HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-23, Page 5THE HtJltON $IC'' .A I,, rR1)AY. OCT. 23, 1885. ste 4 T...�aa>;a-OalHA o DRESS G0 0081 m,„‘..PURCHASERS .J, t l P ttJ R C SER S Mchallop, Las been engaged t.. teach S. st. No 4, at $13110 • year. He leas • good 1 It tv:E} ivies.: } •..1 t,.. re: -our Shock of NGW FAl.1. ;1 \ I) 11' I N i' h.It IDR GOODS before I.ur- seetne. and we hope ha wt:1 prove a CltsVllb!, a; this St. til 'd•.• } .:V. an extra Lug. . anti ellHr'• tea I. to :a•!.•••t fruit: grossly successor to hu eawllrut ptede• costae, Mr. Halubn. ZbitatL YOU CAN PURCHASE BY MAIL. (term ANT - W. much swim to record We scud Bimpies usappat'at I In, with : ' , tt .Il.tl pries narked : 'Ow t, r,,i, Ly wail or stalwart with t1.e death of Mu. H.ar. McGrigor, .bo the iirOt iwi 'n 0.4110.411if 114:: rasti.1.t• i',: v t".) : ..) be returned sad •stoney refunded.l, dict .isthe WmWmlure , at obs fof CHOIO DRESS GOODS. .. p /ty six McGregor. YrMcGregor and hourly , .taw the heartfelt sympathy ui the tn- ' tire community in their sudden bereave- CHEAP DRESS GOODS. k nous. It Ow(erfort, Duluth, arriv- ed DRESShome mtionforthe last a...li.tw ! S 3tll,r. Mins!McConnell, assiatunt teacher here, is engaged to teach 1Shepprrdtou seb•,.•1 1M130. 1i'ut. Vatlstune mai Thar. 1X, ate bey buying and pocking •inter apple. in the lutenist of Cleo. 'Jit, of t;wle- rcb \1'e are pleased t.. learn that Win. 1 Allot, who has been Laugeroaly affected with erysipelas in the knee, is •.0 the While uul.ading 1..1a froom a pair .•f fracas Lot week, \ Alcunah, u., was t:irowu up about eight feet in the air by :se of the skids, and iteeired several bruises, to -aides being serwusly wjuted va the back and shoulder. Lee ou.'•a. The Dunlop architect and his staff ate putting up a new house for J. G. l':ut- ton. COkkei1 10 i. -The trustees of S. S. No. 6 bare not yet secured the sertioes , of • tsseber fur the eseeiue year. The entertainment of the I. 1). 1; T. Lodge, No. 913, held here last Friday was fairly attended. John Liuklater was .._ ;batman. A recitatieu was given by 1'. t.. Ltnbeld in a pleasing wag, and a sato was sweetly r.odered by Edith Horton. A K. Henderson made his but appes - a:iee bef•.re.a Lowborn audience. and hu sumo w _loudly encored. We Impar t hi• will teat he his last appearance here. Th.' view• thrown by the stereopticon were beautiful, and, with the rerltatka by S. P. Halla, ..f Uoderich, who masa. palate"' the slides. held the tedious* spell bend t•. the . 1.,.e of the exhibition. Mire Andrews, of G.derieh. pd.pd wane .J tb. acxtntpaelmenta A hearty rote .f thanks was Soon a thine who kindly assisted at the entertainment. 1: .A lit: Showing Some Beautiful Lots of Good Costume Cloths. 4t41►!4 t tWWTUME CLOTHS. (row 1211. to .O: per yartl. ALL 11 OilL COSTUME CLOTHS from *S C. tO 50c. per yard. A Handsome Line of ALL WOOL PLAIDS, for 17 worth ice. per yd. PlushesVelvets 7 Velveteens ! and Velveteen Plush' A.:\T E DZ..1CISf8 " ARIETY OF 1141 . I.WCi8_ Millinery, Mantles& Mantle Cloths GLOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. We can give you the t,r_.tt ve!.1e in BLACK • 'ASH MERE HOSE. that mil be procured. t3END FOR SAZ1ieLP1:.'ES AND PRICES. • W. BRETH®U R&CO Srsatto . ):•t. Sib. 1al'.. D A laughable incident occurred here the .tiler day. A stun, hearing s .toe un- usual n..ue in one .4 the rooms of the house, went in ai.d to his surprise found a two year old colt in the "sitting neon," resting iu heed upon the fatuity