HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-30, Page 1• .7z,flg ' 7 rJ *a --------- THIRTY.MIOUTH IMAM 4 WIIOLM NUMBNIt tf t. 0VOTE 10 N NEWS 1;01)EIZICII. ONT.. FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1885. cENEFIA INTELLIGENCE MCGILLICVDDY BROS. Pt:INMANu* t 0.M A VKANIN•L,VANCM THE HURON SIGNAL Is published every Friday Morning, by Mc °midcourse ilihtee.. at their 0111,e. I,urUi et GODERICH. ONT tRIO , dad la ...switched teal! parts of the surround tug °wintry by the earliest malls and tritium. By general admisoion it has a Iter eirctila• lion than any 411:er hewspeprr lit thi• pert of the OutSetry. d Is one or the rectett. tieweie..t •nd it,. reliable ottrnols in Oftlanti pleveniAlug. as it do,s. tL.. fure goingesseatials and being in sAt4 Mon to I he ^Nov, Ilina-t.te•. fl711111y it..( fireside taper it therefore a moot drat rob!, a.htertiseoeg in. hum. TS11014. $1.50 in aditanee,. Postage prepaid ; by nth! 4h-ri: 81.73, 11 paid before i* mouths; $2.00 if not ao paid. This nde will be triotly enforced. RAT*,. o. Alf..•.1771.41,471.- jz•l• een/77 te sae fur Arm insertion : three nests per line for ; **ab 1144444 Jew ismer! ion. Yearlyhalf yearly ' and que-t.-rly contract4 at reduced rote*. fr E ACHE RS TM SESSION. 4343inetilt.hymtlid'Arh lifolosain secootled ENVIOUS 11312BIIIIT. TREE 1. .4111.N.1 1 nine napector of public Men r Herten intermit us that &train. - SIR LEONARD TILLEY. I bee h...14, •:).at the theist' 41 this sem est- le esell Wins n menet late ra mace to hate tto se *tithing it unmated free et oat. A Senn -Annual Convention of the • liberal supply of vacciue has been pre- aural frum the Toronto hoard of Health. and arreogementri have Well rude ly sauce a heal &engem will he at the tette hall every day next week freer ten ,41411 itItiett, for the purpese ef vaccinat• ing Dry 'prune wire ney present theii.• selves, the town ;aying all the expertise. The action of the tnayor and ha ad- visers is to be cenimeeded. The beat way to meet any possiti:e sttacs of the small inx k• "accitaated Happily we have IP) Mewl f small pox in Gedectch. let all the people h Id J$ gnu .Ve hare aloe& firm -class • thbi nedepart men t In connect ton. and posses, ins thr omelet., out -2 and best ftvolitito •tr tti.ning omit work Ire (loeterich.sree Neel...weed to ,.•.ne444 in that line at price.' that cannot be beaten. and of 4 quality that ...enure ' urpaseed. - ?truss Coal IfItIDAY. OCT. 30re. 1883. • ou .e vsec nated Beta us "PI:r..sf'nli•TION,.. - -------------0n Saturday we Were shown a blatik editorTia liquor prescription, with the signature "e "tending that Biel will be hanged. It • kpf De Witt Martyn, M. D., of Killeen r.ew remains to be seen whether 11 will I dine attachein It is said that a !Ante be lite rebel chief or the Tory miner who number theise "prescriptions- were will get re• quarter ! given away at Leaden recently, at some Soto. years ago Sir John A. Maeden- secret *octet,' Katherine. by • person e el dreenneany 4,1,e/seised "would t„ purportine to be Dr 5Iartyn, .4( humor. easy 1 „mid retch teak.. hge --emeten-diee. 1( 11 Wise Sot the real doctor, then doubtless say the same thing were Riel ; the illenal sh"" he punished for fer in Duneret's shoes However, now that !gery ; if it wee the doctor himself, he !Lid i, Callain !et. us see hew sincere the acted a part not creditable to tuna or Ina Tory chieftian is regardine the rebel Profesaieu. We are loth three that leader any pr.rfessional man weuld so demean himself, and it must surely be that some Cs: le.R Tory misfule there is s deficit wile quack persenated the In eicardine this year of $2,7a).),(a.r). The people cf I physiciate Dr. nfartyn *Leda imine• ; Canada shernel awoke to the fact that the I diately notify tile lentor vendors here mat-aeurentstration ...1 public *fairs by net to honor thes3 certificates, and the! •he Tory eevernment is driving the inspector should lark up the matter, and oectery tat bankruptcy. see if any of these blank forma with the . Wait Huron Teachons' clatter.. A Record of the Illsedeiros nese 1.1711141•1111 Is ilbe ebbe nehmello. Giarognitu, Oct. 23. litnn. • The association met in the High same at 10 e. tie President