HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-16, Page 66
THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. (0'.11,, 1896.
tth.' Poet's tomer..
1,1 Were 1'N.
Vl by del he look w 1061 ' *besotted.
411 hart mutat the trouble Le
ai) lit rte 141•141.- tr si hao L said.
Mapper, That You were J.
Aud )0.10 *visibly NUv't ea10.1,
1'ra), led me what ,eu'.1 do .
1 IAtuk 1'.1 tell It wa,etwall ..
.maid air. '•,f I were you r•
Itu4 stall he .ythrd ane looked askew*.
Lassen.. mer •y wpwi foo .
4170. I.uI tar 1411.e .uloid,' Iwo said
'd you were Ines.
ALel aleutoted a141.41111K
1 • taro. abet wu.•Id you der
I 'ht..", I'd Iso and 44.11 her su
414/ oho. "i1 1 •ore you
11, wale maul. tea you: he load.
.a lour arae dear le are, -
U. u.,•.•, .I..• 1 ar,,.l away bre heel.
Aad les er w wool sad she.
•tut what he wl..ow•rod 111 her ear.
A'tul what .•,•• 4041wrr.01 !1.w
41404 i .'skeet 1.1. foo this
1'•1 4.4440 u 1 wore you!
(1.. .':
..utwterti Journal
S..' you want ter had* how I cone ter
lune Caleb, when 1 knew jut how be
used Haney, hu feat wife.- Wall, I'll
tell ye all atom it.
•.0 know Dahl left me pretty poorly
oft. I had two little children and what
t. r do 1 dei+Ijl I know. The oiorteaae
was ter run out in about a year •ltd a
half after he Ailed. I'd sent the children
down w brother John's to qi, to school
brother John wanted me t.. ;tire them
ter him, and he'd do well by 'Nil, an' I
was meditating um it, • slut loath to do
.few it. But what else could 1 dew with
4111, w1li,m the ..Id how was took away
from -Ole , t
Hoe day, when the tune was neer out,
Well he wotgtewl,a,t' turuwl, au' 4w,•t
• e 1, an Ile dent t wove ter est up ler
a`r.nt an hour, an' when the sue shun•
I inter the bedroom wieder he got up aa'
built the tire. There wxso t uo lu,dliu's
nor • stick u wood au' he had W skirm-
ish round lively an' get some hunted up.
Arter the fire got to cracklin' in good
shape, 1 got up. I didn't hurry lyin' in
bel r. long, but most dead 'yin' ill bed
but sex 1 to myself, "hi I mule
the fires n..a, i'11 probably has t.. do it
its e..ld weather, and I won't dew le f .r
1 any man.
"tie esu pretty sullen all day, but I
dadu't take no notice of him, an': he ;ret
over it. 'The next day he waa•ter begin
h:ayut an' he'd six men ter help him. 1
I had tor du all the work, an' take care .,f
the Milk a1.(' churnio', an' it wasn't tea
404.1 of a Joh. (•'oma time fer ter get
dinner, au' there 410.1 t a sliver o' wood
W Who iso Nods.. tam
Lostialt. Ube. Y -Fire t.r••ke nu: at
Cgs u'sl'ek this murraiug ie the Charter
Huse builfiuge, a rue of I:urt•seeight-
story e•rehuus.,a on Aldersgate strep).
The flames spread atth auk ttapulity
that in a few houre the huddles. and
contents were almost tadolly destr..yed.
The origin ..f the tire a uukn..wm. The
raw esu w..stly occupied by holey v.•••ds
dealers, furriers, toy sieves and printing
offices. One bank ass also in the build-
Mtge.., This institution war the only ono
that reaped bony hurried oo.taple/etly
out, and It was badly damaged. The
firemen had great .l thhcu ty its getting
streams Irdm the engines 1., play on the
upper stories. 1lany narrow cleaner
aro recorded, .•win, to the desperate at
tempts of the brensets to get at the
dames. Las three mullion pounds, j "hi• "1"4"0 ,eater sty w
ILaso's /told I,Ltlitlugap
i, the o.dt Instantaneous roast for Neu-!
mhos., Hw tLailie, Toothache, etc. Rub- I 1jjjE..ant a tees drops briskly is a1l that is
..,-ivied. N.. talons na.rseutes onedaanes ..
