lipptari precedent ! dertni vagaries that were played by cir-
deletenous effects of • ane-•eded develop
You thrust ynunelf apo, the School One r� deonntive design r oo*pnesd ' cles ; the una000aatable eoosquences
mere, and the natural baseness of your d
disposition is to the present day reflected
in • couutenanra tit to grass a Paptau
orgy. It manes be said of you, r may
be mid wf many Ixommeut men, that
you sprang from the gutter. Unfortun-
ately fur the society into which you
Aare by an inscrutable Providenoe been
allowed fur s time to intrude, you have
brought the gutter eking with you to
supply you with the ammunition which
reit poly e.o,gen,al occupation demands.
ill more unfortunately for society. the
f I b attended the repmattiss of a rapoly seams¢ cut'.are trent •ad diaturted by a rig ask roekst stand for "dwdtantageosa'
tctence and t, break those obligations Wgl I Fad fixed thele wretches rn my
s0000scieusnees of defect which marks
of chains torsed of fat rings ; the Ent that resulted from marks like lies ' legs ;
chain farteas tight asoosd the theme, the tie esodoes effects of a curve is a
while the others deemed is inoreasiog uloid plana :sot only troubled my wale
*north, oiliest te the hose • this u a log hours, bat reappeared before me in
al taken 1 had op►"d my oma
most favorite pattern for wilding !reale. my 'eP'1m J•
The is•kiaic lights Give almost the effect
bltndty, thriseth these dilfichltte., sed
and active member, you thrust ynur.etf of chain armour. The whole female had Egyptian
ted the alphabet, which was an
upon that committee which you desired Egyptian temple in itself, there then apo
to manipulate. For many months there P"Pulatioe of Tiemlten (Oral) del-1117____"hin pared • procession of new horrors,
diaphyiny is their ears • clutter 0
you sat interlarding the debates with hoop made with t.' hood. called arbitrary charades* r ; the most
pious platiuedes, and on every possible p n serpents' t detpotfe characters 1 have ever kmown ;
rtraiaitori .wt•Ilowing the pitiful morsels Dtyfhteoed by colored glass moor a dab who insisted, for instance, that • thing
that fell hewn the table. Hungry and of rope eswel. Even babin arms bee the
wear i eaa hoops, tbt,ugtr the...."w little wra beginning of a cobweb, d .int
avaricious, you dud net .raphe to •ti8e "eapeetattos," sad that • pig acrd . ink
tb w ' ht the
.sew o your character has you m.tsi being cheap, and the rb*ti.. verb -
in all your enterprise.. Your abilities dor. vt good p, asses.
and rale 'ming negative, 700 hare imp,•wd upon you by your declaratiou of pt mind, I found that they had driven
without the delaberalem aud candor .ice. But, Loner there was none, the The Fnrr Cardinal Poiissa ,.f rep !al everything .lee .sit of it ; thee, begin-
mark the actions of hone.t men flickerine rurhlight of conscience had ing the system an the stomach, tM nine again, 1 forget them ; while 155.
egdwyored to identity yourself, for endo lamina contracts *noted.
