HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-30, Page 3Mk HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OcT. 30, 18S5. .J t r N E D4%ISIES. Tide, and beard b::n tell her that be thought that life ■..ul.l have beet easier het nude hint a pun he could not eves 1t waa only a London gander, but it was v• walled an from intrusive ryes, was w judiciously planted with flowers that could stand the air of cities and the net4hborh rod mit amuke.was SU srtrruund- eJ by tree*, sod the walls that encircled it were see covered with creepers, that it was difficult to realize that it was actual- ly d pert of that "Old Court Suhurb' which is nuw • part of London itself. Theirs was en old bowling green that mule the smoothest and greeoeet of tennis lawns ; there w-ri. stately al'eys, planted with .tapes •.t now and yew ; an suoitxn' sun dial and ,1 MUSS grown fountain ; trim wafts through trellised doorways, th.:t ltd tQ ,otiserra- t..ne* •r..uus eith tr'pica! dowers and shady corners, much appreciated by the young people wh, lain lc Lady Mary Ilaalewo..tl a harden parties. and that at other times were Meta Hsdienne 's fay• orde retreat. Lady Mary waa the widow of • central . dicer, and Met.t was her . r..y daughter, :i tall and rather stately brunette of twenty-two, who had been out two or should never ties their W •avows attain to her if her suitor had Leen a little leas understand, moved him to no gemmed" sympathy ; it only wounded hes nail h in AletaThen, toy dear why do you not tea• and hu pride. He took the cards and without thinking of this caul, n and .d uuexoeptwnablr. us . ' Be.anee they are Marguerites. and 1 espt him (l)o you know, Meta, what u the letter fr her and tore them into • am Margaret 'she milted. the natural conclusion when a girl be- , bemired pieces, and thou be turned "If etiu like. Or because they are fair and white and tall and stately beau- tifut,' seal Mr. Lindsay. "Shall I find them and ynu still here when I come back . i wonder ? Will the daisies bloom year neer year in spite ,,f hog and smoke! And t. e, Margaret. will ynu be here, in s•,ite • all the suit, rs who will try to w.n alio wear the Marznerite not is the one tl •w tr in the world fur rue haves se you do es,' said Meta, hastily. "The natural conclusion the only conclusion —s, that she likes her home and her weother tie, well to wish to leave them." IAdy Mary put aside the Battery with lofty inddGreuce,second to any other man "The natural conclusion is that there / tie went away with his head in the is some .,.e she likes better or fancies 1 air, knocking urer his chair in his belts- sh. d•.es, and the inut her, considerately I tion, and Meta semi conscious of a very She did nut answer fur a easement. She changii,g the form of exrressiou sal unheroic feeling of relief. To please her upon hie heel. "Alius Hazelwood, 1 have the honour to wish yuu greed m,oraing, he said, with a stiff hale bow. "1 appreciate your cauduur, but you will understand that a emetlruan does not care to be DANIEL GORDON, CABIN E7' MAK ER UNDERTAKER. it will pay you to bay your iurniture Iran the ..ndenhtase. at l tarn en s ortaoeat se there es is the cuuaty. I do not adopt say email weir "o of eel reef rilinga ,'heap speetalty. h'�t e . eral oalst at wire* that canon: be surpassed retrain) .cos. Being!, la the Undertaking t hare- sloe a • ue..t ter the pour a,. w. 1I ea rich. I bare also added the prow... of l'Aubatn.Ing. so that parties barmy - . fries& to • distance eau do w st rcerwiubl* it art. Sept. filth. IMS. • ;1e1. n. tie, at DANIEL CFORDON, tlYrettMreet, tioueri. t. t•etw:on tilt 1 u.' UR1. ,• ,t.l of :•lut,:,eal. !"14 ?ter was only seventeen, and with Robin ; she saw the sudden dance in Meta's m,,the . and t • save her own pride, she _ _ Ltr..limy, at least. was curiously shy. cheeks- had brought herself t• think she u.ight And then f efure she guild speak, h. ! It faded w Quickly as it had come, accept Lord Castleman, but the wrier ui SPECIADTIES etulta her panda in his ''- tea Meta said, ateedIly relief al:.see.1 1,.