far weeks, hot ..4e minute's apl,llcatioe - .
removes all prize and will provethe great \)0 MR du tai.. at tori trlttwd tort by biome 1 ei.r
value of Krsm'a Fluid tntrhtrliws. 1f6
cents per bottle at (341. Ager Rhynes drug J30(1 mS Sz S}i(:ES 44,.r*1
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
10 1. in the pamphlet or. Dr. Van i
IRuran • Ksdney Co*., then hug • M,ttlr
and relieve yourself of all those distress mg palsy Your Drugs•►et call tell you
all about it. bold by J Wilson tiudern:h
I 3m
a U*ewaa 111sswursser
The man with thruo.atua, can feel the
approach of bad weather its his whin
j"Int.. Ho,(yard's Yellow (hl euros
1 rheuutatta4.ichra, pains and tunnies.
i Iter. J. tl. Finis, Dines ear wire :
de bas b lePrices that will Sul Eve"'yono.
'(1,ded week Dyspepsia , total has tried
one twig'
hi:,s aftor ":unit• t•uto441jj to ladies Boots, i Button or Laced, from $1.00 to $5.00•
clot b u litt.e •.r uo e�aet tiff advire.f to
Sir• Lakin the tiuptlb ,t Curer trial.iced i iiS8E3 and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up.
am -
Since taking the brit bottle I care not •
'11 c r..cn isusn4, and e n roti «,Ii Bots do., 1.00, up, all otter Lilies Proportionately. Cheap,
bdeuu nawuannd•it to be moot, if sot
' , n t
the bra w14ihein• exams foot Dywepsta.
Thus invaluable mediae. for Liver Com- fain will wilt . at you, 40-:. :n r .. .
plaint, 1 deyesu..n, Kiduey Cumplaal.t
/nsuStot. nal buttie* g1V_•.is p'er•ft rrcutaple. ...Sold •t Gr... Ibt F1 D O SAT INT1 Tom
- G-
... 1 in.
.worsts :t.
1 cut. 1 sent Johnnie (he was then shot .. bat iia
y to et aim.*
n ilei!
set o�)ears,.li , out n+ the brad err tell era
w tsn.oare urd t-
CslehI wanted him •
lie came in look n
wanted to Lao* what
muuseeuces ..f close cu11i1%;41;y to the
Sea 1 h orna, slid beefsteak three cuts meth
savage enough, an
it was 1 warned.
Well, there is much to ter said. The
•tue$tl..n hr)0R ,ukr.l of the '.,at,atieter at
the aversive hoarding house• calls up re•
"1 want some w'.od ter born." thereof. He, of c:,urse, will taus, unless
says he, "there's a hull wood- it occurs to hini th..t he needs .1 hlnze'
pile out there. Help yourself. -
for sue truck. Should there be and rut
-Au a..t 1 rtt_S split, ' *et f. "Yea faring, the effects ..f an indulgence in
such sinuous fare, use Mc(:reg..« s ;pee -i
will her ter net • bigger stove ter burn dy Cur,. a sure and effecting! remedy for!
that." Dyspepsia. Coistipatwn slid all sffrc- f
Wall it sin t loch a h sr 1 •,h t(•1. tions ..f the stomach and liver S• ' i b1. I
G. Rh nae. Trial bottles free. Neuralgia, tionale trouble, f, r yr.ars u•
split it.. sex he. "Nancy aged tee, } "" 1 use ino.a terrible and •z. toasting Clan
.1' Tail: anon!: of
c abbes �1c
i ►are naw or. rand the anent .•octt'ter al••wh in 1:,da ri,'::.i •
d .a r n,.' .ia... .d.,.1. .fo^• '1.o tel tfta• 1!rtpit Lid. tbruujil ...:..
to the boa. 41.N Cuw hide. 1 w i(1 sa•i, ,t
- • • ,. re Lne .41
• . .4)441.). 0(111dr.
Malden, Yaax. Yeb. 1, pial (ien•lemen-
1 su0,rrd with site ks lit s+ak beod4che."
of 'en when I was Way."
"Dice she," sez I. "Soda Dan'el.
He got the wood, an' said, as he wits
goin' out, that he didn't want for i•e
called out o' the mowin' tiel again, int-
im' it was for vittals
' "All right,' set I.