oor irndresistible pr auto on ett �wD� b.rwels and the blood. With •a healthy fe,spicking wmenb ,wit the Idropped the other
.J.t•sa is shoat
pest ental and sordid, is till thole owe,. T action of these organs sieknees n►an..t
* sats that enlist the sympathy and su rfeesed to teethe the depravity .4 the uses almwst heart-br.akini,
pot y p mese. Burdock Blood Bitters seta
of the position Uhnetian element nctpal and w deplore the incapahty pnmaptly epee the weansrestoring in
might Imre been quite heart -break•
se you have brought at omnis discredit thine ta, a healthy ase '
of the cnairma•t whom you
now for •, g, but for Dura, who was the stay and
w pm the lastest movements and addi- hypocritical purpose w loudly venerates. anchor of any tempest -driven bark. Z
tsunal infancy, if po.e•ible, upon yourself. In the contest between the In•pecturand ibs imrbetial
into the political arena you hives car- the Principal as W their reepectna rithts to send Matthew pArn Arnold to rime and
rod all !bis petty Aril., and manoew•es and duties, your character received its
es characteristic your ghoulish nature erownmt illustration and its amine Germany a iegeirw roto the tryst.* of
rd Ups. like have owned the ninon •tone of inf.tny. N ithout any attempt tris
1'• p' ,:gm to centime the position assumed by the A minister approached a mischievous
▪ of n he ride
(e journalistic
lis •roti. urchin shout twelve years old, and laying
rtiolw of the ode of journalistic wthia P *iO ynr immsa. 05 .5 Num, M
bee ed t ad t slime and to windy him to order to drive ►r hard upon hie a►oalder, the ad-
odene rnviov a sine• torr leu dread hiss son, I beli.v. the rM beton 1 n, and left m imbecile I timer be ,f an use to • savvy I tried
flntdench, and sisndrr -"the meanest 'Aim temp his powitie,a. Daring this pen- began. 1 7 J
mese of hell"- has fl..wed from y..•ir ' cels .occurred that deeps/44o' episode ow dtvd hM tot hnityf fou. 1 heiiere penal etagaertng abeet the paper r if it ' ether heanehee of education ; they were
NP. Year s dell that at ones stamps you he hea, loan, was •rgniRe•nt Mp'y of were in • fit • • all to hard for tae. 1 esteemed to your
pa es fast as your mush event Ann,the etch
scratch in the Eches. was • marled oak
in the forest of dif ie. ty, arid I went on
cutting them down, one after another, ries tn. or tit• encouragement Seam
with such vigor, tb.t is three or fear of the would be gev.tlem.n of the place,
months 1 oma in a eneeittee lost mak. an I end the e•,11iery clerks, Really persuaded
experiment on one of our crack speakers me to give tt up, and give my time, d 1
in the common, Shall I ever forret would wady, t, soomwehnmg sore useful,
b ow the creek speaker welk.d off from WI they alleged that shorthand world
that Pitman • system of Shortland, en-
titled Phouogr.phy, can be learned by a
"navvy" with ease.
At tke ate of fifteen i made a lntd
attempt to learn Taylor s shorthand.
Por *early two years i worked very hard,
bat it was of un rtes ; I meld write a
little, and wM sxoeedmely pmod of it.
bet the pride left me whets trying to de- �i0Td6 of �1Sa0171.
cipher what 1 had written. Shotty after
du. I gave it up. acrd tee lay whole at
twtints acid time tbi -I 5
The Pains .d Lumbago. aching beak
acid hips, with all weakness and sore-
ness, will speedily vanish trader the
treatment of Hagyard'a Yellow oil, •
remedy which say be taken ist•rnaliy
and applied eateraaLy. It is • positive
cure for loin. 2
Fun 1 nluuj�.
Little Bertha : "Yea, mamas*, T took
Three 'emboss est of this drawer.' Mam-
ma : "That was very naughty, my chdd;
t i will forgive, b..•wuse you confessed
tt\ Littie Bertha: "Then give me
ot mamma, fur 1 really took eel
two. e
"W are your views regarding the
Chews Oedema 1- asked a reporter of
as airtwueeeyed knight of the wash-
, board. "Three cent.* colitis, ten coarse
shine. ; 5' cent.e cuff," waa the answer.
"Are you married r asked the padre
of a ,ran who was arrested for variety.
"N.., 1 am not married, but my wile is. -
"No trifling with the ooart." "8ere.5
save us ' I'm not trifling with the oosrt.
I was married, but got a divorce, say
wife gut married alms, hot I dills ',eel
ate mos married, bet ery wife is.„
Repressible' mother to a fire year old
delinquent • "New, Mary, when you my
your prayers tonight, you mutt tell God
ot that nauthty Thing yoga said to *.*is•
today Morisco. ive-yearrild :
I needn't. " Maltase, takes shank s,
"No. you needn't t Why not r' Pi,. -
year -,.Id, triumphanuy : "No use. He
beard it. '
"For what we are about to receive alis/
the T.xd make us truly tl., bIsi " de
'witty murmured Dewsbury, eithee
with. folded hands at the diaper table.