bible, and a sir months old colt stannous/ with -night and main upon hie weekly paper. The paper was tutu Into tatters, hut the good trunk was u.uijorea. The animals were got out without any other datnage zeins dune. I'as,Rtsat_ -We regret to notice the leparture of Mita May McQowrrie, after .s residence of shoot two years here. She loft last week to reside with her br.'het, Sheriff Megua tie .4 R it P.,rtimr, (lint., in the lately diepoted territory . She will be week mired ie tercel circles here, and is the Sunday esh..d, whew she taught the infant class This depart sunt .4 tb. Sunday loch- 1 was in a tlsori.hsng erudition muter her tutelage. filer attoceer•r as teacher of t Ise• 1it:1e Otte. will be Mrs. McArthur. seem Year Den's allow aadd in the head to sf•.w- :y rued surely develop itself into catarrh, ellen yi.e an be cured for 26c. A few applications will cern iucipiet.t catarrh, . )ne to fire buses will Cure L'hr•.nu Ca. tarrh. Try Dr. Chanes Catarrh('naso it will sear. yea Sold t,y Jamas .*drew at 25 mints a btu. _- sere elan tl alar/. -. tep.n.ed by Telephone from )Carts 11�(a111,..) (ioincrueis. Oe ii.b.'r fi.%�'1- ffbeat. tilwatill r bush to ,, d M 1R **WWI,b• •i ostlt aX Afhwit.0 bush atlessi.li ..... .. r r3 N 1 N u 72 Of 0 rb E. .wt. r 1t ei r 11 •lssir. miss& • ;w: 1 1.1 es . hie ipt�tl per. (net . ;, s, e J >a :wYMesh.... arae Nis lssr(u . 0 busk . . relovevv. O bash . v .. e 0* 0,.-.,.......... 0s•• elle t1��tw sa ._ 0 I�t w e 1a ))gree 4. p•• i t -TS -o •Il• area.., . . .. 0 war 0 11 4usorts, 0 trl:.....w......... flu ;l) P lr to Oran. 1 otR till Rei 61 It • • • - . 5° - ........ ... .••• .. .o " as .vend ................. .. t ,d .. 1 13 13 Naas i a se r 1! [ ATTD , D'CNASES' pRAKE'' sot LIM. 3=312,AN'^:1"01Z=_ KIIGHT'S TOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS LAST OP P.0 1•10.171 PEOPLE'S STORE i!THE NoW IM THE TIME TO aEf'URa YUU* WINTER. VERCOAT! PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVING Bfllt't;RED THE 1 1 ,hese! of eseads4 a', t .brat. ed MO Class Piraoforte',. Manatee. low Ire h; Ilewara. llamas t Itherl. of Tomato. 1 am preear.d to sell the same a Sfoderwte ora cad co tiny sj. it a of payment. i•i Having • tborenatl knew;etre of 'he o names. Z lameuf.cture et and what kind d material sed feasts are required to !mate a erre•<Iam lastrurernt. Int.nd- !tog vurchurrs will find .t to :hes ad- 0 !ta ea•taee •o commit me before punches - co 44:7ma hag sad Repairing a Specialty.' 1 aatTAi: work wattarted• �t,r•.c:aw. (Itder. 1e't at the Hook )sort. of Mrs. co 1 -took ur Mr. Isis* promptly att••nded }e EDW'D L BROWN. 1 �t-- ANN Os. PIANOS. PIANOS. `FIIiodereti. Sept. 10th. INS M1:; HURON AND BRUCE L4AIr AND INVESTMENT MOJADANT This Company is Loaairle Naomi on Fawns ,yecslrit,► at Zocor: t .Rater c/ Intrre.f. MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAYINGSHANK BRANCE. 3, 4 ani per P'tt. Int.rrt Aro.. ;.' Iler.wt.•, accord!ng t, a :+v'.: i. andnew ] Street HORAC is MA•,hc.rY tiMer:.h. Arg. Soh. tat,. 110l- Codcri¢h &Mordile A MArt TOYS 1 - �eIS) the Dad, er say ease arfro a donees. s Liss cess w11 hallowed s loss ad weasels rwadr• NATURE'S RErEDr a Iha sweiellird swoons elf Dr. ('liar'. Liao (tire i 1 ism Clookbot ,err ..t ty with tb fan that M i e,r.n„dd 6.r a.rar' s...ainown llwr raawlau.. ,IAsseats Agro Damon ro., tee.ationd w(i] n rbw I..a1..ld. sow. bwrks end 1.r7sg�.w..'ht't et wgil IBM w the KN.eye. $sa•'•'',• kir sheat. 1100,000 004.0 'sow farhoff •riles ✓ or. cart 1u4s. drk ..v mid le (ba le edema , .s.a rm.