The nex' day it was the wine thin;; ;
ant • stick split. 'thinks I, "Old fel-
low, you ain't gut no Nancy here. I'll
Prof. Nichols, editor of :he .r . • I'
r h.,,...try, Ile: laces that alc•:h• , t, i••
longer a necessity in the Alta..: sciences,
x statement calculated t•• carry conrder-
+ab1e comfort to sum,• of toe . `.d sch,..4
prohibitionists who have long believed
that a great deal of good lieu. : was wast-
ed in that way,
blealreame t Parse.
of Hamilton, lint, are the manuf•etu-
u ;ratatest heelin •and
I...1.. .
N,, medicine or doctor could give u:e
rrliof or cure until 1 used Hop Later*.
'The first
' i,• ttlr
I, Ile second made me as we.. ar.d strung
as when a child.
'And I have beer. so to this day.'
I My hesna0d -as an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, Inver and urinary complaint.
'Pronounced by Boston's best phyla.
'nor s t 0 betide side cifiib1tini a :title unmet/nuiLrtt a e1. " f h s purify) cuns-
P aP• Y known for Sores, Buri*. Iturna Cot 'Incurahle '
fence jlain' Cs:4.s .. rn'el:. l teff yes, don't know," S.. aIlea it was dinner Saida, Salt Rheum,
h d 1 d alk Jived ;Carafe. fie sure and `4 m an 0, w of the •ciao, 1...t doubts trues 11i knot the t1.! Y t,asi t
eked seven of the men an eats down ter the stet the genuine 'Lice* of mgt t parsons \ p(w«tr,
on a fano, au couldn't du 40 other kind table. Nlch streaked lnoki4 f namsrrgor w Parke'dCarb••:u Cerate.nld In my neighborhood that have beet: eves .• torts the hernia wt.+•, ...• ••.... tl
nit r A1.. -It AKIr
Teas, at s box. 1.t. geed by y our bitten GEt o GE
Frost 134(41.• etc. Seven bionics ef your t:'cera cured
Hannah, 1 never felt bluer in Al my time I blows the horn en' in a,wted aU it u called McGregor t Yarl-e'a Carbd hi d I k
Le r i•eree
urn •}•s, n n' art' esu � r. :.:w 1.,,e r iota o' i •�a
sDr,i;x situated
•'rel l.'s Nock,t:.,n.rr hast rttr<•1 ands ivare
N.11. .. ,•. ,.r and'••ot.'{•in .1. ,,
.. •..a• .•a .'11'
r •a
u work aces a• byG.Ith - '
An l many more are using t::em wit',
what was to beaouae .•f we 1 they 11e,1 14a they Viewed the ;(rub. There
didn't know. was the bhac'its jiit dough, th,; pe'taters,
"Purge 4100x1 leen ' fur a ;;re±o bend,'. lit' meat, an' rezetablee, an' everything
sea auusebudy over the fence. washed clean and put ou raev, Not ti '•Pectora•" in my opinion, is j'ss' the Du rc:recieta
"lee, sea 1, "1'1.• dear enough of it thing was cooked. thins(. I have used it is zny faintly Gtr lm
to the f'1d, by whisk • t'1.►�1t7w1T3ai vas d.'A' I
RHYNAS, - Diu gist,
A ilaytaa's Ttxntlowv. - For al gloat benefit. `30LF.AGENT, G-.DERI
Fe',r .if lilt. .,
Cough, Cold ..r any Bn,aehtcal affecion. The'Y atmos!•
*awe I wan lett alone. "Practice makes Caleb looked hlscker'n a thunder
perfect, we used ter writsin our copy cloud.
Coughs mud Colds for the put four years
Kra, Z. L. Slack.
with the most unvaried succuss, Std t1.,- 1.r preesseents mean
day soy opinion of 4( is that 1 c •nnhue �Uoo 00o 0�� dandtibr
b. think still more of 'hat wl:i �h I bar a1.. flee wtU
L.,Bk .when we were children, ' au' 1 "\Chat durst t!•is mean r•;: he. _ _
cultWn't help he�irsog a ar=k It means what it means, ' s<•z L "Y u tbu.ktnt well of.