Brown it the chair. J. K. Miller, P. S. I., 'led tu 'gayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. -Messrs Mane, Blair and Beattie were appeinted a Antenna committee. The Pluident then gave an eintetne ' of the papers read a: the '4A/in,' Tient. ars. Association, ter which a vete of ! thaeks was given him, and his expense. ea delegate ordered to be peace • )Ir. Delgatty then read a valuable !paper en •Readine. erten which an animated discussiun .in the subject took place. The .tsseciation then adjeurned. On roassembline at 1.30 p. tn., Mr. R. Morrish tan up writing, illustrating hy blackbeard exercises, after which Mr. J. H. McFall'', of Toronto Nermal Scheel, illustrated still further the tteeiduard tee of teaching writing. lir. McFaul then, his.an exhaustive manner, ra the ine 7.. lilac 1E4 eetran,e drawing, cotitininl Mermen t.. the first book of the series. This part f the afternoon's business yes very much enjoyed. The business committee then brought in • report, recommending the appoint- ment of Messrs Strang, Murch and i;. Baird, jr., as resolutien and nomination committee, and Messrs. CrasureIler and McPhee as Atwitter., which .4u nictiou was opt . J. R. Miller, P. S. teen read a corainunicatien rode the Educatioa De- partment, requesting to teachers to in- terest their paints in preparing speci- mens of the various subjects taught in schools, with • view to making • selec- tion to send to the Colonial Exhibition to be sent to England next year. Mr. Miller also brought is his report as treasurer, which was handed te the finance committee, The meeting adjeurned te 7. 30 p.m. •)n reassembling at 7.90 p. m. • com- munication fmni the Wisteria) Teachers. Asseciation with reference is third clue teachers' certificates, etc., was read se. 1 referred to the resolution anemic.. Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy then took up the subject of "Ption•araphy, • during which he illustrated some of the absurd- ities in the present mode .1 spelling, to the amusement of the teachers mumbled He also eehibiteed the phonographic alphabet mini was listened to with inter- est as he described the salient peir.ts of ••Phonography Mr. A. B. Hendensen then favoreti the audience with $ bass solo, Mr. McVsul followed with an excel - lesson on the drawing course, as found J. Sra Laoammeffitatt hes reaped his nreitioit as Finance Mleiskar. It will now be Men why the Tense coquetted 4 with Sir Richard Cartwright during the summer. But the member for South Huron wax too loyal to his Liberal fries& to desert them. Macdonald is now in a sore fix fer • Finance Minister. there are breakers ahead for the Teries. Es' in the matter efThanksgivnig Dan, the Dadaism Government had r.o ..;led upiniee. At brat 11 wax to hay. Wier, Thunder Nov. 5, but that beteg Ilan Amelia lbw, it was changed to 21.v. 71ow it is still ferther doctor's signature attached were filled net, and whe got the liquor. We has. pointed out this fact, and we hope the inspectors will see the tenders. and look up the Iniecardine medicine man. The whiskey heads of Huron must he pretty sick when they cannot get a d ntor this county able to treat their case ! Ore brilliant conteinpo rary, the To• mato Wenn is growing more and more readahltM it B, McLean i..a hard wcrker, and he knows how te make the I , best of every bit .4 news sent the World. I Br an Order in Cooncil the Cuunty - - Crown Attorney mut now supervise the changed to y Nov. 1e. We helm I collection of all Lines to which the Pre- , it will not be astern changed next week. wince is entitled. He will get from The Government evidently desires t. 1 per centof the money fur his trouble. , emphasize it as a mineable feeat - ' Tux newspaper is a powerful auxiliary THE Hanalten Timex says -Chief of oar common echieds Dnrine the • siert bite, It -'.p -u- 1'14 le.r• In • rem 114•It telitit. red ti. Mr lieu Yemen. Mils w,_de ramie alt.. of Muth. Euglarl, for the paropeles photearaphy and spelling reform, red we • entrees our inuiperhy with 14eu ha endeavor iv place igtittlieh ePwFiNII ou a mote Iasis and thus reeds, the art of learning to read easier nein it it at preseet.Carried. . The commint • upon noniinsitiens arei reselute ne their proem:tea thee report as Lulluws Fee President, F. Crum weller; Vice•Plesident, Ganes Holman: Sec.