•r how great an e..a ape ., i 11r. ALL"Tiro t atsk.r, dwIse said: "I had "That ie t mit th t ca.r wap fur, maw- aha had h t•1. How lung d1. sat whereMEDICAL Hnu right to ask, I will nM hwnd yi,u by : Ina. he had left her die never •.cite .new. •sinle word. tmy Ries mesh floer it was n.t a wail! untruth. Her1 Her eves were ..0 the s.ittred fr* for old time sake. Itp• 'edges you to tanrnmg'a contenunines with the &dines i menta that were all that reniuneaied of Just teoe.ted a trite cotsioom -mit of the Weet ledlaaad Meatserrwt irar.da M • nathiaq. but T may be glad to have it'd , had brought h••tne the conviction that I her girth•».is' dream. and as she sa• and I come bet.. some day and tied no daisies ; Robin Lindsay had ((written her, or ( mused her fact was grave and sad but T�XX here •• thuu,tht of her only as a cousin, and i• it was a sadners mit e loch Lordt_astle- in thy tlea of all uses. ••1 ice daisy wi',1 be'cer\, said meta' nothing cnuld,therefore, be more evident nian had neither part nor loot. Dieter a -„os• healthful and :e n:thing bet traits ter the .umgn*rseaeoe• softly—.i, *only that perhaps Le did nut to Margaret Haelewo..•d than that her' The opening of the garden door rens. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. hese. own feelings u:uet hate undergone ti ' 1 miss!' St•PPLIEr' or three seaming, red had refuse,! several - R.AM Lindsay hsd ren fortune but his • similar change. ed her at last. And then—fur life 1* winetinsea kinder to su than &alerts'HEllebore, Paris Green, LoIldon Purple, Insect Powers, eligible toffee without any very apparent reason. Mies Hazlewood did not siren give tiny mason. The eentlemee who had done leer the h.•nur to wish t•• marry her were not to her taste, she said, and seemed to thick that statement census - i v e. Metas indifference to suitors was the my point of difference between her mother and herself. Lady Mary would Oar ,sadly have seed her daughter suitably settled, as, indeed, what mother would profession. but her was a Seotchnian, and I sin relieved to hear it. said Lady ..r OUT unagiuittgs--♦tea lifted keg eyes,. rt.. et. c sr pentad as he wiz p.•.r. It seemed to Mary. '•I had real'y begun 10 wonder I and saw ..,,neon cominz up the walk-- J�RI� �* Medical rea, ^�' G�de♦.>t him a',swness to try U win a pledge—absurl as it seems --if there couW'some nue whose touting her conn pride . r�jV , s�j di,C$i1 y from (bill fair young cousin of his,wi,...e have heeit anything between ', •u you had gone near to Inakln; a curse instead e A �t �g for her, sad to whoa, as .nvsgemeet to! "Nit : oh, no cried Meta, vebeiro 1 Robin Lindsay, come at last to explain �ted& !'Gundry and Madill() Work himself could rely bring years of indefi• I fettle. "How could yuu think so, I his loons absence and the was ward fr'r- mamma, when he has never—' I tune that had till now made it impose- R .inciman Bros., Prepriet3:. . nice cooling. Ti'. d h burl f separa ` She Mopped afraid of her own voice 1 tale fur him to come and ask for the his, and sot hers, he told haulm!! : and enol break down before her mother- -to letterer in the world. a " betray the weainess that had robbed her so went sera and left her tree not ) toot t bot in the lung run tie ,lir! always t mother naturally looked so muchigher i and Ru¢tti -- ' � of a blessing. For the none ora was waiting an t • en u - • , d doubt and *exist y should be 1 What was she g•.:ne to do ' T•, falter Margaret who was stt 1 to h:m "tie ct.e CJRTRiCTS TAXER FOR STEAM EWES FLCURING WILS. RSO OTHER M11�hiNia W,t.1TEG tion an " y 1 withstanding that her freedom was a 'girlhood of its brightness, and that, in- ! Matrldee MaMeabwg.. had her ray. heavier burden than them alt. stead of being ton.quered. mi she had , There is now ingot manufactured here "[)o y, u want to get rid t f me. man , su l letter to • bdfwed, seemed ready t. ocerwhelm ' an article