1 tree ' in S W=T T� 1:V•SCDIT
V Kneels of latae eater, that will V wiw.ii�SlrAsirV titer eiV
"'N'a:l, b:mnwline, sex Ire, Gau Ilk«! Manager LI ia-:u Bas' wart that w1 1 at once brim
"you au said yesterday that yes dodo t want ter R 10:, in mine
'x. -You called its from the muwiu' 1Frl' again,,, about the Whig/ in preach,' with each bet.
Ka Price ' , cents at all dtwgvuta m eselttw ..ante.f ererywhe,r, nt 'akar 1.x of
need a u,an t. du ear toile' au' such, unless it was fer yitbL, ail hero tarot' _
am' 1 need a woman to see ter any house, are." To file 1ltdlral rr.le..au. aw.. all wager
aa' it you're sliced, well hitch horses "Nice shape tee,- am he. a may r
Nerve (loo, a -
acts, Forme/sited rmulated by Professor Austin,
t Lenin. 1 ter myself, au' you'll never IA ith that all seven of 'em started for M- D. of Rueton, Massa, cures Pulmnn-
,nd annther ode 'trill, either. tie the door, an' they tierce left that wood M Consumption, lick Headache, Ner-
..hat u' a sa Emmeline r • rotes Attack, Vertigo and Neuralgia +
Y. pile tell it was ready for tOe hove I and all dthe:S ( Go.: r- :,-.:« a,a ser 1t Fx7 `!TttEET, fitllfEitlt.'li. •
1h minutes. It ail dashed A few weeks after I wanted some bus a :Nutriment, because it contains no
over rue in a secont, what a,1 uufeeliC' money purty bad. I wanted ter vend %.ectatic lir Mineral 1'uir,tu, legates
ohm he d alters ben. --Poor Nancy had Johnnie and Nellie ,back W ach.a.l, an' I N lrc.Itics, and no Stimulants, but *imp
teat/ all the house work, an. agood deal was bound that they should have some; founiy d n ourpdaily food. A hatic and ai lee�entea
b longed tar hint ter dew, , • t u o cosi inee. ntJqute , O
number of times to let Ole hey wane h !sell it. =L00 r bottle. t w 's
Co„ sole �• .gmest east vie. pard for hides. calf ' .
or work, he made all kinds .•f excuses. I didn't ageat. for the Dom:ntor., sad *beep
u taeSAITF`oRIIT.n,.er, 11
55 Front Street East Terlgto, , A.
1< J fist K. 1
r lire in tell him what I wanted of it, .mind ye. Halford Dec. f 1tMl. it;
did an' ' So d !
poi know, Ilaunah, tl:•t 10.or
Picketing teeter than anything else in America. At!
an 1 seams to be u1 the sante
h 1 be 8•`11+, to aaaouace that r: , Las i1...«,,, . ,r:.,ryje • rt t .:.ed yro4..ion,
au work 111 double'semens I c an't find "Wall, I can cook 'thou) wood," sex Ph'•aElemen or } nat-
io, lured help that'll du as Nancy did, I, dry like. Phar. Element booed opera 1Cir....,.
it ,
a, sires. for a:t the time, n1. .pato time int,: 1.a T/: e I of y Latest IT ' anti Sp% }:%1 Fast oils
Mork for w u stir nese tam• w Fort !or v JI t( 7T' rill v
mil workers alaotutely aaaur.N. Ite�
H. Hal t err d Cu. Poet and. Maine lift
eel she weuW reser.: f1. .:.._ V.te the :a.:1e. r„ .411 and see• 11 • r at
! iaG'•a
ITxnEs' SES! The ChicagoHouse
1'1 apt I di•lu't thick of nothing fer never was bothered fur wood wPbo.p ue••s• of a duties
a>;rtin. system. Pb•,splatine is not a Mndecime,
•matt foe t n
411 he was clothes tit to wear.I *eked Caleb a suit 1 nt t k'l 'It $` TiLNNERY Said r(1•
etaagier than air old miser, tew.