-Treas.. In P. Hall.; assuagement committee. Mebane Keine, Murch, Ormiery, Delegacy, arid Miss liaise. Tn. report on nominations was sid,,pted • The follow Me rentiuttens were ttien adopted - That we as an Asibe-iati•••1 desire to record our warm appreciation of the vete !winded and strong 7 worded letters. interesting and lostructite manner in Leaving the record ter quarrelling Moire...neat. N.W T , he do subject of "Drawing fur Public of the quieten. and taking his ac 1 To the Editor of The Signal arid weuhl &I express ..ur c•inviction ; teens since lo came here into considers. 1 suppeee a few w.•rds from thts part 1, Mr Anal: Enibury, the head tauter f Itodericli imbue mho. Is.; has dies -lop- ed sew a public nutsiti,ce. His itch for contreversy, and his lied temper. have get Lim eau trouble est et- he has ?been, but he is still as aexious as ever to a.r hta irvectives, which come readily to his pen from • long and stormy course of !quarrels thrnugh newspapers Net con- ! tent with injuring the standing of the ; Oa:ketch public school by his overween- tug sintition to rule the importer as he rules the board, this restless, illtempered !seared end disappoieted111111 74%4111I1 I Ole High (wheel, through it. Priecipal, Intr. H. f. Strang, in one f its lung . N Ft .Oct. 24, -It te leaden ite• ei_thate ler Lammed t fie warded Ititiresignetien f the le sawn of finance minister E. the ante hi • pre . r Meaty Thenipagi recently Seat Sir Leos and a letter tn which he expressed his disappointnsent that unfsr• rat -le .ymp Henry' consegi=te anxiety. as he fears toms have winch give him (Sas inflammation of the bladder m e have been induced by the dysentery which troubled Sir Leonard after his return to Ottawa. The informatien that Sr Leon and has asked te be relieved (rem duty will be :earned sith deep regret. *sr Norilltweo• Letter. which Mr. Mahon lies dealt with the : which be made in Raster,' (Mien. nut • the betients that his Vial! pt." nen, we find that already this puna - duce in 'stimulating Red eticetaraging lei -us &wimp has been inte several treeeets env greater attentem tt. seubbles, in ro ne of which he appears to advantage. He fell f,ul of the In subelTecntat the hearty thank, of the Auinispecter last fall, and in very abustve Mitten be tendetwd to the other gentle I letters in the .`tter vented hie II teen men 111170 have read papers or taken up 1. "'al*" that efficial. We believe Mr. ; subjects at the meeting. Miller never replied theough the press "That n• action be taken bythe Assn- te his lumniator. Mr. Rnibu alse cation at present in regard to the mat. I attended tit* anallasatt'n At; °eh"' t -Ir". wheat hulked from 3-tru4daws from be lees. Rite FTIM. -The crying ilewn by the millers of all other varieties, together with the free irnnortatien Rad r yfe by the C. P. R. end the establishment of all the grade. of wheat with & certain percentage of Fyfe. ar that there is hare ly any ether kintnin the country, and it being one of the latest known venetian, the farmers and the country in general will suffer very heavy this season, soft varieties being worth more than hereon Fyfe. Oats, barley, potatoes, and mot: are rood. Hor Weenier:. -There hat been fine weather through slept.. t!ie 23rd and 24th !vine the hottest ef the season -1 11 and 115 degrees in the sun attacks are cut of an "inaidicne cheese- Ttts Fate Seen -When we take. into A vote of thanks was given to Mr. R. "It" We have only Mr. Ember,. consideration that 3j years sg. the town E. Brewn, the retirieg preeident. word for that, and it is en. Mr. Strang of Whitewood, where the show was held, to the High School Board of Trustees appears to keep such a non as Armee, had n.) existence, the railroad not being for the use of the High School build RelOY. before bun a. bui °en! ; built, nor the abode ot a white man init. Einbury always reminds of the restless' within 100 n.iles, it was a greed success. The Institete then adjourned.. ee .1... and wayward Eugene Aram. in point entries and attondsnce of The 'Lethal if Goderich High schocl pourer. being about equal