Then Joukint disdainfully over the dishes
est before him he snarled : "Doom gra-
cious, Maria, bow rsaay tames do yoe
want me to tell you that 1 do•'t Parker
for cabbage and corned beef more than
three times a week '"
pbsgb, as Ceeteen tees lead s non into many
thee • ploughboy. At seventeen I am- errors, but it jtnubes wove.
poles for, and won, a medal et the pariah The fruits of tree windier, are modesty
pltwghint match : sue this made ate fur- sad haatlity A vain or proud masa r,
get all about shorthand and everything in a positive sense, as ignorant incl
else pertaining to education for one whole If a man empties hie pure ion, kis
year. 1111+ master's son, thefts student Mid, 00 man eau take 11 .0.7 from kim.
of the Glasgow University, utgwd ns An investment in knowledge always pays
Mutest -
strongly ft/try your Phonetic Shorthand, the b..i iuterutt.
He at last prevailed, and for one munch Beery day u s little hl., and rWr whole
i wrought st is I had to cnevertheless
that 1 iii. a bat • day repeated. Tberet"re
got on .nd.rtly,o but omenhells.three Gs• every day ea if It would be the
it op in order to devote the whole of my hail
time to the plough. At the ego of nine- tem 1 left faun service. got *..Tied, and The man who t canna. pct se. ►nom
began narvyin¢ issteed. With my the wr rld mold get along withee" bpm,
navvytng 1 began your shorthand again *en find out by sticking • needle into •
To sag k.,, no ries. in the )rtaahty knee
111111 pond and thea withdrawing it and
anything about u, sad so none could ad- lookipg •t the bole.
meld cosine ve it. The lehnuehte of assn enemy. I erttety, WI the nosrnamon
the press and the A�agl,a ..f the party of ,.f AMU'. and divider, sea num unfit for A ler thm,a was walking down street
which bol h t trod rod any `..ration on • civilised c,ornunity. s fe. din arc• is cotmp•ny nth two
which other men dm at the monies .f• ,The anwhrr on the •vlv,nt of a Mew Om asked how •feltat woos
P large fellows r nur.elvea 4
you ora. yon ave u u , \ n e people outside were eon,ntumti �Tuone sen wive felt uncommon y smart.
*.a scotch id, that biuen,ssa of sport ! illi Pw'f 1m h u.ted bet
Year. while the 'told was shekel, two such
the p, to Sasail air ih i Beery cooat4 ye of 1 hands at the premiere of merea•ed peace "Feel, ' mid ha, ''why like • sharp Me
sees. to..wrr high in the farm ooh Soar twat toe„ to note the rrscrtbed esreise, seat it to
deeper plunge nolo a fresh sore of In. sod 'octal happuneto, you, Thomas Me- �" la. aid, T accepted the pi -epees' . aud p
yams, the, „sees ••f which stick tier ekes l Oillicuddy, with the e.daver:.ws aspect The fhlluwiag us • genuine Hihernian night after night. a:m.st every n.ttat, ynu, and had the satisfaction to End that
le ewer mink cements. B. often hu 'f • lunatic and the stealthy step of an advertimment flaming from Killer. Ger • long time, we had a sort a private you .aw your .•y to grant me a eertifi taasta. tae •s. Jabs fftwrrw•
agmia1 nitres soee.dsd to plow• plats ' •'ass•un, were peeing the (,oderich pot war. Jame O'F••gsaty ; she had in her Parliament to Ruekinrham street, after t cote to teach toe matte art 1 •hall
Guide, and infamy t dsgrace that today ''fere• lueet„.nunt little girls as to ares two Imbue and • Guernsey cow, all 1 euee home Trus the beams' Co*- never forges the day t peer hoisght le The writ has hew isaoed Inc • ewer
ab en, of tour p•litieal and sera! pro. I whether they had ever seen the Principal black' with red hair, and tortni•eabdl isessa 1 .o.w caked std wr granted the was d ttl•etbus is tit. Jn►e, 11. B twads'•lint
r in •e unfit ttwditn.n before lee teseths behind her ears, and lie black i should hkw to see each s Parliaetent th. soh...I-r.om to teach It t., nt
keit r -"laver us from eel Mc(:dlic n by the migration of Sir Lennard Tilley.
