HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-16, Page 5Allrtiesgenies their .ale bills piloted st ts soles will get • tree out urn laeerled Ir tits list up W the tla,e of .ale. &teslas sale of pure bred Durham ,sttl., oat the steak farts of J•.hu Wash ington, lot 25, oou. 3, towushtp of Worst Wawaueyh, county of Huron, beginning at 1 u'clh.ck .w., ou Thursday, October .end, 1888. AJdre-Juhu Washington, t Auburn P.O., lhit. Auction sale ..f farm st.wk ant itnple- vents, the property of tars. Catherine F,eelu, un the premises, lot S, con. 7, Ashfield, I Kafq abrid ro , by R. J. H. 1,Eras;, auctioneer. at 1 o'clock p. m. , Monthly, Oot. Itkh, 188.1. Fur lot ,f Kuck and artte'es see poste:..! Auction sale of farm stock, i.,.plemente, household furniture, etc., etc , the pro. perty ..1 Chaa. Burke, oar the premises, Int 102, 'Maitland con . Hurun read, 7,.derich Wn,ahip, one u.t!. from cwt.. tech, by Jobe Knox, nuc tiou+rr, eom- ..rucing at 1 o'clock. p .n , oar %Ywlues- tay Oawber ?15th, 1,(153. Must be tae d, :.• the faun has been leased fur a term .4 vara. See posters for het. ala•.ail. The cattle show, .thio:. WAS aivsrtiaed et held hers .tat Tuesday. pawed •a very tris aortly. The show M i l l i n e r y, rvla.ntles & I\/lantle Cloths ..f coedit,w ser d, and abouta hundred were .old t., t! -.e differeut buyers prseent. Burl. endeat.r not to break the saue- t,ty of the Sabbath by .:ar.1 playing, and above all, save us from an other tollvy . f oaths such as was poured f..rth ou the nil night air last Saturday. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 1G, I ss5. """ .../Ma .•••• .r PURCHASERS DRESS GOODS It will repay you to we our Sharia 1/f SEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS UOODS before our- 't'',y.int;, a, this reason we have an extra large anti Choice Stock t•. fee! •I•t fruslt. YOU CAN PURCHASE BY MAIL. e .e•n•I Samples tin application, with wult't anti price murketl : alto whirr bti' utlAli or rx�tr• ,u;"wish the pro%i,ion that if not ttati,faetory they limy 1•e returned and honey ref .:..le• 1. CHOICE DRESS GOODS. CHEAP DRESS GOODS. NEW DRESS GOODS. t 4 A i.l. Shoving Some Beautiful Lots of Good. Costume Cloths. tN1O1) COIIiTUME CLOTHS, Irt•/:t I.e. to 20•`. per ar,l ALL WOOL COST1IME CLOTHS, from 35 c. to 50c. per yard. A Handsome Line of ALL WOOL PLAIDS.. , .for :171W worth 33c. per r•1. Flushes! 'Velvets! Velveteens! and Velveteen PI :1_ : ' AN ENDLE88 VARIETY OF TRIaZM1 Beninuler. I: Nett left on Teasley fur hu house H ..t Kansas, after a few seeks' sojourn ..:song his friends here. Miss Frances Hulmes, of Clinton, has been re engaged to teach in M. S No. 7, •r 1886, at her former salary. Geo. Church has sold his farm to 'Dad ' Bogie fur $3000. We understaud Mr. Church intends moving to one of '.hr Northwestern State, in the spring. A hne two year old cult belonging to 'I'm. Vanstune strayed Isom his pasture •:ids, known u the Sinclair firm, and .:u killed ..n the it. R. track. Mr. V. s dsettt *no fur him setae time since. .Lout. Willson lads this section in ;,utat..es, both in acreage and in size of • niter,. lost week he dug a "Beauty of Cie valley" which weighed exactly 1 Its, and • number of the " Wbute Sar ' varte- :y .09 larger, one of which turned the • .ales at 2 Ibs 8 use. Ts* Marrlxu --The tea meeting at Bethel Methodist church, on We1uc.day f last week, was the most succeeded ,rth:r of the kind ever belts herr. The .nisei• adjoining the church were coin. 