for iustautly rewustug pain of whoUy 1 Iwdy M. sc it d 1 I He uc.y wr to once, a formal any acute external nature, and it s sir nasi r aloe would ask, with•one of the .essilea that were half Sal sweet ; and there could be but one an- swer to such • question. Nevertheless, Lady Mary could not help feeling that her daughter wss provers.. The feeling wee intetaified just n•.w by an offer from ,Mesa's latest admirer. and I y the fact that Lord Castieraas seemed Linty to `are no better :hen thou wtu tat gone before hint. "I cant ur,derstar:d it. my dear. said Lady Mary plaintively "what was there on Sir John Hope that arty;:rl need have ,bjeoted to "He was not to my tante. mind Meta, for the hundredth time. "Or in Captain Shaw : And I air. vin they both worshipped the ground you trod ca.'. "['hey would `.tto• •tier. weic••.re to to that t'. they only w. uld here ab.taic ed from wo,rst4tppuag me," sail Mets idbtly. `•My dear, c'oa't be flipper' when yea fealty fall in love y• utself r . will ::howled in her hos o.- her now with a sudden despairing shame'' taiuly the most perfect core for Neural• Flouring dills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, H.-rse 1' were. Graf% •'rushers, Straw Cotters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Preuss. .411 Kinds of Castings .Made to Order. ..,rty, that s• rnehew fouled its way , She paused ann. went, steadying herself . ilia. Headache. Tnotbachin and the like J. �: satotr' Jtets's trammel: but everytr year aain.t the carrien seat, and theft abe that has ever been tried. It is called there carne a (`hristr.its earl adorned 'laid. Will a acerous little laugh ' � Flud Lightning from the rapid manner Ooeetiel:. Nee, el, mei in which it acts, and is tna*tufactured by with ono. Marguerite tisanes, and ' '-If• w could you be se absurd. Man,- ' McGregor .t Parke Sold iu f:,,derich bearu.g at Indtan postmark and the ma I ghoul,: have thought ilea: you! by (I. Rbytw, drugeis•. Ir:: ieitiale It. L knew lite Letter that, that. That was at: , lust such Christmas The two women were both ton much 1 A iatiersi Mtatate. cards as sayot.e might have sent, pretty ,ale' etched t , netioe netaide thin s. It 1 that came upon them both with a little shock might be the empties:. f compliments . 1 when • page appeared before them and I token. of cow�illy remembrance,, but Meta Lttithe? •r.•. tren.hline delight !announced that Lord Castleman was in 1 over theme and 1.1 i :.ver: away at a :adorer rides his gold. " these,- I nal se, ' said Lady Mary. new And Lady Mary, le ;tong iiusily at '31)% ► • the drawing room. tuff then she looked at her daugh- her daughter, with the unexpected ter. acs^tet which otherwise foolish women ( Aly Jour, what shell I say You will not sacrifice your prospects—your happi- d la tr. matters of the son atistra tap y 1heart• timeeht to herself that if Meta nt"My }a. niusas u t.•t in question, 1 had been h child when Robert ' q No Lat,r vireo [•r.[. oro t. Fi.nweita, A CItica:u citizen was wa:acg .ct etch kis wife, and, as is the custom a::tonZ some of the westeru elate, held her tight• iy clutched by the arm. ••What's that woman been tiring, demanded a stranger. '•stealing "Sir.' replied the Chicago nieo. ••this lady is my wife, sir. and— "Oh, I bee your pardon, said the stranger, "I thought from the manner in which yuu held her that you were ta.tcai bar to the station house. R. W.P.rnentse BARGAINS FOR CASH I A][ SKLLINO OFF MY ?TOCK OF LOTHING AND OENT9' FJRN19HI`OS • • At a Greatly Reduced Prig for Clash. Tali I� t onsuneE A`NCCNC•IUGOTT. ABRAHAM SMITH. • no• such a u t h h h 1 mairma, ' •aid Meta,• roudl "1 uu and likes to see them do well cad bloom' p ) I Oo+ter;sE. !foo. UtTs. W. Lindsay went a+a!