ark Cowardly and �nr•Iwrt, arrogant Kut the dee oweeteei wee mot far' *pets all down her back, which meinq anywhere else. Hy seat and Mr. Dusk f rand. Mr Pitman, your humble nor- Poreteetion .n 17th and voting ma the
snit *secant. instnealing and fake. yes' ntr end yon ap•w.tily received tM pun •wfrlly ` rgrr.entw'd the I;oeernssaat •x the Op- 1 Tani. • "ns• ry. ' who was never lartkt 24th irol gir Johw did not wait It
mak through life unn. ,tw.f h publiclebwnt dew to yew imeneeivelrle I A .,.,flew„►. pawing Mroeah nee (41=m (as the ease might lis,. and 'shorthand by • personal teacher, preen* thf bet . writ • n f,41s•
slug sme0ahte an no void. ..f Moor, m - !Inflames and year gator � our yuAl.e ,.Ilkrsr aur Ifeow<rd by imam !ea, with the assistaees • ng to rnetr.ct .,t wet tahal Pm"?' avi v+f►t t►e ewrt•ta
h hf f ' i h' ~' Teen erne these doss neves ( lark aud was advised to em.mptarn tw� R}•nher or • vodrw • of par itnw.rl•re • n t0 • opwitt, latah e/ the
ss.mg the '.mot machine which y,•u 1M the peeeop•1, ohm's he did the . i mations, perti hem bwf re trhas tom toawry, lige Mimi& to rho is ell he mt of
This would not do, it was quite clear. !shorthand smite inwardly reselviet that
1 was flying too hitt, and should norm flatboat but sicksesa shook' ever prevent
get on, •o. i resorted to Traddlee for i se frees mastering it now 1 bought a
advice ; who suggested that he would Manual of Phonography'' who 1 15sit
dictate speeches to me, at prune. trod simmered the 'Phnnogrwphie T.seher."
with sora s mal slippages, ads to *y 1 .nmsrtslp devoted Ore hoer. per day)
weakness. V try revel"' 1„e t r (ri.n to it. and in lees thus four months 1
Let out anyn5e lay that he cannot
govern his posuons, n•* hinder theta
from breaking out and carrying him to
action : for what h• can do betore a primo
or • Brest man, he can do •lose, or ti
the presence of God, if be will.
Charity of speech is M divines thing
as charity of action. The tongue that
speaksth no evil r..lonely a the head
which 'teeth alms. To judge n0 one
harshly, to mucuneiere no man's mo-
tives, tc Wiese things see what they
mem to he until they are proved nthar-
wies, to temper jedtmrit with morel*
surely is quite as good as to build op
churches, establish asylums, and to found
o 7 le of Es*.ii' 'i shorthand
h paha nton ores t' b.. t
on r. rte s o tit r.ne ip, at w need t► A sag a
m our after career to Le r•wlled w,tho sit clerks. athuwisr•sd aMusishiat hawse- .loss. 1<irhtwen 1. ean.hed t
yid with amyl, assiduity for the pttrpues' •ha roe and self atasemsnt, thew dayshere been ahused here by some d ,M loris valuer (hem. Standing to the .elves. and tIry lye t,.,► . full aMfos _ mem ofwrtwr
ef tillifymg when ,mm. .,..Li.. your .1.” prnv«I you to posses the eunntng l reeeste ..f this place, and 1 rime toe • bible, with hos finger in the pace to keep . My mater saw any teieue a< as t rm-
anJ ern.•w of the viper. hist not this it •s d rand you � the Hare. End his right arm floenettwt provem,et, .sit put waw int., the ofllr., r
ampatti ra, tnteihreteelly an,l mon•la.. to , P acquaint yoe f I un er. y PRION inches of 551.5 fall at Dee
1 d Trsddl Pitt, peeler clerk. i b
/why mid tri* of bre.
beset ,•f nun , there day •h"ti it see ani theytrMttpet. ' amyl• his hes es, WI Mr. i , 1 e • sheet time my se- take, Pak., petards.