'irtably fitted up fur a dining roam and the ling tables were spread with an .nundauce and variety of good things which could not but please the most tea- tithous. The handsome young wen n( "ay cungregstiun had been enlisted as waiter,, but feeling themselves alone .nequal to the task, they pr.wured the assistance of the "fur ones" and thee s�r;a.rthl, vie.i with each other in pulite stteutiona while serving refreshmeija. ;.he attendance was large, and after all `.art diene unple Justice to the excellent refreshment, they repaired to the church timber with all costa aro sooner paid. 1 .hall proceed d. sell torte (ands by 1'u►6r A.e- • n: h was Perla tilled to i•1 ut,cost cepa• tion, or so much thereof u may be setflcf nt .'v The meeting opeeeu with singing for tb., payment of the taxer and oasts there- .end prayer, after which John Kernighan netlelgr°luwn I1a11, In the said Town of was celled to the chair, which position '.r filled is an admirable manner. Be- t,dr the pastor, Her. Mr. Markham, and ',. v. Mr. Meyer, of the German church, :h of whom addressed the meeting, 'here were present Rev. Mr. Selene, of B'a'ton, former pastor of the church, ..nJ Rev. Mr. Sanderson, f,rmerly t.f I'enmiller. but now stationed at Whit* . herch. The last named gentleman de. .IreTed most .Ioi uent and impressive ad - :reams, which were listened to with rapt ,.tteotion. A noticeable feature in ell the ✓ peecbes was a leek of that low wit and stale stories, too often indulged in on such cessions. The singing of the. choir under the leadership of Stephen Butt, waS,sry leered, and deserves the applause it re- vived. On the eeeotng following a ror.el was held, at which • gr. -at number again met and enjoys•l themselves right ',..n.ly. The committer realised the .:Ilse sum of $60, after paying all expen- Pea GLOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. µc ean give you the beat value in BLAI'l- 1 ASH NIEitF. Hi ,-:t:: • pr,, SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRT- CES. .W. BRETHOUR & CO Hrantfurd, aha. •k, 106. GO TU KNIGHT'S SHAVE, HAIRCCT, 1 SHAMPOO, i OR DYE. I TWO D00R8 LAST Of P.0 ' 1 I, ■ NEW PALL coons, Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call special at- tention to our Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, which for style and value cannot be beaten. Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Hats, Cs, s and Groceries., e buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, &c., and give the highest price that the market affords. COLBORNE BROS. Gu:,�•'t:. -i' - TT.7 • Pracriplill Drill Sion, THE PEOPLE'S STORE NOW 115 THTi TIME 'i'U e-Et't'RE NT E R- 1111111.21 TOWN OF °ODERICH. TREASURER'S RALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Pwnrt?tC" OF Orr.tt.1n. Hy gimes era war- Tows WIT ! of the Mayor or the Towis or Donna, it, rant underthehand Town of l:uder.ch and the seal of Ole mid Corporation. burring date ties eighth day of July. A.U. MI5. to awe directed. commanding me to levy noun the lards in the following list for arrears of •axes dins thereon. notice .. hereby given that ordeal the said taxes, to. neidertek ■arhM. Reported by Telephone from Harter M,Ila.l aoouutu. Ooiober 15. Isar v beat. ( Fal ll *bush. W lot M M se ghost. trod wtatert TI bosh 0 IS at 0 aI Wheat. t8/ring) • bosh 0 61 O 0 106 wheat, rase) . beak . ...... . 0 72 M 0 75 ✓ uts. noun int. 1 30 1 3• waea��•aenw• cwt ......... 116 ea Y 30 per. •wt......._. -a m ee M hate. •leak ........ .......... -' i oisie:*, hash ...... Too a Ila))... ...................... Rutter, IS 1 .. ........ 0 14 M Vlicca Iia Wolt:ed, •des ........ 0 11 M L saws, . . ..... 0 10 .e Ith.rts, 0 cwt. ............. 00 70 w 00 79 Oran. •cwt . . . 60 a .' 00 6n fort • cwt .. SMI S A Hoed 1 A 3 to !lidos .... _ 8 50 690 I1. U a0 .t0 15 15 11 The relay, the -Mad day of October, 1RR:, filthy hour or two o'clock p.m. The Ian& are Wonted. Maj Otrret or San" 1,'01,1 I i 6 R uu nias •••0.v 116 $34 se et 16 as 06 111 s w- Y 01 s6 10 B.; shit li 1111 1 til W.; i 41 Iel 117PP IRM 116! Y M 14 Moi1A 1,4 A70' m IK A 710 54 .. ; awe w ail sa50 131 66 70. iA' a« 171 1 71. •• II is! 1 (Mtee Reserve 1A_fj 0 N; Wilson's Survey yry 6• _ _I N 1411 7777,, 1a 1177 14 771 124 le 0 1A 541S 1* 566. WI 6 83 I 1S aS 11*' 6 501 PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. AVIS() sref'SSD THIS Ill000s Use•. of ...w.. s. 1 on retwr.d to sell tb. sass. at M.dMte Prior. sad M May Z tecta• of moos' •""• seartoff .1boroowhkeewIettte Z n starter. of Plasma, ane wriaa of suW ib rand hem are reqs Is rs�� jismug. • a.t r'10(XXI alums- wo 7taeawR see W„r1 0 nos. fws6oa mod Mp•sAea • ltp..e•Ny. r /IAll w., i w.r•ea0sd first -elves Orders left at fed Rost 84.r.. M a. ]IrQ rile• et r. herb proli0b gt,ewd.d - ta EDm•D I. sitt)WN. PI l�0-$-$IAt�`!!. 