to the Dungan of the Northwest after the harvest iv over will be of interest •. your readers. Tut Frown -This cmietry weir visited with an early heat en the reehte Of the 23rd, 24th and 25th of August, doing an immense amount of damage t.. wheat and garden stuff Aefolv levitates escaped, also • few pieces that were cut in every part of the country ; but the mut of the ters referred to in the eirculer received tees kat year, and created a sceme by his kg fit to cut, and is damaged inure or from the Waterloo County Amociatiun.hIcearee a ruse of the venerable chairman "That, this Association agree to pay i of the Board. He wrote $ personal let - out ef the fund• in the tressurer's kends • ter egainst the editor of cher paper which ene-thirti of the club rates ..f any two of he inserum sit the Nto, and upon being : the following periedicals for any nem. ; replied to in that paper to kind he shut I her of the Association desiring to sun- 1°P. ouly to break nut in a new spot this 4 scribe for, them on condition that the !fill. Now he is abusing Mr. Strang, a subscription must hereon with either )1*** *he tY his gentlemanly conduct, nlanuary or Juin, anti that thelabalance i inedest behavieur, high anna in life, ; the cost of sebecription and the mewl. et -064 heiete and them Inn le • m tteI bership fee. if net already paid, must be fer Mr. Embury to follow and not to • sent to the seereteryeressurer before the I 1.1 uf February or 1st of Augsst • - Educational Weekly, Schou! Journal, ISupplement. Educational elonthly, Teachers' lestitute, New Yerk School' Journal, Treasure Trove, and that a copy • f this resolution le sent to each teartier in the district vehfy. Mr. Strang needs no detence at our hands. He is not a man to made "ceve-t attacks " Tt cannot be truly said of him that his "asserticin waa root only disingenuous but dishonest. He never tries to display "arreganoe and seineomatiteted superierith," and his riims t.. develops the whole man. Mr. non phew. In the quality f the eehi - - - A litull41111111ed Terg Ernbury's example has not that effect bite trerden Attlee. mainrificent , cabbage-- . upen his lads. Ile may terrify the cauliflower and beets ..1 immense size. Also wild hope, tobacco, squash, ripe tomatres, and in fent every variety of ganden stun grown in Outano. A good display eft:atter, cheese and h..me made bread, Also wild frnit preserves There wee else a good show tif fancy *rein Owing to the frost the grain show was small. hitt some geed nraples 'were shown Sten+ - Some thoreoghnred Durham and sleek grade cattle show that the country produces good 'teen A good show in the pig line , also some sheep. The horses were the poorest part cf the show when compared alongside of the lenses st s show n ume A B Inerree. r . ow del $ thcroi.ct Tamed organ tan be when it wishes. If we bad not remi the following in the Winnipeg Meretener, we should not have believed it pu-ssible for a journal to hate It joggled wit its common sense weak, but ho does not develop. the bet- ter element in the strong. The record of Goderich high school is s proud one. Its gradnatea have won ;told medals, captured valuable sch. larships. and gained high distinctions at the univerai- Those who assert that it kelafrenclosed the ties. Scores of emallent teachers have nortbe net Ana is e t e faJai of t re y Lair Icontention if they reflect for • aliment or passed euder Mr. torant's hands (and two seeirroiri the oriental draft had hemmer those •f his excellent assistar.no, and lats. wo'.bd the ortbwrot Ironies be voters todayr Certainty not ; because no residents Ilc the Northwest have 'otos. How. then. can it ter urged that the bill as it wait pre•s nted to' the Houee enfranchised the Indians of the Northwest ' 1Wfanlpitir Masitoluta. during this year alone the following graduates of Gederieh High echoel have taught in acelench public schools - -Miss Riser, Miss Watson Mist Harries. Mies . He tepee ne „e „„ maintained tied it mttsit, Seaman, Mies Cassady,Mas Itebertsen, ustice Cameron says the increase 4.1 in- discussion n "Teaching Reading- at the m e second , his own method ..f building block let- dined the Indians of the Northwest. It M'''• CemPtnell, Mutt