•. she might have lean send Levi Castleman to one.' I abundantly, should be without Hie,. •. f - f rd th had beer. wale "nonsense -1 tinct 51► between the cousins when they wander- ! ed s, Ione in the garden those loft slues' evenings Ere long years age. ltnow it is not joking matter." It was only a passing thought, dismiss- 1 "Ah ' yes—when I do said Meta. ed the nest instant as too unhkely for "And now tee -e is Lord Castleman, serious redaction, but t: cams beck to and you don't seer.. any more farurably Lady irary with startlin: vividness thiel .ocGoed to him.' fair June morning, as she weot out to I "I can't help it mamma,' said Meta, the garden in search of Meta, and fused rather we•eily,R her standing by the daisies, with eyes She rose and gathered her work tt - I that were luminous and tender, and sad. ;ether ard left the held to Lady Mary The gulden brines, surrounded with 1 she was so tired of these endless lames- party abaft* of white, suddeuty recalled , tatiuos, and she knew enough of her the Christmas cards that had''oorne them mother to know that she would not leave in every variety of dainty device. And her pet grievance till she had thoroughly whet Lady Mary lacked at her daughter exhausted both that and her daughter's with enc.,:lotions appeal and questioning patience. So Meta pat on her hat and she knew. with a thrill of unwelcome strolled into the rardeh, the shady old conviction, that the girls eyes fell bslors world garden that always seemed gush a bet own. Was this tt—ti.t.—that Meta, Leven uf peace and solitude amid the her proud, urapproachabbs Meta, wee whirl and din of tits groat city It wee .oly proud and inapproachable because irke the room. I.ere That Meta generally came wher her ehe was already won, and won either ••ton bring mw Rood odea_ be' mother's m•wd was too plaintire or t,.,, tlandegttorly x mit off cried o fully I see it in your ayss, awned rral.e. •J7 Lady Mary did not venture to ask any more. She kissed her daughter,and t went off to her guest rejoicing. Meta would not have sent tor ken only to re- I ject him, she felt sore And as for the t doubts which the daisies had suggested, if Lady Slaty did nut befieae her laugh- ter's proteatatinos u entirely as Shote would have wished, she believed in the hcal:ng powers uf time and the evanes- cent nature of human emotions, with a fullness of conviction that Meta herself week! probably never attain to. She turned for a moment, and looked at the girls whits -clad figure with tender maternal pride, and then she went on to the house and into the drawing -room. glowing with satisfaction and goodwill. Lord Castleman was standing by the table with a face that was bec•mingly antioua and grave, but he flushed into eager anticipation as Lady Mary came I toen', Fo..J 4r FI.,+ -urs. Ordinary pact - ages 30c.—suthctent for w) plants for use year. John McFadden, a Seaforth man. aged 3ti years, was instantly killed last week at a lumber camp iu Sterling. Molt., by 'ta falling tree. In the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal coo mendeti.u, for the allegation it affords and the permanent cure it effects in kid ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney w l Cure. Its action in these distressing I complaints is simply w• nderful. ,Sold by J. Wilson. 2m The strand order of railway ei nducturs have selected Chicagoth as e permanent headquarters of the organization, Says Dryden : "She knows her scan, vel when yo:r'rant and swear draw you to her with a single hair. But it-sa be beautiful hair tt. have 1 such power ; and beautiful hair can he ensured by the see of entiiat.ntrt Hare RtsNEw-st. Sold at 50 cta. by J Wi.a. a w` '�I t qurcioae, not rsiliog against the kind i Sithe. supposition seemed a de.ecra- "She will see you,- said Lady Mary The well-known drug hem i N C tion to Meta's mother, with Meta stand- beaming with smiles, 'Jin Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild ly, unwire woman, even in hoc heart. but feeling the need for a little quiet and solitude, • little time in which t gather her thoughts, and perhaps live over again the one little month in which the garden had eeireed greener and fairer sad sweeter than it had ever seemed since. That was fin yeses ago now—that one ssnth .1 Metas life that had seemed to Isedn !Nary so much like any other Ione, bud made lie airy name of bee lasi Jane musical for ever in her daughter's s ear "You will find 1 pow A CQ., cf Kiogtitnn. wrttee that Strawberry has lone been considered the best reme- dy for Summer complaints in the mar- ket. anti adds that their customers speak in the herbed terms of its merits. Wild Stawberri is the beat known remedy for Cholera Ei.