1�. 1N16t8. INN. 10114 ."4011*. 11 IS A N 111 117 tfit 114 536 8317 «1 411 614 74S 1331 V313 S fr tri fp R• I1 Y1 IS ,o S1 72 s•• 711- 51 06 -• i4i fdoug Mcall'• ffv'y lge is Part ('on. "C' 7 5 °r .011 Oa w.; t2 01 15 710 61 W 11 79 SS 63 MH 15 53 13 16 43 16 4350 4324 25 01 7 75 6 30 150 L"M 7ol tl N 0t 6 13 M 13 111 IA 13 41 111 13 40 0 754 IP 756 Iteed', Survey el 781 704 17 M 79' 7 111 701 7 A 76 11 21 g7 6 lie PETER ADAMSON, Treasurer. Town of Goderkb. Treasurer's (iftlet Oudeth 8..ln1y 13th. 1R6. 21104 1:'A w.I VERCOAT! SL1. -TYLE'. A'.' V l ', !AN PRICEF. LOT OF MANTLES AT COST TO CLEAR OUT THE STC1'K. W.. g_ 1R,ZI:01.,=EY, � Oct. 8, 1886. The Pe:plis 3:ore, G..t:eriea K I TCH EN CABINET, An. s.i kind. a' Furniture. Court House Square, Goderich. Co =Via AOI NT FOR Gell lie NeW York Sieger Sevin Machines. til. r •: of tl.c •-I••:.rarevl 7 R_ PROITD +'OOT D Has jam received a lame add:t(en to h;a stock of Organs and sewing Machines Repaired. i a,! , , r'i!e and Needles always net hand at reasonable prime. L C.ALI.. SOLICITED. RY GOODS C_ H_ C-IRVIN, ll.:miiMs street. a h• -n doom below the 1'olt.ornr lintel. e Suitable to this season o' ::.e year, wh:, h he is de-. rtn,ne4 to sell at the LOWEST postIble NEw Fresh G-roceries, Canned Goods, Crockery 8i Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c, s 1JAll kisd• of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Gonda. 18. people of Ouderich and vicinity are invited -:o call at my store. opposite •he Fa'- (4roc.r,'.� (iodartch. Sept. 3rd. IttfM1. AIl•3m fe. eget 126MT. FiGt'1tI . Ai.'. r ...a .-.:pp'y of LIST OF NEW GOODS ARRIVED AT Imrie's Book Store THIS WEEK, Sept. 17th,I885. ARB\VARE STARE PATES & ACHESON ',GENTS Fon: GLIDDEN PATENT Te-PIfti Bart Wire 4 TWO-POINT jBarb Wire CHEAP 8T.ATJI CH, INDIBPEN8I131_i$`_ Manufactured by the Washburn Mow.n SITg Co. Quadruple -Plated Silverware. - Carle r:.. See us. and Inspect Goods yrs. A\I'THEI:LIIT•F ALDEN'S CHEAP BOOKS. AN ENTIRELY NEW 1.(}T IiF WALL PAPERS & we have on Waits f 4.8 complete Nook or Shelf and Builders' Hardware Palma 01i.. 4.11W Na:!- ROPE AND CORIDAO•E, VESSEL 81JPPLI"CB . Table and Pocket Cutlery. See our Silter I'bt',e 4.00ds. and Artist.; Materials. PATES 8z ACHESON2 Next door to 11. McLean's Meat Market. tiiadt.cr. Agrafab. JHS BORDERS NOW COMPLETE! 3Z31e6=ac 3Mccks, ?edgers, - - may$ oclrs, _ 13/''.00 EA �3rLw�RRAH Cast+ Fc- 1 t NOW COMPLETE ! .1 CHOICE STOCK OF FOR THE. Acs Jeuliery Siori F.veryhrnlll should hese tan portions • fee►L 1AN'urWATi 11.11Xear t1OL1rs till, KR, r..-. Amerlcn l ) Ksrr for Sly Siad ted cheapest watt 1 Money PORTER tt a watch when h11I iR-JA(1211* .Q0. A leo esh ter Hooting ow NI A• ro40,1r rsNd.wt. • the mar • . ,r the SUMNER On• door nogg of .ear. A ehc.or. Or rel s' ore. Sept. 'rd. PA. 2011 mom money than a' anyeling.Ne ; mange* fee l8. best tell IF, Nate 1seek ."''P".: r 0.6 T'1 lr a..teA e.st. l?tt. ANL Stephen's Blue -Black Writing Inks. l,1fART'. PINTS AND HALF PINT%. JAMES IMRIE, 20101 1t North bide Market &mare, Ooderia. FALL MILLINERY. MISS GR AHEM Takia pleasure in anneunting that she has reforne.l (r..m her trip ear. . s now in st,.ek a large assortment of FANCY TRiMMiNt,iS. consistii.,: ' Wings, Birds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. I hare all the latest novelties inHats, Bonnets. Shapes, Shades of t'. !.r. etr. INSPECTION INVIVED. ar_d Groceries_ Dress Goods, I.tl. l.l\I I\ Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. tiedericb. Apia MA, tett.