but M Mentor A�
1 hoer he was a s(r,t t wan 4
wee forehanded, and - ..a ah.e t.•
good demi better 114.44., t:,an he
one ay a ung comes a peddler that - _ _
Awn! boagi.t butter an' eggs 1 had e1,o.tda. WONDERFUL VALUE
n..rfut able on him' that Caleb was uttendin' to
was last Use upper/et. i1e was a
Outer ]Ile, 1, but :.ail o *tideless ,'tarry leiter the city when he had time-' IN
aa' eterye sal' it alters worsted ice w So 1 s.•Ij a orf pound of butter an' every , I -IgD= E S _
mach few bn !kings grid a„ slack. egg 1 het in the house. i g. '. nigh uu t Fa
•trz I ter myself, bialy art') her ever{- to twnntytive dollar. f. r 1.m. + Y Wool S q u a res
(him( , ther's alers come faults and a pair When Caleb come home I t,...1 him I i
Wall s better'. none. S„ 1 speaks right • had s.ld the butter'. egs(s. I ASSORTED COLORS
up, an ,
let "He,•w- n.�.-!i d(.1 re 401 ..e, he. 1 At $1.00 and $I.25-
' •oaten, we se been nab_ for many . I told hien. $1.25 ---Regular Prices,,
a ,year. 1 know your feilin�' I s:pose i ••\There s the money (' sex he. \\ set 1. O
all right -1 raps we both toigl)t do ••M'all, ' seer be. "Nancy silos goy
woes. nee all the money that she t•..•l f(•1. her • Ca DETLOR 8z Cos
•• x.i, err ',lake • long story ebur), ear nutter an. rt(g•
_..vd ter how toe i.ustteas dun right ► "Hid she ' sec 1
••'1 .'.,Iii, said thet ,t was stylish t.. pu Dxrl'el. '
, iia *toddies tower now -a -days, awl ash H&gg••t tired . f',oldie Nan:v up afore
owls geed tier go dean to ilosigur Ip t.•Ifly ey kr I wool u t l4er wttt
about .011114g nes wool, an' ea +arah Joie ' Dan'el every tulle. He(foetid that 1 was
' 111441 s who used ter work for him, !trod i Powerful wt in my way, au. he thoitgbt
m •1 C1 > N = '' -, w
o • > = -
>s �s rg Iii 01 IC w n*,- 7 Z 4
wr-�z t- z;,
tee Cd •s lel 14 e'4 >' +6
'� %tat s! ety ='< .. z,!
s f• . '
!TJpaf1-'rs = 4 •-'• 7jr
iiiaIS? _2tf r•
RE .is v1...; r^ Y
I r ' x,
p 61? i7
0 I 1 1 1z.IiI!I 11
1 1 1 1 1 .i I ?- e' 1;S
you know rains, an' stn, ef crit say so. Ito got at," $1.75 and $2.00. Q r
`'.tr1' did
about half way, an' we could stop there he thought be might u well let me have
both ways. an n.4 cwt us anything, he f my own war, � so he hez. I Lon't
thought we'd bolter g,, -(Ru piece, II mean to ugly, bet I -won't be tr xl on by
Rebecca 1:11man, yer k now, lives there, ! n ,laxly. When his wouldn't let are hew
mu wo could make Sir a tact at the sante what money :1� wanted.'�I d s•i1 somas
Sime.) uruther John lovas there, tew, - thing every time. i sot tiro tons o r
you know, un' I .1 inane up my wind ; hay one time. when I knew that he duly
that 1'd Jest bring home tiros children. i hed enough 4, winter his critters. So,
And so 1 did ; but Caleb he was erful un the whole, he found out that I wasn't
a,1 awn It, but sew. "..f course they can afraid .f him, and he behaved quite de-
an make .. visit , a„ 1 let him colt. 1 told him not long age, tbat he
think so, cats., 1 wain t qu.tc ready t.. will 2rnwin' clever.
i.►.e wards girth buil yet. II ..( i.'trr sea he. "I ruttier you'd
We +lard akin a week, an' g.•t home f call me a dot goned fele. than dower."
along in the afternoon ail )tight The Rat f not:ce he baa improved, an i
441.44 010(0114 1 11..;00 up bitty early. 410'1 lay it (0144)0 tnainin'.
now lir never.' i ken still for Caleb
way still a amain .hut byres by he fetch-
es w o.. rtthly snort that wake t him•
self up, an w en he oei st it was grottier
I sea lu utylltlf . "('nesse E,nwterhne,• _.