Benin. Min' c'tn• gouty it the 'pantry arises from "4 Luc recent meeting of the West Huron As- ; ters, and laid before the teachers one of living too fast He believes that each 1 countynkoind hare a House at Industry. :n fanner times, it. pointed out to the it ntned Jury at the Brant Assizes. there; was s law compelling the establishment 11 tt such institutions in every county, but ! the dislike of members of Parliament to offend in certam ceunties led to its be - inn made discretionary, and he was un der the impression that it was t• be re- gretted.' aviation, several teachers bore testimony to the fact that the but readers among their pupils belonged, as • rule, to families that took newspapees ; and that the children of went* who took De newspapers appeared to disadvantage when compared with their more privileg- ed compel -Imes One of the speakers. however. remarked that the political articles of the average Canadian news. paper had rather too much orramentetem to be used as a substitute for the auth- or:sled "Readers' net:nuns are being eneekted ant • signed. asking the Oovernosent to ' aOint lir. John Seattle Petiole Magistrate ter th;,,i coo r.*.y withou• salait7. lAsafacih Et - pews& The Ontariv Geventment. which has t:.e power of appointing such an official, cannot afford to treat the request of the torn perinea people with contempt. 'taus they can slenr goal nouns why !!.r Beattie should not be apponted, nee, may lose enough votes in East arid Wee Huron to 1... thee. constituencies. en'e would be recreant to the beet inter- ests of the Ref. rm petty if we did not point out this danger. We have no per - s. nal prefrteuce for Mr. Beattie, cr any ether apeheant for the einiti•.11 . we merely endeavor to truly read t! e signs • : the tames no the lesetior. nevemeammanetimmem. Ter Pripet* ot the Public oznool I ad another c'-tumn of invective against t' e Principal of the High Scheel last week in the en e. The interests ode - canoe are eufferieg greatly by the pres• erica ef this combative individual. Who will be the next tartlet for tes abtlie it is herd h. say, but if the 'majority of the tibiae school board had less spite against Tut SPIN O. and a greeter desire for the welfare of the 'chord, they wield seed their quarrelsome principal sheet his i manses, and get a man who would he able agree withot ins, even • costal:et center.' them. Mr. toiletry is committiag professional suicide by his mtrielie pen. He ought to give the nubbe &rest -and go somewhere else and begin life anew on better line*. His unite:um is gone ie Onnerhl the simplest and largest plana for mak- ing lenge and properly proportioned let ; tem He fulkweei this up by a eery ! instructive example of model drawing, ' from a large vase used in the schook , He also gave interesting examples in !sketching circles He etae haertdy ; applauded upon taking hie sest.. • ise T. Wilkinsnn then gays a Scotch song in excellent style. Mr. Henderson tenoned with "The ! Boatswain's Yarn,- and woe rapturously !sneered. 1 Votes of thanks were given to the Pi° y, October 5th, fur paint* St. Patrick's ward school, and were found to be as follows: -E. P.. Watson, nine L Ellerd, $84.50; H. $I. Of coon* Micas was awartied the contrart. He subsequently informed the secretary that he had mark • mistake in his gene mane. and would not do the work unless he got an extra $20. The Board met te discuss the quiet. n on Mende, night 'three weees after the tenders were opened and the n.nt met awarded), and decided not to give the contract to the nowt lowest tender, but to ask new tend ere in the spnr.g Then one ef the other painten can put to a low leader. and •after it is accerted raise it to • few don tart below nett highest, ect. i vocalists anti accompanist (Miss An• drone and the meeting adjourned. Saturday, Oct. 24, 198.i. - The . conventeten reassembled at 9 e'elock. Before the regular business . f h up, P was affurded the member.' of inspecting specimens . t drawing by pupils attend Mg Toronto Normal echo. 1 All the work shown was that of these wh, had but one tern in deting, and the: sketches were core creditable to teacher; j and pupils. Following Mr Meraul's I rewire upon no e drawing, e ! hitaition of these specimens made a very' good impression upon the spectator*. 