•rbu.,Dfidati y and Gil 1l»; wet ing before her ire her proud young beauty . or.:y the daisies made • beck - ground to her thoughts, an ur.acltnnw ledged n-r-er..per that had its share in determining het s*eee! "Do you know that Lord Castleman is coming for his answer this morning 1" she asked with an attempt at severity of demeanour that was not too successful "What are yes going to say tolliks, Rig her in her favourite corner by the con- I servat,ries He pressed her hand ant went, and seeing everything •little mistily through the sudden dazzle of new hope, hot pleading his cause with as much humil- ity as thougk he had not just seen Lady Mary, and drawn 6u own deductions A REwinn -t►f line d••11,11 ''Ttaasi treat the *nem:raging interview. tr" to any vine sending the best f ,sr tui• Atsitl- SOS trst mitt dowsing et* nod rhyme on ' 1sassasa. • the rrtatakable 0I. E I 0=AS 1 OZZ+S I L Cottmilpelm d Oil wf': tnd i• to ',be:: sltar•stre to use }ICC COLL'S RDINE MACHINK • OIL Wrote:- Presort Manufactured only by HccOLL ARON. ft CO.. Toronto. Aho:.';;.:.der, Hareka. fled Enirr Bei: rurtings.d Vt•calOil.. Ott. !tut. NW. . R. W. Mc1ZIE Kok' Agent for tioderi.:h. Mp•irn Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. cio.B&V, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER • Hamilton Eitreet, t?oa etc A gni i sasertmee• of Kitchen. ttedaonra. Ptn'ng Pi en: and Parlor ?e-elt -re. arab se se loin.. • hairs bate, nstre and wood sararadl. Cupboards. lied steads. Lt+R:eine. Naar aiaad Lo,..gr., auras. What -Noes. Looking Weisner' N. t3. -A notnpioneseen 'antut cf Comnyacd at.rouda aleaya on t.rr.A s,se H..rM•a for bit at reasonable rate . 1 Enctcr, !'naming • specia:•y — A reit iuici'eel 1 •' i Complaints. 5 dear r' listened te his tale in a slimes he hit es I little� m for the Teeth an your drtiggeat of oldness "Won't you see 1::m, rrstr.r.a' Yes it was June ague now, ac : even is will my'It K, mud. more Rnciotaiit London there was • sense or. aumm51 in than shoald." the air. The garden wee st rte treat. „Bat reed it be '►L-.' Meta with rues lust unfolding. and creepers ,.What oleo can i b. said M..ta greenly uutwiaing and puttied k rtb delicate tendrils• as yet untocehed by last .,r snt. The crest Jute delves that that grow wild in such abundance in southern pastures and on breezy el•!fs by the sea, but that needed much oars and pains to induce them to row he'e st sll, were (yenta; their yeltnw does aril spreading their white frir.g!e is t: a ata ratherdrearily los still more encouraging ; bot whet• be would have taken her hand, she drew it tack. j wtatesees Tisane iMwefe. ll"sit," ehe said : ''there is *sone• 1 THE S6ILL OF t,i ►MRIN INfi A compl'cated uoiIttns tw...s-+clen alt thing I should like to show you first. tat sea Isgredteerw tie adl.t.tr 1 and hsr r 1 cult. n aaA aaotmtla d Bat... As She took (rem her kat • fsde& tion b w to toeosto o * . QUICK SLLRS pocket ,tar br Irrit•Ine stoma ;ha and the special Qu ICK and opened it with tt1ZM•s action lir term of energy of ra.•C separate TS-& SHOES ,Set t, annvar.ae to tate P6'iic CIA: the haven pened humus in the &hos.• tilo- in the store IVely occupied by Bunce Niwtnrt Having purchased a large ai.J we:: toe .:ted meek of tint and Simmer OEs'•Is et close bgurea, we are .le;. trios. t . give the Piioii. th'r benefit The daisies wen tie varnaer.;ua buck- leather vase pen agent, and et the same trite an *freed neee;rer , MILL PROFITS WILL Bi OUR !C'TTO that trembled • little in spite of bee i to toe chemical msaiphtla:ses of the cuss ,�Plesso call anal examine our g- vis hef.ir•*pur:haair.g nlrwhere ground to her thoughts a.ao. The daisies that had brought only happy effuAa to keep them still. ' Inside www memorial and ?olden dream, to the girt the Christmas cards with the peaty 1 any wore :a niggle r trial h t' . t T.