He not 011111! 000 (it1..' Liniment io- 1 ..mind take thieope tantty or rete•-.nie tat west si/L'ere !hanks to triose who ha,. en
Aisle Amon* N ter Stehle. but sell and /arg.•tt patronised tae since coamrhaat h mama
reeemwtaa4 it t3 our trade. We have
nhNan,ed wonderful results Irons its Sea, The planks in my basiiym platform are so heretofore
rto-ishirly in hard
en -
daylight he nu,I,;ed in.', and ares he : - - laarrtreimo to around them) ints. rnlike \\
Wake up. kmmerhne. }:mmerhne, other Liniments It does not require rub -
it • broad daylight ,come, come, get ups rub-
bing. Simply applying with s brush and
we shan't her any brrakfaot ter day. ' allowing absorption t.. take place. A. A.
1 esu orfnl Mud to wake, but after a', Dew) e • iN. Y. Sollers in byfeFd.
and coal,
Tooker*, N. F. Sold F. Jordan,
wide I lilarsaged taw, an' while I was a ti..Jench-
rubbish my syr, i seer, "got a g•li)d ho!
fire mit t ye, ('sick r , lily il1r1M•u•
Oederleh, Judy Md. i1.:..
0 +T `I7 - i f g i as
S- ?,j .; i -I _
�•�t �• ■ S a . o; • 8 l is 3`t i" j 3 e
, fti
. r iJ11111111 s
tri .s.� tl4
E PEOPLE of CARLOW i, "" u l :! s ! 13
Arm se .1FRRui" ?Imo" COUNTRY.7-4-' L
M'f i 7_X3. RIC a S, ,o
who has health' ]1cDoaaall on•, ands now nareTag Si* w genera' hnstre.st for himself in the I te .
Siam stead• Wend.. to w!' a• 14.' ,lase* pnees, as be ,• .n a position to bay at the -
CLOSEST I�/�AR ET FICI-TTRES, r Merchants : Gat -
yoar Pointe
aaA wilt sive the hi,the.t pr i, .• 1•,1. Y►-nrre ppresto; e. Ne iau•aer to;ores ear ern.. d.rn�lsr � at
fer .4044 sates amo0atiat (o 4.00 and :.pwards. a tNV' ,nit wawa A iao =nil red toss n'
truth to to al pet crus to •oe pt el. 11n.n. of d1,s. t n1. the 1 ste • na ` '1QO.' thi`
sit and coIS p• t ' e of rte Peode sad 'rends. i o ws'ee'e a ,t1. ,4i rte 1 s Office.
o f Work
min. truly, Qualityand
('snow, .atm. T. eta.. ' s
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
• M tTNR0, please all who may give bus a trial.
Draper, Haberdasher, and kaaral: Dry Caod3 Nero,
The People's Livery
Fin said he ; "No, 1 Nrrr build "fAs hues her man rod when ywt*,reint
and swear 9uflable for Autumn aear, ani eh..e 1 will be
a,. b ) true reslices my ;.tads, no petvyer. w.,' Wag'; The Finest Rigs
y tea Notley oilers b alt the terns Can draw you k, her with • Bingle her. Devtased 4 rureheer r
_ow oto ?' lir 1. M tvO,I en a e,nurn Hut it mos. Le beautiful hair to hay. I .lo not w l.h to ea
lsat+e my tf•,•t er my t.,,ww�� r ma* V the tM.. hr.• aur form rt) INre AT RRA!•(1 V A Pitt PRiCiR
`ear. "tion did i)tas'el.' , • sell ',met.: an.: beautiful hair esu be n t• a &scenting pekoe, zed .fit watt pateatle the result
I tu,,.ed over foal weal M alae' a n , sneered by the use of thweta ,ata Hut «111 AND tett tett _
ce Fa+ 1 Bassets Sold a LO eta by .1. R 11.0.1 OP►etlt the cillos
-or, at IMs1 lie thstyi 1 dill 2aaAL211=. AtIrv.NatO.
(loderieh• Atte. d1►, 1.44. ag*t"-s
.1*;) Cutting of Prices c;1 I_r,1es I?1141
No sand Price.
i sol sew rrteirslaa.a few choice 1,644 of
JO .tt' DOI Proprietor,
Dress Goods and Fine Woolens,
•e.n1.r'ler isp"r.rrotttfvt•atsa•t•p•.b
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IHero Peewee.
Oodertck, Ash. iSit, Ml.