1 Mr. Murch took up the first sabject ! of the day, and read an instructive paper I on hia method of teaching the "Iiittintiv• I Moat- which called forth seam lively remarks. Mr. p f 1' how to dr.* objects in perspective, using models as before. He held the closest attention of the gatherine. arni his work, which was very fully described by voice as well as by chide, WSW very , favorably commented upon. Hit was Th. •Ial‘d... a 1-'''"'''''' c`'netaa:11 semis hardly applauded am he hint does espresees tee rue when it says that the chem. 'n "hanging Rue de, cot exculpate the 'nye see nahseeien t„ seats thee, ha government. models acenwipawying the autho • Depend upon it he is not elevating drawing books can be obtained from .0. Reformer, to the bench, and stowing H. McFaul, Toronto Normal l'khuoi, on them away in the Pesaate, and buying payment 4 $8.75, express, c.o.d." un Aatigontsh and Bt. John and F.ast Mn. McPhee then read an admiralen Durham for a trifle. A crisis is at hand, paper ..0 "Dismissal of Teachers,- which anti when it euhainttos, as conn it will, was fel et humor and sturdy cemnien he must show his hand. -[Kingston sense. Some ef the p. into wine much el big. applauded. We hope t.. publish tee Inteheforta attack up -n the termer' miteetaining paper next week. fin Dee anti Prince .1 Wake, became. of the benefit of towhees and trustees. Rai ontbreek is about as sensible and I The auditors reportml the secretary's ' mentor' as the totem ef the Tory rows. and treasurer a account, as correct, and papers in Great Britons is holdiag Mr. i that they shower! a lelanee on hard rf (Bedlam,. reapnesible Inc the "genes 1166 76. Report adopted. I isiegoeemment in Cared& which led t., ; It was resolved to hold the next meet ithi 1 s tereeteen state et sigtra, - t, Eg. 1 ing of the aseuciation at Emote. was intended to give them vote. so soon dor., snd blies P11.7. Mr. Embury ha ehreehenthtien in gtedieinent had been dare not speak shehtingly of Mr. Strang 'nee to the Territanes ; until that was in the pretence ut any of that dozen di ne, neither white nor red men could lel eh"' °*hamelt•an, te ^1 II" , . Glactige. (kt. 26.-- 1111chee P Scan - vote. But since the Mr:Anoint) pleads! "`" win merley say in closing, for - h. 11 ( et ' h FU• loa was swept off the deck of the schoon A Terrtste maperteare• for the ipattiona verba, we may i.orin out • !whore. pupils cannot be described tr. a or 13elle Browne. between Milwaukee that the great objection was that the I hill -did not enfranhnise the Indian. it isb°rt• 'wattle, that only hula month proposed to giro him a rote without Mr Iceith treated under Mr. litrang man to franchising him, and the opponents of oronto and lead in the Lest university the bill very properly contended that 1 elte""attm• If Mr &rang will tate 'oar advice. he before voting and assisting in the gov• ernment of the white men. he should will let this quarrelsome follow. abuse himself be eufranchised and he trade go unarawered. As fur this S14:!, 41., It Herald. all the falsehood and innuendo Ire can is our duty to critnine his letters, and free of Ministerial e .ntrul.-- I et entreat write win net deter us fr ..ur Tyre way. M mimeses of Liss... M:. Emtury is an incubue 'men our ,; school system here, sad allotted go to Thettniniettne. 4; is not Mil iired11117: tit e ineatiniehninithinTrT tia prices received for the tauter limits at ! reptitattoc had :tot proceeded hire elate the Gevernment sale the other day It wiper, would rather have given them away to ; Wilkinson it Co. for nothing than pot Ile assvsaaafr ere a Pewee. them sit eempetition. The Tery _ cretins generally ere ruling a great beet about the sale forgetting that there is just this difference between the practice of the two 1. vernmente The Ontario limits ars sold by open ainprtition to the iargeet betties, while the Dominion limits are given away for • sing to needy supporterti who hate te 1* kept quiet Which 14 the better way • ineelph Mercury • • wet lisersetere." n !sr sine 741,14ntlilei of the ree sine 1 barristers ts 0.0:tereed there is tot • great lieat of cause of complaint