It was with shsulute dismay that
oriud net
"It us a b„..k agent
Now • tin ik agent was the tet
r etaatence She was mild std
us, as vied by uaturu as by tee
dod their self assertiou, their imp
rity, were tau much for her. She b
their erect, though always aj•ic
RAIL She had Dover been known
cap: the Retches of one, and had 1
everything, from "Th. Lady's 1
Journal" to "The Hares and Hi
eases." 1)n this occasion able had
sitting. reeding, by the Fre t -1t w
ufthe dn u¢room,
.which cogent
s vire of the front porch of her •
cutta;e, aud, hearing • knock, ht
cooaciuusly looked .out. Heuer ht
No sooner had she spoken, than.
int bo,.k and shawl behind her i
;nay, she retreated out of s•,l.t
"How no you kuue," saui her
ter Helen, *drawing to the ea
"that it is a book agent :
Now Helen was altogether tl.e
eat girl iu Elmdal.. Yet she had
,o( der own, and woo riot afraid
nook agents, though sheconndete
the modern spirit of evil, "con
seeking whom they might devour
this morning she looked, if
prettier than ever, in her ugh
bodice, slightly ripen in frost
dretes coming to the elbows, ooh
were finished with soft lace ru
with • skitt of thy mine dark
♦ draped close to the p.rwae w as
all its graceful cutlinee.
"Haw do you know • ah •
stood at one side of this window,
set a peep. Whet she saw w
well built y -.ung man, clad to
,ng suit of gray. "lie doesn
she added. "so very brazen, of
"They're all alike. seed the
"Didn't I We him, nen, 1.01
coming out of Mr. Moore's d
`ew minutes ago
Ir. Moore was :he rector,
next door neighbor. "Heald
ways ge to the clergym.a; y
You tan see for yourself . he's
cel ender his arm.'
Heist took another peep. S
✓r here was the iiev,tab:e p
books, .-r maps, or 5 cnett.ing.
intruder' aria.'
, "Never yon mind. mother.'
• 'Yoe just stay here. and I11
:nim in five minutes.-
inutes."Heim, nettling her crimps
tiaat nod, and not waiting fur
maid to go to the door,
and stood bravely in the
ins it effectually to the book
The tall figure outside re
al :splaying •rather pleasing
shale.] by dark-br,rwn hair.
"Well, ell, I must my Le
moue,- thought Helen to
Jest than the atrsoger
to •ugly :
Mrs. Cone 4, I believe
Helen said to herself,
cutiroe he got the name at
that s one of their tricks.
a«s answered, shortly
"Yes, sir
'.Ie she risible I
The stranger asked this
iter its smile in ha hart
"No, sir " said Helm,
ill certainly 1
crept ar?rund the gentler.
egWd :
"Will, really, my buys
with Miss Cam --
"Oracles. thought
g. it ua all. Dear simple
Why did he do so • •
Ail tba wkiie the et
tare a calash
Never use them.' int
more shortly that: esti
more defiantly than
possible, in the centre
"&tia dun t wait to loo
last she added, L.oi.in
her, with no et; rasa
The young man peen
"He must be r.ew
thnueht Helen : "he's
Sent as others.
"Ali said t'.e ii
p5011e, ''1 think yon
stand : but atamm
"Um from Firmin
came titer. from M
wnrl,t •top
"i declare," tho
"they're jest too
His 'victimized p
wants to play her ori
Her indignati„n
limit, and she said.
• • Please t.. undo
never take anythit
grit day'.
til ith thew word
the door in his fee
nesly, sad nn tr
"There. mamtr
she entered, "yo
little derision. 14