-a•e: al ueed and tire etas* worl•n•er. ec .; • 1 • d in her teen., had come t• have quite trusted demise and the robins that used kroh.or wit pound, the pro- only h lona ase 1 patirwt �„F,memher tho place, neat door In J. K'dwx.a Drug 13tore. Macy of the a tin tlr slid m h of Ira rl in and trnnM 0e tin 'es from hra:n sn brain �.'IItMJ1 wnric will receive our 'portal at ten'itNi. an • J r van end" mit ,,Re n: the Ilia .. 1 �. h tat eapathe of k by ebr n .m:xr mottos la the dr by Mo•••tng elm :�Repalti.Gg r-. •t•.!j d� �. •.. the eF.•,r•eee nOti•t• ofIalMla other meanit.g for the woman .,f twenty a e, t: a n ty prnrnty. aer.om + h reference to these and with them • let- roetrmwtavd. wh1N the fn.eetee•,mitwt • 1 Vire tea t t ' b acme dru :ata,I:Mpt•o,nt tae to 1,e s. seldom absent from Chnatnua o Mow 't M Bowe. This erptains why Wheeler's 1 DOWNING VL ' • D D U P I•hoaphatr+ an 1 CariesTa an o•:tcoe.• 1(lod z",' Mt-'` 't I. i- rd but that had perhaps a special f p.s a th• nhlt t t coo. F e years l'.as it likely that the an u u e. > sit -- — •.e -Year-old Nary guild seem anything 1 ter that was • hale frayed abut the I el hi ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER romance to Roma edges now saaN /few life ter Iwartlees Weaecoy M - Meta gathered one and put . a t':y to bot a h. 1 and ei t 1:.r lips "Tie one floret in the w• r:d wf .*- period the girl, and then eh* biuehed at bar own thoughts. and taatened the tow- er in her 2irdle. and told herself it was folly, and worse than fo;ly. tet any marl's words dwell in fuer hart hire this. Lindsay nuw i That waa the question uestion , Lord Castleman stanas sd, as he might nue. mosrsn sad mis..ept.vw s. is trot the daisies had been ret unnly apecsric Int tmr•.tency• narrow ue-j NY.' s ora zee . r:. Stat. o:.e ,r :con nboom. rn:e rneh a st boo. to see P 0011.1, , sa• sp. Haxlewond the moroing, that they had ! "What are then 1' M sail. "Fatduo bility. universe! lassitude, f'rget'fulne e. lit baa nes: already asked her more than (Ince as the me f 4'41.1 eadarstastd." pain in the hack or aides, no mater how askingMarg perhaps ►oe eteasf for dome Th t e lre•at (7e oman ion Rnn•(Ir " i empty years went by, and Robin Lind- "it eau very h,nLah and it wee all shattered the system may be (rem ex- o five years azo, faltered Meta . but I snows of an uid the t' .yea t} osttr►an o ay gave no sign. of claiming ,000 Rolla of the Latest Dosips "the oro Anwar in the world for him." thought you ought to know.'" Remedy will k restore the trot fsncti•,ns.Seaa•if% colon sed et Ortevetowwthun eery I and health d happiness. $1 00 ere tie test vista* ilk tows end come back to bit aeras the years "Need it be Ns, Meta said bit whenever the dairies bloomed. It wail mother rage more. en . "Ld Castleman is 1•.werad otoinntsly. He was all i..ady See yuan now, but every June as the wail -a rn. dietinruiehed. • toltabed , Mary had called him -he w&A we 1 -teen ° the ' to Meta that vis Ault van ynu fonts in him � and an 'right osis, but M eel st 0151 son, it seemed stood once owe y Brat white understood now, and hit him t s • Itshwi pntleman Loamy', reputed t e sir .t gsntivaa sad an art, Balligehed, upright mss. What p h P. '.tin sy', ' :Rise, said Mets, wear's. A. large -soused The cc�frssiuz t.".at Mots .mit pow Inferrergrrde. Col ardsertheat. The secure an ap '�.'n.ad wrest be acid per heel. mix hetes for $3 00. Sold by s I.11 druggists. Sent nn receipt of prim•. Tie A41 preemie paid. by r J. Cheney, Toledo, .., sole rgant for United States. Car - 1 and test yn modals sent free. Go4 d'. AT $VTL�R''�' I by ileo. Rnynas, osis agent t„r C.ode• rich 811; Beau htlis& FasI,