There are ' mem* netorieus excepliume however. The revising harnater foe elute; nee f ew lie a rammer. been During lam •enter his law basil ma was se great that 1. had to give it te arid acceet a sweetens! elerk ' ship at $: a day fir the asessai Whdie 1, in 1 Maws he was serreti erti. a totitie !thin apelicitern had beim made stoke -... !tides are net partitare, bet ' .eines f then. used to 1'.77 before their 1 je di ial appointment. Sir John Mac - c I doriald msy have been unaware of the 1 fart, but it happens by a strange coin' Icidence that whets there are two judgee-the one a Reformer and the other a Conservative that the Conger votive judge is appointed as revising efticer it. the censteuency wherein the beetle hate s fighting chance. In well the junior judge a recently cep nteri T en, . f the Tones 1j made rssus4tts bernater and the senior judge passed Anon. Bothwell is it will be remembered represented by Mr Mills. nett witestanderm the gerrymander at; t hacked up by a deputy -returning (item itt .Lmntt n th. Try esnslid.t. or th. united county splint Mr. Alexander liaekeone, was recently appointed je nine jetty H• tie. ie preferred for revising burster hy Kir donn and tl.e rilletripres pigtroldt ;•!:41.4"wit r enevi.r.0,:r. Cl'!l 1 "4 I' ..1 -.4 *tuft%- • his nettle en Le t 4rItdirto LA. N. etety fir non:.ataymost dmis Mr. Dieseell is a se• A nie sTel n Shields u•A friend Mehenn, of Mealtbkx rha South Rim frew. rne .1 'tie h ere.: Item in but has stun ouper.ed feint Pettit:reit' and sr reireed 'r •.ha hues .4 testy excellent laweets the emote nine,. many are quiletetiiil eresep*Se- ti et, -; acd Chicago,:one dark night two weeks ago. HIS shipmates reported his !Mr when the richimuer arrived tiers. and nebaly deubted that he was dead riminlon °Innen his eyes in $ Milwaukee hospital a day or tw.. ago after two weeks unconsciousness and delirium and what happened to tem. After he went ver the rail et the Ilene Browne eche. tier yve n., but entad not see him, although he mw it. Atter meting fcr a time a spar cane within rite reach. He te thateell *rein seri eee fettressewn day. with nothing to eat taut dead Sohn. Busts passed near by, but he could not make himself heard hehen Doubt came Ile gave ue hope, but that his dead body might be sent to his faintly it KIrtglit011. one_ he lashed himself ti, emir with his belt. Teen he beotnefi ineeasible, and haler nothing until he wake up Is the hoorah be had teen picked ep fur dead lay a tug, but the fact that thews was yet life in Ina hotly was dieenvered •heti was taken on 'shore at 2tilwas kee Sias Tbelbs•••• 41esst 505p. I. ni o Ucl.V7 King Times+ 1 is remitted tin BrItise eltnestum theiugh the French Lasin• at Meedalay The • decument fn re the Indian g ey. Pr- --eri" has n t yet beer' ntreser The '1 re ter ested Itt. decisrstien teat he ;!: nee •Ile Brineh .1 4. husi • n y Evince decl' ifs • • is eddo. e. in It is mewed that i re •slisti,r. Eas hviltee at at Namibian, sad the Klee ' Then** has veer+ ta ireered. I Anerican time wen 2.3e e! He ie.., Iestablia.ted an Ammeter. terror% f• r one hent, coverlet' 90 miles :sr ilvds Th. : English instance ti 20 miles. 0') yards Itoenes. Maps, tree 27 --A. A 114c ' Cindy, we, vatted lee nisi t to firma the 24 tetur lecerile weeern. tonight finish isl Wet s..tri tle hoists 50 min Mt Ititee' . Illeas heating lees stet Rheilea re- itordef 241P 32 milts .-........-- .-- Preclatitatien is taunt ef *n entities =dm the Cana Is Ten- l'ers; re Act itt MO mined menet:es if 1"reeti• tt and Reseelle t • tine p'nce 7. 0. " . .'. .• Inertly Boomed illtressitts. eteenretentee, Magee nrt 27. -Vnu PAs W e . *1. an MGM pt te !ewer Henelee's 'nee ren re .,f It monads in Hamp ets. pen, tediymane the distance in elect!" 11.e same time. Wn:. Vivedsidit. in a 30 toile rue; hovered ell the rreri eSit mer ids fr' t4 4.; yro'.ee excepthiean• f yesterday, aril a'l the Engeril. records from 1 to I mem rock erre. hut failed to break whet the Am erica* •-,r nglis4u 30 -mile reword His num fen o moles was 14 miler reel 1 7.. !, In10011.4 T'• ad t„r 4f *ilea 3•4.414 TI•ti beet vermin Ile lot spis• the Canadmn Pacile Ittewvy tel be (loom Noreen:et inn ' s; -it innteenie.