■ rod alike .aw a em./Of e 4 LAW t.. Nome t. t., Alt t renins named, SworMen Ass Wt ~ Wide P. Owes LI,. Cw �a Weave (Lite kawip Ikea ids W 1> ..ataldnt POW Mb .mf1ral ewe ad�ys s• Ike, end w 'me Mrs die 'Amon* isadlehee ad reside -en 1. ..,." tflea TIT Cowin Vim r AMI.1Rs Pait. n n14 p... is SOLO SY ALL SEALERS ♦ 1110•AweC0 f 0.•. INN awaits. I rederw a'd''' JAMES WILSON, C}•.dT) nstOI(. iI• 1) MARBLE WORKS_ JOSEPH VANSTONE, LARi)1: e:OCK. ALL tin LIEF. AT Vi,.ltl LOW PRICES. LOT OF MANTLES AT COST TO CLEAR O:'T THI: `'TrCK. H_ Uct. $, 1865. The Pecpl.'s Stots, O.Mrf+r. LIST OF NEW GOODS • ARRIVED AT Imrie's Book Store THIS WEEK, Sept. I7th, 1885. Q'u.ath'uplc-Plated. Silverware. AN(;Tiicr' ;,r •'r ()F ALDEN'S CHEAP BOOKS. AN ENTIl:LLI• NEW LRT OF WALL PAPERS & BORDERS 331aiai1k 13CokS Zlec�ger�, may =loolcs Cash Nooks.. Stephen's B1ue r B1a ck AND 1 Writing Inks. QUARTS. _S. 11010-1:;t JAMES IMRIE, North Side Market Square, lodericb. FALL MILLINERY. MISS 09-P, A_Ja_A_M Takes pleae.re its announcing that oft batt returned from her trip .art, and has DEILIVII now In stock a large assortment of FANCY TRIMMINGS, consisting of 1 Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call special at- tention to our Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, which for style and value cannot be beaten. Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Hats, Caps and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool NEW PALL 900D3; , , &c.nd give the highest price th at the market affords. COLBORNE SROs. Goderteh. Sept. 17i h. t> 11.. ilson's Prescriplin Drub Store, Court Souse Square, Qoderich. C. A. GIRVa.7� Gelluhllo New York Siuger Sewing Iachffies. KITCHEN CABINET, Aad all kinds of Furniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. r•Xaebh,.One lad Needles always on hand at rear,nablr prio ea. .A. CbLL SOLICITED_ C_ H_ Cii- t,VIN, HMO Hamilton street a few domes nhlow the 1 ..!burn, Hotel. NEW HARDWARE STORE. YATES & ACHESON tGFNTR FOR C-aS-LIDDErT PATENT TWO-PIONT Barb Wire TWO-POINT Barb 'Wire CI3EA1=', STAUNCH, INDI8PE1 8113 LIE _ Manufactured by the Washburn Yowen t1'fg t'o. Call and See us, and Aspect Goods and Prices. the bare on bawl a full and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware Paint* Oi11. Waw. Nails, ROPE AND CORDAC3•E, VE8881L 8V PPLI1�8, T.hle and Pocket Cutler,. t0iemar sifter Plate Goods, and Artists Material„ YATES 8& ACHEeQ 'y3� \ eat dour to It. Mt IAaa a eas iefa.t. Oodcrlch. April R h. 1813. 19634u, NOW COMPLETE! NOW COMPLETE! A t Ilt.1' 1. r• •, s. OF Wings, Birds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. 1 ;sa:- a.; !le ;Attie' ^ /re;: to li^.t. Ronnets. Shapes, Shade. of Color. Co. INSPECTION INVIVED. t•M1er •'+ Kept 1"h iVF5. twist PROPRIETOR. SImparter et and d.a'.er r C • Rec.•ime•. of 01 w 1. d • to their mi wastage le ase 4"'arbit& Krauts¢ Mc COLL'S • arid C4rCC-C- _ AIM" A I. 1.IN1:M Ix Dress Goods, C=raS T OII.3 t Shirtings, and Twef,ds. i Highest Price Paid for Butter tr, Eggs. GEORGE ACHS0N. THE RED, WHITE ',NC' BLUE. •MwfM: A,rU IMb. IIN MONUMENTS, LARDIN HEADSTONES, FT,' VTe Window Door Sills a tot flat ,e T^anmlwpe M a l a:n, • 'n HPo t isslaWd asd 'lie•de in the 1. C. BL'RW ASH, 1�•rOoe.'-' ti Arne:. Osietrf.A tot. o 1 �► Ines VIS -3111 MA('IUWR OIL Water Premed. Maw.sfarawwd Drily ly IIeCfLI. ISIOP. It CO. Termite. A'se"-I:r.' • E:rake Ped lagfae.slutCnttlagmid Meet (Fi1a. Oct. UV. IW. Z. W. YaiNZIE Ods Apel for Oa' a 1. •